Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (2024)

Business owners and managers are often skeptical of search engine optimization (SEO) when considering their marketing budget.

“Is SEO even worth it?” They’ll ask themselves and their staff. And we understand why.

Unlike with paid ads, there’s no easy, platform-specific performance dashboard that compares daily spend with sales revenue from conversions.

The industry is full of jargon, and it can feel like some service providers are positioning themselves as gurus more than serious businesses.

Some cynics simply conclude that SEO won’t work for them.

But the cold, hard data shows a different story. Let’s see what the numbers say about whether SEO is worth it in 2021.

How expensive is SEO?

While an often-cited study (9-years old) puts the average monthly SEO spend at $5,000 per month, with more freelancers and agencies in the industry than ever, prices have changed.

A recent study by SEO tool provider Ahrefs explored what the current pricing landscape looks like — 74.71% of SEO agencies and freelance consultants offer a monthly retainer.

Surprisingly, the majority of monthly plans are cheaper than they were just nine short years ago.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (1)

(Image Source)

You can also see that prices vary from SEO company to company to a degree where averages aren’t very informative.

The influx in lower monthly fees likely reflects that more small businesses invest in a basic SEO service than ever before.

But when 56% of the SEOs charge more than $76 per hour, it’s hard to imagine that you get a lot of work for a retainer of a few hundred dollars.

Business size, goals, and target market are huge pricing factors

Of course, you get what you pay for. So, a multinational company with hundreds of different products or services, a $100 monthly retainer — what’s even in that? Web hosting? — probably won’t cut it.

Enterprise SEO is a different ballgame than small business SEO. You’re competing with million-dollar budgets and have to work hard for every tiny improvement.

We understand that the average small business marketing budget doesn’t include $10,000 for SEO. But coming up with and implementing a good SEO strategy takes time and expertise.

If you think your company will get world-class search engine optimization for less than your monthly Starbucks budget, you’ve got another thing coming.

If you think about SEO as an expense, a cost center, it’s easy to choose the cheapest option. But really, it’s one of the biggest investment opportunities for your business.

Think about it like real estate. When opening a new store or restaurant, you’d aim for areas with a lot of foot traffic.

SEO is the same, except the people in the “street” are potential customers who are actively searching for your products and services. Getting your business in front of these people 24/7, 365 days a year can be life-changing

If you’re not willing to pay, or you can’t find the money, you’ll have to invest a lot of your own valuable time on trial and error.

Is your traffic declining?

Since 2009, we have helped hundreds of local businesses grow their online leads and sales strategically. Let us do it for you!

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Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (2)

How effective is SEO? Does it even generate sales?

The short answer is SEO is very effective — not just to generate traffic but also leads and sales. Don’t worry. The long answer includes research and data, not just empty statements.

Most SEOs get too caught up in search-specific metrics like SERPs (search engine results page), rankings, and organic traffic.

For example, organic search gets over 20 times more clicks than any paid Google ad. (Zero-click searches are, for example, resolved by showing the information in a Wikipedia infobox or a word definition.)

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (3)

(Image Source)

That sounds like a great selling point, right? Essentially, the traffic potential is 20 times larger with SEO. And you don’t have to pay for each click for the rest of your life.

But as a business owner, you care more about your bottom line than flashy metrics. If all that traffic comes from “how you can unclog your own toilet” rather than “plumber in San Diego,” you won’t get many sales.

Search intent and keyword relevance matter.

But don’t worry. When done right, SEO attracts potential consumers at beneficial stages in the buying cycle. A true SEO expert knows how to plan an SEO campaign that delivers traffic, conversions, and sales.

And the proof is in the pudding. For B2B companies, SEO generates more revenue than all other digital marketing channels combined. Across all industries, it averages 44% of all revenue.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (4)

(Image Source)

There’s something powerful about showing up naturally in the top results for Google. Compared to an ad, it almost feels like you’re getting Google’s cosign, singling you out as the best result.

Most experienced digital marketers agree — 70% say that SEO is better for driving sales than PPC.

