Most Climate Resistant States In America, Ranked | Bankrate (2024)

From destructive wildfires to heat waves that stretch the limits of the utility grid to increasingly powerful hurricanes and storms, climate change touches every part of the United States. But some regions are in shape to fare better than others. These are the best and worst states in America for climate change.

2022 climate change statistics

It’s no secret that temperatures across the planet are on the rise. The earth’s temperature has risen by 0.14 degrees Fahrenheit (0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But since 1981, the rate of warming has more than doubled. Scientists warn that if we see the planet warm to more than 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, we may see catastrophic effects. We’re currently at 1.1 degrees.

As temperatures continue to rise, the result is being felt around the globe. The year 2020 tied with 2016 for the hottest year on record, according to data from NASA. In fact, every year since 2013 has ranked as one of the 10 hottest years ever — and 19 of the world’s warmest years have occurred since 2000.

As the planet gets hotter, we’re seeing other changes, too. Since 1993, sea levels have been rising about twice as fast as they typically do over time, increasing by up to 0.14 inches per year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Wildfires are getting more common and more destructive, putting 4.5 million U.S. homes at risk. Researchers warn that 32 million homes may be at risk of hurricane damage.

Best states for climate change

Climate change presents many safety risks across the country, putting both people and homes at risk. Homes and residents in some states are likely to fare better than others as the crisis worsens. These five states are the best prepared for climate change.


While it might be known for its cold winters, Minnesota is well-equipped to handle climate change. That’s partially because of its low risk of floods: Just 3 percent of the state’s population live in 100- or 500-year flood plains, according to data from New York University’s Furman Center. A 2019 New York Times article called Duluth, Minnesota, one of America’s most climate-proof cities, and the state legislature has released a Climate Action Plan that aims to make it carbon neutral by 2050.


Like Minnesota, Illinois benefits from its regional placement. The Great Lakes region faces less of a climate threat than coastal areas, and Cook County, Illinois, is a popular destination for climate migrants. Recent legislation in Illinois charts a path for the state to reach 100% clean energy by 2050.

Rhode Island

Despite its location directly on the Atlantic coast, Rhode Island has ambitious climate action plans, including participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The state plans to use 100% renewable electricity by 2030 and has implemented programs to address the health effects of climate change as well.


Another coastal state that outperforms regional expectations, Maine is also a member of RGGI. It has been on the front line with programs to help communities protect against the destruction that climate change can bring. The state is set to produce up to 80 percent of its energy through renewable sources by 2030 and plans to be carbon neutral by 2045.


There is plenty of room in Wyoming to set up a home, and the state has poured money into climate resiliency plans to help address the threat of wildfires and other extreme conditions. Wyoming avoids most flooding risk thanks to its location, and deals with less heat and wildfire risk than many of its western neighbors.

Worst states for climate change


While California is a very popular place to buy a home, it unfortunately suffers from just about every climate risk imaginable. It is prone to significant coastal flooding, and it regularly experiences destructive wildfires and debilitating droughts. The state is a policy leader when it comes to addressing climate change, but its conditions make much of California a risk — it’s one of the states people worried about climate change move away from most.


Much like California, Florida is vulnerable to many of the risks that climate change presents — though the biggest, by far, is flooding. Millions of Florida homes are already at risk of flooding, and it’s getting worse as sea levels rise. Extreme heat and hurricanes also pose major threats to Floridians.


Utah is in the middle of dealing with significant droughts that have caused much of its famous Great Salt Lake to dry up, reaching its lowest level on record and leaving the state on the brink of an ecological disaster. Heat and drought are the biggest risk factors the state faces, and it has recently been experiencing the highest temperatures in its history.

South Carolina

When it comes to extreme weather, South Carolina is among the states that get hit hardest. It averages about 26 tornadoes per year and is regularly in the path of hurricanes along the Atlantic coast. Heat and coastal flooding are also issues.


There is almost no climate change risk that Texas is exempt from. The state has become increasingly drought prone and suffers extreme heat waves that push its power grid to the brink. Texas has also seen an increase in wildfires in recent years.


States were ranked by analyzing their susceptibility to the conditions brought about or worsened by climate change, including drought, floods, wildfires, storms and other extreme weather conditions. The number of existing threats, as well as the likelihood of conditions worsening, was taken into account. Each state’s response to climate change, including plans for mitigating risk, addressing emissions and building resilient infrastructure were also taken into consideration.

What makes a city more or less resistant to climate change?

Resistance to climate change requires considering a number of factors. The first is location: Is the city in a setting that limits its exposure to danger? Cities that border bodies of water are at higher risk of flooding, erosion and rising sea levels, while cities located near dense forests or dry areas risk damage from wildfires. And the risk to communities in Tornado Alley is self-evident.

