How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (2024)

By Chris Jones on March 17, 2017 in Amazon Prime, Distribution 15

How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (1)

By Tom Kerevan

In 2014 Tom Kerevan wrote and produced his first feature Tear Me Apart with director Alex Lightman and DOP Ern Herrmann. Made for £75,000 with no known actors, they eschewed the traditional sales route and made a tactical play for Amazon. Here’s how they did it and what they learnt…

This is a tough blog to write. How did we break into the top 80 movies on Amazon Prime in the UK? Well, I’m afraid I can’t give you the magic formula to the Amazon Video algorithm because I don’t know it!

However, after a lot of trial & error there are a few things I’ve noticed that seem to work, and a few that don’t. So what I’ll do is share the highlights of 2 years worth of research into releasing a film online.

First though, I’m going to be shamelessly un-British and ask for a favour in return up front: if you’ve watched Tear Me Apart, please review it on Amazon.

We have managed to climb the ranks of Amazon Prime, and now we’re competing with the huge studio movies with all their silly marketing $$$ – we’re currently just behind Gravity. Every review gives us the ammo we need to keep battling!

If you haven’t watched Tear Me Apart and you find this blog helpful in some way, then please say thank you by watching and reviewing it!

And while you’re there, jump over to IMDb and give it a quick star rating too:


Before I dive into my top tips, I just wanted to cover an oft-asked question: why did we choose Amazon over Netflix and iTunes?

There are three very good reasons behind this decision:

  1. Amazon is free. That’s right, it costs nothing to put your film on Amazon, and you can do it yourself. To get on Netflix and iTunes you have to submit via 3rd party aggregators, and they charge in the region of £1,500 per platform. With Netflix you’ll never see that money again, and iTunes you need to guarantee a minimum number of views just to break even. That didn’t really appeal to us.
  1. Many disagree with me on this, but based on all the research I’ve done, I think Amazon is the future of film. One future anyway. They’ve only recently shown their first hand, and they’ve yet to really get out of second gear. Plus their combination of Pay Per View and Subscription is starting to blow Netflix and iTunes out the water (*Article and figures at end of blog.) Therefore, being in the mix now will, we hope, give us longevity as they expand.
  1. Amazon is only available in 5 countries. Whilst this may seem like a negative, it actually works in our favour as it’s a more focussed platform covering just the US, UK, Germany, Austria and Japan. With iTunes you are able to restrict release, but with Netflix it’s simply ‘Domestic’ or ‘Worldwide’. In terms of maintaining control, this is important to consider – we can still sell the rights to any other territory.


Okay, so here are my top tips for giving it a shot on Amazon Prime…

  1. Don’t rush into it!
    Don’t just finish the film and whack it online. Your film needs to look like a proper film, which means you need to have been to festivals, had professional reviews, all of which is included in the artwork. It needs to be nurtured first.
  1. Build slowly
    As I say, I don’t know how the algorithm works, but it does seem to reward gradual growth rather than a sudden spike. So if all your mates watch it on the same day, that’s not going to do much. We released the film on Amazon Buy/Rent for 6 months first before we released on Prime.
  1. Critical Mass
    Like most things, it’s about critical mass. Once enough people have watched your film, it will start showing up on the ‘what other people watched’ suggestions, and that then feeds into the Most Popular lists. As with point 2, this takes time.

We saw a spike in the UK after about 5 weeks on Prime, so keep plugging it via every avenue available to you. We are now averaging about 600 hours streamed every day.

  1. Facebook Advertising
    Okay, look, on the surface Facebook Advertising looks amazing, but after 6 months I came to one simple conclusion – it’s just a money-making machine for Facebook. Nonetheless, it’s worth figuring out because if you target the right audiences it can certainly get you views, which will then help towards critical mass. Don’t expect to get back whatever you spend, but do consider using it as a loss leader.
  1. Genres
    Be liberal but not misleading. People often search by genre, so this is the easiest way to make your film discoverable. You can select as many genres and sub-genres as you like… so do it!

