Cost of Living in Toronto (2024)

100 Comments so far

Anonymous on Dec 27, 2023:

In Canada now and plan to leave.

Can't get a job, found out my college here likely won't lead to permeant residency, like ever.

Tuition is coming up for January 2024 and I can't pay and it doesn't lead to a PR card anyway so there's no point. Was living in a tent but now it's -1 celcius and it's too cold for me to remain outside with January and February temperatures getting colder. Heading home back to India broke cold and tired.

If there's any advice I have for anyone it's don't move to Canada. It is a scam.

It may have been good 10 years ago but that ship has firmly sailed. It is now a neo feudal hellscape. There is 0 ability to get ahead after high cost of living quality of life is much better in India. You can actually get a job, it's warm, family is around, food is better, etc.

Anonymous on Dec 11, 2023:

Toronto just amazes me. There aren't hiring anywhere regarding part time or minimum wage labor jobs. This is more than a recession going on, yet the politicians are packing this country with demand for housing that rents are $2,500 for a one-bedroom apartment these days in Toronto.

There are less job vacancies in Toronto to go around for so many people. Many staffing agencies are not hiring and don't have work.

Pikachu on Dec 08, 2023:

This is late stage capitalism.

The economy works for an increasingly small set of stakeholders while everyone else is merely an indentured serf, including newcomers.

You just exist to pay rent to those who already owned rental properties. It's a Ponzi Scheme- Canada is a Ponzi scheme.

Anonymous on Dec 07, 2023:


You leave middle class job in your home country.
And you end up working as labourer in Toronto for poverty wages.

You lived in a huge house in your home country.
And you are now paying $2,000 a month rent for a small apartment.

Canada is not for the educated and ambitious. There are many barriers to entering the career of your home country, like unions, professional associations and the infamous and impossible request for "Canadian work experience" just for an entry level job.

If you want to choose to migrate to Toronto this time, you will be worse off, and probably at risk of homelessness. Beware!

Anonymous on Dec 05, 2023:

This has to be a national crisis if foreign students are living in homeless encampments (tent cities) across Toronto.

Why do people even bother moving to Canada from their comfortable homes to live in tents down by the river in freezing cold?

Anonymous on Dec 05, 2023:

[URGENT] To International Students Living in Tents in the Greater Toronto Area: Preparing for Winter with a HOT TENT setup

I've noticed that many international students in Canada are currently living in tents due to housing affordability issues.

With winter approaching, it's crucial to understand that regular tents will not suffice in the extreme cold. To ensure your safety and warmth, I strongly advise investing in a hot tent setup. Here's what you'll need and why:

Hot Tent: These tents are specifically designed for winter conditions. They're insulated and can withstand heavy snow and wind. Look for one with a stove jack (an opening for a stovepipe).

Wood Stove: A portable wood stove is essential for heating your tent. It’s safer and more efficient than open fires. Ensure it fits your tent and has a proper venting system to avoid smoke inhalation. I recommend the OneTigris Tiger Roar Tent Stove with Chimney Pipes because some of the cheaper ones leak smoke into the tent and increase your risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Cast Iron Cookware: Great for cooking on your wood stove. Cast iron retains heat well and is durable.

Portable Carbon Monoxide Detector: This is a lifesaver. Tents are enclosed spaces, and using a stove increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Always have a functioning detector in your tent.

Anonymous on Dec 03, 2023:

@ anon below:

Tell that to both immigrants and Canadians who want to leave Canada because of high rents and stagnant wages due to a poor job market. You're probably that Canadian Landlord vulture who openly admitted that he and his landlord friends prey on virgin girls when they want to let a room in their rooming houses.

Anonymous on Dec 02, 2023:

New immigrants should really think about what they can bring to Canada before complaining about how little one can get from here. Stop ranting, intead, work hard and work smart. Anyone will prosper in Canada

Anonymous on Dec 01, 2023:

It’s a fair deal for new immigrants. Either you bring a couple million capital or labour in exchange for your right to live in this beautiful country. It happened in the past, now and in future.

Anonymous on Dec 01, 2023:

The situation in Canada will not get any better, housing prices and rent will stay high, wages will stay low and taxes will get worse.

Why? Quite simply because the government will continue to market Canada to more naive immigrants overseas and many will continue to fall in the trap, only once they have been here for a certain amount of time will they figure out the realities and by then if they do leave (many end up deleting themselves), there will be a fresh batch of gullible fools to replace them..

Anonymous on Nov 28, 2023:

I do not believe that Toronto will lead to a good life for newcomers because of lack of well paying jobs.

My concern is that Canadian employers do not consider decades of international work experience and an advanced university degree for a job. For someone in their 30s and 40s, moving to Canada and having to redo high school credits, undergrad and postgrad to meet Canadian experience requirements sound like a money pit.

This is because no good job will be guaranteed at that time, and by the time you finish your education you'll be 40s and 50s applying for jobs with 20 something young Canadians.

This leads to many educated newcomers doing menial jobs that are not within their field of profession. The jobs are not enough to afford rent based on affordability criteria.

Anonymous on Nov 23, 2023:

Canada is a scam. They lie to educated people to migrate to Canada, when their foreign work experience and education are not recognized in Canada due to discrimination.

Canada just wants the immigrants to spend their life savings until they are broke and forced to return to their homelands like a loser.

Hebrew Israelite on Nov 23, 2023:

@ anon below:

White feminism ruined that guy's life. The Karens living in houses and working in comfy government jobs cry that they are disadvantaged more than the unemployable brown guy with special needs that he cannot function more than being a sign holder.

