Debt Elimination - Brilliance In Commerce (2024)

Table of Contents
If I have received real goods and services for the bills I ran up on my credit cards, then why is it ethical for me to not repay those debts? What unsecured debts does the Liberty system NOT work with? What happens to the status of the credit card after this process is complete? Are the credit cards cancelled or are they still useful? How should I respond to statements from the lender citing Section 226.13 of the Truth in Lending Act? What if I already have a credit card process in with another company that’s in the World Court now but the debt elimination is not final as of now? Can I still use your remedy? Can the Liberty system work in countries other than the USA? I am considering your program for a signature loan with a small credit union that I also keep my personal funds in. Have you seen any repercussions like asset freezing or confiscation? Does Liberty cancel debts on AMEX (American Express) cards as well? Is there is specific time frame that I need to send the letter once I have received correspondence from the bank / cc company? Does one purchase include unlimited credit card cancellations? Would a peer-to-peer lender (ie. Lending Club) qualify for debt elimination thru this program? It is an unsecured loan, however, the lender matches borrowers with investors rather than directly loaning out the money from themselves. If credit card issuers are fraudulent then why are you accepting their form of payment for your system? Card issuers will often respond to an attempt to eliminate debt with statements that references a "promise to pay". How should I respond? How long does it take for the debt to be completely eliminated? What are tax implications of this kind of freedom? Do we have to buy your docs twice, or can we buy one set and adapt for both my husband’s credit cards and mine? If I have a judgment on a credit card, can I still pursue with applying through Liberty to be debt free from that card? Can your system be used to settle a SALLIE MAE loan? I believe they are a private corporation and not affiliated with the US government. If I am current on the particular credit card I wish to cancel and am not in default, then how would I modify the process? Is there a limit to the amount of debt that I can cancel from one purchase of the system? What is limit?

If I have received real goods and services for the bills I ran up on my credit cards, then why is it ethical for me to not repay those debts?

Because the money lenders were not the sources of those goods and services. The merchants who provided the goods and services were paid, but the money lenders produced nothing. Furthermore, the money lenders never loaned anything. No money ever came out of their accounts to issue your lines of credit. They pretended to make loans, when actually nothing was ever loaned. That is called fraud. That is why this Liberty debt cancelation system legally works. “La Vérité” means “the truth”. We are simply confronting them with the truth, and they cannot deny it.
We strongly recommend that everyone read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. It is available at That book reveals the fascinating story of the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system, and how what the banks of today are “loaning” has never been true money, but rather just fictions created out of thin air, in a sophisticated strategy for the bankers to take over and enslave the world.

What unsecured debts does the Liberty system NOT work with?

It doesn’t work to cancel debts that are legitimately owed — such as money your friend or father loaned you, or say a department store credit card where you received merchandise from that store AND the store did not sell the paper to another loan servicing company. If the department store kept the loan paper in-house, then that is a legitimate debt. The invalid debts, which this set successfully cancels, are the money-out-of-thin-air debts under the Federal Reserve system such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and other institutional credit issues.

What happens to the status of the credit card after this process is complete? Are the credit cards cancelled or are they still useful?

Good question. A few months after the dispute process has begun, or at least after the debt has been cancelled, the credit card institution will close out that account. So no, that card will not be useful anymore. As a matter of fact, that institution would probably not want you again as a customer. After all, they’re making a pretty lucrative racket by pretending to loan money when nothing — not a penny — EVER came out of their accounts to ANY credit card customer! So when they realize you’re not going to play that game anymore, you’re no longer a viable source of free money for them.
They can’t prove that they didn’t commit fraud . . . and so that is why they will let the debt go away when you challenge them head on. But on the other hand, they’re going to keep their free gravy train going as long as possible. Customers who wise up to it are no longer welcome.
Further, in good conscience, it would not be ethical for the customer to deliberately create credit card debts and then cancel them, knowing in advance that it is a fraud. The action outlined by the Liberty system allows you to act in good faith, showing that you have learned about the fraud only AFTER having already unwittingly allowed the so-called “debt” to exist for some time, and after having mistakenly honored it by making payments to it.

