How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (2024)

Although we’re clearly in the age of TikTok, your real estate agent Facebook page is still one of the most important elements of your online brand. Especially since one group—millennials—is still the largest share of Facebook users, and they’re the very demographic who are statistically most likely to buy and sell real estate. Throw in the fact that baby boomers also still love their Facebook, and you’ve got a pretty hot spot to prospect.

It’s not difficult to create a real estate agent Facebook page, especially with the help of our step-by-step guide. We’ll walk you through the process and provide expert tips to help you take advantage of everything Facebook (and Meta) have to offer. And you can do it all in an afternoon.

The first step to creating a real estate agent Facebook page is to head to Facebook. You will first need a personal Facebook page, so sign up if you don’t have one already. And yes, you can keep your business page and personal pages separate if you want to.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (1)

To get started, go to Meta Business Suite and click on Get Started. It’s free, easy, and quick. Add your business name, your name, and email.

2. Add Others

The next step is to add any other stakeholders who will need access to the account. This might be fellow agents or a marketing team.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (2)

Everything you do in Facebook, from running ads to placing posts to uploading visual content, will all happen here, so make sure everyone who needs to have access has it.You can add people later, but this built-in step makes it easy.

3. Start Building a Business Page

At this point, you have only created a business presence within the Meta Business Suite universe. Now you can start creating your marketing assets within that account.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (3)

We’re going to focus on the Facebook page, but take some time to explore all of the assets available that can help build your business, remembering that the Meta universe includes Instagram and WhatsApp.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (4)

The Basics

For your page name, don’t just use your first and last name. Instead, add something like “Realtor” or “Real Estate Agent.” This helps people differentiate between your personal and business pages. Of course, if you have a team or brand name, you’ll want to use that instead of your name altogether.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (5)

For Category, choose whichever one of these options is most applicable to your business:

  • Real Estate Agent
  • Real Estate Company
  • Commercial Real Estate Agency
  • Real Estate Developer
How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (6)

Once you’re done naming your Facebook page and adding a description, click on Create Page. You can then edit your page, add details, and really make it your own.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (7)

One confusing element for most new-to-Meta folks is the difference between Facebook and the Meta Business Suite. Think of your Facebook page as being nestled under your Meta account.

In Meta, you’ll see some steps to managing your page. We’ll go through the Meta tools in more detail below, but here’s where you can start to play around with the platform.

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As you can see, Meta is very excited for you and announces your successful page with this helpful, celebratory pop-up. I recommend pausing here to take the tour they offer.

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5. Upload Your Visual Assets

Now you’ve built the bare-bones of your real estate agent Facebook page and it’s time to dress it up. You can upload all of your images and video directly to your page and then move them around and crop them right in the platform. Just make sure you have permission to use all the photos you upload to Meta and Facebook.

Cover Image

Let’s first click on the little camera to upload your cover image—that large, rectangular image that sits behind your profile picture. A good cover image is one that’s attractive, complements your profile picture, and, hopefully, says something about what you do.

For example, if you’re selling beautiful farm properties in the Carolina Piedmont, pick a pretty landscape photo that shows off the rolling hills. If you’re selling oceanfront in Hawaii, make sure your photo highlights the turquoise waters. This is your opportunity to visually represent your target market. At a loss? A group photo of all your team looking happy and confident is always a strong bet.

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Thankfully, Meta offers detailed information about image specs. Cover images should be at least 400 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall, with a left alignment, full bleed (no margins), and 16:9 aspect ratio. Your profile photo will cover a small half-circle of the image. Facebook recommends using a PNG file. And note that it must be an image—videos aren’t supported as cover images anymore.

Get High-quality Professional Images

If you don’t have the rights to use any high-quality cover images, check out Unsplash. They have 100% free stock photography that is head-and-shoulders above the free offerings on sites like Shutterstock.

Related Article 11 Awesome Real Estate Facebook Cover Photo Examples to Inspire You (+ Templates)

Adding a Slideshow Cover Image

Not satisfied with a static image as your cover? Slideshows are really easy. Put up to five pictures you like in a folder on your computer and click on the little camera icon in the corner of your cover image. Next, upload your pictures in the order you want them on your Facebook page. You can move them around if you change your mind on the order.

Choose that first image wisely. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t scroll through your cover images automatically when a user visits your page, as the name “slideshow” suggests. Instead, users will have to click on the left or right arrows to look at your series of photos.

Adding Text or Your Logo to Your Cover Image

You can also add text or a logo to your cover image. Facebook will cut 90 pixels off the left and right side of your cover image on mobile, so make sure your text is centered and not too close to the side edges.

In terms of design, you have a few options. First, you can try your hand on a design app like Canva, or you can head over to Fiverr and hire someone to create a professional cover image for you (starting at just $5).

Visit Fiverr
Related Article Canva for Real Estate Agents: The Ultimate Guide

Profile Image

You can use any picture that you’d like for your profile image, but I always strongly suggest agents use a headshot that makes them look trustworthy, competent, and confident―in that order.

