Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (2024)

Processing of personal data is lawful only if, and to the extent that, it is permitted under EU data protection law. If the controller does not have a legal basis for a given data processing activity (and no exemption or derogation applies) then that activity is prima facie unlawful.

The nature of an organisation's business, and the sector in which it operates, makes no difference to that organisation's obligation to comply with EU data protection law. Hence, all types of organisations are affected.

Having a legal basis for each processing activity is critical to an organisation's ability to comply with EU data protection law. Therefore, organisations should:

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (1) Under the GDPR, the position on this issue has materially changed (e.g., the GDPR has introduced a new obligation that did not previously exist).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (2) Under the GDPR, the position on this issue has not materially changed (e.g., although the wording may be different in the GDPR, the nature of the relevant obligation is unchanged).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (3) The impact of the GDPR on this issue is likely positive for most organisations (e.g., because the GDPR provides certainty in relation to a previously unclear issue).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (4) The impact of the GDPR on this issue is likely neutral for most organisations (e.g., because the requirements under the GDPR and the Directive are essentially the same).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (5) The impact of the GDPR on this issue is likely negative for most organisations (e.g., because the GDPR introduced a new obligation on organisations).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (6) The impact of the GDPR on this issue is unknown at this stage (e.g., because the impact on organisations is dependent upon secondary guidance that has not yet been written).

IssueThe DirectiveThe GDPRImpact

legal basis

Under EU data protection law, there must be a legal basis for all processing of personal data (unless an exemption or derogation applies).

Rec.30; Art.7(1)

Personal data could only be processed if at least one legal basis applied.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (7)Rec.39, 40, 41; Art.6(1)

Personal data may be processed only if, and to the extent that, at least one legal basis applies.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (8)The obligation on organisations to have a legal basis in respect of each processing activity is essentially unchanged.


Personal data may be processed on the basis that the data subject has consented to such processing.

Rec.30, 33; Art.7(1)(a)

Processing was permitted if the data subject had consented to the processing.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (9)Rec.32, 42, 43; Art.6(1)(a)

Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (10)"Consent" remains a legal basis for processing personal data. However, under the GDPR, valid consent is significantly harder to obtain (see Chapter 8).

Contractual necessity

Personal data may be processed on the basis that such processing is necessary in order to enter into or perform a contract with the data subject.

Rec.30; Art.7(1)(b)

Processing was permitted if it was necessary for the entry into, or performance of a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at his or her request prior to the entry into a contract.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (11)Rec.44; Art.6(1)(b)

Processing is permitted if it is necessary for the entry into, or performance of, a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at his or her request prior to the entry into a contract.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (12)"Contractual necessity" remains a legal basis for processing personal data.

Compliance with legal obligations

Personal data may be processed on the basis that the controller has a legal obligation to perform such processing.

Rec.30; Art.7(1)(c)

Processing was permitted if it was necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (13)Rec.45; Art.6(1)(c), 6(3)

Processing is permitted if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation under EU law or the laws of a Member State.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (14)"Compliance with legal obligations" remains a legal basis for processing personal data.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (15)The fact that this legal basis is explicitly limited to legal obligations arising in the EU may place organisations that are subject to non-EU court orders to disclose data in a difficult position.

Vital interests

Personal data may be processed on the basis that it is necessary to protect the "vital interests" of the data subject (this essentially applies in "life-or-death" scenarios).

Rec.31; Art.7(1)(d)

Processing was permitted if it was necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (16)Rec.46; Art.6(1)(d)

Processing is permitted if it is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (17)Under the GDPR, the "vital interests" processing condition can extend to other individuals (e.g., children of the data subject). This is a helpful clarification.

Public interest

Personal data may be processed on the basis that such processing is necessary for the performance of tasks carried out by a public authority or private organisation acting in the public interest.

Rec.32; Art.7(1)(e)

Processing was permitted if it was necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (18)Rec.45; Art.6(1)(e)

Processing is permitted if it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (19)"Public interest" remains a legal basis for processing personal data. Note also that processing carried out on this basis may be subject to objections from data subjects (see Chapter 9).

