CDR - Commercial Dispute Resolution (2024)

I Connection to Belt and Road projects

1.1 Anticipated role of Singapore within Belt and Road scheme

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (the “BRI”), an ambitious plan to connect the world and promote regional connectivity and economic integration, is set to boost global GDP by over US$7 trillion per annum by 2040.

Singapore as a pragmatic, nimble, knowledge-based economy was one of the first countries to publicly express support for the BRI and has continued to be a strong proponent of the project. The support stems in part from Singapore’s excellent and long-standing relationship with China.

Singapore recognises the multitude of benefits the BRI would bring to Singapore, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (“ASEAN”) and Asia at large, as the BRI drives and leads to greater regional economic integration through the promotion of greater trade and investment flows along the improved infrastructure envisioned by the BRI.

As set out by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2019, Singapore’s participation in the BRI focuses on four platforms, namely: (1) infrastructure connectivity; (2) financial connectivity; (3) third-party collaboration; and (4) professional and legal services.

1.1.1 Infrastructure connectivity

Singapore’s participation in BRI infrastructure connectivity is best highlighted by the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative (“CCI”), the government-to-government joint project between China and Singapore launched in November 2015. The CCI aims to drive the growth of China’s western region through better transport, financing and data connectivity.

A major milestone in the progress of the CCI is the International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (“ILSTC”), which is made up broadly of three logistic networks.

a) The first is the international rail-sea intermodal transport, which provides for a railway trunk line from Chongqing to Guangxi and onward to ASEAN countries such as Singapore through the shipping route.

b) Next, a highway trunk line, which allows Chongqing to reach ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos.

c) Finally, a railway network in Southwest China, which will connect to the Pan-Asian railway network, a planned network of railways which would connect China, Singapore and all the countries of mainland Southeast Asia.

Altogether, it is estimated that the ILSTC would reduce the time taken for goods to move between Western China and ASEAN by up to two-thirds. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the corridor saw a 30% year-on-year increase in cargo flows last year. In fact, the CCI-ILSTC has been extended to 234 ports and 92 countries and regions.

For Singapore, the trade corridor assists in cementing its position as a global maritime trade hub while for China, the trade corridor develops greater links between Western China and the global economy by giving China’s western provinces convenient and direct access to sea routes which connects Western China with the world.

Singaporean companies have looked to make investments along the ILSTC. One such example is Public International Lines, which made an initial investment of 1 billion yuan in September 2017 toward the building of an integrated logistics park in Nanning, which is located in the southern part of Guangxi, China. This China-Singapore Nanning International Logistics Park is one of the key projects for Guangxi, which aims to capitalise on the ILSTC and promote construction of the land and sea channel in the west of China.

1.1.2 Financial connectivity

As a small nation with no natural resources, Singapore’s strategy is to complement other nations by positioning itself as the region’s leading financial, legal and professional services hub.

Notably, according to Chinese government statistics, 23% of all outward investments related to the BRI flowed through Singapore while 85% of inbound investments for the BRI made its way into China through Singapore. Singapore is also one of the largest offshore Renminbi trading hubs. Further, approximately 60% of infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia obtain their finance and advisory services from Singapore-based institutions. Singapore therefore has positioned itself well to act as the preferred hub for major regional infrastructure projects that will arise out of the BRI.

Singapore was also among the first countries to support the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (“AIIB”), a development bank dedicated to lending for infrastructure projects within Asia including the BRI. Singapore has contributed US$250 million toward the capital of the AIIB, which gives Singapore a stake and voting rights in the bank. The purpose of this investment is to support further economic development in the region and to build up AIIB as a first-class multilateral financial institution.

1.1.3 Third-party collaboration

Third-party market collaborations occur when parties from two different countries (e.g. Singapore and China) cooperate on projects in third-party countries and regions.

Recognising the benefits of third-party market collaborations, Singapore first signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Greater Collaboration between Singapore and Chinese Companies in Third-Party Markets along the Belt and Road in April 2018 (“MOU to Third-party Market Cooperation”). Under the MOU to Third-party Market Cooperation, the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry, the National Development and Reform Commission of China, and Enterprise Singapore agreed to form a working group to identify sectors and markets of mutual interest, and organise matching activities and forums to facilitate third-party market cooperation between Singapore and Chinese companies along the Belt and Road.

