How to Attract Corporate Sponsors | Entrepreneur (2024)

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When Linda Hollander came up with the concept of the Women's Small Business Expo eight years ago, she needed a way to pay for the event.

The expo was not an inexpensive undertaking. She had to rent a ballroom, hire a singer and provide two meals for attendees. And she had to pay for those amenities upfront, before receiving funds from attendees.

Hollander decided to seek out corporate sponsors to foot the bill. The effort was wildly successful. She approached companies such as Citibank, Hansen's, IBM and Walmart.

"I told them, 'I can offer you the women's market,'" she said. "They threw money at me."

During a recent teleclass, Hollander -- a business consultant, speaker and author -- offered her advice on securing corporate sponsorships.

"Whatever you're doing, you can get corporate sponsors," said Hollander, who's known as the Wealthy Bag Lady. "Don't think you're too small, and don't be sidelined by the fact that you don't have experience. When I got my first sponsors, I had no track record. But I sold sponsors on the concept, and I surrounded myself with people with more experience than I had."

According to Hollander, corporations will spend more than $17 billion this year on corporate sponsorships.

"Wouldn't you like to get just a piece of the $17 billion?" she asked. "You're helping a company market itself. They can't buy prime-time advertising for $10,000."

Here are Hollander's top tips to attract corporate sponsors.

Be clear about your demographic and your platform.

Your platform is your message and your fan base -- people who know you or who align themselves with people you know. Your demographic is the market you're after, and you want to have statistics about that market at your fingertips. For example, if your market is women, be aware that they make or influence 85 percent of purchasing decisions, and that they are starting businesses at twice the rate of men. Find out the spending power and purchasing habits of your target market. Research the median income and educational level.

Consider the publications your demographic reads. Then ask for media kits from those publications. According to Hollander, media kits will reveal amazing things about your demographic--all provided for free. Don't forget cause-related marketing, either.

"This is so hot that it's scorching," said Hollander. "People want to purchase from companies that give back to the community. If you change lives in a positive way, that's cause-related marketing." Sponsors will be eager to come aboard, said Hollander.

Have a great sponsor proposal.

"Without it, don't even bother," Hollander advises. "It has to be completely compelling." The person you show that proposal to has to show it to accounting to get approval and a check. You need to connect personally with your champion in the company. In addition, be aware that there's a certain format for how the proposal has to look, said Hollander. "It has to have certain language and certain sections."

  • Start with a story. It could be your story, or the story of someone whose life you changed. "Whatever you do, tell a story. This will get your proposal to stand out and make an emotional connection." Hollander points out that there's a person in the company you approach who's going to make a decision about sponsoring you. "That person has to make an emotional decision to give you the money," she said.
  • Describe what you do. This is your mission statement. It explains why you do what you do.
  • Benefits. You need to have really great benefits for the sponsor you're approaching.
  • Describe your demographics.
  • Create an advisory board. "If you don't have experience, surround yourself with people who have experience," said Hollander. "Show potential sponsors that you have an A team."
  • Ask for the money. "They don't call you to ask how much money you want," she said. "A sponsor once said to me, 'If I don't see a menu of prices, I throw it out.'"
  • Promise deliverables. Don't just promise media coverage -- promise specific media coverage, e.g.: "I will give you media coverage in the hometown business journal. It has a circulation of 60,000 people making more than $100,000 a year," said Hollander.
  • Don't sell yourself short. Ask for $10,000 to $100,000 from each sponsor. "I see people asking for $1,000," she said. "That's not going to cut it. You're dealing with a well-paid person in a corporation. It's not worth their time if you're asking for $500 or $1,000." Hollander also advises asking for a year-long program, not just a single event: "Make it a whole year, because then you don't have to keep going to the well."
  • Find the right person to approach in the company. "Ask for the marketing department. That's the best place to start," said Hollander. She noted, however, that in some companies, the appropriate department might be public relations, community affairs, public affairs, supplier diversity or brand management.
  • Whenever possible, introduce yourself by telephone, not email. "This is a relationship business," she said. "You have conversations; you don't just email back and forth." Besides, a lot of corporations have good firewalls, and your email may not get through. "Email once you have the relationship," said Hollander. Try to avoid filling out an online form. That's a screening device, she said. "It's like the black hole on Star Trek where something goes in and never comes out."
  • Be impeccable with your word. When you're courting a sponsor, always do what you say. Sponsors will test you. If you can't get information, tell them why. Always be on time or early for an appointment. Let them know you are a person of integrity. "You get one chance to make an impression, and if you burn the bridge, you can't go back," she said.
  • Always follow up. "So many people lose deals because they don't follow up," said Hollander.
  • Be brief, be brilliant and be gone. Ask for what you want, but don't take up a lot of a potential sponsors' time doing it.
  • You can't help anybody until you help yourself. Until you're financially secure and strong, you can't help all the people you want to help. Corporate sponsorships are a way to make you strong and give you the resources you need, said Hollander. They also add to your credibility. She also advised that you publicize your corporate sponsors on your website to let people know you are playing at a higher level in business.
How to Attract Corporate Sponsors | Entrepreneur (2024)