Tear Me Apart is currently:

  • 27th in Thrillers
  • 18th in Action & Adventure
  • 10th in Sci-Fi
  • 5th in Teen & Young Adult
  • 1st in Indie & Arthouse

Note that we didn’t put it in the horror genre. We realised that it was not sitting well with horror fans who were expecting more gore, so it didn’t make sense to try and engage with that demographic. This reiterates why time, research, festivals and reviews are important.

  1. Reviews

Reviews on Amazon are vital. They appear to feed directly into the algorithm. Just be aware that a ‘Verified Purchase’ seems to weigh more heavily, so it’s a balancing act.

We held a big UK Premiere at the Genesis Cinema and got around 250 people attending. The film was launched online the next day, so we asked everyone to review it. Of course only a small percentage actually did, but it helped get the ball rolling.

We also used this as an opportunity to hire some PR, put a press release out and get as many professional reviews as we could. This helped to create a buzz around the film, meaning that in the first couple of weeks of release we moved into the top 5,000 films on IMDb’s MOVIEmeter.

  1. IMDb

And on that note, do not forget IMDb – Amazon owns it! Make sure the listing is totally up to date, including artwork. And get your friends to rate the film here too as the IMDb rating shows up on Amazon.

The professional reviews also get linked here too, and the more of those the better.

  1. Artwork & Copy

There’s definitely no exact science here, but remember that you are pitching your film, not explaining what it is. The poster is the first thing they will see – does it stand out? Is it intriguing enough to click on?

And then sell them your product! It’s not just about the logline – use a combination of quotes and the story to tease them into watching the trailer. It’s a 1-2-3 punch with Amazon: Poster, Pitch, Trailer.

How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (2)


As mentioned, it costs nothing to put your film on Amazon. You do have to go through some fairly tedious admin surrounding tax, but nothing a bit of googling can’t solve.

Once you’re on there, for Buy / Rent you get 50% of all revenue, after tax.

For Prime, it instantly becomes available for free to the 66 million and counting subscribers (which is more than Netflix has).

And what do we get in return? Well, something, which is better than nothing:

  • In the US, $0.15 per hour streamed.
  • In Germany, Austria and Japan, $0.06 per hour streamed.
  • In the UK, £0.04 per hour streamed.

We launched the film on Amazon Prime just before Christmas. No glitzy premiere, no press release, no Facebook Advertising (we’d already done that with the Buy/Rent release). We just shouted about it over our own Social Media channels.


It was a slow start, but somewhere in the middle of January views in the UK suddenly spiked, with US views remaining steady.

From Christmas 2016 to today (15th March 2017), we have had 2.45 million minutes streamed, or just over 40,000 hours, which has brought in around £2,000.

To be clear, we have not spent a single penny on marketing or advertising since the film has been on Prime. And the profit is about 7x higher than when it was on Buy/Rent without any advertising.

Plus, that’s only in a handful of territories.

How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (3)


Here’s the kicker – we’re making money and we still own 100% of the rights. Obviously, yes, we’re trying to sell them in other territories around the world, and will do so for the right deal. But we’re also making another film this year, and if that goes well, then the value of Tear Me Apart could go up.

I’m not saying that Prime is the best path for every film, but with a bit of planning and lot of hard work in the build up, it can produce a small but decent revenue stream, and one that we hope to build upon moving forward.

Now we find ourselves competing with big studio movies and Oscar-winners, so we need your help. Reviews on Amazon and IMDb are all we have against their monetary might!

Thank you for reading and hope it’s been helpful.

Now off you go and review Tear Me Apart!

Tom Kerevan
March 2017


15 Responses to How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made

  1. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (4)

    Johanna March 10, 2019 at 1:51 pm #

    Hi Chris, this is such a great article and I’ve been referring to it a lot as I prepare for my release. I’m planning to release on Amazon on the same day as the screening. My question: is there a standard day of the week for VOD releases (e.g. Mon/Tues) and does this matter? I’m not too keen to have my screening on a Monday or Tues.

  2. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (5)

    Chris Jones March 10, 2019 at 10:09 pm #

    That’s a GREAT question Johanna and I will reach out and ask Tom if he knows.

    • How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (6)

      SamotS May 8, 2019 at 7:29 pm #

      I have currently two films on Amazon Prime. I am not distributing myself but using an external distributor with whom I am very pleased. Bur how do I see how much ny film has grossed and his many times ut has been streamed?

