How to get into an investment bank from a non-target school (2024)

If you didn't attend a 'target school' or university, you will struggle to get a job in an investment bank. This is the message from a newly published thesis from Derek Dedeker, an investment banking analyst in the financial institutions (FIG) Group at Citi in New York and former student inthe department of finance at Texas Christian University (itself a non-target school).

Dedeker interviewed 14 people aged between 20 and 55 who are working for investment banks in New York City. They told him that anything from 80% to 60% of their colleagues were drawn from a narrow range of target universities.

If you don't go to one of those universities (listed here), you're therefore on the periphery of the game."Targets have five to eightsuper days and non-targets only have about one to twosuper day days – you really have to shine when you have the chance," one interviewee told Dedeker. It's a numbers thing: when you're at a non-target school, you're all fighting for 20% of the available positions. "You have to actually prove yourself," the interviewee complained. - If you're at a target school, you just fill out a piece of paper and people come to you.

Nonetheless, you can get into banking from a non-target. Dedeker's thesis offers some advice on how to go about. So do careers counselors and other non-target students who've overcome the disadvantage.

1. It's all about preparation

One trader who, as a non-target students, achieved interviews atUBS, Barcap, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, wrote a seminal blogon getting into banking from a non-target several years ago. In it, he sayspreparation is the key. "Youshow you know the direction you want to go. If you like interest rates, say you're looking to go into IR swaps trading," he says. "- Make sure you have a well-researched path."

Similarly, he says you need to put a lot of time into perfecting banks' numerical tests - especially if you're in Europe, where these are used as a first screening tool. "There are tons of practice tests. If you suck, then practice. If you still cannot pass then you should strongly rethink your ability. Do not just get somebody to take it for you, you will have to do another one if you get through to the interviews. As a non-target, you may only get 4-5 online tests, and if you fail 2, that's almost half of your opportunities gone."

And follow markets, but not just mindlessly: "The important thing is you don't just read, but think about. Try to think about what will happen and then see if your predictions came true. Market awareness is not something you can pick up in a week, and once you follow the markets for a couple months you will see why."

2. It's all about networking

Michelle Bucaria, head of experienced and campus recruiting at J.P. Morgan, says banks start assessing you well before you send in your CV/resume: a big part of J.P. Morgan's assessment process comes at campus events and presentations, where you need to be visible and asking interesting questions (without dominating the conversation). When you're at a non-target school, you'll have far fewer events to go to and you'll need to try even harder to get them right.

In the worst case scenario, no banks will come to your campus at all. In this case, you need to get inventive. "Got any relatives who know someone that works in a BB? Call them up and see if you can set up an informational meeting with them," says the trader. "- Try to find alumni from your university to contact. This can be done through Facebook, Linkedin or even your school's alumni database." Don't overdo it: ask a few questions every other week. Maybe learn Excel modelling: "I remember one equity research analyst saying if a kid sends him a full working Excel model to analyze a company he will pay attention and give him a second look."

3. It's all about pandering to prejudices

Dedeker found that the bankers he interviewed actually preferred working with non-target students (this might be why they're paid more). - They were seen as less entitled, more knowledgeable, more "relatable", more humble, well-rounded and pleasant and with stronger technical skills.

Technical knowledge is all-important when you're at a non-target school, says the trader: "For trading interviews, you want to be able to talk about anything that is going on in the financial news and have an opinion that you can defend. This is also the time for people who are really interested to shine. When I was going in for summer interviews I already knew how to price a Credit Default Swap with two different methods, the Black Scholes equation, and knew everything there was to know about options greeks (or at least as much as my brain could handle)."

Non-target students were also seen as having better people skills than students at target universities. "Target school candidates are often more “book smart” but not as good at translating that to the real world. They succeed more often in academic settings, but non-target kids often did better in group assignments or speaking roles," said one of Dedeker's interviewees. - If you're from a non-target school, show that know the technical stuff and that you can get along with people (clients).

If you're a non-target, you'll also need to show that you're special nonetheless. Banks like to hire people who are exceptional."Ensure you get a first class degree (summa cum laude in the US), write a relevant dissertation or thesis [like Dedeker!] and get involved with industry relevant coursework and projects that you can write about on your CV," advisesVictoria McLean, managing director of CV writing company, City CV.

