BVI Investment Funds | Offshore Companies International (2024)

The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) is one of the most popular and established jurisdictions for the formation and operation of offshore investment funds and managers. BVI investment fund structures are globally known for their flexibility allowing investment managers and investment fund sponsors to tailor their offering to the needs of their investors. Some of the key advantages of BVI investment funds include the following: A modern, recognized and robust legal system derived from English common law, including a very flexible corporate statute (the BVI Business Companies Act 2004). Key features include:

  • A dedicated and experienced commercial court
  • Competitive professional and government fees
  • Fast turn-around times
  • No regulatory restrictions on investment policies, strategies or objectives, and
  • No requirement to appoint local directors, local functionaries, or local auditors.

Regulatory Background

By way of background, only open-ended investment funds are regulated in the BVI, closed-ended funds are not. Open-ended funds are investment funds which provide their investors with the option to redeem their shares or interests in the investment fund, at their request. In contrast, the redemption of interests in a closed-ended fund requires the approval by the closed-ended fund. There are no specific regulations for closed-ended investment funds under BVI law. Due to the illiquid nature of its investments, most private equity funds are structured as unregulated closed-ended funds.

In the BVI there are five types of regulated open-ended investment funds:

  • The Incubator Fund
  • The Approved Fund
  • The Private Fund
  • The Professional Fund; &
  • The Public Fund

BVI Private Funds

The Private Fund (the “Private Fund”) is geared towards start-up managers and family and friends’ funds. It has no minimum investment threshold. However, the Private Fund must be limited to either having no more than 50 investors or to inviting potential investors to subscribe for, or purchase, Interests on a private basis only. The Private Fund is an attractive alternative to the Approved Fund.

A Private Fund must:

  • Have two directors, one of which must be an individual,
  • Have an investment manager, funds administrator, custodian (or prime broker) and an auditor appointed (subject to certain exemptions),
  • Have an authorised representative

The Incubator Fund

The incubator fund (the “Incubator Fund”) is geared towards start up investment managers who wish to offer investments into a regulated investment fund at reasonable costs to build up their track record. The key characteristics of an Incubator Fund are:

  • The total number of investors is restricted to 20,
  • An investor must initially invest at least USD20,000,
  • The net assets of the Incubator Fund must not exceed USD20,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency),
  • No requirement to have an offering document in place,
  • No requirement to have third party service providers appointed,
  • No requirement to file audited financial statements, and
  • The life span is limited to 2 years (or 3 if an extension is granted) after which an Incubator Fund may be converted into a Professional Fund, a Private Fund or an Approved Fund. Alternatively, an Incubator Fund can also be converted into an unregulated closed-ended fund.

An Incubator Fund must:

  • Have two directors, one of which must be an individual
  • Have an authorised representative. The authorised representative will serve as a conduit between the fund and the BVI Financial Services Commission (the “FSC”),
  • Submit financial statements annually (which need not be audited),
  • Submit returns to the FSC regarding its status, i.e. the number of investors, total investments, aggregate subscriptions and redemptions, net asset value of the fund and details of any significant investor complaints; and
  • Notify the FSC within 14 days of any changes to the information provided in the application or in relation to any matter which is likely to have a material impact on the fund.

The Approved Fund

The approved fund (the “Approved Fund”) is geared towards ‘family and friends’ funds managers. Its key characteristics are:

  • The total number of investors is restricted to 20
  • Net assets of the Approved Fund must not exceed USD100,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency)
  • No minimum investment
  • No requirement to have an offering document in place
  • No requirement to have third party service providers appointed, except for appointment of a fund administrator which will, in short, provide the Approved Fund with registrar and transfer agent and net asset value calculation services, and
  • No requirement to file audited financial statements

Although not required by law, in practice the Approved Fund will often have a third-party investment manager appointed.

An Approved Fund must:

  • Have two directors, one of which must be an individual
  • Have an authorised representative
  • Submit financial statements annually (which need not be audited),
  • Submit returns to the FSC regarding its status, i.e. the number of investors, total investments, aggregate subscriptions and redemptions, net asset value of the fund and details of any significant investor complaints; and
  • Notify the FSC within 14 days of any changes to the information provided in the application or in relation to any matter which is likely to have a material impact on the fund.

