Contractual Entry Modes: [Essay Example], 1653 words (2024)

These types of entry modes consist of several similar, but get different contractual arrangements between the firms form the domestic market and the company that licenses the intangible assets in the foreign market (Bradley 2005:243).Root (1994:86) mention licensing, franchising, technical agreements, service contracts, management contracts, construction/turnkey contracts, co-production contracts and other. As a firm you go into some sort of partnership with another firm which is located in a different market than yourself. The goal is to enhance the long-run competitiveness for the partners in the alliance and it is built on the belief that each party has something unique to contribute to the partnership. For this to work it must be mutual benefits, shared control and power (Albaum & Duerr 2008:373).

Licensing: Root (1994:86) describes licensing as transferring intangible assets that are not a subject for import restrictions. Licensing is when a firm provides others companies on a foreign market with technology that they need, for e fee or royalty (Bradley 2005:243). This form of licensing involves one or a combination of brand name, operations expertise, manufacturing process technology, access to a patents and trade secrets according to Bradley (2005:243). The firm who is in a licensing partnership gain access to a foreign market with very low investment cost and obtains the market knowledge from established and competent local firm. According to him there are two way of licensing agreements, which are a current technology license and a current and future technology license. The differences between the two are that in the first one only gives access to current technology advancement to the licensee. The second one gives access to existing and future technology development within their agreement field. The companies using this entry mode need to be careful not to get robbed of what is rightfully theirs and then lose the excluding right to it due to high legal costs and unclear laws.

Franchising: Franchising is a derivative of licensing where the business format is licenses instead of the technology (Bradley 2005:246). Bradley (2005:246) also explains that this business form is nothing new, even if it has gained a lot of publicity in recent times. On the other hand it is a well-established way of doing business in United States. Franchising is so called intellectual property right, and intellectual property rights (IPR) are formal regulations which have the power to establish property as intellectual assets. Maskus (1998:186) define intellectual property as; “Intellectual property (IP) is an asset, developed by inventive or creative work, to which rights to exclude its unauthorized use have been granted by law. The international exploitation of IP is central for trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and technology licensing across borders”. Furthermore Maskus (1998:187-188) states that this type of regulations are needed to protect the vulnerable information from overuse and free-riders. In the franchising packages trademarks, copyright, patents and other things often are included. It is a form of distribution and marketing in which the company gives the other firm the right to do business in their protected way (Bradley 2005:246).

Contract Manufacturing: – This entry mode is a cross between licensing and investment entry. The company contracts a firm in the foreign market to assemble or manufacture the products but they still have the responsibility for marketing and distribution of the products according to Root (1994:113);

Albaum & Duerr (2008:380). This entry mode requires minimum investment of cash, time and executive talent; it also provides fast entry to a new market Albaum & Duerr (2008:380). On the other hand it also has potential as formidable drawbacks like: training of potential competitor that have access to know-how and high quality products (Root 1994:113), more over the profit from the manufacturing is transferred to the contractor.

Management contracts: – The international management contract gives the company the right to control the day-to-day operations in a firm located in a foreign market. Often this contract do not give them the right to take decisions on new capital investment, policy changes, assume long-term debt or alter ownership arrangement according to Root (1994:114); When a manufacturer want to enter a management contract they seldom do so isolated from other arrangements (Root 1994:114).

Turnkey projects:- In a turnkey project, the contractor designs and builds a plant, sets up production activities, sources raw materials and trains employees. The whole project is then handed over to the contracting company after a trial run (Ball et al., 2008).

Turnkey projects allow companies to utilize their competencies and use other companies to fulfil tasks they cannot accomplish alone. Due to high value of such projects, there is often involvement of government and political reasons. There is always a threat of transferring competencies to other companies and giving rise to competition in existing as well as other foreign markets (Wild, Wild & Han, 2008).

Investment Modes

When a firm decides to shift most or all of its operations into foreign markets, it goes through different internationalization stages. An investment entry modes have several names in the business management, like sole venture, foreign direct investment, solely owned subsidiary and wholly owned subsidiary. A large investment in a new country can be done sole venture with new establishment or sole venture acquisition and also joint venture according to Root (1994:6). The sole venture mode is a high investment that also brings high risks and possibility to high returns (Agarwal & Ramaswami 1992:3). In sole venture mode, a firm tries to develop a foreign market by directly investing in that market (Agarwal & Ramaswami 1992:11).

