Differential Calculus - Terms, Formulas, Rules, Examples (2024)

Differential calculus studies the rate of change of two quantities. Calculus can be divided into two parts, namely, differential calculus and integral calculus. In differential calculus, the derivative equation is used to describe the rate of change of a function whereas in integral calculus the area under a curve is studied.

One of the main uses of differential calculus is in finding the minimum or maximum value of a given function as part of an optimization problem. In this article, we will learn more about differential calculus, the important formulas, and various associated examples.

1.What is Differential Calculus?
2.Terms Related to Differential Calculus
3.Differential Calculus Formulas
4.Differential Calculus Rules
5.Differential Calculus vs Integral Calculus
6.FAQs on Differential Calculus

What is Differential Calculus?

Differential calculus involves finding the derivative of a function by the process of differentiation. The derivative of a function at a particular value will give the rate of change of the function near that value. A derivative is used to measure the slope of a tangent to the graph of a function.

Differential Calculus - Terms, Formulas, Rules, Examples (1)

Terms Related to Differential Calculus

Differential calculus is the study of the rate of change of a dependent quantity with respect to a change in an independent quantity. For example, the speed of a moving object can be interpreted as the rate of change of distance with respect to time. If y = f(x) is the function that is differentiated then, according to differential calculus, the notation is given as f'(x) = dy / dx. Some important terms associated with differential calculus are listed below:

Function - A function is defined as a binary relation where each input is mapped to exactly one output. y = 5x + 1 is an example of a function. Here, x (input) is the independent variable, and y (output) is the dependent variable.

Independent variable - In a function, the variable that acts as the input is known as the independent variable. In a mathematical model, the variable that gets manipulated is the independent variable.

Dependent variable - The variable in a function that represents the output is known as the dependent variable. The value of this variable changes with respect to a change in the dependent variable. In other words, the value of a dependent variable is determined by an independent variable.

Domain and Range - In differential calculus, the domain can be defined as the list of all input values while the range is all the output values that are obtained after applying the inputs to a function. For example, y = 5x + 1. Let the domain be {0, 1, 2} then the range will be as follows:

y = 5(0) + 1 = 1

y = 5(1) + 1 = 6

y = 5(2) + 1 = 11

Range = {1, 6, 11}

Limits - A derivative can be defined by the concept of a limit. In differential calculus, a limit describes the value of a function as it approaches a particular input value.

Derivatives - In differential calculus, derivatives are used to find the rate of change of a function. If a tangent line is drawn to a point lying on the graph of a function then the slope of the tangent will give the derivative of the function at the point where the tangent touches the curve. The derivative of a function, f(x), is represented as f'(x), dy / dx, df / dx.

Differential Calculus Example

Suppose there is a function given as f(x) = x2. The slope of this function at a particular point, say 3, can be determined by using differential calculus. The derivative of this function will be f'(x) = 2x. Now x = 3 is substituted in this equation to get f'(x) = 6. Thus, the slope of the tangent line at x = 3 is 6.

Differential Calculus Formulas

The different formulas for differential calculus are used to find the derivatives of different types of functions. According to the definition, the derivative of a function can be determined as follows:

f'(x) = \(lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}\)

The important differential calculus formulas for various functions are given below:

Elementary Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Hyperbolic Functions

  • d/dx sinhx = coshx
  • d/dx coshx = sin hx
  • d/dx tan hx = sec h2x
  • d/dx cot hx = -cosec h2x
  • d/dx sec hx = -sech hx tan hx
  • d/dx cosec hx = -cosec hx cot hx

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

  • d/dx sin -1 x = \(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{(1-x^2}}\), -1 < x< 1
  • d/dx cos -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{(1-x^2}}\), -1 < x< 1
  • d/dx tan -1 x = \(\dfrac{1}{(1+x^2)}\)
  • d/dx cot -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{(1+x^2)}\)
  • d/dx cosec -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{|x|\sqrt{x^2 -1}}\), |x| > 1
  • d/dx sec-1x = \(\dfrac{1}{|x|\sqrt{x^2 -1}}\)

Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

  • d/dx sinh -1 x = \(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{(x^2+ 1)}}\)
  • d/dx cosh -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{(x^2-1)}}\)
  • d/dx tanh -1 x = \(\dfrac{1}{(1- x^2)}\)
  • d/dx coth -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{x (1-x^2)}\)
  • d/dx cosech -1 x = -\(\dfrac{1}{x\sqrt{1+ x^2}}\)
  • d/dx sech-1x = -\(\dfrac{1}{x\sqrt{1- x^2}}\)

Higher Order Derivatives

A derivative is used to give the rate of change of a function. To find the rate of change of this derivative, higher-order derivatives are used. The table given below lists the most commonly used higher-order derivatives for a function, y = f(x), in differential calculus:

Order of DerivativeFirst Order DerivativeSecond Order DerivativeThird Order Derivative
Interpretation\(\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{d} f(x)}{\mathrm{d} x}\)\(\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} y}{\mathrm{d} x^{2}}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} f(x)}{\mathrm{d} x^{2}}\)\(\frac{\mathrm{d}^{3} y}{\mathrm{d} x^{3}}\) = \(\frac{\mathrm{d}^{3} f(x)}{\mathrm{d} x^{3}}\)
Example: sinxf'(x) = cosxf''(x) = - sinxf'''(x) = - cosx

Differential Calculus Equations

Differential calculus equations or simply differential equations are equations that relate functions to their derivatives. There are two main types of differential equations, namely, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. An ordinary differential equation is one in which there is only one independent variable and the equation contains one or more derivatives with respect to this variable. A partial differential equation consists of one or more independent variables and their partial derivatives.