This led to the signing of a second Memorandum of Understanding in April 2019 between Singapore and China on the Implementation Framework for Enhancing Singapore-China Third-Party Market Cooperation (“Implementation Framework MOU”). The Implementation Framework MOU highlighted sectors for collaboration in third-party markets under the BRI, including logistics, e-commerce, infrastructure and professional services such as financial and legal services.

Singapore companies have been actively collaborating in third-party countries in the areas of infrastructure, financing and professional services:

• In 2020, a consortium of banks including Singapore’s DBS Bank and Bank of China jointly financed a greenfield alumina refinery in Indonesia for over US$500 million. This was a landmark transaction to finance the construction of Phase 2 of the refinery project (which was Indonesia’s only alumina refinery) to reach its target capacity.

• In 2020, Singapore’s Top International Holdings and China’s Yantai Port Co. Ltd began construction and operations of a river port terminal and its supporting 100-kilometre-long ore transport road along Fatala River in Boffa, Guinea.

• In April 2019, Surbana Jurong, a global urban and infrastructure consulting firm headquartered in Singapore, and Silk Road Fund, a medium- to long-term investment fund dedicated to support the BRI, entered into a Framework Agreement to implement the China-Singapore Co-Investment Platform. The co-investment platform focuses on funding greenfield infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia and parties have targeted an investment of approximately US$500 million.

1.1.4 Professional and legal services

Singapore offers a neutral third-party venue for Belt and Road countries and companies to resolve commercial disputes quickly and effectively.

In 2020, the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 Report found that Singapore had the shortest resolution time worldwide for standardised commercial disputes at 120 days. The Doing Business 2020 Report also ranked Singapore as the best country out of 190 countries on the ease of enforcing contracts.

BRI disputes can be resolved in Singapore either in the Singapore Courts via the Singapore International Commercial Court (“SICC”), via arbitration under the auspices of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”), and also via mediation through the Singapore International Mediation Centre (“SIMC”). These institutions are well positioned to handle complex and high-value cross-border disputes. SICC

The SICC was launched on 5 January 2015 and is designed to deal with transnational commercial disputes. The judges who hear cases in the SICC are world renowned and include, amongst others:

• Singapore Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon.

• International Judge Justice Robert French, former Chief Justice of Australia.

• International Judge Justice Lord Jonathan Hugh Mance, former Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and Lord of Appeal.

• International Judge Justice Beverley McLachlin PC, former Chief Justice of Canada.

• International Judge Justice Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, former President of Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

• International Judge Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri, former Judge of the Supreme Court of India. SIAC

The SIAC was established on 1 July 1991 and Singapore has since grown from strength-to-strength to become the most preferred arbitration institution in the Asia-Pacific and one of the world’s top choice for arbitration. In 2021, Singapore was also jointly ranked as the top seat of arbitration in the world, together with London, in the 2021 International Arbitration Survey by Queen Mary University of London and global law firm White & Case. SIMC

The SIMC was launched in November 2014 and works across multiple jurisdictions covering both common law and civil law traditions. The SIMC’s panel of mediators cover a wide-range of international mediators across 14 jurisdictions, including industry experts and specialist mediators, who have extensive experience resolving cross-border disputes and are highly regarded for delivering successful outcomes in complex, high-stakes commercial disputes.

Notably, in January 2019 at the China-Singapore International Commercial Dispute Resolution Conference in Beijing, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the SIMC and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade to set up an international panel of mediators, comprising of skilled and experienced dispute resolution professionals from China, Singapore and other Belt and Road countries, to better handle disputes that may arise from the multi-billion dollar projects under the BRI.

1.2 Expected types of investments in Belt and Road project

Given Singapore’s focus on the CCI-ILSTC, it is likely that Singapore will continue to look for further opportunities along the corridor.

Based on the projects set out in the previous section, Singapore companies will likely continue to look for investment opportunities in the construction and operation of ports and mines together with Chinese firms in third-party countries.

