Central bank-controlled RNRC covers all Russian reinsurance, it says - Business Insurance (2024)

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    Central bank-controlled RNRC covers all Russian reinsurance, it says - Business Insurance (1)

    (Reuters)—State-controlled Russian National Reinsurance Company is covering nearly all reinsurance of domestic business, its president said on Friday, as foreign insurance firms withdrew their coverage following Western sanctions.

    “I can say that of today, nearly all Russian insurance market is reinsured atRNRC,” Natalia Karpova told a meeting held by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

    Sources told Reuters this month thatRNRC, controlled by the central bank, is now the main reinsurer of Russian ships, including Sovcomflot’s fleet, after Western insurance firms withdrew cover for Russian shipowners.

    Igor Yurgens, head of the All-Russia Union of Insurers, told the same meeting on Friday that insurance companies from India and China are also staying away from Russia amid fears they will fall under secondary sanctions.

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  • Central bank-controlled RNRC covers all Russian reinsurance, it says - Business Insurance (2024)
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