The white woman is the DEVIL in Canada. Brown men are entering HELL if they decide to migrate to Canada.

Anonymous on Nov 22, 2023:

Foreign born Toronto man can't find a job:

Don't leave your good life, to live in Canada and end up like that guy.

Rick on Nov 19, 2023:

Who in the hell would now want to immigrate to Canada? Outrageous housing costs, which consume most of your income. One has to work at least two to three jobs just to try to keep from completely drowning economically. A healthcare system which is on life support. It is next to impossible to get a doctor. Emergency waits times at hospitals can range from 4 to 24 hours. Traffic from hell in all the major cities .... particularly Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The crushing cost of living. A political leader who is a complete fool who has basically destroyed the country in just 8 years. As if all of this wasn't bad enough ...... 5 months of winter from hell. Living in Canada is now an extreme struggle in every way imaginable. One will always struggle. One will always work like a dog. Furthermore, one will very likely fall into extreme debt in Canada just to survive. One has to pay outrageous taxes on their income, leaving them with about 50% of what they actually earn after they have paid all the combined taxes on everything that they buy or services that they use. Forget about ever being able to save money. Incomes are about 35% less than in other advanced countries for the same skilled job. One will never own a home. One will never be able to start a family. One will always freeze in the winter. Life in Canada has become an absolute hell. The Canadian dream is as dead as dead can be. It is no longer a country where one can earn a decent living, own a home and live a good life. On top of all of this, it has an authoritarian government which keeps passing new laws to reduce free speech and civil rights.

Canada on Nov 18, 2023:

It's incredibly hard to live here. I don't know how people are able to do it.

Cost of living is so insanely high. Everything is expensive. People are mentally unstable due to stress.

So many homeless people not just in the city but across Canada.

It's also a really really boring city.

Anonymous on Nov 16, 2023:

Europeans, even Ukrainians have higher standards of living. They won't as easily allow themselves to live like simpleton Indians. Indians are perfectly okay living like co*ckroaches with 39 other people in one house.

We shouldn't be expected to live like an Indian simpleton.

Justin on Nov 15, 2023:

Toronto just want wage serfs to pay rent to a feudalistic landlord with no chance to become a property owner.

You'd be a sucker to liquidate your assets to pay rent in a crowded basem*nt to enrich those who already own property.

Anonymous on Nov 14, 2023:

I have full empathy for newcomers and students who are the most receiving end and have long term impact

In Toronto, Indian students can't even afford a room with roommates anymore, they rent time periods in beds. Say there's a room with 9 bunk beds in it, one of the beds is rented from 12 to 8 pm to one student, then from 8 pm to 4 am to another student, then from 4 am to 12 to another, and it's still so expensive.

Even minimum-salary jobs are hard to get, for every job open there are 150-200 students applying, and minimum salary jobs will NOT get you $4000 a months, you'll be lucky to make 1200 after tax and commute expenses. It's a desperate situation.

Jai Hanuman on Nov 09, 2023:

Canada wants Indian nationals to do the menial jobs no matter how educated and professional they were in their home countries. I'm puzzled as to why Indian nationals are continuing to jump into this economic dumpster-fire knowing what awaits them in Canada.

It baffles me. Everyone who has access to the internet knows that Canada is not the land of milk and honey, and many foreigners will be worse off in Canada than they were in their home countries.

The joke that Toronto has the most educated taxi drivers who used to be doctors was a joke since the 1990s! It hasn't gotten any better because the rents are too high, and many full time jobs have been contracted to staffing agencies.

Anonymous on Nov 09, 2023:

If you studied and graduated in your home country's university and have a stable job in the your home country why do you have to move to Canada.

No problem working abroad but to be immigrant to other countries like Canada must be a suicide mission, because you will be downgrading your career working menial jobs. Docs who conducted surgeries in the UK are driving beck taxi or working in warehouses as genera labor. Thats the situation. Overqualified immigrants doing dead-end jobs in Canada. No future.

You would've been better off in your home country. But now you're grinding away in Toronto paying most of your paycheque in rent for a single room. What a pity that you placed yourself in this dire predicament.

The Terminator on Nov 09, 2023:

Indian People need to get out of this city.....disgusting people

Jason Pledge on Nov 03, 2023:

Toronto is False Advertising.

People need to realize that the Canadian government lies when they promise an easy life here. it’s unfair to immigrants to be deceived . they come here with good intentions and quickly realize it’s not what they were told.

Can you imagine leaving your comfortable middle class job in your home country to pack boxes in Toronto, and stuck with no savings because of low wages and high expenses?

Anonymous on Nov 02, 2023:

Agree with most of the comments. You are sold a lie in migrating to a country with no good jobs

Anonymous on Nov 02, 2023:

If you're middle-aged (40 to 55), with decades of work experience, professional education and worldly...

You're gonna regret moving to Canada.

Do you like packing boxes, working on assembly lines and doing dead-end jobs for minimum wage with no chance to go up the social ladder? Then be my guest and live in Toronto working for a pittance compared to the sky high rents.

Ben Horowitz on Nov 01, 2023:

In reply to Jake on Oct 24, 2023:

Hard work doesn't really equate to success in Canada because of how the system is a glass ceiling for educated permanent residents and newcomers who are forced into general labour jobs.

It's easy to get laid off these jobs too, thus, hard work is only appreciated to enrich the CEO and shareholders. Canada's job market is segregated, and newcomers should be aware of that.

The 21-year-old graduate from an elite Canadian university is going to get the job, even if the newcomer has more qualifications and work experience. This is how Canada keeps newcomers at an economic quagmire with no hope for a middle class life.

