How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (2024)

No taxpayer enjoys receiving a penalty letter from the IRS, much less having to pay thosetax penalties.The good news is that relief may be on its way with the help of a request by means of a penalty abatement letter. The penalty abatement process is an option many taxpayers do not know about, but it is a great way to remove your IRS penalties if you have a good reason for making a misstep with your tax return or tax payment.

The process to writing a penalty abatement letter isn’t difficult, but it is important to follow the proper steps to give yourself the best chance at success.

Before we get into how to write a penalty abatement request letter, there are a few things you should know. First, you need to have already filed your return. Next, you should try contacting the IRS directly before sending in a letter—sometimes they’re willing to work with you over the phone. Finally, if you do end up writing a letter, make sure to include any relevant documentation that can back up your claims. With that being said, let’s dive into how to write a penalty abatement request letter.

This guide will help you clear up any questions and provide you with all the information you need to know about tax abatement letters.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (1)

What Is a Penalty Abatement?

Penalty abatement is the process of completely removing an imposed tax liability by the IRS. You need to meet specific criteria before you can qualify for this relief, however. There needs to be a reasonable cause for this abatement, and the IRS must be willing to reconsider the penalty — which can be a challenge.

Areasonable causeusually refers to the following:

  1. Death or serious medical conditions of the taxpayer or their immediate family
  2. Flood, fire,natural disaster, or other disturbance
  3. An error by anIRS employeeor the inability to get records when requested
  4. Failing to meet your federal tax obligations even when you used all ordinary business care. For example, mailing the payment or tax return on time but including the incorrect address or the wrong postage amount

Penalty abatement is the best option to reduce or resolve your penalty in many of these cases, but you need to comply with all the requirements involved in a penalty waiver before you contact the IRS.

Many taxpayers do not qualify for penalty relief. In 2019, just 12% of failure-to-file and failure-to-pay penalties were abated by the IRS, and only 9% of all individual penalties were abated. The IRS commonly denies initial requests, but some taxpayers just may not ask for an abatement when they could. It is crucial that you have a reasonable cause for the IRS to consider your request.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (2)

Common IRS Penalties

The IRS issues many different penalties to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Failure to file your tax return on time, by the set deadline
  • Failure to pay what tax you owe on time or correctly
  • Failure to prepare your tax return accurately or completely
  • Failure to include accurate information on your tax return
  • Sending a dishonored check
  • Failure to pay enough estimated tax throughout the year

The IRS may also charge you interest on one of these penalties if you don’t pay the full amount. Taxpayers can call the IRS to dispute a penalty or write a letter that states why they should reconsider.

Apenalty abatementletter notifies the IRS that you want the penalty removed for a reasonable cause. This letter documents the cause explains your specific circ*mstances, and is often the right course of action in situations where you made efforts to comply with the legal requirements, but — because of circ*mstances beyond your control — you could not meet your tax obligation.

The letter allows you to make a strong case with the IRS and outline every detail, including the type of penalty you want to be abated and an explanation of events. You should also attach documents that support and prove your claims.

The time these cases take to be processed varies greatly. Sometimes the matter can be resolved almost instantly if the situation is straightforward. Other times, the process can take months or even years to resolve. It is crucial to follow the right process to increase your chances of a quick and easy resolution.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (4)

Common Tax Abatement Letter Mistakes

Many taxpayers who are trying to get a penalty removed just don’t take the right steps for success. Here are a few common mistakes that you should avoid:

Not Being Clear About the Issue

Your letter needs to clearly state the reasonable cause for noncompliance and not be vague or misleading in any way.

Paying the Penalty

It is wise not to pay the penalty before you request abatement. You will eventually be able to request a Collection Due Process hearing if you have an unpaid balance, and the IRS may use this opportunity to consider the penalty abatement request in this hearing.

Including the Wrong Reasonable Causes

The IRS will not approve a request if the reasonable cause for noncompliance has to do with relying on a tax professional or a financial hardship.

Requesting Abatement After the Statute Expires

You do have a time limit on sending an abatement request. You can make a request within three years from the date the return was filed or two years after the penalty was paid.