How to Attract Corporate Sponsors | Entrepreneur? ›

Feature a guest blog post on your registration page (or even on your regular blog). Include your sponsors' logos and messaging in all your email, direct mail and social media messages about your event. Let your sponsor use one of your social media platforms to talk about their company.

How do I reach out to sponsors for a non profit? ›

Feature a guest blog post on your registration page (or even on your regular blog). Include your sponsors' logos and messaging in all your email, direct mail and social media messages about your event. Let your sponsor use one of your social media platforms to talk about their company.

How do I make my nonprofit attractive to corporate sponsors? ›

  1. Show Your Impact In A Shareable Format.
  2. Unite Behind A Purpose.
  3. Work Closely With Your Board Members.
  4. Adapt, Connect And Innovate.
  5. Tag Your Prospective Sponsor On Social Media.
  6. Do Your Homework Before Approaching Sponsors.
  7. Make It Relevant.
  8. Demonstrate The Alignment Of Their Vision With Your Mission.
Dec 23, 2020

How do you ask a company to sponsor you examples? ›

I'm writing to ask you to sponsor [part of your event that needs sponsorship]. With [dollar amount], we'll be able to [insert goal or achievement]. As a thank you, [nonprofit's name] would also like to offer [incentive] and publically announce your partnership with our charitable organization.

What are the 4 levels of sponsorship? ›

The 4 common levels of sponsorships often consist of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze – the platinum offering more benefits at a higher price than the rest of the tiers.

What businesses are most likely to sponsor? ›

The following industries are all good ones to focus your sponsorship efforts on:
  • Banks.
  • Hotels.
  • Grocery chains.
  • Insurance companies.
  • Food brands.
  • Beer brands.
  • Major retailers.
  • Airlines.

How do I ask a small business for sponsorship? ›

  1. Determine your needs. The first step to asking for sponsorship is determining what you actually need. ...
  2. Outline what you have to offer. ...
  3. Create a one-pager. ...
  4. Create a list of prospects. ...
  5. Try to get in touch with an individual, if at all possible. ...
  6. Keep it short and sweet! ...
  7. Follow Up. ...
  8. If at first you don't succeed, try again.
Feb 26, 2020

How do I sell myself to sponsors? ›

How To Find And Pitch Yourself To A Sponsor
  1. Know your sponsor. Think of every potential sponsor as a potential business partner. ...
  2. Who are you? ...
  3. Contact sponsors you like/think you can help in your immediate area. ...
  4. Outline your pitch with specifics. ...
  5. Make sure you can do a lot for them. ...
  6. But how do I tell this to them?

What does a sponsor get in return? ›

Sponsors offer funding or products and services to support events, trade shows, teams, nonprofits, or organizations. In exchange, you get business exposure and a chance to connect with new customers.

What are the five things corporate sponsors want from nonprofits? ›

So how can you ensure a successful relationship with your corporate sponsor? Focus on five key areas: help them build brand visibility, recognize their generosity, offer creative approval, measure metrics and keep lines of communication open.

