How People In China Afford Their Outrageously Expensive Homes (2024)

I was surprised when the owner of the run-down, 82 square meter apartmentoutside of the core downtown area of Xiamen that I once rented told me that he was selling it for nearly US$300,000. The apartment was in a well-worn15 year old building -- old in a country where housing only lasts for 25-30 years --and had grime covering the walls, tiles from the kitchen floor that were peeling up, water oozing up from the shower drain, and fixtures that were all mismatched . . . and dilapidated at that. Although at 22,000 RMB per square meter I couldn't say that this place was priced abnormally high -- this is just what people pay for homes in the east of China.

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000. This is all in a country were $5 can get you a bulging armful of food from the local market and $70 gets you a bunk on a train that’s going all the way across the country.

According to the IMF ’s house price-to-wage ratio, China has seven of the world’s top ten most expensive cities for residential property. All through the country's tier-one, tier-two, and even some tier-three cities, housing prices are severely out of proportion with the incomes of the people who live there.

In Xiamen, a coastal city with a perpetually hot property market, $300,000 for an apartment is normal -- even thoughthe minimum wage there is hardly $200 per month and the average wage is around $1,000. Even for the city's middle class residents, who makebetween $1,200 and $5,000 per month, the price seemed prohibitively high.

However, the people of China can afford to buy these extremely expensive properties.In fact, 90% of families in the country own their home, giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other leans. On top of this, north of 20% of urban households own more than one home, according to Nomura . So with wages so out of whack with real estate prices, how can so many people afford to buy so many houses?

Before we can understand how people in China can afford to frolic in their country’s over-inflated housing market, we must look at where this market came from. Hardly 20 years ago China’s real estate market didn’t exist. It wasn’t until the mid-90s that a series of reforms allowed urban residents to own and sell real estate. People were then given the option to purchase their previously government-owned homes at extremely favorable rates, and most of them made the transition to being property owners. Now with a population provisioned with houses that they could sell at their discretion and the ability to buy homes of their choice, China’s real estate market was set to boom. By 2010, a little over a decade later, it would be the largest such market in the world.

When we talk about how people afford houses in China today, more often than not we’re not talking about individuals going out and buying property on their own — as is the general modus operandi in the West. No, we’re talking about entire familial and friend networks who financially assist each other in the pursuit of housing.

At the inner-circle of this social network is often the home buyer’s parents. When a young individual strikes out on their own, lands a decent job, and begins looking to pursue marriage, getting a house is often an essential part of the conversation. Owning a home is virtually a social necessity for an adult in China, and is often a major part of the criteria for evaluating a potential spouse. As parents tend to move into their children’s homes in old age, this truly is a multi-generational affair. So parents will often fork over a large portion of their savings to provision their children with an adequate house -- oftentimes buying it years in advance. If parents are not financially able to buy their kids a house outright, they will generally help with the down payment, or at the very least provide access to their social network to borrow the required funds.

Take for example the case of Ye Qiuqin, a resident of Ordos Kangbashi who owns two houses across the country in Guangdong province, where she is originally from. Together with her fiancé, she makes roughly US$3,200 per month from running a cram school. For her first home she made a down payment of roughly US$20,000; of which $3,300 came from her parents, $10,000 came in the form of loans from her sister and friends, and the rest came from her savings.

To decrease the amount of volatility in China’s often hot property market, there are very strict rules as to how much money people can borrow from the bank for purchasing real estate. Although this slightly varies by city and wavers in response to current economic conditions, for their first home a buyer must lay down a 30% down payment, for the second it’s 60%, and for any property beyond this financing isn’t available. So for people to buy homes in this country they need to step up to the table with a large amount of cash in hand. In fact, 15% of all residential property in China is paid for in full upfront.

Why there is so much liquid cash available for these relatively large down payments is straight forward: the Chinese are some of the best savers in the world. In fact, with a savings rate that equates to 50% of its GDP,China has the third highest such rate in the world. As almost a cultural mandate, the Chinese stash away roughly 30% of their income, which is often called into use for such things as making a down payment on a home — which is the most important financial transaction that many Chinese will ever make.

Another way that Chinese home buyers are able to afford their down payments is via the country’s Housing Provident Fund. This fund began when the country started privatizing urban housingas way to help residents afford to buy their homes. Part of this fund included a government initiated savings plan where employees are given the option to invest a portion of their monthly earnings and have it matched by their employer to assist them with buying a house.

Once the down payment is accounted for, getting mortgages in China is a relatively straight forward affair, and the standards for qualifying are relatively low. For the most part, a borrower’s monthly salary must be at least twice the monthly repayment rate of the loan. Interest rates hover around 6%. On average, those who have these loans will devote between 30% and 50% of their monthly income towards paying them back.

