How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (2024)

Crypto Investing How-Tos Published April 27, 2022

By David Zeiler

Artificial intelligence (A.l.) tends to get a bad rap – Hollywood has painted terrifying pictures of a future with A.I. (remember the Terminator?) while mainstream media outlets have us worried that A.I. will soon replace us.

But don’t let that fool you into dismissing the incredible opportunity A.I. presents – especially for cryptocurrency investors like you, who are in a unique position to profit.

Ultimately, A.I. will change the very nature of labor. According to PwC, advances in A.I. will affect nearly one-third of all jobs and 44% of all workers by the mid-2030s – but the wider economic gains will be huge. PwC expects A.I. to add $15.7 trillion to global GDP by 2030.

“If you can describe your job, a robot will do it. If that bothers you, you should be investing even deeper into A.I.,” American Institute for Crypto Investors Chief Crypto Strategist Nick Black has said. “This is the world we live in. And the world is changing very quickly in the next four to five years.”

What investors need to recognize (and quickly) is that A.I. will soon begin to consume whole industries – and that the best way to get ahead and maximize your profits is by investing in the right A.I. cryptocurrencies today.

It all has to do with the profit-producing power of disruptive technologies that completely transform entire industries.

Companies at the forefront of a disruptive technology tend to deliver extremely lucrative returns. Just ask anyone who invested in Inc. (AMZN) in the early 2000s.

Well, cryptocurrency is one of today’s disruptive technologies. It’s still in its infancy now, but over the next decade, it will completely remake the world of finance.

That game-changing potential is what’s driving such stunning price gains. Bitcoin (BTC) is up over 1,000% just since January 2019 and many early investors in crypto have already made life-changing wealth.

Similarly, A.I. is also an evolving, disruptive technology that’s already changed how we shop and interact with personal technology. Scientists used A.I. models to analyze datasets for the COVID-19 vaccines in 2020, allowing them to bring vaccines to market in record time. And you’ll find A.I. at the heart of many in-the-pipeline innovations like self-driving cars.

But when you combine A.I. with crypto and blockchain technology, that’s where you’ll find the sweetest opportunities.

A.I. is good at analyzing data to “learn” how to perform human tasks. Crypto is good at collecting, storing, and securing large amounts of data in a public blockchain.

They’re a match made in heaven because the technology can leverage the vast amount of trusted data stored in the blockchain to do what it does much better.

Using blockchain tech is like injecting A.I. with steroids.

And the potential here is so great that Nick thinks the top A.I. cryptos could see gains of as much as 100X from where they started in 2021.

I’d say any investment with that kind of potential deserves a spot in your portfolio.

Wouldn’t you?

Today, we’re going to introduce you to the number-one A.I. crypto that every investor needs to have their eye on and show you how you can invest in it today…

About SingularityNET (AGIX)

That top A.I. crypto you need to be watching is SingularityNET (AGIX).

SingularityNET uses blockchain tech to allow interoperability between different types of artificial intelligence so they can “cooperate and coordinate at scale.”

Don’t worry if that just sounded like a bunch of gibberish.

To get a better understanding of what SingularityNET is/can accomplish, check out NuNet (NTX).

NuNet is a project designed to harness the mostly wasted computing power of our high-tech devices.

That would include not just PCs but smartphones, gaming systems, and even smart appliances. It seeks to use A.I. to manage a vast global network of computing devices, making it possible to share and monetize titanic amounts of computing power and data.

Then, there’s Rejuve – a life extension project from the SingularityNET Foundation. The plan is to reward people with crypto tokens in exchange for answering surveys about their health and lifestyle. The data is not linked to the participants but is pooled together on the blockchain for artificial intelligence to analyze. Over time, the project founders expect to find ways to extend the human life span.

Pretty impressive, right?

To unlock the full potential of A.I., we need computing firepower – a lot of it – and one little-known company has unlocked just the kind of radical quantum computing tech to get the job done. This stunning breakthrough could generate a potential $8 trillion in new wealth, and for the first time in history, investors can grab a ground-floor stake in this game-changing opportunity. Click here to get the details for yourself.

SingularityNET is one of our favorite A.I. crypto picks – but it isn’t offered on commonly used exchanges like Coinbase.

With that said, AGIX is not particularly difficult to obtain. You just need to follow a few simple steps, which we’ll walk you through below.

How to Buy AGIX: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before we start, here’s what you’ll need. This process will go more smoothly if you have these accounts set up ahead of time:

MetaMask is simply a browser-based crypto wallet that is installed as an extension. It works best with a Chrome browser.

