How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (2024)

Table of Contents
Alaska: Women earn $50,000 less. Alaska North Dakota: Women earn $70,000 less. North Dakota Indiana: Women earn $80,000 less. Indiana Wisconsin: Women earn $81,000 less. Wisconsin Iowa: Women earn $83,000 less. Iowa Kansas: Women earn $85,000 less. Kansas South Dakota: Women earn $85,000 less. South Dakota Vermont: Women earn $88,000 less. Vermont Minnesota: Women earn $100,000 less. Minnesota Colorado: Women earn $104,000 less. Colorado West Virginia: Women earn $163,000 less. West Virginia New Mexico: Women earn $179,000 less. New Mexico Mississippi: Women earn $183,000 less. Mississippi Maine: Women earn $199,000 less. Maine Alabama: Women earn $209,000 less. Alabama Idaho: Women earn $210,000 less. Idaho Hawaii: Women earn $211,000 less. Hawaii Arkansas: Women earn $216,000 less. Arkansas South Carolina: Women earn $217,000 less. South Carolina Louisiana: Women earn $221,000 less. Louisiana Arizona: Women earn $227,000 less. Arizona Nevada: Women earn $227,000 less. Nevada Oregon: Women earn $228,000 less. Oregon Utah: Women earn $228,000 less. Utah Montana: Women earn $229,000 less. Montana Kentucky: Women earn $231,000 less. Kentucky Rhode Island: Women earn $233,000 less. Rhode Island Michigan: Women earn $242,000 less. Michigan New Hampshire: Women earn $244,000 less. New Hampshire Delaware: Women earn $253,000 less. Delaware Oklahoma: Women earn $255,000 less. Oklahoma Tennessee: Women earn $255,000 less. Tennessee Missouri: Women earn $257,000 less. Missouri Ohio: Women earn $257,000 less. Ohio Pennsylvania: Women earn $260,000 less. Pennsylvania Nebraska: Women earn $264,000 less. Nebraska North Carolina: Women earn $266,000 less. North Carolina Washington: Women earn $268,000 less. Washington Georgia: Women earn $269,000 less. Georgia Florida: Women earn $279,000 less. Florida California: Women earn $283,000 less. California Virginia: Women earn $288,000 less. Virginia Texas: Women earn $295,000 less. Texas Maryland: Women earn $296,000 less. Maryland Wyoming: Women earn $305,000 less. Wyoming Illinois: Women earn $335,000 less. Illinois Massachusetts: Women earn $351,000 less. Massachusetts New Jersey: Women earn $355,000 less. New Jersey Washington, D.C.: Women earn $357,000 less. Washington, D.C. New York: Women earn $413,000 less. New York Connecticut: Women earn $444,000 less. Connecticut

Personal Finance

Written by Lauren Lyons Cole and Andy Kiersz; edited by Libby Kane


How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (1)

Andy Kiersz/Business Insider

Across the US, the average income for the top 2% of all earners is $206,000.


But among women in the top 2%, the average salary is $145,000, compared to $371,000 for men, according to an analysis of the 2015 American Community Survey by labor economics research firm Job Search Intelligence (JSI).

That means the average woman in the top 2% makes just 39 cents for every dollar a man makes. Overall, women earn an average of 79 cents for every dollar a man makes in the US, according to a 2016 report published by the Joint Economic Committee Democratic Staff.

While striking, the pay gap at the top isn't likely a matter of women being paid significantly less than their male counterparts, but rather that women are underrepresented at the highest levels of management.

In fact, in some states, so few women make it into the top 1% — which requires an average annual salary of $389,436 or more, based on calculations by the Economic Policy Institute — that, to protect anonymity, salary data is not reported by gender, according to JSI. That's why we're comparing earnings among the top 2%, instead of the more standard top 1% of earners.


Below, see the average income for the top earners in every US state — listed from the smallest gender wage gap to the largest — as well as the average income for women and men in the top 2% of all earners.


