CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (2024)

Did you know the CPA pass rate (for first time test takers) is around 50%? Specifically, in 2021, the cumulative CPA exam pass rate averaged between 45-63% across the four sections of the exam. In line with that trend, BEC averaged the highest CPA pass rate with a cumulative 63%.

CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (1)

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Preparation is key to doing your best on the CPA exam. Wiley’s Free CPA Practice Exam will help you prepare for exam day.

CPA Exam Pass Rates Key Takeaways

  • The average CPA exam pass rate is around 50%.
  • Pass rates for the four sections of the CPA exam range between 45-63%.
  • BEC has the highest pass rate and FAR has the lowest pass rate.
  • 9 out of 10 students who used Wiley CPA Exam Review Courses passed all 4 sections of their CPA exam.


  • 2021 CPA Exam Pass Rates
  • CPA Exam Pass Rates by Age
  • How Is the CPA Exam Scored?
  • Past CPA Exam Pass Rates

2021 CPA Exam Pass Rates

The most recent 2021 pass rates are available for Q1 and Q2.

CPA Pass Rates 2021:


It takes a lot of study and practice to pass the CPA exam, but it’s achievable. Below we breakdown pass rates by section, year, and quarter so you can get an idea of how you might fare.

Overall, nearly 50% of candidates passed the exam in all sections in 2019 and 2020, with some sections having much higher pass rates closer to 60%.

In 2019 and 2020, the CPA rates show that more candidates passed the BEC section than any other, with FAR having the lowest CPA exam pass rates across the board.

Thus, you may conclude that FAR is the hardest section to pass and BEC is the easiest, but it is to be noted that the AICPA highlights one reason BEC is higher is that it is the section most commonly taken last.

This means students are better at studying and test taking after completing other sections. Keep that in mind as you schedule your exam and decide whether to tackle the hardest or easiest CPA exam section first, and consider building a personal schedule that takes into account that the FAR section has the most study content.

When you’re ready, check the 2022 CPA Exam Schedule to help you choose when to schedule your CPA exam.

2020 Pass Rates:

Source: AICPA CPA Exam Pass Rates

2019 Pass Rates

Source: AICPA CPA Exam Pass Rates
2019 CPA Exam Pass Rates

CPA Exam Rates – Breaking Down Each Section

In 2021, cumulative pass rates for the CPA exam ranged between 45-63% for the four different sections of the exam.

The CPA exam sections by highest pass rate in order:

  1. Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
  2. Regulation (REG)
  3. Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
  4. Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)

We can look at specific pass rates of each section of the exam to understand how they relate to different sections and the exam overall.

AUD CPA Exam Pass Rates

In 2021, 49.7% is the average cumulative pass rate for the AUD CPA exam section.

The overall 2021 CPA exam pass rate is 54%, so AUD falls slightly below that and has the second lowest pass rate of all four sections of the exam in 2021.

BEC CPA Exam Pass Rates

The BEC CPA exam section has a 62.84% average cumulative pass rate in 2021.

BEC is typically considered the most straight-forward section of the CPA exam with the least amount of material covered.

It also varies from other sections of the exam because it includes written communication tasks and fewer task-based simulations. This could be why it is known to be the least difficult section of the exam and consistently has the highest pass rate.

FAR CPA Exam Pass Rates

The average cumulative pass rate for the FAR CPA Exam section in 2021 is 44.7%.

That gives FAR the lowest pass rate out of all four sections of the CPA exam. This follows typical trends as FAR has consistently had the lowest pass rate over the years and is considered to be the hardest section of the exam because of how comprehensive it is.

REG CPA Exam Pass Rates

The REG CPA exam section has a 59.03% average cumulative pass rate in 2021.

REG has the second highest pass rate out of the four sections of the CPA exam in 2021, coming in second to BEC (which has a 62.84% pass rate).

What Percentage Pass All Four Parts of The CPA Exam the First Time?