How do I contact a brand for sponsorship? ›

If you're wondering how to get brands to sponsor you, here are five things to know before sending a pitch.
  1. Brands Don't Always Care About Subscriber/Follower Count. ...
  2. Your Tweets Can Make or Break a Brand Deal. ...
  3. You Can Be Honest About a Brand and its Products. ...
  4. Your Email Pitch Has to Be Persuasive.
Mar 11, 2022

How do you ask for sponsorship donations? ›

How to write a letter asking for donations or sponsorship
  1. Write methods to contact you. ...
  2. Address the prospect by name. ...
  3. Discuss your mission. ...
  4. Include the benefits of sponsoring you. ...
  5. Thank the reader for their time. ...
  6. Add your signature.
Mar 10, 2023

How do I find companies willing to sponsor? ›

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key Tactics
  1. Research potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ...
  2. Tell your organization's story. ...
  3. Provide sponsor incentives. ...
  4. Reach out to established companies. ...
  5. Use data to legitimize your pitch. ...
  6. Find the right contact. ...
  7. Build a connection over time. ...
  8. Follow up.
Apr 10, 2023

What do you say when asking for sponsors? ›

Mention Common Goals

As you ask for corporate sponsorship, be sure to highlight how support of your efforts intersects with the business' larger philanthropic goals. Show that you both want to help your community and that everyone wins with their sponsorship of your organization, the community included.

How much money do you need to ask for sponsorship? ›

Don't sell yourself short.

Ask for $10,000 to $100,000 from each sponsor. "I see people asking for $1,000," she said. "That's not going to cut it. You're dealing with a well-paid person in a corporation.

What are the 5 pillars to sponsorship? ›

To keep sponsors satisfied, focus on five pillars of establishing a worthwhile connection which resonates on both sides of the relationship:
  • Communication. ...
  • Brand visibility. ...
  • Recognition. ...
  • Creative approval. ...
  • Metrics.
Jan 14, 2020

What are the ABCs of sponsorship? ›

You may already know the ABCs of sponsorship—Active and visible participation, Building a coalition, and Communicating support to promote the change.

What is a diamond sponsor? ›

These are the highest-priced tiers of sponsorship available and provide top placements on the most competitive and highly trafficked directories.

What kind of sponsorship are most valuable? ›

1. Financial Event Sponsorship. Financial, or sometimes referred to as cash sponsors, continue to be the leading type of event sponsorship. With this one, a sponsor offers money to an event organizer in exchange for promotions or other benefits outlined in their sponsorship agreement.

What do sponsors do for a small business? ›

Typical sponsorship goals include targeting a niche market, increasing brand awareness, driving sales, distinguishing your business above competitors, and generating goodwill.

What companies are willing to sponsor in the US? ›

Top 10 Companies For H1B Visa Jobs Sponsorships In 2022
  • Amazon – 4774 visas provided. ...
  • Infosys – 3512 visas provided. ...
  • Tata Consultancy Services – 2409 visas provided. ...
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions US – 2000 visas provided. ...
  • Microsoft – 1790 visas provided. ...
  • Google – 1682 visas provided. ...
  • Capgemini – 1413 visas provided.

When should you ask a company for sponsorship? ›

There isn't a clear answer as to when to ask for sponsorship. The right timing depends on the relationship you've built with your potential employer. If not getting sponsorship means you wouldn't accept the job, then it's going to be much more important to bring it up early in the hiring process.

Can you get sponsors to start a business? ›

Sponsorships work for businesses because you can benefit from the publicity, reputation, and resources of a larger organization. A corporate sponsor has already had the time to develop a name, reputation, and following. Through showing their support for your business, they are essentially saying “we support you.”

What is an example of a corporate sponsorship? ›

Corporate sponsorship is when a company funds your nonprofit in order to be associated with it. This association could come in the form of sponsoring events, projects, or programs. For example, a company might sponsor a 5k fun run.

How much do companies pay to sponsor someone? ›

How Much Does It Cost to Sponsor a Visa? In general, a visa sponsorship costs approximately $4000 but may cost $8-9,000 if a company has more than fifty employees and 50% of those employees are foreign nationals.