Legitimate interests

Personal data may be processed on the basis that the controller has a legitimate interest in processing those data, provided that such legitimate interest is not overridden by the rights or freedoms of the affected data subjects.

Rec.30; Art.7(1)(f)

Processing was permitted if it was necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the controller (or by a third party to whom the data are disclosed) except where the controller's interests were overridden by the interests, rights or freedoms of the affected data subjects.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (20)Rec.47, 48; Art.6(1)(f)

Processing is permitted if it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the controller (or by a third party), except where the controller's interests are overridden by the interests, fundamental rights or freedoms of the affected data subjects which require protection, particularly where the data subject is a child.

This does not apply to processing carried out by public authorities in the performance of their duties.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (21)"Legitimate interests" remains a legal basis for processing personal data. Note also that processing carried out on this basis may be subject to objections from data subjects (see Chapter 9).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (22)Parental permission is required to process the personal data of children (and note that a child is anyone under the age of 16). In some contexts (especially online) proving that parental permission has been obtained may be difficult.

Additional powers for Member States

Member States are permitted to introduce additional legal bases for limited purposes connected with national law or the performance of tasks in the public interest.


The Directive did not explicitly address this issue.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (23)Rec.40; Art.6(2)

Member States may introduce additional legal bases in relation to processing carried out for the purposes of complying with legal obligations (see Art.6(1)(c) above) or performing tasks in the public interest (see Art.6(1)(e) above).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (24)This provision is largely intended to allow Member States to preserve certain legal bases that exist under the national laws of the relevant Member States.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (25)It is not yet clear how Member States will use this power.

Data relating to criminal offences and civil law enforcement

Personal data relating to criminal offences are subject to additional restrictions (and are commonly treated as being analogous to Sensitive Personal Data) because of the potentially significant impact that the processing of such data can have upon the data subject.

It should be noted that the national criminal laws of Member States are outside the EU's legislative competence, and are not governed by the GDPR.


Personal data relating to offences, criminal convictions or security measures could only be processed:

  • by an official authority; or
  • under specific safeguards provided for by Member State law.

Any complete register of criminal convictions could only be kept under the control of official authority.

Member States could provide that data relating to administrative sanctions or judgments in civil cases are to be processed under the control of an official authority.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (26)Art.10, 23(1)(j)

Personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures may only be processed:

  • under the control of an official authority; or
  • when permitted under EU or Member State law.

Any comprehensive register of criminal convictions may be kept only under the control of official authority.

Member States may impose restrictions on the processing of personal data for the purposes of enforcing civil law claims.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (27)The restrictions concerning the processing of personal data relating to criminal offences or convictions, and civil law enforcement matters, have not materially changed.

Processing Sensitive Personal Data

The processing of Sensitive Personal Data is only permitted under certain conditions:

Rec.34; Art.8

The processing of Sensitive Personal Data was prohibited, unless:

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (28)Rec.51-56; Art.9

The processing of Sensitive Personal Data is prohibited, unless:

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (29)The changes introduced by the GDPR are positive for most organisations, because they provide additional grounds on which Sensitive Personal Data may lawfully be processed.

