Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (2024)

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (1)

Carbon credits farming is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, industrial facilities, and other sources.

The generated carbon credits are then sold to companies or governments that need to offset their emissions.

In other words, it is an additional source of income for farmers on a sustainability journey.

Carbon credits farming allows you to make money while saving the planet. Sounds like a win-win, right? But how does it work? What do you need to get started? This complete guide answers those questions and more.

What Are Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits are certificates that represent the reduction of one metric ton of CO2 or its equivalent.1

There are a few ways to generate carbon credits, but the most common is preventing greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. For example, you can plant trees, capture methane from landfills, or install wind turbines.

Once you’ve generated your carbon credits, you can sell them on the open market to companies and organizations that need to offset their emissions. The price of carbon credits varies depending on supply and demand, but it’s typically quite a lucrative business.

How Does Carbon Credit Farming Work?

Carbon credit farming is a process by which farmers can earn money by reducing their carbon footprint. It’s a way of incentivizing farmers to switch to sustainable farming practices, which ultimately reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (2)

(Image: Rattasat15)

Here’s how it works: the farmer produces a carbon credit by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions below the baseline level. These credits can then be sold to companies or governments that need to offset their own emissions.

It’s a pretty simple process, but it can have a big impact on the environment. If more farmers adopt carbon credit farming, the planet can make a real difference in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

What Are the Requirements for Carbon Credit Farming in 2023?

The requirements for carbon credit farming in 2023 are stringent, but if you’re able to meet them, the benefits are plentiful.11 You’ll need to be able to show that you’re not only reducing emissions but that you’re also drawing down carbon.

That might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not impossible. And there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. The most important thing is to get started today and make sure your plan is executable and measurable. Below is a step-by-step guide on getting started.

How Can I Get Started With Carbon Credit Farming?

Carbon credit farming is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. It’s also a way to make some extra money on the side. So how does it work?

Basically, you need to calculate your carbon emissions. This is something that you can do with a carbon calculator. Once you have your emissions total, you need to decide how many credits you want to farm.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (3)

(Image: Loren King16)

Credits are sold in batches of 100, and the price varies depending on market conditions. You can either sell your credits directly to a buyer or you can join a carbon credit pool.

If you’re just starting out, it’s best to join a pool. This is because it’s more difficult to find buyers for small quantities of credits. Joining a pool also gives you access to resources and training to help you get started. Follow this guide to get started.

1. Find a Good Carbon Program

The most important step as you start your carbon credits farming journey is to get the right partner. If you collaborate with a good carbon farming company, you will be able to make a worthy amount of money from carbon credits farming and get access to training and resources.

A good program gives you ideas, provides you with the right tools, shares its expertise with you, and offers support throughout the journey. You can be assured of success when you have a good partner by your side.

2. An Assessment of Your Farm

Another crucial step and requirement as you begin your carbon credits farming journey is an assessment of your farm.9 It is essential to understand the condition of the farm to determine which solutions are the best for it.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (4)

(Image: Jing17)

The assessment includes soil samples and farm data dating back 3 or five years. Provide data on yields, crops grown, fertilizers used in the past, and the practices used on the farm. The data will help devise the best practices for your farm to generate carbon credits.

3. Design a Custom Carbon Credits Farming Plan Based on the Assessment

Using the data collected from the farm and the scientific evaluation done by the partner company, the program will recommend agronomic practices. The practices will help you start accumulating carbon credits.

The practices are centered around soil improvement, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and enhancing soil carbon sequestration. You can apply practice plans such as agroforestry, better water management, planting more cover crops, and reduced tillage.

4. Apply the Changes and Record the Data

Once you have come up with the plan, the next step is to apply those changes and monitor the farm to see how it goes. The data is important to the program, so you should record it for future use.

The data will help determine which practices worked and which ones did not work to set your farm for success in the future. You will also need the data for verification purposes to get your carbon credits.

5. Check and Verify the Results

For this step, you need a verification body to look at the results and determine how much CO2 was reduced or absolved into the farm. You can either use an independent one or the carbon program you are working with.

