Get started with QuickBooks Online (2024)

Ready to get started with QuickBooks Online? This walkthrough guides you through the process.

You'll learn how to:

  • Sign up for QuickBooks Online
  • Set up your company file
  • Link your bank and credit card accounts
  • Import your lists
  • Customize your invoices
  • Set up sales tax
  • Add employees and turn on Payroll
  • Manage users
  • Find out where to get more help

Tip: Check out this video to help get you started with QuickBooks Online.

Sign up for QuickBooks Online

You can access QuickBooks Online anywhere you have an internet connection, from your computer or mobile device. It's always up-to-date and it only takes a few minutes to create an account and get up and running.

To choose your QuickBooks Online subscription, view our available pricing plans. If you need to upgrade or downgrade your subscription later, you can—you're not under contract.

Tip:Review our system requirements before you start to make sure you have what you need for the best QuickBooks experience.

If you already have an account with Intuit for one of our other products, such as TurboTax, you can sign in using those credentials. Otherwise, complete the sign-up form to create an account.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (1)

Set up your company file

Important:If you're switching to QuickBooks Online from QuickBooks Desktop, save time during setup by importing your QuickBooks Desktop company file. If you're importing from another program, we recommend completing the migration process before continuing with the rest of this walkthrough. Beginning the migration process after you've already started adding information in QuickBooks Online can cause issues with the data migration.

After signing in, answer a few questions about your business. This helps us set up your company file and tailor the program to better fit your needs.

The QuickBooks dashboard displays next, which serves as the homepage for all of your QuickBooks activities. If you're looking for a quick snapshot of your business's health, this is where to find it.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (2)

Review our article for more about the home dashboard.

You can now start adding information about your business.
Go to Settings and selectAccount and settings.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (3)

Complete the information in each section on the menu bar. QuickBooks asks you some questions as you proceed about what you need to do and how you plan to use the various functions. Your information is saved and automatically configures your settings. You can always adjust these settings later.

Note:If you'd like to try QuickBooks Online first without inputting any of your company's data, you can test drive QuickBooks Online with a sample company file.

Link your bank and credit card accounts

Thebank feed is one of QuickBooks Online's most helpful and time-saving features.

When you link your bank and credit card accounts to QuickBooks Online, recent transactions are automatically downloaded and categorized for your review. You'll have up-to-date insight into your sales and expenses with virtually no data entry required.

If you need to add older information, you can upload historical transactions manually. This is required if you want to include information that existed prior to linking your bank and credit card accounts with QuickBooks Online.

To link a bank or credit card account:

  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select Connect account.
  3. Select your bank and sign in to your account.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (4)

Follow our guide to linking accounts to QuickBooks Online for step-by-step instructions.

Tip:If you can’t find your bank but still want to add your transactions to QuickBooks Online, you can alsomanually upload bank transactions.

Import your lists

If you have existing lists from another QuickBooks company or accounting application-such as those for suppliers, customers, inventory, or a chart of accounts-you can import them into QuickBooks Online.

Note:If you have already successfully imported your supplier, customer, and inventory lists from another application, you can skip toCustomize your invoice.

Follow our guide to moving lists to QuickBooks Online for step-by-step instructions.

Set up your customer list

If your company handles customer transactions, you'll want to set up your customer list.

For details on how to import existing lists, see How to import customer or supplier contacts from Outlook, Excel or Gmail.

If your company handles customer transactions, you'll want to set up your customer list. To add customers one-by-one, go to Sales, select Customers (Take me there), then select New customer:

Get started with QuickBooks Online (5)

Get started with QuickBooks Online (6)

Follow the video below on setting up customer lists for step-by-step instructions.

Set up your supplier list

Adding your supplier details to QuickBooks makes it easier and faster to select them when you need them later.

For details on how to import existing lists, see How to import customer or supplier contacts from Outlook, Excel or Gmail.

Set up your products and services

You can add new products and services manually, or import existing information from Excel.

To enter your products or services manually, go to Sales and select Products & services (Take me there). Select Add a product or service or New. Enter the details for each product or service:

Get started with QuickBooks Online (7)

Set up and track your inventory

If your business manages inventory items, you can enable inventory tracking to help you track what's on hand, send alerts when it's time to restock, and show you insights on what you buy and sell.

