Is Investing in Duplexes Right for You? Breaking Down the Pros & Cons (2024)

Summary: In this article, we’ll compare the pros and cons of investing in duplexes. Learn about cash flow differences between duplexes and single-family homes and which type of investment property is right for you.


So you’re thinking about investing in a duplex? Here, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of buying duplexes as an investment strategy, and how they’re different from single family homes. We’ll also discuss the key to successful duplex real estate investing.

What is a Duplex?

A duplex is basically a two-for-one home. Duplexes are often side-by-side and share a wall, or stacked on top of each other. It’s also called a multifamily home as more than one family can live in it. When a buyer purchases a duplex, they’re essentially buying two homes.

Pros & Cons of Investing in a Duplex

Let’s say you’re considering buying an investment property and have decided on investing in a duplex. Naturally, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of owning a duplex and make sure this is the best type of property for your ROI goals. We’ve put together a comprehensive investing in duplexes pros and cons list to make it a little easier. Let’s start with pros…

Investing in Duplexes Pro #1 – Great Monthly Cash Flow Potential

The unique thing about investing in duplexes is that it provides options to the owner. You can choose to live in one side of the duplex while renting out the other side, or rent out both units. Renting out both units will produce monthly cash flow. And if you’ve taken the time to do your homework and snagged a great deal, it’s likely the combined rent from both tenants will cover the entire mortgage and then some. This makes owning a duplex, potentially very lucrative.

Investing in Duplexes Pro #2 – They’re Affordable – Two Units in One Transaction

A duplex is typically (not always) more expensive than a single-family home, at least in the beginning. However, you’re getting two units in one transaction, which makes them extremely affordable, especially long term.

Another reason duplexes are so affordable is location. More often than not, duplexes are located in very affordable neighborhoods. Additionally, you’ll be getting rental income every month, making them even more affordable. More on that in

Investing in Duplexes Pro #3 – Live Free or Cheap While Tenant Pays Your Bills

One of the most appealing parts of investing in a duplex is the ability to live for free or cheap. Living in one side of the duplex and renting out the other can potentially cover or lower your mortgage each month.

For example, let’s say the mortgage on your duplex is $1,500 a month. And you rent out the other half for $1,000 per month. Then you’d only be paying $500 a month while your tenant pays the rest. Or you can make double payments and pay off your loan quicker and start earning passive income.

Investing in Duplexes Pro #4 – Relatively Easy Financing

If you’re wondering if it’s more difficult to get financing for a duplex than a single family home, the short answer is, no. It’s relatively easy to get financing to purchase a duplex. The most common methods of financing include, cash, conventional loans, FHA loans, VA loans and 203k loans.

For a full run down on the best financing option for you, check out our recent article, .

As we are talking about investing in duplexes, I want to share a few details on 203k loan requirements and why they could be a great option for many investors. A 203k loan is considered part of the FHA loan family, but with some unique features. For starters, 203k loans allow buyers to include the cost of repairs into the loan.

For instance, if you’re looking to purchase a duplex for $120k, but the property needs around $30k for repairs, this type of loan allows buyers to borrow $150k. The same is true for triplexes and fourplexes, etc. Keep in mind, that because this is an FHA program loan, 203k loan requirements include a 3.5% down payment and living in the property for a year.

Investing in Duplexes Pro #5 – Relatively Easy Leasing

There are a few reasons duplexes can be easier to find renters. The first is, duplexes are usually bigger and have more of a “home” feeling, especially compared to apartments. Tenants only have to share a wall, floor or ceiling with one other tenant, reducing noise and other possible disturbances.

If you’re living in one half of your duplex, tenants often prefer having their landlord nearby, in case of emergency repairs or urgent issues. And, landlords in such close proximity can keep an eye on the goings-on and condition of their investment property. A win-win!

Investing in Duplexes Pro #6 – Take Advantage of Landlord Tax Deductions

Did you know that investing in a duplex as an investment property qualifies you for several additional tax deductions? Whereas single-family homes don’t offer the same tax breaks. Duplex owners can deduct most expenses for maintenance, yard work and repairs. To see a full list of tax deductions on your income property, check out Top 18 Landlord Tax Deductions to Maximize Your Profit.

Tip: Renting to family members disqualifies you from several tax deductions.

