Deciphering Crowdfunding For Startups - Carlos Eduardo Espinal (2024)

One of the options that founders are reminded of more and more above and beyond VC and Angel funding is Crowdfunding via online platforms such as Kickstarter, AngelList, and Seedrs, to name a few. However, these platforms are not all the same and in this post we’ll cover how they differ as well as what makes them unique.


To help better categorize the use cases for the different types of crowdfunding platforms, let’s split them into two:


1) Cash for Product Pre-Orders – Kickstarter, IndieGogo, etc.

2) Cash for Equity – AngelList (USA), Seedrs (UK), Crowdcube (UK), etc.

While we won’t delve too deeply into the first category, insummary, it is used primarily as a way to help fund the pre-order oftech product inventory as usually other sources of cash are needed tomake your company viable operationally. This doesn’t mean, of coursethat this is the only way people use cash raised on these types ofplatforms, but it does help to at least highlight how it is used bythem.


To highlight the above, let’s take a look at the Kickstarter Stats ontheir site (dated Oct, 2014) ( help highlight some conclusions. With some number crunching, whatyou can see is an interesting set of conclusions:


  1. The bulk of successful projects are raising around $1K to $10K onKickstarter, with only a relative minority (2.2%) of successfullycompleted projects raising in excess of $100K.
  2. Technology projects as a whole, no matter what the size, onlyrepresent 2.73% of the successfully completed projects on Kickstarter.The highest are music projects at 25% success rate, even if theamounts that are requested for those projects are smaller.
  3. The highest success brackets for technology projects are ($20K –$100K) and ($1K – $10K) each at roughly 30% of the total Technologysuccesses.
  4. The success rate overall for technology projects raising $100K –$1M is a low 2.09%, even if as part of the overall Technology projectsthat have been funded, that bracket represents 20%.
  5. Raising over $1m on Kickstarter for technology projects is just notreally going to play in your favor with an overall success rater ofless than 1%.


That said, the largest outlier and most well known tech Kickstarterfundraise was that of one of my favorite products, the PebbleSmartwatch with over $10m pledged. That said, they still raisedcapital from VCs and Angels. I’ll let you draw your own conclusionsfrom that.


On the other hand, for the second category of crowd-funding platforms, those enabling investors to invest cash in exchange for equity you start seeing a different trend, oneof fund-raising designed to help you build and scale your companyrather than just to help you build a product.


On these platforms, however, rather than having your contributorsprovide cash in exchange for a promise or a pre-purchase of a product,your contributors are getting a share of your company. Literally, theyare becoming investors and shareholders, with all the pros and consthat entails. What differentiates all the major platforms in thiscategory are factors about how they structure the investment into yourcompany and where they can operate.

AngelList, the dominant platform in the USA, for example, allows startups to raise two ways (in the word’s of AngelList’s Philipp Moehring):


  • “Offline fundraising” – This option is open to all companies and allows startups to use AngelList’s network and introduction features to connect with investors who might be interested in your company.
  • “Online fundraising” – AngelList Syndicates allow investors to invest in startups alongside an experienced Lead investor. The company can leverage the network, experience and reputation of Lead investor to raise funds for their business.

Fundraising on AngelList works better if the Startup’s profile is complete, the funding round has momentum, and the founder is responsive to answer intro requests and questions. Thousands of companies have raised funding in this way, or have augmented their existing round with additional investors they found on AngelList. The success rate is similar to what a company would experience offline.


Since the launch of Syndicates, however, more than 250 companies have raised money online through AngelList. The closest analogy for a founder is to think of a Syndicate as a one-time fund pulled together by the Syndicate Lead.


AngelList has closed about 90M through syndicates, and it is closing about a company per day now.They’ve had some european companies that raised from syndicates, including Patients Know Best (Elad Gil), Spatch (Andy McLoughlin), Holidog (Ed Roman), Enevo (Scott Banister).


Investment amounts

Since every syndicate is backed by different investors and is variably active, total investment amounts vary from syndicate-to-syndicate. Founders should work with with the lead investor to understand what they usually close. Across AngelList, syndicates have closed up to $1m, with most companies raising between $200K and $500K.


Lots of AngelList’s stats can be found online here.


Success rates

Companies that have a lead investor with an active syndicate have a more than 90% success rate from start to finalisation. After a deal is announced, investors can make reservations to invest, and closing is started after the allocation minimum is met. Once in closing, about 99% of all deals will be “finalized” and completed. The reason for these high numbers is the pre existing commitment of backers to invest in the lead’s syndicated investments.


Update Jan 24, 2015 – Added Crowdbnk data and streamlined numbers.


Now.. moving across the Atlantic… Let’s look at European crowdfunding platforms Seedrs,Crowdcube and Crowdbnk.


Jeff Lynn, founder of Seedrs, provides some statistics on his platform below:


Successfully Closed Round size distribution.

<£100K: 63%

£100K to £200K: 23%

£200K to £500K: 11%

>£500K: 6%


Average round size



% successful closing (number of deals that close as a percentage of total)



Average time to round close on platform (eg. # of days)

29 days


Rounds closed sector distribution

80% tech

20% non-tech


Ayan Mitra from Crowdbnk also shares his numbers below


Successfully Closed Round size distribution








Average round size



% successful closing (number of deals that close as a percentage of total)



Average time to round close on platform

51 days


Rounds closed sector distribution


Consumer Product:5%

Film, Art, Design:10%
Food & Beverages:5%

Leisure, Retail, Services:10%


Last but not least, Luke Lang from Crowdcube shares his platforms numbers below:


Successfully Closed Round size distribution

< £100k:23%







Average round size



% successful closing (number of deals that close as a percentage of total)



Average time to round close on platform

32 days


Rounds closed sector distribution

54% tech

46% non-tech (i.e. food & drink, retail, manufacturing etc.)


Things to Consider


In general, when considering a platform, make sure you research various things:


  • How does the investment size fit with your needs?
  • How much you’d like to raise on a platform vs outside via an investor not on the platform (and how to intermingle the two within a reasonable time-frame to a close)?
  • What are the fees of going through the platform?
  • What have been the success rates for your time of company & product?
  • How do they structure the investment coming in to your company (lest you find yourself with a cap table that is laden with investors and a tricky governance structure? (However, there are many platforms out there that have solved this problem, but make sure to do your homework on that. )
    In conclusion, crowdfunding as a way of either funding your product oryour company’s growth is increasingly going to be a trend that willsupplement, and in some cases entirely replace early stage investmentcapital from institutional sources such as VCs. For sure, at the veryleast you should consider building profiles on the relevant platformsfor you.


Additional resources for you on crowdfunding for your own research-


Deciphering Crowdfunding For Startups - Carlos Eduardo Espinal (2024)
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