Another potential opportunity for investment is the Pan-Asia Railway Network, which is a network of railways which would connect Kunming, China to the rest of mainland Southeast Asia, ending in Singapore.

II Country overview

Singapore’s focus on the four areas of the BRI detailed above is ideal given the country’s reputation for stability and its unique economic, political and geographic position in Asia. Together with the ease of doing business in Singapore, the country is confident in its ability to maintain and increase its relevance among the various Belt and Road countries and projects.

2.1 Economy

According to the World Bank, Singapore is a high-income economy with one of the world’s most business-friendly regulatory environments and is also ranked among the world’s most competitive economies.

Singapore’s largest industry is the manufacturing industry, which forms approximately 21.5% of the country’s nominal GDP. Singapore has a world-class manufacturing ecosystem occupying leadership positions in sectors such as aerospace, semiconductor, chemicals and biomedical sciences. Singapore is the world’s 6th largest exporter of high-tech products and the 5th largest producer of refined oil.

In relation to the BRI, Singapore was the largest foreign investment destination for China along the Belt and Road in 2018 as it captured close to 23% of the total investment outflow from China to Belt and Road countries. Singapore anticipates that it will continue to reap economic benefits from the trade and business opportunities that would arise out of the various BRI projects.

2.2 Currency

The Singapore currency is the Singapore Dollar and since 1981, monetary policy in Singapore has been centred on the management of the exchange rate and the primary objective has been to promote price stability as a sound basis for sustainable economic growth.

The approach adopted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore has resulted in notable success as the Singapore Dollar has been one of the best-performing currencies after the Global Financial Crisis.

Further, despite the small size of Singapore, the Singapore Dollar is the 13th most traded currency in the world and the third most in Asia behind the Chinese Renminbi and the Japanese Yen.

2.3 Government and stability/security

In 2019, the World Bank ranked Singapore’s government as the most effective government in the world and one of the most politically stable countries.

The ruling People’s Action Party has maintained its dominance since Singapore’s independence and currently holds 83 of the 93 elected seats in Parliament.

Singapore has also been ranked as the 3rd least corrupt country in the world out of 180 countries in 2020 in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index and the overall 2nd safest city in the world by The Economist Intelligence Unit, with Singapore topping the charts in areas of personal security and infrastructure security.

2.4 Political/cultural considerations

Singapore is a diverse, multiracial and multicultural society consisting mainly of ethnic Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians. There are four official languages in Singapore: Malay; English; Mandarin; and Tamil, and English is the main working language.

Singapore adopts a meritocratic approach and such approach has been fundamental to attracting the best and the brightest candidates to work in Singapore’s public administration.

Singapore has also been open to foreign talent and immigration. Immigrants made up approximately 38% of Singapore’s total population of 5.7 million in 2019. Singapore offers a variety of work passes for foreigners who intend to work in Singapore. The most common offerings are Employment Passes for foreign professionals, managers and executives, S Passes for mid-level skilled staff, and Work Permits for semi-skilled foreign workers.

2.5 Natural resources

Singapore is a country occupying a tiny area of 728.6 square kilometres. To put that into perspective, despite being a country, Singapore is smaller than New York City, less than half the size of London and approximately a third of the size of Melbourne.

Singapore lacks natural resources and therefore relies heavily on foreign capital and direct investments to sustain its growth.

In 2020, Singapore attracted approximately $17.2 billion in fixed asset investments, a 12-year high, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. These investments have been committed to key industries in Singapore, including electronics, chemicals, R&D, transport engineering, infocommunications, logistics and biomedical manufacturing. When the projects from the investments are fully implemented, it is expected that they will create over 19,000 new jobs over the next five years with a projected contribution of $31.2 billion in value added per annum.

In this respect, and despite its lack of natural resources, Singapore’s was the 10th largest exporter and the 11th largest importer in the world by leveraging on its manufacturing industry. Singapore’s major commodities sector includes machinery and transport equipment, chemicals and chemical products, and miscellaneous manufactured articles.