How a community is constructed can affect the level of risk. Cities with lots of urban sprawl, for instance, often suffer more from the effects of extreme heat. ones that are designed with dams and drainage systems may be able to better defend against flooding. Individual homes can be built to withstand climate-related disasters as well.

Cities can also utilize technology to combat encroaching threats. Thermal detection, for example, allows firefighters to combat wildfires at night, a period during which they would otherwise struggle to control the burn. Well-engineered sea walls can defend against rising sea levels and storm surges brought by hurricanes. Something as simple as rooftop gardens and parks can help mitigate heat waves in urban areas, while heat pumps can cool buildings with considerably less energy than traditional air conditioning.


  • Climate change is the long term change in temperature — and weather conditions — that the planet experiences over time. The term typically refers to changes caused by the actions of humans, such as greenhouse gas emissions, rather than changes that come about naturally. The phrases “climate change” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably, though they are not exactly the same thing.

  • Climate change is caused by many different things. Some changes occur naturally over time. But the climate change that the planet is currently experiencing is largely the direct result of humans — mostly the burning of fossil fuels. When we burn oil or gas, for example, it releases emissions like carbon dioxide. These hover in the atmosphere, trapping sunlight and causing the planet to warm (hence the term “global warming”). This warming, over time, has changed the planet’s climate outside of its natural cycle.

  • Addressing climate change is a huge task that would require the participation of just about everyone on the planet, from governments to major corporations to individuals. Stopping it would require shifting away from fossil fuel sources for energy production and embracing clean energy alternatives, like wind and solar. Manufacturing and shipping industries would have to drastically cut down their emissions. Individuals can have an impact, too, by changing behaviors to shift demand — for example, eating less meat, using less plastic and recycling when possible can all help.

Most Climate Resistant States In America, Ranked | Bankrate (2024)


Most Climate Resistant States In America, Ranked | Bankrate? ›

Coastal states like Florida and South Carolina are most at risk of the impacts of climate change. Extreme heat, drought, inland flooding, wildfires, and coastal flooding are some of the most devastating effects of climate change.

What US state is most vulnerable to climate change? ›

Coastal states like Florida and South Carolina are most at risk of the impacts of climate change. Extreme heat, drought, inland flooding, wildfires, and coastal flooding are some of the most devastating effects of climate change.

What is the best state to live in weather wise? ›

Based on these criteria, California has the best weather in all 50 states. Coastal cities in south and central California, such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Santa Barbara, experience only 20 inches of rain per year and temperatures typically between the low 60s and 85 degrees.

Where is the best place to live to avoid climate change? ›

A paper published by the Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom has identified five countries in geographical locations with “favourable starting conditions” that may allow them to be less touched by the effects of climate change: New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Ireland.

Where to live in 2050? ›

A new book examining the forces shaping the future of global migration forecasts Michigan as the best place in the world to live in 2050. How can the world collaborate to minimize temperature rise to save as many lives as possible?

Where in the US is safest from climate change? ›

The best cities for climate change
  • Seattle, Washington. Like San Francisco, Seattle doesn't expect to see a drastic increase in days with extreme heat or high heat and humidity. ...
  • Columbus, Ohio. ...
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota. ...
  • Baltimore, Maryland. ...
  • Portland, Oregon. ...
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ...
  • Richmond, Virginia. ...
  • Houston, Texas.
Dec 22, 2022

What state is not too hot and not too cold? ›

San Diego is the textbook example of beautiful year-round climate. It's never too hot and never too cold, with a very minimal amount of that pesky California fog to get in the way—when it does roll in, it burns off pretty quickly in the morning. Winters average at 57° F, summers at 72° F—72° F, people!

What is the safest state for extreme weather? ›

Montana features both the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains and is one of the safest states from natural disasters. It is generally safe from hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes, however, it does experience flooding. With that said, there have only been five significant floods in Montana in the past century.

What state has the safest climate? ›

These five states are the best prepared for climate change.
  • Minnesota. While it might be known for its cold winters, Minnesota is well-equipped to handle climate change. ...
  • Illinois. Like Minnesota, Illinois benefits from its regional placement. ...
  • Rhode Island. ...
  • Maine. ...
  • Wyoming. ...
  • California. ...
  • Florida. ...
  • Utah.
Jul 15, 2022

Where is the best place to live for water security? ›

According to Arcadis, cities in North America tend to outperform other world cities when it comes to water quality. In fact, Toronto, Chicago and Philadelphia rank in the top three North American and global cities for ensuring a healthy and clean water supply.

