How I afford travel: Badass trips on a not-so-badass budget — travel. paint. repeat. (2024)

Many travel blogs are written by people who’ve sold all their possessions and have taken a huge plunge into the world of long-term travel. This can sound expensive at first, but when you consider that you don’t have rent or a car payment in this lifestyle (or much room to carry any possessions), it can actually be very cheap to live this way, provided you can work a little along the way, or do some kind of virtual freelancing or contract work.

I’m not one of those people.

I do have rent to pay, and a car payment, and bills, and the trappings of a fairly typical middle class young urban professional life. I have a cat. I worked in a cubicle, up until a few months ago. I'm introverted, and enjoy spending time at home. I like my routines, and sleeping in my own bed.

I also don’t have a ton of free income to spend on travel.

Despite all this, in the past 6 years I've managed to see 40 cities in 17 countries.Not much for the permanent nomad, but a lot for someone who all that while was expected to be at work by 8:30 or 9am every weekday.

When people find out how much I travel, some imagine I must have a lot of spare income or be a trust fund baby. I keep encountering this perception – especially among Americans – that travel is this huge undertaking that is incredibly expensive. Well, it sure can be, if you choose to make it that way. But if you step outside this perception, and do some research, you’ll find that it really doesn’t have to be that way. Travel can be affordable, if you plan for it and prioritize it in your life.

Here’s how I do it:


By far, flights can be the single most expensive purchase of your trip. A coach round trip ticket from the US to Europe usually runs anywhere from $800-1200 on average, depending on the season. The trick is: don’t buy your ticket with actual money. Buy it with fake money called points or miles.

A few years ago, I strategically opened 2 different credit cards (one an AmEx, one a British Airways Visa) with unusually crazy high enrollment bonuses. Within just a few months’ time I went from 0 miles to 50,000 AmEx points (redeemable for airline miles on at least a 1:1 basis) and 100,000 British Airways miles. Keep in mind, BA is part of the OneWorld alliance, so I can book with other airlines using these miles. In just a few months’ time, with 2 credit cards (that didn’t hurt my credit, by the way) I earned enough miles to take 3 international round trip flights – without ever stepping on an airplane. I got the AmEx points simply for opening the card, and I earned the BA miles after spending $2500 in 3 months, which wasn’t that hard for me because I strategically put ALL my expenses on the card for 3 months.

The trick is knowing which cards to open. These cards usually aren’t well advertised, so you’ll have to do your research. A few good resources to get you started:

👉UPGRADE UNLOCKEDby Chris Guillebeau. This is actually the first resource I used to learn more about travel hacking. If you’re a total newbie, as I was, this is the best introduction to the world of frequent flyer miles that exists. But it’s not overly simplistic; there are a ton of insider tricks and tools in here that I haven’t even taken advantage of yet. This guide is the reason I earned 150,000 miles without stepping foot on an airplane.It used to be called something else, and now the guide has a few different tiered options. If you're just starting out, the cheapest, "Pre-Boarding," will get you well on your way for $39.

Side note! I've been keeping this post updated since I first wrote it in 2012. When I first wrote this,I linked to Chris Guillebeau's guide simply because I wholeheartedly recommend it. Later on, I became an affiliate partner - hey, why not, if I was recommending it anyway? So now that means that if you buy his guide, I'll get a cut of that sale, but it's no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my little passion project travel blog!

THE POINTS GUY. This website used to share tips and tricks for travel hackers, but now it seems to mostly just recommend credit cards. His ads follow me around everywhere now, so be warned. However, when I want to find out what the latest credit card offers with crazy high enrollment bonuses, I go there first. So it's always worth a look and it's where I point people who ask me, "What's the best card to get?"

FLYERTALK.COM This is a forum for the serious hardcore travel hackers – the credit card “churners” who sometimes earn up to 1 million miles a year doing this. FlyerTalk can be intimidating at first if you’re new to all this, so I’d recommend starting from the top and working your way down.


Rarely do I stay in what most Americans think of as a traditional hotel when I travel abroad. Many travel hackers and frequent business travelers are loyal to a certain brand of hotel, especially those with their own reward points systems, which earn them free stays (and yes, there are credit cards for this too). These can be a great value and I do participate in a few programs like Hilton HHonors for stateside bookings.