Given its lack of natural resources, Singapore also been working hard to establish trading relationships with major regional and global economies. Its largest trading partners include China, Malaysia, the United States, the EU, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea and Thailand.

2.6 Infrastructure

Singapore has one of the best urban infrastructure among the world’s top cities when considering measures such as electricity, water availability, infocommunications network, public transport system, traffic congestion and airport effectiveness.

Singapore is also a global logistics hub, with the Port Authority of Singapore handling about one-fifth of the world’s trans-shipped containers. The prime location of Singapore gives shippers a choice of over 200 shipping lines and access to over 600 ports in 123 countries. At any one time, there may be as many as 1,000 ships docked at the Singapore port, making it the number one bunkering port and the second busiest container port in the world.

Singapore’s Changi International Airport has been rated the best airport in the world for eight consecutive years.

2.7 Investment limitations

2.7.1 Restrictions and burdens on starting a foreign business

Singapore ranked as the 2nd easiest economy to conduct business in by the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 Report.

Therefore, and unsurprisingly, there are not very many restrictions on starting a business here and there are no restrictions on foreign ownership of businesses. In general, foreigners and businesses may own most commercial and industrial properties, as well as residential properties, save for landed residential properties and public housing.

It is easy for a foreign business to be set up in Singapore. A foreign business or individual setting up in Singapore has four options available: Incorporating a subsidiary/local company

A foreign company can choose to incorporate a subsidiary (i.e. a local company) and shares of the subsidiary can be held by the foreign company as the sole shareholder. As a local Singapore company, the subsidiary has to comply with the requirements of the Singapore Companies Act.

Registering a Singapore company costs S$300.00 (US$221.51) (exchange rate of S$1.3543/US$1.00 as at 29 July 2021) and the process of registering a company can be completed as quickly as in one day. There are otherwise minimal restrictions for the incorporation of a local company. These include:

• there has to be a minimum of one shareholder;

• the minimum paid-up capital is S$1.00;

• there must be a local resident director; and

• a physical Singapore registered office address.

Singapore offers attractive tax rates, with the corporate tax rate being capped at 17%.

Certain sectors, such as financial, maritime and global trading companies, enjoy further preferential tax rates and tax exemptions when qualifying condition are met. Such benefits generally only applies when a subsidiary/local company is incorporated. Singapore branch office

A foreign company can choose to set up a branch in Singapore. This branch office is considered an extension of the parent company and not as a separate legal entity. As they are not regarded as resident entities in Singapore, they will not be entitled to the various tax exemptions available to resident companies. There is also a requirement for the branch to have a locally resident authorised representative and for the foreign branch to comply with the statutory and disclosure requirements of the Companies Act.

Registration of a branch office can be done online. Setting up a Representative Office

A Representative Office allows foreign entities from the manufacturing, international trading, wholesale, trade and trade-related business sectors to assess the business environment in Singapore before deciding to set up a permanent establishment for up to a maximum of three years.

A Representative Office is merely an extension of their parent company and has no legal persona on its own. The Representative Office is also unable to enter into contracts, engage in trading or any other profit-making activities.

In order to qualify, the foreign commercial entity must:

• have turnover of over US$250,000;

• be established for at least three years; and

• have less than five proposed staff within the Representative Office.

An application for a Representative Office can be made online and the foreign entity must provide a copy of its Certification of Incorporation and its latest Audited Accounts. Transfer of registration (re-domicillation)

A foreign corporate entity may choose to transfer its registration to Singapore. In doing so, the foreign entity will become a Singapore company and will therefore be required to comply with the Singapore Companies Act.

To apply for transfer of registration, a foreign corporate entity must complete an application form providing information such as details of the foreign corporate entity, the proposed date of first financial year end and financial year period, the registered address in Singapore, particulars of proposed company officers/directors/shareholders, share capital details and details of shareholders.

The foreign corporate entity will also be required to provide supporting documents such as a certified copy of the company’s constitution (or equivalent) and various declarations by the proposed director or officer of the company.

It may take up to two months from the date of submission to process the registration application.

