Is an Environmental Science Degree Worth It? (2024)

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Climate change and environmental issues are hot-button topics today. The media is continuously battling between scaring the entire population and saying nothing new is happening. But politics aside, the changes to the environment are happening and, according to the scientific community, they’re pretty serious.

The biggest question is, “what can we do?” You’ve probably seen the articles saying we only have a certain number of years before we reach the point of no return. While that may or may not be the case, what better time than now to educate yourself and prepare to make a difference by becoming a champion of the environment?

Start with an environmental science degree and choose a future for yourself and generations to come.

Why is Environmental Science Important?

The human population is increasing worldwide, faster than ever before thanks to the use of technology and medicine at our disposal. This rapid growth, however, has created issues we never saw coming, (and some that we did.)

Essentially, we are impacting the earth in ways that could have dire consequences. Environmental sciences help us understand the changes and work towards solutions.

Is Environmental Science a Good Major?

With that information, we feel it is pretty clear that, yes, environmental science is an excellent major. Earning a degree with a focus on the environment shows you are serious about making a difference and helping others, including those yet to be born.

The world needs people who are ready to gather the data, translate the knowledge, and guide others along the appropriate course. The demand for environmental science major graduates transcends a variety of fields.

Government positions, businesses, social impacts, and more require individuals with intimate knowledge of environmental sciences.

To further show the opportunities available, we looked into research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to provide you with the information needed to decide your future. Review the job titles, daily tasks, required skills, and career outlooks for environmental science management and leadership positions to see if this is the education path you want to take.

Table of Contents

  • Careers for Earning a degree in Environmental Science
  • Job Titles You May See
  • Environmental Science Coursework
  • Tasks You’ll Likely Perform
  • Career Outlook
  • Bottom Line

Careers for Earning a degree in Environmental Sciences

Employers looking for individuals with a background in environmental sciences want people willing to ask the hard questions. You need to be a critical thinker and an efficient problem solver. Communication is also essential so you can explain both the problem and the solution to those without your experience and knowledge.

Job Titles You May See

As with any degree, environmental sciences graduates have opportunities in management roles or executive leadership. Whatever your title, you’ll be working with others to realign practices in a way that will benefit the earth and our future.

Jobs directly related include:

  • Environmental consultant
  • Environmental education officer
  • Environmental engineer
  • Recycling officer
  • Sustainability consultant
  • Environmental manager

Careers involving environmental science include:

  • Environmental scientist
  • Environmental lawyer
  • Conservation scientist
  • Hydrologist
  • Environmental engineer
  • Environmental health practitioner
  • Geologist
  • Meteorologist

Of course, these are not the only options, just a sample to show you the possibilities with a degree in environmental science. Flexibility and a general understanding of the sciences will make you an excellent candidate for most environmental science careers.

Environmental Science MBA Coursework

While we want you to be excited about a future in environmental science, you should be aware of the coursework required.

Unity College has an excellent environmental science program that challenges you mentally while bringing you a hands-on experience: You will lay a foundation of knowledge from molecules to mountain ranges. You will become familiar with Earth’s systems and how time and chemistry play a part.

Studying the latest field research will improve your quantitative skills. You will work both in a laboratory setting, as well as out in the field, to experience the environmental sciences. The skills you learn in an undergraduate environmental science program can also easily be translated and utilized in a graduate school setting.

While the coursework will be more rigorous, there are plenty of opportunities to develop and advance your career within the environmental science and sustainability industries.

Tasks You’ll Likely Perform

Your day-to-day responsibilities will vary depending on the company and your position. But some tasks you can expect include:

  • Communicate with businesses, governments, and the general public on health risks and environmental hazards
  • Selecting the best data collection methods for research projects
  • Analyzing samples of soil, water, food, air, and other environmental materials
  • Developing strategies to avoid, limit, or resolve environmental problems
  • Interpret data from research and sample findings
  • Evaluate the significance of an environmental hazard
  • Research the environmental impact of projects

Environmental sciences combine natural science and social science. You must not only evaluate data and interpret it but think critically for a solution.

Career Outlook

The need for those familiar with environmental studies is only going to grow. Within the next ten years, we expect an 11 percent increase, which is faster than average. The job market has a lot to offer because of the vast options within the interdisciplinary degree.

Competition can be fierce, but opportunities are out there. Nearly 90,000 jobs are waiting for new graduates to better the world. Public interest in the hazards facing our environment has accelerated the need for these positions.

The median pay in this field is $69,400 per year, with the highest ten percent earning more than $122,510.

The Bottom Line

If the world’s best scientists are correct, we are going to see drastic changes in the environment in the near future. These changes will affect our health, agriculture, transportation, and quality of life.