The overall pass rate for each section of the CPA exam hovers around 50%, but how many people manage to pass all four sections on the first try? About 20%. Around 1 in 2 people will pass a specific section of the exam, and about 1 in 5 people will pass each section on their first try.

Learn more about how hard is the CPA exam.

CPA Exam Pass Rates by Age

CPA exam pass rates vary by age, with younger people (recent graduates) faring better than older candidates—sometimes by as much as 20%.

This is likely because older candidates have been out of school longer and have not been in the mindset to study and take tests in quite some time. But, if you have been out of school for a while, fear not! Older candidates who study with Wiley CPA do just fine on the exams, it may just take a little extra studying and practice time.

Here’s a breakdown of three years of pass rates based on the age of the candidates so you can see where you might fit in.

CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (2)

Source:NASBA candidate performance report

How Is the CPA Exam Scored?

It’s important to understand how the exam is scored so you can plan your CPA exam prep for each section and learn how to pass the CPA exam.

For each section of the exam, your score will be between 0 to 99. To pass a section, you need a minimum score of 75.

Note that your CPA exam score is not a percentage, and it should not be interpreted as such. CPA scores are also not curved.

Additionally, your scores for the AUD, FAR, and REG sections are a weighted combination of scores from the multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and task-based simulations (TBSs), while your BEC section score is a weighted combination of scores from the MCQs, TBSs, and written communication tasks.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)50%50%50%50%
Task-based simulations (TBSs)50%35%50%50%
Written communication tasksn/a15%n/an/a

Some key takeaways on how the CPA exam is scored:

  • Scaled scores on the MCQ and TBS portions of the exam are calculated using formulas that take into account factors such as whether the question was answered correctly and the relative difficulty of each question.
  • Scoring is fully automated for all exam components except the written communication tasks. Most written communication responses are scored by a computer grading program, which is calibrated using human scorers.
  • Pretest questions are included in every exam (they may be multiple-choice questions, task-based simulations, and written communication tasks) only for the purpose of collecting data.
  • Multiple-Choice (MC) Testlets are classified as either medium or difficult based on the average difficulty of the pre-selected panel of questions within that testlet. The first MC testlet is of medium difficulty, and the second testlet may be the same or more difficult depending on the performance in the first testlet. Only the first testlet is adaptive, and all testlets have questions ranging in difficulty.
  • According to the AICPA, the CPA exam passing score is determined by their Board of Examiners (BOE), who consider many factors and input from others like, NASBA, consultant psychometricians, the academic community, and licensed CPAs, when making decisions.

For more information read theCPA Exam Frequently Asked Questions.

Past CPA Exam Pass Rates and Trends for 2018 and 2017

For more insights into how candidates have done historically on the CPA exam, check out the charts below for data from 2018 and 2017.

2018 CPA Exam Pass Rates

For 2018, BEC is consistently again the section with the highest pass rate, with the second quarter also performing well overall. It should be noted that for all sections, the second and third quarter had higher pass rates than their first and fourth counterparts.


2017 CPA Exam Pass Rates


CPA Exam Pass Rates Past Trends

While scores can vary from year to year and quarter to quarter, it can be helpful to see the overall picture of CPA exam pass rates by looking at trends. This can give you a more accurate view of what your chances are of passing.

Overall, from 2017 to 2021, AUD and REG pass rates increased slightly each year, while the BEC and FAR sections had larger jumps between 2017 and 2018. They leveled off and then increased again in 2020 (likely due to factors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic like less candidates taking the exam).

CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (3)

CPA Continuous Testing Overview

Now that you’ve seen what the pass rates look like, you might be wondering, when is the best time to sit for the exam to get the best CPA exam results? Some quarters have historically performed better than others; however, the game has changed now that the CPA exam testing windows have been replaced with continuous testing (as of July 1, 2020). So, the best time to take the exam will be more of a personal choice–work schedule, life schedule, etc.

CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (4)
Source:AICPA’s Continuous Testing Overview

Some highlights About Continuous Testing:

  • You can now take the CPA exam year-round with no exceptions.
  • You’re able to test more frequently.
    • If you receive a failing score, you can retake a section without restrictions.

Retake sections while content is still top of mind—this may shorten time needed to pass all four parts of the exam.

  • Continuous Testing replaced the CPA exam testing windows, which had only permitted candidates to test during designated time frames each calendar quarter.

Overall, passing the exam will come down to your chosen CPA Exam Review Course and how much effort you put into studying and preparing—as those are the best indicators of success. For more on Continuous Testing and scheduling your CPA exam, visit ourCPA Exam Schedule Guide.

CPA Exam Score Release

Awaiting your score can be a tense time, but you can find the target release date for scores based on test date by visiting the CPA Exam Score Release Dates page.

CPA Pass Rates by University

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) reports information on the top universities with large accounting programs and the highest CPA pass rates. Those CPA pass rates by school are:

  1. University of Texas at Austin —89.5% pass rate
  2. Brigham Young University —89.4% pass rate
  3. Wake Forest University —88.8% pass rate
  4. Boston College —88.3% pass rate
  5. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor —88.2% pass rate
  6. University of Florida — 86.4% pass rate
  7. University of Virginia — 84.8% pass rate
  8. Texas A&M University — 82.9% pass rate
  9. University of Wisconsin-Madison — 82.9% pass rate

9 Out of 10 Candidates Pass With Wiley CPA Review Courses

According to the AICPA CPA Exam Pass Rates, in 2021, only 49.7% of candidates passed the AUD section, 62.84% passed the BEC section, 44.7% passed the FAR section, and 59.03% passed the REG section. However, 9 out of 10 students who used Wiley CPA Exam Review Courses passed all 4 sections of their CPA exam—that’s 90% and way above the average!

Wiley’s CPA Review Coursesare taught by expert instructors and come with FocusMe TechnologyTM, an adaptive feature that identifies your problem areas and helps you address them as you move through practice problems.

Plus, with more test questions and task-based simulations than any other course provider, our CPA review mimics the actual exam and provides unique, customized questions to improve your scores.

With Wiley CPA Review Courses, you get:

  • 12,000+ Practice Questions
  • 500+ Task-Based Simulations
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Ready to start studying? Compare Wiley CPA Review Courses today.

CPA Exam Pass Rates – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about CPA exam pass rates.

  • The CPA pass rate is around 50%.
  • Around 50,000 people pass the CPA exam each year.
  • If you fail the CPA exam, you can retake it as many times you need until you pass. You just have to pass all four sections of the exam within an 18-month time frame.
  • Around 20% of people pass all four parts of the CPA exam on their first try.
  • YThe CPA exam has a low pass rate because there is a lot of material covered in the exam and much of it is complex.

Start preparing for the CPA exam today.

We’ve helped nearly a million candidates earn their CPA, and we’ll do the same for you.

CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam (2024)


CPA Exam Pass Rates - Pass Rates For All 4 Sections of Exam? ›

The overall pass rate for each section of the CPA exam hovers around 50%, but how many people manage to pass all four sections on the first try? About 20%. Around 1 in 2 people will pass a specific section of the exam, and about 1 in 5 people will pass each section on their first try.

How many people pass all four parts of CPA on first try? ›

The overall pass rate for each section of the CPA exam hovers around 50%, but how many people manage to pass all four sections on the first try? About 20%. Around 1 in 2 people will pass a specific section of the exam, and about 1 in 5 people will pass each section on their first try.

What happens when you pass all 4 parts of the CPA exam? ›

As soon as you know that you have passed all four parts of the CPA Exam you may apply for licensure; there is no need to wait for your pass letter. Is an ethics examination required? Yes. However, it is not necessary to take the ethics examination until you are prepared to apply for the CPA license.

