Cyprus House Prices Growth | Economic Indicators (2024)

Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) -57.1 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2001 - Sep 2023 Current Account Balance (USD mn) -178.0 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 2001 - Dec 2022 Current Account Balance: % of GDP (%) -6.6 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Direct Investment (USD mn) 990.2 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Direct Investment: % of GDP (%) 11.6 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Portfolio Investment (USD mn) -698.806 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%) -8.2 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn) -550.2 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2001 - Sep 2023 Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn) -148.641 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2001 - Sep 2023 External Debt (USD mn) 171,796.6 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 External Debt: % of GDP (%) 609.6 2022 yearly 2004 - 2022 External Debt: Short Term (USD mn) 27,641.7 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 External Debt: Short Term: % of GDP (%) 95.3 2022 yearly 2008 - 2022 Total Debt: % of GDP (%) 1,348.3 2021 yearly 1995 - 2021 Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) -3.179 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -29,918.294 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 CY: BoP: Current Account: Goods (USD mn) -6,297.452 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Services (USD mn) 6,359.245 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Services: Credit (USD mn) 22,918.901 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Services: Debit (USD mn) 16,559.655 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Primary Income (USD mn) -2,199.709 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Primary Income: Credit (USD mn) 24,459.880 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Primary Income: Debit (USD mn) 26,659.589 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Secondary Income: Debit (USD mn) 991.190 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Assets (USD mn) -8,398.718 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Assets (USD mn) 1,477.038 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options: Asse... (USD mn) -929.414 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options: Liab... (USD mn) -759.684 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options (USD mn) -169.730 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account (USD mn) -2,357.419 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Credit (USD mn) 52,951.659 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Debit (USD mn) 55,309.079 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Current Account: Secondary Income: Credit (USD mn) 771.686 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Capital Account (USD mn) 48.608 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Capital Account: Credit (USD mn) 210.274 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account (USD mn) -2,150.019 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 480.195 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment (USD mn) -8,878.913 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 447.740 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment (USD mn) 1,029.297 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities: Equity (USD mn) 1,319.817 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities: Debt Securities (USD mn) -872.077 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) -8,222.921 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment (USD mn) 5,770.774 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Financial Account: Official Reserve Assets (USD mn) 98.552 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BoP: Net Errors & Omissions (USD mn) 158.792 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: IIP: Assets (USD mn) 506,667.153 2022 yearly 2002 - 2022 CY: IIP: Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -28,493.658 2022 yearly 2002 - 2022 Balance of Payments (BoP): Current Account (CA) (EUR mn) -517.022 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Goods (EUR mn) -1,731.759 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Services (EUR mn) 2,073.417 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Primary Income (PI) (EUR mn) -749.453 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Secondary Income (EUR mn) -109.227 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: Capital Account (EUR mn) -32.987 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: Financial Account (FA) (EUR mn) -168.527 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Direct Investment (EUR mn) -962.577 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Portfolio Investment (EUR mn) 1,828.573 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options excl Reserves (EUR mn) -4.738 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Other Investments (EUR mn) -1,028.181 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: Net Errors & Omissions (EUR mn) 381.482 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Credit (EUR mn) 13,234.811 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Credit: Goods (EUR mn) 1,004.922 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Credit: Services (EUR mn) 6,237.761 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Credit: Primary Income (PI) (EUR mn) 5,805.642 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Credit: Secondary Income (SI) (EUR mn) 186.486 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: Capital Account: Credit (EUR mn) 17.140 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Assets (EUR mn) 439.465 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Assets: Direct Investment (DI) (EUR mn) -52.514 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Assets: Portfolio Investment (PI) (EUR mn) 1,186.322 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Assets: Financial Derivatives excl reserves & Employee Stock Options (EUR mn) -27.316 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Assets: Other Investment (OI) (EUR mn) -665.423 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Debit (EUR mn) 13,751.833 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Debit: Goods (EUR mn) 2,736.681 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Debit: Services (EUR mn) 4,164.344 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Debit: Primary Income (PI) (EUR mn) 6,555.095 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: CA: Debit: Secondary Income (SI) (EUR mn) 295.712 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: Capital Account: Debit (EUR mn) 50.127 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Liabilities (EUR mn) 607.992 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Liabilities: Direct Investment (DI) (EUR mn) 910.063 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Liabilities: Portfolio Investment (PI) (EUR mn) -642.252 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Liabilities: Financial Derivatives excl Reserves & Employee Stock Optio... (EUR mn) -22.578 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 BoP: FA: Liabilities: Other Investment (OI) (EUR mn) 362.758 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 MOF Forecast: Balance of Payments (BoP): % of GDP: Current Account (CA) (%) -3.600 2025 yearly 2008 - 2025 International Investment Position (IIP): Net (EUR mn) -28,267.474 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 IIP: Assets (EUR mn) 468,293.148 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 IIP: Liabilities (EUR mn) 496,560.622 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: General Government (EUR mn) 13,045.904 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: General Government: Short Term (EUR mn) 0.032 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: General Government: Long Term (EUR mn) 13,045.872 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Central Bank (EUR mn) 3,340.372 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Central Bank: Short Term (EUR mn) 2,814.107 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Central Bank: Long Term (EUR mn) 526.265 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Other Deposit Taking Corporations (OD) (EUR mn) 10,451.387 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: OD: Short Term (EUR mn) 8,003.748 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: OD: Long Term (EUR mn) 2,447.639 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Other Sectors (EUR mn) 46,228.146 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Other Sectors: Short Term (EUR mn) 15,298.639 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt: Other Sectors: Long Term (EUR mn) 30,929.507 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Gross External Debt (EUR mn) 162,317.231 Sep 2023 quarterly Mar 2008 - Sep 2023 Foreign Direct Investment: Flow (EUR mn) -715.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: ow Wholesale and Retail Trade (EUR mn) -13.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: ow Financial and Insurance Activities (EUR mn) -4,011.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: ow Manufacturing (EUR mn) 25.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: ow Transport and Storage (EUR mn) -197.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Europe: ow Greece (EUR mn) 5,167.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Europe: ow United Kingdom (EUR mn) 7,405.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Europe: ow Russian Federation (EUR mn) 87,312.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Europe: ow Germany (EUR mn) 8,674.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Europe: ow Netherlands (EUR mn) 10,443.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow (EUR mn) -9,161.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow: ow Wholesale and Retail Trade (EUR mn) 236.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow: ow Financial and Insurance Activities (EUR mn) 2,415.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow: ow Administrative and Support Services (EUR mn) -254.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow: ow Professional, Scientific and Technical Activi... (EUR mn) -231.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Direct Investment Abroad: Flow: ow Construction (EUR mn) -3.000 2021 yearly 2013 - 2021 CY: BOP: Current Account: Primary Income: Payments (USD mn) 26,659.589 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Imports: Goods (USD mn) 11,098.644 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Imports: Service (USD mn) 16,559.655 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Balance (USD mn) -2,357.419 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Primary Income: Net (USD mn) -2,199.709 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Net Trade: Goods (USD mn) -6,297.452 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Primary Income: Receipts (USD mn) 24,459.880 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Exports: Goods (USD mn) 4,801.193 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022 CY: BOP: Current Account: Exports: Service (USD mn) 22,918.901 2022 yearly 1976 - 2022
Cyprus House Prices Growth | Economic Indicators (2024)