How should I respond to statements from the lender citing Section 226.13 of the Truth in Lending Act?

Customers have received letters with statements like: “Please be advised that under Section 226.13 of the Truth in Lending Act, you must notify us in writing within 60 days after we sent you the first statement regarding any suspected error or requests for additional information regarding specific transactions made on your account. As long as the detailed transaction information is provided to you on your statement, we do not need to provide you with copies of your receipts during that billing cycle.” These customers ask how to respond to this.
This does not address the foundation, which is that no loan ever existed. All the Truth in Lending Act cite is referring to is if there are errors in the charges. If there are erroneous charges on the account, then one is required to notify them within 60 days. That has nothing to do with the fact that no loan ever existed in the first place, and the fact that they are in default on proving otherwise. And the Liberty documents do not request “receipts”. The above effort on the pretender lenders’ part to try to distract you into thinking you did something wrong, is just a sleight of hand – anything to get your attention off the central issue – that they never loaned anything. That’s why in an instance like this, your job is simple: to just “rinse and repeat”. Remember, it is the CONSTANT REPETITION of our central allegations that eventually makes them give up and go away. Stay firm and focused like a laser beam on following the Liberty instructions. No one who has ever done so, has lost.

What if I already have a credit card process in with another company that’s in the World Court now but the debt elimination is not final as of now? Can I still use your remedy?

It sounds like you are referring to procedures like those provided by Divine Province or Gold Shield Alliance / Freedom Club. They have the right approach and I applaud them for their efforts to make the cabal do the right thing. The problem is, as you know, that their success rate is very low. The cabal has just not been allowing those procedures to work most of the time.
Yes, you could engage the Liberty process simultaneously, and it would create a win-win-win situation for you. On the one hand, in practically all of the many hundreds of previous cases, it has resulted in the pretender lender ceasing their collection efforts. They go away and the card holder no longer is harassed or bothered by the phony bogus debt collection attempts.
On the other hand, in your case, it would also box the pretender lender into a corner. They have the choice of either honoring the process of creation of funds under public policy to liquidate the debt, as you are trying to enforce via the World Court; OR, they face being confronted with the alternative — which is being caught in their fraud — which the Liberty system does. So the Liberty system would both add to your enforcement, as well as liberate you from their collection attempts.

Can the Liberty system work in countries other than the USA?

The good news is, the answer to your question is most likely YES . . . potentially . . . because all countries in the world operate under the same general monetary system as the US, more or less. The problem is, the legal cites in the Liberty system have never been adapted for other countries.
The Liberty system has laws cited, like “USC § 1692 et seq”, and people in other countries would have to have a lawyer or paralegal find the equivalent for their nation and replace it in the Liberty documents. “USC” is the United States Code, and that only applies in the US — that’s why the introduction said at the top “Mainly for card holders in the USA”.
However, this system SHOULD work for people in other countries 100% successfully, just as it does in the US, if one replaces the US laws in the set with the laws from that country. Do you have a lawyer or paralegal who can do that?
So to clarify, it’s not the citizenship of the card holder that matters. It is from what country the card itself was issued. For example, if someone is Canadian but has a Visa from a U.S. bank, then that qualifies. The cardholder agreement must be under the U.S. jurisdiction, thus meaning the card has to have been issued in the U.S. for the Liberty system to apply as is, without legal modification.
Also, another method that can possibly work for non-US citizens and residents, is if the card holder in the foreign country can transfer the card balance to a US card. For example, if someone from Australia has $7000 AUD in Visa or MasterCard debt on an Australian card, and if that same person were to acquire an American Visa or MasterCard from a US bank, that person could ask the US institution if it would transfer the $7000 AUD balance from the Australian card to the US card. Most institutions are more than happy to do so . . . because it gives them more business, and therefore more revenues. To them, it really doesn’t much matter what country the debt comes from.
Then once the debt is on the US card, it can be cancelled using the Liberty program.