The Professional Fund

The professional Fund (the “Professional Fund”) is geared towards sophisticated investors. It is the most popular type of regulated investment fund in the BVI, with a market share of around 70% of all regulated BVI funds.

An investor in a Professional Fund must be either a professional investor or an exempted investor:

  • A professional investor is a person whose ordinary business involves the acquisition or disposal of property of the same kind as the property held by the fund or who, whether individually or jointly with a spouse, has a net worth in excess of USD1,000,000. A professional investor must make an initial investment of at least USD100,000
  • An exempted investor is not subject to minimum investment requirements. An exempted investor includes the fund manager, administrator, promoter or underwriter of the fund or any employee of the manager of the fund.

A Professional Fund must:

  • Have two directors, one of which must be an individual
  • Have an investment manager, funds administrator, custodian (or prime broker) and an auditor appointed (subject to certain exemptions)
  • Have an authorised representative
  • Submit audited financial statements annually; &
  • Notify the FSC of certain changes as specified in the relevant legislation.

The Private Fund

The Private Fund (the “Private Fund”) is geared towards start-up managers and family and friends’ funds. It has no minimum investment threshold. However, the Private Fund must be limited to either having no more than 50 investors or to inviting potential investors to subscribe for, or purchase, Interests on a private basis only. The Private Fund is an attractive alternative to the Approved Fund.

A Private Fund must:

  • Have two directors, one of which must be an individual,
  • Have an investment manager, funds administrator, custodian (or prime broker) and an auditor appointed (subject to certain exemptions)
  • Have an authorised representative
  • Submit audited financial statements annually, and
  • Notify the FSC of certain changes as specified in the relevant legislation.

The Public Fund

The Public Fund (the “Public Fund”) is geared towards investment managers seeking to offer a retail investment fund. The regulatory regime applicable to a Public Fund is considerably more complex than for any other regulated BVI fund. However, there are no restrictions on the type of investors, number of investors, marketing to investors or the maximum value of assets held by the Public Fund.

Fund Vehicles

BVI investments funds can be formed as companies, segregated portfolio companies (for a private, professional or public fund only), limited partnerships or unit trusts. Most of the BVI investment funds are established as companies limited by shares. Limited Partnerships are more often used in the context of unregulated closed-ended funds

BVI Incubator Funds – Overview

Are you looking to set up a Fund? Is this your first time setting up a Fund???

If so, you may be interested to know that the most popular model of “Start Up” Fund in the BVI is the Incubator Fund.

In 2015 the progressive jurisdiction that is the BVI (British Virgin Islands) recognized there was a gap in the Fund Setup Market for a lightly regulated model of Fund.

Hence regulations were passed allowing for the set-up in the BVI of 2 new models of Mutual Fund ie Incubator Funds and Approved Funds.

Prior to 2015 the only option for a successful trader/prospective fund manager wanting to dip his or her toe into the Fund Management Market was to set up a (non- licensed) Closed End Fund ie a Fund wherein the Investor was/is required to lock in his funds for a fixed investment period.

This limitation often caused a promoter difficulty in fund raising as most investors would prefer a mechanism that would entitle them to withdraw their funds on demand if desired or needed.

The (relatively) new BVI Regulations enable Incubator and Approved Funds to be set up and launched on a fast track, low cost basis with limited regulatory oversight by the BVI Financial Services Commission (“the Commission”).

Fund Requirements

An Incubator Fund has a minimum investment requirement of US$20,000, a cap on net assets of US$20M and can take in no more than of 20 investors. An Incubator Fund does not need to appoint an Administrator or a Custodian or an Investment Manager or an Auditor.

An Approved Fund has a net asset cap of US$100 Million and no minimum investment requirement but is limited to no more than 20 investors. An approved fund is required to appoint an Administrator but does not need to appoint a Custodian or an Investment Manager or an Auditor.

Application Process

An applications for approval as an Incubator Fund or an Approved Fund must be lodged with the Commission and be accompanied by:

  • The constitutional documents;
  • Details of the investment strategy;
  • A prescribed form of investor warning; and
  • An application fee (US$1,500).

