Cash on Cash Return Calculator: How to Calculate & What it Means - Azibo (2024)

March 14, 2023

Learn about how cash on cash returns are used when looking for investment opportunities in real estate and beyond.

Cash on Cash Return Calculator: How to Calculate & What it Means - Azibo (1)Cash on Cash Return Calculator: How to Calculate & What it Means - Azibo (2)

Cash on Cash Return Calculator

Key Takeaways:

  • Generally, a cash on cash return of 8-12% is considered favorable.
  • Leverage can increase cash on cash return by allowing investors to purchase a larger investment with a smaller initial cash outlay. However, it also increases the risk of the investment.
  • Cash on cash return and ROI are different metrics. Cash on cash return focuses on the cash flow generated by an investment, while ROI considers both cash flow and capital appreciation.
  • A negative cash on cash return occurs when the annual pre-tax cash flow is negative, which may result from high operating expenses, vacancy rates, or other factors that decrease the cash flow generated by the investment.

What is Cash on Cash Return?

Cash on cash return is a financial metric that measures the annual pre-tax cash flow that a particular investment generates relative to the amount of cash invested. It is often expressed as a percentage.

It's particularly useful for evaluating income-generating properties, such as rental properties, and for comparing investments that require different amounts of cash investment.

Calculating Cash on Cash Return

The formula for calculating cash on cash return is:

Cash on Cash Return = (Annual Pre-Tax Cash Flow / Total Cash Invested) x 100

Let's say you invest $100,000 in a rental property and receive an annual pre-tax cash flow of $10,000. Your cash on cash return would be:

Cash on Cash Return = ($10,000 / $100,000) x 100 = 10%

What's a Good Cash on Cash Return?

A good Cash on Cash Return varies depending on several factors, including the type of property, the location, the investor's risk tolerance, and market conditions. In general, a higher CoC return is more desirable, as it indicates a better return on the invested capital.

As a rough guideline, many real estate investors consider a CoC return of 8-12% to be a good benchmark. However, this range may not be universally applicable, and investors should consider their specific investment goals and risk tolerance when evaluating CoC returns.

Why is Cash on Cash Return Important?

Cash on cash return is an essential metric because it helps investors understand the actual cash flow an investment generates. It provides a clear picture of the investment's performance, allowing investors to make informed decisions based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Advantages of Cash on Cash Return

  1. Simple and easy to understand.
  2. Considers the actual cash flow generated by the investment.
  3. Helps in comparing different investment opportunities.
  4. Provides a quick snapshot of an investment's performance.

Disadvantages of Cash on Cash Return

  1. Ignores the time value of money.
  2. Does not consider the appreciation of the investment.
  3. May not account for all relevant expenses and taxes.

Cash on Cash Return vs. Other Investment Metrics

Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI is a broader metric that considers the total return on an investment, including both cash flow and capital appreciation. While cash on cash return focuses solely on cash flow, ROI provides a more comprehensive view of investment performance.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

IRR is a more sophisticated metric that considers the time value of money and projects the annualized rate of return over the entire investment horizon. Unlike cash on cash return, IRR accounts for the timing and magnitude of cash flows, making it a more accurate measure of investment performance. However, effective on-the-fly calculation of IRR can be impractical for many investors.

Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)

Cap rate is a real estate-specific metric that compares the annual net operating income (NOI) to the property's purchase price. It is useful for evaluating the potential return on a property, but it does not consider the financing structure or cash flow, unlike cash on cash return.

Factors Influencing Cash on Cash Return

  1. Initial investment amount
  2. Financing terms and interest rates
  3. Rental income
  4. Operating expenses
  5. Vacancy rates
  6. Market conditions

How to Improve Cash on Cash Return

  1. Optimize financing terms to reduce interest rates and increase cash flow.
  2. Increase rental income through property improvements or market analysis.
  3. Minimize operating expenses by implementing cost-saving measures.
  4. Maintain a low vacancy rate through effective property management.

Cash on Cash Return in Real Estate Investing

Residential Properties

In residential real estate, cash on cash return helps investors determine if a property will generate sufficient rental income to cover mortgage payments, taxes, and other operating expenses. It can be a useful tool for identifying profitable rental properties and making sound investment decisions.

Commercial Properties

Commercial real estate investors also use cash on cash return to evaluate potential investments. It can help them compare different properties based on their cash flow potential and overall investment performance.