I am considering your program for a signature loan with a small credit union that I also keep my personal funds in. Have you seen any repercussions like asset freezing or confiscation?

We have never heard of any institution confiscating the checking account of a customer who is cancelling their credit card debt with the same institution. And at the same time, to prevent any possibility of it happening, we have recommended that they consider removing their checking account . . . or at least most of the money in it . . . from that institution and moving it to another institution. That is just simple wisdom to be prudent and cautious. “Better safe than sorry.”

Does Liberty cancel debts on AMEX (American Express) cards as well?

It works the same on AMEX as it does on the other cards. We just don’t talk about it as much because a much smaller minority of our customers have AMEX and need to cancel the debts on it. Usually most people pay off their AMEX balances each month, as you know, but the “credit” AMEX issues is the same money-out-of-thin-air fraud that the Visas and MasterCards do. So yes, it can be cancelled just the same.

Is there is specific time frame that I need to send the letter once I have received correspondence from the bank / cc company?

Not really. Even if they give a deadline, you’re not legally bound by it if you don’t owe them anything. But just for maintaining the effectiveness of the campaign, it makes sense to respond within a reasonable time, like a week or two. In my own case, I usually responded within 2 or 3 days. In controversies like this, the one who is on the offensive usually has the advantage, so I hit right back quickly . . . to give them the strong impression that I am absolutely on top of them and We are neither wavering, unsure, wishy-washy, or lenient towards them. If you take too long, they might get the impression that you’re weak, or apathetic, and you might be easier to push over.
Your strategy is simple. One a 1:1 basis, for each thing they send you, you send one response right away. The response will always be the first dispute letter and affidavit, until and unless they get more belligerent and threatening. Then use the second letter. That’s it. It’s as simple as that. If they don’t respond point-for-point to the dispute letter and satisfy what it demands, and if they fade away from contacting you, then you have no need to pursue them any further.

Does one purchase include unlimited credit card cancellations?

Yes. Once you have the system, you have it for life, to use on as many unsecured debt cancellations as you wish.

Would a peer-to-peer lender (ie. Lending Club) qualify for debt elimination thru this program? It is an unsecured loan, however, the lender matches borrowers with investors rather than directly loaning out the money from themselves.

If the “investors” you speak of — and the term would be more accurately stated as “lenders” — but in any case, if they are individuals, then the money they are lending is coming out of their accounts, and reducing their accounts by the amount loaned. Those are real and legitimate loans that should ethically and legally be repaid.
The loans that can be cancelled are really magic tricks. They are the vast majority of instances where Visas, MasterCards, and other unsecured lines of credit received money that the financial institutions created under the Federal Reserve system, and never had any deduction out of their accounts. Rather, they simply did a computer entry, where they created it out of thin air. This is called the Mandrake Mechanism. They have nothing at risk. The fact that they pretend otherwise is fraud.
Thus the reason we have a 100% success rate in cancelling those debts is that we challenge them to prove that they really loaned something, that money really came out of their accounts, and that they had something at risk. They can’t do it.
The type of loans you are talking about would legitimately be repayable, UNLESS they were made by banks or financial institutions under the Fed system, using the Mandrake Mechanism.

If credit card issuers are fraudulent then why are you accepting their form of payment for your system?