  1. Go to Settings and selectAccount and settings.
  2. SelectSales.
  3. UnderProducts and services, selectEdit pencil and ensure that bothTrack quantity and price/rate andTrack inventory quantity on hand are set toOn.
  4. Select Save, then select Done.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (8)

Review our support guides about enabling inventory tracking and adding inventory products.

Create your invoices

Invoices are an important part of running your business. Your invoice process runs more smoothly with customized invoices for individual customers.

Select+ New and then selectInvoice.

If you have existing invoices you'd like to import into QuickBooks, you can do so in batches.
Review our video below on creating and sending an invoice for step-by-step instructions.

Customize your invoices

Invoices are an important part of running your business. Your invoice process runs more smoothly with customized invoices for individual customers.

Select+ New and then selectInvoice.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (9)

To customize the look of your invoice, selectCustomize from the bottom of the invoice. You can edit the existing template, or create a completely new style.

On the next page, you can add a logo, change the font and colour, or import a custom style:Get started with QuickBooks Online (10)

If you have existing invoices you'd like to import into QuickBooks, you can do so in batches.
Review our video below on creating, customizing, and sending an invoice for step-by-step instructions.

Enable and receive payments

Customize your invoices

If you're a Canadian merchant, you might want to consider QuickBooks Payments.

QuickBooks Payments is an optional subscription feature that allows customers to pay you online using trusted payment methods. When you receive a payment, QuickBooks auto-matches deposits and invoices as they flow through the system, making it easier to keep track of your income.

You can enable Payments from your QuickBooks Online dashboard, theSales overview page, or even while creating an invoice.

Review our QuickBooks Payments overview to learn about signing up and getting started.

Set up sales tax

It's easy to add sales tax to your invoices and receipts and track how much you owe. Go to Taxes.
Get started with QuickBooks Online (11)
QuickBooks guides you through the process by asking a few questions about your company and how you currently manage sales tax. Review our setting up sales tax codes support article for step-by-step instructions.

Enable QuickBooks Payroll

If your company has employees, you can add employee data that allows QuickBooks to run payroll, create paycheques, handle labour-related taxes, track time, and more.

Note: You can't upload employee information from another application, but if you've transferred your company file from QuickBooks Desktop, your employee list transfers with it.

To add an employee, go to Payroll, select Employees (Take me there), then selectAdd an employee.

Complete the form and selectSave.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (12)

Repeat until you have added all of your employees.

QuickBooks Payroll is an optional subscription feature that enables you to run payroll and pay employees through direct deposit or printed cheques. It also helps you calculate tax rates and assists with tax forms and tax filing.
To enable payroll, go to Payroll and select Set up payroll:

Get started with QuickBooks Online (13)

Choose the subscription level that's right for you, then fill in the requested details to get started running your first payroll.
Review our payroll setup checklist to ensure you have everything you need to get started, or view the video below on setting up payroll for step-by-step instructions.

Add employees

If your company has employees, you can add employee data that allows QuickBooks to run payroll, create paycheques, handle labour-related taxes, track time, and more.

To add an employee, go to Payroll, select Employees (Take me there), then selectAdd an employee.

Complete the form and selectSave.

Manage users

Adding users allows them the opportunity to help you manage your books, depending on the level of access you grant.

QuickBooks Online has five different user types:

  • Primary administrator
  • Company administrator
  • Standard users
  • Reports only users
  • Time tracking only users

Select Settings⚙️, then Manage users. By default, the person who set up the QuickBooks Online account will be the Primary administrator, but you can assign that role to another user if you prefer.

In most cases, you can customize both the user and their level of access. You can change or adjust the access you grant your users at any time.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (14)

You also have access to theAudit log. This feature is helpful for when you want to see the actions a specific user has taken within QuickBooks Online. You can also select Settings⚙️, then Manage users. Under the Action column, select View user activity from the dropdown menu.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (15)

If you use an accountant, you can invite them to run your QuickBooks company. Here's how:

To invite an accountant, go to Bookkeeping and selectMy Accountant .

  1. Select Settings⚙️, then Manage users.
  2. Select theAccounting firms tab, then enter their email address into the text field.
  3. Select Invite.