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): – The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) define foreign direct investment (FDI) as “a category of investment that reflects the objective of establishing a lasting interest by a resident enterprise in one economy (direct investor) in an enterprise (direct investment enterprise) that is resident in an economy other than that of the direct investor” (oecd:7). This entry modes offers a high degree of control over the international business in the host country (Chung & Enderwick 2001:444; Bradley 2005:269). This is high financial commitment mode, but also a transfer of technology, skills, management, manufacturing and marketing, production processes and other recourses according to Bradley (2005:270). Bradley (2005:270) also explains for having unique asset or competitive advantage is often important when a firm want to replicate their good business in another country .

In Chung & Enderwick (2001:444) article it is said that FDI often generate a greater profit return then those generated by exporting. However, FDI modes are also associated with greater risks and imply higher management complexity. Since this is high risk options the companies want to go in to large market to compensate the risk involvement. In Bradley (2005:270) claims that the major determinants for FDI is

? Size of host country market

? Proximity of host country

? Previous FDI experience

? Perceived need to mimic competitors actions.

Foreign direct investments (FDIs) can be classified by the form of investment, meaning, whether it is an acquisition, merger, Greenfield investment, or a Brownfield investment (Cavusgil et al. 2012, 444).

Greenfield investment -A firm may also start from scratch and conduct a direct investment to establish a new production, marketing, or administrative facility abroad. This is called a Greenfield in-vestment. A firm may prefer to buy an empty plot of land and build new facilities in-stead of acquiring another company, because there are no adequate acquisitions targets, there is no financial capability within the firm, or production logistics is a key industry success factor. Also, the fact that when a firm decides to build up a new plant or other facility abroad, they can build and shape it as they prefer as well as integrate the latest technology and equipment into it.

Brownfield investment- Brownfield investment refers to the situation where a firm buys or leases an old facility such as a factory which has been used, to launch a new production activity. As a good example of a Brownfield investment is the purchase of Stora Enso’s paper mill building by Google for use as a data centre, in 2009 (Helsingin Sanomat).

Sole Venture Acquisition

Sole venture; acquisition is when a company buys an established business in a foreign market and it has become more popular according to Root (1994:142). The reason for acquire a foreign company can be a mix of the following reasons; geographical changes, the acquirement of specific asset like management, technology, product diversification, sourcing of raw material or other products for sale outside the host country, or financial diversification (Root 1994:142). The specific advantages can be a faster start in the new market due to establish firm, new product line and a short payback period due to immediate income for the investors. The disadvantages on the other hand are transfers of ownership and control and hard to evaluate the prospects, but several of the advantages can turn in to disadvantages if it is not handle right.

International Joint venture

“An enterprise, corporation or partnership, formed by two or more companies, individuals, or organizations, at least one of which is an operating entity which wishes to broaden its activities, for the purpose of conducting a new, profit-motivated business of permanent duration. In general the ownership is shared by the participants with more or less equal equity distribution and without absolute dominance by one party” (Young and Bradford, 1977:11).In Bradley’s (2005:248) book International Marketing Strategy he states that international joint venture is often motivated by the desire of at least one partner want to expand in to a difficult market. Furthermore he also argues that various forms of joint venture are common, for example the spider’s web. That usually means establishing a joint venture with a large competitor. One of the other ways of joint venture is according to Bradley (2005:249) split strategy. It means that for a limited time firms cooperate and then separate after the completion of the project. Joint venture is associated with provide access to resource and market, technology transfer, reduce political risk and help to improve the firms competitive position se figure 1 (Bradley 2005:249).

Contractual Entry Modes: [Essay Example], 1653 words (2024)


What is an example of a contractual entry mode? ›

Two common types of contractual entry strategies are licensing and franchising. Licensing is an arrangement by which the owner of intellectual property grants another firm the right to use that property for a specific time period in exchange for royalties or other compensation.

What are the 5 main entry modes? ›

The five most common modes of international-market entry are exporting, licensing, partnering, acquisition, and greenfield venturing. Each of these entry vehicles has its own particular set of advantages and disadvantages.

What are examples of modes of entry in international business? ›

There are several market entry methods that can be used.
  • Exporting. Exporting is the direct sale of goods and / or services in another country. ...
  • Licensing. Licensing allows another company in your target country to use your property. ...
  • Franchising. ...
  • Joint venture. ...
  • Foreign direct investment. ...
  • Wholly owned subsidiary. ...
  • Piggybacking.

What is an example of a contract contract? ›

For example, whenever we buy a product at a store or go grocery shopping, we are entering into an agreement to purchase whatever it is we are purchasing. When we get a new job, we sign an employment agreement to start work – that's a contract!

