How to Help Prepare for a Snow Storm | Travelers Insurance (2024)

How to Help Prepare for a Snow Storm | Travelers Insurance (1)

By Travelers Risk Control

8 minutes

Winter Weather Safety Resources

How to Help Prepare for a Snow Storm | Travelers Insurance (2)

The ideal time to get ready for a snowstorm is long before one is in the forecast. Winter storms can bring cold temperatures, icy roads, power failures and a loss of communication services. Such conditions bring safety challenges, so you’ll want to plan ahead.

Here are some tips to help prepare your home, loved ones and vehicles in advance of a snowstorm:

Watch for Winter Weather Advisories

From heavy snow and sleet to freezing rain and blizzards, winter storm warnings are typically issued between 12 and 24 hours before inclement weather arrives in your area.1 Watch for news reports or sign up for smartphone storm alerts that will inform you of incoming severe weather so you have time to prepare.

Create a Communication Plan

One of the most important aspects of winter storm planning is figuring out how you’ll know that your loved ones are safe during and after a weather event.

Create anemergency communication plan. Work with your family and friends to determine how you’ll stay in touch during a snow emergency. Consider all eventualities and document your plan. Test it out with an occasional communication drill to make sure it’s still valid and that everyone is prepared for an emergency.

Distribute your plan to everyone involved. Make sure they store it digitally and print out a copy to keep in a safe place that will be accessible.

Check Your Supplies

  • Snow and ice removal. Have a snow shovel and ice melt to keep walkways clear and safe.
  • Fuel.Check that you have sufficient heating fuel for your home andfuel for your generator, if you have one.
  • Plenty of wood for a fireplace.If you will beusing a fireplaceor wood-burning stove, have a supply of dry, seasoned wood. If you start a wood-burning fire, follow all fireplace or wood stove safety precautions.
  • A supply of food, warm clothes and medications.Have warm clothing and blankets on hand, and stock non-perishable food items and necessary medications to last your family for several days. In addition, stock up on batteries, flashlights, a first-aid kit and otheremergency suppliesyou may need in the event of a power outage.
  • Power up electronics.Keep your smartphone, tablet and computer batteries fully charged and have alternate power sources for your devices at the ready. You never know when a power outage could leave you vulnerable.
  • Battery-powered radio.Keep a battery-powered radio on hand to stay aware of changing weather conditions.
  • The fun stuff.Keep cards, puzzles and board games around in the event that online entertainment isn’t available.

Keeping Pets Safe During Winter Weather

If you have pets, take the proper precautions to help keep them safe in the event of a winter weather emergency.

  • Keep pets indoors.If you have domestic animals such as a dog or cat, keep them indoors during inclement weather.
  • Have extra food, water and supplies available.Have plenty of food and fresh water on hand for your pets, as well as cat litter or puppy pads. Make sure you have extra plastic bags or cleaning supplies in the event your pet makes a mess indoors.

Prepare Your Home for Winter Storms

In addition to winter storm preparation for people and pets, it’s also important to prepare your home for winter conditions. Follow these tips to help make sure your home is ready for a winter weather emergency.


  • Insulate water lines that run along exterior walls.This will help keep your water pipes from freezing and help to prevent damage fromfrozen pipes.

Doors and Windows

  • Caulk and weather-strip doors and windows.This can help prevent cold air from getting in, which can help preserve heat if your power goes out. If your doors and windows are old, consider having them replaced by a licensed contractor. Newer models can be very efficient and could help to reduce heat loss significantly.
  • Replace screens with storm windows.This also helps keep cold air out and adds an additional layer of storm protection to your home.
  • Consider using plastic insulation over windows.It can help to keep cold air and drafts out of your house, especially if you have old windows. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using plastic window insulation, including safety recommendations.