For my international trips, however, I prefer everyday price flexibility, so I book a variety of inexpensive, off the beaten path accommodation types – and none of them involve splitting a room with strangers, camping (not counting the bedouin camp I stayed with in Petra, which I did for the experience and not the savings), or couchsurfing. A lot of people associate budget travel with roughing it, but it is possible to be comfortable. In fact, by avoiding the beaten path, I usually have a less expensive, equally as comfortable, and more interesting cultural experience.

Most of my international trips have involved staying at a combination of private rooms at hostels, small or independently owned hotels, bed & breakfasts, and private apartments. This room search and booking site will expand your idea of what a hostel can be. Often you’ll find that smaller, inexpensive and independent hotels will list rooms on Hostelworld even if they have a website and brand themselves as a hotel or bed & breakfast. You can search for rooms nearly anywhere in the world, filter by room type (most hostels have private bedrooms, some with private bathrooms and some with shared bathrooms), location (there’s a handy map view), price and more. It’s also low risk - you just pay a small 10% down payment when you book and the rest when you check in. I’ve stayed in some very nice hostels for a fraction of the cost of an equal quality hotel and it’s one of the first places I look when I start planning a trip. This is a rising star in the online travel booking world for hotels. Based in Amsterdam, they are one of my top sources for rooms in Europe (though they offer rooms in several other parts of the world too).’s strength is their breadth of rooms available; you can find a variety of low-cost, tiny, independently owned hotels that will be difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. They even offer free cancellation on many rooms. Their pricing also cannot be beat – sometimes I even find rooms that are less expensive than hostels! A major disruptor to the online travel booking industry, Airbnb offers you the ability to reserve a room in a private apartment directly through someone who lives and is local to the place you’re going. You can book entire apartments or just spare bedrooms, allowing you the choice between having a cozy place all to yourself or staying with – and getting to know– a local, something that may not have happened otherwise (and my most memorable trips have been those in which I connected with locals while I was there). A few other perks can involve more amenities than a budget hostel or hotel may offer, such as the ability to wash your own laundry or cook your own food if you need to (it is an apartment, after all). I travel for 2 weeks at a time when possible (more on that later), and I pack only a carry-on. After a week like that, a washing machine is an unexpectedly welcome blessing. You’re often more likely to feel like a local, even if you never meet your host. You’re staying in a residential neighborhood, not a commercial, touristy zone. There’s a lot to be said for that.

3. I'M VERY STRATEGIC ABOUT Timing and trip length.

I would be remiss to say that the above 2 factors are the only methods I use to travel to so many places affordably.

The fact is, I can say I fit in 40 cities and 17 countries in 6 years because of how many of those cities and countries I manage to pack into a single trip. In most of my 17 day trips, I squeeze in about 3, sometimes 4 countries, hitting multiple cities in each. That means I typically pack up and move on every 2-3 days. That’s not a lot of time in each place! Just enough to visit the major sites, take in the atmosphere, and decide if I’m intrigued enough to return someday to make a longer trip of it.

This pace is not for everyone, but it works for me. I’m restless, and like squeezing every drop out of my precious vacation days. Plus, nothing’s worse than booking 5 days in a place you’ve never been, only to arrive and find out you’re bored after 1 day and it’s too late to make any changes. I intend to see the world, and I have to do it in 2 weeks per year. So, I compromise.

It can be a little tiring, but I don’t take these trips necessarily to relax – I take them to recharge in other ways. Travel is my passion and I crave new cultural experiences. My worldview has expanded a little more each time I set foot on US soil again; this is creative fuel to the fire of everything I do, from painting to writing to marketing strategy. That’s why I’m determined to prioritize it, even with a limited budget.

For those who’ve also been bitten by the travel bug, you get it. The rest of the world will go on thinking that we’re rich, and I suppose that’s fine.

How I afford travel: Badass trips on a not-so-badass budget — travel. paint. repeat. (2024)


What is a reasonable travel budget? ›

The average vacation for one person in the United States costs about $1,986 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,971 per week.

How do you travel when you don't have a lot of money? ›

How to travel without money – 5 ideas
  1. Volunteer for free food and accommodation. One way to travel for next to nothing is to exchange your time and effort for something in return. ...
  2. Try to find paid work as you go. ...
  3. Make use of travel networking apps. ...
  4. Avoid tourist prices. ...
  5. Choose the cheap travel methods.
Jan 24, 2023

How can I make my vacation as cheap as possible? ›

How to Travel Cheaper: A Beginner's Guide to Budget Travel
  1. FIND CHEAP FLIGHTS. This is the quickest way to cut the cost of your trip by a couple hundred bucks right off the bat. ...

