How Foreign Purchases of U.S. Homes Impact Prices and Supply (2024)

Housing markets are preferred destinations for foreign investors looking for yields, vacation homes or safe havens, or for those dodging tax restraints and corruption crackdowns in their home countries. But demand for U.S. homes from foreign investors, especially Chinese, pushes up home prices, exacerbating concerns over housing affordability, according to new research from Wharton.

House prices grew 8 percentage points more in U.S. zip codes with high foreign-born Chinese populations from 2012 to 2018, according to a paper titled “Global Capital and Local Assets: House Prices, Quantities, and Elasticities,” authored by Wharton doctoral student Caitlin Gorback and Wharton real estate professor Benjamin Keys.

“The big picture is we have an affordability crisis for housing in the cities where the jobs are,” Keys said. “One of the real tensions in the U.S. housing market is that the places that are seeing sharp job growth are not creating new housing quickly enough to accommodate that job growth.”

The starkest example of disconnects between job growth and housing is the San Francisco Bay Area and specifically San Mateo County, said Keys. Since 2012, that region has had about a 30% increase in employment, but less than a 10% increase in housing units, he added.

Keys blamed those housing shortages on zoning restrictions that deter new homebuilding, and rising construction costs. “There are about six times as many new jobs as there are new housing permits,” he said. “There are a lot of hoops to jump through to get anything built in these places, especially to build in a way that is dense.”

Foreigners buying U.S. homes potentially exacerbate that problem of affordability, Keys continued. Chinese buyers have led foreign investments in U.S. homes for the past seven years. In 2019-2020, they bought U.S. home properties worth $11.5 billion, or little more than a sixth of the total, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Other investors in the top five came from Canada, Mexico, India and Colombia, in that order. (Colombia last year replaced the U.K. as the fifth-largest country of origin of foreign buyers). Foreign buyer purchases made up 4% of the $1.7 trillion existing-home sales last year, the NAR report noted.

“The big picture is we have an affordability crisis for housing in the cities where the jobs are.” –Benjamin Keys

The research by Gorback and Keys also shows that house prices and rents have risen in places that have seen large doses of foreign investment. “That is in large part because the places where you see foreign buyers are those same places that have more dynamic economies and have more jobs.”

About half of the homes that foreigners buy are used as primary residences; the others serve as vacation homes, second homes or a pied-a-terre they visit occasionally, said Keys. “For example, a lot of the Canadian investment in U.S. homes is from snowbirds buying Florida houses.”

The Reach of a ‘Demand Shock’

Using foreign investment as a “demand shock,” the paper also looks at how responsive housing development is to changes in price. “If prices rise in a market, does that spur construction? Does that lead to shovels in the ground?” asked Keys. Different markets respond differently to those triggers, and much depends on the availability of alternative locations nearby, he noted.

The study found that housing markets are relatively inelastic to price changes in the short run of about 10 years. “Housing prices can move around much more rapidly than housing construction can,” said Keys. He added that “coastal markets and markets that have had historically tighter zoning requirements appear to be more inelastic over this period,” adding that this finding is consistent with prior research.

Keys noted that their research provides “a new empirical estimate of these elasticities that hasn’t been estimated using this approach or over this time period.” It makes it possible “to compare and contrast and hopefully to calibrate urban economics models related to how responsive we would expect housing markets to be to different types of shocks,” he added.

The “demand shock” of foreign investment also triggers ripple effects in housing markets, the study found, citing Seattle as a case example. “In the case of Seattle, when you drill down geographically, you see this pattern of differential house price growth, not just in the high foreign-born neighborhoods, but in the neighborhoods that border those neighborhoods,” said Keys.

The Seattle example is part of the study’s computation of the impact foreign capital flows have on house prices and supply for the largest 100 markets in the U.S. It found that local housing markets are price inelastic in the short run, but that is heterogeneous (or varies) across markets. Seattle displayed “a spillover effect” where investment in foreign-born Chinese neighborhoods pushes up housing prices in the nearby neighborhoods as well, Keys continued. Seattle also absorbs some of the demand redirected from Canada, where cities like Vancouver deter foreign ownership of homes through taxes, including on ownership of vacant homes, he added.

