FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (2024)

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (1)
FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (2)

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (3)Back to FAFSA® Guide 2024-25

Here’s how to correctly answer 2024-25 FAFSA® parent tax questions, provide consent for IRS electronic information transfer, and add your signature.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (4)FAFSA® parent household information questions

FAFSA® other parent basic information questions

Providing consent to transfer federal tax information from the IRS

Why do they need this info?

  • The FAFSA® lets you have your income and tax information transferred directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to your FAFSA®.

Can I skip these questions?

  • Yes, but providing consent allows you to skip nearly all of the remaining income and tax questions on the FAFSA (question 38 on the paper version; question 41 is where you provide consent).
  • In addition, if you don’t provide consent, your FAFSA® will not calculate an index number and your student won’t be eligible for federal financial aid.

How to answer these questions

  • Check “Consent to transfer federal tax information from the Internal Revenue Service” (question 41 Parent Consent and Signature on the paper version).
  • Enter your signature and the date.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (6)

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (7)

41 Parent Consent and Signature

Refer to the consent terms on page 4. By filling in the answer circle below and signingthis form, the parent agrees to the terms set forth on page 4. If the parent does not provide consent by filling in the circle and providing their signature, we cannot process this FAFSA form.

  • Consent to transfer federal tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Parent signature
  • Date signed

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Parent tax filing status

Why do they need this info?

  • The FAFSA® looks at parent tax returns and other financial info when figuring out the student’s financial aid eligibility.

Can I skip these questions?

  • Yes, as long as you provide consent to transfer federal tax information from the IRS.
  • Your FAFSA® will not be processed unless you provide this consent.
  • On the paper form, you can skip all of question 38 as long as you provide electronic transfer consent in question 41.
  • The FAFSA® will import your tax return info into your application once you’ve provided consent.

How to answer these questions

  • Select yes if you filed a 2022 IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR or plan to. Also select yes if you filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory.
  • Select yes if you earned income in a foreign country or were employed by an international organization like the United Nations, World Bank, or International Monetary Fund.
  • Select no if these situations don’t apply to you.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (8)

37 Parent Tax Filing Status

Did or will the parent file a 2022 IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR?



If the answer is “No,” indicate which one of the following situations applies to the parent for 2022: If one of the options in the second column below is selected and the parent is unmarried, questions 38-40 can be skipped.

  • The parent filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory.
  • The parent filed or will file a foreign tax return.
  • Either the parent earned income in a foreign country but still did not and will not file a foreign tax return or they were an employee of an international organization that did not require them to file a tax return. Such international organizations include, for example, the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.
  • The parent, even though they earned income in the U.S., did not and will not file a U.S. tax return because their income was below the tax filing threshold.
  • The parent did not and will not file any tax return because they did not earn any income.
  • The parent did not and will not file a U.S. tax return for reasons other than low income.

Did or will the parent file a 2022 joint tax return with their spouse?



Parent 2022 tax return info

Why do they need this info?

  • If your student is dependent, the FAFSA® needs your tax return info to figure out your student’s financial need. Your student is considered dependent if all of the following statements are true:
    • The student was born after the year 2000.
    • The student’s current marital status is Single (never married), Divorced, Separated or Widowed. (question 3 on the FAFSA® paper version)
    • The student’s college grade level will be first-year, second-year, or other undergraduate. (question 4 on the FAFSA® paper version)
    • They answered “None of these apply” to the Student Personal Circ*mstances question. (question 5 on the FAFSA® paper version).
    • They answered no to the Student Other Circ*mstances and Student Unusual Circ*mstances questions (questions 6 and 7 on the FAFSA® paper version).
  • Married couples filing separately will need to provide tax info for the student’s other parent in the next section.

Can I skip these questions?

  • Yes, as long as you provide consent to transfer federal tax information from the IRS. Your FAFSA® will not be processed unless you provide this consent.
  • On the paper form, you can skip all of question 38 as long as you provide electronic transfer consent in question 41.
  • The FAFSA® will import your tax return info into your application if you’ve provided consent.

How to answer these questions

  • Check “Consent to transfer federal tax information from the Internal Revenue Service” (question 41, Parent Consent and Signature on the paper version).

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (9)

38 Parent 2022 Tax Return Information

Convert all currency to U.S. dollars. If the answer is zero or the question does not apply, enter 0.

If the answer is negative, completely fill the circle ( – ) after the answer box.