An Incubator Fund or Approved Fund can commence business 2 days from the date of receipt of a completed application by the Commission.

Duration & Conversion of Incubator Fund

An Incubator Fund has a limited life span of two years which can be extended for up to 12 months. An Approved Fund has no such limits. An Incubator Fund can convert to an Approved Fund, a Private Fund or a Professional fund, or may be wound up at the end of its term. An Incubator Fund can convert to a Private Fund or a Professional Fund or to an Approved Fund by lodging the required/prescribed application with the Commission.

Ongoing Obligations

Part of what keeps the set up and admin costs low is that service provider requirements are minimal:- Each fund is only required to appoint an Authorized Representative in the BVI and an Approved Fund is required to have an Administrator at all times. Pleasingly, there are no mandatory custody requirements and there is no requirement for the issuance of an Offering Document. If/where the fund decides to not issue an Offering Document, the required investor warnings can be set forth in a separate term sheet.

The key regulatory requirements for an Incubator Fund and Approved Fund are:

  • An annual fee of US$1,000 is payable to the Commission on or before 31 March of each year
  • Must have a minimum of two directors at all times, one of whom must be an individual
  • The Fund Entity must notify the Commission of any change to any of the information submitted to the Commission in the set-up application; (eg you’d need to advise of any conduct which has, or is likely to have, a material impact or significant regulatory impact, changes to directors, etc changes to ownership/promoter structure etc).
  • Prepare and file annual financial statements with the Commission (note there is no requirement for an independent audit)
  • Twice a year you must file a return with the Commission

OCI Service etc Fees

We confirm assist you to register an Incubator Fund in the BVI. Our fees would be as follows:

  1. Incorporation of the fund will be $2,150 Annual renewal will be $1,750
  2. Professional fee for application with FSC for Fund licence $1500 (note if the application becomes complicated additional charges will apply)
  3. FSC application fee $1500 or $750 after June, (annual renewal will be $1,500)
  4. Authorized Representative fee effective from application $1,600 per annum
  5. For Administration we can certainly do this at competitive rates. The specific fees will depend upon various factors such as frequency of NAV, investment strategy, number of investors etc… By way of example, if the Fund only requires an annual NAV and holds a single or minimal number of easy to value positions and has only a handful of investors, we could do the Admin for as little as US$12k-$14k per annum/NAV. However if the Fund wants monthly NAVs and has multiple, frequently traded positions the fees would start in the region of US$29,000.

(The above assumes that the authorized share capital figure, as stated in the Company’s articles of Association will be no greater than $50,000. If you require a higher amount of authorized share capital additional fees are payable to the BVI registry both at incorporation and yearly thereafter, on a sliding scale).

Documents etc Required

The following documents are required for the application:

  1. Instruction Sheet
  2. FSC application form
  3. Notarized passport and proof of address for each director, shareholder and beneficial owner
  4. Bank Reference for each director, shareholder and beneficial owner,
  5. Professional reference for each director, shareholder and beneficial owner
  6. Police Certificate for each director, shareholder and beneficial owner
  7. Resume for each director
  8. Form A application for the Directors (2 minimum)
  9. Offer document ie if you have prepared your own, (We can also assist with drafting of same. We can draft a standard offering document for $US1,500).

Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:

DISCLAIMER: OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.

BVI Investment Funds  | Offshore Companies International (2024)


What are the disadvantages of BVI companies? ›

Reputational concerns: Past association with offshore activities. Ongoing costs: Maintenance fees and potential audits can be higher. Limited local operations: Can't conduct business directly within BVI. Alternatives exist: Explore other jurisdictions based on your specific needs.

What is the difference between Cayman and BVI funds? ›

The main differences lie in annual fees, confidentiality policies, stamp duty obligations, and investment fund requirements. The BVI tends to have lower annual fees but the Cayman Islands enjoy a reputation of a premium offshore centre.

How do I check if a company is registered in BVI? ›

Information on companies formed in the British Virgin Islands can be obtained from the BVI Commercial Registry. General information on a company's registration number, registered office, incorporation date, status and authorized capital, etc. is available.