Italiano on Oct 28, 2023:

I wouldn't advise any middle class professional in their home country to up and leave their comfortable lifestyles to migrate to Canada.

These are the issues at hand currently:

1) Toronto rents are about 2,500 CAD a month for an apartment, and keeps on rising for some strange reason that defies economics.

2) Getting a family physician is hard, and clinics are pressuring you to pay for out of pocket expenses due to stagnant healthcare funding. Many Canadians are waiting so long for urgent care that they would rather take a loan and pay it out of pocket in the States.

3) Toronto is congested with at least 100,000 new cars being registered every year. Public transit has not kept up with population growth.

4) Good jobs are extremely difficult to get. Expect to work in a factory or warehouse for minimum wage for a while. The job market is segregated where one group gets the best jobs and outcomes in life, and the rest are grinding their backs off with nothing to show for it.

5) Canada is becoming Americanized capitalist in a sense that the government panders to those who own assets and property, but if you fall through the cracks, it's easy to become homeless even if you have the best education and work experience.

6) Canadian employers don't recognize foreign credentials, even if it's from the States. Intellectual discrimination.

7) Adding to Point 5, the government is doing their best to import as many international students who pay rent to the property owners and causing a higher cost of living for everyone else.

8) There is no future in Toronto to live the middle class dream. It's either you migrate to Canada already rich, or you downgrade your standard of life (eg Bank Manager in Dubai working as a general laborer in a factory).

Anonymous on Oct 26, 2023:

You're gonna starve & can't afford rent in Toronto if you don't have a cushy government job, become a grifter like a useless politician, or engage in some involvement with the sketchy underground economy. YOU'RE GONNA STARVE:

Food insecurity rose in line with inflation
A few years ago, unemployment was a major factor in the number of people seeking support, as the early months of the pandemic brought the economy to a halt. The report said food insecurity is now being driven by inflation and the high cost of living — with more Canadians struggling to afford basics like housing and food.
The study said demand for food banks started exploding around the same time inflation shot up, doing so at its fastest rate in the last 40 years.
HungerCount 2023 Findings
A table on a white background with 2023 HungerCount findings put out by Food Banks Canada
MISSING: summary MISSING: current-rows.
Number of food bank visits across Canada in March 20231.9 million
Percentage increase from March 2022⇧ 32.1%
Percentage increase from March 2019⇧ 78.5%
Source: Food Banks Canada (CBC)

"It's not necessarily that there's not enough food," said Larry Mathieson, who runs the Unison for Generations 50+ program for older adults in the Calgary area. "It's that we can't afford the food."
The study said 17 per cent of clients this year had jobs, but they didn't earn enough to make ends meet.
"Never before have food banks seen such a high level of need among the working population," the report said.

@Paulpinoyko on Oct 24, 2023:

Canadian govt is a scam it is design to lure people to the country with a promise of a great life.

100% true, the country’s govt is design and set to milk people with their hard earn money and little to no opportunity to move up instead of getting stuck to working a lowly paying jobs on construction or cleaning houses and building to working in food industry waitering to butchering poultry animals.

Leave or stay out of the country as early as you can. I realized Canadians are very polite but not very nice they will hear you but will not listen and give you what you want. Canadians pander to Karens and Permit Pattys.

Anonymous on Oct 24, 2023:

I passed the Points System. I was led to believe that I will get a job in my field.

I have a degree in biosciences which I used to obtain my Phd in Canada.

I'm working at McDonalds for a few pennies above minimum wage, while a dunce Canadian woman gets the best jobs doing nothing inside the office.

Canada is CURSED for educated foreigners. No wonder Alek Minassian snapped out, but he should've driven that van where there were white Canadian women than murdering a bunch of Orientals.

Jake on Oct 24, 2023:

If you work hard, you can achieve anything. Canada is for those determined to succeed.

Google Long Lines Job Fair Toronto on Oct 22, 2023:

The bad economic times have only just started
Is Canada already in a recession? We should get a good indication this week

Peter Armstrong · CBC News · Posted: Sep 24, 2023 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: September 24

The Canadian economy is headed for a rough patch. Growth has already slowed considerably. Job growth has moderated. Inflation remains stubbornly high. But the pain households are feeling today is only going to get worse.

"The path forward looks bleak," Tiago Figueiredo, a macro strategy associate with Desjardins, said in a note.

For a while there, the economy proved more resilient than expected. The Bank of Canada's interest rate hikes piled up one after another. Even so, the jobs market boomed, GDP continued to expand.

But economic pain was inevitable. Soaring inflation has eroded purchasing power, and climbing interest rates have clobbered households. Now, cracks have begun to appear in the data, and economists expect those cracks to grow. GDP contracted in the second quarter of this year.

Next week, new data is expected to show economic growth flat-lined in July and perhaps contracted again in August. Some of that can be chalked up to specific factors, including labour actions like the port strike in B.C. or wildfires.

But before any of that, momentum was clearing being sapped out of the Canadian economy.

That would put Canada on track for two consecutive quarters of negative growth, which would meet the technical definition of a recession.

Frances Donald, the global chief economist and strategist at Manulife Investment Management, says we should spend less time debating what to call this downturn and focus more on how it will impact people.

"Even if there are technical factors that avert two quarters of negative GDP, this economy will feel like a recession to most Canadians, for the next year," she told CBC News.

