Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (2024)

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (1)

When my husband told me he wanted to buy a home with cash, I thought he was crazy.

I clearly remember thinking, “No one in this house, is paying cash for a house. It’s impossible!”

Yet here I am, 8 years later, eating crow because last month, we bought a house and paid cash.

I was almost hesitant to share this with you guys, for two main reasons.

  1. This is a frugal food and natural living blog, not a finance blog. But the reason we’re frugal and make things from scratch in the first place is because we were once in an obscene amount of debt… so while the blog contains much of one side, they are one and the same in our home.
  2. I didn’t want you to think I was bragging. You might never aspire to buy a home with cash. You might want to finish college or compete in an athletic event or even just climb out of debt. For us though, paying cash for a house was our “one day” dream. And the fact that we did this is a VERY BIG DEAL to us. There is not a single day that goes by that I am not in awe at the mere fact we did this, and it’s incredibly hard to convey this in words without sounding pompous or prideful.

On the flip side, I AM sharing this with you guys because:

You asked me to.

I first shared the news on Instagram and y’all wanted to know the story. So here I am, sharing.

Y’all inspire me.

You followed us across the country and offered your homes as a place of refuge along the way. When I had to come up with 3 meals a day using one pot, one skillet and a pair of tongs, you said “You can do it, and hang in there, because this too shall pass.”

I want to encourage you.

Eight years ago when my husband said we’d never have a mortgage I thought my dreams of one day owning a home were over. We were good at saving, but for a whole house?! There was no way. I was full of doubt and had no faith that we’d ever come remotely close.

But we tried anyway.

We sacrificed and saved. We worked hard and gave up so much in hopes of one day – ONE DAY – we might reach our incredibly big and seemingly impossible goal.

And we did it. Which means whatever your “one day“ dream is, you can reach it too.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (2)

I’m a very practical person, which means this is a very practical blog. I won’t ever tell you to do something without explaining how, and this post is no exception.

There’s no magical formula for how we saved up enough money to buy a home with cash, but we did use a few “strategies” along the way.

It’s important to note though, that not any one of these ideas can be attributed for meeting this goal. And none of them are aone-time use.

It was the culmination of all of these techniques, every week, for 8 years.

Of course there were obstacles and setbacks, but our eyes were on the prize. We were in it for the long haul.

Just a heads up – this is a long post. You might want to fill up your coffee mug now.

How We Saved Up Enough Money to Buy a Home with Cash

We got out of debt, and stayed out.

I’ve written about how we did this before. In short, we cut our expenses in half early on so we could live off of my husband’s income while I stayed home to raise my son. We stopped using our credit cards and every single last penny we had went towards debt.

Once the debt was gone, it was gone for good. There was no way we were going into debt again – not for a car, not for gifts, not even for flights to see family across the country. If there was something to pay for, we found a way to pay for it outright.

We increased our income.

A few months after we cut our expenses, it became clear that interest was compounding at a faster rate than we could pay it off. To bring in extra income, I started my own business making wooden nursery letters at home. I didn’t make much, but it was enough to turn the table so that the ball was rolling in our favor.

We lived below our means.

When my son was 8 months old, we moved from a 3 bedroom house in Texas to an 800 square foot apartment in California. We could have lived some place bigger, but that would mean paying more in rent and saving less.

We did the same thing when we moved to Georgia, choosing to live in a small one bedroom apartment while we found a house to rent.

Even while searching for a house, we could have chosen a house that was bigger with a nicer neighborhood, but we didn’t because that would mean saving less each month.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (3)

I learned to coupon to save more.

A couple of months before our second child was born, I stopped taking orders for letters and learned to coupon. It was about the time when extreme couponing was the trend and I was reading stories of people saving more than I was making, and they had tangible goods – food, shampoo, soap – to show for it.

My husband’s job brought money in, but I learned the drugstore game and made it my job to keep as much of that money as possible from leaving.