A real-life example of SEO making a difference

Not convinced by examining lifeless data? Take a look at this recent case study from one of our clients.

We helped Restoration Roofing renew its online image and implement on-page and off-page SEO efforts.

Not only did we help the company increase its organic traffic by 162%, but our web design makeover helped quadruple its conversions.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (5)

Bottom line? SEO is effective for generating traffic, sales, and even brand awareness. If you’re still not convinced, check out our post on why SEO is important.

The verdict is in. For most businesses, SEO is a solid investment.

When will we see results? SEO takes too long

Some business owners and managers, especially in SMBs, feel like SEO simply takes too long.

In our recent study on SMBs and digital marketing, almost 68.8% of SMB owners expect significant results in three months or less.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (6)

Realistically, with the time it takes to rank pages in the top results, three months is at the lower end of what you could expect. And that’s if you invested in professional SEO services from experts with an appropriate budget.

If you don’t go all-in, expect a much slower timeframe.

If you try the do-it-yourself approach, only partially outsource it, or go for the cheapest option, it’s hard to tell when you should expect results. In a worst-case scenario, you may never see results or even a negative impact on your SERPs.

Learning SEO is a painstaking process that often involves more error than trial. In your quest to conquer the number one search result spot for your keywords, it’s best to get help from people who’ve done it before.

In the post “how long does SEO take,” we cover this in more detail, including steps you can take to get results faster.

Is your traffic declining?

Since 2009, we have helped hundreds of local businesses grow their online leads and sales strategically. Let us do it for you!

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Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (7)

Not all SEO is created equal

All SEO isn’t good SEO.

In the worst-case scenario, you can fall victim to a company that uses black hat SEO techniques, cutting corners and building links through obvious private blogging networks.

As a result, Google can punish you by completely deindexing your entire website. Even when someone Googles your company by name or keywords you already ranked for, you won’t show up.

It can take months and thousands of dollars to recover. Self-proclaimed experts also share these “tricks” online. Follow them at your own risk.

If you want consistent, reliable results, you need to work with a reputable white hat SEO agency. Ideally, you should choose one with a reputation for being on the cutting edge of technical SEO.

One indicator of that is that they’ve recently won recognized industry awards.

(Not to toot our own horn here, but we won two awards in 2020, including Search Engine Land’s SEO Agency of the year)

Of course, the awards alone don’t tell the whole story. Just like you shouldn’t instantly hire someone because of their diploma, you shouldn’t instantly hire an agency because of their awards.

You also want to see case studies of real companies (like the one we shared above) with live websites where you can double-check the claimed results.

You should also check a firm’s customer reputation, for example, with It shares reviews from confirmed customers to give you an impression of what it’s like to work with them.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (8)

For DIY, focus on finding up-to-date advice from trusted experts

If you really don’t have the budget, be extremely careful with who you take SEO advice from.

There’s a lot of information about SEO out there — 690 million search results for the term “SEO” level of a lot.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (9)

But not all of this information is good information. Most of these millions of results include outdated advice or even stuff that never really worked.

So tread carefully. We recommend that you stick to Google itself, SaaS companies with access to applicable data, big publications, and experts with a proven track record.

  • Official sources: Google Search Central
  • The big three (SEO software providers): Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs
  • Reputable industry publications: Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch
  • SEO Agencies or consultants with a proven track record: Higher Visibility, Backlinko, etc.

But even then, make sure you check that all of the information is up-to-date and ideally includes a case study, original research, or a reference to guidelines or third-party data.

You don’t want to waste dozens or hundreds of hours based on someone else’s hunch-based SEO tactic.

Follow the latest guidelines and research-backed advice, and you should be heading in the right direction.

SEO, content creation, web design: how can I manage it all?

Organic search can seem like a complicated process compared to just cold-calling a list of potential customers.

SEO alone has hundreds of ranking factors and lots of conflicting information on best practices.

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (10)

(Image Source)

Can you make sense of this periodic table of ranking factors? No? And these aren’t even half of the factors that top SEO experts work with.