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How much money do you realistically need to travel? ›

So, How Much Does it Cost? In general, you should expect it to cost between $25,000 to $35,000 per person to travel around the world for a year. This rough estimate comes from reading travel budgets of other bloggers, various travel planning resources, and our own experience. This is just the midrange.

Can I get paid to travel? ›

You can find opportunities with tour companies and agencies, or even start your own tours. This is one of the best ways to get paid to travel abroad. You can consider a job at a hotel, resort, or hostel in a popular tourist destination.

What is the most cost effective way to travel? ›

How to travel on a budget: Our 9 best tips
  • Come up with a plan.
  • Travel out of season.
  • Be accommodation-savvy.
  • Pack properly.
  • Book flights in advance…
  • 6. … and be smart about how you fly.
  • Embrace public transport.
  • Don't eat away your cash.

How to get a free plane ticket? ›

How To Get Free Flights
  1. Leverage Credit Card Signup Offers. ...
  2. Use a Credit Card to Earn Points or Miles on All Your Purchases. ...
  3. Check Out Frequent Flier Programs. ...
  4. Consider Dining Rewards Programs. ...
  5. Opt for Programs with Companion Tickets. ...
  6. Look for More Opportunities to Earn Points and Miles Toward Free Tickets.
Oct 26, 2023

How do you travel without a job? ›

An incomplete list of options to get your ass abroad and exploring the world:
  1. Join a volunteer organization. ...
  2. Teach English. ...
  3. Find a source of mobile income. ...
  4. Start an online business. ...
  5. Convince your company to let you work remotely. ...
  6. Get transferred overseas. ...
  7. Find odd jobs as you travel. ...
  8. Work on a cruise or for an airline.

Should you travel when you're broke? ›

Since this question comes up so often, I like to constantly remind people of this fact: You do not need to be rich to travel. Let's repeat that: You do not need to be rich to travel. There are plenty of ways to travel on a budget (and for free) — you just need to be willing to get creative.

What is the cheapest way to travel long distance? ›

Generally speaking, taking the bus or the train is the most cost effective way to cover a long distance. If you plan ahead, long-distance bus companies such as Greyhound and Megabus often offer discounted fares. Amtrak and other train companies also offer discount fares, especially when purchased far in advance.

Is $500 enough for a weekend trip? ›

A $500 travel budget isn't much, but for a mini vacation for the weekends, it's certainly doable. You can opt for experiences that are generally affordable.

How do you plan a trip for beginners? ›

  1. List your dream locations and choose your adventure. The first step in vacation planning? ...
  2. Plan your budget. ...
  3. Check your calendar and research dates. ...
  4. Book flights and hotels. ...
  5. Search for deals on activities. ...
  6. Build your ideal itinerary. ...
  7. Pack your bags. ...
  8. Research local customs.

How do you get sponsored for a trip? ›

Here's how to get sponsored to travel:
  1. Think like a sponsor. You must figure out WHY somebody is going to give you money for travel sponsorship. ...
  2. Use personal contacts. ...
  3. Credibility. ...
  4. Charity. ...
  5. Celebrity endorsem*nt. ...
  6. Go to relevant exhibitions and shows. ...
  7. Find people giving money. ...
  8. Think creatively about sponsorship deals.

Where do you start when you are broke? ›

no matter how broke you are. Look for a job. This is the most obvious solution, but it can be difficult if you don't have any work experience or skills. There are many entry-level jobs available that don't require any prior experience, such as working in retail, food service, or customer service.

How do you take a break without traveling? ›

Photos courtesy of the individual members.
  1. Focus On The Present. ...
  2. Untether Yourself From Technology. ...
  3. Take A Personal Retreat At Home. ...
  4. Indulge In What You Want To Do. ...
  5. Drive Somewhere Local You've Never Explored. ...
  6. Go Camping. ...
  7. Get Your Hands Dirty. ...
  8. Escape To The Treasures In Your State.
Sep 4, 2020

How to travel without hassle? ›

Hassle-free travel: Proven tips for a stress-free trip
  1. Purchase travel insurance. ...
  2. Visit your doctor. ...
  3. Print copies of your accommodation reservation, your tickets and your passport. ...
  4. Check your home & auto insurance. ...
  5. Renting a car on vacation. ...
  6. Call your cell provider. ...
  7. Use AirTags to track your luggage.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.