Letters | My Real Estate Letters (2024)

Letter TitlesAdmin2021-08-14T15:32:35-05:00

REALTORS®, Set Your Marketing on Autopilot
with Ready-To-Use Letters & Articles!

Prospecting letters and newsletter articles are one of the most powerful marketing tools available. They help you to quickly generate more leads, more listings, more sales, more satisfied clients, and more referrals!

Don’t take our word for it, though.

Just look around you.

You’ll see that six-figure-earning REALTORS® send regular marketing letters and newsletters to their list of prospects and clients—and they consider it a KEY contributor to their business success.

But what stops most agents from sending out marketing letters and newsletters is having to write the content.

Luckily, there’s an EASY way for you to have highly targeted pre-written letters and articles that you and your readers will love—even if you don’t have time, hate to write or don’t know where to start!

Imagine…instead of spending HOURS of your valuable time trying to write from scratch, you can have INSTANT ACCESS to professionally written done-for-you letters and articles ready for you to customize (if you want) and load up in your email, newsletter, autoresponder, website or blog!

With My Real Estate Letters, you get professionally written, highly targeted letters / articles your readers will LOVE.

Below are the Categories,Titles and aBrief Description of each letter.

Introduction Letters

There’s nothing like a first impression—but sometimes it takes a little more than a mere introduction to impress a potential client. Analysts estimate that it takes multiple contacts to connect with a client and make a sale. After all, a sale is not an event, but a process. Let this series of introduction letters work for you to demonstrate to your potential client why you are the best choice for his/her real estate needs.

  1. Allow Me To Introduce Myself– Introduce yourself to new prospects. Let them know that you are local, highly respected, and that you believe in providing personal service now, and well into the future.
  2. Local Market Expert– Lets prospective clients know that your extensive knowledge of the local market and your contacts in the community make you a great choice regardless of whether they are looking to sell or buy a home.
  3. Results You Can Count On– Let your clients and prospects know that your knowledge, experience, and dedication always generate successful results.
  4. Tech Savvy Agent – Introduces you as a tech savvy real estate agent and informs prospects of the many benefits of choosing a REALTOR® who can use innovative technology to provide exceptional service and results.
  5. Your Satisfaction Is My Priority– Buying and selling a home is among the largest financial decisions most people will ever make. This letter assures potential clients that you do not take your role in this transaction lightly and will go the extra mile to ensure a successful outcome.

General Prospecting Letters

Prospecting is more than just sending out a feeler to a potential client—it’s about extending yourself to that client in a way that perfectly illustrates your dedication to his cause, as well as demonstrating your motivation to providing him with excellent service. These letters are the tools you need to start prospecting effectively, and will enable you to expand your client base in a professional and impressive manner.

  1. Average Sales Price For Specific Area– Advises the prospect of the sales figures for a specific area, while conveying a hint of your expansive real estate knowledge and encouraging them to seek you out for their real estate needs.
  2. Chamber Of Commerce Contact– Informs the recipient that you’ve learned from the Chamber of Commerce that he/she is interested in moving to the community. Establishes you as a friendly and knowledgeable agent who can help with his/her relocation.
  3. Corporate Relocation Assistance Prospecting Letter– Looking to gain more business clients that are opening new facilities and want to transfer existing employees? Here’s a letter you can use to reach out to HR personnel for their consideration.
  4. Downsizing Prospecting Letter– Let’s the recipient know that you specialize in helping homeowners transition from a larger family home to something a little more manageable.
  5. Free Comparative Market Analysis– Introduces you warmly to a potential prospect and extends an offer for a complimentary CMA. Even if he isn’t looking to sell, it’s best to stay on top of the market trends!
  6. Invitation To Home Buying Seminar– Invites the prospect to a Home Buyers seminar, and lets them know that it will provide vital information they’ll need if they’re contemplating a home purchase in the near future.
  7. Let’s Find Your First Home – Looking to reach first time home buyers in your community? Here’s a letter you can use to help reduce some of the stress that these clients may be feeling in the home buying process.
  8. Neighborhood Listing Announcement– Lets the recipient know about a home in the neighborhood that is being put up for sale—and asks if he might know someone who would be interested in the property.
  9. New Parents– Congratulates new parents on the addition to their family, and suggests that perhaps they might be interested in looking into a new property with more space. Asks if it’s time to purchase their dream home now that the family is growing!
  10. Want To Know Your Home’s Value– Advises the prospect that demand for homes in their area is running high, and offers them a free market analysis if they are considering selling their home.
  11. What’s Happening In Your Neighborhood– Asks the prospect if they’re aware of the recent real estate activity in their neighborhood, and lets them know of a few recent sales that should whet their appetite if they’re at all interested in selling their home.

New Agent Announcement Letters

One of the most important yet tricky aspects of the real estate business is letting prospects know there’s a new agent in town. Whether you’re introducing yourself or introducing a hire, you want to display enthusiasm while making clear that you have all the tools needed to perform at the highest of levels. These letters introduce you in way that instills confidence in the prospect that enlisting your services will allow them to achieve the best possible results. With letters individually tailored to every situation from warm markets to the introduction of a newly hired agent, you’ll be certain to find just the letter you need to begin building your client base right away.

  1. New Agent Announcement (General) 1– It’s official: you’re a licensed real estate agent and it’s time to share the news! Introduces you to the recipient and includes your contact information.
  2. New Agent Announcement (General) 2– Explains that you’ve joined a new firm and that you’re thrilled to have the opportunity to offer your services. Establishes you as an agent with expertise.
  3. New Agent Announcement (General) 3– Advises the prospect that you are a dynamic new agent with all the knowledge and skills to get them the results they want.
  4. New Agent Announcement (General) 4– Announces with great pleasure your affiliation with [COMPANY NAME] as their newest agent.
  5. New Agent Announcement (Warm Market) 1– Announces to friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances that you are now a licensed real estate agent, and lets them know that they can feel confident placing their trust in you.
  6. New Agent Announcement (Warm Market) 2– Informs your warm market that you’re now fully licensed in your new profession and ready to begin providing the pinnacle of service to your clients.
  7. New Agent Announcement (Broker Announces New Agent) 1– Informs prospects and clients of your new hire, explaining why she or he will fit right in with your highly capable team of top professionals.
  8. New Agent Announcement (Broker Announces New Agent) 2– Announces your newest hire, extolling their virtues and elaborating on why you have chosen them to join your elite firm.
  9. Moving To A New Firm– Informs client of your move to a new firm and provides him/her with all of your new contact information. Demonstrates your desire to maintain contact with the client and your ongoing commitment to providing excellent service.

Expired Listing Prospecting Letters

Expired listing letters can provide a wealth of potential clients. Farming expired listings is a great marketing strategy. These letters targeting expired listings enable you to make an introduction and explain why you are the best choice for his/her real estate needs.

  1. A Seasoned Professional Adds Value To The Sale– Let’s your potential client know that when they choose to renew their listing with you, they are putting the sale of their most valuable asset in the hands of a seasoned real estate professional.
  2. A Top Expert In Real Estate Sales In Your Area– You have it all; a broad base of potential buyers, familiarity with similar listings, and an intimate knowledge of the area. You will design an aggressive marketing strategy especially for them, when they list their property with you.
  3. An Internet Real Estate Expert Makes The Difference– When home listings don’t result in a successful sale, the culprit is often insufficient web exposure. As an expert in online real estate marketing, you can make the difference.
  4. Customized Marketing Solution– You understand it’s not enough to stick a sign in the seller’s yard and list the home in the MLS; you will deliver a custom-tailored marketing solution to sell the property.
  5. Free Guide To Finding The Right Agent– Acknowledges you realize the seller is inundated by agents soliciting the listing of the property and offers the homeowner a complimentary seller’s guide to help select the right REALTOR® to sell their home.
  6. Home Is Not Overpriced And Should Have Sold– Informs the seller that expired listings typically involve homes that are overpriced for the condition or location, but you think their home can be sold at the listed value. With your sales expertise and knowledge of the local market, you should be able to get them their asking price.
  7. I Only Pursue Listings I Know I Can Sell– Let the seller know that while some agents grab every listing they can get, you only take on homes you know you can sell. You are pursuing their listing because you are confident you can find a motivated buyer.
  8. I’ll Make A Difference For You– You can let this potential client know that a friend invited you to look into a way to help turn the sale of their home around. Now that the listing has expired, it’s a great time to start fresh with someone who can provide results as is not afraid of the challenge.
  9. Importance Of Follow Through– Discusses the importance of a REALTOR® who will follow through. If a potential buyer shows interest in the home, you will be on the ball, not preoccupied with a million different priorities.
  10. It’s All About Service And Solutions– Introduces you to your potential client as a service oriented, highly motivated real estate professional with solutions. When they renew their listing with you, exciting results will follow.
  11. I’ve Done My Homework On Your Home– You have already done the homework and know what it will take to make a successful sale for this potential client. When they renew their listing with you, the sale of their home will be your top priority.
  12. No More Broken Promises– A results oriented real estate professional is what your potential client will gain when they renew their listing with you. No more broken promises, just a recipe for success.
  13. Presentation Is Everything– Explains the advantages of hiring a REALTOR® who’s also a home staging expert; you’ll maximize the home’s appeal to potential buyers by highlighting the property’s most marketable features and downplaying any flaws.
  14. Renewal Of Your Listing 1– When it’s YOUR listing that expires, it’s time to inspire your client and to assure them that their home WILL sell. Lets the client know that you have a few new strategies you’d like to try, and that you’re sure the home will sell soon.
  15. Renewal Of Your Listing 2– When your own listing expires without a sale, let the homeowner know that you have already performed a detailed analysis exploring why their property didn’t sell, and you know what it will take to turn things around.
  16. The First Key Ingredient To A Successful Sale– Explains to the potential client that a renewed listing with you will provide them with the first key ingredient for the successful sale of their home. You’re armed with a winning strategy, that can help them accomplish their goals.
  17. The Sale Of Your Home Will Be My Top Priority– When a listing (belonging to another agent) expires, it’s time to move in and explain to the client that you’re the agent he needs to get the property sold. Expresses your dedication to individual attention and results.
  18. The Three Ps– Outlines the three Ps—presentation, price, and promotion—needed to produce a qualified offer for the seller’s home, and explains that you offer an integrated strategy encompassing all three of these components.
  19. Unique Selling Proposition– Advises the seller that you can identify their home’s unique selling proposition to differentiate the property from other homes on the market.

