How many funds should you hold in a portfolio? (2024)

In a recent webinar with Morningstar, Nirav Karkera, head of research at Fisdom, spoke about the basic tenets of building a sound portfolio through mutual funds. Here are some interesting takeaways from this conversation.

How many funds should investors ideally hold in a portfolio?

There is no fixed set of ‘ideal number of funds’ an investor can hold in her portfolio. It depends on the investment objective and risk appetite of the investor. Every fund has a role in the portfolio. If your portfolio needs a certain allocation to a certain asset class within a certain market cap and a sector, one can decide on a fund that suits the objective. Invest in only one such fund.

You will not achieve diversification by investing in five Large Cap Funds, which invest in the 100 largest companies. Hold one fund each in Large, Mid and Small Cap category. Within the same theme/market cap, you need not have more than two funds as a thumb rule. You will do extremely well with one fund. If the need arises, stretch it to two but not beyond that. I don’t think a combination of three funds within the same category or market cap will much more benefit except when it is a thematic fund or sector fund.

Should you invest in the top-performing fund?

It is a hindsight bias, which is a general human tendency. It is not correct to look at the past performance and decide the future trajectory by looking at performance in isolation.

Just because a fund has done well, there is no surety that it will continue to do well. Similarly, if a fund has performed badly in the recent past, it does not mean it will continue to underperform. Many investors would know this principle well. But still, we have a tendency to extrapolate past performance into the future. Performance must be viewed in context. You must see the broader market performance, economic situation, and the fund’s positioning and change the context in the current situation to see whether the same performance can be sustained in the current context.

One should look at risk-adjusted-performance. It is an underappreciated concept. Everyone knows about it and talks about it but no one is looking at it. So don’t chase performance at the cost of risk.

A fund is a by-product of the underlying securities and fund objective. Many people take this a notch ahead. They tend to invest in funds that have performed badly in the recent past, thinking that the performance will turn around. they think if some fund is underperforming now, it will perform well in the future. Bottom fishing is never a good strategy, neither in stocks nor in mutual funds. don’t decide to invest just because the fund is top-performing. In the same way, don’t invest in funds that are bottom-performing. Take a little effort to understand the performance in context. If you can’t do it then outsource it and hire an adviser.

What are the four filters one should apply while picking a fund?

1. Look at risk-adjusted return. This may not be available everywhere so view the risk metrics such as Standard Deviation, Beta, Sharpe ratio, Sortino Ratio, etc.

2. Look at fund management pedigree and expertise. How long a fund manager has been managing that strategy, the team. What kind of experience a fund manager has across different funds and how it will help this fund.

3. Check the sectoral exposure of a fund to see if a fund has overconcentration in a sector vis-à-vis category. Such an aggressive strategy can backfire.

4. Look at the market cap allocation. This helps to check if your investment objective and risk profile fit with the fund’s strategy.

There have been a slew of new fund offers in 2021. Should investors consider investing through NFOs?

One should not look at NFOs as a category. It isjust a fund with a unique idea and methodology. It is trying to achieve a certain objective. It should be looked at as a by-product of its underlying securities. Investors should not have a blanket approach towards NFOs because each NFO is different. You can’t decide if an NFO is good or bad because each one is different.

Unlike IPO where your objective is to get it a lower price based on its long-term potential; I don’t feel there should be any FOMO when it comes to NFOs. They invest in stocks that are already listed. Unlike IPO subscription prices, the NAV does not reflect the fact that you are getting the underlying shares at a cheaper rate. The NAV is a derivative of shares that are trading at their respective valuations.

There is no need to rush into buying during the NFO period, especially without seeing its underlying portfolio you can see the portfolio in 15 days post-NFO. Every great fund was an NFO at one point in time. AMC’s job is to manufacture new funds and give investors access to new ideas and themes. You are not missing the bus by not investing during the NFO period.

If a fund does not have a track record it does not mean that the underlying securities do not have a track record. The fund is new but the stocks are old. The fund managers have a history. See how the fund manager of an NFO has performed in the past.

How many funds should you hold in a portfolio? (2024)


How many funds should you hold in a portfolio? ›

Ideally, 6 to 8 funds are good enough to build your MF portfolio. As the size of the portfolio increases, you may invest in a maximum of 10 funds to reduce the risk of being overdependent on any particular fund or fund house. However, the funds you are investing in are across equity, debt and hybrid categories.

How many funds should be in a portfolio? ›

You should therefore only keep as many funds in your portfolio as you're comfortable monitoring. For example, if you hold 10 or 20 different funds, you'll need to keep a close eye on the changing value of all these investments to make sure your asset allocation still matches your investment goals.