  3. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (7)

    Ca August 15, 2019 at 11:12 pm #

    Such a great article. I watch many independent films on Amazon Prime. Then I began to wonder does the film maker get any revenue from me watching (kind of like You Tube and all of it’s policy stuff). So I googled that question. I was glad to see how you broke it down so clearly. It really helps filmmakers consider this as a way to get their product out there. I also didn’t realize how reviews worked for the films, I have only left a few reviews here and there, but I have read a few before I put a film on my watchlist. Some you have to decipher whether they are friends from college reviewing or valid analysis of the film. Whatever the case I will consider reviewing movies more…..especially independent ones.
    Well done and continued success!

  4. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (8)

    Dotun Bankole December 10, 2019 at 8:25 am #

    Great article, I am an independent film maker in Nigeria. I just finished a short film and want to get it on amazon prime. Kindly help with some info, Do they accept short films? How do I respond to the tax administration from here?

  5. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (9)

    Laura January 29, 2020 at 2:56 pm #

    Thank you so much for this article. It helps so much. Being involved in many independent films locally and these poor filmmakers are given so much bad information they do waste a lot of time.
    I recently saw a friend post a casting for ” amazon Prime Sitcom” this leads me to believe this person is contracted with Amazon Prime to film a sitcom to air. Does Amazon do this?

    thank you in advance 🙂

  6. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (10)

    Gabriel Henrique Gonzalez March 25, 2020 at 12:56 pm #

    Great article Tom. Could you please recommend a legit 3rd Party Aggregator that you have had experience with please?

  7. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (11)

    Enuma Christine Chigbo April 13, 2020 at 6:41 pm #

    I totally loved what I read. I found it very useful as I have just completed my very first feature film and am looking for ways to forge ahead. Your journey is very encouraging for people like me who are taking baby steps in this industry.

    Thanks so much!

  8. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (12)

    Rish Mustaine November 16, 2020 at 10:56 pm #

    i just got my movie on Prime too

  9. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (13)

    Matt April 26, 2021 at 10:33 am #

    At least this is another avenue to YouTube, and the exposure may lead to more sales off a filmmakers own site.

  10. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (14)

    Director JB March 20, 2022 at 6:56 am #

    Thanks alot for this article but my question is
    Can you put a film in another language apart from English on Amazon?

    • How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (15)

      Chris Jones March 21, 2022 at 11:37 am #

      I am sure you can yes, but you will need subs

  11. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (16)

    Steve May 1, 2023 at 11:23 am #

    Prime use to pay you by the second it was watched on prime but now give virtually nothing. On the rent and buy it is hard because most people who pay for prime want their films free. Netflix might cost you money to get on in fees from the pitcher/distributor as unfortunately even if you have the best poster in the world they will charge you a lot of money for a new one which is normally worse. However you can get a big payout if excepted on Netflix and also better payment each time it is watched. It is near on impossible to get hold of a distributor to pitch to Netflix unless you have a big budget film or at least two big names in it which is a shame.

  12. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (17)

    Valentyn August 22, 2023 at 1:48 am #

    Hi Chris,

    Great article!

    I currently have one movie on Amazon Video Direct platform (rent/buy) and I was wondering how do you move from rent/buy to Amazon Prime?

  13. How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (18)

    Valentyn August 22, 2023 at 1:50 am #

    And another question.

    How do I choose what should be the price for rent/buy options?

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How I Got My Feature Film On Amazon Prime and How Much I have Made (2024)


How much does it cost to put your film on Amazon Prime? ›

There are no setup or recurring charges to submit content or manage your titles through Prime Video Direct. After you've set up an account, submit your content to buy or rent in select marketplaces, including (U.S.), (UK), (Germany & Austria), and (Japan).

Can I sell my film to Amazon Prime? ›

Creators can upload their own videos to Amazon's Prime Video and generate royalties based on the hours streamed.

How much does Amazon Prime pay for a movie? ›

For those who didn't know, Amazon recently announced that they will be reducing their payout rate to filmmakers to as low as $0.01 per hour of streaming (1 cent), starting January 2020. Their current payment was $0.04 to $0.06, which is already low, but now they're going rock bottom.