How much money do you get for a sponsor? ›

Sponsor Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$148,000$12,333
75th Percentile$120,500$10,041
25th Percentile$61,500$5,125

How much money does a sponsor need to make? ›

2023 Minimum Annual Income Requirements for Most Sponsors: 125% of Federal Poverty Guidelines
Number of people in your household (including yourself and your spouse)*For sponsors in the 48 contiguous states, D.C., and U.S. territoriesFor sponsors in Alaska
For each additional person, add:$6,425$8,038
6 more rows

What are the disadvantages of sponsorship? ›

Disadvantages for sport
  • Sponsorship can be limited or easily withdrawn – no security.
  • A performer can become reliant on a particular sponsor, which could then pull out.
  • Some sponsorship (for example, alcohol) gives a bad image to sport.
  • Generous sponsorship is only available to the elite few.

What is ROI on corporate sponsorship? ›

The ROI formula is a very simple one, especially in marketing and sponsorship. Just take the sponsor's growth (through sales, conversions, etc.) and subtract that from what they spent on the sponsorship, and you've got ROI.

What is a sponsor liable for? ›

A sponsor is liable for an immigrant family member until they earn forty work quarters credited toward Social Security. Also, they remain liable until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen or terminates the Form I-864 financial obligation.

What are the three most important roles of a sponsor? ›

They give the change credibility, authorize funding and resources, and perform important employee-facing activities. People in the organization look to these individuals at the top to demonstrate why the change is necessary and perform other critical activities as only they can.

What are 3 ways that you can maximize the value of your sponsorship? ›

4 Keys to Maximizing Your Sponsorship Strategy
  • Keep sponsorship a focus. The biggest reason organizations fall short in obtaining their sponsorship goals is having a lack of focus. ...
  • Create easy-to-sell packages. ...
  • Don't overthink it. ...
  • Leverage your partners.

What are the top four benefits of corporate sponsorship? ›

Benefits of sponsoring events
  • Increase return on investment. ...
  • Build business relationships. ...
  • Gain valuable insights. ...
  • Expand its content strategy. ...
  • Foster a positive reputation. ...
  • Generate leads. ...
  • Reach sales goals. ...
  • Benefit from association.
Feb 16, 2023

How do you ask a brand to collab? ›

How to Pitch a Collab to a Brand on Instagram
  1. Select Relevant Brands. First things first; for a successful brand collaboration, you must choose the right brands for you. ...
  2. Write Your Pitch. ...
  3. Find The Brand's Best Contact Details. ...
  4. Follow Up. ...
  5. Finalize Your Contracts. ...
  6. Execute the Campaign. ...
  7. Measure the Results.
Oct 14, 2022

How many followers do you need for a brand to sponsor you? ›

How Many Followers Do You Need On Instagram To Get Sponsors? There is no set amount of followers you need to start doing Instagram sponsorships. If you are interested in Instagram sponsorship for small accounts, the minimum number of followers you should aim to have is around 3,000.

How do you identify a sponsorship opportunity? ›

The best way to analyze a sponsorship opportunity is to determine how well the organization or event fits your business goals and your target market. Evaluate the alignment between the organization's brand and your brand and determine how effective you can be in communicating your brand and messages to the audience.

How do I find a company to sponsor me in USA? ›

Here are the top 6 ways to find an H1B visa sponsor for 2022 so that you can file your petition:
  1. Look for a Job in the H1B Visa Sponsors Database.
  2. Apply for the Job and Get an Offer.
  3. Find an Internship.
  4. Look for Boutique Consulting Companies.
  5. Look for Global Consulting Companies.
  6. Find a Job at a US University.
Nov 15, 2022

How do you write a convincing sponsorship proposal? ›

How to write your event sponsorship proposal
  1. Describe the event in a nutshell. The event is the meat of the delicious meal you'll serve potential sponsors as you court them for investment. ...
  2. Present your target audience. ...
  3. Demonstrate your track record. ...
  4. Outline your process. ...
  5. Suggest some sponsorship packages.
May 15, 2019