Differential Calculus - Terms, Formulas, Rules, Examples (2)

In differential calculus, there are three general formulas for differential equations. These are given below:

  • \(\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}\) = f(x)
  • \(\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}\) = f(x, y)
  • \(x_{1}\frac{\partial y }{\partial x_{1}} + x_{2}\frac{\partial y }{\partial x_{2}} = y\)

Differential Calculus Rules

If the derivatives of certain simple functions are known then the differential calculus rules can be used to find the derivatives of complicated functions. The rules of differential calculus are listed in the table given below.

Differential Calculus RuleForm of FunctionInterpretation
Constant Ruley = cdy / dx = 0
Constant Multiple Ruley = cf(x)dy / dx = cf'(x)
Power Ruley = xndy / dx = n · xn-1
Generalized Power Ruley = [f(x)]ndy / dx = n[f(x)]n-1f'(x)
Sum of Two Functionsy = f(x) + g(x)dy / dx = f'(x) + g'(x)
Difference of Two Functionsy = f(x) - g(x)dy / dx = f'(x) - g'(x)
Product Ruley = f(x) . g(x)dy / dx = f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x)
Quotient Ruley = f(x) / g(x)dy / dx = \(\frac{f'(x)g(x)-g'(x)f(x)}{[g(x)]^{2}}\)
Chain Rule for Composite Functionsy = f[g(x)]; y = f(u), u = g(x)dy / dx = \(\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} u}.\frac{\mathrm{d} u}{\mathrm{d} x}\) = f'[g(x)]g'(x)

Differential Calculus vs Integral Calculus

Differential calculus uses differentiation to find the derivative of a function while integral calculus uses integration to find the integral of a function. Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. The main points of difference between differential calculus and integral calculus are listed in the table given below:

Differential CalculusIntegral Calculus
In differential calculus, derivatives are used to determine the instantaneous rate of change of a function.Integral calculus uses integrals to determine the area under a curve. Integrals are also known as antiderivatives.
Intuitively, differentiation is the process of dividing something into smaller parts to track changes.Integration sums up infinitesimal pieces to get the total area under a curve.
Differential calculus is used to determine if a function is increasing or decreasing.Integral calculus is used to find areas, volumes, and central points.
Example: Differentiate f(x) = x3
f'(x) = 3x2
Example: Integrate f(x) = x3
F(x) = \(\frac{x^{4}}{4}+C\)
where, C is the constant of integration

Differential Calculus Applications

There are wide-ranging differential calculus applications. Most quantitative fields use differential calculus such as complex analysis, functional analysis, abstract algebra, and differential geometry.

  • In finance, differential calculus is used in portfolio optimization to choose the best stocks.
  • In Biology, differential calculus is used to determine how the population of predators and prey evolves over time.
  • In mechanics, velocity and acceleration can be derived from the position function using differential calculus.
  • Graphic artists use differential calculus to see how a model behaves under conditions that change rapidly.

Related Topics:

Important Notes on Differential Calculus:

  • Differential calculus involves the use of derivatives to determine the rate of change in a dependent variable with respect to an independent variable.
  • Constant rule, difference rule, sum rule, power rule, etc., are the various rules of differential calculus.
  • There are two types of differential calculus equations - ordinary and partial differential equations. These equations help to relate functions to their derivatives.
  • Integral calculus involves integration which is the reverse process of differentiation.

FAQs on Differential Calculus

What is the Definition of Differential Calculus?

Differential calculus is a branch of calculus involving the study of derivatives that are used to find the instantaneous rate of change of a function using the process of differentiation.

How Hard is Differential Calculus?

Solving problems on differential calculus becomes easy with crystal clear concepts and constant revision. Understanding and learning the formulas is the key to getting a good score in an examination based on differential calculus.

How to Solve Differential Calculus?

The various rules and formulas of differential calculus are used to solve simple and difficult problems. The steps to solve a differential calculus problem are as follows:

How to Understand Differential Calculus?

The best way to build a robust understanding of differential calculus is by instilling a deep-seated knowledge of precalculus. The next step is to read the theory of differential calculus. Finally, questions that have varying levels of difficulty must be solved using the formulas and theoretical concepts to master this topic.

Is Differential Calculus the Same as Differential Equations?

Differential equations form a part of differential calculus. Differentials equations can be defined as equations that contain a function with one or more variables as well as the derivatives or partial derivatives with respect to this variable (s).