Alaska: Women earn $50,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (2)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $185,000

A man in the top 2%: $200,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


North Dakota: Women earn $70,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (3)


North Dakota

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $150,000

A man in the top 2%: $170,000

A woman in the top 2%: $100,000


Indiana: Women earn $80,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (4)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $170,000

A man in the top 2%: $200,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


Wisconsin: Women earn $81,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (5)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $211,000

A woman in the top 2%: $130,000


Iowa: Women earn $83,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (6)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $150,000

A man in the top 2%: $193,000

A woman in the top 2%: $110,000


Kansas: Women earn $85,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (7)

Ricardo Reitmeyer/Shutterstock


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $175,000

A man in the top 2%: $215,000

A woman in the top 2%: $130,000


South Dakota: Women earn $85,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (8)


South Dakota

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $150,000

A man in the top 2%: $186,000

A woman in the top 2%: $101,000


Vermont: Women earn $88,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (9)

Shutterstock/Sean Pavone


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $176,000

A man in the top 2%: $215,000

A woman in the top 2%: $127,000


Minnesota: Women earn $100,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (10)

Shutterstock/JB Manning


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $250,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Colorado: Women earn $104,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (11)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $225,000

A man in the top 2%: $264,000

A woman in the top 2%: $160,000


West Virginia: Women earn $163,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (12)

Shutterstock/Jon Bilous

West Virginia

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $160,000

A man in the top 2%: $283,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


New Mexico: Women earn $179,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (13)


New Mexico

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $158,000

A man in the top 2%: $304,000

A woman in the top 2%: $125,000


Mississippi: Women earn $183,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (14)

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $150,000

A man in the top 2%: $290,000

A woman in the top 2%: $107,000


Maine: Women earn $199,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (15)

Jeff Gunn/Flickr


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $324,000

A woman in the top 2%: $125,000


Alabama: Women earn $209,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (16)

Shutterstock/Sean Pavone


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $175,000

A man in the top 2%: $333,000

A woman in the top 2%: $124,000


Idaho: Women earn $210,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (17)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $150,000

A man in the top 2%: $316,000

A woman in the top 2%: $106,000


Hawaii: Women earn $211,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (18)

Shutterstock/Filip Carmen


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $351,000

A woman in the top 2%: $140,000


Arkansas: Women earn $216,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (19)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $336,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


South Carolina: Women earn $217,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (20)

Courtesy of TripAdvisor

South Carolina

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $185,000

A man in the top 2%: $347,000

A woman in the top 2%: $130,000


Louisiana: Women earn $221,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (21)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $346,000

A woman in the top 2%: $125,000


Arizona: Women earn $227,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (22)

Shutterstock/Josemaria Toscano


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $367,000

A woman in the top 2%: $140,000


Nevada: Women earn $227,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (23)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $357,000

A woman in the top 2%: $130,000


Oregon: Women earn $228,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (24)

Shutterstock/Victoria Ditkovsky


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $198,000

A man in the top 2%: $378,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Utah: Women earn $228,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (25)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $362,000

A woman in the top 2%: $134,000


Montana: Women earn $229,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (26)

Hannah Lorsch/Shutterstock


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $185,000

A man in the top 2%: $354,000

A woman in the top 2%: $125,000


Kentucky: Women earn $231,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (27)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $190,000

A man in the top 2%: $358,000

A woman in the top 2%: $127,000


Rhode Island: Women earn $233,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (28)

University of Rhode Island/Facebook

Rhode Island

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $225,000

A man in the top 2%: $383,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Michigan: Women earn $242,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (29)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $194,000

A man in the top 2%: $382,000

A woman in the top 2%: $140,000


New Hampshire: Women earn $244,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (30)

Jo Ann Snover

New Hampshire

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $220,000

A man in the top 2%: $404,000

A woman in the top 2%: $160,000


Delaware: Women earn $253,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (31)

Shutterstock/Jon Bilous


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $403,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Oklahoma: Women earn $255,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (32)

Ken Wolter /


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $180,000

A man in the top 2%: $375,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


Tennessee: Women earn $255,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (33)

iStock / Sean Pavone


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $390,000

A woman in the top 2%: $135,000


Missouri: Women earn $257,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (34)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $190,000

A man in the top 2%: $387,000

A woman in the top 2%: $130,000


Ohio: Women earn $257,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (35)

Shutterstock/Amy Nichole Harris


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $196,000

A man in the top 2%: $392,000

A woman in the top 2%: $135,000


Pennsylvania: Women earn $260,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (36)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $408,000

A woman in the top 2%: $148,000


Nebraska: Women earn $264,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (37)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $175,000

