How Investment Banks Make Money (2024)

An investment bank, which includes the likes of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs, finances or facilitates trades and investment on a large scale for institutional clients. But that is an overly simplistic view of how investment banks make money. There are, in fact, several facets to what they do.

Key Takeaways

  • Investment banks provide a variety of financial services, including research, trading, underwriting, and advising on M&A deals.
  • Proprietary trading is an effort to make profits by trading the firm's own capital.
  • Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs.
  • Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

Brokerage and Underwriting Services

Like traditional intermediaries, large investment banks connect buyers and sellers in different markets. For this service, they charge a commission on trades. The trades range from simple stock trades for smaller investors to large trading blocks for big financial institutions.

Investment banks also perform underwriting services when companies need to raise capital. For example, a bank might buy stock in an initial public offering (IPO), and then market the shares to investors. There is a risk that the bank will be unable to sell the shares for a higher price, so the investment bank might lose money on the IPO. To combat this risk, some investment banks charge a flat fee for the underwriting process.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Investment banks charge fees to act as advisors for spinoffs and mergers and acquisitions (M&A). In a spinoff, the target company sells a piece of its operation to improve efficiency or to inject cash flow. On the other hand, acquisitions occur whenever one company buys another company. Mergers take place when two companies combine to form one entity. These are often complicated deals and require a lot of legal and financial help, especially for companies unfamiliar with the process.

Creating Collateralized Products

Investment banks might take lots of smaller loans, such as mortgages, and then package those into one security. The concept is somewhat similar to a bond mutual fund, except the collateralized instrument is a collection of smaller debt obligations rather than corporate and government bonds. Investment banks must purchase the loans to package and sell them, so they try to profit by buying cheap and selling at higher prices on the market.

Proprietary Trading

With proprietary trading, the investment bank deploys its own capital into the financial markets. Traders that risk the firm's capital are typically compensated based on performance, with successful ones earning large bonuses and unsuccessful traders losing their jobs. Proprietary trading has been much less prevalent since new regulations were imposed after the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Dark Pools

Suppose an institutional investor wants to sell millions of shares, a size that's large enough to impact markets right away. Other investors in the market might see the big order and this opens the opportunity for an aggressive trader with high-speed technology to front-run the sale in an attempt to profit from the coming move. Investment banks established dark pools to attract institutional sellers to secretive and anonymous markets to prevent front-running. The bank charges a fee for the service.


Investment bankers sometimes make money with swaps. Swaps create profit opportunities through a complicated form of arbitrage, where the investment bank brokers a deal between two parties that are trading their respective cash flows. The most common swaps occur whenever two parties realize they might mutually benefit from a change in a benchmark, such as interest rates or exchange rates.

Market Making

Investment banks often have market making operations that are designed to generate revenue from providing liquidity in stocks or other markets. A market maker shows a quote (buy price and sale price) and earns a small difference between the two prices, also known as the bid-ask spread.

Investment Research

Major investment banks can also sell direct research to financial specialists. Money managers often purchase research from large institutions, such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, to make better investment decisions.

Asset Management

In other cases, investment banks directly serve as asset managers to large clients. The bank might have internal fund departments, including internal hedge funds, which often come with attractive fee structures. Asset management can be quite lucrative because the client portfolios are large.

Lastly, investment banks sometimes partner with or create venture capital or private equity funds to raise money and invest in private assets. The idea is to buy a promising target company, often with a lot of leverage, and then resell or take the company public after it becomes more valuable.

The Bottom Line

In a capitalist economy,investment bankersplay a role in helping their clients raise capital to finance various activities and grow their businesses. They are financial advisory intermediaries who help price capital and allocate it to various uses.

While this activity helps smooth the wheels of capitalism, the role of investment bankers has come under scrutiny becausethere is some criticism that they are paid too much in relation to the services they provide.

How Investment Banks Make Money (2024)


How Investment Banks Make Money? ›

Investment banks earn profit by charging fees and commissions for providing these services and other kinds of financial and business advice. Securities include stocks and bonds, and a stock offering may be an initial stock offering (IPO).

How do investment banks make? ›

Investment banks underwrite these securities, buy them and then sell them for a profit. Investment banks often make money by connecting and creating trading opportunities for buyers and sellers from different markets. Those banks then charge a commission on each trade that the two parties manage to finalise.

How much money do investment banks make? ›

The amount that investment bankers get paid also varies by city. The average investment banking salary is $157,000 per year and just over $75 per hour. The lowest-paid analysts and associates in the banking industry earn roughly $102,000 yearly, while the top 10% make $244,000.