  • Filing status


Head of household

Married filing jointly

Married filing separately

Qualifying surviving spouse

  • Income earned from work

IRS Form 1040—line 1 (or IRS Form 1040-NR—line 1a) +

Schedule 1—lines 3 + 6

  • Tax exempt interest income

IRS Form 1040: line 2a

  • Untaxed portions of IRA distributions

IRS Form 1040: line 4a minus 4b

  • IRA rollover into a qualified plan

IRS Form 5498

  • Untaxed portions of pensions

IRS Form 1040: line 5a minus 5b

  • Pension rollover into a qualified plan

IRS Form 5498

  • Adjusted gross income

IRS Form 1040: line 11

  • Income tax paid

IRS Form 1040: line 25d

  • Did the parent receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)? IRS Form 1040: line 27a



Don’t know

  • IRA deductions and payments to self-employed

SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans

IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1: total of lines 16 + 20

  • Education credits

(American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits)

IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3: line 3

  • Did the parent file a Schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their 2022 IRS Form 1040?



Don’t know

  • Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C

IRS Form 1040 Schedule C: line 31

The parent paid taxes on these grants, scholarships, or benefits. These usually apply to those renewing their FAFSA form, not to first-time applicants.

  • Foreign earned income exclusion

IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1: line 8d

Annual child support received

Why do they need this info?

  • FAFSA® factors in the amount of child support you received when calculating your student’s eligibility for aid.
  • Child support isn’t reported with your tax returns, so you need to enter it here.

Can I skip this question?

No, but you can answer zero (0) if you didn’t receive child support.

How to answer this question

  • Enter any child support you received in the calendar year 2022.
  • Enter zero (0) if you didn’t receive any.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (10)

39 Annual Child Support Received

Enter total amount the parent received in child support for the last complete calendar year. If the answer to question 32 was “Married,” “Remarried,” or “Unmarried and both legal parents living together,” enter the combined amount the parent and their spouse received.

Parent assets

Why do they need this info?

The FAFSA® requires details about your (and your spouse’s, if you’re married) financial assets to help calculate your student’s financial need.

Can I skip this question?


How to answer these questions

  • Enter the current total of any cash you have, and the combined total of all your (and your spouse’s) checking and savings accounts.
  • Enter the total value of your (and your spouse’s) investments, subtracting any debts.
  • Enter the current value of your (and your spouse’s) businesses and/or farms, subtracting any debts owed on them.
  • If the value of any of your assets is negative, enter a “0”.

What else should I know?

Net worth means the current value, as of today, of investments, businesses, and/or investment farms, minus debts related to those same investments, businesses, and/or investment farms. When calculating net worth, use 0 for investments or properties with a negative value.

Investments include real estate (do not include the home in which you live), rental property (which may include a unit within a family home that has its own entrance, kitchen, and bath rented to someone other than a family member), trust funds, UGMA and UTMA accounts, money market funds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, stocks, stock options, bonds, other securities, installment and land sale contracts (including mortgages held), commodities, etc.

Investments also include qualified educational benefits or education savings accounts (e.g., Coverdell savings accounts, 529 college savings plans, and the refund value of 529 prepaid tuition plans). For a student who does not report parental information, the accounts owned by the student (and/or the student’s spouse) are reported as student investments in question 22. For a student who must report parental information, the accounts are reported as parental investments in question 40, including all accounts owned by the student and all accounts owned by the parents for any member of the household.

Investments do not include the home you live in, the value of life insurance, ABLE accounts, retirement plans (401[k] plans, pension funds, annuities, non-education IRAs, Keogh plans, etc.) or cash, savings and checking accounts reported in the previous question.

Investments also do not include UGMA and UTMA accounts for which you are the custodian, but not the owner.

Investment value means the current balance or market value of these investments as of today. Investment debt means only those debts that are related to the investments.

Business and/or investment farm value includes the market value of land, buildings, machinery, equipment, inventory, etc. Business and/or investment farm debt means only those debts for which the business or investment farm was used as collateral.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (11)

40 Parent Assets

If the answer to question 32 was “Married” or “Remarried,” or “Unmarried and both legal parents living together,” enter the combined amounts held by the parent and their spouse.

Current total of cash, savings, and checking accounts


Don't include student financial aid.

Current net worth of investments, including real estate


Don’t include the home the student lives in.

Net worth is the value of the investments minus any debts owed against them.

Current net worth of businesses and investment farms


Enter the net worth of the parent’s businesses or for-profit agricultural operations. Net worth is the value of the businesses or farms minus any debts owed against them.