Upon approval, the entity will be registered as a company limited by shares in Singapore and documents must be lodged evidencing deregistration of the foreign corporate entity within 60 days.

2.7.2 Sector-specific restrictions

Singapore does not impose particular sector-specific restrictions on foreign businesses. However, in order to operate in sectors such as media and telecoms, companies will have to obtain a licence from the relevant governing bodies.

III International dispute settlement

3.1 Local courts and legal tradition

Singapore’s legal system is based on the English common law. Since its independence, Singapore has developed its own jurisprudence, but Singapore law still retains many of the same traits that makes English law business friendly.

Locally, the courts are made up of State Courts of Singapore and the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court of Singapore is made up of the High Court and the Court of Appeal which hears both civil and criminal matters.

The High Court comprises the General Division, which hears both criminal and civil cases as a court of first instance, and the Appellate Division, which hears all civil appeals that are not allocated to the Court of Appeal (which is the highest appellate court in Singapore).

The High Court has developed various specialised lists which have been set up in the General Division in response to the increasing complexity of commercial cases. These specialist lists are managed by specialist judges who have considerable experience and expertise in the specialist areas of law. The specialised lists in the General Division comprise of:

a. Building and Construction, Shipbuilding, Complex and Technical Cases.

b. Finance, Securities, Banking, Complex Commercial Cases.

c. Company, Insolvency, Trusts.

d. Arbitration.

e. Shipping and Insurance.

f. Tort Claims.

g. Intellectual Property/Information Technology.

h. Revenue Law.

i. Public Law and Judicial Review.

The SICC, which is designed to deal with transnational commercial disputes, is part of the General Division of the Supreme Court of Singapore. As described above, the SICC comprises of world-renowned judges across several jurisdictions. Generally, the SICC has the jurisdiction to hear and try an action if:

a. The claim in the action is of an international and commercial nature.

b. The parties to the action have submitted to the SICC’s jurisdiction under a written jurisdiction agreement.

c. The parties to the action do not seek any relief in the form of, or connected with, a prerogative order (including a mandatory order, a prohibiting order, a quashing order or an order for review of detention).

3.2 Arbitration

Singapore’s arbitration regime is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and disputes are generally arbitrable unless the subject matter of the dispute is of a nature as to make it contrary to public policy for the dispute to be resolved by arbitration. Areas that are widely regarded as non-arbitrable in Singapore include family disputes, estate and succession, and the liquidation of an insolvent company due to the potential third-party interests concerns that may arise.

Singapore is a signatory to the New York Convention, which has been enacted into Singapore law through the Singapore International Arbitration Act (“IAA”). This means that arbitral awards made in Singapore can easily enforced in other Contracting States of the New York Convention. Similarly, Singapore is widely recognised as an arbitration-friendly jurisdiction and, in practice, foreign awards are regularly enforced.

As a testament to this, Singapore was ranked as the top seat of arbitration in the world, together with London, in the 2021 International Arbitration Survey by Queen Mary University of London and global law firm White & Case.

This recognition by the international community is reflected by the record number of arbitrations filed in 2020 with the number of new cases handled by the SIAC more than doubling to 1,080 in 2020. The total sum in dispute for new case filings in 2020 amounted to US$8.49 billion. This meant that the average value of cases heard in 2020 was US$19.26 million.

The SIAC’s diversity is also highlighted by the different parties which engaged the SIAC, the wide range of sectors the disputes involved as well as the diverse arbitrator appointments. The SIAC heard parties from 60 jurisdictions with the top users being India (690 users), the United States (545 users), ASEAN (303 users) and China (195 users). The SIAC also heard claims across a wide range of sectors, including, among others, international trade, maritime/shipping, construction/engineering, agriculture, arts/entertainment, aviation, banking/financial services, commodities, education, employment, energy, healthcare/pharmaceuticals, hospitality/travel, insurance/reinsurance, IP/IT, media/broadcasting, mining, real estate, regulatory, sports, technology/science, telecommunications and treaty interpretation/rights. In total, 288 arbitrators were appointed by the SIAC in 2020 from 27 different jurisdictions.