On top of that, you need to consider:

  • Web design
  • Site loading speed and usability
  • Overall strategy
  • High-quality content
  • Landing page sales copy

If you don’t have the experience, that’s a lot to shovel onto your plate. But if you do decide to outsource, don’t worry. You don’t need to pay the hefty price tag to fix absolutely everything at once.

Treat it as a long-term investment. Figure out which areas need the most improvement, and start there. Create a roadmap for optimizing your online presence.

If you’re not sure where to start, it’s best to rely on a full-service agency that has access to experts across every element of digital marketing.

We can help you identify the areas with the most immediate upside. Then we develop the best investment strategy for delivering beneficial long-term results.

We start with an SEO audit and evaluate your whole online presence for any shortcomings.

The truth about SEO: is it still worth it in 2021?

For us, the answer is a resounding yes — as long as you do it the right way.

If you’ve read the entire post and saw the data proving how SEO helps generate sales, not just empty traffic, you probably feel the same way.

But there’s a catch. Like with anything, the quality of the service has a dramatic impact on your results. Just like you wouldn’t skimp on a TV commercial production, you don’t want to try to cut corners with SEO.

Is your traffic declining?

Since 2009, we have helped hundreds of local businesses grow their online leads and sales strategically. Let us do it for you!

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Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (11)

Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility (2024)


Is SEO Worth It in 2021? Analyzing the ROI of Organic Search Campaigns - HigherVisibility? ›

The short answer is SEO is very effective — not just to generate traffic but also leads and sales. Don't worry. The long answer includes research and data, not just empty statements. Most SEOs get too caught up in search-specific metrics like SERPs (search engine results page), rankings, and organic traffic.

Does SEO drive 1000 %+ more traffic than organic social media? ›

SEO drives 1,000%+ more traffic than organic social media. 60% of marketers say that inbound (SEO, blog content, etc.) is their highest quality source of leads.

Does SEO still work 2021? ›

SEO Is Not Dead But Evolving

SEO will exist for as long as search engines do. But SEO is an ever-changing industry. It continues to evolve. Because something works right now doesn't mean it will work next month.

What is the difference between SEO and organic search? ›

The main difference is that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is focused on optimizing a website in order to get traffic from organic search results. On the other hand, the goal of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to get traffic and visibility from both organic and paid search.

Is SEO marketing worth it? ›

Now, these are enough reasons why SEO is worth the investment in 2023. Not only does it help businesses rank higher in search engine results but it allows them to target users across multiple channels, such as voice search, mobile devices and social media.

How much can SEO increase traffic? ›

The average SEO campaign generates 1000 percent more traffic than the average social media campaign. In other words, you can't afford to let your SEO strategy fall by the wayside.

Does SEO increase direct traffic? ›

We'll dive into how that's possible below. The second, is that SEO campaigns indirectly increase brand awareness which often then leads to an increase in direct traffic.

Is SEO becoming obsolete? ›

Will SEO Be Obsolete in the Future? No—at least, not anytime soon. When people talk about SEO as “outdated,” what they are actually referring to is bad SEO practices: keyword stuffing, flooding the internet with low-quality content, and copying popular content.

What is replacing SEO? ›

The Future Of SEO Is Answer Engine Optimization (AEO)

Will SEO exist in 5 years? ›

As of 2023, we expect that SEO will still exist in 5 years. While Google's ultimate goal is to create a search engine that cannot be manipulated, we don't see the need for SEOs will go away in the near future, because Google's algorithm is still rapidly evolving.

What are the disadvantages of organic SEO? ›

Paid vs. organic search: The complete drawback breakdown
Disadvantages of Organic SearchDisadvantages of Paid Search
Needs routine upkeepDemands constant maintenance
Takes time to deliver resultsCosts money upfront
Fights for real estate from search enginesProvides short-term results
1 more row

Which is better organic or paid SEO? ›

Organic search is available for a long period till the website is provided uptodate and relevant contents. Paid per search is available till the contract time. Once time is over, search result will not appear. As a long term solution, organic search is preferred and it is more effective in long run.