  • Explicit consent
  • Art.8(2)(a) The data subject had given explicit consent.
  • Art.9(2)(a) The data subject has given explicit consent.
  • Employment law
  • Art.8(2)(b) The processing was necessary in the context of employment law.
  • Art.9(2)(b) The processing is necessary in the context of employment law, or laws relating to social security and social protection.
  • Vital interests
  • Art.8(2)(c) The processing was necessary to protect vital interests of the data subject (or another person) where the data subject was incapable of giving consent.
  • Art.9(2)(c) The processing is necessary to protect vital interests of the data subject (or another person) where the data subject is incapable of giving consent.
  • Charity or not-for-profit bodies
  • Art.8(2)(d) The processing was carried out in the course of the legitimate activities of a charity or not-for-profit body, with respect to its own members, or persons with whom it has regular contact in connection with its purposes.
  • Art.9(2)(d) The processing is carried out in the course of the legitimate activities of a charity or not-for-profit body, with respect to its own members, former members, or persons with whom it has regular contact in connection with its purposes.
  • Data manifestly made public by the data subject
  • Art.8(2)(e) The processing related to personal data which had been manifestly made public by the data subject.
  • Art.9(2)(e) The processing relates to personal data which have been manifestly made public by the data subject.
  • Legal claims
  • Art.8(2)(e) The processing was necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
  • Art.9(2)(f) The processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or for courts acting in their judicial capacity.
  • Reasons of substantial public interest
  • N/A
  • Art.9(2)(g) The processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, and occurs on the basis of a law that is, inter alia, proportionate to the aim pursued and protects the rights of data subjects.
  • Medical diagnosis and treatment
  • Art.8(3) The processing was required for the purpose of medical treatment undertaken by health professionals.
  • Art.9(2)(h), (3) The processing is required for the purpose of medical treatment undertaken by health professionals, including assessing the working capacity of employees and the management of health or social care systems and services.
  • Public health
  • N/A
  • Art.9(2)(i) The processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health (e.g., ensuring the safety of medicinal products).
  • Historical, statistical or scientific purposes
  • N/A
  • Art.9(2)(j) The processing is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, for historical, scientific, research or statistical purposes, subject to appropriate safeguards.
  • Exemptions under national law
  • Subject to appropriate safeguards, Member States could, for reasons of public interest, lay down additional exemptions.
  • Art.9(4) Member States may maintain or introduce further conditions, including limitations with regard to genetic data, biometric data or health data.

Processing for new purposes

Notwithstanding the "data minimisation principle" (see Chapter 6) there are some circ*mstances in which personal data may be processed for new purposes that go beyond the original purpose for which those data were collected.

Art.6(1)(b), 13(1)

Personal data could be processed for new purposes, provided that those new purposes were "not incompatible" with the original purpose. Member State law could permit processing for new purposes (beyond the original purpose) if this was a necessary measure to safeguard special public interests (e.g., national security, defence, public security, etc.).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (30)Rec.50; Art.6(4)

Where personal data are to be processed for a new purpose, the controller must consider whether the new purpose is "compatible" with the original purpose taking into account the following factors:

  • any link between the original purpose and the new purpose;
  • the context in which the data have been collected, including the controller's relationship with the data subjects;
  • the nature of the personal data, in particular, whether Sensitive Personal Data are affected;
  • the possible consequences of the new purpose of processing for data subjects; and
  • the existence of appropriate safeguards (e.g., encryption or pseudonymisation).

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (31)The Directive permitted the processing of personal data for new purposes, provided that those new purposes were "not incompatible" with the original purpose. This was a reasonably low bar. However, the GDPR makes it harder for organisations to process personal data for new purposes, because the task of determining which new processing purposes are "compatible", and which are not, is an onerous one.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (32)The fact the GDPR recognises that pseudonymisation reduces the level of risk involved in processing personal data is a positive development for organisations that routinely process pseudonymised data (e.g., clinical trials companies).

Processing not requiring identification

In some circ*mstances, controllers have an obligation to retain certain data for the purposes of compliance with applicable law.


The Directive did not explicitly address this issue.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (33)Rec.57; Art.11(1)

If the purposes for which the controller is processing the personal data do not require the identification of the data subject, the controller is not required to maintain information identifying the data subject in order to comply with the GDPR.

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (34)The GDPR helpfully clarifies the fact that controllers are not required to retain information that identifies data subjects solely for the purposes of complying with the GDPR.

The "contractual performance" legal basis permits the processing of personal data in two different scenarios:

The "legitimate interests" legal basis requires a balancing of the legitimate interests of the controller against the interests and fundamental rights of the data subject. To determine this balance, the controller should consider a number of factors, including:

If, after weighing these factors, it is clear that the processing causes undue interference with the interests, rights, or freedoms of the affected data subjects, the organisation should not rely on the legitimate interests legal basis.

A controller may process personal data where the controller has a legal obligation to perform such processing. However, this principle is subject to two important clarifications:

Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation:
A practical handbook on the EU's new data protection law

This publication is provided for your convenience and does not constitute legal advice. This publication is protected by copyright.
© 2016 – 2019 White & Case LLP

Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation | White & Case LLP (2024)


What is the legal basis for data protection in the EU? ›

EU countries have set up national bodies responsible for protecting personal data in accordance with Article 8(3) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

What is General Data Protection Regulation Article 7? ›

The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Prior to giving consent, the data subject shall be informed thereof. It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent.