Related Article 20 Tips for Perfect Real Estate Headshots (+ Examples)
How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (11)

Again, you should reference Meta’s image specs for Facebook. As far as dimensions go, don’t worry too much about making it “high-res,” but note that it will be 176 pixels by 176 pixels on desktop and 196 by 196 on mobile. Your head should be centered properly—and note that the image is cropped to a circle.

6. Set Up Your Systems

Before you even think about advertising on Facebook to drive leads to landing pages on your website, you need to make sure your real estate website is ready to convert them. This might sound obvious, but you would be surprised at how many agents skip this crucial step.

Take some time to plan how to integrate your Facebook leads, customer relationship manager (CRM), and website. If these important lead generation and nurturing tools aren’t talking to each other, then creating your real estate agent Facebook page is a lot of wasted effort.

Related Articles

  • The 6 Best Real Estate Lead Generation Websites
  • How to Create Real Estate Facebook Ads That Actually Generate Leads

If you use an all-in-one platform like Real Geeks, you can have professionals help you every step of the way. Real Geeks will run your Facebook ads for you, set up your landing pages, and quickly and easily nurture them with their built-in CRM and marketing tools.

Visit Real Geeks

7. Create an @Username

Now that you have your Facebook page mostly built, it’s time to give it a username. Your @username also populates your Facebook URL when it’s shared, which means the example I created here will look like this:

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (12)

Click on Settings and navigate to General Page settings. Come up with something easy to remember that also says something about your business. Some agents just use their full business name, while others get a bit more creative with their Facebook page handle.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (13)

8. Set Up a Facebook Messenger Auto-reply

People are on Facebook at all hours of the night and day. Don’t let that lead who’s interested in your new listing slip away when you don’t get back to them right away. Set up automations so that your page is always working, even if you’re sleeping.

On your Meta dashboard, click on the text bubble icon on the left, known as the Inbox. Then navigate to Automations. Here is where you can set your auto-replies and responses.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (14)

Facebook Messenger can be a powerful tool for lead capture. You can set up automated messages and even program simple (or complicated) chatbots to engage with your visitors’ commonly asked questions.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (15)

To set an auto-responder, write your reply message in the box. You’ll see a preview of what your message will look like on mobile to the right.

9. Set Notifications to Push

Consumers expect instant responses on social media platforms like Facebook, so you should sign up to get notified as soon as someone “likes” your page, comments on a post, or reaches out to you with a question. Make sure your notifications are set on this page, accessible by clicking on the bell icon in the settings menu:

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (16)

10. Manage the Health of Your Business Page

The Meta Business Suite has made it easier than ever to manage the health and success of your real estate agent Facebook business page. Here are some of the features to help you optimize your page for lead generation, brand awareness, marketing events, property listings, and more.


It’s easy to monitor your page’s health and to take steps that make your page even more visible and dynamic. The core dashboard shows you how well you’re doing and, more importantly, where you can add value.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (17)

Use Meta for Posts & Ads

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (18)

Meta has tools for posting ads, planning out content publication, and monitoring and evaluating your success. Remember you can also easily post within Meta’s other platform, Instagram, all from your Meta Business Suite dashboard.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (19)

Not sure where to start with ads? We put together a guide that shows you step-by-step how to create your ads and creative ways to engage with your audience.

Want to start getting affordable leads from Facebook ads right away? Try Market Leader’s new Network Boost program. Network Boost does all the hard work of Facebook advertising for you. Once you start getting leads, Network Boost even has automated lead nurturing tools so you only need to step in when they’re ready to tour homes. Even better, leads from Network Boost are very affordable. Around $10 per lead.

Visit Market Leader

Monitor Your Success

Since you’ve spent all of this time and effort building your real estate agent Facebook business page, you want to make sure it’s working. The Professional Dashboard gives you real-time numbers to see your reach and engagement.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (20)

As you play around with the insights tool, you’ll notice that it tracks all of the different ways that your audience engages with your page.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (21)

As you try out new ways to engage with your audience, make sure you’re tracking your progress here. Not only does it help you see what works and what makes your audience tick, it’s also satisfying and motivating to see those numbers climb over time.

11. Congratulations!

🎉 You did it! 🎉 Go get yourself a cookie.

But don’t forget that—while you have a bright, shiny new real estate agent Facebook page—you still have work to do. You’ll need to actually use it to engage with your audience and advertise your services. So post a ton, try out ads, and watch closely to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Most of all, be creative and have a little fun!

Bonus Tip: Conduct a Branding Audit

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (22)

Before you start any social media marketing campaign for your real estate business, your first step should always be to assess your personal branding honestly and thoroughly.

I know what you’re thinking: You put a lot of work (and maybe money) into your branding already, so chances are everything’s hunky-dory, right? Well, keep in mind that overestimating the quality of work you’ve put time, money, and effort into is so common that behavioral economists have a name for it: The sunk cost fallacy.