Is 12 mutual funds too many? ›

How many mutual funds are too many? There is no right or wrong number; one should only have a decent amount of mutual funds. Investing in a few mutual funds creates opportunities for a diversified portfolio, better risk management, and wealth creation.

How many mutual funds should one have in portfolio? ›

For equity mutual funds, a blend of 5 to 7 mutual funds across the broad categories of large cap, mid cap and small cap funds should give you sufficient exposure.

What is the 120 rule for portfolio? ›

The Rule of 120 (previously known as the Rule of 100) says that subtracting your age from 120 will give you an idea of the weight percentage for equities in your portfolio. The remaining percentage should be in more conservative, fixed-income products like bonds.

What is the 5% portfolio rule? ›

In investment, the five percent rule is a philosophy that says an investor should not allocate more than five percent of their portfolio funds into one security or investment. The rule also referred to as FINRA 5% policy, applies to transactions like riskless transactions and proceed sales.

Is a 70 30 portfolio risky? ›

A 70/30 portfolio generally entails more risk than a 60/40 split as there's a larger allocation to stocks. However, still have a decent amount of bonds and other fixed-income investments to balance out market volatility.

What is the 90% rule for mutual funds? ›

The 90/10 rule in investing is a comment made by Warren Buffett regarding asset allocation. The rule stipulates investing 90% of one's investment capital towards low-cost stock-based index funds and the remainder 10% to short-term government bonds.

What is the 80% rule for mutual funds? ›

They would have to invest at least 80% of their assets in securities of issuers that are tied economically to that country or region, and the securities would have to meet one of three criteria: (i) securities of issuers that are organized under the laws of the country or of a country within the geographic region ...

What if I invest $5,000 in mutual funds for 10 years? ›

Calculation of SIP returns

To understand this, let us take an example. A monthly investment of Rs 5,000 for 10 years at an expected rate of return of 12 per cent will earn you Rs 11.61 lakh.

What is ideal mutual fund portfolio? ›

The ideal mutual funds portfolio has the right asset allocation suiting the investor's risk appetite, investment horizon and his goal. It should be well diversified among the schemes from different sub-asset categories and the exposure towards a given single scheme should not exceed the 10% of the overall portfolio.

What is a good mix of mutual funds? ›

Mutual Fund Types

It's best to hold at least three or four mutual funds with different styles and objectives if you're like most investors. They should reduce volatility by combining fund types that don't share the same features. Stock funds may decline a great deal in value in a bear market.

What is the optimal number of mutual funds? ›

Ideal number of funds to hold is 4-5. Beyond 5 funds, returns could be average due to overlap of stocks held in the portfolio. Among these 5 funds, decide on which type of funds basis your asset allocation. Keep monitoring your portfolio at least once or twice a year and rebalance it if necessary.

What is the golden rule of portfolio? ›

Look beyond the short-term

Trying to time the market increases your risk of buying or selling at the wrong time. By investing over a longer timeframe, you're more likely to benefit from trends that can support positive performance over a matter of years.

How many funds is too many in a portfolio? ›

Ideally, 6 to 8 funds are good enough to build your MF portfolio. As the size of the portfolio increases, you may invest in a maximum of 10 funds to reduce the risk of being overdependent on any particular fund or fund house.

What is the 3 fund rule? ›

A three-fund portfolio isn't complex. It just means choosing one representative fund to include in your portfolio from the domestic stock, international stock and bond categories. These funds can all belong to the same family or come from different mutual fund companies.

What is 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

In this regard, as one of the basic rules of financial planning, the asset allocation or 10-5-3 rule states that long-term annual average returns on stocks is likely to be 10%, the return rate of bonds is 5% and cash, as well as liquid cash-like investments, is 3%.

What is the 80 20 rule portfolio? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is a reasonable return on portfolio? ›

A good return on investment is generally considered to be about 7% per year, based on the average historic return of the S&P 500 index, and adjusting for inflation.

Can you retire with a $500,000 portfolio? ›

With some planning, you can retire at 60 with $500k. Remember, however, that your lifestyle will significantly affect how long your savings will last. If you're content to live modestly and don't plan on significant life changes (like travel or starting a business), you can make your $500k last much longer.

What is the ideal portfolio mix? ›

One of the first things you learn as a new investor is to seek the best portfolio mix. Many financial advisors recommend a 60/40 asset allocation between stocks and fixed income to take advantage of growth while keeping up your defenses.

Is the 60% 40% portfolio still relevant? ›

The typical 60% stock/40% bond portfolio declined about 16% in 2022—a painful period for balanced investors that has raised doubts about the viability of this strategy. But it helps to put this in perspective: The annualized return for the 10 years through 2022 was 6.1% for a globally diversified 60/40 portfolio.

Is 10 mutual funds too many? ›

No Magic Number. Although there are hundreds of mutual fund providers offering thousands of funds, there's no magical "right" number of mutual funds for your portfolio.