  • Have your furnace or boiler checked.Prior to each winter season, have a qualified technician inspect your flue vent and heating system to make certain it’s functioning properly. This could help keep them from failing when pumping out heat during a storm.
  • Use generators safely.If you have a generator, set it up to only operate outside where there is sufficient ventilation.
  • Have your chimney or flue inspected regularly.If you plan to use a fireplace or wood stove, have it regularly inspected and maintained/cleaned by a professional.
  • Install thermometers.Indoor thermometers seem quaint; however, they can also be lifesavers for vulnerable seniors. If the heat goes out, a large thermometer in a prominent place could make it easier for them to notice a problem even when they do not feel it.
  • Test alarms.Test all smoke andcarbon monoxide alarmsto make sure they work properly.
  • Have fire extinguishers nearby.Keep a multipurpose, dry chemical fire extinguisher near fireplaces, stoves and other heating sources. Examine them regularly to make sure they’re in good working order.
  • Purchase fuel early. If using oil or propane, make sure you have an adequate supply if a storm is in the forecast. Also, have sufficient emergency fuel on hand to run your generator or backup heating system. If you wait too long to fill up, supplies might be limited, and if stormy weather has started, it may be unsafe to travel to obtain emergency fuel.
  • Stock up on supplies.Make sure you have plenty of wood, pellets, kindling, lighters and matches to get you through an emergency.
  • Do not use your cooking appliances as a heater.Never use an oven or a range as a home heating device.
  • Use candles safely.Do not let candles burn unattended, and keep them away from combustibles. Battery-powered LED lights are a safe, energy-efficient alternative to traditional candles.

Other Areas of the Home

  • Insulate walls and attic.This is a proven way to reduce heat loss if your power goes out in a storm. If you’re not sure how much insulation you need, check with a professional insulation installer.
  • Inspect your roof.From the ground, look for wear and sagging areas. If you find any, have a professional roofer check them out and repair them. Weakened roof areas could be further damaged or collapse under the heavy weight of snow and ice.
  • Repair roof leaks.Expansion and contraction of ice can make roof leaks worse. Have a professional roofer repair leaks quickly in order to prevent additional water damage.
  • Remove weak and overhanging branches. Get rid of any branches that are overhanging your roof or near your house. These branches could break away under the weight of snow and ice or because of severe winds and cause damage to your roof and other property.
  • Activate your ice dam system.If you have anice damprevention system, turn it on before the snow starts to fall.

Vehicle Safety for Winter Weather

It’s best to avoid driving during a snowstorm or ice storm, but sometimes driving is necessary. Make sure you have a full tank of gas, even if you do not anticipate that you may have to be out on the road during stormy conditions. Before severe winter weather, check your lights, heater, hazard signals and windshield wipers to make sure all are working properly. Above all, if you have to drive in winter weather, drive slowly and be mindful of patches of snow, ice and potentially black ice that may be on the road. Always stay aware of weather conditions by checking local news and weather apps and signing up for weather alerts.

It’s also important to make sure your car is stocked with the appropriate tools and supplies in the event of an emergency. Some important automotive accessories to have on hand include:

  • Battery-powered radio and extra batteries
  • Booster cables with fully charged battery or jumper cables
  • Road flares, brightly colored flag or help signs
  • Cat litter or sand for tire traction
  • Road salt to melt ice
  • Emergency tire repair kit
  • Cellphone car charger and external power source
  • Local street maps in case you don’t have access to GPS
  • Windshield brush and scraper
  • Shovel

In addition to auto-related items, pack the following items into a safety kit in your car for when you may be driving during stormy conditions, or in the event your car breaks down in a snowstorm:

  • First-aid kit with medications and prescriptions
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Hat, coat, gloves and a blanket
  • Lighter and waterproof matches
  • Pocket knife and tool kit
  • Water and non-perishable food items

Finally, make sure to let others know you may be traveling, your estimated time of arrival and any routes you plan to take in the event of an emergency.

Stay Inside – and Be Safe Outside, Too

The best thing you and your family can do is to remain indoors during a severe winter storm. However, if you do need to go outside around your property to shovel or salt, there are a few added precautions to take:

  • If yougo outside to shovel snow, know your limits and avoid overtaxing yourself.
  • Protect, identify and treat frostbite and hypothermiaby wearing layers of warm, loose-fitting, lightweight clothing.
  • Stay away from downed power lines.

Be Sure You Have the Right Insurance Coverage

While there are many fun winter activities to look forward to, it’s important to take steps to help ensure your safety in the event of a winter storm. In addition to following these tips to prepare for winter storms and weather advisories, contact yourlocal independent insurance agent or Travelers representative to make sure you have the right coverage to protect your home and vehicle.


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How to Help Prepare for a Snow Storm | Travelers Insurance (2024)


How do you prepare for a snow storm? ›

Have a 3-day supply of water and food for each person in the household as well as enough food and water for all pets. Make sure all prescriptions are filled and your Emergency Supply Kit has all the necessary items. Have flashlights for every family member, along with plenty of extra batteries.