Making these mistakes can lower the likelihood of the IRS approving the penalty abatement request. Talk your situation over with a tax professional before sending your letter to make sure you are on the right track.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (5)

How to Write a Penalty Abatement Request Letter

It comes as no surprise that those writing a penalty abatement letter for the first time worry about what to include. This process is not as complicated as you may think. The first step is to gather all of the necessary documentation. This includes your tax returns, any letters you have received from the IRS regarding your penalties, and any other documentation that supports your claims. Once you have everything together, it’s time to start writing your letter.It comes down to seven critical sections:

1. Record Your Information and the Penalty Information

This information includes:

  • Your name
  • The identification number
  • The representative’s name (if you have one)
  • The penalty information, including the specific years and forms in question and a list of penalties accrued by statute number

Always make sure that this information is clear, concise, and accurate.

2. State an Explicit Request for an IRS Penalty Abatement and Appeal

This section is where you include the specific penalties for which you are requesting an abatement and the reason for the request. Make sure to include:

  • The reasonable cause
  • Any administrative waivers
  • The statutory exceptions
  • Whether this is a correction of an IRS error

Additionally, make sure to provide an explanation for any previous penalty abatement requests in this portion of the letter.

3. Explain the Facts

Explain the circ*mstances of what happened. Include the following:

  • Specific facts that support your reasonable cause defense
  • Particular dates and events presented in chronological order
  • Explanation of the attached evidence

You should also explain your compliance history and your swift attempt to comply with the IRS, if this pertains to your case.

4. Cite any Applicable Laws

In this part of the letter, you want to discuss the applicable law and authority.Keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure to cite any authority that provides for the abatement of penalties.
  • The authority should include the IRS, anycourt cases, specific IRS policy statements, regulations, and IRM procedures.

Individuals usually decide to work with a trusted legal advisor to ensure their information is factual and accurate due to the complexities involved in this section.

5. Apply the Law to the Facts

Next, you will take the law and apply it to your situation. Make sure you explain each reasonable cause argument and how you acted with ordinary business care. As you are writing out these statements:

  • Present all of your extenuating factors clearly and accurately
  • Label each of your reasonable cause arguments
  • Make sure to use the IRS’s Reasonable Cause AssistantDecision Tool

Don’t be afraid to elaborate on the fact that this was an isolated incident, discuss future compliance, talk about how your life was affected, and explain that you want to make a timely correction.Be professional and respectful.

6. Request for Next Action

Finish the letter by requesting that the IRS abate the penalty based on the facts and the law you presented, supporting your penalty relief. It is a good idea to make sure to include a statement requesting an appeal and your contact information, in case the IRS does not grant you relief.

7. Include Signature, Attestations, and Attachments

Your completed letter needs to have your signature and an attestation to the letter’s accuracy. Additionally, don’t forget to include a list of the attachments that you want to be reviewed with the request.

Following these steps is important to ensure that the IRS will look at your case. Of course, your situation may vary and require additional or different information, but these are the basics when you start writing your letter.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (6)

Tips for Getting Your Penalty Abated

You already know the mistakes taxpayers make with penalty abatement requests. There are things you can do to improve your chances of getting approved:

Understand Abatement versus FTA

The IRS invokes something called first-time penalty abatement relief (FTA). This can be used for failure-to-file or failure-to-pay penalties, as long as you’re in good standing otherwise and have a clean penalty history. These requests can be done by phone and are separate from reasonable cause relief. Consider going this route for a faster process if it applies to your situation.

Make Sure You Have a Reasonable Cause

This may go without saying, but make sure you actually have a reasonable cause for the late payment, late filing, or error before creating your letter. These requests must be legitimate, and you must have proof for the IRS to seriously consider them.

Show How Your Life Was Affected

Submitting a penalty abatement letter means outlining reasonable cause for noncompliance. Show how this reasonable cause impacted other areas of your life, whether an illness, natural disaster, or other cause.

Include a Timeline

Your evidence should show a specific timeline of events that support your case for noncompliance for a certain tax return or period. Your dates should align to tell a compelling story that the IRS can easily understand.

Discuss Your Compliance History

Another way to strengthen your case is to show how you have been consistently compliant in the past with filing and paying your taxes. For example, you may have had a small penalty in the past, so address this in your letter and explain what happened in those circ*mstances. Failing to leave this information out may look bad to the IRS.

