concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (2024)

The concept of a free walking tour has generated some confusion and controversy with the growing protests by associations and tour guide groups. They affirm that this type of collaborative tours provoke an unfair situation with respect to the official guides since they must obtain accreditation that allows them to practice as guides, while in the case of free tours, they do not. Before beginning to assess the controversy, we will get to know in depth what is a free tour, how does it work, whether they are free or not, how much should be paid, and if they are legal.

It is convenient to clarify three terms that we will use in this article:

  1. ‘Walker’: traveler or tourist.
  2. ‘Guru’: local guide.
  3. ‘A guruwalk’: a free tour.


Free walking tour: Concept

There is no official definition of free tour, but it could be defined as a pay-what-you-feel tour based on tips that are paid to the local guide. This type of tour can last between 1-4 hours (some last even more) although usually, it is two hours. You can choose to take a guided tour of the essential places in a city, visiting the most emblematic buildings, monuments, parks and streets through the center or historical center, although they are not the only ones. There are also other types of more specific routes that focus on a particular neighborhood or on a specific theme that is characteristic of that city.

Differences between a walking tour and a guided tour

  • concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (1)

The difference between a guruwalk and a traditional tour lies in the way in which the service is offered by the guide as the remuneration received will be subject to the positive experience of his or her walker. Because of this, walkers get to see a guru who is receptive to the way they want to check out the city, if the group prefers a more relaxed, less formal style, the guru can immediately respond to that and if they prefer a high energy tour through the top spots, the guru can also respond to that desire and will surely get a bigger tip at the end for their work.

Another factor to keep in mind is that a guruwalk can be booked for free, with the cancellation also being free. This allows you to have more flexibility when it comes to organizing your trip, although if possible, be respectful and try to notify the guru as soon as possible so that he or she can organize around that.

Additionally, one of the most important differences and that set this type of service apart is the price. A guruwalk is a pay-what-you-please tour, which means that each walker will give the tip that he or she considers fair after having enjoyed the guided tour.

The legal controversy about free walking tours

The legality of this service has raised much controversy in recent years. As we have said, tour guide associations and groups have raised their voices and consider that this type of tour presents a threat to their job security, as well as lowering the price of their work by breaking the current price barrier. Furthermore, it is criticized that since the tip is not considered a payment, the guides do not declare it as a profit before the Public Administration that corresponds to it in each case.

Now let’s explain why a free tour is legal and fully compatible with other services such as traditional payment tours. First of all, gurus that offer a guided tour must have the necessary certification in accordance with the local legislation in which they offer that activity. It should be remembered that not all cities and regions need to be qualified to offer a service of this type and that existing certifications are quite varied depending on the country in which the tour takes place.

Regarding the tax aspect, a guru who is registered as a freelancer can declare his earnings on his quarterly statement, including making receipts and dividing the VAT to show the walkers at the time of receiving a tip.

Regarding the price, since it is a more accessible service for the user, the volume of reservations that a free tour receives is greater than that received by the traditional one. That means that there is a greater number of walkers with a profit potential that can exceed the remuneration established per each tour with the traditional model.

How do free walking tours work?

Now that we know what free tours are, let’s see how they work and what the walker should do to enjoy this service. Actually, the process is really simple since, once you have your destination clear, all you have to do is enter the city page, choose a tour and reserve. Let’s put a couple of examples to make it more clear.

Booking a free walking tour in Florence

  • concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (2)

Your destination is Florence, it is not the first time you are going and you are interested in learning more about a specific part of the city: Renaissance Initiation. This would be the process:

  1. Go to the free walking tours in Florence.
  2. Choose a guruwalk that suits your choice.
  3. Select a date among the tour options.
  4. Make your reservation for the number of people.
  5. Go to the meeting point and enjoy the experience.

Booking a free walking tour in Barcelona

  • concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (3)

First time you visit Barcelona and want to see the essential and most emblematic places of the city, a first contact with the culture of Barcelona. In this case, you should:

  1. Go to the free walking tours in Barcelona.
  2. Choose a guruwalk that suits your choice: Historic Center Tour or Old Town Tour (very similar options).
  3. Select a date among the tour options.
  4. Make your reservation for the number of people you are going to go to.
  5. Go to the meeting point and enjoy the experience.

There are some walkers who, once they have made the first free tour to get to know the city, book a second more specific guruwalk on a theme or neighborhood of the city (ex: Gothic Quarter of Barcelona)

Where and at what time?