The SIAC Rules are a modern set of arbitral rules which has been constantly updated to keep up with the ever-changing commercial landscape. In 2016, only three years after previous round of updates, the SIAC Rules were updated following an extensive public consultation exercise introducing, among others, a novel procedure for the early dismissal of claims and defences. This allowed parties faced with unmeritorious or vexatious claims to save time and costs and the procedure was a first amongst major arbitral centres around the world. One can expect the SIAC to continue taking steps to improve on its position by making its rules even more accessible as it began reviewing the 2016 Rules last year.

Third-party funding for international arbitration in Singapore is permitted. Singapore has also recently passed law permitting third-party funding to, among others, domestic arbitration proceedings and proceedings commenced in the SICC.

Finally, in addition to the SIAC, Singapore also has a specialist arbitration institution for maritime disputes in the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (“SCMA”), which registered 43 case references with a total claim sum of US$49.37 million in 2020. Notably, over half the disputants were based in Asia.

3.3 Mediation

Singapore is a regional mediation hub which leverages on its neutrality. Singapore is often viewed as a neutral venue and jurisdiction both to Asian parties as well as users in the West.

Mediation in Singapore is actively promoted by the Singapore’s judiciary and by the Singapore government.

The Singapore Courts have greatly encouraged the use of mediation to resolve disputes filed with the Court and parties who unreasonably refuse to mediate a dispute can even have cost sanctions ordered against them.

A number of reputable and professional institutional mediation centres have been established in Singapore such as the SIMC (referred to above), the Singapore Mediation Centre, and the WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Centre.

These centres handle high-value disputes and boast an impressive success rate. For example, between 2015 and November 2020, the SIMC heard a total of 133 cases, for a total dispute value of US$3 billion, and with a settlement rate of approximately 75%.

Mediation as a dispute-resolution process is also set to grow exponentially following the entry into force of the Singapore Convention on Mediation on 12 September 2020. The Singapore Convention has 53 signatories, including the United States, China and India. Six countries have also since ratified the Singapore Convention. The Singapore Convention is a notable step forward as it enables enforcement of mediated settlement agreements among its signatories.

With the Singapore Convention, and with many more countries set to ratify the Singapore Convention, businesses can better rely on mediation as another viable dispute resolution option for their cross-border transactions as there would be even greater certainty and assurance that their mediated outcomes would be enforceable abroad.

3.4 International treaties

3.4.1 Bilateral investment treaties with Belt and Road countries

Singapore has bilateral investment treaties with 43 countries including the following Belt and Road countries: Bahrain; Bangladesh; Belarus; Bulgaria; Cambodia; China; Czech Republic; Egypt; Hungary; Iran; Kuwait; Laos; Latvia; Libya; Myanmar; Oman; Pakistan; Poland; Qatar; Russia; Rwanda; Saudi Arabia; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; the United Arab Emirates; and Vietnam.

Outside of the Belt and Road countries, Singapore also has bilateral investment treaties with, among others, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, United States, the Russian Federation, Rwanda, Mexico, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

3.4.2 Other cross-border/regional treaties

As a member state of ASEAN, Singapore is part of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement. Consequently, Singapore is also part of the ASEAN-China Framework Agreement, the ASEAN-Korea Investment Agreement and the ASEAN-Korean Framework Agreement.

ASEAN also has investment agreements with the EU, Japan, the United States and India.

3.4.3 Relationship with the EU

The European Union-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (“EUSFTA”) is the first FTA between the EU and an ASEAN country. This led to further negotiations involving investment protection elements, which became the EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement (“EUSIPA”). The EUSFTA and EUSIPA were signed on October 2018 and approved by the European Parliament in February 2019. The EUSFTA entered into force on 21 November 2019 and the EUSIPA is undergoing ratification by the regional and national parliaments of the EU Member States.

Singapore is the EU’s 16th largest trading partner and in 2020 the bilateral foreign direct investment stock between the EU and Singapore was approximately €348 billion.