Redirected Foreign Demand, Volatility

The U.S. housing market is also particularly sensitive to tax restraints many countries impose on foreigners buying residential properties in their jurisdictions, the paper found. Some of the investors turned away from those countries head to the U.S., which does not have those tax restraints.

Chinese investments in U.S. housing reflect in part a flight of capital from China in recent years, said Keys. “A big part of that was about wealthier Chinese citizens moving their money abroad to avoid taxes and to avoid scrutiny,” he added. In fact, China in 2016 experienced “the greatest episode of capital flight in history,” according to a Wall Street Journal report at the time.

As those investors turned their attention to the U.S., its housing markets turned out to be more sensitive than previously thought, said Keys. “One surprising finding in our study is how responsive foreign investment is to tax policies imposed abroad,” he added. “The takeaway for us is that these policies that are being imposed in countries like Singapore, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have a direct effect on the U.S. housing market.”

“One of the real tensions in the U.S. housing market is that the places that are seeing sharp job growth are not creating new housing quickly enough to accommodate that job growth.” –Benjamin Keys

Several countries consciously regulate foreign investments in residential properties, recognizing the undesirable effects some of that could have, especially with speculation. The paper documents 10 policy events in five countries between 2011 and 2018 that made the U.S. housing market “relatively cheaper to invest in.” The governments in those countries used tax policy to deter foreigners from buying housing properties and to curb speculation.

Singapore was the first to introduce a foreign buyer tax in 2011 in the form of a stamp duty; it progressively increased that to 20% by July 2018. Hong Kong levies stamp duties of 30% on nonresident home buyers, which includes a duty on those who are not first-time buyers, including residents.

Others that levy taxes on foreign buyers of residential properties include the governments of British Columbia and Ontario in Canada; Victoria in Australia; and New Zealand. British Columbia also levied a speculation and vacancy tax in certain communities. Many countries impose such “foreign real estate buyer taxes” in order to deter foreign capital inflows and stabilize housing prices in their markets, the paper’s authors noted.

While foreign investments have lifted home prices in select U.S. markets, they have declined in the last three years. Foreign inflows had been steadily increasing from $66 billion in 2009-2010 to $153 billion in 2016-2017, but have since dropped to $74 billion last year (2019-2020), according to the NAR report cited earlier.

Chinese investments in U.S. housing have followed that pattern, falling from nearly $32 billion in 2016-2017 to $11.5 billion last year. Keys attributed that to China’s capital controls in recent years and pressure on its citizens to unwind their investments abroad in order to shore up its domestic economy, as the Wall Street Journal reported. The U.S.-China trade war, U.S. controls on immigration and unfavorable exchange rates have also dampened Chinese investments in U.S. housing, he noted.

What’s Next for U.S. Housing?

Keys said his study is timely now because “there’s a big question about how the housing market will come back after COVID-19.” He noted that several housing submarkets in the U.S. have seen “huge inflows of foreign investment” over the last 10 years. “If that dries up, it would represent an opportunity for domestic buyers and put downward pressure on prices, but that may be a bad thing for existing home owners.”

If the pandemic persists, foreign investments in U.S. homes would continue their decline, and cause home prices to fall, Keys predicted. In that setting, “clearly, there would be an advantage for domestic homebuyers,” said Keys. “[Also], a decline in foreign investment may relax some of the affordability constraints to a modest degree in cities where the jobs are more plentiful than the housing in them.”

