Metal foam stops .50 caliber rounds as well as steel -- at less than half the weight (2024)

Researchers have demonstrated that vehicle armor using composite metal foam (CMF) can stop ball and armor-piercing .50 caliber rounds as well as conventional steel armor, even though it weighs less than half as much. The finding means that vehicle designers will be able to develop lighter military vehicles without sacrificing safety, or can improve protection without making vehicles heavier.

CMF is a foam that consists of hollow, metallic spheres -- made of materials such as stainless steel or titanium -- embedded in a metallic matrix made of steel, titanium, aluminum or other metallic alloys. In this study, the researchers used steel-steel CMF, meaning that both the spheres and the matrix were made of steel.

For the study, researchers manufactured a hard armor system consisting of a ceramic faceplate, a CMF core and a thin back plate made of aluminum. The armor was tested using .50 caliber ball and armor-piercing rounds. The armor was tested with the rounds being fired at impact velocities from 500 meters per second up to 885 meters per second.

The CMF layer of the armor was able to absorb 72-75% of the kinetic energy of the ball rounds, and 68-78% of the kinetic energy of the armor-piercing rounds.

"The CMF armor was less than half the weight of the rolled hom*ogeneous steel armor needed to achieve the same level of protection," says Afsaneh Rabiei, corresponding author of a paper on the work and a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University. Rabiei, the inventor of CMF, has spent years developing and testing CMF materials.

"In other words, we were able to achieve significant weight savings -- which benefits vehicle performance and fuel efficiency -- without sacrificing protection," Rabiei says.

"This work shows that CMF can offer a significant advantage for vehicle armor, but there is still room for improvement," Rabiei says. "These findings stem from testing armors we made by simply combining steel-steel CMF with off-the-shelf ceramic face plates, aluminum back plate and adhesive material. We only optimized our CMF material and replaced the steel plate in standard vehicle armor with steel-steel CMF armor. There is additional work we could do to make it even better. For example, we would like to optimize the adhesion and thickness of the ceramic, CMF and aluminum layers, which may lead to even lower total weight and improved efficiency of the final armor."

In previous work, Rabiei and her collaborators demonstrated that CMF could block blast pressure and fragmentation at 5,000 feet per second from high explosive incendiary rounds detonating only 18 inches away. Her team also showed that CMF could stop a 7.62 x 63 millimeter M2 armor piercing projectile at a total thickness of less than an inch, while the indentation on the back was less than 8 millimeters. For context, the National Institute of Justice standard allows up to 44 millimeters indentation in the back of armor.

In addition, Rabiei's group has shown that CMFs, in addition to being lightweight, are very effective at shielding X-rays, gamma rays and neutron radiation -- and can handle fire and heat twice as well as the plain metals they are made of.

"In short, CMFs hold promise for a variety of applications: from space exploration to shipping nuclear waste, explosives and hazardous materials, to military and security applications and even cars, buses and trains," Rabiei says.

The new paper, "Ballistic Performance of Composite Metal Foam against Large Caliber Threats," is published in the journal Composite Structures. First author of the paper is Jacob Marx, a Ph.D. student at NC State. The paper was co-authored by Marc Portanova of the Aviation Development Directorate in the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command.

The work was done with support from the Joint Aviation Survivability Program, under award number W911W6-15-D-0001-0001.

Metal foam stops .50 caliber rounds as well as steel -- at less than half the weight (2024)


Metal foam stops .50 caliber rounds as well as steel -- at less than half the weight? ›

North Carolina State University (NCSU) researchers have shown that vehicle armor made out of composite metal foam (CMF) can stop ball and armor-piercing . 50-caliber rounds as well as conventional steel armor, even though the CMF weighs less than half as much.

Can metal foam stop a bullet? ›

If you make that foam out of metal, it turns out, it can stop a projectile. Researchers from North Carolina State University have created just such a foam, and it can freeze the trajectory of a . 50 caliber bullet better than the current armor used by the military—thick slabs of steel—at half the weight.