Farm Area Prospecting Letters

Are you a farmer? If not, you should be. No, I don’t mean you should take up growing avocados. But the practice of farming is probably the optimal method for achieving success in real estate. By “farming,” I mean the practice of adopting and cultivating a particular area. Get to know the residents, and help them get to know you. The resulting level of knowledge and trust leads to higher sales. And an important aspect of farming is sending letters to prospects. They’ll have a slightly different emphasis than traditional prospecting letters, because their purpose won’t be limited to achieving immediate results. These letters are crafted to convince the recipients that you are the neighborhood’s “go-to” real estate professional. And achieving that status in the eyes of multiple future home sellers and buyers is bound to lead to results down the line. It’s just like farming the land. These letters will plow the soil and plant the seeds that allow you to reap the fruits of success.

  1. Just Listed 1– Advises the prospect that they can do a favor for their neighbors and themselves by recommending your listing to someone they’d like to see move in.
  2. Just Listed 2– Alerts the prospect to your newest listings and advises them of the qualities that have enabled you to get results for your clients.
  3. Just Sold 1– Advises the prospect that you’ve just made the latest of many sales for a satisfied client, and your knowledge of the local market will allow you to do the same for them.
  4. Just Sold 2– Informs the prospect that you just used your intimate understanding of the local community to good advantage in making yet another sale.
  5. Just Sold 3– Looking to gain more clients in your neighborhood? Here’s a letter you can use to highlight successful sales in the area to potential clients.
  6. Open House 1– Invites the potential client to your open house, letting them know that it can be a good chance to make new acquaintances as well as learn more about the home selling process.
  7. Open House 2– Invites the prospect to your client’s open house while informing them that you’re a local agent who’s involved in the community.
  8. Sales Pending 1– Advises the prospect that you can do for them what you’ve done for the clients who now have sales pending, thanks to your skill and understanding of the local real estate market.
  9. Sales Pending 2– Informs the client that you’ve bucked the odds by continuing to thrive in every type of real estate market, as evidenced by these recent sales, and explains why.
  10. Would You Be Interested In Selling Your Home 1– Explains to the prospect how your knowledge and understanding of the local community gives you a competitive edge when it comes to home sales and offers to help them decide if they should put their home on the market.
  11. Would You Be Interested In Selling Your Home 2– Advises the prospect that your clients are currently having great success finding buyers, and explains why your special combination of traits makes you the real estate professional they need.
  12. Would You Be Interested In Selling Your Home 3– Informs the prospect that you know someone who might be interested in purchasing their home, and offers to provide them with an analysis of their property’s current value.

Absentee Owner Prospecting Letters

When prospecting to absentee owners, remember that they generally lack that personal connection with the property in question. Whether it is their rental property, a vacant house, a vacation home, or an inherited estate, they need to sell it, but the emphasis and urgency may not be the same as you would otherwise find with a homeowner looking to sell their own family home. So when approaching absentee owners, you need to have a letter that is creative, persuasive and that generates that aura of urgency. The following series of letters provides an invaluable tool for reaching out to absentee owners and turning them into your future clients.

  1. Empty Inheritance Home– Often family members find themselves with an empty house as a result of an inheritance. Unfortunately, they don’t have the time to devote to the property or its future. With this letter, assure them that you can help to facilitate any transaction involving the estate.
  2. Estate Home– Having just lost a loved one, those left behind are generally not in any condition to deal with the business of the estate. This letters demonstrates your compassion, and willingness to assist.
  3. Rental Property– If an absentee owner is tired of dealing with problem tenants, delinquent payments, costly repairs, and overall issues of property management … this letter will let them know you can help prepare their rental property for sell.
  4. Vacant Home– If you happen to notice that a home has been sitting vacant for some time, take action. Send this letter and encourage the owner to meet with you, review options and get that property listed.
  5. Vacation Home– Many times people purchase a second home or recreational property, and simply do not get the use out of it that they imagined. Here is a way to reach out to them and offer your services in the sale of their vacation property.

FSBO Prospecting Letters Series 1

For Sale By Owner listings can provide a wealth of new contacts and potential clients for the tactful real estate professional who understands the challenges and offers FREE tips and helpful insights. This series of letters targeting FSBO listings enables you to make a gracious introduction and establish that all important first contact by presenting useful information on everything from marketing tips to organizing for an upcoming move. Why not establish that relationship so you will be the name they remember when their strategy changes?

The letters in this collection allow you to approach the potential FSBO client with information that showcases your expertise in a friendly and professional manner; opening the door by offering FREE No Cost/No Obligation marketing assistance that they haven’t heard from anyone else before.

  1. A Master Negotiator On Their Behalf– Real estate transactions are complex. Offer advice on dealing with prospective buyers, while convincing FSBOs of your value as a negotiator and closer.
  2. Conducting An Open House– Conducting an Open House is an essential marketing tool that takes careful planning and strategic thought. Sharing your tips for a successful Open House is one way to let a homeowner know that a successful FSBO listing requires the same marketing skills they would receive by retaining an expert.
  3. Curb Appeal Tips– First impressions are critical and curb appeal is particularly important for FSBOs. Gives tips for sprucing up the outside of the home to attract potential buyers.
  4. Documents And Data FSBOs Need– Presents the FSBO with a list of paperwork they will need to gather before finding a buyer. Very few homeowners will look forward to collecting this information on their own, so let them know they can contact you if they need assistance.
  5. Free Comparative Market Analysis– Understanding market trends is a critical key to successful sales that many FSBO’s may not be aware of. This letter allows you to make that important introduction in a helpful way by offering a Comparative Market Analysis and consultation at no obligation. Establishing yourself as a friendly advisor is a great way to get your foot in the door.
  6. FSBO Resource Kit– Offers FSBOs a complimentary Resource Kit to help them sell their home, and lets them know you are available should they require any assistance.
  7. Getting Your Home Ready To Sell– That’s the question they’ll be asking after reviewing your friendly tips. This letter lets you subtly give information about preparing a home for sale that may send them running for an expert. You’ll be ready to assure them that if FSBO doesn’t work, you’re only a phone call away.
  8. Home Photography Advice– Great photos are essential for Web as well as print marketing material. This letter provides FSBOs with valuable tips for taking the best pictures of their home, while pointing out that you will send a professional photographer to their home if they list the property with you.
  9. Home Selling Security Tips– Provides homeowners with a checklist of security tips so they don’t inadvertently aid would-be thieves, while implicitly encouraging them to use you as a buffer between themselves and strangers.
  10. Marketing Tips– You know that marketing is everything, but the potential FSBO client may not have the experience they need to successfully market their home. Step in by lending some trade secrets that will open future doors, and set you up as the marketing pro they really need.
  11. Moving Tips– Remind the FSBO of the careful planning involved in achieving a hassle free moving day. There is a little more to undertake after leaving the closing table; packing, storing, cleaning, moving. Presenting these tips in a friendly, professional manner may just tip the scales in your favor as it becomes evident that the actual move itself also requires some time and thoughtful preparation.
  12. Ten Most Forgotten Items– This is a gentle and subtle reminder that moving is in and of itself, a hectic endeavor. Important things find themselves left behind in the shuffle; bills, medicine, tools—important necessities to everyday life. When you send this checklist they’ll know you are the REALTOR® that thinks of everything.
  13. Top Eight Home Showing Tips– Let the FSBO know how proficient you are at showing a home by sharing your best tips with them. Showing a home effectively takes personality and expertise. This letter showcases your ability to provide both in a friendly, consultative way.

FSBO Prospecting Letters Series 2

These letters provide another approach to FSBO contacts by professionally and diplomatically addressing a number of the challenges they will face in trying to sell their homes without the services of a professional REALTOR®. While it’s no secret that today’s real estate market is a tough one, homeowners are often unaware of all that will be required of them to successfully sell their home alone, of the potential legal ramifications, and of the many benefits they can realize by hiring a real estate agent.

With the decrease in home property values in many markets, a number of homeowners are desperate to save money and see saving the cost of a real estate commission as a means of realizing significant savings. They likely do not realize what all will be involved in earning that commission, that four out of five homes sold are sold by REALTORS®, or that the average selling price of homes sold by REALTORS® exceed that of FSBO sales by more than the amount of the commission they hope to save. These letters allow you to tactfully share this and other information with them and to offer a free consultation that will allow you to discuss the benefits of your services and show them the return they can expect to see on their investment.

  1. Benefits Of Using A Professional REALTOR®– Share information with FSBO prospects on the five general areas where homeowners typically benefit from using a REALTOR®: 1) employing knowledge and expertise; 2) using proven marketing tools; 3) dodging liability, legal issues, and lawsuits; 4) steering clear of ‘riffraff’; and 5) avoiding hardball negotiation tactics.
  2. Identify Most Marketable Features– Living in a home and seeing it every day can make it difficult to identify the property’s most marketable features. As an experienced real estate professional in their area, you know what buyers are looking for and which of the home’s selling points to highlight.
  3. Not Paying Real Estate Commissions May Not Save Money– The main reason people give for trying to sell their homes themselves is saving the commission paid to a REALTOR®. That may seem to be a considerable savings, but many find that they do not actually realize any savings since the average homeowner gets a purchase price of 15%-16% less than that for homes sold by professional REALTORS® and does not sell the home as quickly. Potential savings may also be offset by the time and effort required, the possible legal liabilities, the cost of marketing, and other factors.
  4. Pricing Assistance– Most FSBOs are priced incorrectly, and incorrectly priced real estate can linger on the market for a long time, eventually selling for below market value. Remind FSBOs that you have access to far more data and resources, allowing you to set the right price to achieve a speedy sale at top dollar.
  5. Professionals Sell Homes For More Money– When homeowners decide to sell their property on their own, it’s usually because they wish to save the agent’s commission. This letter provides FSBOs with statistics indicating that they will make substantially more money from the sale of their home if they employ a real estate professional, even when factoring in the agent’s standard commission.
  6. Pros And Cons Of Selling Solo– This letter shows prospects the conditions under which selling their home alone may work for them and the reasons that acting as their own real estate agent is probably a bad idea.
  7. Showing The Home—Expert Staging And Security– Remind FSBO contacts that professional REALTORS® are knowledgeable and experienced in the many aspects of showing a home including objectively assessing how to depersonalize the home in a way that allows prospective buyers to envision it as their own identifying low-cost repairs or improvements, using staging techniques, establishing curb appeal to draw buyers inside, and showing the home more securely.
  8. The Biggest FSBO Mistake– Use this letter to let prospects know that REALTORS® specialize in basing the price on the home’s worth to prospective buyers in the current market using an established process that is part science and part art. A brief discussion of the variables a REALTOR® analyzes illustrates how difficult it can be for homeowners to determine an appropriate price, in part, due to the emotional connection to their home.
  9. Web Presence– Most home buyers begin their search on the Internet. This letter gives the FSBO suggestions for establishing an effective web presence to attract potential buyers, while mentioning the comprehensive web marketing program you create for the homes you list.

