How to save money on health and beauty #21DayMoneyChallenge (2024)

Health and beauty can be two large expenses for any budget.

As a whole, billions each year is spent on health and beauty.

This includes doctors visits, medication, treatments, specialists, surgery and complementary medicine for health, along with salon visits, skin care, makeup, products and services in beauty.

As someone who had severe health issues (paralysis, acancer scare, mental health issues to name a few), along with being an ex-hairdresser and beautician, I know a lot of ways to save money in these 2 areas.

Get $75 for Free from ING

ING has their $75 Orange Everyday sign-up offer on. They share different rewards at different times and right now you can get $75.

If you are a new customer of ING you can get $75 for opening an everyday account with them. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open an everyday account, put the promo code CNW116 in the promo box (you must use the code to get the $75 bonus), and complete all the steps below in the first month.
  2. Deposit $1,000 into the account such as your income or Centrelink payments
  3. Make 5 settled transactions
  4. Open a Savings Maximiser (current interest rate is 5.5%)
  5. Make a deposit into the Savings Maximiser

Then you get your $75 the following month when the promotion is running. Promotion periods vary. The current promotion runs until 31 March 2024.

How to Save Money With Health

If you are on a pension or have any health care/pension/seniors/DVA type card from Centrelink, check out this post to see what discounts you can get (not just with health).

I also have a post here outlining how to afford medical expenses, some of which I’ll cover briefly below.

Know Your Expenses

Some health issues can’t be budgeted or planned for, others can.

If you know you have certain health expenses such as doctors visits, psychology, glasses, dental work, prescriptions or other treatment you and/or family members need, budget it in.

Once you know everything you need to pay for, you can look at how to reduce the cost.

A few examples include:

Doctor Visits

Look for a bulk billing clinic and use the health line on 1800 022 222 before going to your GP or the hospital, they can often advise what you should do.


Get your eyes tested then ask for the prescription and order online.

I have purchased my glasses from Zenni Optical (get $5 off with this link) for nearly a decade and always get compliments on them.

They have lasted well and I am positive the ‘buy two for $199’ type glasses come from here.

More recently I have also used Eye Buy Direct (get $10 off with this link) and really like my glasses from there too.


If you need psychology, physiotherapy or other treatments you may be eligible for a plan on Medicare which reduces the cost and in some cases makes it free.

Take Care Of Yourself

You hear it all the time, good food and exercise are important for your health.

Limiting or eliminating alcohol, not smoking and doing what you can to live a clean, healthy life will have a significant impact on your overall health and medical expenses.

When I didn’t take care of myself, my body stopped.

I became paralysed on and off for 7 months in 2015, along with level 10 pain.

This is where the pain is so excruciating you black out. (Child birth is a level 8).

On top of this, I had a cancer scare so all these health issues combined caused my medical bills to skyrock.

Surgeons, physiotherapy, a chiropractor, naturopathy, MRI and other tests. My income and life were severely impacted because I had not taken care of myself.

Prevention is Better Than a Cure

Getting up at 5:30 am to exercise (you don’t have to), making sure I drink plenty of water, get proper sleep and reducing foods that aren’t healthy have all helped me.

The difference in my day between when I do this and when I don’t is astounding!

Look after yourself.

Today, make a plan for a healthier lifestyle, check your benefits and discounts then implement them.

Gym Membership and Exercise

You don’t need a membership but if you want one, compare prices and get a membership close to home or work.

Research shows you are more likely to use a gym if it’s close because it’s easy to get to.

If you have a membership, make sure you use it.

Alternatively, do it at home. My yoga mat, kettlebell, resistance kit and yoga through YouTube have been enough for me. (Although, I do miss the treadmill and rowing machine at the gym).

Look at other options as well e.g. walk as much as possible, run around your local area instead of on a treadmill.

Do free classes in the park (check Meetup in your area for options), look for exercise parks that have free equipment you can use, join a team sport or do a class for the exercise you enjoy.

Exercise doesn’t need to be expensive and it can be something you enjoy.

Health Insurance

If you choose to have health insurance, compare to make sure you get the right option for your situation. You can do that on the government website here.

Don’t use commercial health insurance comparison sites.

I don’t know anyone who actually got a better rate with them and they only compare for a limited number of funds.

If you don’t want complete health insurance, get ambulance cover.

It is cheap and unless you are eligible for free ambulance (such as with a pension) then if you ever need an ambulance, the health cover will be more than worth it.

I needed an ambulance 3 times in 2 years, totalling over $3,000 if I had to pay it for myself. Ambulance cover is cheap!

Do you need all the extras? Most are not worth the extra premium.

Work out what you want from your health insurance, what your needs are and what you want included in a policy so you can compare accurately and get the right option for you.

Many people do not have health insurance as we have a great public health system in Australia.

Be aware though, the waitlist for some conditions can be extremely long.

In my case, it would have been years for the back issues, the cancer issue would have been months to a year instead of days and treatment for my kids would have been over 3 years going public.

