Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (2024)

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  1. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (1)

    Montana's Medicine Lodge Adventures

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  2. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (2)
  3. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (3)

    Lonetree Campground

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  4. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (4)

    Hap Hawkins Campground

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  5. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (5)

    Beaverhead Campground

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  6. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (6)

    Cameahwait Campground

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  7. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (7)

    West Cameahwait Campground

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  8. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (8)

    Montana Guest Cabins

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  9. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (9)

    East Creek Campground

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  10. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (10)

    The Peat Hotel & Steakhouse

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  11. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (11)

    Mountain View Motel

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  12. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (12)

    Armstead Campground

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  13. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (13)

    Mountain View RV Park

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  14. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (14)

    Jan's Cabins

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  15. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (15)

    Bannack State Park

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  16. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (16)

    Barretts Station Park Campground

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  17. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (17)

    The Gatehouse - Tight Line Adventures

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  18. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (18)

    Expedition Lodge - Tight Line Adventures

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  19. Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (19)

    Goose Down Ranch

    Dillon, MT

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Hildreth Livestock Ranch - Dillon, MT (2024)


What is the oldest working ranch in Montana? ›

Established in 1893 by H.D. Hildreth, Hildreth Livestock Ranch is one of Montana's oldest continuously owned and operated working ranches. Hildreth Livestock Ranch sits in the beautiful Medicine Lodge Valley on the Montana-Idaho border in extreme southwestern Montana.

How many cattle ranches are in Montana? ›

Cattle operations

A total of 11,400 Montana ranches reported owning 2,518,571 beef cattle in 2017. The number of ranches declined by 445 (3.8%) and the number of cattle declined by 115,160 (4.4%) since 2012. The only increase in number of ranches was for those with herd sizes between 200 to 500 head (Figure 3).

Who is the richest landowner in Montana? ›

Dan Wilks and his brother Farris are the largest landowners in Montana, and Idaho.

Who just bought the biggest ranch in Montana? ›

The record for a Montana ranch sale was set in 2021 with the roughly $200 million sale of Beaverhead ranch to media mogul Rupert Murdoch. (Murdoch is the executive chairman of News Corp, which owns The Wall Street Journal's publisher.)

What actor owns a ranch in Montana? ›

Michael Keaton

Montana is absolutely perfect for him. He owns a 565-acre ranch somewhere close to Big Timber.

How much does a ranch hand make a year in Montana? ›

$27,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $37,200 is the 75th percentile.

Can you stay on a ranch in Montana? ›

With over twenty Montana Cattle Ranches hosting guests, we offer a wide range of choices specializing in unique agri-tourism vacation opportunities on a personalized level. Montana Ranch Country is known for its wide open spaces, nature's beauty, and big helpings of old fashioned western hospitality.

Who has more cattle Texas or Montana? ›

Texas stands as the undisputed leader, boasting a staggering 4.115 million head of beef cows. This remarkable figure accounts for nearly 15 percent of all beef cows in the United States. The beef cattle industry is a cornerstone of American agriculture, providing a significant contribution to the nation's economy.

How many cows are in Montana per person? ›

Montana, famous for its stunning landscapes and wide-open spaces, has a population of 1,085,004 and 2,160,000 cattle. This equates to a ratio of 1.99 cattle per person, underscoring the state's deep-rooted cattle ranching heritage.

Who owns the 6666 ranch in Montana? ›

As of 3 December 2020, the ranch was being sold in accordance with the will of owner Anne Burnett Marion, who had died in February that year; it was listed on the market for a total of $347.7 million. In May 2021, a buyer group represented by screenwriter Taylor Sheridan purchased the ranch.

How many acres is the Dutton Ranch in Montana? ›

When Yellowstone is not filming on the 2,500-acre ranch, the owners rent out some of the cabins on the property to visitors. Guests can spend their time fishing, horseback riding, and hiking through the area's beautiful mountains. (All while fantasizing about John Dutton showing up, of course.)

Where is the largest cattle ranch in the world? ›

Anna Creek Station is the world's largest working cattle station. It is located in the Australian state of South Australia.

How big is the 6666 ranch? ›

Being one of the largest ranches in Texas, the 6666's Ranch comprises 142,372 acres, more or less. To put this massive ranch in perspective, the ranch encompasses almost 225 square miles of land. The ranch generally measures approximately 20 miles long from north to south and around 12 miles wide from east to west.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.