Renters Into Homeowners Prospecting Letters

There are many out there who believe renting is the way to go when it comes to the process of finding a residence, but quite a few don’t realize the benefit that owning a home could have in favor of paying rent every month. Show them your savvy real estate knowledge by not only presenting them with facts and figures, but also your personal skills by connecting with them on a personal level. The following “Renters Into Homeowners” series of letters could potentially land you more hard-to-reach clients than you ever thought possible.

  1. Advantages Of Buying A Home Verses Renting– When it costs less to pay a mortgage per month than it does to rent, your clients should know about it. With this letter, be the real estate wisdom that shows them the way!
  2. Explore The Possibilities Of Home Ownership– Don’t let clients automatically think that renting is their only option! This letter lets them know that A little bit of “exploring the possibilities” just might show them that the dream of owning their own home isn’t as far away as they may think.
  3. How Much House Can You Afford– Renting isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be, and your clients should know they have other options. With this letter, you let them know that buying could be a better way that they never thought possible.
  4. It Costs More To Rent A Home– Don’t let potential clients think renting is the only way to go. This letter explains how owning a home could be a much better option than renting, and that you’re ready and willing to offer your real estate services.
  5. Stop Building Equity For Your Landlord– Your clients may need a little reminder that renting is all about paying their landlord’s bills when they’re not getting much back in return. Show them the way by sending them this letter and letting them know they have other options.

Divorce Prospecting Letters

Although unfortunate, divorces occur and can be excellent lead sources for your real estate business. Contact soon-to-be divorcees offering your services while empathizing with their situation.

  1. Divorce Prospecting Letter 1 – This letter is for potential clients who are looking for a “new start” due to a divorce or relocation.
  2. Divorce Prospecting Letter 2 – Divorce is a very stressful and overwhelming time in a person’s life. Let the client know that you would like to help navigate this challenging time.
  3. Divorce Prospecting Letter 3 – Let the potential client know that you assist families who are relocating.

Open House Letters

Open houses are a prime opportunity to increase the foot traffic through a given property. As a REALTOR®, your success in part will be determined by the success of your open houses. Utilize this series of letters to increase traffic and to follow up after the tour.

  1. Agent-Only Open House Invitation– Focus on the features and benefits of a property listing to engage the interest of local agents, increasing their attendance for your open house.
  2. Neighbor Open House Invitation 1– An invitation for the recipient to be your guest at the Open House you are hosting in his neighborhood. Suggests that they bring along a friend who might be interested in the property.
  3. Neighbor Open House Invitation 2– Extending a formal invitation to the neighbors to attend an open house not only increases the foot traffic for the scheduled day, but often results in referrals of others who may have potential interest in the property.
  4. Notice Of Sale To Open House Visitor– Don’t let a sale get in the way of your next one. Send this notice of sale to all of the open house visitors to capture additional business from those who are still house hunting.
  5. Open House Results– A great way to boost referrals is to provide top quality customer service. Send this letter to follow up with your home owner about their recent Open House’s results.
  6. Previous Visitor Open House Invitation– A great way to boost your revenue is to market to your previous list of Open House visitors. When you have a new Open House approaching, send them this letter to boost your foot traffic through the property.
  7. Thank Visitor For Attending Open House– To capture additional business from Open House visitors who did not show interest in the given property, send them this letter to re-engage them in the house hunting process.

Buyer Letters

Every time someone inquires about one of your listings, it creates an opportunity for you. Make sure you record their contact information, then follow up with these prospecting letters to demonstrate the many ways in which you can improve their home buying experience.

Also, it has never been easier to maintain a friendly, professional relationship with your client. These client buyer letters will take you through the entire buyer process, from the initial consultation and first appointment to the follow up after closing. From thank you letters to closing reminders, your ability to communicate well will allow you to shine from beginning to end. Long after the sale is finished, your clients will remember your genuine caring tone and professional attitude every step of the way.

  1. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 1– Now that a potential client has spoken with you on the phone regarding their home buying needs, follow up right away with this letter that lends just the right personal touch.
  2. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 2– Buying a home is a time-consuming proposition. Urges the potential client to let you save them many hours of their precious time and illustrates how your services ultimately save them money as well.
  3. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 3– Follows up on buyer inquiries with a letter detailing why now is the best time in recent history to purchase a home and offers your services to help buyers find their dream home.
  4. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 4– Let’s prospects know that you provide personalized, one-on-one service that puts home buyers in the driver’s seat.
  5. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 5– If someone inquires about one of your listings, let them know you have several other properties that may be perfect for them.
  6. Prospect: Follow Up After Buyer Inquiry 6– Establishes you as a full service agent who can guide buyers through the complex process of buying a home from figuring out what they can afford and finding the right property to making an offer and closing the deal.
  7. Prospect: Follow Up With Buyer Relocating To Area– When a potential buyer contacts you regarding an upcoming relocation, you can provide more than information. You can set yourself apart as a relocation expert.
  8. Prospect: Follow Up With Buyer Seeking Information About Area– A follow up sending the prospect information they requested about a particular area, along with a friendly greeting and a listing of available properties.
  9. Prospect: Follow Up With Buyer On Price Reduction– Alerts the potential buyer that the price has been reduced on a property they had previously expressed interest in.
  10. Prospect: Follow Up With Buyer With New Listing– Gives the prospect advance notice of a new listing that you believe perfectly suits their specifications.
  11. Prospect: Appointment Reminder– Thank your potential buyer for setting an appointment with you and give them all the pertinent details; a friendly reminder of your scheduled meeting date and what to expect on their first appointment.
  12. Prospect: Buyer Purchased Through Another Agent– Expresses delight that the prospect found a new home through another agent and asks them to keep you in mind for future real estate transactions.
  13. Client: Follow Up After Showing 1– It’s rare that a potential buyer finds their dream home the first time out. Send a reassuring follow up to let them know that you were taking notes and will be sending future listings now that you have a better feel for what they’re looking for.
  14. Client: Follow Up After Showing 2– This great follow up letter lets your potential buyer know that you are willing to go the extra mile to find the right home for them. From gathering extra information to chasing new listings, you are motivated to keep going.
  15. Client: Offer Cover Letter– Trying to help your client’s offer stay in the seller’s mind? Here’s a letter you can use to show why they want to buy the seller’s house!
  16. Client: Pre-Closing Letter– Make sure your client has all the details they’ll need to conduct a smooth closing.
  17. Client: Thank You After The Sale– Send your warmest regards after concluding the sale.
  18. Client: Asking For Testimonial Letter– Asks a former client for a testimonial in a way carefully designed to maximize chances of cooperation while avoiding any hint of pushiness.

Seller Letters

While in the process of selling a house, the homeowner truly craves attention and communication from his or her real estate agent. With that in mind, we’ve created letters that will enable you to easily and effectively maintain contact with your clients throughout the selling process.

Additionally, these letters will allow you to begin building a strong relationship with your client, which will keep your services in the forefront of the client’s mind during the sale and well afterward, and which can result in referrals!

  1. Thank You For Your Listing 1– Thanks your new client for choosing you as their real estate agent, expresses your enthusiasm, and lets them know you’ve already begun to work on their behalf.
  2. Thank You For Your Listing 2– Expresses your appreciation for the chance to help your new client realize their real estate goals and gives them an idea of the kind of service they can expect from you.
  3. Marketing Plan– Lets the client know how you plan to sell their property, while making it clear that they can trust you to keep them informed and involved throughout the process.
  4. Helpful Selling Tips– A letter to keep the lines of communication open, and to provide your seller with a list of quick, easy tips that will help them to increase the value and desirability of the home.
  5. Progress Report (General)– A simple letter informing the client of recent interest in their property.
  6. Progress Report (No Activity)– This progress report lets your client know that although there hasn’t been much activity thus far, you are hard at work and confident that their home will sell.
  7. Marketing Update– Clients know you’re marketing your property, but they don’t want to be kept guessing on what it is you’re actually doing. Keep them in the loop with this marketing update letter.
  8. Progress Report (Encouragement)– Perhaps it’s taking a while to find a buyer for the home? This letter reassures the client that for every home, there is a perfect buyer—and encourages the client to remain optimistic.
  9. Price Adjustment Request 1– A subtle yet professional—and persuasive—letter that suggests to your client that he or she may want to consider lowering the asking price of the home in order to increase the chance of the sale.
  10. Price Adjustment Request 2– Informs your client that the current market conditions indicate the need for a price adjustment and explains why revising their asking price would be in their best interest.
  11. Price Adjustment Request 3– Explains to your client why the current market conditions make it advisable to reconsider their decision not to adjust the price on their home.
  12. Thank You For Adjusting Price– Clients aren’t always thrilled with the idea of adjusting the price of their home regardless of how necessary it is. Encourage them to feel confident about their decision with this “thank you for adjusting the price” letter.
  13. Enticing Buyers With A Home Warranty– Let your clients know how valuable a home warranty can be in selling their home.
  14. Listing Extension Request– Asks the client to extend your listing agreement, pointing out recent activity and the importance of continued follow-up and momentum.
  15. Listing Change Form Enclosed– Need to change a listing? This letter makes it easy for your clients to give their okay and return what you need in record speed.
  16. Turn Down Listing Because Price Is Too High– You can’t accept every listing that comes your way, especially if you think the price is too high. Give the client the wake-up call they need by turning down their listing in a respectful and professional way.
  17. Thank You For Extending Listing– Thanks the client for extending their listing with your agency, and assures them that you will repay their confidence with success.
  18. Listing Expired (Thank You For Listing)– Thanks your former client for the opportunity to assist them and wishes them good luck with their new agent now that your listing has expired.
  19. Withdrawal Of Listing 1– It’s not always going to work out between you and a client, and that’s okay. Let clients know you still appreciate their business with this withdrawal of listing letter.
  20. Withdrawal Of Listing 2– You never know when a client who is cutting ties could come back around in the future. Thanks to this letter, you’ll let them know that even though they’re withdrawing their listing, you still appreciate their business and would love to work together again.
  21. Congratulations On Your Contract– A letter congratulating the client on receiving a contract for the sale of the home, and sharing your excitement that the goal has nearly been achieved. Also includes a handy list of tips to help prepare your client for moving.
  22. Post Contract Letter– To some, “post contract” may seem like the final step, but there’s just a few more! Keep the clients excited, moving, and motivated with this post contract letter.
  23. Pre-Inspection Letter– With this pre-inspection letter, you’ll give clients a taste of what goes on during the inspection process while reassuring them that, even though you won’t be at the appointment, you’re still with them every step of the way.
  24. Pre-Closing Letter– Let clients know what goes on at the closing, and with this pre-closing letter, it’ll help keep them motivated that they’re one step closer to selling their home.
  25. Let Me Notify Your Family And Friends– Congratulate client on the sale of his home and offer to send out professionally-created postcards with his new contact information to all of his family and friends.
  26. Thank You For Everything– A thank-you letter to express your appreciation to the client for a rewarding experience throughout the selling process. An opportunity for you to express your well-wishes for the client, and for you to remind him or her that you are always available should they need assistance in the future.
  27. Asking For Testimonial Letter– Asks a former client for a testimonial.