Early intervention for them was crucial in assisting with their needs.

Wait times are different depending where you live but it is something to be aware of.

How to Save Money With Beauty

I am a qualified hairdresser and beautician so can do everything myself.

I don’t recommend you do all your own treatments, but here are some tips for all aspects of beauty I can think of.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll go from head to toe.


I’m blonde now (top right pic is my current look), but have been so many colours!

I cut, colour, tone, bleach and style my hair myself. Learning to do it all yourself isn’t always easy.

Many styles and colours don’t need to be done in a salon, but if you are going for a big colour change such as blonde to brown or lightening your hair from black for example, that should be done in a salon.

Hair Colour

For supermarket colours they all seem similar.

My preference was L’oreal and Schwarzkopf when on sale.

Clairol I found wasn’t as true to colour nor did it hold as long.

Personally, I get my supplies from a wholesaler but you need to be a qualified hairdresser to do that.

Basic colours can be done yourself with a box or two for $10 (buy them on sale) or get a tube of colour from Priceline/Hairhouse Warehouse or similar with the peroxide.

Make sure you use gloves! Put vaseline or barrier cream around your hairline to prevent staining.

Use old towels, a cape, a proper bowl and brush plus if you spill any hair colour anywhere, clean it quickly and where possible bleach the area.

Work in sections instead of dumping the all the hair dye in one spot.

Comb the colour through properly and rinse it thoroughly when the time is up.


If you have issues with dandruff, rubbing coconut or other oil into the scalp overnight then washing your hair the next day can help.

It will weigh down your hair though and be greasy the next day.

Rubbing salt into the scalp, rinsing with apple cider vinegar and anti dandruff shampoos are all options too.


With dry hair you can use oil on your hair, wrap it up overnight and wash it out in the morning.

This is a heavy treatment if you have fine hair oil can weigh down your hair if not rinsed properly.

Alternatively, use treatments from the hairdressers.

Styling And Other Needs

I use a hairdryer (mine is a professional one), a GHD hair straightener (which is almost 7 years old), a quality brush, some clips, bobby pins and hairspray.

I use coconut oil on the ends if they feel a little dry and sometimes Redken Anti Snap.

I don’t use many styling products and if I do, I compare prices online, buying them on sale.

Most of the products you will be sold in a salon you don’t really need.

I do recommend finding the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair though.

It doesn’t have to be expensive but the cheap shampoos aren’t good for coloured hair.

For ‘dry’ shampoo, I usually use cornflour.

It’s cheap, does the same job and isn’t damaging to your scalp.

Dry shampoo is terrible for breakage and dandruff issues.

Hair Cuts

Basic haircuts can be done with a decent pair of clippers (my preferred brand is Wahl) and scissors (not the scissors that come in a pack, get a decent pair of hairdressing scissors.

You can get some good ones on eBay). Use section clips, a proper comb and take your time learning.

Long hair is generally easy, as are basic straight trims and many mens cuts.

Check YouTube for tutorials. I may do a tutorial on how I do my hair later.


You might have a simple routine or you may be right into contouring and spending an hour on makeup.

Mine would be considered basic by most standards as I don’t contour and do it in a few minutes.


Innisfree is my favourite skincare brand. Specifically, the black green tea moisturiser and mask for an instant facelift.

Previously, I used a microfibre cloth and warm water to wash my face with coconut oil to moisturise.

Each weekend I aim to do a facial.

During the week, I cleanse, tone, moisturise, use an anti-ageing eye cream and do my whole face, neck, chest area.


I haven’t had one in a salon for years and don’t miss it.

For me, they were not relaxing and there was no benefit.

On a weekend I do a full routine of cleanse, scrub, mask, tone, moisturise, eye cream, the lot at home mainly with Innisfree products.

If you want to do it, most of it can be done with products in your pantry.

Check out recipes for scrubs such as sugar and oil (mix 3 parts sugar to 1 part oil) or oats and milk plus masks such as egg or avocado, depending on your skin type.

You can do a face peel with gelatine and milk too.

Gelatine Peel

1 Tablespoon gelatine
2 Tablespoons milk

– Clean your face.
– Mix gelatine and milk together in a bowl then heat in microwave for 10 – 15 seconds depending on the strength of your microwave. Mix the milk and gelatin to make a smooth paste. Test the temperature before applying it to your face. You don’t want to burn your skin.
– As with all masks, avoid the skin close to your eyes as it is more delicate and this mask is strong, it can remove some facial hair, so be careful.
– Leave it on your face for 15 minutes then peel off. Go gently as your skin might be sensitive in areas. You don’t need to rip it off fast like a band aid.
– Clean your face again, then tone and moisturise.

Eyelashes, Eyebrows and Waxing

I am blessed with naturally long lashes which curl up and eyebrows I don’t colour or wax.

When I go diving or if I am swimming a heap I do like to have my eyelashes and brows tinted which I do myself using a kit from Priceline.