Don’t worry―we’re not suggesting you spend millions on rebranding. To get started, here are a few things you should assess:

Your Headshot

Is your headshot working? Does it make you look trustworthy, confident, and competent? How’s the lighting? Is it blurry or out of focus? Are you dressed professionally enough? How about your smile? Is it genuine or forced?

Related Article 20 Tips for Perfect Real Estate Headshots (+ Examples)

Your Logo

While agents don’t necessarily need a logo, having one can give you that little push over the edge that might help a homeowner decide to send you a message on your Facebook page.

Your Slogan, Tagline & Marketing Copy

Like logos, a slogan and tagline are nice to have, but not absolutely necessary for most agents. However, you should be aware that a slogan is more advertising-focused and designed to sell you and your brand, whereas a tagline is more public relations-focused, indicating the promise of your brand.

At the very least, you should craft some copy that describes your unique value for your clients. If you don’t, no sweat. You can work on it as you build out your Facebook page.

Revisiting Your Mission, Vision & Values

They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second-best time is today. This is especially true when it comes to your business. That’s why there is no bad time to sit down and revisit your mission, vision, and values. After all, this is the core identity of your brand.

Knowing what difference you want to make in your community (your mission), where you see yourself in 10 years (your vision), and what matters most to you (your values) will greatly increase the likelihood that your brand will resonate with people in your community, and lead to them hire you.

Examples of Real Estate Agent Facebook Pages We Love:

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (23)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (24)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (25)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (26)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (27)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (28)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (29)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (30)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (31)

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (32)

Bringing It All Together

Setting up a real estate agent Facebook page might be one of the most impactful lead generation and marketing projects you can undertake. Once you have a basic page set up, you can start promoting open houses via promoted posts and start placing laser-targeted ads to generate buyer and seller leads.

Have experience building a page? Have tips for using Meta? Want to show off a page you’ve created? Let us know in the comments!

The Close’s rock star marketing director, Kaydi Rainey, contributed to this article.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (33)


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How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads (2024)


How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads? ›

Use a CRM or an Add-on for Facebook.

You may keep tabs on every interaction you have had with a lead and look back at the timeline of those interactions through your real estate CRM. Realtyna's Facebook Add-on is designed to help real estate agents market their brand while generating Organic leads on Facebook.

How do realtors generate leads on Facebook? ›

Use a CRM or an Add-on for Facebook.

You may keep tabs on every interaction you have had with a lead and look back at the timeline of those interactions through your real estate CRM. Realtyna's Facebook Add-on is designed to help real estate agents market their brand while generating Organic leads on Facebook.

How do I grow my real estate page on Facebook? ›

Engage with Your Audience & Reply to Comments

Facebook is a social platform, and engaging with your audience by replying to comments is crucial. By responding to comments, agents can address concerns, provide helpful information about properties and the local real estate market, and answer questions.

Should a realtor have a Facebook business page? ›

You need a Business Page to run ads.

Facebook is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools available to real estate agents. Without a business page, you don't get to play in this sandbox. You can only run ads on Facebook if you have a Business Page set up.

Do Facebook ads work for real estate leads? ›

Facebook ads are the easiest and fastest way to get more real estate leads, clients, listings, and sales. Here's exactly what to do.

Why am I not getting Facebook leads? ›

Facebook needs to learn who your exact audience is and what you are trying to accomplish, which can take time. Let's not forget that your ad or copy for your ad might not be resonating with your audience either, which could further delay any lead generation.

What should new realtors post on Facebook? ›

Some examples of effective real estate Facebook posts include sharing property listings with high-quality photos, promoting open houses or virtual tours, providing informative and educational content about the local real estate market, and featuring success stories or testimonials from satisfied clients.

How many real estate agents use Facebook? ›

According to the National Association of Realtors, 89% of real estate agents use Facebook for their business. Instagram is a distant second, with 59% of Realtors. LinkedIn is the third-most-popular social app in the industry — 53% of Realtors use it.

How much does Facebook real estate cost per lead? ›

Real Estate Campaign One: Average Cost Per Lead – $9.76

ROI Metrics: One sale for every 164 leads. Actual Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): $1,600.64. The average commission is 3% making average profit margin $7,610.

Do real estate agents use Facebook? ›

So, if you're a real estate agent wondering how to use Facebook to the fullest, here are some basic do's and don'ts to keep in mind. DO set up a separate Facebook page . It's as true for real estate as it is for any other business: Advertising on Facebook starts by establishing a professional Facebook page.

How much do Facebook real estate ads cost? ›

So far, Facebook ads are showing an average cost per click (CPC) of $0.65 across the real estate industry. An all-industry CPC average in Facebook ads for traffic campaigns is $0.83, significantly lower than the average CPC of $4.22 in Google Ads. The average click-through rate (CTR) in real estate is 2.45%.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.