How thick of steel do I need to stop a 50 cal? ›

About one and a quarter inch of AR500-grade steel plate will stop a . 50 caliber bullet but steel is extremely heavy.

What metal can withstand a 50 cal bullet? ›

Hard armor systems including a ceramic faceplate, CMF core, and aluminum backing plate can be the perfect armor against calibers up to 50 caliber ball and armor-piercing rounds.

Will foam stop a bullet? ›

Testing has proved it is indeed possible. In tests conducted by the development team, the foam body armor was able to defeat an armor-piercing bullet. And on impact, their foam smashed the bullet into powder.

What is the best metal to stop bullets? ›

Ultra-High Hardness (UHH) armor steel is the best performing steel alloy for protection against armor piercing (AP) bullets. Thanks to a 578 to 655 HBW hardness, UHH steel panels are able to break AP projectiles' core and provide efficient protection with reduced weight compared to High Hard (500HB) material.

What material can stop a sniper bullet? ›

One of these market-leading materials is Kevlar® - a material that could cushion, trap, and prevent a bullet from penetrating through to the body.

Can a 50 cal penetrate steel? ›

Armor Piercing (API-S) round for extreme accuracy and high penetrationcapability against material targets. A large tungsten carbide penetrator provides excellent armor penetration (22 mm armored steel at 700 m) with an incendiary/marker effect for spotting purposes.

Can concrete stop a 50 cal bullet? ›

But the bullet's power against material objects is nonetheless awesome, varying as in all cases with distance. Thus, the Army says that at the long range of 1,500 meters (1,640 yards), ball ammunition can penetrate one inch of concrete, six inches of sand, and 21 inches of clay.

Can aluminum stop a 50 cal bullet? ›

50-caliber armor-piercing bullet usually sinks nearly three inches into conventional bulletproof glass before stopping. Aluminum armor can stop it in half the distance—using a piece of material half the weight and thickness of traditional transparent armor.

How thick does metal have to be to stop a bullet? ›

To these standards, some materials are natively “bulletproof”: a foot-thick concrete wall or two inches of solid steel will withstand many shots from a handgun, sub-machine gun, or rifle.

What can bullets not penetrate? ›

Bullet-resistant materials (also called ballistic materials or, equivalently, anti-ballistic materials) are usually rigid, but may be supple. They may be complex, such as Kevlar, UHMWPE, Lexan, or carbon fiber composite materials, or basic and simple, such as steel or titanium.

Can a bullet go through concrete? ›

Bullets easily puncture most walls, doors, and floors. However, brick, concrete, and cinder blocks effectively stop most common calibers. But each bullet takes out chunks, so it can only protect you for so long. A full water heater can effectively stop at least handgun rounds.

Can a 50 cal sniper go through bulletproof glass? ›

Mostly used in the military as sniper rifles, no consumer-grade bullet-resistant system will stop a . 50-cal rifle bullet, which requires Level 10 bulletproof glass (usually three or more inches of polycarbonate plastic, which equates to almost half a foot of tempered glass).

Can a 50 cal penetrate brick? ›

Generally speaking, a standard brick wall is sufficient to stop any round under 50 caliber from something like a Barrett 50 Cal. Heavier rounds such as a 7.62x39mm or . 308 rifle may penetrate the walls of a brick-veneered house, but it is not likely.

How thick of armor can a 50 cal penetrate? ›

Armor Piercing (AP) round for extreme accuracy and high penetration capability against material targets. A large tungsten carbide penetrator provides excellent armor penetration (22 mm armored steel at 700 m).

What bullets can go through steel? ›

While FMJ ammo is generally safe for shooting at steel targets, it's important to note that frangible ammunition is considered the optimal choice for shooting steel targets. Frangible rounds are specifically designed to disintegrate upon impact, reducing the risk of ricochets or dangerous fragments.

What is the lightest metal that can stop a bullet? ›

Graphene: The Miracle Material That's As Light As Foil, But Can Stop A Bullet.