OK, let’s get started!

Step 1: Buy Tether, Bitcoin, or Ethereum on Coinbase Pro

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To buy your AGIX on KuCoin, you’ll need to use one of the AGIX trading pairs, which include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and the Tether stablecoin (USDT).

I will point out that I am wary of USDT because of long-debated concerns over whether it is sufficiently backed with U.S. dollars or USD equivalents. But buying USDT for a brief trade is fine since you’ll only own it for a short time.

In this guide, we’ll be using USDT.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (2)What you need to do first is go into your Coinbase Pro account and buy the amount of USDT you’ll need to buy the amount of SingularityNET you want.

We’re using Coinbase Pro as opposed to a standard Coinbase account because the fees are significantly lower.

If you buy the USDT with U.S. dollars you’ve just transferred from your bank’s checking account, you won’t be able to move the USDT out of your Coinbase Pro account for six days.

Step 2: Move Your Trading Crypto to KuCoin

Now you need to transfer the crypto you just bought to your KuCoin account. Open a new window or browser tab so you can keep Coinbase Pro open and accessible.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (3)

Then log in to your KuCoin account.

Go to the “Assets” page (the link is on the top right) and click on the “Deposit” button. Once there, click on the ticker symbol of the crypto you bought on Coinbase Pro.


Sending crypto to a wrong address will result in the irretrievable loss of that crypto. Coinbase Pro should prevent you from sending crypto to a wrong address, but it is something to always bear in mind. That will bring up the box shown here.

This is how you obtain your deposit address. Since crypto addresses are long, random number/letter combinations, it’s best to just copy it. Clicking on the copy icon will put the deposit address on your computer’s clipboard.

Also, make sure it says “Main Account,” although it should default to that. If using USDT, check that ERC20 is highlighted in blue. Coinbase Pro uses the Ethereum-based standard ERC20 to send Tether.

Now go back to the Coinbase Pro window. From your portfolio screen, click on the crypto you bought. You’ll see the amount you own on the left. On the right are the “Deposit” and “Withdraw” buttons. Click on “Withdraw.” That will bring up a pop-up screen with a list of cryptocurrencies. The crypto you bought should appear near the top. Just click on it.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (4)

The next screen is an option to either transfer your crypto to your regular Coinbase address or to send it to an outside address. Click on “Crypto Address.”

That will bring up the screen shown on the right. Paste the address on your clipboard into the “To” section. If you’re sending all of this crypto to KuCoin, just click “Max” in the “Amount” section. Otherwise, type in the amount you want to send.

A network fee will appear, reducing the total that will land in your KuCoin account. This is not a Coinbase Pro fee; it reflects the cost of sending crypto over the network. The fee may be higher than you expect, particularly with USDT, because it uses the Ethereum network. The fees vary but tend to be high because Ethereum is the foundation for much of the crypto economy (ERC20 tokens, decentralized finance, NFTs).

Now sit back and wait for your crypto to appear in your KuCoin account. The process may take a few minutes; do not be alarmed if the coins do not appear right away. You’ll get an alert when it shows up.

AGIX Not Showing up in MetaMask? Don’t Panic! Read This

Step 3: Transfer the Crypto to Your Trading Account

KuCoin segregates your assets into different types of accounts.

To buy AGIX, you need to transfer your crypto to the Trading Account. Move your mouse cursor to the “Assets” link at the top right area of the KuCoin web page. From the drop-down menu, select “Main Account.”

You should see your crypto at or near the top of the list. You’ll also see a set of green links on the right to “Deposit,” “Withdraw,” or “Transfer.”

Click on “Transfer.”

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (5)

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (6)

That brings up the pop-up box where you will execute the transfer. The direction at the top should default to moving the crypto to the Trading Account.

If you click on the number next to the available amount, it will put that figure in the box below. Or you can manually type in the amount you want to transfer.

When you’re ready, click the green “Confirm” button.

The crypto will immediately disappear from the Main Account. If you click on the Assets link again to access the page with all the accounts, you’ll see your crypto has moved to the Trading Account. Now you can go buy some SingularityNET!

Step 4: Buy Your SingularityNET

Now you need to navigate to the KuCoin’s trading area. Move your mouse over the word “Trade” at the top of the page. A menu should pop up that looks like this:

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (7)

Move the mouse cursor down and click on “Spot Trading.” You’ll go to the trading screen.