Investing in Duplexes Con #1 – Rental Income Isn’t Guaranteed

While buying a duplex as an investment property is a great idea until…you can’t find renters. Then you’re faced with having to cover a larger-than-expected mortgage payment.

Hopefully, you ran the numbers before buying the property and can afford to cover the entire mortgage (for up to 3 months), in case vacancy issues occurred. Just because you expect rental income, doesn’t always mean your duplex won’t go unoccupied for one to three months a year (on average, depending on your market).

The trick here is taking the time to find the right tenants. Good, quality tenants are worth every minute or dollar spent.

Investing in Duplexes Con #2 – You’re Responsible for Repairs & Maintenance

When you buy a duplex, unless you’re planning on hire a property management company, you’re basically signing up to be a landlord. Even though it’s only one unit, there’s still potentially a fair amount of work and time that a rental requires.

What if your tenants oven stops working and you have to purchase a new one? What if part of the roof is leaking and needs to be fixed? All of these unexpected expenses will cut into your rental income.

Make sure you’re willing to take on that extra time and money before buying a multi-unit property. Otherwise, budget for the cost of hiring a property manager.

Tip: Most repair and maintenance costs are tax deductible, as mentioned above.

Sharing a wall with your tenants may be enough to dissuade potential investors from buying a duplex. If you’re easily annoyed by noise or have a tenant who constantly knocks on your door with complaints, a duplex may not be for you.

However, as a landlord, you get to choose your tenants. So if you find great tenants, these issues are easily avoidable.

Investing in Duplexes Con #4 – You Could Get Stuck with Bad Tenants (If You Don’t Choose Wisely…)

Even if you spend the extra time and money looking for quality tenants, it’s not always a guarantee they’re actually going to be quality. If you end up with bad tenants, it could make your living situation a nightmare. One of my latest articles provides tips on finding great tenants, .

Investing in a Duplex vs. Single-Family Home Earning Potential

Real estate investors often compare different types of properties to try and determine which will help them reach their financial goals. In this instance, let’s consider a duplex vs. single family home investment.

To start, a vacant single-family home will affect your monthly return on investment much more than a duplex. Whether you’re living in one side of the duplex and renting out the other, or renting out both units, the chances of both units being unoccupied at the same time is unlikely. With a single-family home, you are responsible for 100 percent of the mortgage if left vacant.

On the other hand, property insurance for a duplex is typically 15 to 25 percent higher than single-family homes.
As mentioned earlier in the article, duplexes usually cost more out the gate than single-family rentals. There is more demand for SFR’s than duplexes, so selling a duplex could take longer than expected. However, duplexes produce more cash flow over time, which is appealing to buy and hold investors.

ROI Potential

Whether we decide to buy a single-family home or duplex, all investors are looking for the best return on investment. The key is to figure out which will generate a better long-term return. Many factors go into your ROI including, property condition, appreciation potential, and how well tenants care for your rental.

In the graphic below, we compare buying two single-family homes versus one duplex. Keep in mind, this is strictly from an investment perspective.

Is Investing in Duplexes Right for You? Breaking Down the Pros & Cons (1)

The Bottom Line

As a first investment property, duplexes can offer a wide range of advantages as discussed above. What’s important to remember, is buying an investment property is all about buying a quality property. Do your homework, crunch the numbers and ensure your investment has the potential to create the greatest return.

4 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Duplex

  1. How Much Do I Want to Spend?
  2. Location, Location, Location! Where Do I Want to Buy?
  3. What Condition Do I Want My Property? (Move-in Ready or Fixer-Upper)
  4. Do I Want to Live in My Duplex or Rent Out Both Units?


After comparing the pros and cons of investing in duplexes, hopefully you have a better idea of which type of property to invest in. Buying a duplex as your first rental property can be an excellent route for new investors, especially if you live in it. Remember, buying real estate is all about finding a quality property in strong markets.

Is Investing in Duplexes Right for You? Breaking Down the Pros & Cons (2024)


Is Investing in Duplexes Right for You? Breaking Down the Pros & Cons? ›

Investing in a duplex can be a good idea if you can pony up the cost and don't mind being a hands-on landlord. A key advantage is the ability to live in one of the units or rent both out.

Is it a good idea to invest in a duplex? ›

Investing in a duplex can be a good idea if you can pony up the cost and don't mind being a hands-on landlord. A key advantage is the ability to live in one of the units or rent both out.