How do I put my film on Amazon Prime? ›

Enter Cast & Crew information

If you're submitting a movie or TV show, then you must provide a director. On the Cast & Crew tab, under Studio/Creator, enter the name as it will appear on Prime Video. Enter at least one crew member. Under Crew, in the Name box, type the crew member's name.

When you buy a film on Amazon Prime do you keep it? ›

If you purchase a movie on Amazon Prime Video, it should be immediately available for you to watch. You can keep the purchased movies forever on your Amazon Prime Video account. You can download Prime Video titles on your devices for keeping them offline view.

How do you get your movie made? ›

  1. Find out who buys movie ideas. First, it's very important to know who the people are that buy movie ideas. ...
  2. Write your idea down. ...
  3. Write a cover letter for your movie. ...
  4. Make a list of Film Producer's to network with. ...
  5. Follow up with Producers about your movie pitch.
Jul 12, 2023

How does Amazon Prime pay filmmakers? ›

We issue payments approximately 90 days after the end of the month in which the revenue event occurred. You will receive payment from Amazon via electronic funds transfer unless electronic funds transfer is not available in your location, in which case you will receive payment by wire transfer.

How much will Netflix pay for your film? ›

How much does Netflix pay for a movie? Netflix pays between $100 and $250 million for a movie. This amount will vary depending on the movie and the type of streaming rights Netflix wants, but this is a good benchmark for the typical blockbuster movie. Some cost the streaming platform a lot more, though.

Can anyone sell on Amazon Prime? ›

Almost anyone can become an Amazon seller. Amazon offers two sales plans, with different price levels and sets of services. In addition, Amazon charges a referral fee on every sale as well as fees for optional services, such as advertising.

How do I sell my movie to Netflix? ›

If you have an idea, game, script, screenplay, or production already in development that you'd like to pitch to Netflix, you must work through a licensed agent, producer, attorney, manager, or industry executive, as appropriate, who already has a relationship with Netflix.

How much does Amazon pay for content? ›

The estimated total pay range for a Content Writer at Amazon is $58K–$103K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Content Writer base salary at Amazon is $77K per year. The average additional pay is $0 per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

Is Amazon Prime Video profitable? ›

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy expressed optimism on Thursday that Prime Video is on track to become a “large and profitable business” as the company's advertising revenue surged 27% year over year to $14.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.

How do I sell my script to Amazon? ›

Submitting your script to Amazon Studios is as simple as going to the Storywriter dashboard and clicking the three dots on the script you want to submit and choosing, “Submit to Amazon Studios”. Does Amazon want to hear your story, idea, and script even if you're not a professional? Amazon answers, “Yes.

How do I upload a short film to Netflix? ›

You can't submit movies directly to Netflix, but they do recommend using a third party with ties to the company. Distributor or aggregator costs vary, and can be over $1,000. If you don't want to go through a third party, you can try submitting your film to a well-known film festival that Netflix might notice.

How do I submit a script to Netflix? ›

If you have an idea for a show or film, you may be curious how to send it to Netflix. Netflix only accepts submissions through a licensed literary agent, or from a producer, attorney, manager, or entertainment executive with whom they have a pre-existing relationship.

How do I get my movie on Netflix? ›

The most common way to get your movie onto Netflix is to work with a distributor or a sales agent with the relationships and reputation for making favorable deals with Netflix. The challenge is this. Any good distributor or sales agent hears pitches many times a day.

How do I get my movie on streaming services? ›

Notwithstanding, here are a few stages and techniques you can consider:
  1. **Film Festivals:** ...
  2. **Build a Web-based Presence:** ...
  3. **Leverage Specialty Platforms:** ...
  4. **Networking:** ...
  5. **Utilize Online Conveyance Platforms:** ...
  6. **Pitch to Aggregators:** ...
  7. **Crowdfunding:** ...
  8. **DIY Distribution:**
Jan 28, 2024

Does Amazon buy short films? ›

Note: We currently aren't accepting submissions for short films. Content of a performer or group of performers presenting one or more works of art, including live performances. Content which is instructional or educational in nature.

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