How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (2024)

Money makes the world go round, and GTA 5 players need a lot of it to fully enjoy the game.

For example, purchasing something like the Los Santos Golf Club ($150,000,000) is out of reach for most gamers, even if they beat the main storyline. The main moneymakers that players should employ are:

  • Lester's Assassinations
  • Infinite Money Glitch

GTA 5 players will also earn a few million dollars through the game's several heists by progressing along the main storyline. However, the key infinite money glitch to keep in mind happens on the mission, The Paleto Score Setup.

Both Lester's Assassinations and the Infinite Money Glitch are, by far, GTA 5's best moneymakers. Otherwise, players are limited to small-time payments or one-time bonuses.

The best methods that players can use to earn a lot of money in GTA 5 Story Mode

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (3)

Lester's Assassinations are unquestionably the best way to earn the most amount of money in GTA 5 within a quick time frame. Essentially, the player invests in a stock before doing the mission, and sells it after the mission. Afterward, they buy another stock that crashed hard, wait a few days, and sell that stock for extra profits.

This is a list of Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (only the first one is mandatory for the in-game storyline):

  • The Hotel Assassination
  • The Multi-Target Assassination
  • The Vice Assassination
  • The Bus Assassination
  • The Construction Assassination

The Hotel Assassination

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (4)

Before doing the mission, players should:

  1. Advance the time to Monday.
  2. Invest all of the money into Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) stocks on BAWSAQ. They should do this for all three protagonists.

After doing the mission:

  1. Sell the BET stock for all three protagonists on early Tuesday.
  2. Invest every protagonist's entire bank into Bilkinton Research (BIL) stocks from the Liberty City National Exchange (LCN) on Friday.
  3. Sell the BIL stock on early Monday.

The Multi-Target Assassination

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (5)

Before doing the mission:

  1. Advance the time to Monday.
  2. Invest all of the money into Debonaire (DEB) stocks on LCN. Do this for all three protagonists.

After doing the mission:

  1. Sell the DEB stock for all three protagonists in a few days (whenever the DEB stock goes down). Some players may prefer to check the stock after every sleep cycle.
  2. Invest every protagonist's entire bank into Redwood Cigarettes (RWC) stocks from LCN.
  3. Sell the RWC stock in two to four days.

The Vice Assassination

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (6)

Before doing the mission:

  1. Advance the time to Monday.
  2. Invest all of the money into Fruit Computers (FRT) stocks on BAWSAQ. Do this for all three protagonists.

After doing the mission:

  1. Sell the FRT stock for all three protagonists in six hours.
  2. Invest every protagonist's entire bank into Facade (FAC) stocks from BAWSAQ.
  3. Sell the FRT stock in two days.

The Bus Assassination

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (7)

Before doing the mission:

  1. Advance the time to Monday.
  2. Don't make any investments.

After doing the mission:

  1. Invest all three protagonists' money into Vapid (VAP) stocks on BAWSAQ.
  2. Wait two days, and then sell the VAP stocks.

The Construction Assassination

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (8)

Before doing the mission:

  1. Advance the time to Monday.
  2. Invest all of the money into Gold Coast (GCD) stocks on LCN. Do this for all three protagonists.

After doing the mission:

  1. Sell the FRT stock for all three protagonists after 24 hours.

GTA 5's Infinite Money Glitch

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (9)

There is a minor and easily missable interaction in GTA 5's Paleto Score Setup mission where Lester tells the crew to buy a gun if they don't have one. At this point, the player should invest all of their money into stocks (any will do) until they're under $500.

Every time the player is under $500, the game will give them an extra $500. Continue to buy stocks and repeat this process until one has a satisfactory amount of money invested into stocks.

From there, players should complete the mission and sell the stocks to get whatever amount that they had invested.

For The Biggest GTA 6 Map Leaks, Click Here.

Poll : Have you ever had over $1 billion in GTA 5?



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How to make a lot of money in GTA 5 (The best moneymakers) (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.