What US cities will be most affected by climate change? ›

Climate change poses a significant threat to the economies of U.S. cities, with metro areas like San Francisco, New York City and Phoenix among the most at risk of sea-level rise, extreme heat and water stress, according to a Moody's Analytics report.

Where is climate change the worst? ›

Chad. Chad ranks as the world's most climate-vulnerable country on the Notre Dame-Global Adaptation Initiative Index, which examines a country's exposure, sensitivity and capacity to adapt to the negative effects of climate change.

Where is the best place to live 20 years from now? ›

Gallup analysis shows that the West North Central, Mountain, and Pacific regions are likely to be the best areas to live in 20 years, based on the strong economic, health, and community foundations they are building today.

What state will be the best to live in 2100? ›

The state with by far the highest overall score is Maine. With rocky coasts that would be difficult to attack and easy to defend, close enough to the ocean for trade and transport, but high and rocky enough to not lose all of their coastline to storms and sea level rise, Maine could be the place for peace.

What will be the best state to live in in 2050? ›

Key points. Climate change hazards like extreme heat, drought, wildfires, inland flooding, and coastal flooding are expected to impact millions of Americans by 2050. Vermont is the best state to move to avoid climate change. At-risk homeowners can minimize threats and save money by future-proofing their homes.

What states have no humidity? ›

We've put together a brief breakdown of 5 of the best least humid states in the country.
  1. Nevada. Unsurprisingly, the first entry on this list is a state famous for its arid climate and desert-like environment. ...
  2. Wyoming. ...
  3. Arizona. ...
  4. Montana. ...
  5. Colorado.

What state has the best 4 seasons? ›

Thanks to the mild climate and exquisite scenery everywhere you look, Western North Carolina is the best place to live experience all four seasons. Whether you want to lead an active lifestyle or simply relax and watch the scenery change throughout the year, Western North Carolina has it all.

What state stays 70 degrees year round? ›

While temperatures fluctuate throughout the year in most U.S. states, there are few states with warm weather that see averages around 70-degree weather year-round. These states include Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico.

What US state has the least natural disasters? ›

But not disastrous weather. WalletHub ranks Maine lowest among the states for overall impact from natural disasters. Only Alaska and Hawaii have had fewer billion-dollar disasters since 1980.

Where is the best place to live in the US to avoid severe weather? ›

I​n 2021, U.S. News and World Report analyzed resiliency data from the Environmental Protection Agency and found that the top five most climate-resilient cities in the U.S. were Anchorage, Alaska; Honolulu; Spokane, Washington; Eugene, Oregon; and Santa Barbara, California.

What states are least likely to run out of water? ›

By this scoring system, the most vulnerable states are Oklahoma, Montana, and Iowa, while Delaware, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California are least vulnerable to drought.

Which US state has the best water supply? ›

Number of Water Quality Violations by State
#StateNumber of Water Quality Violations
2District of Columbia7
47 more rows

Where in the US is water plentiful? ›

Alaska has the most water

Alaska contains approximately 12,000 rivers, 3 million lakes larger than 5 acres, and numerous creeks and ponds, accounting for more than 14% of the state's total area.

Which US cities have the best climate? ›

Here are the places to live with the best weather in the U.S. for 2022-2023:
  • Santa Barbara, California.
  • San Jose, California.
  • Salinas, California.
  • San Diego.
  • San Francisco.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Honolulu.
  • Modesto, California.

What are climate resilient cities? ›

Climate resilience is a city's ability to survive, adapt and thrive in the face of climate-related shocks and stresses.

Which cities will be uninhabitable by 2050? ›

10 Breathtaking Countries That Will Be Uninhabitable by 2050 Because of Climate Change
  • 10 countries that may be uninhabitable by 2050. The Maldives. Kiribati. Vanuatu. Solomon Island. Tuvalu. Samoa. Fiji Island. Nauru. Marshall Island. Grenada.
  • Conclusion.

Where is the best place to live in 2040? ›

They found the winners to be the West North Central, Pacific, and Mountain regions. For “West North Central,” they include Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. That region is poised for the brightest future according to Business Insider.

Which country has the best climate in the world? ›

  • Portugal. #1 in Pleasant climate. #26 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Greece. #2 in Pleasant climate. #25 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Spain. #3 in Pleasant climate. ...
  • New Zealand. #4 in Pleasant climate. ...
  • Italy. #5 in Pleasant climate. ...
  • Costa Rica. #6 in Pleasant climate. ...
  • Brazil. #7 in Pleasant climate. ...
  • Argentina. #8 in Pleasant climate.