What are the requirements for a BVI company? ›

Each BVI company must have a registered agent and registered office in the BVI, provided by a licensed service provider. Each company must have at least one director, and corporate directors are permitted.

Is BVI blacklisted? ›

The British Virgin Islands (BVI) were removed from the European Union's List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes – popularly called the “EU Tax Blacklist” – on 17th October. The change was decided by a meeting of EU finance members (“ECOFIN”).

Is BVI a high risk country? ›

British Virgin Islands is categorised by the US State Department as a Country/Jurisdiction of Primary Concern in respect of Money Laundering and Financial Crimes.

Are BVI funds regulated? ›

Prior to 2020, private investment funds (or closed-ended funds) were not regulated in the BVI. On 31 December 2019, the BVI amended SIBA to bring “private investment funds” into the scope of the regulatory regime.

How is a BVI investment fund structured? ›

In the BVI, investment funds can be structured as BVI business companies, limited partnerships, or unit trusts. The BVI also offers segregated portfolio companies as a regulated or non-regulated product. Open-ended investment funds are subject to regulation by the BVI Financial Services Commission (“BVI FSC”).

Which bank account is best for BVI company? ›

Here are a few of the best banks in the British Virgin Islands:
  1. National Bank of Virgin Islands. ...
  2. VP Bank (BVI) Limited. ...
  3. Scotiabank (British Virgin Islands) Limited. ...
  4. First Bank VI. ...
  5. Banco Popular de Puerto Rico. ...
  6. Bank Of Asia (BVI) Ltd. ...
  7. First Caribbean International Bank.

Why do companies register in British Virgin Islands? ›

Best uses for a BVI company

The BVIs are a great jurisdiction to establish an offshore entity to book global profits while minimizing tax. While a BVI BC does not have to pay corporate tax on its global profits, our Client's income through a BVI BC may be subject to personal income tax in the country of residence.

Do BVI companies have financial statements? ›

BVI companies that must file an annual return

It is regulated under a BVI financial services legislation and provides financial statements to the BVI Financial Services Commission (FSC) per the requirements of that financial services legislation.

Are BVI companies regulated? ›

The December 2001 enactment of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001 established the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission as an autonomous regulatory authority responsible for the regulation, supervision, and inspection of all financial services in and from within the BVI.

How much does it cost to set up a BVI company? ›

For BVI company authorized to issue no more than 50,000 shares, the incorporation fee is US$550. For BVI company BCs authorized to issue more than 50,000 shares, the incorporation fee is US$1,350. The fee for registered agent are typically around US$500 to US$1,000 per year.

What is the annual fee for BVI company? ›

The annual administration fees for this package, starting from the second year: $1650. This includes the $550 BVI government annual license fee, economic substance fee, mandatory registered agent service, filing of annual financial return and compliance fee for KYC review and update. (!)

What is the minimum share capital of a BVI company? ›

In BVI, the Business Company is not even required to state its authorized capital – it just need to state the amount of shares it will issue, and there is no minimum to that, either. Consequently, there are no requirements to have a any amount of paid-up capital, or to pay it in by a certain deadline.

What happens when a BVI company is struck off? ›

A company may be administratively struck from the Register when it is still trading and even though it may still have assets and debts. A company that has been liquidated is dissolved immediately, whereas a company that has been administratively struck from the Register will not be dissolved for a further 10 years.

Why do people open companies in BVI? ›

Low Cost and Reduced Administrative Burden. BVI companies are low cost and efficient vehicles. In particular: BVI companies are subject to low annual maintenance costs, with the annual government fees in respect of companies authorised to issue up to 50,000 shares being only US$550 per year.

Why do people set up companies in British Virgin Islands? ›

Best uses for a BVI company

The BVIs are a great jurisdiction to establish an offshore entity to book global profits while minimizing tax. While a BVI BC does not have to pay corporate tax on its global profits, our Client's income through a BVI BC may be subject to personal income tax in the country of residence.

Do companies pay tax in BVI? ›

Because the British Virgin Islands does not levy corporate tax and does not tax capital gains or investment income, it is effectively a tax-free jurisdiction. BVI taxes are statutorily exempt for all Business Companies (BCs). Such businesses must, however, pay an annual license fee.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.