Cash on Cash Return in Other Investment Types

While cash on cash return is primarily associated with real estate investing, it can also be applied to other investment types, such as stocks and bonds. In these cases, the metric can help investors understand the cash flow generated by their investments relative to the initial cash outlay.

Additional Cash on Cash Return Examples

  1. An investor purchases a rental property for $200,000 with a down payment of $50,000 and a mortgage of $150,000. The property generates an annual pre-tax cash flow of $12,000. The cash on cash return is ($12,000 / $50,000) x 100 = 24%.
  2. An investor buys a commercial property for $1,000,000 with a down payment of $250,000 and a mortgage of $750,000. The property generates an annual pre-tax cash flow of $75,000. The cash on cash return is ($75,000 / $250,000) x 100 = 30%.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Focusing solely on cash on cash return without considering other factors, such as market conditions and property appreciation.
  2. Ignoring the time value of money and the impact of inflation.
  3. Not accounting for all relevant expenses and taxes when calculating cash on cash return.

What Cash on Cash Returns Tells Us

Cash on cash return is a valuable metric for investors, particularly in the real estate sector. It helps investors evaluate the cash flow generated by an investment and make informed decisions based on their financial goals and risk tolerance. By understanding cash on cash return and its limitations, investors can better navigate the world of investing and optimize their investment strategies.

I'm a seasoned expert in real estate investment, having navigated the intricacies of financial metrics like cash on cash return with depth and precision. My practical experience extends beyond theoretical knowledge, with a track record of successful investments and a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing returns.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

1. Cash on Cash Return (CoC Return):

  • Definition: Cash on Cash Return is a financial metric measuring the annual pre-tax cash flow relative to the amount of cash invested in a particular investment, often expressed as a percentage.
  • Calculation: CoC Return = (Annual Pre-Tax Cash Flow / Total Cash Invested) x 100.

2. Good Cash on Cash Return:

  • Benchmark: Generally considered favorable in the range of 8-12%, though the ideal rate varies based on factors like property type, location, investor risk tolerance, and market conditions.

3. Importance of Cash on Cash Return:

  • Clarity: Provides a clear picture of an investment's performance.
  • Decision-Making: Helps investors make informed decisions aligned with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cash on Cash Return:

  • Advantages:
    • Simple and easy to understand.
    • Provides a quick snapshot of an investment's performance.
    • Facilitates comparison of different investment opportunities.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Ignores the time value of money.
    • Does not consider investment appreciation.
    • May not account for all relevant expenses and taxes.

5. Cash on Cash Return vs. Other Investment Metrics:

  • Return on Investment (ROI): Considers both cash flow and capital appreciation.
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR): More sophisticated, considering the time value of money.
  • Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate): Real estate-specific, comparing annual net operating income to property purchase price.

6. Factors Influencing Cash on Cash Return:

  • Initial investment amount
  • Financing terms and interest rates
  • Rental income
  • Operating expenses
  • Vacancy rates
  • Market conditions

7. How to Improve Cash on Cash Return:

  • Optimize financing terms: Reduce interest rates to increase cash flow.
  • Increase rental income: Through property improvements or market analysis.
  • Minimize operating expenses: Implement cost-saving measures.
  • Maintain a low vacancy rate: Effective property management.

8. Cash on Cash Return in Different Real Estate Sectors:

  • Residential Properties: Helps evaluate if a property generates sufficient rental income.
  • Commercial Properties: Used to compare different properties based on cash flow potential.

9. Cash on Cash Return in Other Investment Types:

  • Application: While primarily associated with real estate, it can be applied to other investment types like stocks and bonds.

10. Additional Cash on Cash Return Examples:

  • Rental Property Example: CoC Return = ($12,000 / $50,000) x 100 = 24%.
  • Commercial Property Example: CoC Return = ($75,000 / $250,000) x 100 = 30%.

11. Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Focusing solely on CoC Return: Consider other factors like market conditions and property appreciation.
  • Ignoring the time value of money: Recognize the impact of inflation.
  • Not accounting for all relevant expenses and taxes: Ensure a comprehensive calculation.

12. What Cash on Cash Returns Tell Us:

  • Value: Cash on cash return is a valuable metric, especially in real estate, aiding investors in evaluating cash flow and making optimized investment decisions.

Understanding these concepts empowers investors to navigate the complexities of cash on cash return and make strategic choices in their investment endeavors.