To get the trading pair you want, click on the tiny triangle at the top of the screen next to the two crypto tickers that describe the trading pair. That brings up a box with a search bar at the top. Type AGIX into the search bar. AGIX trading pair options for USDT, ETH, and BTC will appear. Choose the one that matches the crypto you bought.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (8)

Now input the six-digit trading password you created when you set up your KuCoin account. The box for that is located in the lower right part of the screen. After you put in your trading password, that area will change to the spot trading options you will use to buy your AGIX.

If you want to buy immediately, you can use a market order. Just click on the “Market” link to bring up this option.

Since you’re buying, you only need to concern yourself with the left side of the box. If you click on 100%, it will fill in the full amount of the USDT, BTC, or ETH you have in your Trading Account. If you don’t want to use all of it, you can choose another percentage or type in the amount you want to spend.

Clicking the green “Buy AGIX” will execute the order immediately at the current market price, and you will own some SingularityNET.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (9)

But if you think you can get in at a lower price, you can use a Limit Order. Click on the “Limit” link to bring up that option.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (10)

With a Limit Order, you choose the price you’re willing to pay. Then you select how much AGIX you want to buy at that price, or click on 100% to commit all of the USDT, BTC, or ETH in your Trading Account.

The trade will execute when AGIX hits your target price. Depending on how aggressive you are in setting the target price, you may have to wait a while – hours, days, or even weeks – before the trade executes. So if you’re eager to get your hands on that AGIX, keep that in mind.

Once you have obtained your SingularityNET, you can move on to Step 5.

Step 5: Prepare Your MetaMask Wallet

As noted earlier, SingularityNET is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token. MetaMask is a wallet where you can store any ERC-20 token and keep control of your private keys. As such, it has a single Ethereum address. The issue is that AGIX tokens sent to your MetaMask wallet will not be visible until AGIX has been added to the wallet.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (11)

To be clear, if you don’t add AGIX to your MetaMask wallet before you send the AGIX tokens, they will not be lost. They’ll be in your wallet; you just won’t be able to see them.

Open your MetaMask wallet. Near the bottom of the page, you should see a question, “Don’t see your token?” Click on the link “import tokens” below the question. A box will appear that allows you to either search for a token.

Type in AGIX, and you will see SingularityNET appear at the top of a list. Click on it to select it, then click the blue “Next” button at the bottom.

That will bring up another box that asks if you would like to import these tokens (SingularityNET will be shown). Click on the blue “Import Tokens” button at the bottom, and you will go to a page that shows how much AGIX you have in MetaMask and any activity. It should show zero.

Now your MetaMask wallet is ready to receive your AGIX tokens.

Step 6: Move Your SingularityNET to Your MetaMask Wallet

Since your AGIX is still in your KuCoin Trading Account, you need to transfer it to your Main Account so you can move it to MetaMask.

This is basically the reverse of what you did earlier. Hover your mouse over the “Assets” link on the top left, but this time select “Trading Account” from the drop-down menu.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (12)Your SingularityNET should appear at or near the top. Click on “Transfer” from the set of green links on the right. You’ll see the same Transfer box as before, but now the crypto you’re moving is AGIX. Click on the number next to “Available amount” to fill in the box below, then click the green “Confirm” button.

Once again, go back to the Assets menu. Choose “Main Account.” You’ll see your AGIX there, at or near the top. This time you want to click on “Withdraw” from the green links on the right.

Go back to MetaMask to get your deposit address. The easiest way is to click on the copy icon under the name of your MetaMask wallet on the main page. That will put the address on your PC’s clipboard.

Now go to the KuCoin withdraw page and past the MetaMask address in the “Wallet Address” box. Then select the Network by clicking on the pop-up menu. It should say ERC20.

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (13)

For the AGIX amount, you can click on the Max amount to populate the box or type it in manually.

The blue “Confirm” button at the bottom shows how much AGIX you are sending to MetaMask.

Note in my sample image that the amount is substantially less (140 AGIX units) than the amount of AGIX shown in the KuCoin account. That’s KuCoin’s withdrawal fee, and yes, it’s ghastly. Part of why it is so high is that it includes the fee for using the Ethereum network. Unfortunately, there’s no avoiding it.

After you’ve finished weeping over the high fees, click the Confirm button. Congratulations! You just sent your AGIX to your MetaMask wallet!

AGIX should appear in MetaMask within a couple of minutes.

Have questions about buying AGIX? There’s a good chance I’ve answered them right here, but if not, post them in the comments section below and we’ll do our best to help!