What are the 6 legal basis for processing data? ›

Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out what these potential legal bases are, namely: consent; contract; legal obligation; vital interests; public task; or legitimate interests.

What are the seven principles of the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR )? ›

The Seven Principles
  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency.
  • Purpose limitation.
  • Data minimisation.
  • Accuracy.
  • Storage limitation.
  • Integrity and confidentiality (security)
  • Accountability.

What are the requirements for the EU Data Act? ›

Provide the data to the third-party chosen by the user under fair, reasonable, transparent and non-discriminatory terms, to be formalized in a contract. The Data Act prohibits businesses from unilaterally imposing on other businesses “unfair” contractual terms concerning access and use of data1.

Does European data protection law apply to us? ›

Therefore, if a US citizen is living in an EU country when a company collects information about that, the GDPR will apply to that data. The GDPR does not apply to US citizens living in the US, but there are several federal and state-level privacy regulations in the US that offer some similar protections.

What is Section 7 of the data protection Act? ›

7Right of access to personal data

(b)it is reasonable in all the circ*mstances to comply with the request without the consent of the other individual.

What is Article 7 of the EU? ›

Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union is a procedure in the treaties of the European Union (EU) to suspend certain rights from a member state. While rights can be suspended, there is no mechanism to expel a state from the union.

Which of the following are included in the 7 data protection principles? ›

Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency; ▪ Purpose limitation; ▪ Data minimisation; ▪ Accuracy; ▪ Storage limitation; ▪ Integrity and confidentiality; and ▪ Accountability.

What is the legal basis of the data processing? ›

If the client is a natural person, the legal basis of the data processing is Article 6 (1) b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract), whereas if the client is not a natural person, the legal basis of processing is Article 6 (1) c) of the GDPR (compliance with a legal obligation) and Section 1 (1) of the Act on Legal ...

What is an example of a legal basis GDPR? ›

If the data processing is necessary for carrying out a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority, the data processing is legal. Example: If you witness a crime, law enforcement authorities can request personal data from you if that data is necessary for their investigation.

What is an example of a lawful basis of processing? ›

For example, the University uses public task as the lawful basis for processing personal data for the delivery of learning and teaching programmes, assessments, and graduation ceremonies. Individuals have a right to object to their personal data being processed, where the lawful basis is public task.

What is the General Data Processing data protection Act? ›

The GDPR prohibits the processing of personal data unless the controller is able to identify an appropriate legal basis for that processing. Article 6(1) of the GDPR sets out six lawful bases for processing and, under Article 6(2), Member States are permitted to introduce more specific provisions for these six bases.

What is principle 6 of the general data protection regulation? ›

6. Integrity and confidentiality. Data should be processed in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, loss, damage or destruction, and kept safe and secure.

What is the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation? ›

One of the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to protect individuals' fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly their right to protection of their personal data. The right to one's private life is laid down in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

What is the European law on data protection? ›

GDPR is a comprehensive privacy legislation that applies across sectors and to companies of all sizes. It replaces the Data Protection Directive 1995/46. The overall objectives of the measures are the same – laying down the rules for the protection of personal data and for the movement of data.

What is the legal basis of the GDPR contract? ›

You have a lawful basis for processing if: you have a contract with the individual and you need to process their personal data to comply with your obligations under the contract.

What are the European data protection principles? ›

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency. The first principle is relatively self-evident: organisations need to ensure their data collection practices don't break the law and they aren't hiding anything from data subjects. ...
  • Purpose limitation. ...
  • Data minimisation. ...
  • Accuracy. ...
  • Storage limitation. ...
  • Integrity and confidentiality.
Jun 6, 2024

What is the legal basis of consent in the GDPR? ›

Consent is one lawful basis for processing, and explicit consent can also legitimise use of special category data. Consent may also be relevant where the individual has exercised their right to restriction, and explicit consent can legitimise automated decision-making and overseas transfers of data.

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