Jake on Oct 21, 2023:

Below me, the liar is spreading false information about the Canadian economy. According to the OECD's latest figures, Canada's economy grew by 3.2% in 2022, surpassing the G20 and OECD averages of 3.0% and 2.8%, respectively. This is the right time to come to Canada as there is significant labour shortage in Canada.

Anonymous on Oct 21, 2023:

Toronto is INFESTED with co*ckroaches, bedbugs, rodents and FEMENISTS!

Anonymous on Oct 20, 2023:

So this Trudeau government spammer below can post URLs, but I can't?

The Bloomberg information is not relevant to the recent stats. Canada's economy is stagnating.

We are entering a recession. Why would anyone leave their comfy office jobs in their home country to work as laborers and janitors for minimum wage, and saving little to no money because of extortionate rent prices?

Jake on Oct 20, 2023:

"Canada already is the fastest-growing economy after the US in the G7 this year and will probably repeat that performance in 2024, according to economist forecasts compiled by Bloomberg. It will be No. 1 in 2025 with gross domestic product expanding 2.3%. Technology is driving much of the growth. "

Buzz on Oct 20, 2023:

Very hard to be hired with employee benefits.

Sheer contract & temp agency work. You will end up as a wage serf.

Rents are too high here.


Anonymous on Oct 18, 2023:

The Canadian GDP is stagnating despite 'high population growth'.

Educated newcomers work in warehouses and factories for minimum wage. Waste of talent and skills.

Justin Trudeau's approval ratings are declining, and the Conservatives are projected to win the 2025 federal election (338 Canada).

Jake below is lying to you folks.

Jake on Oct 17, 2023:

Don't believe the naysayers. The Canadian economy is growing at a pace never seen before. The Trudeau government has put in many policies that make it easy to start a business and cut down on the amount of paperwork. Despite the high cost of living in Canada, the Trudeau government has taken steps to help struggling families. Toronto is one of the most affordable cities in North America. Settling in Canada is the best decision you can make.

Schoenen Klantberg on Oct 14, 2023:

Toronto remains one of the most expensive in the country, with the average cost of a one-bedroom property now at $2,614 a month.

But the pace of rent hikes in the Ontario city has slowed considerably in recent months, and was down by 0.2 per cent from August's level. Compared to one year ago, Toronto rents are up by 4.9 per cent.

Across Canada, clocked a 27-per-cent increase in shared accommodation listings over last year, including a whopping 78 per cent spike of such listings in Ontario.

"The average roommate now in Toronto is paying over $1,300 a month," he said in an interview.

Accept Cookies on Oct 14, 2023:

Jake is lying guys.

Canada is hard for newcomers. It's great for the elites like Galen Weston, Ed Rogers, John Tory, Irving, Bronfman and Saputo. Those guys want more newcomers to become consumers.

Jake is being dishonest. Take his comment with a tiny grain of salt.

Jake on Oct 13, 2023:

These comments make me laugh. I would recommend to anyone considering immigrating to Canada, go for it. Canada is currently booming and full of opportunities. There are numerous job opportunities available in every nook and cranny of Toronto. Toronto is one of the most affordable and liveable cities in the world, and your children would be growing up in a developed first world country. It is a testament to Canada's success that millions of newcomers are living happily in Canada.

Anonymous on Oct 12, 2023:

I hate these modern women you have in Toronto. Stuck up and prudish beaches dressed like fakking whoars!

Anonymous on Oct 05, 2023:

There is no future for young people in Canada.

I left Canada after a decade of underemployment. There is a stagnant job market with little growth and innovation, limiting the employment prospects of young people and immigrants. The cost of living has easily doubled in the last 10 years, with negative wage growth. Taxes continue to go up, like the carbon tax, which has contributed about 30 percent to the cost of living.

One cannot afford housing in a normal household unless one partner has a government job, or a position in one of Canada's Crown Corporations. The only way to get hired is to know someone on the inside, an aunt or uncle, or your parents who can get your hired. There is no relationship between skills and entry-level employment. If you are an immigrant, you can forget about working in a well-paying job with your foreign name. You will not even receive an interview.

I have so many things to write about this country, which is seriously mismanaged and mediocre. I advise young people to not move there. Consider United States or Europe, where housing is still affordable, taxes are lower, and food is of good quality. There are also a lot more opportunities these days in developing countries.

Good luck.

Jeremy Stone on Sep 26, 2023:

Toronto has become a glorified prison. There is no freedom of movement unless you wish to lose your savings moving to the middle of nowhere.

Toronto- That is where dreams are broken. There's nothing you can do (except protest against the elites living in Rosedale and The Bridle Path.

Ajay on Sep 07, 2023:

I regret moving to Toronto.

I had a government agency job, a house , a car and $9,000 USD in emergency savings.

I sold everything to move to Canada. No stable job. All savings exhausted.

My rent is over C$2,200 a month. I was laid off in the factory job. No job right now.

I wonder if jumping over the Don Valley overpass connecting Danforth and Broadview is the way out of this living hell.

Anonymous on Sep 03, 2023:

Canada is in for a recession:

The Canadian GDP stalled in the second quarter of 2023, missing market expectations of a 0.3% expansion and failing to build on the 0.6% growth rate in the previous three-month period.

On an annualized basis, the Canadian GDP contracted by 0.2%, well below market expectations of a 1.2% expansion. source: Statistics Canada

Rick on Sep 03, 2023:

No point blaming immigrants for the numerous problems in Canada. If you allow your house to be invaded, you can't blame the invaders for the damage. Why is Canada giving away visas like popcorns? The flawed system they've created makes it impossible for Anglo-Canadians to run this country without foreigners. Now Canadians have to compete with millions of Indians. No worries though, Canadians are preoccupied with beer, hockey and weed.