Hot Housing Market Prospecting Letters

Low inventory, high demand, and rock bottom interest rates can create a hot housing market. During this time, real estate agents and brokers have a prime opportunity to grow their business even more.

First, they need to show buyers and sellers that they have the knowledge and experience to succeed in a highly competitive market. This series of letters helps agents and brokers get more clients by showcasing their customer-first services and their deep knowledge of the local real estate trends.

  1. Buying A Home In A Seller’s Market – In today’s real estate market, buyers run the risk of overpaying for a property. Or they make an offer so low that they put themselves out of the running. Let your client know that you bring specific skills and a level of expertise that will assist them in negotiating a deal and purchase the perfect home at the right price.
  2. It’s A Great Time To Enter The Market – Utilize this letter to inform your prospects that the area is experiencing a hot real estate market known as a “seller’s market” and that they could take advantage of it by selling their property.
  3. Low Inventory Prospecting Letter – Inventory is low, homeowners have a huge advantage in today’s housing boom. Let your potential client know that this “seller’s market” may cool down in the future and now may be a good time to put their home up for sale.

Slow Housing Market Prospecting Letters

A slow housing market presents a variety of opportunities for individuals, families, and investors to capitalize on reduced prices, increased inventories, short sales, and foreclosures. The most successful real estate professionals are actively marketing to these distinct groups in order to increase their levels of transactions, thereby increasing their business’s revenues. Leverage these letters to demonstrate your experience and expertise within the real estate market in order to capture these purchase opportunities.

  1. First-Time Homebuyers– Confirm that, while prices are down and inventory is high, first-time homebuyers have several advantages. Offer the additional advantage of your experience guiding first-time buyers through the entire process.
  2. Foreclosures– Millions of homes are expected to foreclose this year alone, presenting property buyers with the opportunity to capture their dream properties, first homes or investment properties at pricing below fair market value. Utilize this letter to inform your prospects of your expertise within this niche and ability to assist them in purchasing foreclosures.
  3. Investors– With increased inventories and decreased prices, the current market presents a variety of capital generation opportunities for investors. Emphasize that today’s real estate market is prime to leverage the golden rule of investing—buying low and selling high.
  4. Move Up Buyers– When property prices are reduced, current property owners are often enticed to move-up. Send this letter to your past clients and encourage them to move-up!
  5. Slow Housing Market– With inventories up and prices down, the current real estate market is prime for buyers. Inform your client base and your list of leads of the tremendous buying opportunities currently available.

Short Sale Prospecting Letters

Short sales present an outstanding opportunity for home buyers, sellers, and investors alike, but they also present unique challenges. Prospects need to know that having the right real estate agent on their side can be the crucial difference between getting a great deal or a bad one, or even no deal at all. Why do short sales offer such a great opportunity for buyers and investors? How are they superior to foreclosures? When should homeowners with a current listing consider a short sale? What makes short sales perfect for “trading up”? Our letters, carefully crafted with professional expertise by top writers with extensive experience in real estate sales and marketing, answer all these questions and make the case for YOU as the expert who will guide your prospects toward the outcomes they seek.

  1. Are You Looking For A Deal On Your Next Home (For Buyers)– We all know what foreclosures are, but not all buyers know what a short sale is. Let them know about this other “bargain” on the market, and that you are readily available to assist them.
  2. ARM Reset – Short Sale To The Rescue (For Sellers)– Addresses the situation of an ARM reset too high for the homeowner to keep up with the payments and offers a free consultation to help them determine if a short sale is an option; encourages them to act before the higher interest rate ruins their finances.
  3. Expired Listing – Consider Short Sale (For Sellers)– Introduces seller to the concept of a short sale, and offers to help evaluate its suitability to the homeowner’s situation. Establishes expertise and explains the value of an experienced REALTOR® to a successful short sale.
  4. Expired Listing- Recommend Short Sale (For Sellers)– This letter plays on the housing crisis, and what it’s doing to other sellers and perhaps doing to them. By illustrating that you are looking out for them and have many benefits to recommend, you are giving them a call to action to seek you out as their short sale REALTOR®.
  5. New Parents? Take Advantage Of Short Sales For Larger Home (For Buyers)– Offers congratulations on the new addition to the family, and explains why the short sale market makes now the time to move into a more spacious home.
  6. Preforeclosure – Short Sale Makes Perfect Exit Strategy (For Sellers)– Expresses understanding for the homeowner’s situation, and details why short sales are a better option than foreclosure. Recommends they call you immediately to save their home from foreclosure.
  7. Purchasing A Short Sale Property (For Buyers)– Most buyers will look for houses on their own, and many listing agents will strategically hide the termshort salethrough terms obscure to the average buyer. Show them how you can help a buyer get by any confusion by soliciting the help of a knowledgeable real estate professional.
  8. Short Sale For Profit (For Buyers)– Introduce yourself to a prospective buyer, and gain their confidence by sharing the “profit secret” of buying a short sale home. Briefly explains what a short sale is, the potential for profit, and how they will get the best experience of a short sale purchase by going through you.
  9. Short Sale Opportunities (For Investors)– This letter goes out to investors concerning short sales, and your desire to assist them in their pursuit.
  10. Short Sales Are Investors Best Bet In Down Market (For Investors)– In great crisis lies great opportunity, and in a down market, short sales offer investors great opportunity for a sizable ROI.
  11. Short Sales Beat Foreclosures (For Investors)– This letter explains why short sales offer several advantages over foreclosures for real estate investors.
  12. Short Sales Make Dream Home Affordable (For Buyers)– Explains that short sales often involve exceptional properties with extensive upgrades, and lets buyers know that you can put them in the home of their dreams at a price they can afford.
  13. Short Sales Offer Homeowners Perfect Opportunity To Trade Up (For Buyers)– Details why a down real estate market represents the best time for current homeowners to trade up, and how short sales make the potential deal even sweeter. Establishes you as an agent with expertise in short sales and trade-ups.
  14. Short Sales Provide Opening For First-Time Homebuyers (For Buyers)– This letter appeals to renters, and explains why the current housing crisis makes now an ideal time to buy. It also illustrates the many benefits of choosing an experienced short sale REALTOR® to shepherd them through the home buying process.
  15. Short Sales Require An Expert (For Investors)– Explains that short sales are complex transactions that require considerable expertise to succeed and introduces you as the short sales specialist who will help them maximize their investment strategy.
  16. Surrounded By Foreclosures – A Short Sale May Help (For Sellers)– With the increase of foreclosures up, a seller is very likely to be surrounded by a few foreclosures. If their house has been on the market for a while and they are surrounded by foreclosures, they fit the prospect of also being a potential foreclosure. Offer a seller the short sale option. Tell them why you’re right for the job.

Home Staging Letters

Staging a home, or showing it off to highlight every asset, doesn’t have to be an expensive proposition. It’s something every home seller can do on any budget. And almost every real estate professional will agree: a carefully staged home spends less time on the market and is a pleasure to show!

The Staging Series offers friendly tips, advice and proven methods to make every home more marketable. One of the toughest obstacles agents have is sitting down with a homeowner and telling them the truth about cleanliness, odors, paint color choices, worn carpet and furniture arrangements—and many other sales-killing disasters! This series of letters can help avoid those awkward conversations.

  1. Create Appeal By Maximizing Space And Minimizing Clutter– Another winning letter in the series! It helps clients understand the value of space and explains how to get rid of the junk and clutter. It’s also a perfect way to send a little nudge to those who may have a little too much of everything!
  2. Curb Appeal – Make The Best First Impression– First impressions are everything in our business! This letter covers it all—from landscaping suggestions to pressure washing. It’s the ideal way to help you and your client increase traffic.
  3. Fragrance, Smells, And Odors– This tactfully written letter offers friendly words about the way buyers perceive a home when it comes to unpleasant odors. But it also offers no-nonsense, valuable tips for getting rid of those stubborn smells—a must-have for every agent!
  4. Ten Best Do-It-Yourself Tips For $100 Or Less– Weekend warriors and other DIY fans will love this money-saving letter. When hiring a professional house stager is out of the question, clients will appreciate this list of practical ideas and insider tips on decorating. Let clients know you’re aware of their budget concerns—then wait for the “thank you” calls!
  5. Top Seven Sales Killers That May Keep A Home On The Market– This letter will come in handy and pay for itself again and again! It’s perfect for any phase of the sales process and it reinforces your good advice about improving a home’s appearance.
  6. Top Ten Home Staging Tips– Your client will love this information-packed letter. It’s a friendly way to introduce them to staging and includes tips from the pros that every client really should know!
  7. Transforming A Room With Paint– Professional stagers love to transform a room with paint. This note offers tips on color choices and other usefuldo’s and don’tsto turn their favorite room into a decorator showpiece!

Showing Letters

Showing letters save time and increases productivity. Communicating with other REALTORS® and with pertinent sellers is an extremely important part of your business.

  1. Ask Showing Agent For Feedback– Understanding how a home showed and subsequently what others thought is crucial in terms of making any adjustments and addressing any concerns.
  2. Schedule A Showing With Seller– Whenever you need to schedule a showing with a seller, you should always approach the matter both formally and politely. This letter offers you a great way to connect with a seller and ask to show their property.
  3. Share Feedback With Seller– Sometimes a seller just needs to hear what others think of their home. This letter will help you share listing feedback with your client.
  4. Thank Agent For Showing Listing– The cooperation of fellow agents is important. Always take the time to thank other REALTORS® for showing your properties.
  5. Thank Showing Agent For Feedback– Courtesy and politeness never go out of style. Once another agent has provided you with feedback, a thank you letter in recognition of their effort is definitely beneficial.