Is organic traffic good for SEO? ›

Organic traffic matters for websites because it reflects their value and authority. Better traffic means better search rankings and more visibility. To improve traffic from organic sources, use SEO tactics like researching keywords, optimizing pages, and writing good content.

How much difference does SEO make? ›

SEO is worthwhile if you have the right strategy in place and work with a partner that knows how to get results. About 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and the close rate of SEO leads is much higher than that of traditional marketing. So, SEO provides an impressive return on investment (ROI).

What are the top 7 benefits of SEO marketing? ›

What Are the Benefits of SEO?
  • SEO Increases Organic Discovery & High-Quality Website Traffic. ...
  • SEO Offers Impressive ROI. ...
  • SEO Improves Credibility. ...
  • SEO Provides 24/7 Promotion. ...
  • SEO Targets the Entire Marketing Funnel. ...
  • SEO Reaches Your Entire Target Audience. ...
  • SEO Optimizes User Experience. ...
  • SEO Enhances PPC Success.

Is SEO still relevant in 2023? ›

Yes, SEO is still relevant in 2023, and it will be for the foreseeable future. That's because SEO is what helps search engines crawl and categorize your website so that it can better rank web pages when users type in a search query. Search engines like Google aim to help users find answers to their questions.

How does SEO increase ROI? ›

Your SEO ROI is more significant because the longer your updates are left, the more they improve over time. Once you gain traction in the SERP, it becomes easier to rank for higher traffic and higher value keywords, which equals more business and revenue.

What is the difference between ROI and SEO? ›

The ROI of SEO represents the returns on investment you generated from your SEO strategy. If your SEO campaign generates more revenue than costs, then you have a positive ROI of SEO. If your SEO campaign generates less than it costs to run, then you have a negative SEO ROI.

How impactful is SEO? ›

Whether you're an in-house marketer, a consultant, or an executive, SEO is important for businesses. Leveraging an SEO strategy to optimize your web pages can get your business found by the most significant members of customer base through improved search rankings and drive qualified organic traffic to your site.

Which factor has the most impact on SEO? ›

Top 10 Current SEO Ranking Factors for Google
  1. A Secure and Accessible Website. ...
  2. Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed) ...
  3. Mobile Friendliness. ...
  4. Domain Age, URL, and Authority. ...
  5. Optimized Content. ...
  6. Technical SEO. ...
  7. User Experience (RankBrain) ...
  8. Links (Backlinks, Outbound and Internal)
May 13, 2023

Does SEO increase visibility? ›

As a guide, the SEO Visibility of a domain will be higher if: The domain's URLs rank higher up the search results list. Many different URLs on the domain are included in Google's index with good rankings. The domain's URLs rank well for keywords with a high search volume.

What kind of traffic does better SEO increase? ›

Those who practice good SEO and publish trustworthy original content are likely to increase searches. Ideally, your content should be comprehensive. That means the content you publish answers everything a user might want to know about that topic.

When should you not use SEO? ›

Here are 5 situations when not to use SEO as a part of your marketing strategy.
  • Don't use SEO when you're not searchable. ...
  • Don't use SEO when your customers aren't online. ...
  • Don't use SEO when you need results fast. ...
  • Don't use SEO when the competition is cut-throat. ...
  • Don't use SEO when money is tight.
May 1, 2020

What is bad for SEO? ›

Examples of bad SEO might could include: Not understanding what your customers are searching, and therefore not matching search intent. Targeting the wrong keywords (for example, using jargon when users tend to use more common language)

Why is SEO getting harder? ›

Becoming an Amazing SEO. To sum it up, SEO is difficult because search engines are always changing and updating. It could be anything from Google changing the way it looks at a certain type of link, including a new major update to their algorithm, or even recognizing something new as a ranking factor.

What is one SEO trend that will dominate in 2023 and why? ›

SEO automation

Like content AI, more and more SEO tasks will be automated in 2023 as digital marketers continue to leverage the power of enterprise SEO software platforms and tools. For example: Keyword research tools can automate tasks that once required a lot of manual spreadsheet work.