Cyprus House Prices Growth | Economic Indicators? ›

Cyprus house prices grew 8.3% YoY in Dec 2023, following an increase of 7.6% YoY in the previous quarter. YoY growth data is updated quarterly, available from Mar 2007 to Dec 2023, with an average growth rate of 0.7%.

Are property prices increasing in Cyprus? ›

According to the Cyprus International Institute of Economic and Cultural data, house prices in Cyprus experienced a significant growth of 7.6% year-on-year in September 2023. This increase in property prices follows a previous quarter where there was already a notable rise of 7.4% year-on-year.

What is the forecast for the Cyprus real estate market? ›

Looking ahead, the market is expected to experience steady growth with an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 4.05%.

How is the housing market an economic indicator? ›

Home sales can be a good indicator of the health of the state's economy and housing markets. In addition, changing trends in home sales offer information about potential growth in property tax revenues in the future.

Why is Cyprus property so expensive? ›

Is property expensive in Cyprus? Cyprus has competitive property prices compared to the rest of the European Union. However, they have been on the rise due to the increased demand from foreign investors.

Is it worth investing in property in Cyprus? ›

The strategic location, economic stability, tax benefits, and quality of life make Cyprus an attractive destination for real estate investment. Whether you're looking for a holiday home, a permanent residence, or an investment property, Cyprus offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and enjoyment.

How much will the property cost in Cyprus in 2024? ›

How much does real estate cost in Cyprus in 2024?
CityPrice of apartments per sq.m in city centerPrice per sq.m outside city center
Larnacafrom 3300 to 4000 eurosfrom 2400 euros
Limassolfrom 4500 to 5500 eurosfrom 3400 euros
Nicosiafrom 2500 to 3000 eurosfrom 2200 euros
Ayia Napafrom 2400 to 3000 eurosfrom 2000 euros
2 more rows

What are 4 economic indicators? ›

Economic indicators include measures of macroeconomic performance (gross domestic product [GDP], consumption, investment, and international trade) and stability (central government budgets, prices, the money supply, and the balance of payments).

Are housing starts leading economic indicators? ›

Housing starts measure new construction of privately owned housing units and are considered an important leading indicator on the economy.

What are economists predicting for the housing market? ›

McBride says a plateauing of prices is more likely than a steep fall, and other experts' housing market predictions for 2024 align with that sentiment. Interest rates remain high as well, so if affordability is a concern, then this might not be the right year for a home purchase.

Why are millionaires moving to Cyprus? ›

Among the key reasons are: a great climate, beautiful countryside with ocean views, a stable government, a good economy and proximity to major markets.

Where do the rich go in Cyprus? ›

Destinations in Cyprus
  • Latchi. Latchi village sits next to a panoramic peninsula that legend says was Aphrodite's stomping ground. ...
  • Limassol. ...
  • Paphos. ...
  • Pissouri. ...
  • Troodos Mountains. ...
  • Ayia Napa.

What are the disadvantages of living in Cyprus? ›

When it comes to accessibility, Cyprus isn't the easiest to get around. Despite being an island, you'll need a car. Road infrastructure is lacking, to say the least, and traffic jams are frequent. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of living in Cyprus.

Is now a good time to buy property in Cyprus? ›

Investment opportunities

Property in North Cyprus is steadily increasing in value, which makes it an attractive investment. If you buy a property in winter, you can expect its price to rise further.

Is inflation high in Cyprus? ›

Inflation in Cyprus

Harmonized consumer price inflation averaged 0.9% in the ten years to 2022, below the Euro Area regional average of 1.8%. The 2022 average figure was 8.1%.

What is the average price of a house in Cyprus? ›

The average house in Cyprus is €316,000, but most people buy houses under €250,000.

Is it safe to buy property in Cyprus? ›

Misconception 1 – North Cyprus Title Deeds are unsafe or difficult to obtain. Truth: There are extremely safe title deeds available in North Cyprus. The TRNC government underwrites ALL title deeds issued in North Cyprus. There are regulations in place to make North Cyprus property purchase very safe.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.