Minimum Wage by Country: Global Guide for 2023 (2024)

Key takeaways

  1. The minimum wage is the lowest monetary compensation employees may legally receive for hourly work. Most countries have a government-mandated minimum wage (with a few exceptions, Italy, Norway, and Sweden.
  2. The minimum wage typically applies to full-time and part-time employees. Minimum wage laws do not protect independent contractors.
  3. If your company hires from another country, adhere to the minimum wage laws where the employee resides, not the company.

Below, we list minimum wages for 67 countries around the world. We list wages in local currency and USD based on the 2023 exchange rate to give you a sense of the local currency’s purchasing power.

Please note: This article was last updated on [12/13/2023]. The information presented may change over time, so please check back regularly for updates. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee that this information is always complete or accurate. Users should not rely on this information without independently verifying it.

Countries with the lowest minimum wagesbelow $500 USD per month:


Albania’s government-mandated minimum wage for employees working 174 hours/month is ~$43.133 (40,000 ALL) per month.


The minimum wage as of December 2023 is ~$425,60 (156,000 ARS) per month. However, due to the monthly inflation that Argentina has, the minimum wage is updated monthly by a decree of the Ministry of Labor.


There is no minimum wage by law in Bangladesh.


The monthly minimum wage in Brazil is ~$264.478 (R$ 1,320).


The monthly minimum wage in Bulgaria is ~$430.13 (780 BGN).


Every January, the Colombian government establishes the minimum wage. The minimum wage per month is ~$292.78 (1,160,000 COP).


Cuba doesn’t have a government-mandated minimum wage.

El Salvador

The minimum monthly wage in El Salvador varies between sectors:

  • ~$359.16 per month for textiles and clothing
  • ~$365.00 per month for industry
  • ~$365.00 per month commerce and services
  • ~$243.46 per month for agriculture


The minimum monthly wage is ~$7.77 (20 GEL) per month and has not been updated in the past 30 years.


The minimum wage in Guatemala varies from one sector to another. Workers in the agricultural sector in economic circ*mscription 1 receive ~$392.24 (3,073.60 GTQ) per month, while non-agricultural workers in economic circ*mscription 1 earn a minimum of ~$404.08 (3,166.38 GTQ) per month.

Rates are slightly lower for workers in the economic circ*mscription 2:

  • Agricultural sector: ~$381,78 (2,987.53 GTQ)
  • Non-agricultural sector: ~$393,28 (3,077.56 GTQ)

In Guatemala, on top of the ordinary salary, all employees are entitled to an additional GTQ 250 per month, which is included in the employee’s annual salary.

Guinea Bissau

In Guinea Bissau, the minimum wage is ~$101.12 (59,000 West African Franc) per month.


Indonesia’s district and province authorities establish the minimum wage within each area. Employees make at least ~$0.86 (12,238.56 Indonesian Rupiah) per hour or ~$136.07 (1,958,169.60 IDR) per month. However, the minimum wage can be as high as ~$326.94 (4,901,798.40 IDR) per month in some provinces.


Kazakhstan’s minimum wage rate is ~$153.11 (70000 KTZ) per month for all full-time employees.


Kyrgyzstan’s government-mandated minimum wage is ~$26.60 (2,337.00 Kyrgyzstani soum) per month.


The minimum wage for City Council or Municipal Council areas in Malaysia is ~$318,64 (1,500 Malaysian Ringgit) per month.


The minimum wage in Morocco is ~$278.62 (2,828 Moroccan Dirham) per month.


As of January 2022, the minimum monthly wage in Montenegro amounts to ~$485.34 (450 Euros) for all full-time employees.


Nicaragua’s national minimum wage is dependent on the employee’s industry. The national minimum wage ranges from ~$142.23 (5,196.34 NIO) per month for the agriculture industry and ~$318.29 (11,628.95 NIO) per month for construction, financial institutions, and insurance.

North Macedonia

The minimum monthly net salary in North Macedonia amounts to ~$353.19 (20.175 MKD).


The monthly minimum wage in Pakistan varies by province and occupation. In Punjab, the minimum monthly wage for all industries is ~$111.23 (25,000.00 Pakistani rupees).


Minimum wages in Panama range from ~$326.56 to ~$971.35 per month (326,64 to 971.35 Panamanian Balboa), depending on the specific industry, occupation, and size of the establishment. The Panamanian balboa is pegged to the USD at a fixed rate of 1:1. This means that one PAB is always worth exactly one USD.


All private sector workers in Peru are eligible for a minimum monthly wage of ~$261.61 (930 PEN).


In the Philippines, there is no national minimum wage. Applicable minimum wage is based on the region where the employer is incorporated.

In the National Capital Region (NCR), the minimum wage is ~$236,49 (13,267.50 PHP) per month.


In Russia, there are regional variations in minimum wage rates:

  • Moscow: ~$276.17 (24,801 RUB) per month
  • St. Petersburg: ~$261.69 (23,500 RUB) per month
  • Everywhere else in Russia: ~$180.81 (16,242 RUB) per month


The minimum wage in Serbia is ~$2.12 (230 RSD) per hour.

