How to Prepare for a Real Estate Job Interview in 6 Steps (2024)

The purpose of a real estate interview is for both a brokerage and agent to determine if they can successfully work together. For new and experienced real estate agents, learning how to prepare for a real estate job interview is essential to ensure the right fit. You’ll need a resume that demonstrates your expertise, plan for real estate agent interview questions, dress for success, and be prepared to ask your own questions. Read along as we help you prepare for a real estate job interview and get hired at the brokerage firm you want to work for.

1. Know the Differences Between a Real Estate Agent & Salaried Worker

As you learn how to prepare for a real estate job interview, it’s necessary to remember that real estate interviews are unique compared to other job interviews because most real estate professionals do not receive a fixed salary. Instead, they are independent contractors who can work with as many or as few clients as they choose. So, during the interview, both the interviewer and interviewee should be mindful of what they are looking for to ensure they make a good match.

Although agents must choose a real estate brokerage to serve clients, they make business decisions independently. They do not report to their broker in the same way that employees report to their manager. Agents also have autonomy over their working hours, marketing and advertising strategies, and have unlimited earning potential. This differs significantly from salaried workers whose bosses determine these items for them.

How to Prepare for a Real Estate Job Interview in 6 Steps (1)

Real estate agent interviews should be a two-way dialogue, where both the broker and agent ask questions to assess their alignment regarding business goals and needs. These interviews are common for new agents entering the field and experienced agents seeking a new brokerage.

Typically, brokers seek to attract as many agents as possible, with basic requirements such as real estate knowledge, a strong work ethic, and integrity. Because of this, agents can be a bit more picky about where they want to work. Preparing for this meeting can help gather the essential information to determine the right brokerage.

How to Prepare for a Real Estate Job Interview in 6 Steps (2)

Real estate salesperson job posting (Source: Indeed)

However, not all real estate professionals work as licensed agents. Some opt to hire real estate assistants, whether as part-time, full-time, or independent contractors. These other roles within real estate do not require a real estate license. If you’re preparing for a real estate broker interview as a team member without a real estate license, the process will resemble typical job interviews in other fields. You will discuss job requirements, responsibilities, working hours, and compensation, ultimately determining if the role fits you.

To further understand the nuances of a real estate agent versus a salaried worker, read our article .

2. Create Your Real Estate Resume

Before any interviews, creating a well-written real estate resume is crucial. Nevertheless, a strong resume is the best way to showcase your professionalism and expertise and leave a positive impression on real estate brokers. It is advisable to print multiple copies of your resume to bring to interviews, especially if you anticipate interviewing with multiple individuals.

Your resume should include the following:

  • Name and contact information
  • Job history
  • Experience with sales, marketing, and lead generation
  • Accomplishments and awards
  • Skills
  • Certifications

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New real estate agent resume (Source:

How to Prepare for a Real Estate Job Interview in 6 Steps (4)

Experienced agent resume (Source:

Your real estate resume should be scannable, easy to read, and focused on applicable skills and experience. Experienced agents can showcase their sales performance throughout their careers so far. In contrast, new agents can highlight sales-related experience and skills, even if they are not directly related to real estate. While sales performance is important, most brokers value hard work, a growth mindset, and excellent client service.

3. Research the Real Estate Brokerage

Once you’ve got your resume ready and a few interviews lined up, the next crucial step is conducting thorough research on each company before your interview. The primary goal during your real estate interview should be to ascertain whether the real estate brokerage aligns with your specific needs and business objectives.

Before the interview, learn more about how to choose a real estate brokerage to work for. Research everything you can about the company, considering its brand, reputation, and agent benefits. Assess how each brokerage caters to their agents’ unique needs and experience levels, such as providing training and mentorship for new agents or marketing and lead generation tools for seasoned agents. This research will aid in evaluating and formulating the right questions to ask in a real estate interview.

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Coldwell Banker Realty agent benefits (Source: Coldwell Banker Homes)

For instance, if you find the company active on Facebook or Instagram, you can ask about its social media, real estate branding, and lead generation strategies and successes. This insight can shed light on the company’s organization, systems, and potential learning opportunities for you.

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Example RE/MAX post (Source: Instagram)

Some companies offer abundant online information, including customer reviews, agent profiles, active social media pages, and even commission details for new agents. In contrast, others provide limited online insights but don’t dismiss them. Instead, be extra thorough during the interview to learn more about the pros and cons of working with that brokerage.

4. Determine the Questions You Plan to Ask the Brokerage

As you research each real estate brokerage, you’ll naturally think of some questions to ask during the interview. Write down any specific thoughts, questions, or concerns you develop during your research so you can discuss those openly with the broker. In addition, plan on some specific questions to ask brokers when interviewing them.

A few questions we recommend asking during your realtor interview include:

  • How many agents at this brokerage work part time and full time?
  • What is the average income of your agents?
  • Does your brokerage host social gatherings?
  • What are the brokerage’s short- and long-term goals?
  • What kind of training and mentorship opportunities are offered?
  • What kind of software or technology is provided?
  • What is the commission split structure?