What is the cheapest material to stop bullets? ›

Ballistic Fiberglass

It is the most cost-effective and convenient option for bulletproofing walls.

What new material can stop a bullet? ›

A new kind of Kevlar aims to stop bullets with less material. It's not quite the stuff of John Wick's suit, but this novel fiber is stronger than its predecessor. Body armor has a clear purpose: to prevent a bullet, or perhaps a shard from an explosion, from puncturing the fragile human tissue behind it.

Is there body armor that can stop rifle rounds? ›

Level III body armor can defeat rifle caliber bullets, such as 7.62mm and non-military grade 5.56mm bullets. Level III armor is what I recommend for daily use for police officers, security guards, and federal law enforcement agents (F.B.I., A.T.F., and N.S.A.).

Can a 50 cal penetrate an m1 Abrams? ›

No. A . 50 caliber sniper rifle round, regardless of type, is not capable of defeating the armor on the Abrams tank. It would also fail to penetrate the armor on any other modern MBT.

Can a 50 cal penetrate a armored vehicle? ›

The . 50 caliber MK211 has a green bullet tip with an aluminum color annulus. This armor-piercing bullet is designed to perforate or penetrate hardened or bullet-resistant targets. The cartridge is used against armored personnel vehicles.

How thick does steel have to be to stop a 7.62 bullet? ›

Ballistic steel's multi hit capacity make it an ideal product for bullet resistant walls, with a 6.5mm thickness capable of stopping EN 1522 FB5 and FB6 (NATO 5.56 x 45 and NATO 7.62 x 51).

How many inches of concrete will stop a bullet? ›

Recommended constructions for bullet resistance are 8 in. (203 mm) solid or grouted concrete masonry walls or 12 in. (305 mm) hollow units with sand- filled cores. Both walls provided equal protection under test conditions.

Will a sandbag stop a bullet? ›

Sandbags for Cover

Although sand feels soft when you touch it, filled sandbags are powerful bullet-stoppers that provide cover from enemy fire. A single bag of sand is enough to stop most handgun rounds in their tracks. It will even stop some rifle rounds from reaching the other side.

Can bullets ricochet off concrete? ›

Bullets are more likely to ricochet off flat, hard surfaces such as concrete, rock or steel, but a ricochet can occur from irregular surfaces within heterogeneous materials including soil and vegetation.

Can titanium stop a 50 cal? ›

An inch and half of titanium does not get penetrated by the armor piercing 50 cal or 20 mm. Although with 90 degree angle there is deeper penetration.

Is aluminum ammo bad for your gun? ›

There is literally no danger to your firearms steel parts when using aluminum cased ammo. What you can experience though, is failure to eject (FTE), failure to feed (FTF) and double-feeds when using aluminum cased ammo.

Why don't they make bullets out of aluminum? ›

The primary reason brass is used for bullets instead of aluminum is its increased durability and reliability. Brass is a much harder metal than aluminum, which means it's less likely to deform or break when fired through a gun barrel — something that could happen with an aluminum bullet due to its softer makeup.

How many layers of drywall does it take to stop a bullet? ›

Handgun rounds (9mm and . 45 ACP) all penetrated at least six walls of sheetrock and, in the case of 10mm, over 10 walls.

What bullet can penetrate a skull? ›

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falling bullets can hit the ground at speeds greater than 61 metres per second (m/s). Bullets travelling between 46 and 61 m/s penetrate skin. Faster than this, and they can penetrate the skull.

Is titanium more bulletproof than steel? ›

The Ti-6Al-4V alloy provides superior ballistic protection when compared on a weight basis to conventional rolled hom*ogeneous armor (RHA) steel, but it is far less efficient on both a weight and volume basis than state-of-the-art ceramic armor.

What type of bullet is the least lethal? ›

Rubber bullets, rubber buckshot, soft polymer rounds, wax bullets, plastic bullets, beanbag rounds, sponge grenades, ring airfoil projectiles (both kinetic and tear gas projectiles) and rubber bullets with electroshock effect (e.g. Taser XREP rounds) are less lethal than conventional metal bullets, and are also ...