What if I invest $1,000 every month in mutual funds? ›

SIP investment

FV = Future value or the amount you get at maturity. For example, you invest Rs 1,000 a month in a mutual fund scheme using the systematic investment plan or SIP route. The investment is for 10 years, with an estimated rate of return of 8% per year. You have i = r/100/12 = 8/100/12 = 0.006667.

Is it OK to have 10 mutual funds? ›

You don't need more than four to six schemes to diversify your portfolio. If you are investing a small amount, you don't need to invest in more than one or two schemes. Investing in every mutual fund category will not offer you the best return or diversification.

What if I invest $5,000 in mutual funds for 5 years? ›

According to Post Office RD Calculator, if you invest Rs 5,000 per month for five years the total return on your investment will be Rs 48,740 (with monthly compounding frequency). So the total amount that you will get after five years would be Rs 3,48,740.

What is the 5 25 rule mutual fund? ›

The 5/25 Rule

This rule aligns portfolio allocations with your investment goals. The “5” implies you have to rebalance any allocation that deviates from your portfolio by 5%. Conversely, the “25” represents smaller assets that constitute 5-10% of your investment.

What if I invest $10,000 every month in mutual funds? ›

10,000 in mutual funds can generate substantial returns over a long investment period. The returns will be dependent on various factors like the choice of fund, market trends, and the performance of the particular scheme.

How much to invest to get $100,000 in 5 years? ›

If you can afford to put away $1,400 per month, you could potentially save your first $100k in just 5 years. If that's too much, aim for even half that (or whatever you can). Thanks to compound interest, just $700 per month could become $100k in 9 years. “The first $100,000 is the hardest to save.”

What is a good 10 year return on a mutual fund? ›

For stock mutual funds, a “good” long-term return (annualized, for 10 years or more) is 8% to 10%. For bond mutual funds, a good long-term return would be 4% to 5%. For more precise, “apples to apples” comparisons, use a good online mutual fund screener.

What is average return on mutual funds for 5 years? ›

List of Best Performing Mutual Funds in Last 5 Years
Name5 year return (%)Avg Return (%)
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund Direct-Growth25.4818.39
Axis Bluechip Fund Direct-Growth12.2114.19
Canara Robeco BlueChip Equity Fund Direct-Growth24.9114.02
Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund18.3621.69
5 more rows
Feb 28, 2023

What is the ideal investment portfolio by age? ›

The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks. Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

How should I build my mutual fund portfolio? ›

Beginner's Guide to Building a Mutual Fund Portfolio
  1. Step 1: Identify Your Goals. ...
  2. Step 2: Select Investment Avenues Based on Your Time Horizon. ...
  3. Step 3: Diversify Your Investments. ...
  4. Step 4: Start Investing through SIPs. ...
  5. Step 5: Review and Rebalance. ...
  6. Conclusion.
Apr 6, 2023

What is the average return on a mutual fund portfolio? ›

Average mutual fund returns in 2021 and over the long term
Fund categoryYTD 202110-Year
US small-cap stock17.73%12.11%
International large-cap stock7.97%5.78%
Long-term bond-2.66%4.75%
Intermediate-term bond-2.36%2.33%
4 more rows
May 18, 2022

Do millionaires invest in mutual funds? ›

Cash equivalents are financial instruments that are almost as liquid as cash and are popular investments for millionaires. Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills.

What is Dave Ramsey mix of mutual funds? ›

Dave divides his mutual fund investments equally between four types of funds: Growth and income, growth, aggressive growth, and international. This lowers your investment risk because now you're invested in hundreds of different companies all over the world in a whole bunch of different industries.

What are the top 3 mutual funds? ›

Large Value
  • #1. Fidelity® Growth & Income Portfolio FGRIX.
  • #2. Vanguard Equity Income Fund VEIPX.
  • #3. Fidelity® New Millennium Fund® FMILX.

What is the 75% rule for mutual funds? ›

75% of the fund's assets must be invested in other issuer's securities, no more than 5% of the fund's assets may be invested in any one company, and the fund may own no more than 10% of an issuer's outstanding securities.

Is it smart to have multiple mutual funds? ›

The primary benefit of investing in multiple mutual funds is diversification. Diversification is an important part of any investment strategy as it helps to reduce risk by spreading your investments out over a range of different assets.

What is 20 25 rule for mutual funds? ›

Each scheme and individual plan(s) under the schemes should have a minimum of 20 investors and no single investor should account for more than 25% of the corpus of the scheme/plan(s).

What is the 4 rule for portfolio allocation? ›

How the 4% Rule Works. The 4% rule is easy to follow. In the first year of retirement, you can withdraw up to 4% of your portfolio's value. If you have $1 million saved for retirement, for example, you could spend $40,000 in the first year of retirement following the 4% rule.