South Africa

In South Africa, the national minimum wage is ~$224.33 (4022.22 ZAR) per month.


Tanzania’s minimum wage averaged ~$16,66 (41818.18 TZS) per month in 2023.

The Central African Republic

The Central African Republic’s government-mandated minimum wage amounts to around ~$60 (35,000 CFA francs) per month.


Turkey’s national minimum wage is ~$392,36 (11,402.00 TRY) per month.


All workers in Ukraine are eligible for ~$1.16 (41.88 Ukrainian hryvnia) per hour.


The minimum wage in Uzbekistan is ~$84.65 (980,000.00 Uzbekistan Sum) per month.


Venezuela’s national minimum wage is ~$0.0005 (130.00 Venezuelan Bolivar) per month.

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Minimum Wage by Country: Global Guide for 2023 (1)

Minimum Wage by Country: Global Guide for 2023 (2)

Countries with average minimum wages between $500 and $1,000 USD per month:

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The minimum wage in Bosnia and Herzegovina is ~$523.92 (911,43 BAM) per month.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s minimum monthly wage ranges from ~$563.47 (352.164,91 CRC) for unskilled workers to ~$1,203.55 (752.220,04 CRC) for University Graduates (Master’s degree or higher).


The minimum wage in Croatia is around ~$787.40 (700 EUR).

Czech Republic

The monthly minimum wage in the Czech Republic is ~$819.46 (17,300 CZK) per month.


Estonia’s government-mandated general minimum wage is around ~$815.54 (725 EUR) per month.


The minimum wage for workers in Greece is ~$877.45 (780 EUR) per month. However, the minimum wage will vary according to the seniority and civil status of the employee.


The minimum wage for workers without a degree in Hungary is ~$697.13 (232,000 HUF) per month. Workers with a degree are entitled to a ~$890.65 (296,400 HUF) minimum wage.


The government-mandated minimum wage in Latvia is ~$697.44 (620 EUR) per month for all workers.


Lithuania’s minimum wage is ~$944.92 (840 Euros) per month.


The minimum wage in Malta is around ~$998.13 (925.34 EUR) per month for full-time employees and prorated according to working hours for part-time employees.


In Portugal, the minimum gross salary for 2023 per month for full-time employees is ~$819.74 (€760). In 2024, this will increase to ~$884,57 (€820) per month.


The National minimum wage per month in Romania is as follows:

  • Full-time employees: ~$715.63 (3,300 RON)
  • Full-time employees working in the food services industry: ~$715.63 (3,000 RON)
  • Full-time employees working in company construction who want to apply the income tax exemption for employees: ~$867.43 (4,000 RON)


In Slovakia, the minimum wage is determined by worker type, starting at ~$755,15 (700 EUR) per month for 1st degree roles to ~$1.380.45 (1280 EUR) for 6th degree roles.

In 2024, this range will increase to ~$808,95 (750 EUR) per month for 1st degree and ~$1.434,52 (1330 EUR) per month for 6th degree.

Countries with the highest minimum wages above $1,000 USD per month:


Andorra’s government sets a minimum wage twice a year. As of January 2023, the monthly minimum wage is set to ~$1,446.64 (1,286.13 EUR).


Australia’s minimum wage per hour is around ~$15.23 (23.23 AUD) but is lower for those below 21 years of age.

For occupations covered by an award or registered agreement, the minimum wage may be higher.

Training wages, junior wages, and apprentice wages may differ.


The minimum wage in Austria varies according to job category (CBA Groups I to V) and employee’s seniority.

  • Group I: ~$1.942.31 (EUR 1800.00) per month
  • Group II: ~$1.996.26 (EUR 1850.00) per month
  • Group III: ~$2.351,47 (EUR 2179.18) per month
  • Group IV: ~$2.929.18 (EUR 2714.57) per month
  • Group V: ~$6.379,57 (EUR 5912.40) per month


In Belgium, the minimum wage will depend on the sector of the company, the seniority, and the job description of the employee.

  • Employees over 18 years old with at least 6 months of seniority are entitled to a minimum wage of ~$2,031.08 (1805,15 EUR) per hour.
  • Employees over 20 years old with at least 12 months of seniority are entitled to ~$2,052.95 (1825,88 EUR) per hour.


Canada’s minimum wage varies by province/territory. Federally regulated employees must receive at least ~$12.18 (16.55 CAD) per hour. For the current provincial minimum wages, please reference the corresponding websites:


There are no provisions regarding the minimum salary stipulated in the law. The minimum wage is based on the Bargaining Agreements in each sector.


There are no provisions regarding the minimum salary stipulated in the law. The wage can vary according to the collective agreement that applies to the company.


The statutory minimum wage in France for full-time employees is ~$1,923.61 (1,709.28 EUR) per month, but this can vary depending on company bargaining agreements.