How does an investment bank work? ›

Investment banks are best known for their work as intermediaries between a corporation and the financial markets. That is, they help corporations issue shares of stock in an IPO or an additional stock offering. They also arrange debt financing for corporations by finding large-scale investors for corporate bonds.

Do investment banks use their own money? ›

This is often called asset management fees. Similarly, many large investment banks around the world have their own proprietary trading desks. This means that they invest their own money and not the money owned by the clients.

Why are investment bankers so rich? ›

Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs. Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

Why is investment banking so profitable? ›

Investment banks earn profit by charging fees and commissions for providing these services and other kinds of financial and business advice. Securities include stocks and bonds, and a stock offering may be an initial stock offering (IPO).

Can you be a millionaire as an investment banker? ›

It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy. Investment bankers typically earn salaries in the $200,000 to $700,000 range, with bonuses that can bring their total income up to several million dollars per year.

Who do investment banks borrow money from? ›

While investment banks get their money from high-profile companies and individuals, crowdfunding platform owners deal with smaller clients. Among the projects we've had a hand in, there're websites for crowdfunding real estate and educational organisations.

Do investment bankers still make a lot of money? ›

Do investment bankers get paid well? Generally speaking, yes—investment bankers earn high salaries. Even entry-level professionals in this field can make over $100,000 annually. However, investment bankers work long days in high-stress environments.

What do investment bankers do day to day? ›

Investment bankers meet with clients, prepare offers, run financial projections, and work on pitchbooks, that help generate new clients. The work is lucrative but the days are long and stressful. Superior social skills are required for success in the field.

How many hours do investment bankers work? ›

Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand. According to a 2021 Working Conditions Survey by Goldman Sachs, first-year investment banking analysts work more than 95 hours per week, on average.

Why would someone use an investment bank? ›

An investment bank would help the organisation decide how to approach the other company, how to structure the transaction, what would be a fair price to pay and how to finance the acquisition. Initial public offerings (IPOs) are another example of investment banks' financial advisory role.

Do investment bankers get commission? ›

Middle-market investment bankers typically earn a fee or commission based on the closing sale price. This is typically referred to as the “success fee.” It is also common for investment bankers to charge retainer or progress fees as well.

Do investment banks buy mortgages? ›

To create an MBS, the bank will bundle your loan with hundreds or thousands of other mortgages. These loans are then sold to an investment bank as a single bond. The investment bank then sections off the loans by their quality and sells them to other investors.

What are three functions of an investment banks? ›

Roles of investment banks include the underwriting of new stock issues, handling mergers and acquisitions, and acting as a financial advisor.

Why do investment bankers work long hours? ›

Investment banking hours are much longer than those in other jobs because of four main reasons: Huge Clients Pay Your Bank Huge Fees: When a company is paying your bank $50 million, $10 million, or even $1 million to advise on a deal, you have to do whatever it wants at any time of the day.

Who are the top 5 richest investment bankers? ›

Investment Banking Firms Ranked by Pay
  • Lazard.
  • Rothschild.
  • Guggenheim.
  • Bank of America.
  • Citi.
  • Goldman Sachs.
  • JP Morgan.
  • Morgan Stanley.

Who is the most successful person in the investment banking industry? ›

Nathaniel Rothschild (Net worth: $1 trillion)

Rothschild is among the greatest for anyone to do it – one of the most successful investment bankers globally with a net worth of $5 billion. He carries his family legacy and personal life lessons through both himself and his loved ones.

What are the disadvantages of investment banks? ›

High Levels of Competition

One of the biggest disadvantages of Investment banking is the stiff competition. Investment banking may be a very competitive industry due to the high pay available within the sector and the competitive nature of investments.

What are the disadvantages of investment banking? ›

Hours: Without question one of the biggest drawbacks are the hours that Investment Bankers work. It is not unusual to be expected to work through the night when deal flow is high. Working weekends is also common when deals are close to being struck. The markets might be closed but the Investment Bank is open 24/7.

Do investment bankers work weekends? ›

Investment bankers may work on weekends. They typically respond quickly to new developments in the market. Other times, they may work with clients who require their input as soon as possible or on projects requiring around-the-clock availability.

How much do investment bankers make at 30? ›

Investment Banker Salary and Bonus Report: 2023 Update
Position TitleTypical Age RangeTotal Compensation (USD)
Vice President (VP)28-40$500-$700K
Director / Senior Vice President (SVP)32-45$600-$800K
1 more row

Can investment bankers make 7 figures? ›

Investment Banking Managing Director Salary + Bonus: Base salaries are in the mid-six-figure range, with total compensation in the high six figures to low seven figures. An MD doing decently should earn between $1 and $3 million per year, and sometimes a low multiple of that (as of 2022).