Anonymous on Aug 31, 2023:

Jobs are hard to find in Toronto that (alleged) accused rapists are taking advantage of the desperation:

Anonymous on Aug 29, 2023:

Unlike America, Canada isn't looking for the next new CEO, scientist, inventor or world success story.

Canada, in particular, Toronto is looking for COGS IN A MACHINE, WAGE SERFS and CONSUMERS.

Canada wants an educated underclass to work in factories and warehouses to enrich the landed gentry.

Anonymous on Aug 29, 2023:

Jobs are hard to find in Canada. Look at this long line:

The government is deliberately increasing immigration to cause a job market crisis and a housing crisis, because they own rental properties to profit.

Anonymous on Aug 22, 2023:

Anon, anywhere within 100 miles of Toronto is the same cost of living problem.

The condo owners in Vaughan still expect you to pay $2,500 a month Toronto rent prices while demanding that you have 1,000 years of work experience for minimum wage at $15/hr.

Rick on Aug 19, 2023:

Trudeau was elected thanks to airheads, potheads and sheeple.
If that is the Canadian electorate, we do, indeed, deserve everything we get.

Anonymous on Aug 19, 2023:

You will grind away your teeth under stress living in Toronto.

Cost for a root canal and crown replacement for a tooth is $10,000 without insurance. A tooth implant is $7,000. And they want to charge HST on top of that!

If you didn't move to Toronto, you wouldn't face any stress and despair. Who are you? Galen Weston and John Tory rich enough to enjoy Toronto?

Rick on Aug 19, 2023:

Canadians are BREAKING DOWN under Trudeau's cost of living crisis

Anonymous on Aug 18, 2023:

Radical feminism caused a decline in birth rates.
Which caused a reaction by government and corporations to increase mass immigration.
Which caused rent prices to increase.
Which caused the job market to lowball on wages.

Radical feminism funded by the ivory towers in Bay Street is partially responsible for this mess.

What we have in Toronto is an unemployed underclass of average men, radical feminists, sky high rents, low wages, and elites who get rich from the social misery and pain.

Anonymous on Aug 12, 2023:

These are the top headlines in 24 hours:

1. Canada’s rental market facing ‘perfect storm’ as prices hit new high in July: report - National

2. Canada ‘absolutely’ can’t build more houses without more immigrants, minister says

3. Record levels of international students straining Canada's housing supply further


The elites want to bring in more consumers to increase stagnant GDP at any cost while productivity is either slowing or declining. This is a socio-economic disaster in the making.

Anonymous on Aug 09, 2023:

No one can deny it, Canada is not what it used to be.

Thank you brave netizens for having the backbone to tell more people before they make the mistake of leaving everything behind for a broken promise.

I don't want to sell my property and leave my government job to pay rent for a room in Toronto and work in a factory as a wage serf.

Anonymous on Aug 06, 2023:

Rick, Canada brings in the riff raff from Indian slums, while America promotes the best from India. Many Fortune 500 CEOs, surgeons and CPAs in America are of Indian descent.

There is something about Canada which rewards mediocrity and these FAKE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS who are flooding up the housing and job market.

America wouldn't let them in if these Pajeet fake international students tried to enter America.

Rick on Aug 06, 2023:

Wherever Indians enter the job market, the standard of living declines for everybody. The reason is Indians are more likely to work for less pay. A report published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) reveals that Indians are amongst the most overworked and underpaid workers in the world. Struggling in Canada or Australia is much better than struggling in India. In the United States, educated professionals are jobless because Indian professionals take all jobs for less pay.

Rick on Aug 05, 2023:

Canadians vote for Liberal societal values and Conservative economic policies when the reverse should be the case.

Rick on Aug 05, 2023:

As no one else wishes to live in squalor, the vast majority of new arrivals hail from India. The Pajeets are accustomed to living in despair and poverty. Living in a basem*nt with many other dudes sharing a bathroom, that's easy. Out of 10 Pajeets only 1 will be complaining about the state of Canada while the rest are dancing to bhangra music. I know this as I've lived around them. They are loud, rude and obnoxious.

Rick on Aug 05, 2023:


Frankly, I couldn't care less about the future of this country, as the vast majority of Canadians are complacent. Mass immigration is often criticized, but few people acknowledge that the Canadian voter is fully responsible for supporting liberal policies that caused the family unit to disintegrate. Instead of a dynamic mix of various industries, the Canadian economy is dominated by monopolies. Only a handful of corporations dominate the Canadian economy. There isn't enough competition, which makes it harder to find a job and makes life more expensive.

Anonymous on Aug 03, 2023:

Rick, Canada was already at its funeral once they allowed White women to parade naked in public.

White women caused the birth rates to collapse and politicians/corporations to brainwash everyone that to cater to the fall in birth rates, Canada must increase immigration.

The WHITE WOMAN caused birth rates to decline for the corporate masters. Corporations and white women benefit from one million Pajeets waiting in line for a job, or asking a narcissitic white woman for Bobs and Vagene to boost her ego.

This is why the WHITE MAN is LEAVING CANADA and let the white woman get gang raped by the Pajeets and Bobs Vagene lowlifes.

Rick on Aug 02, 2023:

Canada is importing boatloads of Pajeets and Langarjeets from India and every place these people go they destroy it. They do crimes, drugs, scams and all kinds of illegal activities you can think of. Why is Canada committing suicide by importing the worst of the worst?

Anonymous on Jul 28, 2023:

RE: Flood of immigrants and bogus "international students" from India

It seems to be out of a desire to keep housing prices high, to keep wages low, and to keep GDP growing.