If you have already booked your free tour, the next thing you should do is prepare yourself to enjoy your tour and take a good look at both the time and the meeting place. Normally, being ten or five minutes before is enough to start the tour without problems. Out of respect for the walkers who have arrived on time, the normal thing is that no one waits for anyone and that the guruwalk starts on time. In the event that you are late, you can always contact the guru to ask at what point of the route they are to re-enlist.

** We advise you to try to be punctual since, in that way, you will be able to enjoy the complete tour and it will give you time to see more things.

The meeting point is usually an easily accessible place in the center of the city where you have hired the free tour. Normally, the guru will indicate the color of the umbrella that will be used to make it easier to identify you at the meeting point.

How many people can participate?

There are no exact figures, but it is normal to not exceed 35 people per free tour. That does not mean that there will never be more, but gurus prefer not to exceed that number as they seek a more personal and close deal with the walkers. In fact, it is so flexible that guruwalks of 4-5 people can also be seen as it is the local guide himself who puts the minimum number of people there must be for the guided tour to be confirmed.

So… walking tours are not free?

  • concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (4)

If you’ve got this far, I think you’ll know the answer. Free walking tours are not free, although at the time of translating this term is done in the wrong way (free tour). What is free (free) is to book on our platform, as well as cancel or not attend (if you are not going to go to the guruwalk, it is a detail that you will thank very much.

The key to this explanation is simple, they are not free because the service offered by a local guide is the same or better than the one you can receive on a paid tour, that guide is passionate about what he does but also expects a remuneration for it although, obviously, it is not obligatory to leave a tip finish the tour. Like any person, the guru needs to pay his bills and has his expenses, it is logical to think that his work deserves reward (variable, but reward).

How much to tip a free walking tour guide?

It is one of the doubts that can be have the walker at the time of giving the tip.There is no fixed price per walker when paying the local guide as some give between € 5 and € 15, another € 20-30 or some even € 50. The usual average in this type of tips is usually around 10 euros. It adapts to the experience you have experienced during the guided tour as well as the economic capacity of each traveler. There will be some who consider € 10 fair, others who consider it little and others too. It is common for families traveling with small children not to pay for them, saving money with respect to free-of-charge tours that do not contemplate this casuistry.

Is the price of the tickets included?

It does not include the price of tickets to museums, exhibitions or any place where you have to pay to access. The walker will pay the entrance fee but always be notified in the description of the tours if there is an activity that is paid on the tour. Similarly, if during the free tour you have to take public transport, it is normal for each person to pay their ticket to take the bus, tram or metro.

Can I do a free walking tour anywhere in the world?

Well, it depends, but we like to think so. In GuruWalk we want to expand this way of knowing new cities all over the world. Initially, it only existed in Germany, but over the years, it is increasingly common to find free tours anywhere in the world. Not only in countries like Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Portugal or Greece, but also in America (Colombia, Peru, United States, Mexico…), Asia (Vietnam, Japan, India…), Oceania (Australia…) or Africa (South Africa, Uganda, Congo …).

This means that anywhere in the world that there is a local guide wanting to show your city, you can do it through our platform. The limit lies in the curiosity of each one when exploring the world in which we live. You can compare different free walking tours to choice the best for you.

There are many official guides who choose to offer paid tours and free tours , combining both services in their day to day. If you want to know more about how to create your first tour or how our guide community works, you can see it on this page: How to become a free tour guide?

Free walking tour: concept and price

Average rating:

1 reviews

Paul Ethan Connors

Jan 3, 2020

byPaul Ethan Connors

Amazing free walking tours

Very good explanation about what a free walking tour is, as well as its legal aspects and price.

concept, legal and tips – Blog GuruWalk (2024)


How much do you tip at GuruWalk? ›

The usual average in this type of tips is usually around 10 euros. It adapts to the experience you have experienced during the guided tour as well as the economic capacity of each traveler. There will be some who consider € 10 fair, others who consider it little and others too.

Is Guru walk good? ›

It's affordable, flexible, and much more convenient than traditional tours. While the quality of the tours can vary depending on the guide, GuruWalk provides a unique and valuable opportunity to discover hidden gems and gain a deeper understanding of a destination.