When top real estate agents are asked about the keys to their success, not all of their answers relate to dealing with clients or showcasing properties. Indeed, the real estate elite consistently emphasize the importance of building relationships with other real estate professionals as a vital component to not just their success, but their survival. The office down the block isn’t just your competitor, it’s also a potential ally, and the people inside can be your friends and important parts of your referral network. These letters will assist you in building a rapport with your colleagues and help you establish and maintain the kind of network that expands your client base, increases your income, and raises your profile in the community.

  1. Welcome New Agent To Office– Lets your newest team member know how pleased you are to have them aboard and how committed you are to making them comfortable in their new surroundings and to helping them succeed.
  2. Agent Invitation To Open House– Invites your fellow agent to an open house you are hosting, and lets them know you think it could be a great opportunity for them.
  3. Thank You For Attending Open House– Expresses your delight at seeing your fellow real estate professional in attendance at your recent open house, and encourages them to contact you if they have any questions about the listing.
  4. Notice Of New Listing– Informs other agents that you have a new listing which could be a perfect fit for one of their clients.
  5. Notice Of Listing Price Reduction Market– Notifies another agent who showed one of your listings that there has been a price reduction on the property.
  6. Thank You For Selling My Property– Lets the agent who sold your listing know how much you appreciate their efforts and expresses your desire to work together again in the future.
  7. Thank You For Showing My Property– Thanks the agent who showed your listing, informing them of your appreciation and willingness to answer any questions they or their clients might have about the property.
  8. Referral Fee Enclosed– A note accompanying the referral fee for a sale; expresses your pleasure with a successful outcome and your appreciation for the referral.
  9. Referral Thank You– Thanks another agent for referring a client to your office and assures them that you will live up to their trust.
  10. Referral Thank You – No Sale– Expresses your appreciation for a referral and commitment to a continued mutual referral base, while acknowledging your disappointment that the prospect chose to purchase a home through another agent.
  11. Referral Thank You – Notice Of Sale– Informs another agent that the prospective buyer they sent your way has indeed purchased a home through you, and thanks them for the referral.

Referral Letters

A referral is one of the most valuable lead types for your real estate business. Referral leads are more cost effective, convert at a higher rate and are less labor intensive. Yet, many businesses fail to ask their valued customers for referrals. Utilize these letters to solicit referrals from your customers and contacts, so that you can grow your business more effectively and efficiently.

  1. [CLIENT NAME] Suggested I Contact You– When another client or associate has referred you to a new individual, this letter establishes contact and lets them know who has recommended you. Establishes credibility and is an excellent method of first contact.
  2. [COMPANY NAME/REALTOR] Referred Us To You– Lets the client know that you’re aware of his choice to move to the area, and extends a friendly offer to assist with his relocation in whatever way he might need.
  3. Request Referrals From An Acquaintance– Leverage networking contacts to build a referral based business!
  4. Request Referrals From Family And Friends– Leverage one of your business’s most valuable assets, your client base, and send this letter to request referrals.
  5. Request Referrals From Open House Visitors– Don’t forget to leverage the referral opportunity you have after each Open House—the list of visitors!
  6. Request Referrals From Past Clients 1– Request referrals from past clients to enhance your business’s bottom line.
  7. Request Referrals From Past Clients 2– Reach out to your valuable list of previous clients to build a list of new possibilities!
  8. Request Referrals From Past Clients 3– Expresses your appreciation in serving as their REALTOR® and would be honored to have the opportunity to offer services to their friends or colleagues.
  9. Request Referrals Just After Closing– Take the opportunity to ask for referrals following every recent closing!

Referral Letters From Other Professionals

One of the most effective ways to build and maintain your client base is by establishing a strong referral network. Traditionally, this has been especially true when it comes to real estate professionals. Think of it this way: The average person looking to buy or sell a home can search the Internet, open the yellow pages, or pick up a real estate guide, and they will find an array of real estate agents. From the potential client’s point of view, you all look much the same. Building or maintaining your business in this manner relies a great deal on luck and the whim of the consumer. With referrals, however, you have clients guided to your doorstep, complete with a recommendation about the high quality of service you provide. Of course, building your referral network can prove easier to conceive than to execute. That’s where these referral prospecting letters come in. Each letter has been carefully crafted to convey the value of mutual referrals to your fellow professionals, along with the unique value you in particular can offer to someone in their respective field.

  1. Request Referrals From Apartment Managers– Informs apartment managers of the possibilities inherent in mutual referral and how such an arrangement can be advantageous to both parties.
  2. Request Referrals From Appraisers– Points out to the appraiser how well-situated REALTORS® and appraisers are to helping each other generate business, explaining how a reciprocal referral system can lead to increased income for both parties.
  3. Request Referrals From CPAs– Explains to the CPA why a referral arrangement between the two of you adds up to more business, greater income, and improved client service for both parties.
  4. Request Referrals From Financial Planners– Advises the financial planner of the synergistic nature of real estate and financial planning, and the ways in which you could each benefit from a system of mutual referrals.
  5. Request Referrals From Insurance Agents– Discusses how a mutual referral network between insurance agents and real estate professionals helps both parties improve their client base for a more prosperous and secure future.
  6. Request Referrals From Landscapers– Just as a landscaper selects complimentary items for aesthetic purposes, so can business professionals choose complimentary referral partners to increase each other’s financial success. Details how such an arrangement makes sense between REALTORS® and landscapers.
  7. Request Referrals From Lawyers– Discusses how important referrals are between professionals, not only as a means of expanding clientele but with regards to improving client satisfaction, and illustrates how a referral system between attorneys and REALTORS® can work to both parties’ advantage.
  8. Request Referrals From Loan Officers– Discusses how a referral partnership between loan officers and REALTORS® is a natural means of expanding the client base for both sides, and advises them of why a partnership with you in particular will be to their advantage.
  9. Request Referrals From Mortgage Brokers– Create professional synergies with mortgage brokers to create a powerful referral network.
  10. Request Referrals From Other Professionals– Seeks a recommendation from another business professional and assures him that any clients he refers will receive the finest care and service possible.
  11. Request Referrals From Professionals You Refer– A way to compliment your local mortgage broker, carpet cleaner, lawn service provider, etc. by letting them know that you refer them to your clients, and asking them to return the favor!
  12. Request Referrals From Property Managers– Details how the similarities between property managers and REALTORS® create a useful synergy when it comes to referrals, and why you are the perfect REALTOR® to form a referral partnership with.
  13. Request Referrals From Title Reps– Elaborates on the advantages of a strong system of referrals, and why a REALTOR® such as yourself makes the perfect referral partner for a title representative.

Reconnect Letters

Reconnecting with a client can make a world of difference, and can tip the scales in your favor. Let the following letters work for you in reconnecting with past clients.

  1. Check In With Past Clients– Who says you need a reason to get back in touch with clients? Let them know how much you value them and their business by reaching out with this letter so you’ll continue to stay on their mind for their future real estate needs.
  2. Request Referrals From Past Clients– Where would you be without referrals? Let your past clients know how much you value their business, and how much you would appreciate them passing along your information to anyone who needs your expertise.
  3. Changed Real Estate Firms– Let others know you’re making moves and you’d like to take them with you. With this letter, you’re telling clients you’ve worked with where they can find you in the event of a new sale.
  4. Our Firm Moved To New Location– Tell your clients that your firm is moving to bigger and better digs. This letter lets them know how to reach you in the event that they need your real estate services in the future.
  5. Forgive Me For Not Keeping In Touch– Don’t let your past clients think you’ve forgotten about them! Get back in touch with those you’ve helped in the past, apologize with this letter, and you could just land yourself another future sale.

Appointment Letters

No question about it—even in today’s digital age, the face-to-face meeting is still the vital heart of any real estate professionals’ success. Individual appointments and showings are where clients are won, deals are closed and properties are sold. Prospects want to see a face and get a sense of who you are. But before you can win them over in person, you have to set the appointment. And once you’ve met, follow-up communications are an essential component of client relationships. And then there are the inevitable unforeseen demands that occasionally necessitate cancellation or rescheduling. And that’s where our letters come in. Want to make sure a change in plans doesn’t result in no meeting at all? Was your arrival unavoidably delayed? We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s requesting an appointment, reminding the prospect of the scheduled time, or following up on a promising meeting, our artfully composed letters are just what you need to start building momentum and keep it going to a successful conclusion.

  1. Apologize For Being Late To Appointment– Sometimes events beyond your control cause you to be late for an appointment. Even though you apologized in person upon arrival, following up with a note of apology shows your professionalism and appreciation.
  2. Appointment Reminder– With everyone so busy and schedules so full, reminding a client or prospect of an upcoming appointment demonstrates professionalism and courtesy. Reminders are a great service and may prevent an embarrassing situation over a forgotten appointment.
  3. Cancel Appointment– Cancelling appointments now and then is inevitable. Advising the client or prospect of the need to cancel should be done as soon as possible. While an apology is in order, the door should always be left open for future appointments.
  4. Follow Up After Appointment– Regardless the success of an appointment, a follow up is always in order. A good follow up may sway someone who is on the fence. A good follow up can confirm the new client has made a wise choice.
  5. Postpone Appointment– Although it is never a good idea to postpone a schedule appointment, occasionally the unavoidable happens. Notification of the postponement should be prompt, courteous, and apologetic.
  6. Request An Appointment Following A Cold Call– Cold call follow-ups are critical to a REALTORS® success. Use this easy-to-personalize follow up letter to request an appointment.
  7. Request An Appointment From A Referral– Contacting referrals should be done with care, professionalism, and acknowledgment of your relationship with the referring party.

Thank You Letters

Everyone appreciates the expression of gratitude, and this is particularly true in the real estate business. Taking the time to thank a client for his loyalty, his interest, his referral, or his time is an excellent way to demonstrate the kind of caring and attentive real estate professional that you truly are. These thank you letters will go a long way toward not only expressing your gratitude, but your professionalism and dedication as well.