3.4.4 Reciprocal arrangements for the recognition and enforcement of court judgments

Foreign judgments can be recognised and enforced in Singapore by the common law rules or pursuant to one of three statutes. While enforcement under the statues tends to be quicker and more streamlined, the relevant statutes only apply to limited countries. Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act

The first statute is the Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act which applies to judgments obtained in a superior court of the United Kingdom, Hong Kong (for judgments obtained on or before 30 June 1997), New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Windward Islands, Pakistan, Brunei Darussalam, Papua New Guinea, India (except the State of Jammu and Kashmir) and Australia (limited to certain courts).

A judgment creditor from these jurisdictions may bring such a judgment to have it registered in the Singapore High Court by making an ex parte application with a supporting affidavit exhibiting the judgment within 12 months of the obtaining the judgment. Once the judgment is registered, it would have the same force and effect as from the date of registration if it had been a judgment originally obtained or entered upon in the registering court. Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgment Act

The second statute is the Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgment Act (“REFJA”), which presently only applies to Hong Kong SAR. The REFJA applies to a wide range of orders including any interlocutory or final judgment as well as both money judgments and non-money judgments.

The process of registration of a judgment is similar; however, the period for applications under the REFJA extends to six years after the date of judgment. Choice of Court Agreements Act

The third statute is the Choice of Court Agreements Act (“CCAA”), which brings into effect the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (the “Hague Convention”). The CCAA allows Singapore to enforce foreign judgments obtained from the courts of Contracting States of the Hague Convention if the foreign judgment:

a. Is an international case (i.e., the case involves the recognition and/or enforcement of a foreign judgment).

b. Is subject to an exclusive choice of court agreement, which designates one of the courts of one of the Contracting States to the Hague Convention for the purpose of deciding any dispute, excluding the jurisdiction of any other court.

c. Involves a civil or commercial matter.

Notable Contracting States to the Hague Convention include the entire European Union and the United Kingdom.

An application for the recognition or enforcement under the CCAA is made by way of an ex parte originating summons with a supporting affidavit exhibiting a complete and certified copy of the foreign judgment and the applicable exclusive choice of court agreement.

Under the CCAA, a foreign judgment, once recognised, has the legal effect of a judgment issued by a Singapore Court. Common law

A foreign judgment may be recognised and enforced in Singapore pursuant to the common law rules through the commencement of an action for judgment debt on the basis that the foreign judgment is treated as an implied obligation on the part of the judgment debtor to pay a debt (i.e., the sum awarded by the foreign court).

In order for such a foreign judgment to be enforceable, the foreign judgment must be:

a. From a court of competent jurisdiction in the foreign country.

b. Final and conclusive on the merits of the law under the law of that country.

c. For a fixed or ascertainable sum of money. Memoranda of Guidance on the Enforcement of Money Judgments

Singapore has also signed seven Memoranda of Guidance on the Enforcement of Money Judgments with Myanmar, China, Bermuda, Qatar, Rwanda, Abu Dhabi and Dubai as well as an Exchange of Letters with Victoria, Australia.

These documents set out how a money judgment issued by the courts of Singapore may be recognised and enforced in the respective foreign courts, and vice versa.

3.5 Conclusion

Overall, Singapore is well positioned to seize the opportunities that may arise from the BRI. Singapore’s political and economic stability offers potential investors a comfortable environment for their investments. Singapore, as a neutral third party, also possesses the necessary alternative dispute resolution platforms in the event that such disputes become reality. As such, the BRI offers Singapore a lot to look forward to.

CDR - Commercial Dispute Resolution (2024)


How effective is mediation in resolving commercial disputes? ›

Time and Cost Efficiency: Mediation is usually quicker and less costly than litigation, saving both time and money for the parties involved. Flexibility: Mediation allows the parties to tailor the process to their specific needs, making it a flexible option for resolving disputes.

What is a good dispute resolution? ›


Mediation can be effective at allowing parties to vent their feelings and fully explore their grievances. Working with parties together and sometimes separately, mediators can try to help them hammer out a resolution that is sustainable, voluntary, and nonbinding.

What happens after dispute resolution? ›

The arbitrator makes the decision

The arbitrator makes a decision within 30 days of the hearing. The decision is final and binding. Both the applicant and the respondent are mailed a written copy of the decision.