6. Get Your Carbon Credits

Getting the carbon credits is the last step in this journey. After applying all the necessary practices, collecting the data, and verifying the results, you earn carbon credits that you can trade for money.

You can trade with individual buyers, companies, governments, or even carbon credits companies.

How To Register Land for Carbon Credits

Registering your land for carbon credits is not a complicated process. However, you need to have the capacity for the necessary projects. That includes having all the necessary documentation and not engaging in any carbon-sequestering projects.

It must also be huge enough to accommodate meaningful projects. The steps below will guide you through the registration process.

  1. Look for an appropriate carbon credits program.
  2. Demonstrate a long-term commitment to maintaining the projects
  3. Sign a contract
  4. Work on suggested projects
  5. Provide necessary data
  6. Get your carbon credits

Carbon Farming Companies: Carbon Programs for Farmers

You may be asking yourself, how carbon farming companies get credits?

Well, it’s actually a pretty simple process. A company that wants to offset its carbon emissions will buy carbon credits from a carbon farming company. These credits represent the pollution that has been prevented by the trees in the carbon farming company’s forest or farm.

It’s a win-win for everyone involved. The company gets to reduce its carbon footprint, and the carbon farming company gets paid for the pollution they’ve prevented. Pretty cool, right? It does not matter whether you have a crop farm or a forest.

If you’re interested in getting involved in carbon credit farming, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, you need to find a reputable carbon farming company to work with. There are a lot of fly-by-night operations out there, so do your research before you choose one.

You can also work with carbon programs for farmers in your area. The main point here is to research the best carbon programs or companies you can work with. Focus on what they offer to you as a farmer or forest owner.

You’ll also need to ensure your forest is registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).13 This is the body that oversees global climate change negotiations.

And finally, you’ll need to set up a system for tracking your forest’s emissions and removals. Note that most of these procedures become very easy when you align yourself with a good carbon program or company.

How To Get Paid for Carbon Credits Farming

The payment procedure is simple, based on all the information shared above in the guide to get started. Get a good carbon program that can help you establish carbon sequestering practices on your farm and also facilitate the buying and selling of the credits.

The work is in finding the right program. That is because good programs do all the work for you and give you the money you deserve for all your efforts in carbon offsetting projects. Once you have found that perfect partner for your carbon credits farming, the rest of the things will just flow.

Carbon Credits for Farmers USA

As discussed above, carbon credits farming involves reducing your carbon footprint by implementing sustainable farming practices and then selling the credits to companies or organizations that need to offset their emissions. It’s a great way to make some extra money while also helping the environment.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (5)

(Image: Quang Nguyen Vinh18)

In the US, more farmers are adopting the trend and making thousands of dollars through selling credits. You get carbon credits based on how much carbon your farm has absorbed or how much green gas emissions it has reduced.

There are requirements to sell credits, such as you have to be registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). And 2022 is the deadline for countries to meet their emissions reduction goals, so there’s a good chance the market for carbon credits will only continue to grow in the years ahead.

If you’re interested in getting started, there’s a handy guide available on the UNFCCC website that will walk you through the process step-by-step.12 So what are you waiting for? Start saving the environment and making some money at the same time.

Carbon Sequestration Programs for Farmers

There is plenty of information on carbon sequestering programs online.8 You just need to research within your area or ask for recommendations from other farmers that are already doing it.

These programs are so many nowadays because of the many campaigns urging everyone to make positive contributions toward environmental conservation. A simple search on google will give you so many results that you need to vet by reading about them and asking questions before you sign up.

How To Get Carbon Credits for Trees: Selling Carbon Credits Trees

To be able to get carbon credits for the trees you have on your land, you need to register with the government or non-governmental programs that deal with the sale of carbon credits. In most cases, such programs will look for the farmers themselves and pay for the cost of assessing the land.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (6)

(Image: Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz19)

You can also submit proposals to the programs to be considered for carbon credits farming. After applying the carbon offsetting practices on your farm, you will be eligible for a specified amount of credits that you can sell through the programs to make a profit.

How To Get Paid for Forest Carbon Credits

Forest carbon credits work the same way as any other carbon credit. Planting trees is also a form of farming, which helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air.

