Driving in sunglasses - know the law (2024)


Driving in sunglasses - know the law (1)

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    Which shades are best to wear behind the wheel?

    Blinding glare can be potentially lethal when you're driving - particularly at speed. You can be dazzled by low sun or by bright light reflecting off snow, puddles, the car in front, or even your own bonnet.

    Glare is frequently blamed as the cause of road traffic accidents, but the right pair of sunglasses can prevent it.

    To clear up confusion about the type of sunglasses you should wear when driving, the AA asked The Federation of Manufacturing Opticians for advice.

    Read on to find out what the law says and which sunglasses are best for driving in.

    Driving in sunglasses - know the law (2)

    Clarity of vision

    There are 2 essential requirements in lenses used for driving:

    1. Vision must remain clear.
    2. Sufficient light to let you see properly must get to your eyes.

    Sunglasses sold for general use can be too dark for driving in. Plus, fashion frames could obscure your peripheral vision if they aren't the right style, so it's best to choose your shades carefully.

    There are some sun lenses which are suitable for driving, and they fall into 2 main categories: 'fixed' and 'variable' tint.

    Variable tint lenses

    Generally known as 'photochromic' lenses, these change their tint density when exposed to certain kinds of light. Generally the brighter the light, the darker the lenses will turn.

    Lenses that only react to UV light are not suitable for driving because car windscreens filter out UV, slowing and limiting the reaction of the lenses. You could find yourself driving with lenses too light as a result.

    You need to look for lenses designed to react to visible light as well as UV to ensure they'll adapt to the varying light conditions when driving. Check with your optician to find the right ones.

    Fixed tint lenses

    These stay the same darkness no matter how sunny or dark it is. Fixed tint sunglasses are easy to find, and a fixed tint can be added to prescription glasses too.

    Polarised lenses normally have a fixed tint and are specially-designed to reduce glare. They're particularly effective on light shining off wet roads.

    Tint density

    Not all tinted lenses are the same. They can be different colours and different densities, so you need to pick the ones which are suitable for driving.

    • Tinted lenses are given a grading according to the density of the tint.
    • All sunglasses should, by law, be labelled and show the filter category number.
    • Lenses with light transmission less than 75% are unsuitable for night driving.
    • Yellow tinted lenses are not recommended for night driving.
    • Due to the light levels within the car, filter category 2 lenses which transmit between 18% and 43% of light are recommended for daytime driving.
    • Filter category 4 lenses only transmit between 3% and 8% of light and are not suitable for driving at any time. Sunglasses with these lenses should, by law, be labelled 'Not suitable for driving and road use'.

    This is what type of use each category of lens is suitable for:

    Light Transmission Category Use Limitations
    80%-100% (clear) 0 indoors / overcast day none
    43%-80% (light tint) 1 low sunlight not for night driving
    18%-43% (mediium tint) 2 medium sunlight not for night driving
    8%-18% (dark) 3 bright sunlight not for night driving
    3%-8% (very dark) 4 exceptionally bright sunlight not for day or night driving

    Graduated lenses

    Some drivers like the benefits of a graduated tint, as the top part of the lens in which you look out is darkest. The bottom part of the lens is generally lighter and this makes it easier to see the controls within the car.

    Safety of the lenses

    All sunglasses should carry the CE mark and meet the European Standard BS EN 1836:2005.

    A good quality anti-reflection coating is recommended, along with a hard coating to protect the lenses from scratches.

    Sunglasses with deep side arms can block side, or peripheral, vision and are not recommended for driving.

    Our top tips

    • Have a thorough eye examination every two years to find out if you need prescription lenses in your sunglasses.
    • Discuss the options for sun and glare protection with your optician.
    • Consider a specialist driving lens or tint.
    • Be aware that your everyday sunglasses might not be suitable for driving.
    • Always keep a spare pair of driving sunglasses in the car so they're ready to put on during road trips.

    Remember, the onus is on you to have good vision. If you don't have your vision corrected and protected from the sun, it could invalidate your car insurance if you're involved in a crash.

    More safe driving advice
    • Summer breakdown advice
    • Eyesight
    • Windscreens and vision
    • Strong wind
    • Fog
    • Flood water
    • How to wash a car

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  • Driving in sunglasses - know the law (2024)


    Are sunglasses legal for driving? ›

    Wearing sunglasses while driving: allowed and advisable

    This is why it is essential to protect your eyes from ambient light, reverb and glare. Wearing sunglasses in bright light can therefore prevent any risk of accident or misperception of road hazards.

    Why can't I drive with sunglasses on? ›

    Lenses that only react to UV light are not suitable for driving because car windscreens filter out UV, slowing and limiting the reaction of the lenses. You could find yourself driving with lenses too light as a result.

    Can a cop tell you to take off your sunglasses? ›

    You have the right to remove your sunglasses. If you don't do as requested, you have the right to be arrested for obstructing an officer, or even resisting arrest.

    Why do people wear sunglasses while driving? ›

    Ultraviolet light protection is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes, even while driving. Harmful UV rays from the sun can cause long-term damage to your eyes, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Wearing sunglasses with UV protection shields your eyes from these harmful rays, ensuring optimal eye health.

    Is it OK to wear polarized sunglasses while driving? ›

    While 100% UV polarized sunglasses are great for driving, there are some instances when not to use them: They can affect depth perception due to the absence of horizontal light entering the eyes. This is dependent on individual sensitivity to depth perception.

    Is it rude to wear sunglasses at night? ›

    The truth is, you can do whatever makes you feel most comfortable unless safety is a concern. You shouldn't drive with sunglasses on at night, as this would impede your vision and abilities. But, while sunglasses might make you look a little pretentious once the sun has gone down, if they make you feel cool, go for it.

    What glasses should not be worn when driving at night? ›

    Explanation: If you're driving at night or in poor visibility, tinted lenses will make everything appear darker. This will make it more difficult for you to see in what are already difficult conditions.

    Is 20 50 vision OK for driving? ›

    The DMV's vision screening standard is the ability to see 20/40 with both eyes together, with or without corrective lenses. Drivers who fail the vision screening are referred to a vision specialist who must examine the driver and complete a Report of Vision Examination (DL 62) form.

    What type of sunglasses are suitable for driving? ›

    Grey and brown coloured lenses are ideal for driving sunglasses, as they are neutral and will not alter how drivers see different colours. Yellow and amber lenses can even increase the contrast between colours, however shouldn't be worn during night.

    Is it illegal to drive with sunglasses in California? ›

    23120. No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing glasses having a temple width of one-half inch or more if any part of such temple extends below the horizontal center of the lens so as to interfere with lateral vision. Added Ch. 531, Stats.

    What are Category 3 sunglasses? ›

    Category 3 sunglasses are the most common category and provide added protection from UV light. Our standard dark sunglasses tints are within this category, offering 100% UV protection and filtering out 75% of the light. They come in brown, grey and green. These sunglasses are perfect for everyday wear.

    Are aviators good for driving? ›

    Frames with large lenses and thin arms, such as aviators, are good for maintaining your peripheral vision whilst providing protection from the sun. Wrap around styles are also good for providing sun protection from every angle without obstructing your vision.

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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Author information

    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

    Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

    Phone: +3763365785260

    Job: Accounting Engineer

    Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.