Arming ourselves with tools and the knowledge needed to find solutions is our best bet. If you are considering investing yourself in the future of our planet, it is worth pursuing a degree in environmental science.

Is an Environmental Science Degree Worth It? (2024)


Is an Environmental Science Degree Worth It? ›

A bachelor's in environmental science is suited for degree-seeking students concerned with the environment and who would like to give solutions to the many problems the planet is facing. It's a degree recommended for students who are fond of observing, researching, analyzing and solving problems.

Is it worth it to major in environmental science? ›

The national average salary for a Bachelor's degree holder is $64,896, making the mean pay for an environmental scientist higher than the average by $11,634 annually. However, your pay could be much higher if you specialize in a specific environmental science field or have additional certifications.

Is environmental science a difficult degree? ›

Earning a bachelor's degree in either environmental science or environmental studies takes hard work but is also incredibly rewarding. You'll spend a lot of time in science and lab courses learning complex concepts and working with new materials and equipment.

Is environmental science a respected degree? ›

Generally speaking, an environmental science degree is respected and graduates are gainfully employed.

Is environmental science a good paying career? ›

But the pay can still be substantial. While it's not the highest-paying career field, environmental science can bring salaries of $70,000, $80,000, and even $90,000, and many of these positions are available to people fresh out of college with no career experience.

Is environmental science easy to get a job? ›

Jobs in the environmental sector are typically very competitive and can require specialised study and significant work experience.

Is there a high demand for environmental science? ›

The field of environmental science is growing at a faster rate than ever due to issues such as climate change and pollution. Individuals who pursue an environmental science degree have several options when it comes to jobs, including a career as a microbiologist, environmental scientist and environmental engineer.

What is the easiest bachelor of science degree? ›

Psychology is commonly thought of as the easiest of the science majors thanks to its relative lack of complex math, although psych majors can still expect to do a fair amount of statistical analysis on their way to a degree.

What is the hardest science degree? ›

Chemistry is famous for being one of the hardest subjects ever, so it's no surprise that a Chemistry degree is fiercely challenging. Just one topic in Chemistry (for example, organic chemistry) is incredibly complex.

Is environmental science a lot of math? ›

Answer and Explanation: Math is used in a wide variety of ways in environmental science, from simply counting the number of species in an ecosystem to the complex chemistry and physics equations related to the science of energy production within the environment.

What is a good GPA for environmental science? ›

What are the requirements for a degree in Environmental Science? Ideal candidates for a master's in Environmental Science will have a bachelor's in a related field from an accredited institution with a GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.

What is a good GPA for an environmental science major? ›

An undergraduate GPAs of 3.5 or higher. All students must submit the required application materials to be considered for admission to the programs.

Which is harder biology or environmental science? ›

AP Environmental Science is an interesting and applicable class, where you will use more math knowledge to solve environmental problems. It is a less rigorous class academically compared to AP Bio and also requires less memorization of concepts.

How to make a lot of money with an environmental science degree? ›

13 high-paying jobs with an environmental science degree
  1. Environmental technician. Average salary: $49,705 per year. ...
  2. Environmental advocate. Average salary: $52,770 per year. ...
  3. Lawyer. ...
  4. Environmental scientist. ...
  5. Environmental manager. ...
  6. Environmental consultant. ...
  7. Environmental planner. ...
  8. Sustainability consultant.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the highest paid environmental job? ›

7 Highest Paying Green Careers
  1. Environmental Engineer. Environmental Engineers improve public health by overseeing waste and pollution control policies. ...
  2. Conservation Scientist. ...
  3. Urban Planner. ...
  4. Environmental Lawyer. ...
  5. Zoologists. ...
  6. Hydrologist. ...
  7. Marine Biologist.
Feb 4, 2020

Do environmentalists make money? ›

Yes, despite how people jest, environmentalists absolutely do make money. Now, how much money you make varies on the job you pick, the location you're working in, education level, level of experience, and other variables. There are several jobs as an environmentalist that will pay you well over $80,000 annually.

Is environmental science a stem major? ›

The National Science Foundation and STEM

The main categories of NSF STEM disciplines include: Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geosciences, Life/Biological Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics/Astronomy.

What are the 4 types of environmental science? ›

Ecological health, bioscience, sustainability, oceanography and marine biology are all different types of environmental science.

What state pays environmental scientists the most? ›

Best States For an Environmental Scientist

Oregon has a median salary of $69,785 and California has the highest median salary among all 50 states for environmental scientists. 81.2% of people in the field are White, while 6.2% are Hispanic or Latino.

