How To Start Over At 50 With No Money (2024)

How to Start Over at 50 With No Money

You’re 50 years old and you feel like it’s time for a fresh start, but you don’t have any money.

and, you are wondering – how to start over at 50 with no money?

I know starting over at 50 can be REALLY daunting, but there are many reasons why you might choose to do it.

Perhaps you have been laid off and need to find a new job, or maybe they’re tired of their current lifestyle and want to make a change.

Maybe your partner passed away or you’re dealing with divorce. Whatever the reason, it’s important to have a plan and stay motivated.

It can be difficult to start over at any age, but it’s especially hard if you don’t have any money. Don’t worry, starting over at 50 doesn’t have to be difficult.

You can find a regular job for yourself or start an online business, which doesn’t require a lot of money to get started.

You can also start a blog or a youtube channel and make money from those.

Or you can start freelancing, which doesn’t require any upfront investment.

The most important thing is to find something that you’re passionate about and to focus on building your skillset.

Here are some tips for starting over at 50:

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Table Of Contents

  1. How to Start Over at 50 With No Money
  2. Start Over at 50 With No Money and with nothing
    • Evaluate your situation:
      • Assess your present finances and sources of income:
    • Work on your budget and know your numbers
    • Review your expenses and cut down anything unnecessary
    • Pay up your debts
    • Create a savings plan
    • Build up your emergency fund
    • Set up a Roth IRA
  3. Starting Over at 50 with a New Career:
    • FIND A JOB:
      • Understand your skills and decide what kind of job you want to do:
      • Update your resume:
      • Upskill yourself with online courses:
      • Choose an occupation that embraces older workers:
      • Follow your passion:
      • Understand your skills, interests and especially passion:
      • Do research on the industry:
      • Create a business plan:
  4. List of online business you can do
    • Product Based Online Business:
    • Service Based Online Business:
    • Blogging for money:
    • Youtube for money:
  5. FAQ: How to Start Over at 50 With No Money
    • How do I start over at 50 with nothing?
    • What are some good ways to start over at 50?
    • Can you start over financially at 50?
  6. Conclusion paragraph: How to Start Over at 50 With No Money
  7. How to Start Over at 50 With No Money

Start Over at 50 With No Money and with nothing

How To Start Over At 50 With No Money (1)

Evaluate your situation:

When starting over at any age, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate your current situation.

  • What are your goals?
  • What do you need to do to achieve them?

Be realistic and break down your goals into smaller steps that you can accomplish in a shorter period of time. For example, if your goal is to find a new job, start by creating a list of companies you would like to work for and researching their websites.

How do you evaluate your situation and take the right action?

Here you go –

Assess your present finances and sources of income:

Ask yourself

  • How much money do you have saved?
  • What are your monthly expenses?
  • If you have debt, how much interest are you paying on that debt each month?
  • What are your sources of income?
  • How much are you earning in a month after taxes?
  • Can you afford to live on your current income? If not, you’ll need to make some changes.

These are important questions to answer before making any decisions about starting over at 50.

If you don’t have a lot of money saved, or if you’re carrying a lot of debt, you may need to reevaluate your current situation before making any moves.

There are a few ways to start over at 50 with no money. You could find a new job, move to a new city, or start a business. We will talk about it in just a bit

Besides this, you should also take a look at your bank statement and credit score to understand where you stand financially.

Work on your budget and know your numbers

If you’re going to start over at 50 with no money, you’re going to have to be smart about your spending.

A budget is a great way to keep track of your expenses and make sure that you’re not overspending each month.

Start by making a list of all your monthly expenses. This could include things like your rent or mortgage, car payments, groceries, and utilities.

If you have debt, it’s important to know how much interest you’re paying each month and calculate that in your budget.

Once you have a list of your expenses, add up how much you spend each month. So, work on your budget and know your numbers.

This will bring a tonne of clarity.

Review your expenses and cut down anything unnecessary

Now that you have a budget, it’s time to start cutting down on your expenses.

Take a look at your list of monthly expenses and see if there are any items that you can live without.

Do you really need cable TV? Could you downgrade your cell phone plan? Are there cheaper ways to get internet service?