Which SEO technique should be avoided? ›

Which SEO Techniques Should Be Avoided?
  • Keyword Stuffing. SEO basics are to make sure your site has relevant content that people are searching for. ...
  • Hidden Text. ...
  • Paid Links. ...
  • Cloaking. ...
  • Open Site Explorer. ...
  • Noindex Banners. ...
  • Keyword Density Keywords. ...
  • Flash Movies.
Mar 1, 2022

Is AI taking over SEO? ›

AI has been making significant strides in various industries, and the world of SEO is no exception. As AI technology advances, it is poised to revolutionize the future of SEO, transforming the way search engines operate and how businesses optimize their online presence.

What does the future of SEO look like? ›

The future of SEO will be heavily influenced by advancements in technology, changes in user behavior, and the evolution of search engine algorithms. Businesses that stay ahead of these trends will be better positioned to succeed in the ever-evolving online landscape.

How long should an SEO campaign last? ›

SEO should show results within a 6- to 12-month period. By results, we mean a measurable increase in traffic and associated leads or conversions.

Is SEO a long-term investment? ›

SEO is a long-term investment, and you need a strong strategy and execution for SEO effectiveness. Without these, it will take considerably more time to see results — if you see results at all.

How to use SEO for organic marketing? ›

  1. Understand what customers want and why they might come to you. ...
  2. Perform thorough and diverse keyword research. ...
  3. Understand localized keyword search. ...
  4. Research competition. ...
  5. Implement keywords in your on-site copy. ...
  6. Update your HTML. ...
  7. Build your links. ...
  8. Start blogging.
Jun 16, 2022

Why is organic SEO better than PPC? ›

SEO is also more effective for local searches and can grow your online presence for longer. Pay-per-click (PPC), on the other hand, is an acquisition strategy that requires you to spend ad money to get your content in front of an audience when they search for specific keywords online.

What is the difference between organic SEO and Google ads? ›

Improvements to SEO can help your website rank higher on Google Search by making it more relevant to users, while PPC ads like Google Ads are paid online advertisem*nts which allow businesses and website owners like you to bid on the chance to show an ad next to searches on

How long does it take for organic SEO to work? ›

It typically takes between 3–6 months for SEO to show results. That's according to the ~4,300 people who responded to our polls on LinkedIn and Twitter.

How much does good SEO cost per month? ›

On average, quality SEO should cost $3,000+/month, at an average hourly rate of $150+. SEO campaigns can cost anywhere from $5,000/mo to $100,000+/month depending on the vertical. Local SEO can be slightly lower. On average, quality SEO should cost $3,000+/month, at an average hourly rate of $150+.

How much does it cost to do organic SEO? ›

How much does SEO cost in 2023?
Cheap SEO$500 to $3,000 per month
Mid-range SEO$3,000 to $15,000 per month
High-end SEO$15,000-$30,000 per month
Enterprise SEO$30,000-1 Million + per month
1 more row

What are the benefits of organic SEO? ›

High ROI – SEO offers the highest return on investment than any other form of marketing. Better targeted traffic – The visitors you bring to your site through organic search are more likely to be actively searching for your products and services, helping you climb to number one ranking in the organic results.

Why is organic SEO important? ›

With relevant and quality content, organic SEO will generate more clicks. As users read useful content that solves their problems or answers their questions, it builds greater trust among users. When you match keywords to user intent, that means that the user will find you more consistently the longer they search.

What percentage of website traffic should be organic? ›

Most respondents agree that a good organic traffic conversion rate is between 2% and 5%. However, for some of them, 20% or even more is considered to be good.

Is SEO still profitable? ›

It is highly lucrative when you can develop a proven process for acquiring new clients. And the final way to expand your income in the SEO industry is to build websites you own. You can then use your SEO skills to grow organic traffic.

How much does Google charge for SEO? ›

SEO Is Free—Or Is It? Technically, SEO is free. You're not paying money for SERP placement. Google ranks content based on a number of factors including the E-A-T trio: Expertise, Authority, and Trust.