“Investors who are deliberating between the other megacities of the world and are concerned about public health will steer their investments away from the U.S. at the moment.” –Benjamin Keys

Some of the space vacated by Chinese and Canadian investors could be filled by those from Mexico, India and Colombia, which have shown rising appetites for U.S. homes. But such demand is “highly dependent” on U.S. federal policies, said Keys. U.S. policies on combating COVID-19 is the first factor, he added. “Relative to the alternative markets where foreign buyers may be considering, we as a country have done the worst job managing the COVID crisis. Investors who are deliberating between the other megacities of the world and are concerned about public health will steer their investments away from the U.S. at the moment.”

The outcome of the forthcoming U.S. presidential election could change some of those stakes. “At the moment, it feels like a difficult time for immigrants to feel welcome in this country, given the set of federal policies in place and the barriers to immigrate,” said Keys. “So, a change in administration that is attached to a change in those policies could certainly reinvigorate investment in the U.S. housing market.”

Policy Prescriptions

Could the U.S. do something to protect its housing markets from unfavorable foreign investment? Policy makers could weigh the speed and magnitude at which foreign capital flows would decline, if the U.S. were to impose “a large foreign buyer tax” to deter foreign investments in housing, said Keys. Such investments “appear to be quite elastic” to the imposition of a foreign-buyer tax, he added.

“My concern is largely one of unused housing units, especially in expensive areas,” said Keys. A vacancy tax similar to that in Vancouver is “worth considering,” he added. “One of the things that rapid flows of investment could do is they can distort construction efforts and put additional resources towards building properties that foreign investors may want only in the short term, but then that housing stock will last a very long time.”

Keys also urged state and local governments to re-examine zoning and height restrictions, and the time delays that permitting for new construction entails. “The number of hurdles to jump through makes it so challenging to develop affordable housing in the U.S.,” he added. Some states like California have already begun taking legislative action to push local communities to change their zoning rules, he noted.

How Foreign Purchases of U.S. Homes Impact Prices and Supply (2024)


What is the impact of foreign investment on housing prices? ›

The research by Gorback and Keys also shows that house prices and rents have risen in places that have seen large doses of foreign investment. “That is in large part because the places where you see foreign buyers are those same places that have more dynamic economies and have more jobs.”

Why are foreign investors buying US real estate? ›

The US is a renter-friendly country with a high demand for rental properties. Therefore, you can easily find tenants for your investment property in the USA and generate good rental income. Rental yield is defined as the gross annual rental income as a percentage of the property purchase price.

How much US real estate is owned by foreigners? ›

Highlights: Foreign Investment US Real Estate Statistics

From April 2020 to March 2021, investors from outside the United States bought 107,000 properties worth $54.4 billion in the United States. Foreign-born individuals make up 14.25 percent of the population in the country's 50 largest metros, on average.

What are the factors affecting the supply of real estate? ›

Factors that impact real estate supply include labor and materials supplies, government policies, and local sentiment about development. Factors that impact demand include interest rates, buyer demographics, and consumer financial well-being.

How are foreign investments affecting the U.S. economy? ›

According to research by the Department of Commerce, foreign investment supported some sixteen million U.S. jobs [PDF] in 2019, or 10.1 percent of the total labor force. On average, foreign firms pay higher salaries than their domestic competitors; they are also disproportionately involved in manufacturing.

Why are Chinese investors buying US real estate? ›

Many Chinese and Hong Kong nationals may find this an intriguing option because of the relatively cheaper housing prices in the United States (compared to metro areas of other western countries) and the availability of coastal area properties in many country locations.

What percentage of US homes are owned by foreign investors? ›

Foreign buyers living in the U.S. made up the lion's share of investors, buying $34.1 billion worth of U.S. homes — or 58% of the volume.

Who are the biggest foreign investors in US real estate? ›

In 2022, five countries (Canada, China, Mexico, India and the U.K.) accounted for 29% of purchases.

What foreign country owns the most real estate in the United States? ›

Canadian investors lead this pack, by a long shot, with nearly 9.4 million acres of U.S. land — more acreage than 44 of the top 50 foreign landowners combined, according to the report. (These people own the most land in America.)