The reason is because out of the three parties to the transaction, only one of them is fraudulent. That is the so-called lender. You, the customer, are producing value with the hard earned money you are paying; and we, the merchant, are providing value with our hard earned product. It is ethical and sound thus far. We should be paid and you should receive good value, rightfully so. It is when the international crime syndicate called the money lenders insert themselves into the middle of the transaction and attempt to extort their cut, that we draw the line. No money came out of their accounts to issue the loan — it was created out of thin air using the Mandrake Mechanism — and no value came out of them either, in the way of goods or services.
One could argue, well, they provide the medium of exchange — i.e. the money, and administer that system. If so, then the honest way to do it would be for them to charge a small nominal fee, such as 0.01% of every transaction worldwide, for maintaining the money system. That might be fair. It would be open, honest, transparently visible, and mutually agreed upon by everyone. But paying “back” 100% of the value of the transaction PLUS usurious interest, is nothing less than outright theft and extortion. It is a parasitic influence on the global economy and has destroyed countless lives. That is wrong and must be stopped.
We are not harming anyone or taking anything that isn’t offered, by accepting credit cards to pay for our products. On the contrary, as sovereigns, we are exercising our God-given right to transact in commerce and provide our goods and services using whatever medium of exchange society has most agreed upon. The fact that a corrupt cabal has tried to insert itself as a fraudulent party to the transaction is the reason for our withdrawing our support from that behavior.
Further, for every debt cancellation system we sell, and for every debt cancellation system a new customer implements, the economy is improved by that much. The economy is improved because money that was otherwise going to the international crime syndicate — which they then use to hire armies of mercenaries to organize the banking and court systems against us — is money that is now going instead to one’s own (presumably) harmless and life-supporting home living and household expenses and perhaps education or creative and constructive projects. It is withdrawing money from what is harmful in the world and redirecting it to what is helpful. That is a most beautiful fulfillment of the purpose of ethics.

Card issuers will often respond to an attempt to eliminate debt with statements that references a "promise to pay". How should I respond?

Some customers have received responses to the Liberty letters with statements like the following: “When your account was opened with us and you used the credit card, you made a promise to pay for all goods and services provided through the related credit card transactions, as well as any associated fees. You renewed that promise each time you used your credit card.”
These customers have felt hurt, guilty, and accused by such statements, and have wondered how to respond. The key principle in law to be aware of in this context is this:
“Fraud vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments” [U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg. 65]. That is a Supreme Court ruling, and it has never been overturned.
This means you can rely on the Supreme Court for your justification. When you originally signed the loan agreement, they had committed fraud by failing to disclose to you that they were not loaning any money at all, out of their accounts. They further failed to disclose to you that they were in violation of various lending acts and failed to perform under those definitions.
They play on your conscience, by avoiding answering to those allegations, and instead distracting your attention over to your so-called “promises” — just like a magician trick. DON’T FALL FOR IT!! If they had truly, genuinely, actually, and authentically loaned real money out of their accounts, DON’T YOU THINK THEY WOULD PROVE IT AND THE COURTS WOULD UPHOLD THEIR EVIDENCE?
Thus it is through no fault of yours that these facts were not fully disclosed to you at the time of signing. Since opening the account, YOU HAVE COME INTO NEW INFORMATION. Hence do not fall for their tear-jerking pull at your honest heart strings.
Why do you think the Liberty system has been undefeated? Why do you think it has never failed to eliminate the debts to which it is addressed, if the one implementing it followed its instructions totally and didn’t give up? Do you think this would happen if there were a genuinely moral, ethical, or legal obligation on your part to repay something?
Basically, YOU OWE NO RESPONSE TO THEIR DECEPTIVE STATEMENT at all. Just continue with the Liberty system, wherever you happen to be in following the Instructions and the Flow Chart.

How long does it take for the debt to be completely eliminated?

You can get started immediately upon receiving the documents from the website. Most people only need 20 or 30 minutes to create the customized versions of the documents for each debt that is to be cancelled. Then after sending them registered mail (return receipt requested), within a few weeks a rebuttal will come from the pretender lender or their collection agent. The rebuttal will show that YOU HAVE WON, because it will FAIL COMPLETELY to even address any of the points in your dispute letter . . . much less answer them or prove that the debt is valid by fulfilling your demands for compliance with the law. Their letter will beat around the bush, claim this and that, but will strategically avoid answering the allegations made in your dispute letter. They are now caught, and they cannot escape. But, they hope that you will be intimidated and will acquiesce, or will get distracted and get off point.
So, you very calmly just print out, sign, and send registered mail (return receipt requested) the very same letter, as you will see in the instructions. Just follow the simple instructions that come with the program. Very simple. Like washing your hair, “rinse and repeat”. A few weeks later, they will probably send another silly rebuttal. Once again it will completely fail to even address any of the points. So, repeat the same process. Send the letter again, according to the instructions. Very simple, very easy, and it doesn’t take much time to do.
This process may go on for a few months. Gradually you will hear from them less and less. Most customers stop hearing from the pretender lender and their agents within 3 to 6 months. It is when you have not heard from them for a while, that you know they have given up. They know they are beaten, but they will never admit it in writing. You did see the Transunion report on our website showing the debt of one customer deleted, but the lenders themselves won’t admit in writing that they were wrong . . . because then they would be liable for billions . . . trillions . . . of dollars worth of fraudulent debts to hundreds of millions of people over decades. It’s a big thing. So, they would much rather just let you go, quietly.