Housing prices are maintained during this period of high-interest rates by ramping up demand through immigration.

This is great for our MPs, ruling class, and older generations, who are largely property owners that have become used to insane returns on their property values.

For a lot of regular people who own houses, they depend on the value of their property remaining high to retire.

Additionally, newcomers to Canada seem a lot more accepting of fitting many people into cramped living spaces (eg. 8 people sharing a 2 bedroom, like one of my former coworkers).

Wages are kept low by increasing the labour pool, especially for low-skill jobs.

Anonymous on Jul 23, 2023:

Rent for a shared bed is about C$700 or more a month. Yes, a shared bed with a stranger inside a room with several other roommates. Toronto is that bad for a quality of life.

Anonymous on Jul 20, 2023:

Oh look below.

Another Indian named Utshab Biswas who wants to drive down wages in Toronto and join his other Pajeets packed a dozen inside a basem*nt while contributing to a lowered quality of life for Canadians.

Utshab Biswas on Jul 20, 2023:

I am interest and help for this process
How can i apply this process?

Rick on Jul 17, 2023:

Canada is so desperate for immigrants and appeasem*nt politics that the country is now filled with Sikh terrorists, making life a living hell for all others.

G.F. on Jul 11, 2023:

I'm a Brazilian lawyer, have a pretty good life and all that, and I used to get "come live in canada" propaganda ALL THE TIME.

I mean, leave the tropical paradise where I live to go wash dishes in cold, dark Ottawa or Toronto just to pay rent? No thanks. I'll come as a tourist if you guys ever build something interesting, which is probably never.

Anonymous on Jul 11, 2023:

Toronto is stagnancy, economic decline and eventually despair and ruin.

Many people don't become homeless overnight. It's after they live in Toronto and being subjected to one rent increase that they get kicked to the curb.

Toronto is a meat grinder and it's not for you if you're established in your homeland.

Anonymous on Jul 09, 2023:

Canadian rent is like a feudal system.

Small businesses are shutting down because the greedy investors who own rental properties want to charge more and more rent for doing nothing.

It's also unspoken that several rent earners are packed into a studio apartment in Toronto and they pool up the rent which cost way more than if the apartment was rented to a couple or traditional nuclear family.

Sheer wage serfs in Canada. Nothing justifies paying C$2,500 a month for a one-bedroom apartment in Scarborough, but I guess if 5 people pool $500 a month, then that downgrades the Canadian way of life.

But do people living in third world slums pay $500 a month to share a shed with several people? I thought that they lived on the land for free, so why are immigrants paying $500 a month to share a bachelor pad with several people?

Anonymous on Jul 05, 2023:

@ below:

The Minister of Housing is buying rental properties in anticipation for the 500,000 immigrants a year. The government is bringing in millions of Indians and Pakistanis while Pakistan is currently suffering famine due to being overpopulated.

The Canadian government wants to bring the Pakistan and Indian slums to Canada, while demanding Manhattan cost of living prices.

Anonymous on Jul 04, 2023:

Corporate REITs are now packing several families into 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom apartments and charging obscene rents because they can charge per person rather than for one person or family.

Residential landlords are packing dozens of international students in the basem*nt and charging about $1,000 per head. Canada has changed for the worse.

Canada reached 40 million people a few weeks ago. The population currently sits at 40,120,000 people in a matter of weeks. This is a disaster. We don't have enough jobs and housing for the influx.

Todd on Jun 30, 2023:

There is a lot of gimmigrants in this comment section complaining that you have to pay high rents in Tronno. Well, you have the option to not come if you cannot afford the rent. No-one owes you a special apartment in downtown Tronno just because you feel entitled to one. Why would you even choose an expensive city like Tronno if you are unskilled? Some people need a reality check and to stop being so arrogant and hyper-entitled. Sit down with a glass of milk and realize your financial constraints.

Anonymous on Jun 28, 2023:

Anonymous on Jun 20, 2023: " I just lay down and sometimes I pray that I die in my sleep."

So much for Toronto being advertised as a "world class city". This thinking explains why there is an opioid crisis across Canada.

People are in dire straits that they inject dangerous doses of opiates just to psychologically distance themselves from the pain and suffering of the post-modern Canadian society where everything has a price tag, and Toronto is all about money and ever increasing costs.

The average person cannot keep up and many get left behind and die in deaths of despair.

Anonymous on Jun 27, 2023:

Average salary is a poor metric.

Data can be skewed by outliers such as overpaid professors, teachers, lawyers and cops.

A more accurate wage would be median, or for newcomers, minimum wage at $16/hr in a general labour job.

Toronto is for those who are already rich and privileged. If you're coming as a newcomers, you start with the lower wage.

Ben on Jun 25, 2023:

Being in Toronto is simply being at Canada's funeral.

Anonymous on Jun 20, 2023:

I'm not happy in Toronto. Canada just want more people to pay rent and work as labourers.

No matter how hard I try to apply for jobs:

At first it was because I lack Canadian experience

so I pursued a degree. So I'm now overqualified. You just can't win in Toronto. You just can't win.

So while I'm sending resumes like crazy everyday, I just lay down and sometimes I pray that I die in my sleep.

That's Canada for you. It's a trap!

Anonymous on Jun 19, 2023:

Its impossible finding part time job.

1 Amazon delivery position had 1000 applications. Canada is not easy as these people make it out to be. Canada just wants more people to come pay high course fees, pay a lot for food, and pay expensive rent to other Indians with property or rich Canadians. Do your research carefully people.