Preparing the right real estate interview questions will be essential to gather important information. Ensure you don’t miss any important information by reading and downloading the top 24 most critical questions to ask a real estate broker.

5. Prepare for Potential Real Estate Interview Questions to Answer

During your real estate broker interviews, you must make a good impression on the brokerages and companies you meet with. Therefore, thinking through some real estate questions and answers before your interview is a good idea. Being familiar with real estate terminology, the real estate market, and the transaction process will prove that you are a valuable asset for any brokerage.

Also, regardless of whether you work in a large or small community, you’ll likely interact with members of the brokerages you interview with during future real estate transactions. Some common real estate job interview questions may include:

Question #1

Why did you become (or are becoming) a real estate agent?

Answer from a new agent: I decided to become a real estate agent because I’ve always been fascinated by helping people find their dream homes and being part of such an important life decision. I enjoy working with others and believe that real estate is a field where I can utilize my interpersonal skills to make a positive impact on clients’ lives. Additionally, the potential for a flexible schedule and the opportunity to continuously learn about the market were appealing factors for me.

Answer from an experienced agent: I have always had a passion for real estate and assisting people in finding their dream homes. I find it fulfilling to sell properties and assist buyers in locating the perfect place that they can call home.

Question #2

What are your sales goals?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed real estate agent, my primary goal is to establish myself in the industry and build a solid foundation. In the short term, I aim to complete at least three successful transactions within my first six months to gain valuable experience and build a client base. My focus will be on providing exceptional service and gaining referrals from satisfied clients.

Over the long term, I aspire to increase my sales volume and grow my business gradually. While I don’t have specific monetary figures at this early stage, I’m committed to continuous improvement and will set more concrete goals as I gain experience and a better understanding of the market.

Answer from an experienced agent: I aim to become your company’s top sales agent. In my previous brokerage, I successfully earned a gross commission income of [insert amount] over the last year, and I completed [insert number] transactions. I’m confident that I can increase my sales volume and accomplish this goal by applying the same dedication and expertise I’ve honed over my career.

Question #3

What makes you stand out from other agents?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed real estate agent, I recognize that I may not have the extensive experience of some other agents. However, I believe there are several qualities and approaches that set me apart. I have a fresh perspective, a strong willingness to adapt and learn, excellent communication skills, and local market knowledge. Additionally, I am tech-savvy and energetic, which helps me stay on top of the latest trends and developments in the industry.

Answer from an experienced agent: As a real estate agent, I consider my exceptional communication skills, comprehensive understanding of the market, and keen attention to detail my unique selling points. With extensive experience in this field, I am always willing to go above and beyond to ensure my clients’ satisfaction.

Question #4

How do you generate leads?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed agent, I plan to employ various strategies to build my client base. This includes networking, growing an online presence, conducting open houses, collaborating with experienced agents, cold calling, referrals from family and friends, and attending real estate events or seminars.

Answer from an experienced agent: I use a well-rounded approach to lead generation. I tap into my existing network for referrals. I maintain an active online presence through social media and my website. I also create valuable content and participate in local networking events. In addition, I engage in direct marketing campaigns and build partnerships with local businesses. Online advertising and open houses are part of my strategy too. I keep an organized client database and invest in ongoing education to stay up to date. My approach is proactive, adaptable, and focused on providing excellent service to potential clients.

Question #5

How do you use the internet for your business?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed agent, I plan to leverage the internet by creating my own professional website, growing an active social media presence, and using reputable listing websites. I also plan to leverage email marketing, digital advertising, and content creation.

Answer from an experienced agent: I market my properties and attract potential buyers through various channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and my personal website. Once I upload a new listing, I send text messages to my active home seekers. I also make sure to follow up promptly using my chosen message apps. My homes are staged and photographed by a top-notch videographer and photographer who produces virtual tours. One of my homes was sold within a week of listing and was shared 120 times on Instagram. I keep a tab on my website traffic and modify listing descriptions that are not performing well compared to others.

Question #6

How do you market your listings?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed real estate agent, I’ll employ various marketing strategies to effectively promote my listings and attract potential buyers. I plan to market my listings through high-quality photography and videography, virtual tours, online listings, social media promotion, and open houses.

Answer from an experienced agent: I use various strategies to market listings, including social media, personal and third-party websites, and print media, as well as through open houses.

Question #7

How do you handle difficult clients?

Answer from a new agent: I plan to handle difficult clients by actively listening, empathizing with their situation, and staying calm and professional. I will make an effort to clarify what the client expects from me and ensure we’re on the same page. Then, I will work with the client to identify potential solutions. When difficulties persist, I will involve a mentor or a more experienced colleague within the brokerage to help facilitate a resolution. Ultimately, my approach to handling difficult clients will be to maintain professionalism, open communication, and a willingness to find solutions while keeping the best interests of my clients in mind.