  1. Thank You For The Compliment– When someone pays you or your business a compliment, reach out to let them know how much you appreciate it!
  2. Thank You For The Gift– Send a thank you note when someone sends you a gift!
  3. Thank You For The Meeting 1– Thanks the client for sharing his valuable time with you and tells him how much you enjoyed meeting with him. Expresses your deep enthusiasm toward working with him!
  4. Thank You For The Meeting 2– Thanks the prospect for taking the time to meet with you, and reiterates the reasons you will be the ideal agent to deliver the results they seek.
  5. Thank You For The Referral 1– Thanks the recipient for referring a new client and lets him know how much you enjoyed meeting with the individual that he referred. Assures him that the person he referred will receive your finest care and service.
  6. Thank You For The Referral 2– Nothing is more valuable to your business than a referral! Send this letter out to acknowledge your receipt of the referral as positive reinforcement, in hopes that you will gain more in the near future.
  7. Thank You For The Referral 3– Lets the recipient know how much you appreciate their referral, and assures them that you’ll go the extra mile for your new client.
  8. Thank You For Your Business 1– After completing a sale with your client, this letter lets him know how much you appreciate his business and truly enjoyed working with him. Should he ever need assistance in the future, you will be more than happy to help!
  9. Thank You For Your Business 2– Expresses your appreciation that the client chose you to help them accomplish their goals and offers your services for their future real estate needs.
  10. Thank You For Your Hospitality– When a client provides you with hospitality, send this thank you note as a sign of your appreciation.
  11. Thank You For Your Inquiry 1– Expresses to the potential client that you know he has many agents to choose from and that you are deeply appreciative of his interest in your services. Invites him to contact you to discuss his needs further.
  12. Thank You For Your Inquiry 2– Thanks the prospect for inquiring about your services, and explains why you are the ideal agent to help them achieve their goals.
  13. Thank You For Your Listing 1– Say thank you to your newest client.
  14. Thank You For Your Listing 2– A general thank you letter to begin the process of relationship-building and to let your client know that you are always available. Establishes you as a caring, committed REALTOR® who is devoted to the sale.
  15. Thank You For Your Suggestion– Don’t just let a suggestion or piece of feedback go unnoticed, let the individual know that you have received it and that you appreciate their thoughts.

Review Letters

Online customer reviews do wonders for your real estate business.

They build your brand reputation, bring a lot of credibility to your company, and influence potential clients to choose you as their agent.

Use our templates to start bringing in more reviews for your business.

  1. Ask Client For A Review 1 – Asks your recent client to leave you an online review.
  2. Ask Client For A Review 2– Asks client for their feedback which will enable you to continue to provide the level of service your clients expect and deserve.
  3. Ask Client For A Review 3 – Asks client to do you a favor and share their experience working with you on [LINK TO REVIEW PLATFORM].
  4. Negative Review Response 1 – Thanks client for their feedback. You will use their feedback to ensure nothing like that happens again.
  5. Negative Review Response 2– Apologizes for not meeting their expectations.
  6. Positive Review Thank You– Thanks client for providing such a wonderful review.

Anytime the housing market is down, you’re likely to encounter a slew of difficult situations when dealing with clients or potential clients who are frustrated because they can’t sell their properties quickly. That’s why we’ve crafted a series of letters designed to help you deal with disgruntled clientele.

Whether your problem clients are unreasonably impatient, irrationally determined to ask for a price their home won’t sell for, or trying to convince you to reduce your commission, we have the perfect letter to help you address their concerns and convince them that you remain their best option for selling their property in a timely and profitable manner.

  1. I Don’t Need An Agent To Sell My Home– If a potential client tells you that they are the expert on their home, this letter eloquently explains why it requires a knowledge and skill set to sell a home that goes beyond the experience of living in it, and why they are almost certain to get better results if they list with you.
  2. I Don’t Want To Reduce The Price Of My Home– When a client obstinately refuses to reduce the price of their home, this letter explains why they are better off conforming their price to the current market, and offers to go over all the information with them to set a price that allows them to achieve their best possible result.
  3. I Would Like To Terminate Our Agreement– If a client says “My property has not sold, so I would like to terminate our agreement,” this letter expresses sympathy for their position while elucidating why you are still their best opportunity for achieving the timely sale they are looking for.
  4. If We Reduce Our Price – Will You Reduce Your Commission– When a client expects you to reduce your commission to accompany a price reduction of their home, this letter explains to them that the reduced sale price is already lowering your gross income by the exact percentage it is lowering theirs and that reducing your percentage further would ultimately decrease rather than increase their expected net profit.
  5. My Only Option Is Foreclosure– When one of your clients tells you that they believe their only option is foreclosure, this letter allows you to reassure them that other, better possibilities still exist, and encourages them to come in and discuss their situation with you.
  6. Prices Are Falling – It’s Just Not A Good Time To Sell– When a client or prospective client tells you that they don’t want to sell now because of the decline in home prices, this letter informs them exactly why waiting won’t necessarily improve their situation and could even diminish their future opportunities.
  7. We Want To List With A Friend– When a prospective client tells you “I want to list with a friend (or relative),” this letter explains to them exactly why that would be a mistake, and why they are much better off choosing an objective professional such as yourself to sell their property.
  8. Will You Take Less Commission – No– With home prices going down and economic stress rising, many property owners may wish you to reduce your commission in an effort to maximize their profits. This letter explains why a full commission for you ultimately results in a net gain in profit for them.
  9. Will You Take Less Commission – Yes 1– Normally, you don’t want to accept a reduced commission. But if a particular set of circ*mstances incline you to say “yes” rather than lose a client, this letter does so while making clear that you feel the client would be better served if they accept your usual rate.
  10. Will You Take Less Commission – Yes 2– This letter accepts a reduced commission.

Sentiment Letters

There are life events that everyone experiences at one time or another. When one or more of those events happen in our clients’ lives, we often want to share a note to offer congratulations, encouragement or a simple word of support. But expressing the right sentiments to clients can be a difficult thing to do for many real estate professionals.

This series of letters is carefully designed to deliver the perfect sentimental expression for nearly all of life’s occasions—from the wonderful celebration of a wedding or birth to the inevitable loss of a loved one. The words are personal and warm, yet appropriate for formal and informal business relationships.

With the Sentiment Series, every client is bound to appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  1. Birth Or Adoption– Share the joy of a new family member, whether by birth or adoption, with this thoughtful note. It’s an ideal way to say “Welcome to the world!”
  2. Birthday– Everyone loves a birthday greeting! Clients of all ages will love receiving this warm note when you remember their special day.
  3. Encouragement– There are times when we are all at a loss for when a client is experiencing a difficult time in life. This letter is sure to convey thoughtful sentiments and lend a little cheer.
  4. Engagement– Share your excitement and congratulate the newly engaged couple on their happy news!
  5. Get Well– Here’s a great letter that will brighten someone’s day during an illness or injury. It’s also a lovely way to let a client know you’re there if they need you.
  6. Graduation– Every new graduate will appreciate hearing, “Well done!” This note is a sincere expression of congratulations.
  7. Job Promotion– Congratulations are definitely in order here! Recognize your client’s achievements and tell them how happy you are for their good fortune.
  8. New Job– It’s a tough job market out there! When a client lands a new job, it’s time for a congratulatory letter that sends them off to a new venture with the best of wishes!
  9. Sympathy– This warm note is a perfect way to express condolences to client. Let them know they are in your thoughts and prayers when they experience the loss of a loved one.
  10. Wedding– Like an engagement, this occasion is even more reason to let a happy couple know how delighted you are for them. The newlyweds will appreciate this thoughtful gesture.

General Maintenance Letters Series 1

These letters are designed to develop and maintain a lasting relationship with your former clients. This will demonstrate your dedication to excellent service and will keep you in the forefront of your clients’ minds when it’s time for them to make referrals!

These letters have been carefully crafted to allow you to maintain contact throughout an entire year. Topics are relevant to each month; you can begin sending letters at any time of year and can easily keep track of which letters you have already sent! In addition, this series includes a special bonus: a free introductory letter that will inform your clients of your appreciation!

  1. Introductory Letter – Introduction To Yearly Maintenance Series– Lets the client know that even though the sales process is complete, you’d like to stay in touch. Informs him that you’ll be sending a handy letter each month with helpful household tips!
  2. January – Handy Tips For The Do-It-Yourself Homeowner– Lets the client know that you’re thinking about him, and includes five practical and useful tips for do-it-yourself projects around the home.
  3. February – Five Fun Home Improvement Projects– Continues to maintain communication with your client while providing him with five quick and easy project ideas that he might find enjoyable and beneficial to the home.
  4. March – Get Ready For Spring Cleaning– Talks about how spring cleaning can actually be a fun task, and provides some helpful tips for the most enjoyable and efficient spring cleaning possible!
  5. April – Maintain Those Rain Gutters– The rainy season is coming, and this letter encourages your client to take care of his rain gutters before any problems can arise—and includes step-by-step instructions to do it!
  6. May – Five Ways To A Luxurious Lawn– Talks about the joys of a beautifully landscaped and manicured lawn, and how to get one! Includes five excellent tips gleaned from landscape professionals.
  7. June – Keeping Cool In The Summertime– In the hot summer months, everyone likes to stay cool, and this letter includes some valuable tips for keeping cool and saving money on your energy bill!
  8. July – Summer Home Care– Encourages the client to take advantage of his free time during the summer and to tackle a few fun projects that will beautify and increase the value of his home!
  9. August – Fun Summertime Activities For Homeowners– Includes a list of fun, kid-friendly activities that will enable the client to fully enjoy and show off his new home to friends and family!
  10. September – Getting Your Home Ready For Holiday Visitors– A few tips to help the homeowner get his home prepared ahead of time for upcoming holiday visits, leaving him more time to relax when it’s time for company to come!
  11. October – Are You Ready For Winter?– Offers advice in regard to preparing the home for the colder months to come, including checking the roof for repairs, cleaning the chimney and more!
  12. November – Energy-Saving Tips For The Colder Months– Tips include checking the insulation around doors and windows, programming the thermostat timer to get the most out of energy usage and more!
  13. December – Make Your Home Light, Bright & Cheerful– Includes five fun tips to brighten up the home and make it beautiful and cozy for the holidays! A fun and informative letter for your client.