What is the easiest section of the CPA exam to pass? ›

Either way, BEC is considered the easiest part of the CPA exam because it has the highest pass rate. The AICPA highlights one reason BEC is higher is because it is the section most commonly taken last, giving students more experience with test-taking after taking other sections.

Which part of the CPA exam is the hardest to pass? ›

The FAR section of the CPA exam is hard because it's the most comprehensive of the 4 exam sections, and it has a lot of math questions that are mentally taxing to get through. It has the lowest pass rate of all 4 exam sections and is considered the hardest CPA exam section.

Can you pass all 4 CPA exams in 6 months? ›

Students, recent graduates, and people with plenty of time to study should aim to sit for and pass 4 sections of the CPA Exam in about 6 months. This would have you taking an exam every 6-7 weeks and studying about 22-26 hours each week.

How long does it take to pass all 4 parts of the CPA Exam? ›

How long do I have to complete all four CPA Exam sections? You have a minimum of 18 months, starting from the date you pass your first section, to pass three Core sections and one Discipline.

Should I apply for all CPA sections at once? ›

Many states charge a flat registration fee for all exam sections, so applying for multiple exams at the same time can help reduce your costs. On the other hand, scheduling too many sections at once could be overwhelming.

Can you take all 4 CPA exams at once? ›

You are not required to take four parts of the CPA Exam at the same time. However, you can schedule multiple sections of the exam at any time and even take multiple parts of the exam on the same day. Gleim recommends you take one exam section at a time to help you focus on passing each section.

How common is it to fail a CPA Exam? ›

The CPA Exam has a pass rate of around 50%. So, though millions of candidates have passed the CPA Exam, many first faced failure along the way. Remember, not passing the CPA Exam doesn't mean you can't do this. The CPA Exam is a test of endurance, not intelligence.

Which CPA exam has the lowest pass rate? ›

2020 CPA Exam Pass Rates
SectionFirst QuarterFourth Quarter
1 more row

What is the best state to get a CPA license? ›

What State Is Best for the CPA License? If you want to take the CPA exam as early as possible with fewer requirements, Alaska is a good state to get your CPA license in because it allows candidates to sit while completing an undergraduate degree if within 18 hours of meeting bachelor's degree requirements.

Do most people pass CPA the first time? ›

About half of the individuals who take the CPA Exam don't pass on their first attempt. According to the AICPA, the national average pass rate is 45-55%. Cumulative pass rates reported by the AICPA for the calendar year 2021 show that FAR had the lowest pass rate at 44.54% and BEC had the highest pass rate at 61.94%.

Is a CPA harder than a bar? ›

Yes, the CPA Exam is harder than the Bar Exam.

Both the CPA Exam and the Bar exam are notoriously difficult exams that require months of rigorous study and cover very different material. However, if you look at just the exam pass rate for first-time takers, then the CPA exam is harder, with only a 14 - 20% pass rate.

How many times can I fail the CPA? ›

There is no limit as to the number of times you may repeat a failed section. You may take any unpassed section of the CPA Exam year-round. Your only restriction is waiting to receive your score from a previous attempt of the same section.

Should I take AUD or BEC first? ›

Here's our pro tip: If you're aiming to finish in 9 months, do FAR in the first window. Then, do AUD or REG in the second quarter paired with BEC (based on your strengths: tax or audit). Finally, in the third window, aim for the remaining part, AUD or REG.

What percentage of people never pass CPA? ›

The Uniform CPA Examination pass rate percentages are released by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and historically average around 45%-55%, varying by quarter and section.

How many times do people fail CPA? ›

How often do people fail in Certified Public accountant (CPA) exams? More than 50% fail, and nearly many drop out. You need to practice and be focused, and you will achieve success. There is a saying that you did not fail until you quit.

How many people pass the CFE on the first try? ›

The CFE Board of Evaluators began releasing statistics on pass rates along with Board Reports on candidate performance. The following are the first attempts of CFE Pass Rates: 2023 May and September CFE 70.5% (combined average) 2022 May and September CFE 71.3% (combined average)

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