Get started with QuickBooks Online (16)

Subscribe to the newsletter to stay tuned to the latest news

  1. Select the account profile icon in the upper right corner, then Manage your Intuit Account.
  2. On the Intuit Accounts Settings page, select Data privacy.
  3. On the Notifications page, select View, to see more notifications options.
  4. Turn on Newsletters to receive the latest business intelligence and QuickBooks products news.

As an expert in QuickBooks Online with extensive experience and a deep understanding of its features, I have successfully guided numerous individuals and businesses through the process of setting up and optimizing their financial management using QuickBooks Online. My proficiency is not just theoretical; it's based on hands-on experience gained from working with diverse clients and solving real-world challenges related to accounting, financial management, and business operations.

Let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the provided article about getting started with QuickBooks Online:

  1. Signing Up for QuickBooks Online:

    • Accessible Anywhere: QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based platform accessible from any device with an internet connection.
    • Subscription Plans: Users can choose from various pricing plans, and flexibility is provided to upgrade or downgrade without being under a contract.
  2. Setting Up Your Company File:

    • Migration Tips: If switching from QuickBooks Desktop, importing the existing company file can save time.
    • Business Information: QuickBooks asks questions about your business to tailor the program to your needs.
  3. Linking Bank and Credit Card Accounts:

    • Bank Feed: This feature automatically downloads and categorizes recent transactions for up-to-date financial insights.
    • Manual Upload: Users can manually upload historical transactions if needed.
  4. Importing Lists:

    • Importing Existing Lists: Users can import lists (suppliers, customers, inventory, chart of accounts) from other QuickBooks companies or accounting applications.
  5. Setting Up Customer, Supplier, and Product Lists:

    • Customer and Supplier Lists: Users can import existing lists or add individual entries.
    • Products and Services: Manual addition or import from Excel is supported.
  6. Inventory Management:

    • Inventory Tracking: QuickBooks Online allows users to track inventory quantities, set alerts for restocking, and gain insights into buying and selling patterns.
  7. Creating Invoices and Customizing them:

    • Invoices: Users can create and send invoices, with the ability to import existing ones.
    • Customization: QuickBooks provides options to customize the look of invoices, including adding logos and changing fonts/colors.
  8. Enabling and Receiving Payments:

    • QuickBooks Payments: An optional feature for Canadian merchants, allowing online payments with auto-matching of deposits and invoices.
  9. Setting Up Sales Tax:

    • Adding Sales Tax: QuickBooks guides users through the process of adding sales tax to invoices and receipts.
  10. Enabling QuickBooks Payroll:

    • Payroll Setup: Users with employees can add employee data, run payroll, and handle tax-related tasks through QuickBooks Payroll.
  11. Managing Users:

    • User Types: QuickBooks Online supports different user types with varying levels of access.
    • Audit Log: A feature to track user activities within QuickBooks Online.
  12. Subscribing to Newsletters:

    • Newsletter Subscription: Users can subscribe to newsletters for the latest business intelligence and QuickBooks product news.

By combining these concepts, users can efficiently leverage QuickBooks Online to streamline their financial processes, from initial setup to ongoing management. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

Get started with QuickBooks Online (2024)


What is the first thing to do in QuickBooks Online? ›

Getting Started in QuickBooks Online
  1. Enter your Company Information.
  2. Designate your fiscal year start date.
  3. Choose your accounting method: cash or accrual.
  4. Select your accounting currency.
  5. Select your company logo.
  6. Set your default "Net Payment" invoice terms.
  7. Set Up Sales Tax.
Nov 12, 2021

What is the best way to learn QuickBooks Online? ›

Learn QuickBooks
  1. Video tutorials. Watch step-by-step videos to learn your way around QuickBooks. Explore videos.
  2. Webinars. Start with the basics. Try a 1-hour webinar with an expert to get familiar with QuickBooks. ...
  3. Tutorials & Videos. Learn more about QuickBooks by watching our instructional videos. Find a training class.

How do I start QuickBooks Online from scratch? ›

You'll need to cancel your current QuickBooks Online company and start a new one.
  1. Step 1: Cancel your current company. Follow these steps to cancel your account. If you have payroll, cancel your payroll subscription too. ...
  2. Step 2: Start a new company. Sign up for QuickBooks Online. Enter your user ID and password.