What is the explanation of entry modes? ›

An entry mode describes a company's approach to enter a new foreign market that has not been targeted by the company before. The process aims at bringing a product or service to a targeted international market.

Which entry mode is best? ›

Learning Objectives
Type of EntryAdvantages
ExportingFast entry, low risk
Licensing and FranchisingFast entry, low cost, low risk
Partnering and Strategic AllianceShared costs reduce investment needed, reduced risk, seen as local entity
AcquisitionFast entry; known, established operations
1 more row

What are the 4 factors of entry mode? ›

2 Factors Affecting the Selection of International Market Entry...
  • i) Market Size: ...
  • ii) Market Growth: ...
  • iii) Government Regulations: ...
  • iv) Level of Competition: ...
  • v) Physical Infrastructure: ...
  • vi) Level of Risk: ...
  • vii) Production and Shipping Costs: ...
  • viii) Lower Cost of Production:

What are the two major modes of entry in foreign markets? ›

There are two major types of market entry modes: equity and non-equity. The non-equity modes category includes export and contractual agreements. The equity modes category includes joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries.

What is the easiest mode of entry into international business? ›

The traditional mode of entering into international business is Exporting. Exporting is the simplest way to get started in foreign business. As a result, most businesses begin their global expansion in this manner. The act of selling goods and services produced domestically in other countries is known as exporting.

What are the modes of entry in business management? ›

The five most common modes of international-market entry are exporting, licensing, partnering, acquisition, and greenfield venturing. Each of these entry vehicles has its own particular set of advantages and disadvantages.

What are the three types of entry? ›

There are three types: transaction entry, adjusting entry, and closing entry.

What are the types of entry mode strategy? ›

10 market entry strategies for international markets
  • Exporting. Exporting involves marketing the products you produce in the countries in which you intend to sell them. ...
  • Piggybacking. ...
  • Countertrade. ...
  • Licensing. ...
  • Joint ventures. ...
  • Company ownership. ...
  • Franchising. ...
  • Outsourcing.
Aug 8, 2022

What are contracts we enter into everyday? ›

Examples of contracts

In fact, you enter contracts daily without even thinking about it. You are entering an implied contract every time you make a purchase at your favorite store, order a meal at a restaurant, receive treatment from your doctor or even checkout a book at your library.

What is contract simple words? ›

A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.

What are the 4 types of contracts? ›

Contract Types Comparison
Party 1 offers
BilateralServices or goods that are of value to the other party
UnilateralServices or goods that the other party requested, usually in an open request
ImpliedServices or goods
9 more rows
Jan 26, 2022

Why are contracts important? ›

The purpose of a contract is to establish and formalize a relationship by clearly defining the terms and obligations. It ensures all parties understand what they're agreeing to and that there's no room for misinterpretation.

How to write a contract? ›

Write the contract in six steps
  1. Start with a contract template. ...
  2. Open with the basic information. ...
  3. Describe in detail what you have agreed to. ...
  4. Include a description of how the contract will be ended. ...
  5. Write into the contract which laws apply and how disputes will be resolved. ...
  6. Include space for signatures.

What are the modes of performance of a contract? ›

Performance of a contract is one of the methods of discharge of a contract. The performance may be of two types: (a) actual performance and (b) attempted performance. An actual performance of a contract means performing all the promises and fulfilling all the liabilities by all the parties.

Why is entry mode important? ›

The choice of entry mode is an important strategic decision for SMEs as it involves committing resources in different target markets with different levels of risk, control, and profit return.

What is the best explanation of entry? ›

An entry is the act of recording an item, such as a commercial transaction, in a journal, account, or register.

What is the importance of entry mode strategy? ›

The entry mode choice is one of the most important decisions in a small firm's internationalisation strategy because it determines the amount of resources to be committed, the level of control and market implementation strategy in the host country.

What are the market entry strategy for a product explain with examples? ›

Some of these market entry strategies include exporting, licensing, franchising, partnering, joint ventures, turnkey projects, and greenfield investments. Exporting is a method of expansion where an organization ships goods into the international market.

What are the three main barriers to entry? ›

Barriers to entry may be financial (high cost to enter a market), regulatory (laws restricting trade), or operational (trying to attract loyal customers or inaccessibility of trade channels).

What are the three major types of barriers to entry? ›

Barriers to entry generally fall under three categories, artificial, natural, and government. Natural refers to structural barriers to entry, artificial refers to strategic barriers to entry, and government refers to regulation and legal requirements established by governments.