While there is much talk in China and abroad about the increasing number of Chinese home buyers taking out mortgages, relative statistics should quell the hype. Just 18% of Chinese households have mortgages, compared with half of all home owners in the USA. China’s home mortgage-to-GDP ratio was just 15% in 2012, whereas in the USA it was a staggering 81.4%. Although monthly wages in China tend to be relative low, non-performance on mortgages is virtually unheard of -- in 2013 the default rate was a mere 0.17%.

Although we must remember here that China’s banks are fully owned by the Communist Party, and social stability often takes precedence over the raw pursuit of profit, so their lending practices cannot be compared like-for-like againstthose of Western banks.

Part of China’s boldness when it comes to spending relatively large amounts of money on housing comes from the assumption that wages will continue rising. Nominal income growth in urban China has been going up at a 13% clip annually over the past decade, while annual per-capita disposable income has risen from $1,800 in 2006 to around $4,800 today.

This is to say that the Chinese are able to afford their homes, even though they are extremely expensive.

How People In China Afford Their Outrageously Expensive Homes (2024)


Why are houses so expensive in China? ›

Down-payment requirements run as high as 80 per cent for big-city buyers, who save for years and tap parents for funds. That makes forced selling much rarer than in other countries, where downturns can push mortgages underwater, meaning the loan is worth more than the home.

How much does a nice house cost in China? ›

The average price of a new house in China increased 4.1 per cent on an annual basis to 10,588 yuan (US$1533) per square metre in the first two months of 2023, the first rise in 11 months, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Wednesday.

Do people own their own homes in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

What percentage of Chinese own their own home? ›

Today China is a country of homeowners with more than 90% of households owning homes (87% in urban and 96% in rural China) (Clark, Huang, & Yi, 2019). At the same time, more than 20% Chinese households own multiple homes, higher than many developed nations (Huang et al., 2020).

Is it cheaper to live in China or the US? ›

The cost of living in China can vary by location and type of purchase. On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average.

How much is a mansion in China? ›

It has been reported that the average selling price has reached $39,370 per square meter ($3,658 per square foot), and total prices for units are between $6.3 million and $15.7 million.

What is the average rent in China? ›

How much is rent in China? Depends where you are but rent in a shared apartment can amount to 2,500 RMB to 3,500 RMB for a shared apartment in a Tier 1 city like Bejing or Shanghai. Additionally having your own studio can cost you around 4,000 RMB.

What is the average income in China? ›

In 2021, the last full year for which Beijing's National Bureau of Statistics offers data, the average Chinese worker earned 105,000 yuan a year, the equivalent of $16,153. The average American worker earned some $58,120 a year, 3.5 times his or her Chinese counterpart — still wide but not what it was.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in China? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,021.2$ (14,401.0¥) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 558.9$ (3,982.3¥) without rent. Cost of living in China is, on average, 49.7% lower than in United States. Rent in China is, on average, 65.5% lower than in United States.

Do Americans own land in China? ›

Foreign investors are not allowed to buy land in China. The land in China belongs to the state and the collectives.

How much is a house in China in dollars? ›

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000.

Can a US citizen own property in China? ›

So, can foreigners buy property in China? The answer is yes, foreigners are allowed to purchase property in China! The essential requirement is that you have studied or worked in China for at least one year on a residence permit. Foreigners are allowed to only own one residential property for dwelling purposes.

What is the average age of a Chinese homeowner? ›

The average age of Chinese home buyers in 2018 was 29.5, a younger average compared with the rest of the world, suggested a recent report on a survey of Chinese home buyers in 2018, the Economic View app reported on Jan. 28.

How much does the average household make in China? ›

Median salary

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month. That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary. In contrast, the other half earns more than the median salary.

What is a normal home in China? ›

A traditional Chinese house is a compound with walls and dwellings organized around a courtyard. Walls and courtyards are built for privacy and protection from fierce winds. Inside the courtyard, whose size depends on the wealth of the family, are open spaces, trees, plants and ponds.

Is America more wealthy than China? ›

While China and the US are comparable in nominal GDP, there are far more wealthy individuals in America than in China. China — with a population of 1.4 billion — has 780,000 people holding assets worth $1 million or more, while the US — with a population of 332 million — has 5.27 million people in the same category.

Is USA more rich than China? ›

The U.S. makes up 23.93% of the total global economy, says Investopedia. The World Bank Group lists China as the second richest country in the world as of 2021, possessing a GDP of $17.734 trillion along with a GDP per capita of $12,556.3. China makes up 18.45% of the total global economy.