How do I resolve a dispute without going to court? ›

  1. Mediation. In mediation, a neutral and impartial person called a "mediator" helps both sides communicate and try to reach a solution to their dispute that is acceptable to both of them. ...
  2. Arbitration. ...
  3. Neutral Evaluation. ...
  4. Settlement Conference.

What percentage of disputes are resolved through mediation? ›

It is concluded expeditiously, allowing parties to settle the dispute or narrow their issues at moderate cost. The overwhelming majority of disputes in mediation (70 percent to 80 percent of commercial disputes) settle, and because the outcomes are mutually agreed upon, they have high rates of compliance.

What takes longer mediation or arbitration? ›

More than 80 percent of mediations result in a settlement, and in most cases the process is significantly faster and less costly than arbitration. Mediation does not impose a solution and it is not binding until the parties reach and sign a settlement agreement.

What are the cons of dispute resolution? ›

  • Potentially greater costs if the dispute is not well managed or the other party seeks to delay the proceedings.
  • Potentially longer time period to obtain a judgement.
  • Proceedings are generally conducted in public.
  • Judgment will be subject to appeal.

How do courts settle disputes? ›

Most civil cases are settled by mutual agreement between the parties. A dispute can be settled even before a suit is filed. Once a suit is filed, it can be settled before the trial begins, during the trial, while the jury is deliberating, or even after a verdict is rendered.

What is the most expensive dispute resolution? ›

I mentioned the importance of drafting arbitration clauses that secured the most value for money out of the process because "the inconvenient truth is that arbitration is the most expensive form of dispute resolution."

Does mediation lead to settlement? ›

The answer is “sometimes,” according to a comprehensive study of court-affiliated mediation programs by Roselle L. Wissler of Arizona State University's College of Law in Tempe. Settlement rates in these programs varied widely, ranging from 27% to 63%.

How long do disputes take to get money back? ›

While many cases can be resolved quickly, some are more complex and can take up to 90 days.

Should I settle at mediation? ›

Mediation typically results in settlement when the parties are able to find a resolution to the case that, all things considered, is better for everyone involved than continued litigation. Factors that favor settlement over litigation include speed, cost, certainty, control, risk reduction and flexibility.

At what point do most cases settle? ›

It is well known within the legal world that most cases settle before they ever get to trial. Generally, less than 3% of civil cases reach a trial verdict. So, around 97% of cases are resolved by means other than trial.

How do you win a disputed charge? ›

6 Steps for Disputing a Chargeback
  1. Step 1: Collect customer transaction details. ...
  2. Step 2: Check the deadlines for filing a chargeback dispute. ...
  3. Step 3: Gather compelling evidence for the disputed transaction. ...
  4. Step 4: Submit chargeback dispute documents by the deadline. ...
  5. Step 5: Present your chargeback rebuttal.
Oct 25, 2023

Why do lawyers drag out cases? ›

Your Case is Worth a Lot of Money

One of the main reasons your lawyer may be taking their time is to make sure they have all the facts, witness statements, and medical records needed to demonstrate the full extent of your injuries and the impact they've had on your life.

What are the benefits of mediation in commercial disputes? ›

  • Mediation can be carried out relatively quickly compared to litigation, taking on average between 1 to 2 days;
  • If both parties agree to mediation this clearly demonstrates a willingness to achieve a negotiated solution;
  • The appointed mediator will be independent, they will not advise or provide judgement;

Is mediation an effective form of dispute resolution? ›

It is also the most informal option for resolving a dispute and is often a very successful way of obtaining resolution.

What is the mediation clause in a commercial contract? ›

Essentially, to be valid, a mediation clause in a commercial contract must clearly describe the steps which the parties are required to take or incorporate a structure for a mediation. A clause that simply requires the parties to attempt to resolve a dispute through mediation, has been regarded as unenforceable.

Why is conciliation a better way to resolve a commercial dispute than arbitration? ›

In arbitration, the third party (an arbitrator or several arbitrators) will play an important role as it will render an arbitration award that will be binding on the parties. In comparison, in conciliation and mediation, the third party does not impose any binding decision.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.