Why choose environmental science as a major? ›

An environmental studies major will give you the knowledge, skills and analytical tools needed to tackle these environmental challenges on a local, regional and international level. You'll be creating a more sustainable, healthier environment for generations to come.

How popular is environmental science as a college major? ›

In 2020-2021, environmental science was the 91st most popular major nationwide with 9,274 degrees awarded. This represents a small change of only -0.7% from the prior year's total of 9,339 bioenvironmental sciences degrees awarded.

What is a good major to pair with environmental science? ›

Popular Double Majors
  • Environmental Science and Animal Behavior. ...
  • Environmental Science and Applied Mathematics. ...
  • Environmental Science and Biological Sciences. ...
  • Environmental Science and Marine Biology. ...
  • Environmental Studies and Marine Affairs. ...
  • Environmental Studies and Sociology.

What are the least regretted majors? ›

The least regretted college majors, which graduates would choose all over again, are reportedly Computer and Information Sciences, Criminology, Engineering, Nursing, Health, Business Administration and Management, Finance, Psychology, Construction Trades, and Human Resources Management.

What is the hardest college major? ›

Top 15 Hardest College Majors Table of Contents
  • Chemistry.
  • Environmental Economics and Policy.
  • Environmental Earth Science.
  • American Studies.
  • Nuclear Engineering.
  • Energy Engineering.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Applied Mathematics.
Mar 16, 2023

Which majors study the least? ›

The 16 Easiest College Majors – 2023 Rankings
  • Psychology.
  • Criminal Justice.
  • English.
  • Education.
  • Religious Studies.
  • Social Work.
  • Sociology.
  • Communications.
Nov 1, 2022

What major has the highest dropout rate? ›

Students who major in computer science tend to have the highest dropout rate, followed by advertising and agriculture majors. College is a significant investment, and selecting the right major can aid in your success.

What is the #1 hardest major? ›

#1 Chemistry

According to the average Grade Point Average of students in the program, Chemistry wins the prize title hardest major. A Chemistry major overlaps somewhat with biology, but chemistry extends beyond living things.

What is the easiest college major? ›

Business Administration

On average, bachelor of business administration majors spend 42 hours studying for both the core courses and electives. Based on the average GPA, this could be the easiest bachelor degree to get.

Does environmental science have calculus? ›

The following majors require Calculus

Computer Science. Economics. Environmental Science (not Environmental Studies)

What does environmental science count as? ›

environmental science, interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment.

Which science major has the most math? ›

Physics – Physics is regarded as the most math-intensive degree path you can pursue within the sciences. Linear algebra, quantum mechanics, and engineering calculations are just a few of the core courses you'll need to take for this major.

What is the passing rate for environmental science? ›

The AP® Environmental Science exam has seen a steady passing rate of around 50%.

Can you get into masters with 2.2 GPA? ›

There is no universal minimum GPA for grad school. The minimum, when one is specified for admissions requirements, can vary by school and program. At many schools, admissions requirements for masters programs may specify a 3.0 GPA minimum, but some schools may accept applicants with lower GPAs.

What GPA do you need to get into Harvard? ›

The average high school GPA of admitted students at Harvard is around 4.2. 73% of students had a GPA of at least 4.0, indicating that admitted students typically mostly earned A grades in high school. If you're studying the IB, this translates to scoring mostly 7s and achieving a minimum score of at least 42.

Is grad school worth it for environmental science? ›

In terms of cost and time, having a postgraduate degree such as a master's can improve your chances of receiving a good return on your investment, particularly in a field such as environmental science. Master's programs usually take two to three years to complete and can vary widely in cost.

What is the highest GPA ever? ›

Normally, you would expect the highest score to be the 'perfect' 4.0 score, however, there are several things that a student can do to receive an even higher score. For example, one student actually managed to get a 10.03 GPA score. He did this by taking 17 advanced classes at his school, which awarded him many points.

What will an F do to a 3.8 GPA? ›

Will an F ruin my GPA? The short answer is (surprisingly): No. If you have one “F” and all other grades in a 40-course program are “A” grades, your GPA will drop from a 4.0 to a 3.9. So, your existing GPA will be impacted, but will not be “ruined.”

What is the difference between BA and BS in environmental science? ›

Both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees prepare students for a wide range of careers in environmental science. The B.S. places greater emphasis on the natural sciences, whereas the B.A. is more focused on the social sciences and their application to economics, policy, and management.

What math is needed for environmental science? ›

We recommend that ESCS-focused math programs include, along with standard beginning mathematics major material, at least four applied courses such as mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, operations research, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, statistics, and probability.