Which entry mode has low development costs and risks? ›

While exporting has the advantage of the least cost and risk of any entry method, it allows the firm little control over how, when, where and by whom the products are sold.

Why is franchising the best entry mode? ›

In general, franchises see higher profits than independently established businesses. Most franchises have recognizable brands that bring customers in droves. This popularity results in higher profits. Even franchises that require a high initial investment for the franchise fee see high return on investment.

Why would a company choose to use a contractual mode of entry rather than an investment mode? ›

Contractual forms of entry (i.e., licensing and franchising) have lower up-front costs than investment modes do. It's also easier for the company to extricate itself from the situation if the results aren't favorable.

How do I decide what market to enter? ›

Knowing your prospective customers will help you choose your market entry strategy. When identifying your target market, consider the demographics and location of your customers. You must also consider the psychographics of your customers. Psychographics include interests, behavior, beliefs, and values.

What is the equity mode of entry? ›

a) Equity modes of entry that MNEs use to refer to entry strategy that is used to enter the foreign market, which involves joint venture or joint investments, direct investment, and wholly-owned subsidiaries. Contrary to non-equity options, equity entry allows companies to be closer to their customers.

What are the advantages of exporting as an entry mode? ›

Exporting is the sale of products and services in foreign countries that are sourced from the home country. The advantage of this mode of entry is that firms avoid the expense of establishing operations in the new country.

What are the three 3 primary modes of doing business? ›

There are three main types of business activities: operating, investing, and financing.

What is an example of business mode? ›

For instance, direct sales, franchising, advertising-based, and brick-and-mortar stores are all examples of traditional business models. There are hybrid models as well, such as businesses that combine internet retail with brick-and-mortar stores or with sporting organizations like the NBA.

What is an example of an entry? ›

It can also refer to written records (as in a diary or ledger) or a submission to a contest. When you go into the room, you make an entry. The door you go through is also an entry. If you write in your diary about all this, you make an entry in your diary.

How do you write an entry strategy? ›

Chigrin shares a five-step approach to creating a winning market entry strategy to expand into a new market.
  1. Set clear goals. ...
  2. Research your market. ...
  3. Choose your mode of entry. ...
  4. Consider financing and insurance needs. ...
  5. Develop the strategy document.

What is full ownership entry mode? ›

This entry mode means the firm owns 100% of the overseas entity, and your company will enter the new international market by establishing a completely new operation and legal entity.

What are the different types of contractual strategies? ›

There are three different types of contracting strategies: storage and retrieval strategies, workflow efficiency strategies, and risk mitigation strategies.

What are the two types of entry mode? ›

The Five Common International-Expansion Entry Modes
Type of EntryAdvantages
ExportingFast entry, low risk
Licensing and FranchisingFast entry, low cost, low risk
Partnering and Strategic AllianceShared costs reduce investment needed, reduced risk, seen as local entity
AcquisitionFast entry; known, established operations
1 more row

What is contract manufacturing entry mode? ›

Contract Manufacturing is a strategy of foreign market entry via a cooperation on a contractual basis between a domestic company (OEM) and an independent contract manufacturer in the country to enter, without capital engagement.

What is management contract as mode of entry? ›

Under a management contract mode of market entry one company provides another company with managerial expertise for a specified period of time. This maybe in exchange for a lump sum payment or a continuing fee on a % of sales value or volume for example.

What are the four basic contractual requirements of a contract? ›

A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.

What are the three contracting methods? ›

There are three types of indefinite-delivery contracts: definite-quantity contracts, requirements contracts, and indefinite-quantity contracts.

What does entry mode mean? ›

The mode of entry is the path or the channel set by a company to enter into the international market. Many alternative modes of entry are available for an organization to choose from and expand its business. Some of the basic modes or paths companies use to enter into the global market are as follows −

What do you mean by entry modes? ›

3) define an entry mode as: “a structural agreement that allows a firm its product market strategy in a host country either by carrying out only the marketing operations, or both production and marketing operations there by itself or in partnership with others”.

What is an example of contract manufacturing in business? ›

Examples include commuter rail lines, rubber products, textiles, heavy machinery, and plastic injection molding. Industrial contract manufacturers can also produce some industrial electronic items.

What are the six 6 stages of contract management? ›

The six stages are Drafting, Negotiations, Approvals, Signing, Storage, and Retrieval. When it comes to drafting, there are three main ways a contract can be drafted.

What are the modes of acceptance in contract? ›

There are three types of acceptance: Empress acceptance. Implied acceptance. Conditional acceptance.

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