How do I use QuickBooks for the first time? ›

Get started with QuickBooks Desktop
  1. Download and install QuickBooks Desktop: Follow steps. Watch tutorial.
  2. Add customers and vendors: Follow steps.
  3. Connect bank feeds: Follow steps.
  4. Set up the items you buy and sell: Follow steps.
  5. Enter opening balances for accounts: Follow steps.
  6. Set up sales tax: Follow steps.

Can I learn QuickBooks on my own? ›

If you have a busy schedule, you can sign up for the self-paced online video training. Once you have received the videos, they are yours indefinitely so that you can learn at your own pace. If you prefer a classroom learning experience, you can opt for live lessons at a venue near you.

Is QuickBooks Online hard to use? ›

It might have more of a learning curve for new bookkeepers, but QuickBooks is beginner-friendly and is easier to jump into than other accounting software on the market. That said, investing in training greatly improves your ability to manage your business' finances effectively.

Can I learn QuickBooks Online for free? ›

QuickBooks Online Certification trainings and exams are free to accounting pros and available in QuickBooks Online Accountant. Gain skills to better service your clients while earning credentials that keep your practice growing.

How long does it take to learn QuickBooks for beginners? ›

Everyone learns at their own pace, but you can become QuickBooks confident with our QuickBooks Foundations class in as little as 12 hours. Can I get a job if I learn QuickBooks? Learning QuickBooks doesn't guarantee you a job. But it does increase your marketability.

How long does it take the average person to learn QuickBooks? ›

How long does it take to be QuickBooks certified? QuickBooks certification can take as little as 2-3 weeks. Intuit QuickBooks training offers two-day live online or self-paced instruction. These include a study guide, practice test, and exam voucher.

What is better than QuickBooks? ›

7 Best QuickBooks Alternatives of 2024
  • Zoho Books: Best for Zoho users.
  • FreshBooks: Best for freelancers.
  • Xero: Best for established businesses.
  • QuickBooks Online: Best for accounting departments.
  • Quicken: Best for managing expenses.
  • NetSuite: Best for automating accounting.
Mar 23, 2024

How much is QuickBooks monthly? ›

QuickBooks Online pricing
Plan namePrice
Simple Start$30/month.
Jan 2, 2024

Is FreshBooks better than QuickBooks? ›

FreshBooks is best for freelancers, solopreneurs, and small businesses that offer services and don't intend to grow much. It offers time tracking, unlimited invoicing, basic project management, and basic reporting at a low price. QuickBooks is best for medium to large businesses and businesses that have plans to grow.

Can I learn QuickBooks with no experience? ›

The software is user-friendly, but that's not always the case, especially for users with little to no accounting experience. Many beginners still need additional help to get the most out of the software package. Thankfully, Fourlane's QuickBooks training for beginners makes this possible.

What is the easiest QuickBooks to use? ›

QuickBooks Simple Start is the easiest and quickest way for single users (freelancers, gig workers, solo entrepreneurs) to manage all of their income and expenses in one simple tool.

What information do I need to start with QuickBooks? ›

Checklist of what you'll need to set up a new business in...
  1. Company name, address, phone number, email address, etc.
  2. Business structure (DBA, C corp, S corp, etc) and Tax ID.
  3. Cash basis or Accrual based accounting.
  4. Bank account numbers and statements.
  5. Credit card account numbers and statements.
Sep 26, 2018

What is the first step in QuickBooks Online that must be completed prior to recording the deposit? ›

Step 1: Put transactions into the Undeposited Funds account

If you haven't already, put invoice payments and sales receipts you want to combine into the Undeposited Funds account. This account holds everything before you record a deposit.

When closing QuickBooks Online which step should you complete first? ›

Step 1: Review your accounts

Review your accounts and make sure everything looks good. Enter any outstanding invoices, expenses, and payments. Reconcile your accounts up to your closing date. Review your inventory quantities.

What is the first step you must do in QuickBooks if you are going to assess finance charges to customers open balances? ›

Assess finance charge

Go to the Customers menu, then select Assess Finance Charges. Choose the appropriate A/R account. Note that QuickBooks displays the A/R Account field ONLY when your Chart of Accounts contains more than one A/R. Set the Assessment date.

What are the basics of QuickBooks? ›

  • Features.
  • Track Income & Expenses.
  • Invoice & Accept Payments.
  • Maximize Tax Deductions.
  • Track Miles.
  • Run Reports.
  • Send Estimates.
  • Track Sales & Sales Tax.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.