Take care,

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (14)
David Zeiler
Advisory Board Member, American Institute for Crypto Investors

Editor’s Note: One of America’s earliest Bitcoin millionaires… a guy who mined Bitcoin from his garage… says “DON’T buy Bitcoin until you watch this interview.” Something new is coming… and it’s about to revolutionize the entire crypto market. It’s technology so advanced that it makes Bitcoin look like a horse and buggy. If this crypto millionaire is right, it would be the greatest wealth generator of our lifetime. See his interview here.

Topics: Bitcoin (BTC), NuNet (NTX), SingularityNET (AGIX), Tether stablecoin (USDT)






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How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (16)


1 year ago

Seems it would be easier to purchase ETH or BTC on KuCoin and use that to purchase AGIX.



How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (17)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

1 year ago

Reply to Kirby



How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (18)

Michael Jones

11 months ago

Reply to American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

Unfortunately, KuCoin won’t let me purchase anything. I’ll have to try sending coin and see if I can work that way.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (19)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

11 months ago

Reply to Michael Jones



How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (20)

Michael Jones

10 months ago

Reply to American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

Update: I used XLM to send from Coinbase to KuCoin. It seems to be a cheaper way to send coin. Converted. Purchased AGIX. Transferred back into Main account. I will update after I setup Metamask and try sending to it.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (21)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

10 months ago

Reply to Michael Jones

Nice, that’s how you learn trying new things out.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (22)

Michael Jones

10 months ago

Reply to American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

Success. I setup Metamask and had to enter AGIX as a custom coin. I followed the instructions posted elsewhere here. Then, I transferred from a KuCoin to Metamask.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (23)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

10 months ago

Reply to Michael Jones



How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (24)

Emmanuel Chioma

11 months ago

The process of purchasing AGIX through Kucoin by going through Coinbase, back to Kucoin and setting up MetaMask is extremely confusing. The steps provided above is outdated and does not match Kucoin account setup, fund transter and withdraws anymore. After spending more than an hour trying to get it done, I still can not get my AGIX to display on MetaMask because of the Kucoin trading verification process is convoluted and does not worth all the pain. So my AGIX purchase is stuck in Kucoin Main Account. I’m very frustrated. Thanks


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (25)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

11 months ago

Reply to Emmanuel Chioma

Everything will work out.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (26)

Trond erik Austevoll

11 months ago

Do You rank AGIX higher than IOTA when it comes to AI?


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (27)

American Institute for Crypto Investors Research Team

10 months ago

Reply to Trond erik Austevoll

They both are building during this bear market.


How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX): The A.I. Cryptocurrency That Belongs in Every Portfolio - American Institute for Crypto Investors (2024)


Where can I buy Agix crypto in USA? ›

Binance offers many options. You can easily buy SingularityNET (AGIX) with the lowest fees and highest security anywhere Binance is available. Learn how to buy SingularityNET (AGIX) with the Binance app now. Create a free account on the Binance website or the app.

How do I buy SingularityNET? ›

Use your ETH to buy SingularityNET in the trade tab

Tap or click the "Swap" icon in the Assets tab, then select "Choose asset" and pick SingularityNET. Input the amount of ETH you'd like to exchange for SingularityNET.

What exchanges can I buy Agix on? ›

Currently, the best SingularityNET exchange to buy AGIX is Kucoin, which saw $ 2.09M worth of SingularityNET trading volume in the last 24 hours. However, you can also choose from other exchanges that list AGIX, such as Binance, KuCoin, Huobi Global, and Binance Futures.

Is SingularityNET on Coinbase? ›

SingularityNET can be traded using Coinbase Wallet, your key to the world of crypto. SingularityNET is only available through Coinbase Wallet.

How much is agix in usd? ›

AmountToday at 1:41 am
1 AGIX$0.21
5 AGIX$1.07
10 AGIX$2.14
50 AGIX$10.68
4 more rows

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Top crypto exchanges and crypto apps
  • Trading platform and crypto selection: Coinbase.
  • Diversified investing needs: Robinhood.
  • Membership ecosystem: SoFi Active Investing.
  • Investing simplicity and high interest rates: Gemini Exchange.
  • Finding new cryptocurrency investing strategies: eToro.
Jun 12, 2023

Can SingularityNET reach $1? ›

How much will SingularityNET be worth? For the short-term future, it could reach $0.1534. In the long-term (8-10 years), it could jump to $1.20 or even higher.