Its not all gold like these people tell you. Many people are going back to India for better quality of life.

Anonymous on Jun 16, 2023:

As long as newcomers are prevented from continuing their careers in Canada, due to lack of "Canadian Experience" and being "overqualified" for the job, this scam that brings in educated professionals to work as general labour in Canada will not stop.

It's pointless and detrimental to expect a middle class job in Canada because Canadian employers don't want foreign credentials and experience. America is better in that regard.

Anonymous on Jun 15, 2023:

Toronto is way too expensive but doesn't have enough high-paying jobs.

By the way, Canada is becoming a controlled, coercive authoritarian country. Right now they are just boosting their economy by bringing new immigrants and charging international students 3-5x the local tuition rate.

Canada needs more people to bring in money to boost their GDP while at the same time, using that money to promote authoritarian measures.

Anonymous on Jun 11, 2023:

I believe that newcomers are being lied to by the government.

The government and immigration consultants are portraying a land of milk and honey but when people arrive it's a struggle to survive.

Rent is about $2,500 a month but the only jobs available to newcomers are mainly deadend minimum wage jobs at $16/hr.

Sommar on Jun 11, 2023:

The recent job report showed that Canada lost 17,000 jobs in May 2023, which is an indicator that there will be hard times coming.

I wonder how will the elites get their $2300 a month 1-bedroom apartments rented if there aren't any jobs?

An economic system which relies on deceiving and misleading newcomers to bring their life savings to pay at least one-year rent upfront isn't sustainable.

Anonymous on Jun 09, 2023:

It's plain and simple. Canada just wants more people with savings to spend their money in Canada while becoming modern day wage serfs to work in the factories. There is little chance of going up the socio-economic ladder and becoming middle class or higher in Toronto.

It's designed that way to milk the life savings of newcomers and fatten the portfolios of the Canadian elites.

There is a reason why Canadian Embassies require immigrants to come with their life savings. It's to pay rent to a Canadian to boost the Canadian economy.

Rent is very expensive in Toronto. This applies in any city in Canada.

Many people are not getting jobs according to their educational background.

There are labour jobs being posted everywhere online but professional jobs are rare to find. These days, even labour jobs is having high numbers of applicants.

Colleges in Canada are distributing degrees and diplomas like diploma mills.

No placement policies from colleges. So you get a degree with no work experience. Canada is a scam.

Anonymous on Jun 07, 2023:

Rent prices for a one-bedroom in Toronto's boroughs on average:

North York: $2,000-$2750 a month
Etobico*ke:$1,925-$2450 a month
Old Toronto/East York: $2,250 to $4,500 a month, especially in downtown Toronto.
Scarborough: $2199 to $2650 a month.

Check the rental listings online. Rent prices are creeping up in Toronto.

Casey on Jun 07, 2023:

"Also if you are POC don't think about receiving call back for an interview. Look up job name discrimination ."

You don't need to be a poc to be a victim of name discrimination. They won't see your skin colour with just a resume + email cover letter and not all white people have a name like "Jim Davis". Believe me, it happens.

Anonymous on Jun 06, 2023:

Toronto is infested with feminism, LGBTQ and anti-male attitudes.

You're gonna be paying world class high rent prices to deal with low class and crude feminists who hate men.

Toronto is the epicenter of feminism and man-hating.

Drew on Jun 05, 2023:

Why is the article comparing apples & oranges? comparing Toronto to another city is one thing but comparing it to the most expensive city in another country is ridiculous.

Drew on Jun 05, 2023:

Why is the article comapring apples & oranges? comparing Toronto to another city is one thing but comparing it to the most expensive city in another country is ridiculous.

Anonymous on Jun 02, 2023:

Prem, your name sounds Indian, so I'll give you some input.

The huge misconception amongst Indian newcomers is that they convert Canadian salaries to Rupees and compare it to India's cost of living, rather than factoring into the Toronto rent prices and car insurance.

In Toronto, you got to pay rent. You can't live off the land. Police will literally stomp your face if you do.

The system is designed to extract as much rent from the working class.

And day dreaming seems to be a huge trend among newcomers. Be a realist.

How can you even think of getting a downpayment for a home if all that's available to you are dead-end jobs and you're paying rent to live in a basem*nt and saving nothing?

Prem on Jun 01, 2023:

Average after-tax is highly inaccurate. You can't find a one-bedroom at $1,800 for rent even in Scarborough and North York. Rents are approaching $2,000 a month plus electricity and even water usage.

In Toronto, there quite a few CEOs making millions of dollars a year, an overfunded police department where detectives earn $200,000 a year with overtime, but the majority are making less than $20,000 a year.

Median income is more accurate and is about $3,000 a year net income in Toronto. There was a time when people were begging to work for free to get job experience, but the NDP put a stop to unpaid internships.

Anonymous on May 30, 2023:

If you want to bring hardship, misery and bad luck into your life, then come to Canada without a job offer.

Dreams and being told lies doesn't get you a job in Toronto.

Toronto is a scam. They want your GIC money to invest, and your savings to pay the retirements for the Canadian landlords.

It's a trap that you will regret if you are living well in your home country.

Ashley on May 28, 2023:

As a Canadian born, 15 years ago Canada was different compared to today.

Canada in the 70s, 80s, 90s is different after Trudeau came into power.

What kind of jobs, minimum wage vs high skilled jobs? Nowadays it hard to get a part time jobs regardless of any fields.