Answer from an experienced agent: When handling difficult clients, my approach is to maintain a professional, calm, and empathetic demeanor. I actively listen to their concerns and try to identify the optimal solution that satisfies everyone’s requirements. Furthermore, I ensure that I am transparent and provide all the information required to make an informed decision.

Question #8

How do you stay organized during a real estate transaction?

Answer from a new agent: As a newly licensed real estate agent, I plan to implement the following strategies to maintain organization: utilizing a customer relationship management (CRM) system, checklists, file management, calendar reminders, and other apps or software that help streamline transactions.

Answer from an experienced agent: I have a well-established system to follow to stay organized during a transaction. First, I create a transaction checklist outlining all the essential steps and deadlines—ensuring no crucial details are overlooked. I also utilize CRM systems and project management apps to keep all transaction-related documents, emails, and notes in one place, making it easy to access information quickly. Lastly, I set up reminders and alerts for important deadlines and appointments, allowing me to stay on top of important dates.

Question #9

How do you make a home more sellable?

Answer from a new agent or experienced agent: To make a home more sellable, I will ensure it is well-maintained, staged well for open houses and viewings, priced competitively, and advertised through multiple channels.

Question #10

What do you think are the three most important qualities of a successful real estate agent?

Answer from a new agent: I believe the real estate industry demands a combination of various qualities, but the three most important qualities for a successful real estate agent are strong communication skills, exceptional customer service, and market knowledge and adaptability.

Answer from an experienced agent: The three most important qualities of a successful real estate agent are, first, effective communication skills. An agent should be able to actively listen to their clients, understand their needs, and provide information clearly and promptly. This helps build trust and ensures clients are well-informed throughout the process. Secondly, adaptability. The real estate market is constantly evolving, and agents must be flexible and open to new strategies. They should be able to adapt to changing market conditions and emerging technologies to stay ahead of the competition. Lastly, I am a good negotiator. Successful agents excel in negotiation, securing the best deals for their clients in buying or selling transactions while ensuring all parties involved are satisfied with the outcome.

If you work with a real estate client niche like buyers or 65-plus communities, you should also prepare for some more specific questions. For example, commercial real estate interview questions might focus more on your professional network, past deals, and your understanding of business finances.

6. Dress for Success

It’s important to make sure you set yourself up for success by dressing appropriately. This usually means wearing formal business attire like a button-up shirt and tie, jacket, dress pants, or a dress skirt. When selecting your real estate agent attire for the interview, consider that it should align with each brokerage’s brand and the industry’s professional standards.

One way to get an idea of the attire of the brokerage’s agents is to review their website or social media pages. If you notice that the company attire is more laid-back, then wearing jeans and a nice shirt can be sufficient. However, when in doubt, it’s always best to dress formally than casually.

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Keep it simple yet professional by pairing a button-down with well-structured trousers. (Source: Pinterest/Pinterest)

It is crucial to adhere to the real estate company’s dress code. To ensure you are on the right track, look at any realtor’s clothes and agent headshots posted on the brokerage’s website or social media pages and model your wardrobe accordingly. For example, if the brokerage you’re interviewing with recently posted a photo like this one from Schmitz & Smith Group, consider dressing in black and pink to show how you fit with their brand.

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Schmitz and Smith Group (Source: Instagram)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When discussing why you want to work in real estate, being truthful and passionate is important. Your answer may be straightforward, such as desiring the ability to spend more time with your loved ones. It may not be practical to disclose that you wish to work fewer hours, but expressing the desire for independence may be better and more easily understood.

The general skills required for real estate span a wide range of competencies, and they include the following:

  • Effective communication: Key for building relationships, understanding client needs, and conveying information clearly
  • Negotiation and networking skills: Useful for securing favorable deals
  • Market knowledge: Covers pricing, trends, and property values, helping you and your client make informed decisions
  • Exceptional customer service: Leads to client satisfaction and referrals
  • Adaptability and marketing skills: Crucial in dynamic markets
  • Other important skills: Time management, organization, and problem-solving skills that contribute to a streamlined and effective workflow; ethical conduct, tech proficiency, and financial literacy complete this multifaceted skill set

During a real estate interview, you can expect the interviewer to ask various questions that cover your motivations, goals, past experiences, skills, industry knowledge, organization and management, and how you respond to certain role-play situations. You should also prepare to ask your own questions, so it’s a good idea to think of them beforehand.

Bottom Line

To find success in real estate, you must choose the right real estate brokerage to work for and learn how to prepare for real estate job interviews. By thoroughly preparing for your interview with brokers, you’ll be able to clearly communicate your needs, ask the right questions, and confidently answer questions. Knowing how to prepare for a real estate job interview is one of the first steps to starting and continuing a successful real estate career.

How to Prepare for a Real Estate Job Interview in 6 Steps (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.