One way to save money is to make your own coffee instead of buying it at Starbucks every day.

So, think about ways to get to a bare minimum expense.

Pay up your debts

If you have debts, the best way to start over at 50 is to pay them off. The longer you wait, the more interest you’ll pay.

There are a few ways to pay off your debts faster. You could get a second job and use the extra income to pay down your debt.

You could also create a budget and put all your extra money towards your debts. If you have a lot of debt, you may want to consider getting a consolidation loan.

This will allow you to pay off your debts faster, and you may even be able to get a lower interest rate.

Create a savings plan

One of the best ways to start over at 50 with no money is to create a savings plan. This means setting aside money each month to save for a rainy day.

There are a few different ways to create a savings plan.

You could save a certain percentage of your income each month, or you could set a goal and save until you reach it.

Build up your emergency fund

If you don’t have a lot of money saved, it’s important to start building up your emergency fund.

This will help you when unexpected expenses come up. You should try to save at least 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses.

Take advantage of employer matching for 401k contributions. If your employer offers a 401k plan, make sure you take advantage of the matching contributions.

This is free money that your employer is giving you, and it’s a great way to start over at 50 with no money.

Set up a Roth IRA

If you’re not able to contribute to a 401k, you may want to consider setting up a Roth IRA. This is a retirement account that allows you to contribute and withdraw money tax-free.

Starting Over at 50 with a New Career:


Understand your skills and decide what kind of job you want to do:

Take some time to assess your skills. Are there any specific skills that you have that could lead you to a new career?

Maybe you’re great with numbers and could become a bookkeeper or accountant.

Or maybe you’re artsy and would be great as a graphic designer. Once you know what your skills are, you can start looking for jobs that match those skills.

It’s also important to be realistic about your job prospects.

If you’re 50 years old and have been out of the workforce for a while, it may be difficult to find a job in your desired field.

But don’t give up!

A few steps to take:

Update your resume:

A resume is a reflection of your skills and experience. It’s important to make sure that your resume is up-to-date and accurate.

If you haven’t worked in a while, your resume may be outdated. Make sure you update it with your most recent work experience and skills.

You should also make sure that your resume is easy to read. Use a simple font and avoid using too much text.

Upskill yourself with online courses:

If you’re looking for a new career, it’s important to upskill yourself. There are a lot of online courses that can help you learn new skills.

You could take courses in things like graphic design, bookkeeping, or social media marketing.

Just decide what you want to do and then upskill yourself accordingly!

Besides this, you may also want to learn technology, especially if you’re not comfortable with it. The more comfortable you are with technology, the easier it will be to work in today’s world.

Choose an occupation that embraces older workers:

There are a lot of jobs that are open to older workers.

You could look for a job in the medical field, law enforcement, or education. Check out retirement jobs here.

Follow your passion:

If you’re not sure what you want to do, you could try following your passion. This may mean starting your own business or finding a job in your field of interest.


How To Start Over At 50 With No Money (2)

If you can fund a small business, it can be a great way to make money and start over at 50.

There are a lot of small businesses that don’t require a lot of money to get started. Before we list a few things you can start off with, here are the steps to take:

Read: Low stress jobs after retirement

Understand your skills, interests and especially passion:

This is something you should do no matter what you decide to do.

When you know what your skills, interests, and passions are, it becomes a lot easier to start a business around them.

Do research on the industry:

The last thing you want to do is jump into a business without doing your research.

Make sure you know what the industry looks like, what the competition is like, and how you can make your business stand out.

Create a business plan:

A business plan is essential for any business. It outlines all of the important aspects of your business and it helps you stay on track – whether it’s finance, marketing or sales – plan everything.

List of online business you can do

How To Start Over At 50 With No Money (3)

There are two types of online business

  • Product Based
  • Service Based

Product Based Online Business:

Product-based online businesses are businesses where you sell a product that you created or re-sell a product already in the market.

The great thing about product-based online businesses is that you don’t need to have a physical store andt, ye you can reach a global audience. Thanks to the internet and social media.

The drawback, however, is that you need to have an understanding of things like SEO, digital marketing, and product packaging.