How do I approach a company for sponsorship on Instagram? ›

Here are the steps you should take to find brand contacts for pitching a paid Instagram sponsorship!
  1. Make a List of IG Sponsorships You Want. ...
  2. Narrow Down Your Brand Sponsorship Options. ...
  3. Reach Out. ...
  4. Keep Your Paid Instagram Sponsorship Pitch Short. ...
  5. Ask for Money. ...
  6. Make Your Pitch Personal. ...
  7. Write Amazing Pitches on Repeat.
Jun 22, 2022

How do you determine if a sponsorship is worth I? ›

The valuation of assets depends on multiple factors that include:
  1. The property's reputation and credibility (the prestige associated with the property, the experience in the sponsorship industry, etc.)
  2. The reach (impressions)
  3. The audience.
  4. The value of the brand.
Feb 1, 2021

Can I get a sponsorship at 1000 followers? ›

How Many Followers Do You Need To Be Sponsored On Instagram? It is safe to say, that as one of the micro-influencers on Instagram, you will need at least 1000 followers. This is how by having 1k followers on Instagram money making is possible.

What do project sponsors want? ›

A project sponsor has three main responsibilities: Vision and people: Aligning the project with business goals, strategy, and objectives. Governance: Ensuring the project's proper launch and execution. Value and benefits: Managing risks and changes while ensuring the project's quality.

What are sponsors looking for in return? ›

In return for their sponsorship, companies usually expect some form of marketing value, such as: Advertising: Sponsorship may include advertising space on team jerseys, signage at events, or commercials during broadcasts.

What should I offer in return for sponsorship? ›

Some examples of sponsor ROI for an in person event might include:
  • Logos on printed materials like programs, banners and signage.
  • A booth space where to sell products or advertise services.
  • Names read during announcements.
  • Branded swag (pencils, sunglasses, magnets, etc) distributed in event bags.
  • Logos on event t shirt.
Jun 4, 2020

What makes a good sponsorship proposal? ›

In order to create a powerful call to action, you need to make sure that your proposal is well-written and compelling. You should also highlight the benefits of sponsorship, and explain how the sponsor's logo will be displayed. Finally, be sure to thank the sponsor for their time and consideration.

How do you engage project sponsors? ›

Most Effective Tactics for Creating Active and Visible Sponsorship
  1. Provide behind-the-scenes assistance to the sponsor on their role. ...
  2. Coach the sponsor on their role. ...
  3. Hold regular meetings. ...
  4. Ensure the sponsor communicates directly with employees. ...
  5. Hold the sponsor accountable in their role.

What are the qualities of a good project sponsor? ›

Sponsors need to be active, aware, engaged, available, and willing to help the project manager and project team deliver results to the organization. It's a risk that can be easily mitigated on any project and can absolutely make the difference between success and failure.

How do you make sponsors feel special? ›

Strategies for Keeping Your Event Sponsors Happy
  1. Assign a Point Person or Team. If you have the resources, it helps to put someone in charge of sponsorships. ...
  2. Create a Timeline of Deliverables. ...
  3. Demonstrate Your Sponsors' ROI. ...
  4. Integrate Sponsors Organically. ...
  5. Offer Some VIP Perks. ...
  6. Follow up After the Event. ...
  7. Key Takeaway.

What is a reasonable amount to ask for sponsorship? ›

Don't sell yourself short.

Ask for $10,000 to $100,000 from each sponsor. "I see people asking for $1,000," she said. "That's not going to cut it. You're dealing with a well-paid person in a corporation.

What to ask for when asking for sponsorship? ›

5 Questions To Ask Potential Sponsors
  • Who is your target audience? ...
  • What action do your customers take right before they make a purchase? ...
  • Tell me about a sponsorship agreement that went badly and why? ...
  • What can you tell me about your sales goals for the coming year?

What are the 5 sponsorship levels? ›

Naming Your Sponsorship Levels

For example, if you are holding an event to raise money for a school, you could name your sponsor levels: Scholar, Essayist, Author, Contributor, Friend.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.