Farmers with multiple acres of forest land can make a lot of money with carbon credit farming, as forest cover is one of the best ways to deal with carbon emissions. There are companies that are willing to pay top dollar to be able to increase their carbon footprint due to the type of work they do.

By planting trees on your farm, you can help them offset carbon emissions and ultimately make the planet a safer and better place to live. Working with carbon credit programs near you is the best way to get paid for forest carbon credits.

Selling Carbon Credits From Solar

The requirements for selling carbon credits are getting stricter every year. By 2023, companies will need to have a plan in place to reduce their emissions by 8%. That’s why it’s important to get started now if you’re thinking of getting into carbon credit farming.

Renewable energy projects like solar are becoming popular because of their positive impact on the conservation of resources like energy. That is why it is possible to get carbon credits from such projects and actually trade them in any credits marketplace.

You can liaise with any solar carbon credits programs to learn more about how to get into the business and what you need to qualify for the carbon credits. The market for carbon credits is growing by the day.

Carbon Credit Exchange Platforms

There are trading platforms that allow buying and selling of carbon credits and other green commodities. They help individual traders and companies in the business of sustainable projects connect with either buyers or sellers.

You can sell your carbon credits online through carbon credit exchange platforms that facilitate the business side of such initiatives. Before you can join a carbon credit exchange platform, please research its policies to see whether it is a place that will benefit you as a trader.

Now that carbon credits farming is becoming popular, more and more carbon markets are coming up.6 That is why you need to investigate each platform before trying to do business there.

How To Buy And Sell Carbon Credits: Carbon Trading for Farmers

When starting out in carbon credits farming, it is important to associate yourself with already established entities like carbon credit programs. These programs will help you sell your credits as a farmer or landowner.

However, you could be someone that just wants to participate in the carbon trading business and make profits out of it. In that case, carbon marketplaces are the best places for you. Here you can buy and sell carbon credits to individuals or companies that want to offset their carbon emissions.

How Do Carbon Credit Stocks Work?

One of the ways that you can invest in carbon credits markets is by buying carbon credit stocks. Like any other investment, you must read about it to know how to invest and find out the best stocks to buy and make a profit.

If you are just starting out, it is important to consult with a knowledgeable party to know when to buy or sell your stocks to make a profit. If you get it right, it could be a lucrative way to make extra money. The good thing is that you will find carbon credit stocks easily, which makes it something that anyone with the right knowledge can do.

How To Invest in Carbon Credits Farming

Some will wonder, how to invest in carbon credits farming. Investing in carbon credits is simple. If you are a farmer and want to get into carbon credits farming, the best way to do that is through programs that deal with that in your area. Investing through carbon credit programs makes it easy for you to sell your credits faster and at premium rates because the programs know the market better.

It also makes your work easier because you do not have to go looking for buyers. The program will do all the hard work for you and only give you the money from your credits. However, it is important to know about the carbon credits marketplaces so that you will be aware of how much the credits are trading for. That ensures that you are not shortchanged by anyone.

Green Companies To Invest In

When looking for green companies to invest in, it’s important to do your research.7 Not all of them are created equal, and some are more sustainable than others.

It’s a great way to help the environment while also making a profit. And it’s something that more and more companies are getting into. However, it only works for you if you invest in the right companies.

Some of the best green companies include First Solar Inc., Tesla Inc., Fisker Inc., and Stem Inc. It is important to do your due diligence before investing in any green company because some will just say they are green without actually participating in any green projects.

You ought to put your money in a company that is making a positive impact in climate change and improving the conditions of its employees and everyone involved with the company. There are many other green companies, both locally and internationally.

How To Get Indigo AG Carbon Credits

Indigo AG is one of the carbon credit programs that help farmers make money through carbon credits. They will guide you on the best ways to optimize your land for carbon sequestering and also help you get carbon credits to sell and make money.

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (7)

(Image: Matthias Mitterlehner20)

The company identifies the buyers and sells the carbon credits for you at premium prices. They let you farm as they focus on all the other aspects of the carbon credits farming business. They will even pay for the soil sampling and verification processes to make selling and getting your carbon credits as easy as possible.