Are the Chinese buying American homes? ›

Chinese buyers are returning to the U.S. housing market after a long lull, but recent efforts by several states to restrict certain foreign purchases could make homebuying harder for them. Why it matters: Chinese buyers spent $6.1 billion on existing U.S. homes last year, more than any other international homebuyers.

Are Chinese buying up US real estate? ›

Chinese investors are among the top foreign purchasers of residential real estate, along with Canadians, according to the National Association of Realtors. Other states have had concerns over foreign ownership of land and have made efforts to regulate it.

What percentage of the US population owns their own home without a mortgage? ›

The country with the highest free-and-clear homeownership rate in the list above was Lithuania at 83%. In the U.S., the free-and-clear homeownership rate was 23%. If free-and-clear homeownership is the American Dream, then apparently Lithuania and many other countries are living the American Dream.

What are the 3 most important factors in real estate? ›

The three most important factors when buying a home are location, location, and location. Too often I hear people talking about making decisions based on the home itself, instead of the location, and that is a mistake.

What is likely to increase the supply of houses? ›

The primary factor influencing supply of housing is the price of housing. As price increases, the quantity supplied also increases. The supply of housing is shifted by changes in the price of inputs and changes in technology.

How does supply affect housing prices? ›

The housing market is a good example of how supply and demand works within an industry. When the demand for housing is high, but supply is low, home prices often rise. When there is a glut of housing available in a market, homeowners may lower their prices due to less demand in the market.

Does the US economy benefit from foreign trade? ›

Trade keeps our economy open, dynamic, and competitive, and helps ensure that America continues to be the best place in the world to do business.

Which country is the biggest investor in USA? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

What are the disadvantages of foreign direct investment in the United States? ›

Disadvantages of FDI
  • hinder domestic investments and transfer control of domestic firms to foreign ones.
  • risk political changes, exposing countries to foreign political influence.
  • influence exchange rates.
  • Influence interest rates.
  • Overtake domestic industry if they cannot compete.

How much real estate in America is owned by China? ›

China owns roughly 384,000 acres of U.S. agricultural land, according to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture.

How much real estate does China own in New York City? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) latest report on foreign ownership of American land, from 2021, 146 Chinese investors held 383,935 acres—nearly double the 193,700 acres that comprise New York City.

Is China top foreign buyer of US housing? ›

Chinese buyers comprise one of the largest groups of foreign buyers of residential property in the United States. Historically, between 20,000 and 40,000 residential properties were bought by Chinese nationals, but in 2022, both the sales volume and percentage of all foreign-bought properties declined.

Are American buyers snapping up homes in France? ›

Searches for French properties by US-based buyers jumped 37% in the first five months of 2022 compared to the same period last year, according to real estate company Knight Frank, with Paris, Provence, the French Riviera and southwest France among the most sought-after areas.

What percentage of the US population owns their own home? ›

Top Home Ownership Statistics In America: 65.8% of Americans own a home as of 2022. Some 74 million Americans, or about 27%, live in a condo or HOA property.

Do foreigners own most of the assets in the United States? ›

If the Federal Reserve's holdings are excluded, foreigners own nearly 60 percent of outstanding marketable treasuries. Foreigners own less-significant portions of other asset markets. Their holdings of equities, though large in dollar terms, are small relative to the size of the equity market.

Do foreign real estate investors pay US taxes? ›

Upon sale of real property, the foreign investor will be subject to FIRPTA withholding tax at the rate of 15% of the total sale price (not on gain realized from sale) subject to certain exceptions. FIRPTA tax must be withheld from the purchase price by the buyer and is treated as an advance payment of U.S. taxes.

Are most millionaires real estate investors? ›

90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have built their wealth through real estate.

Who is the richest real estate broker in USA? ›

At the top, Orange County, California-based Donald Bren remains the wealthiest real estate billionaire in the country with an estimated $16.2 billion net worth, nearly $1 billion higher than last year.