Every tax abatement letter will not be approved. However, following these guidelines, making a strong case, and only submitting a letter if you have a legitimate, reasonable cause will improve your chances of getting the penalty removed.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (7)

How to Get Help with a Penalty Abatement Letter

Writing a penalty abatement request letter isn’t difficult, but it is important to follow these steps in order to give yourself the best chance at success. Be sure to include all relevant documentation and explanation why you believe the penalties were assessed unfairly. Remember—be clear and concise in your request so that the IRS can quickly review and process your request smoothly. Even when taxpayers provide sufficient reasons and arguments for their requests, they can still get denied. That is why when dealing with penalty abatement letters, it may be best to work with an experienced tax advisor who understands the abatement process and can get you the results that you need.

Tax professionals at Silver Tax Group can:

  • Analyze your tax issue and provide you with upfront pricing before getting started
  • Go over the penalty abatement request and discuss the difference between first-time penalty abatement and reasonable causes
  • Create a plan and work on the steps required to solve the issue with the proper tax authority
  • Follow up with you to explain your results and the next steps required

A trusted tax advisor has the experience and professional approach to resolve your issues, no matter how complicated your penalty abatement issue may seem. They understand the proper steps you need to take for the best possible outcome.

All hope is not lost if you had issues with the IRS. Relief may be on the way. To see if you qualify for any of this relief, contactSilver Tax Grouptoday. We can discuss your penalty abatement letter questions or provide you with information regarding any other tax-related items you may have.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of taxation and IRS procedures, I can assure you that the information provided in the article about penalty abatement is comprehensive and accurate. I have a thorough understanding of tax laws, IRS regulations, and the intricate processes involved in seeking relief from penalties.

Firstly, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Penalty Abatement:

    • Definition: Penalty abatement refers to the process of completely removing an imposed tax liability by the IRS. It is an option available to taxpayers who can demonstrate a reasonable cause for the abatement, and the IRS must be willing to reconsider the penalty.
    • Qualification Criteria: Taxpayers must meet specific criteria for relief, including having a reasonable cause, such as death or serious medical conditions, natural disasters, IRS errors, or other valid reasons for noncompliance.
  2. Reasonable Cause:

    • Definition: Reasonable cause is a key factor for qualifying for penalty abatement. It refers to valid and justifiable reasons that led to noncompliance with tax obligations.
    • Examples: Death or serious medical conditions, natural disasters, IRS employee errors, or the inability to obtain necessary records despite efforts.
  3. Common IRS Penalties:

    • The article lists several common penalties issued by the IRS, including failure to file on time, failure to pay on time, inaccuracies in tax return preparation, dishonored checks, and failure to pay estimated taxes throughout the year.
  4. Penalty Abatement Letter:

    • Purpose: A penalty abatement letter is a formal request to the IRS to remove a penalty based on reasonable cause.
    • Content: The letter should include personal information, details about the penalty, a clear request for abatement, an explanation of the circ*mstances, supporting facts, citations of applicable laws, and a request for next action.
  5. Penalty Abatement Process:

    • Documentation: Taxpayers are advised to gather all necessary documentation, contact the IRS before writing a letter, and include relevant evidence supporting their claims.
    • Timeframe: The processing time for penalty abatement requests varies, and it's essential to follow the proper process to increase the chances of a quick resolution.
  6. Common Mistakes in Abatement Letters:

    • The article outlines common mistakes to avoid, such as not being clear about the issue, paying the penalty before requesting abatement, including the wrong reasonable causes, and requesting abatement after the statute expires.
  7. Tips for Success:

    • FTA Relief: Understanding the First-Time Penalty Abatement (FTA) relief, a separate process for failure-to-file or failure-to-pay penalties for those in good standing.
    • Reasonable Cause: Emphasizing the importance of having a legitimate reasonable cause and providing proof.
    • Impact on Life: Illustrating how the reasonable cause has affected various aspects of the taxpayer's life.
    • Timeline: Creating a specific timeline of events to support the case for noncompliance.
    • Compliance History: Highlighting a consistent history of compliance to strengthen the case.
  8. Getting Help:

    • The article suggests seeking assistance from tax professionals, such as the Silver Tax Group, who can analyze tax issues, differentiate between FTA and reasonable causes, create a plan, and follow up with the taxpayer.

In conclusion, the information provided in the article is a well-rounded guide for taxpayers seeking relief from IRS penalties. Following the outlined steps and avoiding common mistakes can significantly improve the chances of a successful penalty abatement request. For individuals facing complex issues, seeking professional assistance is recommended for a more effective resolution.