However, I do have PCOS which results in needing my face waxed every 2 weeks.

I am extremely self-conscious about it. I have a wax pot and use hard wax, not strip wax, for sensitive skin.


You can get extensions, tint and perm them or use an eyelash curler if you want.

With extensions, you can use false lashes bought on sale or get them done in a salon to last longer.

With tinting, you can get lash tint kits at Priceline or similar stores to do it yourself.

Most people go for black or blue black. I don’t do anything to mine except wear mascara.


Get a professional to wax and shape your eyebrows.

They shape your face and even if you pluck the few strays in between, it is still better.

I’ve seen too many DIY eyebrow waxes gone wrong to recommend doing it at home yourself.

Be careful not to over-tweeze and buy good quality tweezers to do it.

Again, I don’t do anything to mine, this is how they are shaped and I don’t feel the need for super thin or overly defined brows.


I use hard wax, not strip wax. It is better for sensitive skin and I found it to be more effective.

You can get a wax pot by Veet at many supermarkets or Priceline and buy discs to melt and use.

This prevents you being able to overheat the wax and burn yourself.

Waxing your chin, lip or sides of your face isn’t too tricky.

Place a thin layer of wax (not so thin it is see-through though) and peel it off while it is still pliable.

Make Up

Have a session to find the products that suit you.

Don’t use the one at the department store counter or one that has a vested interest in one particular brand.

Use an independent makeup artist, get some lessons if you want on contouring and application, then get a good set of brushes and buy makeup that suits you and you will use.

Day Look

My day look is usually BB cream and mascara because I am lazy.

If I want more coverage, I use Maybelline or Revlon foundation, Maybelline 24 hour concealor, Innisfree or Estee Lauder powder, Revlon blush, covergirl eyebrow pencil and any mascara.

Can you tell I buy most of my makeup on sale at the supermarket?

I have used the expensive brands and didn’t find them that great.

Events And Evening

I cannot be bothered with contouring and wearing loads of makeup.

For the evenings and special events I might use false lashes along with eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick, but I prefer not to have so much on my fave.

I also dislike sitting to have my makeup done as I want it done quickly.

For most events, I aim for 30 minutes or less for hair and makeup.

Find out what works for you then create a minimalist kit for your needs.

Buy the items online (as you usually get them for much cheaper and sometimes get bonus gifts) or on sale and learn to use them all properly.


I love a good body scrub, but now make my own with oil and sugar, sometimes I use coffee too but I don’t like the mess that leaves in the shower.

Hair Removal

How and what you choose to remove is up to you.

My preference is waxing, but I shave my legs and use cheap conditioner plus a mens razor as this has been better for my skin, cheaper and more effective than shaving cream and a womens razor.

If you want to use shaving cream, buy the men’s.

It is cheaper than womens for the same thing!

If you go to a salon like I do for other waxing, ask if they have a loyalty program or any discounts.

I have a VIP card giving me 10% off all treatments, every time I go in.

Tanning, Moisturising and Other Body Products

I use deoderant which I buy on sale, perfumes I love which are always gifted.

Coconut oil is my moisturiser as it is cheaper and more effective, plus a little goes a long way.

I don’t tan but if you want to do fake tanning you can get creams to do it yourself at home or try spray tanning at a salon or with a mobile tanner and see if they offer discounts for multiple sessions or learn to do it yourself.

Buy items on sale, ask for discounts, look for items reduced to clear, check Groupon and other coupon sites (but also check reviews for the places selling their services cheap!) and ask for beauty items or gift cards as presents for your birthday/Christmas/Mothers Day etc.


I do my own manicures and pedicures, although I don’t do them as often as I used to.

Use a file, buffer, foot file, orange stick, cuticle oil and have a couple of nail polishes. In general, nails are pretty simple.

File, buff, soak, push back cuticles, polish, leave to dry and use hand cream.

False nails cost more, however, most places will offer a loyalty discount.

Final tip

Today, go through your products, throw out anything that is old, crusty or expired.

Work out what you really need for your beauty routine and look at natural options instead of a cupboard full of products.

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Get $75 for Free from ING

ING has their $75 Orange Everyday sign-up offer on. They share different rewards at different times and right now you can get $75.

If you are a new customer of ING you can get $75 for opening an everyday account with them. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open an everyday account, put the promo code CNW116 in the promo box (you must use the code to get the $75 bonus), and complete all the steps below in the first month.
  2. Deposit $1,000 into the account such as your income or Centrelink payments
  3. Make 5 settled transactions
  4. Open a Savings Maximiser (current interest rate is 5.5%)
  5. Make a deposit into the Savings Maximiser

Then you get your $75 the following month when the promotion is running. Promotion periods vary. The current promotion runs until 31 March 2024.

How to save money on health and beauty #21DayMoneyChallenge (4)


How to save money on health and beauty #21DayMoneyChallenge (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.