What countries are buying US real estate? ›

China, Canada, India, Mexico and Brazil were the top five countries of origin for foreign U.S. buyers. Chinese buyers had the highest average purchase price, at “just over $1 million,” per the report, with 31% of purchasers from China opting for properties in California.

What country has the richest real estate? ›

China is home to more of the world real estate market assets (by value) than any other country at $42.7tn or 21 per cent of global real estate value, just ahead of the US at $42.1tn.

In which country real estate is most profitable? ›

This article will focus on real investment opportunities in different countries, helping you choose the desirable one.
  • Top 15 Countries for Real Estate Investment. ...
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
  • California, United States. ...
  • Ontario, Canada. ...
  • Berlin, Germany. ...
  • London, United Kingdom. ...
  • New South Wales, Australia.
Feb 23, 2023

Do you actually own your home in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

What percentage of American homes are owned by China? ›

How have Chinese and Canadian investments developed over time? The share of Chinese investors in the U.S. real estate market remained somewhat constant until 2018 when it hovered at around 15 percent, before dropping to 11 percent in 2019 and then six percent in 2021.

Do Chinese own their own homes? ›

California is the epicenter of Chinese residential investment in the U.S., with 34% of purchases in the state. Other significant hubs are New York, New Jersey, Florida and Texas. In Irvine, population 280,000, “there are 65,000 houses... and 21,000 of them are owned by Chinese.” Lu of Fidelity National says.

Will USA house prices fall? ›

Prices cool

In a bit of good news for potential buyers, home prices continue to drop — slightly. The median existing-home price for all housing types in April was $388,800, down 1.7% from April 2022.

Does China store 70% of its wealth in real estate? ›

In play now in China, where around 70% of household wealth is in property, this phenomenon is weighing on the post-pandemic recovery of household consumption, which Chinese policymakers have vowed to make a more prominent driver of economic growth.

Why is China cracking down on real estate? ›

China's real estate market has slumped in the last two years after Beijing cracked down on developers' high reliance on debt for growth. BEIJING — China needs to do more in order to fix its real estate problems, the International Monetary Fund said Friday.

How many Americans are debt free? ›

Fewer than one quarter of American households live debt-free.

Who owns the most homes in the world? ›

Conclusion: The Catholic Church owns the most land, far more than McDonald's and billionaire Bill Gates.

How many Americans own their homes free and clear? ›

A third of California homeowners own their properties free and clear. Nearly 2.4 million homeowners across the state in 2021 had no property mortgage, the third highest among the states and Washington, D.C., the Orange County Register reported.

At what age does a house start losing value? ›

If you haven't renovated your home in the past 30 years or so, it won't show well when you put it on the market. In other words, it won't get the same price as a similar home that's been maintained and updated.

What causes property value to decrease? ›

Changes in the real estate market can lower the value of your home. Natural disasters and climate change can lower your property value because the property is a greater risk to purchase. Foreclosures in your neighborhood can also drive down property value.

What are 3 factors that can drive up the price of a home? ›

Below are five top factors that affect a home's value.
  • Prices of Comparable Properties. Comparable home sales in the area will influence a home's listing price. ...
  • The Neighborhood. ...
  • The Home's Age and Condition. ...
  • Property Size. ...
  • The State of the Housing Market.
Mar 10, 2022

Why supply is so low on housing? ›

The imbalance between supply and demand; resulted from of strong economic growth creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs (which increases demand for housing) and the insufficient construction of new housing units to provide enough supply to meet the demand.

What primarily affects supply in real estate? ›

The supply of real estate is most affected by an increase in the number of homes built. In a free-market economy, price is determined by the competitive interaction between market demand and supply.

Which two factors directly affect the supply of homes in an area? ›

Which two factors directly affect the supply of homes in an area? The number of houses for sale and the ongoing construction of more homes. All of the property a person has that's not considered to be real estate is called?