Should I take chemistry or environmental science? ›

It depends on what you want to do, career-wise, after graduation. If you want to work as a chemist, then a BSc in chemistry is probably going to be more useful. However, if you want to work in wetland reclamation, a BSc in environmental science would probably be the degree you should pursue first.

Does environmental science require math? ›

Environmental science focuses on fundamental sciences like math, chemistry, biology, physics, atmospheric science, earth science and geology. As an environmental science major, you'll spend much of your time considering the scientific and quantitative aspects of environmental issues.

Which country is best for environmental science jobs? ›

Some of the best countries worldwide to work as an environmental engineer include:
  • Canada — work for improving people's standard of living. ...
  • USA — most states need qualified environmental engineers. ...
  • The United Kingdom — get a green job from the Brits. ...
  • United Arab Emirates — working in a growing industry.
Nov 17, 2022

Are environmental scientists underpaid? ›

But most are environmental scientists and specialists, who earn about 2% less in total compensation than the market average for public sector scientists in California and 8% less than federal ones.

Do environmental scientists travel a lot? ›

While environmental science professors likely do not need to travel often for their job, geologists, on the other hand, may find themselves traveling to different locations where they can conduct explorations and collect data.

How much does an environmental scientist at NASA earn? ›

Work From Home NASA Environmental Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$104,500$8,708
75th Percentile$78,500$6,541
25th Percentile$35,000$2,916

What is the life of an environmentalist? ›

An environmentalist can be considered a supporter of the goals of the environmental movement, "a political and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities".

What is the difference between an environmentalist and an environmental scientist? ›

Answer and Explanation: Environmental science is the study of the environment using the scientific method while environmentalism is the belief that the preservation of the environment is a worthwhile endeavor.

How long does it take to become an environmentalist? ›

Most environmentalists have bachelor's degrees though some have associate degree. For instance, most environmental scientists have a four-year bachelor's degree. You can choose to major in biology, organic chemistry, botany or a related field of study.

Is environmental science good for the future? ›

Reasons to Consider a Career in Environment Science

You can change the world for the better. Environmental scientists and related professionals do more than merely earn a paycheck. They also make a meaningful contribution, protecting the world for future generations. You're a champion of the environment and science.

Is environmental science harder than biology? ›

AP Environmental Science is an interesting and applicable class, where you will use more math knowledge to solve environmental problems. It is a less rigorous class academically compared to AP Bio and also requires less memorization of concepts.

What are the benefits of an environmental science degree? ›

Studying an environmental science degree provides you with a broad understanding of current environmental issues and challenges on a local, national and global scale. You learn about the impact humans have on the environment and how to manage it.

What makes the most money in environmental science? ›

1. Environmental Engineer. Environmental Engineers improve public health by overseeing waste and pollution control policies. They routinely test air quality, water resources, and industrial equipment to ensure standards are met and maintained.

What is the success rate of environmental science? ›

Before enrolling in an AP Environmental Science course, students must consider several factors so they can make an informed decision.
The Pass Rate.
AP Class/ExamPass Rate (3 or Higher)Perfect Score (5)
AP Environmental Science53.4%11.9%
All AP Classes71.13%19.57%

What's the hardest degree? ›

What are the hardest degrees in the world? Ranked by Experts
  • Chartered Accountancy.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Law.
  • Aerospace/ Aeronautical Studies, Engineering.
  • Biomedical Studies, Neurosciences, Biochemistry.
  • Nursing.
  • Dentistry, Medicine.
Dec 16, 2022

What is the hardest field of science? ›

Chemistry is famous for being one of the hardest subjects ever, so it's no surprise that a Chemistry degree is fiercely challenging. Just one topic in Chemistry (for example, organic chemistry) is incredibly complex.

What is one top most career in environmental science? ›

13 high-paying jobs with an environmental science degree
  • Environmental planner.
  • Sustainability consultant.
  • Design engineer.
  • Environmental engineer.
  • Environmental specialist.
  • Arborist.
  • Sustainability engineer.
  • Environmental health and safety officer.
Mar 10, 2023

What are 3 reasons why studying environmental science is important? ›

The three main goals of environmental science are: to learn how the natural world works, to understand how humans interact with the environment, and to find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainably. Employment of environmental scientists is projected to continue to grow in the coming decades.

Does environmental science have math? ›

Environmental science focuses on fundamental sciences like math, chemistry, biology, physics, atmospheric science, earth science and geology. As an environmental science major, you'll spend much of your time considering the scientific and quantitative aspects of environmental issues.

What are the 5 major components of environmental science? ›

These five components are atmospheric sciences, environmental chemistry, forestry and agricultural science, geosciences, and oceanography and marine sciences.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.