How much is Agix crypto worth? ›

The price of SingularityNET (AGIX) is $0.238089 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $31,312,021.41. This represents a 2.70% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 5.82% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 1.2 Billion AGIX, SingularityNET is valued at a market cap of $291,773,367.

How much is Agix crypto? ›

AGIX's current price is $0.224637, with a 24-hour trading volume of $50.15M. AGIX is +8.04% in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 1.22B AGIX coins and a maximum supply of 2.00B AGIX coins. AGIX ranks 118 by market cap.

Is Agix a good investment? ›

SingularityNET has amazing potential over the next few years as acceptance for cryptocurrency increases. Our market forecast indicates that by 2030, AGIX could reach a new all-time high of $2.10.

Can you trade on Binance in USA? ›

Trade On Binance in the US

You can now buy and sell currencies on the exchange while in the US. Go to the Trade tab in the top panel of the dashboard, click Markets or Advanced tabs, and you'll see the available trade pairs to choose from.

What is Agix crypto for? ›

The native token of SingularityNET is AGIX, which is used to pay for transactions within the platform.

Who owns Agix coin? ›

AGIX, or SingularityNET, is a blockchain-based AI project built on the Cardano network. It was launched in 2017 and founded by renowned cognitive scientist and leading AI researcher, Dr Ben Goertzel.

What wallets can I use for SingularityNET? ›

SingularityNET (AGIX) Wallets
  • Trust Wallet. View More.
  • MetaMask. View More.
  • Ledger. View More.
  • imToken. View More.
  • Torus. View More.
  • Coinbase. View More.
  • TokenPocket. View More.
  • iToken Wallet. View More.

What is the market supply of Agix? ›

AGIX Price Live Data

The live price of SingularityNET is $ 0.2218955 per (AGIX / USD) with a current market cap of $ 271.30M USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 49.35M USD. AGIX to USD price is updated in real-time. SingularityNET is +9.22% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 1.22B.

How much is $1000 ARS in dollars? ›

3.91811 USD

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0.0288 DASH

How much is 1 starl in USD? ›


What is the best crypto platform to use in USA? ›

Compare the Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges
CompanyTransaction FeesCurrencies
Coinbase Best for Beginners0.00% to 0.60%200+ Best Mobile App0.00% to 0.075%250+
Gemini Best for Security0.0% to 0.40% for active trader, 1.49% for most transactions on regular platform80+
BitMart Best for Altcoins0.045% to 0.25%1,500+
3 more rows

Which crypto wallet is best in USA? ›

7 best hot wallets Defi Wallet4.6
Coinbase Wallet4.3
2 more rows
Jun 5, 2023

What is the most used app to buy crypto? ›

Answer: Some of the best apps for trading cryptocurrencies are Cash App, Gemini, Crypto Pro, Block Fi, Binance, Kraken, Coinbase, Robinhood, and others. There are thousands of apps you can use to trade crypto, but the best apps for trading cryptocurrency have low fees and are secure.

Which crypto will make you millionaire in 2025? ›

3 Cryptos That Could Make You a Millionaire by 2025
AZERO-USDAleph Zero$1.0886
May 9, 2023

Which crypto will skyrocket in 2025? ›

Overall, Ethereum's positioning as the blockchain at the forefront of Web3 development, and the significant demand for its network from thousands of crypto projects, makes it among the most promising cryptos that could 10X by 2025.

What is the price prediction for SingularityNET in 2050? ›

About AGIX Price Prediction: 2023-2050

According to your price prediction input for SingularityNET, the value of AGIX may increase by +5% and reach $ 0.9098155 by 2050.

Is agix on Ethereum? ›

SingularityNET to Ethereum Data

The AGIX to ETH conversion rate today is 0.0001257 ETH and has decreased by 1.08% in the last 24 hours. Our converter updates in real time giving you accurate data every time you use it to make a conversion.

How much is 40000 crypto? ›

40000 Bitcoin is 1201652000 US Dollar.

How much is agix in 2023? ›

SingularityNET price prediction 30 Jun 2023: SingularityNET's price for 30 Jun 2023 according to our analysis should range between $0.22 to $0.25 and the average price of AGIX should be around $0.23.

Why is Agix dumping? ›

Also, SingularityNET (AGIX) had to contend with market volatility, which has further eroded investor confidence. As a result, some investors are beginning to look elsewhere for more stable and lucrative investment opportunities. It is for all investors to see if SingularityNET (AGIX) can recover and regain their trust.