What is the Difference Between Differential and Integral Calculus?

Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. Differential calculus is concerned with finding the rate of change of a function while integral calculus deals with finding the area under a curve.

What are the Applications of Differential Calculus?

Differential calculus is used in almost every field. It is used to see the rate of growth or decay of functions as well as to find the optimal value (maxima or minima) of mathematical models.

Differential Calculus - Terms, Formulas, Rules, Examples (2024)


What are the rules for differential calculus? ›

The derivative of a constant is equal to zero. The derivative of a constant multiplied by a function is equal to the constant multiplied by the derivative of the function. The derivative of a sum is equal to the sum of the derivatives. The derivative of a difference is equal to the difference of the derivatives.

What is the formula for diff calculus? ›

Differential Calculus Rules
Differential Calculus RuleForm of FunctionInterpretation
Power Ruley = xndy / dx = n · xn-1
Generalized Power Ruley = [f(x)]ndy / dx = n[f(x)]n-1f'(x)
Sum of Two Functionsy = f(x) + g(x)dy / dx = f'(x) + g'(x)
Difference of Two Functionsy = f(x) - g(x)dy / dx = f'(x) - g'(x)
5 more rows

What are the 4 stages of differentiation? ›

What Are Some Differentiated Instruction Strategies? You can differentiate instruction across four main areas: content, process, product, and environment.

Is there a 7th derivative? ›

Derivatives and Integrals of Displacement

The first derivative of displacement is velocity. The second derivative of displacement is acceleration. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth derivatives, though less commonly used, are coined, jerk, snap, crackle, pop, lock, and drop respectively.

What is the basic differential rule? ›

What are the basic differentiation rules? The Sum rule says the derivative of a sum of functions is the sum of their derivatives. The Difference rule says the derivative of a difference of functions is the difference of their derivatives.

Is differential calculus calc 4? ›

Calculus 4 course can best be described as a "the first semester course of Differential and Integral Calculus to functions of many variables". This course has many names, all being equivalent: Calculus 3. Calculus 4.

How hard is calculus? ›

Yes, calculus is a hard subject, but if you are committed to it, and work hard, you will ace it. Attending routine calculus lectures is just not enough to master calculus. You need to revise your previous concepts, brush up on your knowledge and understanding of algebra, and work on your weak areas in calculus daily.

How to memorize formulas in 2 hours? ›

Here are some tips that will help you learn how to memorize math and physics formulas quickly:
  1. Avoid Rote Learning: ...
  2. Understand The Formula: ...
  3. Practice the formulas: ...
  4. Use Memory Techniques To Memorise: ...
  5. Stick flashcards on your walls: ...
  6. Get Rid Of Any Distractions: ...
  7. Revise Before You Sleep:
Jun 20, 2022

What is the fastest way to memorize formulas? ›

3. Test Yourself With Flashcards
  1. Write the Mathematical Formulas Down Repeatedly. If you're a kinesthetic learner, a simple trick you can try is writing the formulas over and over. ...
  2. Practice Using the Formulas. Knowing the formulas is pointless if you don't know how to use them. ...
  3. Sing or Recite the Formulas Aloud.
Sep 28, 2023

What is the easiest way to differentiate? ›

Let's look at the seven methods of differentiation teachers can use to accommodate their students:
  • Flexible-pace learning.
  • Collaborative learning.
  • Progressive tasks.
  • Digital resources.
  • Verbal support.
  • Variable outcomes.
  • Ongoing assessment.
Sep 19, 2023

Is differential calculus real? ›

In mathematics, differential calculus is a subfield of calculus that studies the rates at which quantities change. It is one of the two traditional divisions of calculus, the other being integral calculus—the study of the area beneath a curve.

What is differential calculus simplified? ›

Lesson Summary

Differential calculus is the study of the instantaneous rate of change of a function. This type of rate of change looks at how much the slope of a function changes, and it can be used to analyze minute changes at a single point of the function.

Is differential calculus Calc 1 or 2? ›

Calculus 1 is Differential Calculus. You start off by learning how to find limits of Algebraic functions, then you learn how to derive every function you learned in High School Algebra. Calculus 2 is Integral Calculus.

What is the 7th derivative called? ›

4jounce (snap)rate of change of jerk
5cracklerate of change of jounce
6poprate of change of crackle
7lockrate of change of pop
10 more rows

What is differentiation of 6? ›

Explanation: The derivative of a constant is zero. Think about it like this: y = 6 is a horizontal line. Thus, the derivative, or slope, is zero because the line remains flat forever (when x changes).

What are the basic differentiation rules summary? ›

What are the basic differentiation rules? The Sum rule says the derivative of a sum of functions is the sum of their derivatives. The Difference rule says the derivative of a difference of functions is the difference of their derivatives.

What is the basic principle of differentiation? ›

Formula for First principle of Derivatives:

y = f(x) with respect to its variable x. If this limit exists and is finite, then we say that: Wherever the limit exists is defined to be the derivative of f at x. This definition is also called the first principle of derivative.

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