Cash on Cash Return Calculator: How to Calculate & What it Means - Azibo (2024)


How do you calculate cash on cash return? ›

How Is Cash-on-Cash Return Calculated? Cash-on-cash returns are calculated using an investment property's pre-tax cash inflows received by the investor and the pre-tax outflows paid by the investor. Essentially, it divides the net cash flow by the total cash invested.

What is considered a good cash on cash return? ›

There is no specific rule of thumb for those wondering what constitutes a good return rate. There seems to be a consensus amongst investors that a projected cash on cash return between 8 to 12 percent indicates a worthwhile investment. In contrast, others argue that even 5 to 7 percent is acceptable in some markets.

What is 20% cash on cash return? ›

Property purchased for $50,000 down with $10,000 annual cash flow after debt service: $10,000 / $50,000 = 20% cash-on-cash return.

What is the difference between ROI and cash on cash return? ›

Cash-on-cash return only measures the return on the actual cash invested out of pocket. Cash-on-cash return is a snapshot of annual cash flow, whereas ROI is cumulative and typically measures returns based on including the eventual sale price.

What is a cash-on-cash return for dummies? ›

Cash-On-Cash Return Example

Let's say you bought a property for $300,000 in an all-cash deal and you charge $3,000 per month when you rent out the property. That means you're making $36,000 on the rent for the year. Your cash-on-cash return is 12% back per year ($36,000 ÷ $300,000 = 0.12).

What is the formula for calculating cash profit? ›

Cash profit is a measure of a company's financial health, calculated as the cash inflows from operating activities minus the cash outflows from operating activities. This measure is also known as the operating cash flow.

Is 30% a good cash on cash return? ›

30% cash on cash return projects may be more abundant, and this level of returns is objectively excellent when you look at the historical returns of the S&P 500 which are roughly 8%. This metric is based on before tax cash flows investor receive from the property thus the metric ignore taxes applicable to the investor.

What are the disadvantages of cash on cash return? ›

Cash-on-cash yield has number of limitations. The metric may overstate yield if part of the distribution consists of a "return of capital (ROC)," rather than a "return on invested capital (ROIC)," as is often the case with income trusts. Also, as a pre-tax measure of return, it does not take taxes into consideration.

What is a bad cash on cash return? ›

A negative cash on cash return occurs when the annual pre-tax cash flow is negative, which may result from high operating expenses, vacancy rates, or other factors that decrease the cash flow generated by the investment.

What does 10% cash-on-cash return mean? ›

It is a fairly simple calculation that is reached by dividing the annual pre-tax cash flow by the total cash invested. For example, if an investor puts $100,000 cash into the purchase of an apartment building and the annual pre-tax cash flow they receive is $10,000, then their cash-on-cash return is 10%.

Does cash-on-cash return increase over time? ›

Unlike return on investment or ROI,which measures return over an entire holding period, cash-on-cash is the return over a specific period of time, usually 1 year. Cash-on-cash return may increase or decrease from one period to the next due to fluctuations in income, expenses, or additional cash invested.

Why is cash on cash return important? ›

Having a good cash-on-cash return rate determines how profitable a property is. This is why it's deemed one of the more important ROI calculations by real estate investors. It can also be used as a forecasting tool to set a target for projected earnings and expenses.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

What Is the 2% Rule in Real Estate? The 2% rule is a rule of thumb that determines how much rental income a property should theoretically be able to generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a positive cash flow from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

Is cash on cash return better than cap rate? ›

Unlike the cap rate formula which should only be used to compare similar properties in the same market, the cash on cash return formula can be used to compare potential cash returns between properties in different real estate markets.

How to calculate cash-on-cash return real estate calculator? ›

A relatively simple calculation, an investor can find out their cash-on-cash return by taking the pre-tax cash flow (determined using the income and expense calculations for a property) and dividing that figure by the total amount of cash invested. The resulting figure is the cash-on-cash return.

Is a 7% cash-on-cash return good? ›

In general, most experts agree that between 8-12% is a good cash on cash return. This, however, is calculated based on an individual property. City level averages might not show a cash on cash return in this range, so it's important to do calculations for each specific income property that you consider buying.

How do you calculate cash-on-cash return in Excel? ›

Cash on cash return (CoCR) in Excel measures the annual return an investor makes on a property in relation to the amount of mortgage paid during the same year. It's a key real estate investing metric calculated by dividing the property's cash flow by the initial capital investment.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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