What is the ideal portfolio? ›

An ideal portfolio is sufficiently diversified. It is customized to suit your risk profile. And it's designed to help you achieve your short-term and long-term financial goals. The assets in an ideal portfolio are allocated optimally. And above all, an ideal portfolio is periodically rebalanced to remain relevant.

What is the rule of 7 in investing? ›

Divide 72 by your average expected annual return

If instead your average expected annual return was a more modest 7% (accounting for the typical annual inflation of around 3%), dividing 72 by 7 would result in 10.3, meaning it would take slightly over a decade for your money to double under those conditions.

Is it OK to have 100% stocks in my portfolio? ›

The main argument advanced by proponents of a 100% equities strategy is simple and straightforward: In the long run, equities outperform bonds and cash; therefore, allocating your entire portfolio to stocks will maximize your returns.

Should I put all my money in one mutual fund? ›

Over-Diversification of Mutual Funds

The aim of diversification is to spread risk. If you invest too much in one company's stock, you are at great risk. If something happens to that company, a significant portion of your money could get wiped away. So to mitigate that risk, you buy shares of many companies.

How many funds should I have in my 401k? ›

There's no magic number of funds to keep in a 401(k) or another portfolio for long-term investing. The right number of investments is one that ensures diversification but also factors in your investment approach. If you prefer low-effort investing, consider buying a single fund.

What is a lazy portfolio? ›

A lazy portfolio is a collection of investments that more or less runs on autopilot. Lazy portfolios are designed to weather changing market conditions without requiring investors to make significant changes to their asset allocation or goals.

What is Rule 72 in savings? ›

Do you know the Rule of 72? It's an easy way to calculate just how long it's going to take for your money to double. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

What is Rule 72 in finance? ›

The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. By dividing 72 by the annual rate of return, investors obtain a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself.

What is the 3 percent portfolio rule? ›

For example, a 4 percent withdrawal rate would equate to 25 years. A 3 percent withdrawal rate would equal 33.3 years, while a 2 percent withdrawal rate would equal a portfolio that would last 50 years. So you can figure out your own safe withdrawal rate depending on how long you want your assets to last.

Is the 3 fund portfolio good enough? ›

A simple three-fund portfolio may be right for you if you value simplicity, low-cost, and like to handle things yourself, but you could also try a four-fund portfolio or even one with five funds—it's all up to you. Fine-tune your allocation strategy to match your risk tolerance, too.

Is 50 stocks too many in a portfolio? ›

Depending on which research you pull, you can find arguments suggesting that anywhere between 10 and 60 individual stocks will make up a well-diversified series of investments. However, for investors looking for a rule of thumb, we would suggest considering this from a budget-first perspective: Invest with funds.

Is 35 stocks too many for a portfolio? ›

What Is An Optimal Amount of Stocks in a Portfolio? Although the so-called “optimal amount” of stocks is a nebulous, non-universal number, many financial advisors and even mathematicians feel that somewhere between 20 and 30 stocks could be the best option.

What is the 70% rule investing? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

What is the safest portfolio allocation? ›

The percentage of your portfolio that should be allocated to safe investments depends on your individual financial situation, investment goals and risk tolerance. As a general rule of thumb, some financial experts suggest allocating around 10% to 20% of your portfolio to safe investments.

What are the downsides of a 3 fund portfolio? ›

Cons of a Three-Fund Portfolio

Three-fund portfolios are generally a good bet for most people. However, one potential downside is choosing funds with high expense ratios. As long as you choose funds with low expense ratios, you'll be fine and your profits will be higher.

How many stocks does Warren Buffett have in his portfolio? ›

All 47 Warren Buffett Portfolio Stocks Now | Current 2023 Holdings List.

What is the ideal portfolio size? ›

While there is no "perfect" portfolio size, the generally agreed upon number is 20 to 30 stocks. A diversification strategy ensures that your money stays safe if one or a few assets dip.

What is the 40 percent rule in stocks? ›

In recent years, the 40% rule has gained widespread usage as a popularized measure of growth by SaaS investors. The Rule of 40 states that if a company's revenue growth rate were to be added to its profit margin, the total should exceed 40%.

How much should a 30 year old have in stocks? ›

For example, if you're 30, you should keep 70% of your portfolio in stocks. If you're 70, you should keep 30% of your portfolio in stocks. However, with Americans living longer and longer, many financial planners are now recommending that the rule should be closer to 110 or 120 minus your age.

How many ETFs should I have in my portfolio? ›

Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification. But the number of ETFs is not what you should be looking at. Rather, you should consider the number of different sources of risk you are getting with those ETFs.

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