Carbon credits farming is the future of sustainability and a way of helping farmers and traders make extra money. While it seems lucrative, some factors affect how well it works for you. One of them is the carbon credits program you choose to work with and the amount of land you have.

The more land you have, the better the profits from carbon credits farming. Everyone should play a part in dealing with climate change. The collective effort will make the planet habitable for a longer time. Follow the above guide to get started, and look for a carbon credits farming program to help you transform your land into a sustainable project.

Carbon credits farming is becoming popular all over the world. Many farmers are now involved in carbon sequestering projects to save the planet. If you have a big piece of land that you want to convert into cash, you can register it for carbon credits.

Pick a good program or register with the government to start receiving money for your positive contribution to planet conservation. There are many ways to make money from carbon credits farming.

Frequently Ask Questions About Carbon Credits Farming


1Person, W. (2021, March 02). An Inside Look at Pricing in the Forest Carbon Market. Green Biz. Retrieved September 17, 2022, from <>

2The World Bank Group. (2022). State and Trends of Carbon Pricing. World Bank Group. Retrieved September 17, 2022, from <>

3Central Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership. (2022, October 08). A Landowner’s Guide to Carbon Sequestration Credits. Clean Energy Resource Teams. Retrieved September 17, 2022, from <>

4GHG. (2022, May 6). NCX Enrolls 1,376 US Land Owners at $8/credit in Latest Cycle. Quantum Commodity Intelligence. Retrieved September 17, 2022, from <>

5Wadhawan, S. (2022, March 22). What are Carbon Credits and How Do They Work? Earth.Org. Retrieved September 17, 2022, from <>

6Clean Energy Regulator. (2021, December 8). About Carbon Markets. Markets. Clean Energy Regulator. Retrieved 2022, from <>

7Jagannathan, R., Ravikumar, A., & Sammon, M. (2018, May 02). The Case for Investing in Green Companies. Kellogg Insight. Retrieved October 08, 2022, from <>

8Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. (2022). Carbon Storage Research. Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from <>

9Lathrop, R., Wong, F., Aronson, M., Chin, A., Clemson, B., DeFeo, J., Georgopulos, P., Gottlieb, P., Harrity, P., Kaplan, M., Schäfer, K., Schneider, L., and Sergeant, F. (2021, January). Solutions Assessment: Land Use and Offsets. Rutgers. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from <>

10Texas A&M Forest Service. (2021, March 30). Forest Carbon. Texas A&M University. Retrieved October 08, 2022, from <>

11Thompson, N. M., Hughes, M. N., Nuworsu, E. K.M., Reeling, C. J., Armstrong, S. D., Mintert, J. R., Langemeier, M. R., DeLay, N. D., & Foster, K. A. (2021, June 28). Opportunities and Challenges Associated With “Carbon Farming” for U.S. Row-Crop Producers. Purdue University. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from <>

12United Nations Climate Change. (2022). United Nations Carbon Offset Platform. United Nations Climate Change. Retrieved October 08, 2022, from <>

13United Nations Climate Change. (1999, April 23). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. United Nations Climate Change. Retrieved October 08, 2022, from <>

14U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2021, May 25). USDA Announces New Initiative To Quantify Climate Benefits of Conservation Reserve Program. USDA. Retrieved October 08, 2022, from <>

15Rattasat. Pexels. Retrieved from <>

16Loren King. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

17Jing. Pixabay. Retrieved from <>

18Quang Nguyen Vinh. Pexels. Retrieved from <>

19Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz. Pexels. Retrieved from <>

20Matthias Mitterlehner. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

Carbon Credit Farming: How It Works, 2023 Requirement, Guide to Get Started (2024)


How to start a carbon credit farm? ›

Common examples of carbon farming methods that produce carbon credits include any of the following:
  1. Reduced tillage or no-till farming.
  2. Growing or increasing cover crops.
  3. Reduced fertilizer application.
  4. Efficient fuel use.
  5. Improved residue management.
  6. Prescribed (rotational) grazing.
  7. Nitrogen management.
Feb 17, 2023

How much money do you get per acre for carbon credits? ›

An acre of land used for carbon sequestration or other methodologies for reducing a carbon footprint generally removes 0.2 to 1.5 metric tons of carbon annually. Given that these CO2 reductions are worth $15 to $20 per metric ton, whoever owns that acre of land can expect payments of $3 to $30 per year per acre.