Can Americans retire to China? ›

China does not have a visa specifically for retirees. However, there are several avenues to long-term residency for people who want to retire in China. The most common option for retirees is to get a permanent resident visa.

How big is the average house in China? ›

646 sq. ft

How much does it cost to build a house in China? ›

Construction cost of buildings per square meter in China 2021, by region. In 2021, the average construction cost in Shanghai amounted to 6,549 yuan per square meter which was the highest in the country. The average cost in China was 3,891 yuan per square meter.

Does China have single family homes? ›

Unlike typical homes in the United States, which are generally single-family houses, the typical Chinese home is an apartment in a residential complex.

How much is a car in China? ›

This statistic shows the average prices of used cars sold in China from 2010 to 2019. In 2019, the average price of a second-hand vehicle sold in China was around 62,700 yuan, up from about 62,200 yuan in the previous year.

How much is a Big Mac in China? ›

One example is the McDonald's Big Mac. It costs about 21.70 yuan in China and $5.71 in America, according to prices collected by The Economist.

How much is a can of co*ke in China? ›

China - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022
China - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022

Does China have free healthcare? ›

How Does the Healthcare System Work in China? China does have free public healthcare which is under the country's social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in.

Is the average Chinese person wealthy? ›

Credit Suisse found China's median wealth outpaced Europe's in its 2021 Global Wealth Report. The average Chinese citizen has a wealth of $26,752, around $60 more than the average European. Chinese wealth has surged in the past two decades, with median wealth per adult growing more than eight-fold.

How much money is considered rich in China? ›

How much is rich in China? Millionaires are defined as individuals with personal wealth of over 10 million yuan, and super-rich are defined as individuals with personal wealth of 100 million yuan or above. One yuan equals approximately 0.16 U.S. dollars and 0.14 euros (as of April 2022).

Is it expensive for an American to live in China? ›

The cost of living in China can vary hugely depending on the cities, regions as well as the lifestyle you choose. If you plan to move to China, this might be something you are most curious about, so read on. You can live in most China's major cities for far less than $1,000 per month, and with a great lifestyle.

How much does an English teacher make in China? ›

The salary can range pretty widely for ESL teaching in public schools from about $1,000 to $2,500 per month. In a lot of cases, salary depends on where you are in China; Tier 1 teachers in public schools typically earn $1,500 to $2,500, while in Tier 2 it's slightly less: $1,400-2,300 is an average salary.

How much is middle class in China? ›

Defining China's “middle class”
Annual Per Capita Disposable Income Quintile Distribution, 2022
Quintile (20%)Total populationUrban population
Lower-middle-income householdsRMB 19,303RMB 31,180
Middle-income householdsRMB 30,598RMB 44,283
Upper-middle-income householdsRMB 47,397RMB 61,724
4 more rows
May 24, 2023

Who owns the most land in America? ›

The 2022 Land Report 100, compiled each year by The Land Report magazine, released its annual list of landowners who own the most acres in the United States. The nation's largest private landowners are the Emmerson family in California who own over 2.4 million acres.

What American companies does China own? ›

Keep reading to see which U.S. giants are backed by foreign conglomerates.
  • AMC. Popular cinema company AMC, short for American Multi-Cinema, has been around for over a century and is headquartered in Leawood, KS. ...
  • General Motors. ...
  • Spotify. ...
  • Snapchat. ...
  • Hilton Hotels. ...
  • General Electric Appliance Division. ...
Jan 12, 2021

Does China have rent control? ›

Rent controls still exist in mainland China and Western countries, and will continue for the foreseeable future. In China, rent controls have resulted in severe housing shortages, poor management and maintenance of the housing stock, and an increasingly heavy financial burden on the state.

Is $1000 usd a lot in China? ›

$1000usd is approximately 7000元, which for most parts of China would be equivalent to $7000usd of spending power. For the average Chinese this is a significant amount of money, for a poor person in rural China it can be life changing type of money. What food can I buy with 1 dollar in China? 1$ is about 6.4 RMB.

What is China most expensive property? ›

China's most expensive house has a lot going for it… Costing a cool $154 million (1 billion Chinese yuan), the castle sits on a private island on China's biggest lake – the Dushu in Suzhou – and has 32 bedrooms and bathrooms.

Does the Chinese government own all property? ›

There is no private “freehold” land ownership in China. All urban land in China is owned by the Chinese government and is commonly referred to as “state-owned land.” All rural and suburban land is owned by rural collectives (ie, local groups of farmers) and is commonly referred to as “collective land.”

What do Chinese look for when buying a house? ›

The Chinese believe a home should be a balanced environment where the position of doors, windows and furnishings help the good energy to flow through unencumbered. Light and airy homes with little clutter appeal to most people so Feng Shui practices are often just good common sense.