What is the number 1 place to live in us? ›

Topping the 2023-24 list: Green Bay, Wisconsin. The magazine called Green Bay "The perfect mix of big-city amenities complemented with a Midwestern, small-town feel."

What city has the best life expectancy? ›

Some researchers over the past 20 years have dubbed these places Blue Zones, and they often have an unusual number of people over 90 or even 100 years old. These so-called Blue Zones are: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California.

Where is the safest place to live in the future? ›

  • Denmark tops the list as the safest country in the world. It has a low crime rate and there's almost no risk of natural disaster. ...
  • Iceland has a low level of crime, especially violent crime, making it one of the safest countries in the world. ...
  • Canada is well-known for its outdoor lifestyle and green spaces.
Feb 28, 2022

Who will dominate the world in 2100? ›

Africa and the Arab World will shape our future, while Europe and Asia will recede in their influence. By the end of the century, the world will be multipolar, with India, Nigeria, China, and the US the dominant powers. This will truly be a new world and one we should be preparing for today.”

Will I be able to live until 2100? ›

It might be hard to imagine, but it's true: As of today, if you are 35 years old or younger it is quite probable you will live to the see the year 2100 and witness the beginning of the 22nd century.

What are the potential future US states? ›

As statehood candidates, their admission to the Union requires congressional approval. American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands are other U.S. territories that could potentially become U.S. states.

Which state has most sustainable living life? ›

Which states are considered the best for sustainable living in the US? The best states for sustainable living can vary based on individual preferences and needs, but some commonly recognized states include Vermont, New York, Oregon, Minnesota, Connecticut, California, Washington, and Colorado.

What is the best climate for humans? ›

Often described as moderate in temperature and precipitation, type C climates are the most favorable to human habitation in that they host the largest human population densities on the planet. Type C climates are found mostly in the midlatitudes bordering the tropics.

What state has the least humidity? ›

Nevada has the lowest humidity. It's no coincidence the state is known for its desert and arid climate. With average relative humidity sitting at 38.3%, Nevada has the lowest relative humidity (when comparing states) in the country.

What state has the best cost of living? ›

States With Lowest Cost of Living

Mississippi is the state with the lowest cost of living in the US, with a cost of living index of 85. This means that the cost of living in Mississippi is 15% lower than the national average. The state has a low cost of housing, groceries, and utilities.

What state has the worst humidity? ›

Here are the 10 states that are the most humid:
  • Alaska - 77.1%
  • Florida - 74.5%
  • Louisiana - 74%
  • Mississippi - 73.6%
  • Hawaii - 73.3%
  • Iowa - 72.4%
  • Michigan - 72.1%
  • Indiana - 72%

What state has the worst winters? ›

Alaska is the coldest state in the US, with an average annual temperature of 30.7 F°. The second coldest state in the US is North Dakota, with an average temperature of 42.4 F°. Minnesota is the third coldest state, with an average temperature of 42.5 Fº.

What state has the longest winter? ›

By almost any measure of coldness, Alaska far surpasses any portion of the Lower 48 states (Contiguous U.S.). Alaska has the coldest winters, the coldest summers, the longest winter, the most freezing degree days, and on and on.

Which US state has the best winter? ›

Florida. Florida has the mildest winters in the continental U.S (mid-Dec to mid-April). The average winter lows, usually recorded in January, range from approximately 52 °F (11°C) to 68 °F (20 °C).

What states are not hot and humid? ›

States such as Nevada and Arizona have arid climates and are known for their deserts. The states with the lowest relative humidity are: Nevada (38.3%) Arizona (38.5%)

Is humidity good for your skin? ›

If your skin is normal or dry, higher humidity levels can help your skin feel soft, supple, and more nourished in comparison to a drier climate. A moisture-rich climate can also promote skin cell turnover and the shedding of dead skin cells.

What is the driest state in the US? ›

Nevada is the driest state in the nation, and the only state to average less than 10 inches of rain per year. The national average is about 30 inches.

Which state is most unaffordable? ›

Hawaii is the most expensive state to live in, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' "2021 Consumer Expenditures Survey," the most recent data provided by the organization.

What is the #1 expensive state? ›

Most Expensive States in the US
#StateCost of Living Index
2District of Columbia152.2
47 more rows

What is the number 1 most expensive state? ›

According to several studies on cost of living, Hawaii is the most expensive U.S. state to live in. Prices are typically double in Hawaii compared to those on the mainland, and the continued rise in inflation is making costs ranging from housing to health care much more expensive.

Where in the US does it stay 70 degrees year round? ›

Where is it 70 degrees year-round in the U.S.? While temperatures fluctuate throughout the year in most U.S. states, there are few states with warm weather that see averages around 70-degree weather year-round. These states include Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.