How much do you tip for free walking tour Prague? ›

How much should I tip for a free walking tour in Prague? We leave the decision how much you wish to pay for the tour at end to our guests. However, if you can afford it and you really liked the tour, we recommend an equivalent of 8-10 euros per person.

What to give for free walking tour? ›

How much to tip on free walking tours? On most free tours, €10 is considered a decent tip. Sometimes you will feel you want to tip more than that, so do. If you're on a tight budget, you might tip €5 and I've seen people who apologised while doing that, but the guides have always been very graceful about it.

How much do you tip for $200? ›

Figuring out the tip

If your total bill is $200 and you want to tip 15%, work out the tip by multiplying the total bill by 0.15. You can then add this amount to your bill when it comes to pay. Simple. Or alternatively, you can multiply the bill excluding service by 1.15 (assuming you want to leave that same 15% tip).

Should I tip my climbing guide? ›

We want you to know that mountain guiding is a service industry, and if you had a great time with us, we suggest considering a gratuity of 15-20% of the total cost of your trip. Tipping is a way to acknowledge the effort and dedication our guides put into ensuring your trip is memorable and enjoyable.

What is the best walking program? ›

Beginner - Try walking briskly at a 3 to 3.5-mph pace (walking a mile in 17-20 minutes), beginning with 10 minutes per day for the first three weeks. Slowly increase the time you walk by 5 minutes per week until you are able to walk 30 minutes per day, six days per week.

Which is better yoga or walking? ›

Physical exercise benefits one in many ways, and both yoga and walking are among the simplest forms of exercise. However, yoga gains the upper hand when it comes to weight loss, building muscle strength, improving joint health, enhancing flexibility, stamina, and stability.

Are free tours actually free? ›

Free tour operators the world over tend to use the following business model: Guides are freelance, independent tour guides who assume risk for the tour. Guides pay a fixed cost per lead — that is, for every person who arrives to their tour, the guide pays a fixed sum, regardless of if that guest pays a tip or not.

Is it rude not to tip in Prague? ›

Tipping in Prague is not as common as it is in other European cities, so you don't need to feel obligated to tip everywhere. Generally speaking, restaurants will include a surcharge of 8-10% on the bill, but if this isn't the case, 10-15% is the standard.

Do you tip on paid walking tours? ›

It's up to each guest — and at the end of the day, it's optional — but here are some rules of thumb from our guides and tour operators on the ground. For a short guided tour in the U.S.: Tip $5-$10 (or more) per person if your tour is around two hours or less.

Do you tip on free walking tours? ›

It depends on the length of the tour, how other people are on the tour and and how satisfied you are after the tour, but it's common to tip anywhere from $5-$20 per person. If you consider the cost of paying for a group or private tour, even though "free" tours aren't totally free, you're still saving money.

Why are there free walking tours? ›

Why you should do the Free Walking Tour? Well, basically, the people who are taking you around are not “employees”. The advantage of that is they are not doing it – only – for the money. They do it because they love history, tourism, their town, or all of it together.

How do walking tours make money? ›

You can operate free walking tours and make money from gratuities. But you can also decide to charge for the tours. It's all up to you. Find out what other companies are charging and what they offer at those price points.

How do I get in shape for a walking tour? ›

Follow a cardio exercise regime

Walking is best, but you can also supplement your training with jogs, bicycling, and other activities that will get your heart rate up. We recommend doing cardio exercise two or three times a week for at least six weeks before your trip starts.

How much should you tip for a lap dance? ›

Regarding lap dances or private shows be sure to have a previously agreed price so you know an appropriate amount to tip. Customarily 15-25% depending upon your level of enthusiasm.

What is the standard tip for a hunting guide? ›

As a general rule in the industry, it is most common to tip a guide 10%-15% of the hunt value. To put it simply, if you book a hunt for $5,000, an adequate tip would be $500. There may be circ*mstances where you feel like your guide deserves more or less, depending on the effort they gave.

How much do you tip at a casino buffet? ›

So it's up to you to keep a little bit of an eye on how much work your staff is doing. And tipping's golden rule still applies: If they do a great job, leave a few extra bucks. That said, the standard tip at a buffet is 10 percent.

How much do you tip at a casino bar? ›

All in all, it is important to be generous when tipping your co*cktail waitress in Las Vegas. They work hard to make sure you have a good time and deserve to be well compensated for their efforts. A general rule of thumb is to tip $1 to $2 per drink, but feel free to give more if you're having an exceptional experience.

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.