2024-25 FAFSA® questions 

Choose the FAFSA® questions you would like help with

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (12)

Student information

FAFSA® student basic information

FAFSA® student household information

FAFSA® student demographics

FAFSA® student high school information

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (13)

Student financial information

FAFSA® student income tax information

FAFSA® student assets information

FAFSA® student college information

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (14)

Student spouse information

FAFSA® student spouse information

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (15)

Parent information

FAFSA® parent basic information

FAFSA® parent household information

FAFSA® parent income tax information

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (16)

Other parent information

FAFSA® other parent basic information

FAFSA® other parent income tax information

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (17)

Preparer information

FAFSA® preparer information

footnote Sallie Mae does not provide, and these materials are not meant to convey, financial, tax, or legal advice. Consult your own financial advisor, tax advisor, or attorney about your specific circ*mstances.

footnote FAFSA® is a registered service mark of U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid.

footnote External links and third-party references are provided for informational purposes only. Sallie Mae cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by any third parties and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. Any copyrights, trademarks, and/or service marks used in these materials are the property of their respective owners.

FAFSA Parent Income & Tax Information Questions (2024)


What is the parent income from work question on FAFSA? ›

The FAFSA requires information about the income of any parent living in your household while you're applying to determine the amount of money you'll receive as student aid. What counts as income earned from work on FAFSA is any compensation your parents receive for work that's reported on their taxes.

What parent tax information is needed for FAFSA? ›

For each parent, you'll report similar information as you reported for yourself: basic information about your parent's identity (e.g., name, date of birth, and Social Security number—if your parent has one); living situation (e.g., marital status, state of residence, household size); and financial circ*mstances (e.g., ...

What tax questions does FAFSA ask? ›

FAFSA® Form Questions

Did you earn income in a foreign country in 2022, or were you employed by an international organization? Filed a joint tax return with your current spouse? Filed or will file a 2022 IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR? Did you file a Schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with your 2022 IRS Form 1040?

How to calculate parent income? ›

Your parents can use their tax return(s), W-2s, or other earning statements to calculate their separate earnings. Include income that they earned from Federal Work-Study or any other need-based employment, as well as the amount reported in box 14 (Code A) of IRS Schedule K-1 (IRS Form 1065), if applicable.

How do I not use my parents income on FAFSA? ›

To be considered independent on the FAFSA without meeting the age requirement, an associate or bachelor's degree student must be at least one of the following: married; a U.S. veteran; in active duty military service other than training purposes; an emancipated minor; a recently homeless youth or self-supporting and at ...

Does FAFSA verify parents income? ›

As a dependent student, you're assumed to have parental support, so your parents' information has to be assessed along with yours to get a full picture of your family's financial strength and calculate your federal student aid eligibility.

At what age do colleges stop looking at parents' income? ›

If you're 24 when you apply for FAFSA, you are automatically qualified as an independent and can file based on your own finances.

Which parents income do I use for FAFSA? ›

FAFSA uses both parents' income if they are married. If they are separated or divorced, you'll only use data from the household where you spent the most time living over the past year.

Does FAFSA check your bank account? ›

Students selected for verification of their FAFSA form may wonder, “Does FAFSA check your bank accounts?” FAFSA does not directly view the student's or parent's bank accounts.

Does FAFSA check your tax returns? ›

With consent and approval, we can obtain your federal tax information automatically from the IRS to help complete the FAFSA form. If consent and approval are not provided by the student and all contributors on the FAFSA form, the student will not be eligible for federal student aid, including grants and loans.

What is the income limit for FAFSA 2024? ›

There is no set income limit for eligibility to qualify for financial aid through. You'll need to fill out the FAFSA every year to see what you qualify for at your college.

Should I skip parent questions on FAFSA? ›

If you're given the option to skip questions, keep in mind that doing so won't affect your eligibility for federal student aid. Some schools may require answers to these questions to determine your eligibility for college aid.

What information is needed from parents for FAFSA? ›

Parents must include tax, income, and some asset information on the FAFSA form.

What is the question on the FAFSA parent assets? ›

What is the net worth of your parents' investments? This is question 86 on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) PDF. The net worth of your parents' current investments is the amount left over after deducting the debt from the value of each investment as of the day you submit your FAFSA form.

What is parent income for FAFSA? ›

The response indicates the adjusted gross income (AGI) reported on your parents' 2021 income tax return. AGI includes more than wages earned. For example, it can include Social Security and business income. If your parents filed a joint federal tax return, the AGI can be found on line 11 of the IRS Form 1040.

What is the income earned from work? ›

Earned income includes all of the following types of income: Wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee pay. Employee pay is earned income only if it is taxable. Nontaxable employee pay, such as certain dependent care benefits and adoption benefits, is not earned income.

Is income earned from work and adjusted gross income the same? ›

Adjusted gross income, also known as (AGI), is defined as total income minus deductions, or "adjustments" to income that you are eligible to take. Gross income includes wages, dividends, capital gains, business and retirement income as well as all other forms income.

What is income earned from work on w2? ›

Box 1 shows your total taxable income paid by your employer including any wages, salary, tips, bonuses and other taxable compensation. Box 2 shows the total amount of federal income tax withheld by your employer on your behalf.

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