What are the disadvantages of owning a duplex? ›

Cons to owning a duplex:
  • Being a landlord isn't for everyone. ...
  • You're on the hook for all repairs to the rental unit as well as your own. ...
  • Limited locations. ...
  • Resale issues. ...
  • Property insurance rates are higher.
  • Appreciation is lower for duplexes.
  • Higher up-front cost. ...
  • Rental income is not guaranteed.

Is duplex good or bad? ›

Most duplex houses come with high-end facilities and open spaces like courtyards or gardens, which will ultimately offer you a sense of comfort that no other housing can provide. With a complete back and front entrance, you will have plenty of privacy for you and your family.

Can you make money owning a duplex? ›

You could live on one side of the duplex and rent the other. This will reduce your monthly mortgage, insurance, and property tax. You could rent both sides, and that income can pay the mortgage, insurance, and property tax in full, and you may even have some money left over at the end of the month as a profit.

Is a duplex a better investment than a house? ›

Investing in duplexes may not earn the returns that townhomes and condo complexes earn, but they do present greater opportunities than single-family properties. Often, buying a duplex costs the same as a single-family dwelling, but you have two units to rent out instead of just one.

Do duplexes appreciate in value? ›

Long-term investment potential: Real estate properties, including duplexes, typically appreciate in value over time. So, not only do you have the opportunity to potentially generate rental income in the short-term, but you may also benefit from long-term property appreciation.

Why do people like duplexes? ›

Duplexes are more versatile than most other residential buildings. With a duplex, you can either rent or own your side of the duplex, or own the entire building. Sharing a building with another family means that many expenses, like utilities, landscaping, and overall building repairs, are also shared.

Is it cheaper to build or buy a duplex? ›

In general, buying a duplex will cost less than a stand-alone single-family home in the same area. And it might be cheaper to buy a duplex than build one, although you can customize new construction. Then there are people who convert a single-family home into a duplex. That could cost $80,000 on average.

Why would someone want to live in a duplex? ›

Affordability: Duplexes are typically less expensive than single-family homes or apartments. Sharing the building with another tenant means you'll split the rent, making it a more affordable living option. Privacy: Each unit in a duplex has its own entrance, so you'll have your own private living space.

What are the advantages of owning a duplex? ›

Duplex Pros

Generally, duplexes are less expensive than single-family homes, making them an excellent access point for homeownership. Of course, the financial benefit depends on the state of the property, cost of repairs and, if you're renting, the neighborhood's rental market.

Are duplexes more profitable? ›

Investors are drawn to the idea of buying a duplex for various reasons, ranging from potential rental income to long-term financial growth. A major appeal to investors is that duplexes offer investors the opportunity to basically double their cash flow for less than the cost of two single-family homes.

Why are duplexes so expensive? ›

A side-by-side duplex is likely to be more expensive to build than a one-up one-down, since they have a bigger footprint and a larger roof, which increases the cost.

What is the 50% rule in real estate? ›

The 50% rule or 50 rule in real estate says that half of the gross income generated by a rental property should be allocated to operating expenses when determining profitability. The rule is designed to help investors avoid the mistake of underestimating expenses and overestimating profits.

How do you make money off of a duplex? ›

Improving Your Duplex's Cash Flow
  1. 1- Consider Airbnb. Airbnb isn't for everyone, but in the right neighborhood, it could lead to an increased profit margin. ...
  2. 2 - Provide Amenities. Another strategic way to earn more from your duplex is by providing amenities. ...
  3. 3 - Get Paid for Upkeep. ...
  4. 4 - Make Use of Empty Space.

How do you make money off a duplex? ›

Improving Your Duplex's Cash Flow
  1. 1- Consider Airbnb. Airbnb isn't for everyone, but in the right neighborhood, it could lead to an increased profit margin. ...
  2. 2 - Provide Amenities. Another strategic way to earn more from your duplex is by providing amenities. ...
  3. 3 - Get Paid for Upkeep. ...
  4. 4 - Make Use of Empty Space.

Why your first home should be a duplex? ›

By purchasing a duplex, living in it, and renting out the other half, many would-be first-time homebuyers are finding that they're able to finance their dreams. By collecting rent from the other half of the property, duplex owners are often able to significantly reduce their mortgage payment.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.