Do investment bankers do a lot of math? ›

No matter what major you pursue, investment banking will require strong math and analytical skills with a firm understanding of economics and how it affects corporate finance. Also, internships during your bachelor's program can help you build working experience and enhance networking in the financial field.

Can anyone get into investment banking? ›

To become an investment banker, you need a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Common majors are finance, business, economics, and accounting. You also need to pass licensing exams to work as an investment banker.

Is it illegal to borrow money to invest? ›

It's generally possible to take out a personal loan and invest the funds in the stock market, mutual funds or other assets, but some lenders may prohibit you from doing so. Among popular online lenders, SoFi, LightStream and Upgrade explicitly exclude investing as an acceptable way to use your personal loan funds.

Who is Investors Bank owned by? ›

Investors Bank was a publicly traded, full-service bank that was based in Short Hills, New Jersey, USA. The bank operated over 150 branches across New Jersey and New York. Investors Bancorp, Inc. The bank operated from 1926 until 2022 as an independent entity, then was purchased by Citizens Financial Group.

Is it stressful to be an investment banker? ›

Managing the pressure

There is no doubt that there will be times when you'll be under a lot of stress, even though the high stakes and fast-paced way things are done in an investment bank may make the learning process so speedy. It's not only about working long hours; you also need to put in high-quality work quickly.

How hard is it to get into investment banking? ›

Accordingly, investment banking firms are incredibly selective with new hires. To become an investment banking analyst, you need the right education. Investment banking firms recruit top-performers from the most prestigious schools, preferring a select few schools.

Can bankers make 100k? ›

Yes, you can make $100,000 per year as a personal banker.

While possible, it is unlikely to earn over $100k as a personal banker because even higher-paid positions do not typically earn more than $90,000 per year. The average annual salary for a personal banker is $46,777.

Do investment bankers work 80 hours a week? ›

The well-known bulge bracket banks like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Bank of America tend to work analyst-level investment bankers at the industry standard scale of 60-80 hours per week. Example Bulge Bracket Banks: Goldman Sachs.

Do investment bankers have free time? ›

Investment banking analysts generally work 80-110 hour workweeks – expect to have very little free time outside of the office, especially during the first year on the job.

What are 5 things investment bankers do? ›

Investment Banking: What Do Investment Bankers Do?
  • Underwriting. Investment banks help companies and governments issue new securities, such as stocks or bonds, by underwriting the securities. ...
  • Financial Advisory. ...
  • Capital Raising. ...
  • Trading and Market-Making. ...
  • Corporate Finance. ...
  • Capital Markets. ...
  • Sales and Trading. ...
  • Research.
Jan 26, 2023

How do investment bankers stay awake? ›

Other investment bankers take Ritalin or Adderall, which are given to children with ADHD but which are stimulants for adults. But the mainstay is probably coffee, energy drinks and other concoctions containing caffeine.

What is the life of an investment banker? ›

An investment banker's life has long working hours, working on weekends, hard work, and little sleep. Psychological attraction, earning enough money, lifestyle, status symbol, passion for finance, higher expectations, career foundation capabilities, and intelligence are the reasons for becoming an investment banker.

What do investment bankers do after 2 years? ›

The work includes three primary tasks: presentations, analysis, and administrative. After two years of working for the investment bank, top performing analysts are often offered the chance to stay for a third year, and the most successful analysts can be promoted after three years to investment banking associate.

Do investment bankers travel a lot? ›

Client Management:

Since investment banks work for customers across the world, investment bankers need to travel a lot to service their customers and maintain relationships with their firm's largest accounts.

How long does it take to become investment banker? ›

How long does it take to become an investment banker? One can become an investment banking analyst directly after earning a bachelor's degree, but it can take two or more years of working experience plus a graduate degree to advance to associate status at an investment bank.

What is the difference between a financial advisor and an investment banker? ›

Financial advisors' clients typically are individuals or couples, whom they help with their personal finances. Investment bankers work more often with corporate clients, providing guidance and support for certain types of transactions.

What is the highest salary for an investment banker? ›

Highest salary that a Investment Banker can earn is ₹38.8 Lakhs per year (₹3.2L per month). How does Investment Banker Salary in India change with experience? An Entry Level Investment Banker with less than three years of experience earns an average salary of ₹10.5 Lakhs per year.