General Maintenance Letters Series 2

  1. Did You Know….?– This letter is a lot of fun, yet still includes informative and useful information that your client will appreciate! Includes innovative uses for regular products, such as using olive oil to clean greasy hands!
  2. Do’s & Don’ts Of Watering Your Lawn– Handy tips to help the new homeowner achieve a lush, green lawn without spending all of his free time out in the yard!
  3. Easy Ways To Improve Curb Appeal– Your client will love these suggestions for improving the appearance—and value of his beautiful new home. Tips include landscape advice, lighting ideas and more!
  4. Helpful Hints For Indoor & Outdoor Plants– This letter offers 10 fantastic ideas that your client can use to keep all of his plants green and healthy! Even if he doesn’t have a green thumb, these tips are sure to come in handy.
  5. Homeowner’s Declaration Of Independence– First letter of a three-part series discussing the negative impact of clutter in your life. Begins talking about resisting the temptation to buy unnecessary items that will end up as clutter!
  6. Quick Tips For Painting Interiors– Painting can feel like an overwhelming project, but it doesn’t have to be so daunting! With the eight excellent tips included in this letter, your client will be able to address indoor painting like a pro!
  7. Safety Tips For The New Homeowner– Wishes the client a warm welcome in his new home, and includes seven handy tips that new homeowners are sure to appreciate—and to find very useful!
  8. Safety Tips For Your Home– It’s easy to overlook the simple things sometimes, and this letter addresses a few common oversights that could be dangerous. Your client will appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern.
  9. Ten Ways To Cut Your Energy Bill– Everyone likes to cut costs, and this letter includes 10 tried-and-true methods for decreasing energy costs. Your client will be pleased with these helpful and money-saving tips.
  10. Using Your Old Stuff To Create A New Room– Offers some inspiring suggestions for revamping the interior design of any room. Also lets the client know that he can find all of the tips in this series on your Web site!
  11. Winning The Clutter Wars Part 1: What’s Clutter?– Discusses the criteria for what actually comprises clutter. Gets the client in a mindset for thinking about disposing of his unwanted/unused items!
  12. Winning The Clutter Wars Part 2: Be Ruthless– Gives him a plan of action for addressing clutter, along with a manageable solution to sorting it out, saving the good stuff and disposing of the things he simply doesn’t need.

Green Living Maintenance Letters

  1. Buying Local And Organic– Reconnects you with a past client, and potential referral, while offering them some useful tips on the growing trend of buying local and organic.
  2. Clearing Your Clutter The Green Way– Reminds your past clients that you are always looking for information that may be of interest to them, and offers some very useful tips on making their home more organized and environmentally-friendly.
  3. Green Energy Sources– Thanks your past clients for their business and reminds them of your continued offer of service, while providing them with useful information on how switching to greener energy sources may increase their home’s value.
  4. Green Home Renovations– Expresses your continued value of past clients, and offers some very useful tips on making home renovations more earth-friendly.
  5. Green Landscaping Tips– Great letter to reconnect with past clients just as the moving season begins. Offers them your continued services, and some useful tips on green landscaping techniques.
  6. Green Living Decorating Tips– When it comes to green-living, décor decisions must be made that will get Mother Earth’s stamp of approval! This welcoming letter will give new homeowners creative ideas for integrating their lifestyle into their home’s style!
  7. Helpful Tips To Make Your Clothes Last Longer– Say a friendly hello to your real-estate clients with this friendly piece of correspondence. Written with an eco-friendly spin, readers will be pleased to learn of some ways they can make their clothes last longer.
  8. How To Make Your Garage More Environmentally Friendly– Touch base with your clients about the importance of keeping this forgotten room eco-friendly. Perfect for spring time!
  9. How To Save Energy Around The House– Homeowners will be delighted to receive this encouraging letter, outlining specific ways they can save energy around their home!
  10. Making Your Home Office Greener– A letter welcoming your client to their new home, and offering them ten great tips on making their home office more environmentally-friendly.
  11. Making Your Move More Green– Make that lasting connection with a new client by offering them some great tips on making their move a more earth-friendly experience.
  12. Quick Tips To Green Cleaning– This letter greets clients in a friendly manner and offers some to-the-point tips and tricks for banishing harsh chemicals from the home.
  13. Recycling Tips– Reach out to your clients with this upbeat, useful letter outlining some key tips for recycling.
  14. Reducing Your Energy Consumption Without Spending A Dime– Offers thanks to your former client for their business, and includes several useful tips for reducing their energy bill and living greener at the same time!
  15. Reducing Your Gas Consumption– Offers very topical and earth-friendly tips to your former clients on spending less money at the pumps, while reminding them they are clients whose business you value.
  16. Save Money By Slaying Energy Vampires– This savvy letter really shows your clients that you are looking out for their needs! Make sure you are the first one they call next time they have a real estate question with this informative, personable letter outlining ways they can save money around their home. Everyone loves to save money!
  17. Ten Things You Can Do Today To Be Greener– Offers support in helping your clients live a greener life through some simple tips on making a difference, while thanking them for their business.
  18. Tips To Make Your Vehicle Last Longer– Show clients that you care more about just their business with this friendly letter outlining some tangible tips on how to make their vehicle last longer. Everyone needs to get somewhere, and these thoughtful suggestions give specific advice on vehicle maintenance—while driving home the fact that you are a knowledgeable, accessible real estate agent!
  19. Ways To Go Green In The Kitchen– The kitchen is the perfect place to start living green—and we don’t just mean eating your spinach! This friendly letter serves up a recipe for eco-friendly living in the kitchen. Your clients will love the healthy-living and healthy-earth tips—and might even ask for a second serving!
  20. Ways To Save Water Inside Your Home– Saving water is something that can be done a little bit at a time—for big results! New home-owners will be interested to learn some unique tips for saving water that they’ve likely never thought of before!

Holiday Letters

There’s no substitute for friendly and thoughtful correspondence, and the holidays offer an excellent opportunity to communicate with existing or potential clients! These specially crafted holiday letters will allow you to extend a courtesy to your clients or prospects while establishing or maintaining communication with them! It’s a fun and festive way to make the most out of the holiday seasons.

  1. New Years 1– Includes fun and informative information about the traditional New Year’s song, “Auld Lange Syne,” and also lists the song’s complete lyrics! A great way to wish your client a Happy New Year.
  2. New Years 2– Auld Lang Syne may be the tradition, but in this letter, the recipe included is anything but traditional! Say Happy New Year’s with a greeting that will wow everyone. The Chocolate Eggnog recipe is one of things every reveler should experience!
  3. New Years 3– Wishes the client a Happy New Year and provides them with a different type of resolution list.
  4. Valentine’s Day 1– Offers a reminder to do something special for your loved ones on Valentine’s Day, and includes a few creative suggestions for unique ways to show them that you care (as well as an awesome cookie recipe).
  5. Valentine’s Day 2– One of the best expressions of Valentine’s Day sentiment is through cards, letters and of course, poetry. This letter includes three short favorites to clip and post or share. Even the hardest hearts won’t be able to resist these charmers. And they’re appropriate for everyone!
  6. Valentine’s Day 3– Recounts the history of Valentine’s Day from pre-Christian Roman festivals to St Valentine and Chaucer, while offering the recipient a modern-day romantic recipe.
  7. St. Patrick’s Day 1– This letter provides some fascinating historical facts about the real St. Patrick, as well as a delicious recipe for St. Patrick’s Day punch! Your clients will enjoy learning about the holiday, and will definitely enjoy the punch!
  8. St. Patrick’s Day 2– A little luck o’ the Irish will put a smile on the face of the most serious clients. The recipe included for Shamrock Punch is a favorite of young and old leprechauns. And it’s so delicious; it’ll be gone before you can say Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
  9. St. Patrick’s Day 3– Wishes the recipient a Happy St Patrick’s Day, extolling the virtues of Ireland and including a recipe for a traditional Irish dish.
  10. Easter 1– Shares a few interesting points about what Easter means to different people and points out that Easter, to most, signifies a time of new beginnings. Also includes a delicious recipe for glazed ham!
  11. Easter 2– What would Easter be without the Easter egg? This letter provides some of the most amazing ways to color those coveted eggs—naturally, safely and beautifully! The array of rainbow colors will delight you!
  12. Easter 3– Wishes the recipient a happy Easter while providing them with a wonderful dish for their Sunday table.
  13. Mother’s Day 1– This letter tells the charming story of the first Mother’s Day and includes a number of fantastic suggestions to help your client treat his mother to an extra special day!
  14. Mother’s Day 2– Make Mom feel special by remembering her on her special day. This letter includes a handy gift guide that names the Top Ten favorite gifts of Mom’s throughout the ages and other thoughtful ideas that are often overlooked.
  15. Mother’s Day 3– Discusses the meaning of Mother’s Day and the importance of mothers, while presenting the recipient with two wonderful poems for mothers.
  16. Father’s Day 1– Filled with interesting fun facts, this letter relates the tale of the origins of Father’s Day, as well as providing several great ideas for making the day extra special for dear old dad.
  17. Father’s Day 2– Dads are going to love this letter. It’s filled with heart-warming thoughts and a recipe for what most Dads do best … grill! The Firecracker Salmon dish is spicy, sweet and simple to make.
  18. Father’s Day 3– Reflections on Father’s Day, accompanied by the recipe for a stirring meal any father is sure to enjoy.
  19. Labor Day 1– This letter includes an interesting recounting of the history of Labor Day, including why we call it labor day when everyone has the day off! Encourages the client to enjoy the holiday and to get some much-deserved rest.
  20. Labor Day 2– The last picnic of the season is a great occasion to whip up this delicious recipe for All American Apple Dumplings. They’re so good, you may want to make two batches – – one for home and one for the picnic!
  21. Labor Day 3– Provides a great recipe for the holiday grill to help the recipient enjoy the rewards of their hard work.
  22. Independence Day 1– While most Americans are pretty familiar with the story of Independence Day, this letter serves up some unknown and fascinating fun facts about the holiday!
  23. Independence Day 2– What better way to celebrate the birthday of the good ole USA than with a summer gathering of family and friends? The crowd-pleasing potato salad recipe enclosed is perfect for a Fourth of July picnic or any time of year!
  24. Independence Day 3– Wishes the recipient a fun, relaxing mid-summer’s celebration.
  25. Thanksgiving 1– Talks about the importance of counting your blessings, and includes a sensational recipe for special sweet potato/pecan bake! Not only will your clients appreciate your thoughtful letter, they’ll love the recipe!
  26. Thanksgiving 2– Turkeys, pumpkins and football rule the day! But this warm letter offers a thoughtful reminder to remember to give thanks for our abundance – plus, there’s a special recipe for Cranberry Sauce that no turkey should be served without!
  27. Thanksgiving 3– Wishes the recipient a Happy Thanksgiving and provides a recipe for a sweet potato pie.
  28. Christmas 1– This is a simple, yet effective letter that will let your clients know that you’re thinking about them during the Christmas season. It’s an easy way to spread some holiday cheer to your clients and prospects!
  29. Christmas 2– Christmas is a celebration that is all about giving. And in that spirit, we’ve added two recipes – – one for a delightful potpourri to give or keep, the other for a yummy snack mix in the colors of the season, also great for giving and sharing.
  30. Christmas 3– Wishes the recipient a happy holiday while providing a classic recipe to help them enjoy the winter festivities.