Employers have huge expectation. Highly skilled jobs - if you are doctor in India and coming to be doctor in Canada then you have repeat the education to be full licensed. There is young born Canadian who are educated having a hard time finding a job, owning an house, living in their parents basem*nts.

Also if you are POC don't think about receiving call back for an interview. Look up job name discrimination . There is so many stories of immigrants with Phd working at Subway. Most Indian immigrants or Indian international students depending on their skills are perceived to lack English skills as well which makes it hard to pass interviews as well.

Cost of living - Yes, there is inflation everywhere. However, Toronto is currently experiencing high rate of homelessness.

A one bedroom is $2500. One problem with Canada is wages regardless if you are highly skilled or not , the wages is not going to pay your bills.

There is so many protest that occurred in Toronto about wages (ex pcac strike and cra strike etc).

There is 5 to 6 Indian students cramped in a one bedroom and paying rent each. You want to live in this kind of Armageddon.

Look up CBC marketplace rental. Look up video on International Indian students saying they were lured into coming to Canada. I believed it's the students fault to trust these recruiters and come to a country not researching about. At the same time Canada fault for having diploma mills.

Health Care - It's collapsing. Family doctors are retiring, and none of the family doctors are taking new patients. Those living in Canada for 60 years have hard time finding family doctors because their family doctors have been retired. Again look at the news. The waiting list to see a doctor or specialist is long. Insurance doesn't cover up most. Look up travel insurance. Emergency room waiting is long usually the doctor would be prescribe any medication or don't allow to see a specialist.

Mental health crisis is huge and most counselling involves money. Prescriptions, dental care, eye care are not covered by OHIP

Crime rate/ sexual Assault -There is TTC crime attacks, stabbing stranger, woman was lit on fire. There is also international Indian students who was shot near the affluent Rosedale neighbourhood while going to work. There is stories about sexual and physical assault at TTC and sidewalk.

There is also 2nd generation ( Indian, Sri Lankan , Bangaladesh and Pakistani ) who were born and raised in Canada.

Most of them have ethnic name who have MBA from UOFT can't land a job.

Canada is not what it used to used to be and there is so many people who are unemployed especially immigrants and young born Canadian POC. In the 70s, you can work a minimum wage jobs and pay for your house but not anymore. The problem with most Indian immigrants is they are not doing their research and come here and are trapped. A steady number is now resorting to suicide due to shame and being in dire straights.

Mc Donalds and Tim Hortons managers are only employing temporary foreign workers which is making Canadian people really mad.

Canada is broken due to false promises of leader, corruption and etc.

Canada is one of the most depressing country in the world. During the pandemic, so many nurses and doctors left the country due to wages. So yeah,

I'm not being negative. It's the truth. I'm also not discouraging people to come here. Just do your research.

Anonymous on May 23, 2023:

They just want you to come and spend your money on rent and groceries to make the elites richer.

There is so much red tape to open a business and you're just going to deplete your assets and life savings with no chance of upward social mobility.

Toronto is just a ponzi scheme at this point.

Anonymous on May 19, 2023:

Bad place. No good jobs. High rents.
Can’t find a job which pays above minimum wage in this’s a trap!

Anonymous on May 14, 2023:

I moved to Canada in 2011.

It was a different country. Toronto was a cheaper city.

I can't really see a future for this country anymore under Justin Trudeau or Chrystia Freeland. Politicians are so bad, and messing things up so much that I don't even recognize Canada anymore.

The truth is that, Canada is quickly slipping into a developing country.

Move to Canada and: freeze being homeless, rent an overpriced basem*nt suite (if you're lucky), get a menial job, pay exorbitant taxes, don't get sick (waitlist for family doctors), get homesick, go back to home country broken financially and mentally.

Within context, I over heard and Indian couple in No Frills last night complaining about the high cost of living in Canada and how it was a mistake moving to Canada..

G on May 11, 2023:

Why come to Toronto where you just going to struggle?

Sure the jobs might be well paying compared to developing economies but it’s all relative. The cost of living here is exorbitant.

Only rich immigrants need apply.

For everyone else, think about it, if all the money goes to shelter and food and there’s no money left over to send back home to family, no money left to save up for a house.

So what is the point of moving here? It defeats the purpose. You're just existing to pay rent and food to the oligarchs.

Unless you come from Syria or Ukraine there is absolutely no reason to come to Canada right now.

Only those well vested in real estate are protected in this country and have no idea how the million immigrants coming here soon will be able to afford to live let alone buying any RE.

Banks are trying to lower again the rates so the RE circus can continue like the last 20 years so we’re back to business….what a joke Toronto, and ultimately Canada has become. Relying on Ponzi schemes.

Better Dwelling Stan on May 10, 2023:

Canada’s Recent Immigrants Earn Much Less Than Non-Immigrants

Immigrants that arrived in Canada from 2016 to 2019 earn significantly less than non-immigrants. Those immigrants had a median income of $35.6k/year, about 20% (-$7.2k) less than their non-immigrant peers. If you assume a dual median income household, finding shelter within their budget isn’t an easy task.

Canada’s Recent Immigrants Can’t Afford To Rent In Most Cities

Rental housing within their budget isn’t an easy task at those income levels. Maxing out their budget to the shelter poverty limit of 30%, they can afford a maximum of $1,780/month. That’s about 17% lower than the $2,140/month a dual income, non-immigrant household could spend before hitting the shelter poverty definition.

The average listing for a one bedroom apartment across Canada was just a hair over $2,000/month in April. Keep in mind that’s across the country, not in more expensive cities like Toronto (avg. $2,370/month) or Vancouver ($2,600/month).

Cost of Living in Toronto (2024)
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