Can US citizens have a Binance account? ›

Is Binance legal in the USA? Binance is legal in the U.S. However, the U.S. version has fewer features than the full website includes.

Does Binance US report to the IRS? ›

Does Binance US Report to the IRS? Yes, Binance US is required to report cryptocurrency transactions that reach a certain threshold to the IRS. The IRS is working to enforce compliance and accurate reporting of cryptocurrency-related income and transactions.

How much does Coinbase charge to withdraw money? ›

There is a 1% fee to convert and withdraw your crypto to cash in addition to standard network fees. A network fee is necessary in order to have your transaction processed by the decentralized cryptocurrency network.

How does agix work? ›

AGIX Staking

By staking AGIX, holders help secure the operations of the platform's AI Marketplace. AGIX tokens can be redeemed after 30 days to receive the earned rewards and those interested in continuing with staking can roll over their tokens into the next staking period.

What is the future price of Agix? ›

SingularityNET (AGIX) Price Prediction
Current Price$ 0.246528
Price Prediction$ 0.279302 (11.76%)
Fear & Greed Index64 (Greed)
4 more rows

Where is SingularityNET headquarters? ›

SingularityNET is located in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands .

Is SingularityNET a cryptocurrency? ›

CoinMarketCap ranks SingularityNET (AGIX) as the 87th coin on the cryptocurrency market globally, with a market cap of $378,380,745.

How do I add Agix to my Trust Wallet? ›

How To Add SingularityNET (AGIX) Tokens To Your Wallet
  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click on the “ADD TOKEN” button.
  3. Select “Custom Token” tab.

What wallet supports the most crypto? ›

Coinbase Wallet can store popular coins, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and BNB, as well as all ERC-20 tokens and tokens on EVM-compatible blockchains, which amounts to more than 5,500 supported digital assets — one of the biggest numbers on our list.

Can I store Agix on MetaMask? ›

First, you need to add AGIX tokens to the Metamask wallet. Click Add token at the bottom of your Metamask wallet. Move to the Custom Token tab and copy-paste the AGIX smart contract hash: 0x20802d1a9581b94e51db358c09e0818d6bd071b4. Click Next, and then Add token.

What is the stock symbol for SingularityNET? ›

AGIX-USD - SingularityNET USD

As of 05:07AM UTC. Market open.

Is agix on Kraken? ›

SingularityNET AGIX

With Kraken, it only takes a few minutes to buy crypto.

How do I buy crypto on KuCoin in USA? ›

To buy crypto on KuCoin, you need to sign up for an account, secure it with two-factor authentication, verify your identity through KYC, connect your account to funds, and start trading. KuCoin provides a convenient and beginner-friendly platform for cryptocurrency trading.

Is Agix crypto a good investment? ›

SingularityNET has amazing potential over the next few years as acceptance for cryptocurrency increases. Our market forecast indicates that by 2030, AGIX could reach a new all-time high of $2.36.

How to invest in agix? ›

How to Buy SingularityNET (AGIX) in 4 Steps
  1. Compare Crypto Exchanges – We list the top cryptocurrency exchanges that offer the ability to buy SingularityNET (AGIX) cryptocurrency.
  2. Create an account – Verify your email address and identity.
  3. Make a deposit – Debit Card, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, or Bitcoin.
Jun 1, 2023

How many Agix coins are there? ›

AGIX is a supply-capped token with a max supply of 2 billion and a total supply of 1.2 billion.

Is KuCoin legal in the United States? ›

Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US and as such, the KYC verification is not available for US residents. For Americans who want want to access a secure and regulated exchange without limitations, we recommend signing up to eToro and Uphold.

Can Americans withdraw from KuCoin? ›

At a Glance: Yes, you can withdraw coins from KuCoin and transfer them to another wallet. However, KuCoin does not convert assets into fiat currency, so you can only send and receive cryptocurrency assets.

Can you open a KuCoin account in USA? ›

Yes, you can use KuCoin from the US.

A very limited version of this trading platform is available to use, with low withdrawal amounts, because of the lack of licensing and KYC verification, and limited customer support.

Will Agix reach $1? ›

Singularitynet (AGIX) price is expected to reach $1.09 by 2026.

Can Agix reach $10? ›

No, our prediction model sees no possibility for SingularityNET to reach $10 in the short or mid-term period.

Can US customers withdraw from Binance? ›

Binance US has informed its users that U.S. dollar deposits have been suspended and USD withdrawals will no longer be processed.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.