Is there a housing shortage in the United States? ›

As a result, there is a sizable shortage of new homes after more than a decade of under-building relative to population growth, according to a new analysis from released Wednesday. The gap between single-family home constructions and household formations grew to 6.5 million homes between 2012 and 2022.

Does inflation cause house prices to rise? ›

House prices tend to rise as inflation increases. This isn't surprising: The price of most everything tends to rise when inflation is higher, and housing is no exception. The Federal Reserve Board will often try to slow inflation by increasing its benchmark interest rate.

Will inflation cause housing prices to drop to? ›

Inflation may dampen housing demand and cool down prices.

How much of the housing market is owned by foreign investors? ›

In total, foreign investment made up 2.6% of the $2.3 trillion in existing home sales in the period. The California market garnered 11% of all foreign investment dollars — second only to Florida with 24% of market share.

What is the impact of foreign direct investment to the home and host country? ›

An increase in FDI inflows from the home country will result in an increase in imports in the host country from the home country.

What is the downside of foreign investment? ›

Disadvantages of FDI

hinder domestic investments and transfer control of domestic firms to foreign ones. risk political changes, exposing countries to foreign political influence. influence exchange rates. Influence interest rates.

What does an increase in foreign investment lead to? ›

FDI can foster and maintain economic growth, in both the recipient country and the country making the investment. On one hand, developing countries have encouraged FDI as a means of financing the construction of new infrastructure and the creation of jobs for their local workers.

What country owns the most US property? ›

In a study of USDA reports, Pew found the foreign country that owns the most U.S. land is not China or Russia, but rather, our neighbors north: Canada. Investors from the Great White North, according to the USDA, own about 12.8 million acres of U.S. land, most of it forest land.

Who owns the most housing in the US? ›

Leading apartment owners in the U.S. 2022, by units owned

Starwood Capital Group, which was the largest owner in 2022 with 115,000 units, is a private investment firm headquartered in Miami, Florida.

Who is the largest foreign owner of US real estate? ›

Despite what you may have heard about China's specific influence in purchasing property and agricultural land in the U.S., Canada is still the largest investor, accounting for 8% of foreign investments in U.S. real estate, according to the National Association of Realtors.

What is the effect of foreign direct investment on domestic investment? ›

This type of FDI may have positive effects on domestic investment, because access to new technologies and knowledge may help firms increase their productivity and take on new activities in the home economy.

What are two benefits of FDI to a home country? ›

There are many ways in which FDI benefits the recipient nation:
  • Increased Employment and Economic Growth. ...
  • Human Resource Development. ...
  • 3. Development of Backward Areas. ...
  • Provision of Finance & Technology. ...
  • Increase in Exports. ...
  • Exchange Rate Stability. ...
  • Stimulation of Economic Development. ...
  • Improved Capital Flow.
Jun 12, 2019

What are the various benefits of foreign direct investment to home countries? ›

Boosts a nation's economic growth and development. Creates ease in international trade. Facilitates job creation. Drives human capital development.

Is foreign investment good for the economy? ›

Contributes to Rising U.S. Productivity: Inward investment leads to higher productivity growth through an increased availability of capital and resulting competition.

Why is foreign investment risky? ›

Key Takeaways. Expenses on foreign transactions tend to be substantially higher. Currency volatility is an additional layer of risk in making foreign transactions. Liquidity can be a problem, especially when investing in emerging economies.

Do high interest rates attract foreign investors? ›

To avoid a currency crisis, the central bank may raise interest rates to attract foreign investment and stabilize the currency. Higher interest rates make the currency more valuable, thereby making it more attractive to foreign investors.

How does foreign investment affect stock market? ›

Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are entities that invest in the securities of another country such as a USA entity investing in India. The cash inflow and outflow of these investors can have a significant impact on the performance of the Indian stock market.

What will an increase in foreign real income cause? ›

The increase in foreign real national income results in an increase in foreign demand. Due to heightened demand, the U.S. will increase their exports. An increase in demand is always a shift to the right.

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