4. It's all about depth of knowledge

If you've gone to a non-target school, you'll probably get fewer interviews. And when you do get an interview, you need to show that you're exceptional. To succeed you'll need industry knowledge, market knowledge and technical knowledge, says the trader.

Dedeker's interviewees echoed this: "I think non-target interns have more of a financial background," said one. "Usually, non-targets have taken at least 3 or 4 finance or accounting classes whereas most target school interns (especially those that come from the Ivy League) don't have any financial background at all.”

In practice, this means that you need to have opinions and you need to be able to defend them. If you're going for an M&A interview, you need to know all about valuation methodologies and which you think is best - and why. If you're going for a trading interview, you'll need a defendable position on the direction of the market. "When I was going for summer analyst interviews, I knew how to use two different methods to price a Credit Default Swap," says the trader. "I knewthe Black Scholes equation, and knew everything there was to know about options greeks (or at least as much as my brain could handle)."

5. It's about lowering your expectations

You might not want to hear this, but the fact is that if you're at a non-target school, you'll find it easier to get into banking if you don't insist on applying to everyone's preferred banksIn other words, avoid the likes of Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley. "Competition is just too fierce," says McLean, "Try to get a job in a smaller bank to gain experience. You can always move on later."

For the same reason, McLean says you might not want to apply for a front office role in M&A or sales and trading: operations is a better bet. "Go for back or middle office jobs and then network like crazy internally and with clients with a view to moving once you have established a reputation for being excellent at what you do," she says. - Although, be warned that escaping the back office is much harder than it used to be.

6. It's about knowing your motivation

Since the financial crisis, banks have put increasing emphasis on sorting out bad apples in the interview process. Jes Staley, CEO of Barclays' investment banksays he's not interested in hiring people who are in it for the money; he wants to hire people who genuinely want to make Barclays a better place.

You won't have to be this gushing when you're asked why you want to go into banking, but you will need a very good reason.

In a trading interview, you will be asked why you wan to be a trader. "There is a right answer to this question," says the trader. "- It's why you really want to go into trading. All there is to it. You need to come up with sincere and coherent reasons why this is what you want to do. Do not try to come up with something that you think they will like, but something that you can honestly look them in the eye with."

7. It's about getting in the zone

This comes back to preparation. You'll need to practice mental maths: can you solve 36*48 in a few seconds?

Know which interview questions to expect. If you're interviewing for a trading role, you'll need to be aware of what each of the following indexes has done over the past 6 months, past 2 weeks, and where it closed the day before the interview: FTSE, SP500, US Libor, UK Libor, CDX NA IG, CDX NA HY, iTraxx Europe, US yield curve, UK yield curve (dont have to know every yield), the major exchange rates, oil, gold.

"Come up with a list of the most recent developments (minimum 5), and then come up with trading ideas for all of them," says the trader. "Well thought out trading ideas, not just simple I think interest rates will rise so I will short this. Not something that is most likely in the mainstream media, you want something that shows you can look at the markets in a different way, and have numbers to support your claims."

8. It's about compromise

And if you don't get into a bank from a non-target school? You could always try the Big Four."Plenty of newly qualified accountants move from the Big Four into M&A or equity research jobs in banking," says McLean.

Photo credit:Missed the target...bymalavoda islicensed underCC BY 2.0.

How to get into an investment bank from a non-target school (2024)


Can you get into investment banking without a target school? ›

Statistical Proof: Non-Target Success Rates

Not only that, but if you look at the offers our students have gotten from the top 50 investment banks on Wall Street - almost 30% of the elite boutique offers went to students who didn't attend target schools. At bulge bracket banks, that number increases to 56%.

Does school matter for investment banking? ›

It is important to note, a very high GPA at a state school, such as 3.9 or above, is often seen as more impressive than a middling GPA (like 3.2 or 3.3) from an Ivy League school. It demonstrates exceptional academic prowess and dedication, which are highly valued in the competitive field of investment banking.