What are tax implications of this kind of freedom?

Why would the two be related? Are your supposed debts, or your payments on them, presently tax deductible? I am not a taxpayer, nor a tax adviser, so you would need to consult a tax professional for such answers. All Liberty does is cancel your unsecured debt. Unless you are a taxpayer and the debt is tax deductible, I don’t know what implications the cancellation would have.

Do we have to buy your docs twice, or can we buy one set and adapt for both my husband’s credit cards and mine?

You only need to buy the docs once. The rule is, one purchase per household. For friends and other households, another purchase is required.

If I have a judgment on a credit card, can I still pursue with applying through Liberty to be debt free from that card?

Yes. It will cost extra, a few hundred dollars, because you will have to sue them under the direct 1-on-1 guidance of one of our lawyers. The Liberty system by itself is just a letter writing campaign. That is sufficient to get pre-judgment debts cancelled, but it is not sufficient to reverse a judgment. To reverse a judgment, you will have to sue them.
Further, most Bar-licensed attorneys are wimps when it comes to going against the banks. They’re afraid of losing their licenses. And they’re mostly ignorant about the secrets of money and the Federal Reserve. So it would be hard for you to find an attorney to represent you, who would understand the content of the Liberty system and make it the centerpiece of the lawsuit.
If you are prepared to go Pro Se (representing yourself), or In Propria Persona (as yourself), and feel that you have the determination and the courage, then you could purchase the Liberty system, and we will introduce you to one of our non-Bar lawyers. He will provide personal consultation to you and will create the documents for you to file into the court case. You would follow the specific steps that he provides, and you would make the arguments in the customized documents he gives you the centerpiece of your lawsuit. The allegations in the Liberty system are undefeated and undefeatable by the pretender lender institutions.
Our lawyers have a 100% undefeated success rate in winning all of these cases, where the client fully cooperated and did not give up. He will show you how to absolutely force your opponents to answer what is in the Liberty documents. Otherwise they will weasel out of it and avoid having to answer, claiming they’re not required to answer. You have to force them to answer to The Truth. Our lawyer would provide the documents to file and the words to say, and what words NOT to say, to guide you to this victory.

Can your system be used to settle a SALLIE MAE loan? I believe they are a private corporation and not affiliated with the US government.

Yes, if it is an unsecured loan . . . meaning signature only — not a mortgage secured by real estate or other hard assets. In other words, was a boat, a car, real estate, or other asset pledged as collateral, such that they could “legally” take that item from you if you don’t repay the so-called “loan”? If not, then yes — the Liberty system can cancel it.

If I am current on the particular credit card I wish to cancel and am not in default, then how would I modify the process?

There is no change to make. The first sentence is “Thank you for the statement of [date], that your institution recently sent me, expecting payment for an alleged debt.” That remains true whether you are current on your payments or not. In any case, do NOT include a payment with it, because that would contradict the point of the dispute letter and remove the credibility of your challenge.

Is there a limit to the amount of debt that I can cancel from one purchase of the system? What is limit?

There is no limit. In fact, it wouldn’t make sense to cancel just a portion of a debt. It’s all or nothing.

Debt Elimination - Brilliance In Commerce (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.