How do I register my land for carbon credits? ›

To enroll, you need to have land maps available that document your ownership of the land, as well as the legal description of the land. You also need have to document your management practices and obtain a signed contract between yourself and those purchasing/paying for the carbon credits.

How much land do you need to sell carbon credits? ›

Farmers and landowners can sell carbon credits because ALL land can store carbon. Landowners are eligible to receive carbon credits at the rate of one per every ton of CO2 their land sequesters. LandGate helps landowners understand how much carbon their land can sequester every year.

Can I lease my land for carbon credits? ›

Additional Revenue Stream: Landowners can generate additional income by leasing their land for carbon credits. This can provide a stable and diversified income source, especially for rural or agricultural land that might not be as profitable through traditional means.

Can I plant trees for carbon credits? ›

You can't grow money on trees, but you can earn money for letting trees grow. Or at least you can through a pioneering California program that allows forest owners around the United States to sell carbon credits to companies required by the state to reduce emissions.

How do farmers get paid for carbon credits? ›

For example, if the company keeps 15% of the credits earned to cover fees and withholds 25% of the credits to cover the natural loss of sequestered carbon, then the farmer gets to keep 60%. If the price of carbon is $15 per metric ton of CO2-eq, then the farmer gets $9 per metric ton of CO2-eq.

How much does a ton of carbon credit cost? ›

Most prices of carbon credits are below the $40-80 per metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted needed to keep global warming within a 2-point degree, as provided by the Paris agreement. Higher prices are required to achieve global emission targets.

How long are carbon credit contracts? ›

This is why carbon credits rely on contracts that farmers sign to ensure that a practice stays in place for 10, 20, or 50 years, or whatever the term length of that contract is. The contract is designed to ensure that the carbon is not released back into the atmosphere during that time, voiding the credit.

How to be eligible for carbon credits? ›

If a project can quantifiably and repeatedly produce less greenhouse gases than the current alternative, it will be eligible to earn Carbon Credits. For example, replacing a coal plant with a planned life of 30 years with a solar farm after year 5 would avoid 25 years of coal emissions.

How do I get a carbon credit certificate? ›

The carbon credit certification process primarily involves the following steps: project design and documentation, validation by a third-party, registration with a recognized standard, monitoring, and finally verification and issuance of credits.

Who pays for carbon credits? ›

Carbon credits are financial instruments where the buyer pays another company to take some action to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and the buyer gets credit for the reduction.

What questions should farmers ask about selling carbon credits? ›

A commonly asked question by farmers looking into selling carbon credits is, “What happens if I don't sequester enough carbon?” The answer can vary, making this an important question to ask your project developer (or whomever you are working with to sell your credits).

How often are carbon credits paid? ›

If you're entitled to receive the CCR, you can expect to receive your payments on the 15th of April, July, October and January.

What are the best crops for carbon credits? ›

Popular cover crops include barley, oats, legume, radishes, and rye. Some crops are converted into biofuel or fed to animals. However, leaving the crops to break down in the soil is best for the environment.

How much does a carbon credit cost? ›

Carbon Credit Pricing forecast

The amount of lower-quality carbon credits on the market has a significant impact on the average price, and it's paramount to rather go for higher-quality credits that contain less risk. We have seen the average price of a quality credit being closer to $30-$50 per credit in 2023.

Who is the largest seller of carbon credit? ›

If you're wondering who is the largest seller of carbon credit, it's currently China and India. While the largest buyer of carbon credit is usually the countries in Europe.

Can anyone buy carbon credits? ›

Entities purchase the credits simply because they want to. Not because the government tells them to do so. In the VCM, carbon credits are known as carbon offsets. And it's not only companies but also individuals and other entities that can buy offsets.

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