Some product-based online businesses include:

Service Based Online Business:

Service-based online businesses are businesses where you offer your services to clients.

The great thing about service-based online businesses is that you don’t need any products and you can work from anywhere in the world.

The drawback, however, is that it can be difficult to get your business off the ground without any clients.

Some service-based online businesses include:

Besides the above two options, you can also choose to build a blog and a youtube channel for profit.

However, remember that this takes a long time to start making money.

I would suggest you pick one of the above (service or product-based business) and alongside build a blog (which can eventually become your main source of income).

Blogging for money:

There are a lot of people who make a full-time income from blogging.

The great thing about blogging is that you can write about anything you’re passionate about and there are a lot of ways to make money from it.

Some ways to make money from blogging include:

  • Advertising – Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts
  • Products – Create and Sell Your Own Products, Sell eBooks or Courses
  • Services – Offer Consulting, Coaching or Mentoring
  • Freelance Writing – Write for Others as a Freelancer
  • Donations/Patreon – Ask for Donations from Readers
  • Sponsored Posts – Get Paid to Write Posts for brands
  • Affiliate Marketing – Promote Other People’s Products and Services
  • Podcasting – Sell Advertising or Sponsorships

The great thing about all of these options is that you can start a blog for free and there are a lot of online courses that can teach you how to make money from blogging.

Want to be a $100K blog? Check these courses out

Starting a website and designing it is not a difficult and tech-heavy task. You can simply get started for as little as$3.95 per month

Ready Set Blog for trafficIt is an EXTREMELY underpriced course on how to make money with a blog for beginners. It tells you how to set up your blog, use Pinterest and implement SEO strategies. Using her tips, I have been able to rank on page 1 of Google. You can readmy first income report here.

Stupid Simple SEO(FREE COURSE)–It is the best investment I have made in the blog land. Take Mike’s course, apply it on your blog and you can see the results pouring it.Read detailed review here.

FREE SEO lessons (video)– If you’re looking for video classes on SEO, you cannot miss out what Lena has to tell you.

Pinteresting Strategies– This is an affordable course that tells you how to use (and, how NOT to use) Pinterest to drive traffic. Using this, I have been able to get a 200% increase in traffic within 2 months.

Affiliate marketing for bloggers– The ONLY resource I have used, which taught me everything required. I also understood a lot of things that I were doing wrong and could have been dinged by Google. Thank god!

Youtube for money:

Similar to blogging, you can also make money from Youtube by creating videos around your interests and passions.

There are a lot of ways to make money from Youtube, but the most common ways are:

  • Advertising – Display Ads, Sponsored Videos
  • Products – Sell Merchandise, Create and Sell Your Own Products
  • Services – Offer Consulting, Coaching or Mentoring
  • Freelance Writing – Write for Others as a Freelancer
  • Donations/Patreon – Ask for Donations from Viewers
  • Sponsored Posts – Get Paid to Make Videos for Brands
  • Affiliate Marketing – Promote Other People’s Products and Services

FAQ: How to Start Over at 50 With No Money

How do I start over at 50 with nothing?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to start over at 50 depends on your individual circ*mstances.

However, some tips include paying off debts, finding a job that pays well, and saving for emergencies.

What are some good ways to start over at 50?

Some good ways to start over at 50 include building an emergency fund, saving for retirement, and taking courses to become more comfortable with technology.

You may also want to consider following your passion or pursuing a new career path. For example, if you are an artist, you can look into these different art side hustles

Can you start over financially at 50?

Yes, you can start over financially at 50. There are a number of things you can do to get your finances in order, including creating a budget, paying off debts, and investing for the future.

Conclusion paragraph: How to Start Over at 50 With No Money

No matter how you decide to start over at 50, the important thing is that you take the first step.

It may be difficult, but it’s definitely not impossible.

And don’t forget – we’re here to help!

Starting over can be daunting, but with a little effort and our support, you’ll be on your way to a new and exciting chapter in your life.

I hope this post on How to Start Over at 50 With No Money helped you out.

How to Start Over at 50 With No Money

How To Start Over At 50 With No Money (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.