Will bullets fire if wet? ›

Well, if your ammunition — common consumer/sporting ammunition — gets submerged in water for a minute or less, don't worry about it. However, after somewhere between 60 seconds and 24 hours of submersion, you can start to expect to potentially see deterioration in performance.

Can plywood stop a bullet? ›

A five-layer, plywoodlike sandwich of densified wood stopped simulated bullets fired into the material—a result Hu and his colleagues suggest could lead to low-cost armor. The material does not protect quite as well as a Kevlar sheet of the same thickness—but it only costs about 5 percent as much, he notes.

What happens if you throw a bullet on the ground? ›

A bullet isn't likely to go off when you drop the cartridge for various reasons, including how it lands. Most dropped bullets land tip first on a floor or the ground. When this happens, the bullet will land in a way that prevents the impact from being sufficiently forceful to cause the bullet to fire.

Is composite metal foam bulletproof? ›

Making a vehicle that's completely impervious is now possible. Using composite metal foam (CMF), scientists at the North Carolina State University have developed a bulletproof material that can stop the ball and armor-piercing .

Is there a metal that can deflect bullets? ›

In the end, titanium is bulletproof for the most part against bullets fired from guns that one would likely find on the shooting range, on the street or on the hunt in the mountains. Most guns legally bought and owned by individuals will likely not penetrate titanium.

What thickness of metal will stop a bullet? ›

To these standards, some materials are natively “bulletproof”: a foot-thick concrete wall or two inches of solid steel will withstand many shots from a handgun, sub-machine gun, or rifle.

Is there a foam that will armor-piercing bullets? ›

Their work can be used to shield military and law enforcement by developing ultra light body armor to protect their personnel. The foam is a special type of foam called composite metal foams, or CMF and it even appears that armor-piercing bullets cannot get through it.

What are the downsides of metal foam? ›

Conventional metal foams have gas-filled pores within the metal, which reduce weight but pose some drawbacks, such as difficulty in controlling the size and shape of the pores during manufacturing.

What is the strongest metal foam? ›

Composite metal foam is the strongest metal foam available with a 5-6 times greater strength to density ratio and over 7 times greater energy absorption capability than previous metal foams.

What stops armor-piercing bullets? ›

Level III polyethylene plates are ultra-lightweight and can stop rifle bullets up to and including 7.62mm/. 308 caliber. By adding a ceramic face, polyethylene plates can be certified to Level IV and will stop steel core and tactical rifle rounds up to and including 166-grain . 30 caliber M2 armor piercing.

Will aluminum stop a bullet? ›

Aluminum armor can deflect all the same rounds from small-caliber weapons as traditional bulletproof glass. But while traditional bulletproof glass warps, fogs, or spiderwebs when shot, transparent aluminum remains largely clear. It also stops larger bullets with a significantly thinner piece of material.

Can you deflect a bullet with a coin? ›

And it is likely that, in the days of the Wild West that the ammunition being fired was weak enough that loose change, boiler plates and dozens of other things would have deflected or stopped it. But modern bullets striking coins dead center, particularly powerful rounds like the . 357 or .

Can concrete stop a bullet? ›

Most household objects won't reliably stop a bullet. Bullets easily puncture most walls, doors, and floors. However, brick, concrete, and cinder blocks effectively stop most common calibers. But each bullet takes out chunks, so it can only protect you for so long.

Why are armor-piercing rounds illegal? ›

To protect the lives and safety of law enforcement officers from the threat posed by ammunition capable of penetrating a protective vest when fired from a handgun, the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), as amended, prohibits the import, manufacture, and distribution of "armor piercing ammunition" as defined by the statute.

What bullets can pierce a vest? ›

Armor-Piercing Ammunition

AP bullets typically contain hard, high-density metals that do not deform on impact with Kevlar, such as steel or tungsten. While restricted and uncommon in handgun calibers, armor-piercing rifle ammunition is legal for a private citizen to possess.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.