Where do Chinese buy property? ›

Percentage of Chinese Buyers

85% of Chinese buy their US property in an Urban/central city or suburban area, while the remaining 15% purchase in rural or resort areas.

What is the average age of a millionaire in China? ›

According Hurun, the average Chinese millionaire is 39 years old, a full 15 years younger than your average millionaire in the US. There's around 960,000 millionaires in China, a land of 1.4 billion inhabitants.

What age do Chinese people retire? ›

China has yet to formally announce a change to its retirement age, which is among the lowest in the world at 60 for men, 55 for white-collar women and 50 for women who work in factories.

How long does an average Chinese live? ›

Chart and table of China life expectancy from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current life expectancy for China in 2023 is 77.47 years, a 0.22% increase from 2022.

What is a good salary in China per month? ›

CNY. A person working in Shenzhen typically earns around 29,000 CNY per month. Salaries range from 7,330 CNY (lowest average) to 129,000 CNY (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

What's it really like to live in China? ›

Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night. Petty crime rates, particularly for foreigners, seem to be particularly low.

Does China have a large middle class? ›

Breakdown of annual middle class household income in China 2021-2022. As of January 2022, the largest share of Chinese middle-class families had an annual income of between 100 thousand and 300 thousand yuan per year. According to the same survey, almost 90 percent of respondents have at least one child.

Why are houses in China so expensive? ›

Down-payment requirements run as high as 80 per cent for big-city buyers, who save for years and tap parents for funds. That makes forced selling much rarer than in other countries, where downturns can push mortgages underwater, meaning the loan is worth more than the home.

Do you own your own house in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

Are houses in China expensive? ›

In China's tier-one cities — like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen — housing costs around 14 times as much as the average salary, a 2020 report from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy found. In tier-two cities, homes cost roughly seven times the average salary, the report shows.

Is it really expensive to live in China? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,021.2$ (14,401.0¥) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 558.9$ (3,982.3¥) without rent. Cost of living in China is, on average, 49.7% lower than in United States. Rent in China is, on average, 65.5% lower than in United States.

Why is China's property crisis? ›

China's real estate market has slumped in the last two years after Beijing cracked down on developers' high reliance on debt for growth. BEIJING — China needs to do more in order to fix its real estate problems, the International Monetary Fund said Friday.

Is China affordable to live? ›

The cost of living in China can vary hugely depending on the cities, regions as well as the lifestyle you choose. If you plan to move to China, this might be something you are most curious about, so read on. You can live in most China's major cities for far less than $1,000 per month, and with a great lifestyle.

What is the minimum wages in China? ›

Minimum Wages in China remained unchanged at 2590 CNY/Month (366.177 USD/Month) in 2023. The maximum rate of minimum wage for employees was 2480 CNY/Month and minimum was 690 CNY/Month.

How much is the average Chinese house? ›

In 2021, the average sales price for residential real estate in Shenzhen was over 61.6 thousand yuan per square meters. It was the highest price among all major cities in China. The average price across the country was 16,533 yuan per square meter.

How much is a gallon of milk in China? ›

If you lived in United States instead of China, you would:
ChinaUnited States
Milk (1 gallon)$7.41 CN¥52.83$3.83
Eggs 1 dozen$1.75 CN¥12.48$4.01
Boneless chicken breast (1 lb)$1.80 CN¥12.80$5.32
Apples (1 lb)$0.88 CN¥6.28$2.19
8 more rows

Why are people in China not paying their mortgage? ›

As property developers run out of funding to finish properties, a growing number of buyers in China have stopped making mortgage payments on incomplete homes. The boycotts are a sign of the distress in China's property market as the government seeks to rebalance the sector.

How bad is China's real estate crisis? ›

If you look at land sales, Chinese real estate is in dire shape. As a result, there was a two trillion yuan ($290 billion) decline in income from land sales last year. And that drop continued into the first two months of 2023.

Why is China's economy collapsing? ›

Some important metrics offer evidence of an economic contraction. The country's exports dropped 9.9% in December 2022, while a slowdown in growth also weighs on the country's outlook. That latter, experts say, stemmed from the nation's excessive investment in metals like steel and aluminum.

Is China more affluent than the US? ›

While China and the US are comparable in nominal GDP, there are far more wealthy individuals in America than in China. China — with a population of 1.4 billion — has 780,000 people holding assets worth $1 million or more, while the US — with a population of 332 million — has 5.27 million people in the same category.

Is China rich than the US? ›

The United States is the richest country in the world with the highest GDP, as of 2021. China is the second richest country in the world with a $17.734 trillion GDP.

How much is a co*ke in China? ›

China - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022
China - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022

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