Sample Letters

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A Home For All Seasons – Year-Round Considerations
A Nice Home Or A Nice Neighborhood – Which Matters More
A Single Woman’s Guide To Homeownership
Benefits Of Home Ownership
Buying A Fixer-Upper – Are You Ready For The Work
Buying A Foreclosed Property – What You Should Know
Buying A Home Long Distance
Buying A Home That Can Grow With Your Family
Buying A Home With Bad Credit
Buying A Vacation Property
Buying Verses Renting A Home
Buying Your First Home
Choosing A REALTOR You Can Trust
Crime Statistics – What You Need To Know About Your New Neighborhood
Determining A Realistic Home Buying Budget
Earnest Money Deposit
Examining A Home Objectively – What Matters And What Doesn’t
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Getting To Know The Neighborhood Before Buying A Home
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Home Buying Checklist
Home Buying Negotiating Tips
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Home Warranty
Homeowner’s Associations – What You Need To Know
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Making An Offer – Negotiating Your Buying Price
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Neighborhoods Undergoing Revitalization – Risks And Benefits Of Buying
Questions To Ask At An Open House
Recognizing Risk Factors In A Property
Selecting Homeowners Insurance
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The Best Time of Year To Buy A House
The Perks Of New Construction
Things Needed After Purchasing A Home
Things To Consider About A Home’s Location
Things To Consider When Downsizing To A Smaller Home
Things To Take With You House Hunting
Tips For Buying A Short Sale Property
Tips For Finding Kid-Friendly Neighborhoods
Understanding Buyer Closing Costs
What A REALTOR Can Do For You As A Buyer
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When To Consider Raising Your Home Buying Budget

Home Selling Articles

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Choosing A Selling REALTOR
Choosing The Right Listing Agreement
Closing Costs – Should You Agree To Pay Them
Common Home Selling Myths
Creating Curb Appeal
Eight Things To Consider Before Listing
Five Steps To Holding A Successful Open House
Five Things You Should Put In Storage While Selling Your Home
Getting Your Home Ready To Sell
Handling Showings When You Work At Home
Home Seller Disclosure Obligations
Home Selling Checklist
Home Staging – Should You Hire A Professional
How Long Should You Keep Your Home On The Market
How Often Should You Hold An Open House
Keeping Your Home Clean When Selling
Marketing Tips
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Protecting Your Privacy While Your Home Is On The Market
Quick Clutter Fixes For Unexpected Showings
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Selling An Income Property – Things To Consider
Selling From A Distance
Selling Your Home – Why You Need A REALTOR
Selling Your Home During The Holidays
Selling Your Home In A Buyer’s Market – How To Maximize Your Profit
Short Sales – What They Are And How They Work
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Simple Ideas To Make Your Home More Welcoming To Buyers
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Ten Tips To Successfully Market Your Home
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The Home Remodels That Will Most Increase Your Selling Price
Tips For Your Listing Photographs
Top Ten Home Showing Tips
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What Season Is Best To Sell
What To Remove From Your Home Before A Showing
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A Reverse Mortgage – Is It Right For You
All About Home Equity Loans
Applying For A Joint Mortgage Loan With Your Spouse
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Balloon Payments – What They Mean To You
Bridge Financing – What Is It
Buying A Home With Past Credit Problems
Calculating Your Monthly Mortgage Payments
Can You Buy A Home With No Down Payment
Common Home Financing Terms Explained
Do You Really Need A Broker
Equity And Refinancing
FHA Loans – What They Are And Who Qualifies
Financing For New Construction
Finding A Mortgage Broker
Finding The Best Fit For Your Mortgage
Finding Your Credit Rating
First Time Buyer Loan Tips
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The Advantages Of Pre-Approval
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Tips For Getting Your Down Payment Faster
Tips For Qualifying For A Better Interest Rate
Types Of Home Loans
Understanding Home Construction Loans
Understanding Interest Rates
Understanding The Closing Process
VA Home Loan Requirements
What Are Jumbo Loans
When Should You Not Refinance Your Home
When You Should Consider Applying Singly Instead Of Jointly
Who Qualifies For First Time Home Buyer Loans
Why You Should Avoid Subprime Lenders
Will You Qualify – What You Need To Get A Mortgage

Holiday Articles

A Mother’s Day Menu Your Kids Can Prepare
A St. Patrick’s Menu That Your Guests Will Enjoy
Budget Christmas Gifts For Teachers
Celebrating New Year’s With Young Children
Christmas Decorating Ideas
Christmas Light Safety Tips Christmas Morning Meals
Create A Romantic Dining Room For Valentine’s Day
Create A Spooky Yard For Halloween
Create Kid-Safe Jack O Lanterns
Creating Unique Christmas Cards
Creative Ways To Say I Love You On Valentine’s Day
Decorating For Christmas The Green Living Way
Decorating For Thanksgiving Using The Bounty Of The Season
Decorating For The Fourth Of July – Show Your Patriot Pride
Easy Easter Decorating Ideas
End Of Summer Labor Day Getaway Ideas
Fabulous Homemade Halloween Costumes
Father’s Day Gift Giving Ideas He’ll Love
Fun Family Halloween Costume Themes
Fun Father’s Day Surprises For Dad
Halloween Safety Tips
Hanukkah Decorating Ideas
Have Some Fun With Easter Eggs
Healthy Valentine’s Treats
Holiday Meal Ideas You Can Prepare Ahead Of Time
Homemade Christmas Decorations
Host A Chinese New Years’ Party
How To Host A Fun And Safe New Year’s Party
How To Make The Fourth Of July Fun For Kids
Indoor Egg Hunts For Rainy Easters
Is A Real Christmas Tree Right for You
Memorial Day Picnic Menu Ideas
Money Saving Tips For Holiday Travel
Mother’s Day Brunch – Decorating And Menu Ideas
New Year’s Eve Decorating Ideas
Planning A Fun Fourth Of July Block Party
Planning The Perfect Easter Egg Hunt
Planning The Perfect Memorial Day Barbeque
Preparing Your Home For Holiday Guests
Protecting Pets During Fireworks
Safety Tips For Fourth Of July Fireworks
Simple Mother’s Day Crafts Kids Can Make
St. Patrick’s Day Ideas For Family Fun
Thanksgiving Menu Ideas
The Right Christmas Wreath For Your Front Door
Three Ways To Cook A Turkey Without Using Your Oven
Tips For The Perfect Turkey
Valentine’s Day Crafts For Kids
Veteran’s Day Ideas For Kids
Ways To Thrill Mom On Mother’s Day

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Many a real estate coach have said that handwritten letters are an effective tool a real estate professional can use to stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on their clients.

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On top of creating potential risk, love letters to sellers aren't all that effective. The offer should really stand on its own. A love letter will not help a low-ball offer. Beyond communication, the circ*mstances can suggest Fair House Act discrimination.

Do real estate prospecting letters work? ›

Snail-mailing real estate prospecting letters is still an effective lead generation strategy. Why? Because it leverages the power of person-to-person communication. And with that comes trust, which is the key ingredient you need to turn leads into clients.

Do golden letters work? ›

Studies have shown that homeowners who receive a golden letter are more likely to list their home with the agent who sent the letter than those who do not receive one. Therefore, if you're a real estate agent looking for new business, you would be wise to consider sending out some golden letters of your own.

Do handwritten letters work? ›

While it may take more effort to write a handwritten letter than to send a quick email, the personal and intimate touch of a handwritten message can have a greater impact. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to make a connection, which can help build a stronger relationship in the long run.

Why do realtors warn against writing personal letters to home sellers? ›

Key Takeaways: Buyer love letters can put sellers at risk of violating fair housing laws. Sending photos or videos can create additional risk. Listing agents should document all offers received and the seller's objective reason for accepting an offer.

How effective are love letters? ›

Writing down your feelings and sharing them with your partner has many obvious benefits. Keeps the relationship fresh and renewed for both partners. Not only does it remind you of your feelings for them, but it also communicates that you still have feelings for them.

Does anyone still write love letters? ›

Love letters are a form of writing that's as old as the written word. Even in the modern world, many couples still exchange handwritten love letters. You can use a love letter to confess your feelings to a new crush, to court someone you recently started dating, or to add more romance to a serious relationship.

Do real estate agents flirt? ›

As Bruce said, it is not uncommon to have a flirty agent. I know many agents that if they were not allowed to flirt with clients they would be out of a job. I will admit, I am guilty of being a little flirty from time to time.

How effective are sales letters? ›

Sales letters have the power to boost your business by over 1300%. This is not a number to laugh at. But before you can get this astronomical change in your business, you must learn how to write an effective sales letter. Being able to write an effective sales letter is like printing money.

What is the golden letter in real estate? ›

So, what are golden letters? Golden Letters are a tactic where an agent sends a targeted letter to homeowners, in a specific neighborhood. This letter typically expresses interest from home buyers that the agent's working with.

How many times should you contact a prospect real estate? ›

In general, knowing how many times should a realtor contact a prospect after an introduction and when to stop is crucial not to turn away any prospects. You should reach out every once a week to start, then every 2-3 weeks afterward.

What is the rarest letters? ›

Zim's Codes and Secret Writing and Robert Lewand's Cryptological Mathematics, claim that x, q, and z are the letters you are least likely to encounter.

What is the rarest letter in the world? ›

Our research also shows that the letter “J” is the least common letter in the alphabet. “J” is shown to appear just 0.16% of the time in the words analyzed. Other low frequency letters include “Q” with a frequency of 0.16% and “X” which shows up 0.29% of the time.

Why are letters powerful? ›

In its most basic form, it can help us maintain family ties and friendships, and share news. But it can also help us express our feelings of anxiety, gratitude and hope. Letter writing also helps us connect with strangers and deepen our connections with loved ones.

Is it OK to write a letter to a seller? ›

Many experts recommend writing a personal offer letter to the seller. “If there are multiple offers, we always suggest buyers write a letter of introduction as a way to put a personality behind the number,” says Josh Rubin, a broker at Douglas Elliman in New York City. After all, selling is an emotional process.

Do people still write letters when buying a house? ›

A “letter to the seller” is a letter to the home seller from the buyer, also referred to as an offer letter. It isn't a required step in the home buying process. Many home buyers use this tactic in a competitive market, especially when there are multiple offers.

Should you hand write letter to seller? ›

Real Estate Advice

It's special when a seller receives a letter — especially a handwritten one — from someone interested in buying their house. It adds a feeling of thoughtfulness and permanence to what can seem very fast-paced and transactional.

Does writing a letter to the seller work? ›

Do Seller Letters Really Work? Many real estate agents believe that a carefully constructed seller letter will push their buyer over the line in a competitive situation. However, the letter is only as effective as the underlying offer.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.