What are 3 steps you can take to protect yourself during a winter snow storm? ›

Stay Safe During Winter Weather
  • Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, then stay inside.
  • Limit your time outside. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. ...
  • Reduce the risk of a heart attack by avoiding overexertion when shoveling snow and walking in the snow.
Jan 3, 2024

How do you prepare for a winter storm FEMA? ›

  1. Know your area's risk for winter. storms. ...
  2. Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, stay inside. ...
  3. Take an Active Role. in Your Safety.
  4. Go to and search for winter storm. ...
  5. Prepare. ...
  6. Survive. ...
  7. Frostbite causes loss of feeling and color around the face, fingers, and toes. ...
  8. FEMA V-1014.

What to expect during a snow storm? ›

Winter storms can bring extreme cold, freezing rain, sleet, heavy snowfall, ice, and high winds. These storms can cause transportation, heat, power, and communication disruptions.

What are 5 ways to stay safe in snow? ›

Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: wear a tightly woven, preferably wind-resistant coat or jacket; inner layers of light, warm clothing; mittens; hats; scarves; and waterproof boots. Sprinkle cat litter or sand on icy patches. Learn safety precautions to follow when outdoors. Work slowly when doing outside chores.

How do you stay protected in the winter? ›

Avoid serious conditions such as frostbite and hypothermia, by keeping warm.
  1. Wear a hat, hood, or scarf, as most heat is lost through the head.
  2. Wear layers, as they provide better insulation and warmth.
  3. Keep fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered if you go outside.
  4. Keep clothing dry; if a layer becomes wet, remove it.

How can you be safe in the snow? ›

Dress properly for the weather, including a hat, scarf, coat, gloves, socks and water-resistant shoes or boots. Watch where you are going. Pay attention to traffic and traffic signals. Leave your phone in your pocket.

How do you drive safe in snow storm? ›

Accelerate and decelerate slowly.

Don't try to get moving in a hurry and take time to slow down for a stoplight. Remember: It takes longer to slow down on icy roads. Increase your following distance to five to six seconds. This increased margin of safety will provide the longer distance needed if you have to stop.

How do you cover a car in an ice storm? ›

Use a tarp, large towel or old sheet to keep ice from accumulating. AAA suggests holding the cover in place using the wiper blades, weights, magnets or some other method so it will not blow off. In a pinch, you could also use your rubber floor mats to keep ice from forming on the windshield.

How do I prepare my truck for snow? ›

Make sure your vehicle's reservoir is full of high-quality “winter” fluid with de-icer before winter weather hits. Make sure defrosters and all windshield wipers work and replace any worn blades. Consider installing heavy-duty winter wipers if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow and ice.

How do you prepare for a weather storm? ›

Get your home ready.
  1. Clear your yard. Make sure there's nothing that could blow around during the storm and damage your home. ...
  2. Cover up windows and doors. ...
  3. Be ready to turn off your power. ...
  4. Fill clean water containers with drinking water. ...
  5. Check your carbon monoxide (CO) detector's battery to prevent CO poisoning.

How do you prepare for storms and weather emergencies? ›

Prepare Your Home : Keep trees and branches trimmed near your house. If you have time before severe weather hits, secure loose objects, close windows and doors, and move any valuable objects inside or under a sturdy structure. Help Your Neighbor: Encourage your loved ones to prepare for severe thunderstorms.

How do you stay safe in a snow storm? ›

During a Winter Storm
  1. Minimize outdoor activities. Drive only if it is absolutely necessary. ...
  2. Keep your pets safe with Winter Pet Safety Tips.
  3. Dress for the season to protect against the elements. ...
  4. During extreme cold weather, follow our extreme cold safety tips.
  5. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.

Should you salt before a snow storm? ›

Salting the road before a storm forms a layer of brine on the pavement, greatly decreasing the formation of ice on the roadway. Pre-treating allows us to use less salt and also makes it easier to plow the snow off of the road safely since the snow is not frozen to the pavement.

Should you salt before or after a snow storm? ›

“The best times are before the precipitation arrives and it is good to put some down after you finish shoveling or plowing,” Longley explains.

Should you put ice melt down before a snow storm? ›

When to Use Ice Melt. The first application of ice melt should come just before snow is supposed to fall. Spreading a light amount of deicer can prevent ice from bonding to pavement, and make shoveling much easier. As you shovel snow, sprinkle down a light handful about every other stride.

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