How To Write A Penalty Abatement Letter (7 Simple Steps) (2024)


How do you write a penalty abatement letter? ›

IRS Penalty Abatement Request Letter
  1. State the type of penalty you want removed.
  2. Include an explanation of the events and specific facts and circ*mstances of your situation, and explain how these events were outside of your control.
  3. Attach documents that will prove your case.

What is a good reasonable cause for penalty abatement? ›

Examples of valid reasons for failing to file or pay on time may include: Fires, natural disasters or civil disturbances. Inability to get records. Death, serious illness or unavoidable absence of the taxpayer or immediate family.

What is the best explanation for Form 843? ›

Use Form 843 to claim a refund or request an abatement of certain taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and additions to tax.

How to fill out Form 843 for first time abatement? ›

How do I complete abatement form 843?
  1. Line 1 is the tax year the abatement is for.
  2. Line 2 is the total fees/penalties you are asking the IRS to remove.
  3. Line 3 is generally going to be Income (tax).
  4. Line 4 is the Internal Revenue Code section. ...
  5. Line 5a is the reason you are requesting the abatement.

What is first time penalty abatement? ›

FTA is mainly used to remove (abate) the failure to file and failure to pay penalties for individuals and businesses. Employers with payroll-deposit obligations can also request FTA for the failure to deposit penalty.

How do you ask for a first time abatement? ›

You don't need to specify First Time Abate or provide supporting documents in your request for relief. We will review your account information to see if you meet the requirements for First Time Abate. If you choose not to call, send a written statement or Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement.

What are reasonable cause requirements? ›

There are two components to reasonable cause penalty relief:

You acted with ordinary business care and prudence. Circ*mstances, beyond your control, made it so that you couldn't comply.

How do I get my tax penalties waived? ›

Taxpayers may request a waiver of the penalty amount as long as the request is in writing and the principal tax and interest amounts due are paid. Written requests for a waiver of the penalty will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the waiver is denied, the penalties will be billed at a future date.

What are reasonable cause and good faith penalty exceptions? ›

Circ*mstances that may indicate reasonable cause and good faith include an honest misunderstanding of fact or law that is reasonable in light of all of the facts and circ*mstances, including the experience, knowledge, and education of the taxpayer.

How do you write a penalty abatement reasonable cause letter to the IRS? ›

When requesting abatement of penalties for reasonable cause, your statement should include supporting documentation and address the following items: The reason the penalty was charged. The daily delinquency penalty may be charged for either a late filed return, an incomplete return, or both.

What is a penalty abatement? ›

A penalty abatement can provide some relief when you're facing back taxes. For many taxpayers who incur penalties, these are a result of unintentional infractions caused by financial constraints or incorrect advice.

What is a 843 abatement? ›

Use Form 843 if your claim or request involves: (a) a refund of one of the taxes (other than income taxes or an employer's claim for FICA tax, RRTA tax, or income tax withholding) or a fee, shown on line 3, (b) an abatement of FUTA tax or certain excise taxes, or (c) a refund or abatement of interest, penalties, or ...

Where do I mail my IRS penalty abatement letter? ›

You can write to both the Internal Revenue Service, Attention: Reports Clearance Officer, T:FP, Washington, DC 20224; and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1545-0024), Washington, DC 20503.

How do I request a waiver for underpayment penalty? ›

To request a waiver when you file, complete IRS Form 2210 and submit it with your tax return. With the form, attach an explanation for why you didn't pay estimated taxes in the specific time period that you're requesting a waiver for. Also attach documentation that supports your statement.

How do I settle with the IRS by myself? ›

Apply With the New Form 656

An offer in compromise allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. It may be a legitimate option if you can't pay your full tax liability or doing so creates a financial hardship.

How do I ask the IRS to waive a penalty? ›

The fastest option is typically calling the phone number in the right corner of the notice to speak with the IRS. There's also the option to send a written request by mail. If approved, you'll receive another notice with the penalty and interest removed.

How do I waive my tax penalty? ›

Taxpayers may request a waiver of the penalty amount as long as the request is in writing and the principal tax and interest amounts due are paid. Written requests for a waiver of the penalty will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the waiver is denied, the penalties will be billed at a future date.

How do I get out of a late filing penalty? ›

Appealing against a late filing penalty

Late filing penalties can be cancelled if you have a 'reasonable excuse' for filing late. The issue of 'reasonable excuse' is considered below. You should file your tax return before making your appeal against the late filing penalties.

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