Is SEO worth it for small businesses? ›

Despite the rise in competition on SERPs, yes, SEO is still worth it for small businesses. A strong presence on Google is essential for creating brand awareness and trust, as well as getting your products or services in front of your target audience.

What are the 3 core must haves of SEO? ›

The Three Pillars Of SEO: Authority, Relevance, And Experience.

How often should you do SEO? ›

SEO is a long-term commitment

Likewise, if the site is small, 1 to 2 times in 3 months and 3-4 times in 6 months are recommended. Regardless of how often the audit is conducted, having a clear SEO checklist and strategy can help save your time and effort.

Is SEO more effective than social media? ›

The difference between SEO and SMM is largely determined by the type of business and the target audience. If you're trying to reach a broad audience, SMM might be more cost-effective. The reach of SEO and SMM depends on the use of keywords, the quality of linked websites, and the way content is created.

Which social media platform drives the most traffic? ›

1. Facebook — 2.96 billion MAUs

Facebook is the largest social networking site, with nearly 3 billion people using it monthly.

Do search engines drive 300% more traffic to sites than social media? ›

Search engines drive 300% more traffic to sites than social media. Search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%. If you want to get more traffic to your website or your new blog, you need to appear in Google search results so that users can find you easily.

Do search engines generate 300% more traffic for websites than social media? ›

Search engines drive 300% more traffic to sites than social media. 87% of smartphone owners use a search engine at least once per day. 67% of clicks go to the top five websites in search engine results and the results from 6 to 10 yield less than 4% of the clicks. 50% of search queries are four words or longer.

What is the #1 SEO technique that is currently getting the best results? ›

1. Use Keywords In The Right Places. You probably already know that you should add keywords to pages that you want to rank. But where you use your keywords is just as important as how many times you use them.

What is the #1 most used social media platform? ›

The latest statistics show that Facebook continues to reign strong as the king of social media, with 2.96 billion active users in 2023. That means that nearly two out of every three of the 4.89 billion social media users across the world are active users of Facebook.

What is the fastest growing social media platform? ›

Instagram is set to overtake Tik Tok and become the fastest growing social media platform, with the Meta owned platform expected to surpass 1.5 billion users by 2027.

Which social media platform has the highest engagement? ›

Instagram is the most popular social media platform for…
  • 71% of Instagram users feel more connected to brands they follow on Instagram.
  • 81% of people say Instagram helps them to research or discover new products or services.
Jan 11, 2022

What is the #1 visited search engine on the internet? ›

1. Google. With over 85% of the search market share, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine.

Does paid search traffic help SEO? ›

PPC helps you discover more valuable organic SEO keywords

Fortunately, PPC allows you to see immediate results, so you can pinpoint which keywords are driving traffic and which ones are less effective. This allows you to optimize your SEO targeting to drive even better results.

What is the best traffic source for website? ›

Review your demographics and take a look at this list.
  • Organic Search. In an ideal world, everyone would find your site naturally. ...
  • Social Media. Social media is a necessity if you're looking to increase traffic. ...
  • Paid Advertising. ...
  • Email. ...
  • Mobile Optimizations. ...
  • Engage Customers with Comments.
Jan 3, 2020

What generates the largest percentage of new traffic to Web pages? ›

Despite the rise of zero-click results, a new study (. pdf) from BrightEdge says organic and paid search still deliver far more traffic to websites than other channels, including social and display advertising. The company found that paid and organic search are responsible for “68% of all trackable website traffic.”

What are the most popular search engines by percentage? ›

Search Engine Market Share: According to Region (as of June 2022)
  • Google — 88.38%
  • Bing — 6.48%
  • Yahoo — 2.66%
  • DuckDuckGo — 2.01%
  • Yandex — 0.11%
  • Ecosia — 0.10%
  • Others — 0.26%

Which search engine handles the most web searches? ›

Handling over 90% of all search queries worldwide, Google is undoubtedly dominating the global search engine market share. As of May 2023, a whopping 93.12% of all search queries conducted across all search engine providers are done through the internet giant.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.