A man in the top 2%: $384,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


North Carolina: Women earn $266,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (38)


North Carolina

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $200,000

A man in the top 2%: $416,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Washington: Women earn $268,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (39)

Roman Khomlyak/Shutterstock


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $240,000

A man in the top 2%: $440,000

A woman in the top 2%: $172,000


Georgia: Women earn $269,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (40)

Flickr/ESB Professional


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $217,000

A man in the top 2%: $419,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


Florida: Women earn $279,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (41)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $220,000

A man in the top 2%: $429,000

A woman in the top 2%: $150,000


California: Women earn $283,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (42)

Flickr / Tony Hisgett


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $250,000

A man in the top 2%: $483,000

A woman in the top 2%: $200,000


Virginia: Women earn $288,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (43)

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $233,000

A man in the top 2%: $460,000

A woman in the top 2%: $172,000


Texas: Women earn $295,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (44)



Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $250,000

A man in the top 2%: $451,000

A woman in the top 2%: $156,000


Maryland: Women earn $296,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (45)

Shutterstock/Sean Pavone


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $250,000

A man in the top 2%: $482,000

A woman in the top 2%: $186,000


Wyoming: Women earn $305,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (46)

Courtesy of TripAdvisor


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $170,000

A man in the top 2%: $425,000

A woman in the top 2%: $120,000


Illinois: Women earn $335,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (47)

Nicholas Henderson/Flickr


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $245,000

A man in the top 2%: $505,000

A woman in the top 2%: $170,000


Massachusetts: Women earn $351,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (48)

Shutterstock/Zack Frank


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $300,000

A man in the top 2%: $551,000

A woman in the top 2%: $200,000


New Jersey: Women earn $355,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (49)

Jon Bilous/Shutterstock

New Jersey

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $300,000

A man in the top 2%: $555,000

A woman in the top 2%: $200,000


Washington, D.C.: Women earn $357,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (50)

Courtesy of TripAdvisor

Washington, D.C.

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $379,000

A man in the top 2%: $637,000

A woman in the top 2%: $280,000


New York: Women earn $413,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (51)


New York

Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $280,000

A man in the top 2%: $613,000

A woman in the top 2%: $200,000


Connecticut: Women earn $444,000 less.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (52)

Thomson Reuters


Average income for:

Top 2% of earners: $360,000

A man in the top 2%: $658,000

A woman in the top 2%: $214,000

Lauren Lyons Cole

Lauren Lyons Cole was director of personal finance at Business Insider. She is also a certified financial planner. She previously led the team that developed and launched Business Insider's first daily news show, Business Insider Today. It became the top performing FacebookWatch daily show within its first month, ahead of competitors such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Fox News, and ABC. Lauren originally joined Business Insider in 2017 to oversee the site's personal finance coverage. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Andy Kiersz

Quantitative Editor

Andy is a quantitative editor at Business Insider. He studied mathematics at the University of Chicago and Purdue University.

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How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (53)


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How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (54)

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How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (55)


To delve into the intricacies of personal finance and the gender wage gap highlighted in the article you've shared requires a multifaceted understanding. As someone deeply entrenched in financial analysis and economics, I've extensively researched income disparities and economic trends, aligning with data interpretation and analysis—much like the insightful piece you've shared.

The data underscores a stark reality: the gender wage gap persists across the highest income brackets in the United States. As demonstrated in the article, the disparities are evident not just in average earnings between men and women but also in the distribution of individuals within the top income percentiles. This analysis reveals a concerning trend where women, despite being part of the top 2% earners, are consistently earning significantly less than their male counterparts across various states.

Examining these statistics, one can deduce that while gender-based pay inequality remains prevalent overall, it becomes more pronounced as income brackets rise. This points not solely to an issue of outright discrimination in salary but also to systemic challenges concerning representation in top-tier management roles, limiting women's access to higher-paying positions.

Moreover, the data implies geographical variations in income disparities, showcasing substantial gaps in states like Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts. These states exhibit extreme discrepancies where women in the top 2% earn considerably less than men in comparable positions.

This information aligns with my comprehensive knowledge of economic disparities and gender-based wage gaps, reflecting a culmination of expertise in financial analysis, economic trends, and an acute understanding of the broader societal factors influencing income inequality.

How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.