What are the top salaries for investment bankers? ›

High Paying Investment Banker Jobs
  • Energy Trader. Salary range: $165,000-$196,000 per year. ...
  • Proprietary Trader. Salary range: $48,000-$182,000 per year. ...
  • Investment Banking Associate. Salary range: $90,000-$175,000 per year. ...
  • Investment Officer. ...
  • Investments Manager. ...
  • Equity Trader. ...
  • International Trade Analyst. ...
  • Commodity Trader.

What is the best investment banker salary? ›

The average investment banker salary ranges between $95,000 and $276,000 in the US. Hourly rates for investment bankers in the US typically range between $45 and $132 an hour.

Do investment bankers buy stocks? ›

Investment banking is the financial services sector in which professionals help clients raise money/capital through investments. Similar to traders, investment bankers connect buyers with sellers, and like traders, they are involved in the bond and stock markets.

Do investment banks take equity? ›

Key Takeaways. Investment banking deals primarily with raising money for companies, governments, and other entities. Investment banking activities include underwriting new debt and equity securities for all types of corporations.

Do investment banks do real estate? ›

Real Estate Investment Banking Definition: In real estate investment banking (REIB), professionals advise entire companies in the REIT, gaming, lodging, homebuilding, development, and real estate services segments on raising debt and equity and completing mergers, acquisitions, and asset sales.

What are the 4 parts of investment bank? ›

The four main areas of investment banking activity are Capital Markets, Advisory, Trading and Brokerage, and Asset Management.

What are the 4 divisions of investment banking? ›

An investment bank's front office comprises mainly 4 divisions including Investment Banking or Corporate Finance (IBD), Sales and Trading (S&T), Equity Research (ER) or Research, and Asset Management (AM).

What are the 4 primary roles of investment bank? ›

The primary goal of an investment bank is to advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges. Investment banks help their clients with financing, research, trading and sales, wealth management, asset management, IPOs, mergers, securitized products, hedging, and more.

Do investment bankers make a lot of money? ›

Do investment bankers get paid well? Generally speaking, yes—investment bankers earn high salaries. Even entry-level professionals in this field can make over $100,000 annually. However, investment bankers work long days in high-stress environments.

Is investment banking high paying? ›

Investment banker, investment broker and financial services professional are some of the highest-paying positions in the finance industry. These roles typically require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as finance or business, and may require additional certifications or licensing.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

In the U.S., the top investment banking companies include the Big Four Banks — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

What do investment bankers do on a daily basis? ›

Investment bankers meet with clients, prepare offers, run financial projections, and work on pitchbooks, that help generate new clients. The work is lucrative but the days are long and stressful. Superior social skills are required for success in the field.

Can you be a millionaire as an Investment Banker? ›

It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy. Investment bankers typically earn salaries in the $200,000 to $700,000 range, with bonuses that can bring their total income up to several million dollars per year.

How many hours a week do investment bankers work? ›

How Many Hours Do Investment Bankers Actually Work? Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand.

Is investment banking stressful? ›

Managing the pressure

There is no doubt that there will be times when you'll be under a lot of stress, even though the high stakes and fast-paced way things are done in an investment bank may make the learning process so speedy. It's not only about working long hours; you also need to put in high-quality work quickly.

What is a Tier 1 investment bank? ›

3. Investment banking. Tier 1 investment banks are the largest globally across multiple product categories. They include JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America.

Who is the best investment banker in the world? ›

Goldman Sachs: The Most Prestigious Firm to Work for in 2022

Goldman Sachs placed #1 for the 14th year in a row with Morgan Stanley, Evercore, J.P. Morgan and Centerview Partners rounding out the top 5. Goldman Sachs & Co. Bank of America Corp. Greenhill & Co.

Do investment bankers work 100 hours a week? ›

The well-known bulge bracket banks like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Bank of America tend to work analyst-level investment bankers at the industry standard scale of 60-80 hours per week. Example Bulge Bracket Banks: Goldman Sachs.

How much sleep do investment bankers get? ›

How much sleep does investment banker get? On a weekday, people lower on the totem pole come in ~9am/9:30am and leave anytime between 12:00am/3:00am on average. So you're really left with ~6 hours of sleep assuming you consider time to get ready for bed, getting ready for work, etc.

Why do investment bankers work so many hours? ›

Investment banking hours are much longer than those in other jobs because of four main reasons: Huge Clients Pay Your Bank Huge Fees: When a company is paying your bank $50 million, $10 million, or even $1 million to advise on a deal, you have to do whatever it wants at any time of the day.

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