What is the easiest way to get into investment banking? ›

A college degree in finance or economics is typically the starting point for entry-level jobs at an investment bank. Accounting and business are also common educational backgrounds.

How to break into investment banking with low GPA? ›

Most online advice on this topic tells you to “network intensely” or “use your activities and work experience to compensate for low grades.” Yes, sure, that's all well and good… but even if you do that, you'll still need a cover story to address your grades and explain why they don't represent your potential.

What is the hardest investment bank to get into? ›

Ex-Goldman Sachs helping train students/recent grads to secure jobs in banking - 90% placement rate to banks like GS, UBS and JP. These are the 10 hardest investment banks to get a job at in the world🌍👇 1. JP Morgan 2. Goldman Sachs 3.

Is Bentley a target school for IB? ›

While it may not be considered an Ivy League or a "target" school for investment banks or consulting firms, Bentley's finance program is reputable and well-regarded in its own right, particularly in the Boston and East Coast areas.

Is a 3.7 GPA good for investment banking? ›

A GPA of a 3.7+ can make up for weaker experience, but is by no means a gimme. Banks prefer good experience to good GPAs (subject to a minimum in the 3.3-3.5 range).

What GPA does Goldman Sachs look for? ›

Goldman Sachs does not give a specific minimum GPA requirement, though some sources suggest a GPA of at least 3.6 is preferred. Additionally, you may need to show relevant coursework and hard skills for certain programs.

What is the minimum GPA for an investment banker? ›

The typical investment banker has a graduate degree in business from an Ivy League school or other top-tier university and superior educational credentials [i.e., excellent grades (minimum 3.50 GPA), active participation in business and investment clubs, and participation in at least one internship or summer program at ...

What is the best age to get into investment banking? ›

There is no age limit that formally disqualifies you from starting a career as an investment banker. It is possible to join the field at 22, 27, 34, 38, or even 50 and above. That being said, it is true that the younger you are, the higher your chances. The older you are, the harder it is.

Why is it so hard to get into investment banking? ›

(1) Competition – so much demand

Hundreds of thousands of applicants are drawn to the fast-paced career development, exit options and lucrative nature of the industry. Moreover, many of these applicants have previous internships or more application seasons of practice that make them difficult to rival.

Which degree is best for investment banking? ›

An MBA is the typical terminal degree for an investment banker. Some investment bankers do choose to continue their education in other ways. Many pursue additional continuing education courses and certifications in banking or certifications in finance to remain competitive in the fast-paced industry landscape.

What GPA do you need for JP Morgan? ›

As for GPA requirements, they vary by business unit, but most are in the 3.2 to 3.5 range. Grades are clearly important – we do look at those – but beyond meeting the minimums we try to be open about it. Different people have different circ*mstances.

What is the minimum GPA for BlackRock? ›

BlackRock will provide an annual expendable gift to fund two cost of attendance scholarships each year for undergraduate students with significant, demonstrated financial need who have successfully completed their first year of study with a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Is it possible to get into investment banking without going to a target school? ›

You might find this surprising, but 35% of our successful students actually come from non-target schools. And another 20% of our successful students come from semi-target schools. This means that over half of our successful students didn't come from target schools.

Do you need to go to business school to be an investment banker? ›

Entry-level investment bankers must hold a bachelor's degree, often in business or a related field. Many employers may require investment bankers to hold an MBA to advance or qualify for entry-level jobs. A typical bachelor's degree takes four years, whereas an MBA can take 1-3 years, depending on the program format.

What school do most investment bankers go to? ›

Target Schools
  • University of Pennsylvania.
  • Georgetown University.
  • Harvard University.
  • Columbia University.
  • New York University.
  • Cornell University.
  • University of Notre Dame.
  • University of Michigan.

Can you become an investment banker without going to college? ›

A bachelor's degree is the minimum educational qualification required to work as an investment banker. Entry-level analyst positions in the field are typically open to bachelor's degree graduates, and it is possible to move on to a senior banker role without a master's degree in many investment banks.

What is considered a target school for investment banking? ›

What is a Target School? In finance and banking, the term “target school” refers to a prestigious university from which leading firms and institutions actively recruit new talent.

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