The minimum wage in Germany is currently ~$12.94 (12.00 EUR) per hour. In 2024, this is set to increase to ~$13,39 (12.41 EUR) per hour and to ~$13,83 (12.82 EUR) per hour in 2025.


In Iceland, the applicable minimum wage is complex. There is no national minimum wage by law. Instead, the minimum wage is determined by which Trade Union an employee is part of. Trade Unions determine minimum wage based on the age of the employee and job type.


The minimum hourly wage in Ireland is ~$12.72 (11.30 EUR).


In Japan, the minimum wage is complex. The minimum hourly wage is set according to the region of the employee, and it can vary between ~$5.17 and ~$7.40 (714 JPY and 1023 JPY) per hour.


The minimum wage in Luxembourg for unskilled workers aged 18 and older is ~$2.773.38 (2,570.93 EUR) per month and ~$3.328,06 (3,085.12 EUR) for skilled workers.


In the Netherlands, the minimum base salary (updated bi-annually) is ~$2,243.99 (1,995 EUR) a month for employees 21 years and older. Lower minimum base salaries apply to employees younger than 21 and can be found on the official government website.

New Zealand

The minimum wage in New Zealand depends on age and experience level.

  • Adult (16+ years old): ~$14.28 (22.70 NZD) per hour
  • Training (20+ years old with a training contract): ~$11.42 (18.16 NZD) per hour
  • Early Employment (16-19 years old, less than 6 months of continuous employment): ~$11.42 (18.16 NZD) per hour


The minimum national wage for full-time employees in Poland in 2023 is ~$5.85 (23.50 PLN) per hour. From January 1, 2024, this will increase to ~$6.90 (27.70 PLN) per hour and increase again up to ~$7.00 (28.10 PLN) per hour in July 1, 2024.

The minimum wage is pro-rated for part-time employees and changes every year.

San Marino

The minimum wage in San Marino for the lowest paying industry is around ~$1.914,40 (1775.1 EUR) per month.


The monthly minimum wage is ~$1,353.25 (1203,36 EUR), and it's updated once a year by the Ministry of Labor.

South Korea

As of 2023, the minimum wage is ~$7.63 (9,620 WON) per hour or ~$2,636 (2,010,580 WON) per month.


The minimum wage in Spain is ~$1,313.05 (1,166.67 EUR) per month.


Switzerland doesn’t have a statutory minimum wage: collective agreements determine minimum compensation. The amounts range between cantons (states), with an average minimum wage of around ~$21.43 (20 Swiss Francs) per hour.


In 2023, Taiwan’s national minimum wage is ~$837.77 (26,400 TWD) per month. In 2024, this will increase to $871.73 (27,470 TWD) per month.

United Kingdom

The minimum wage for employees in the United Kingdom working 40 hours a week is ~$28,406 (21,673.60 GBP) a year, ~$2,367 (1,806.13 GBP) per month. An employer could pay below minimum wage only if the employee works part-time or is younger than 23.

Stay on top of minimum wage laws with Deel

Staying compliant with local employment laws (like minimum wages) is the number one concern for many employers wanting to hire internationally. Still, it shouldn’t stop you from diving into the global talent pool.

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The article you provided covers a vast array of information regarding minimum wages across numerous countries, segmented by different wage brackets. As an enthusiast with a passion for labor economics and global workforce dynamics, I've delved into this subject extensively. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Minimum Wage Basics:

The minimum wage is the lowest legal pay rate for hourly work that employees can receive. Most countries enforce this standard, although exceptions exist (e.g., Italy, Norway, Sweden). These wages usually apply to both full-time and part-time employees but not independent contractors.

2. International Considerations:

When hiring internationally, it's crucial to adhere to the minimum wage laws of the employee's country of residence, not the employer's location.

3. List of Minimum Wages Across 67 Countries:

Countries with Wages below $500 USD per month:

  • Detailed minimum wages from Albania to Venezuela, showcasing monthly wages in local currency and USD equivalents.

Countries with Wages between $500 and $1,000 USD per month:

  • Providing minimum wages for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia.

Countries with Wages above $1,000 USD per month:

  • Listing the significantly higher minimum wages from Andorra to the United Kingdom, detailing rates for each country.

4. Localized Pay and Competitive Salaries:

The article concludes by suggesting platforms like Deel for understanding competitive pay rates globally and ensuring compliance with local employment laws, especially concerning minimum wages.

Key Insights:

  • Minimum wages widely vary globally, affected by economic factors, industry, and local regulations.
  • Compliance with these laws is essential for international employers to avoid legal issues.

Additional Notes:

  • Some countries have fluctuating minimum wages due to factors like inflation (e.g., Argentina).
  • Others have fixed rates that haven't been updated in years (e.g., Georgia).

The article also emphasizes the importance of staying informed about changes in minimum wage laws due to their dynamic nature. Compliance with these regulations is pivotal in fostering fair labor practices and avoiding legal ramifications.

Minimum Wage by Country: Global Guide for 2023 (2024)
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