A few years later, I got tired of the game and the stress that came with it and quit couponing. I set aside what I thought we would use for one year and sold the rest.

Six months later, when I realized we weren’t going through soap and shampoo at the rate I thought we would, I set aside half and had another stockpile sale.

Profits from both sales went straight to the savings account.

We made sacrifices most families wouldn’t make.

We didn’t see a movie in the theater for over 5 years. There weren’t birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts for each other unless we had a gift card to pay for them. We set a budget for every event, every gift and every single person for every single holiday.

When my husband realized he could carpool with a co-worker, we sold his car. When this co-worker went on vacation and we needed a back-up plan so my husband could get to work, he rode his bike.

For two years I carried every load of laundry ¼ mile and washed it at my dad’s house so we didn’t have to pay 75¢ per wash and per dry at the apartment’s facilities. When my pregnant belly made it hard to carry both laundry and my infant son at the same time, I rigged up a stroller to make it work.

If I wasn’t able to get the laundry done in time, or the weather didn’t cooperate, my husband did it when he got home from work.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (4)

We never took on additional expenses without additional income.

My daughter slept in my son’s hand-me-down pack-n-play in the living room of our 800 square foot apartment until she was 9 months old. When she started walking, we started looking for a bigger place to live.

We ended up moving into the cheapest 3 bedroom townhouse in town, setting us back an additional $600 more in rent each month.

To offset this, I taught two nights a week at a local college. We saved a little from my part-time job, but more importantly, we didn’t save any less, despite our expenses going up.

We never paid full price for anything.

Shoes, clothes, food, cars, bikes, toys – you name it. We searched high and low for coupons, deals and rebates in order to get the absolute most out of every purchase.

When we bought something it either on sale or we had a coupon or there was a rebate. The majority of the time, it was all three.

We accepted help and gifts.

When we first arrived in California, a neighbor gave us a 10 year old sofa, chair and ottoman. My parents bought a new dining room table and they gave us their old one. When they bought new bedroom furniture, their old furniture went to the guest room and the guest room furniture – including the mattress – became ours.

All of my kids’ furniture – from their cribs and changing table to their dressers and the bunk beds – were birthday and/or Christmas gifts.

My dad and step-mom hosted family dinner every Sunday night. I often brought dessert, but they intentionally cooked big so they could send us home with leftovers.

When the manager of our townhouse offered $300 off our rent in exchange for a few minor responsibilities each month, we happily said yes.

My step-mom and grandma gifted us a CSA subscription each year, which allowed us to save another $100 each month on groceries.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (5)

We sought out better jobs and took on more hours.

We were beyond thankful for my husband’s job that moved us from Texas to California, but we realized after a couple of years that there wasn’t room for long-term growth.

My husband used education reimbursem*nt to take classes at the local college to qualify for more advanced positions. Job openings didn’t happen often in our small community, but when they did, he diligently applied. When he got an offer for a more advanced position, he took it.

When the college I was teaching at offered me additional classes that fit into the schedule I was already teaching, I said yes.

We made a minimum savings goal every month.

Just like we had spending caps on our groceries, we had saving minimums. Every expense and purchase was weighed against whether or not we would meet our saving goal for the month. If we couldn’t meet the goal, we postponed the purchase.

We saved 100% of every “extra” paycheck.

My husband got a paycheck every 2 weeks, and we built our monthly budget around those two Fridays. So then, when there was an “extra” paycheck every 3 months, we were able to save the whole thing.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (6)

We reviewed receipts and bills religiously.

In a time when every single penny counted, we always reviewed receipts and bills in case there were errors.

I once fought insurance and the hospital for 9 months because of a dispute over an ultrasound. That determination and perseverance saved us $5000.

I started a blog.

I started blogging while I was teaching as a way to share my frugal endeavors with other people. At the time, I had no idea you could even make money on the internet. Eighteen months later I used my first affiliate link and at the end of the month, I made $4.

Soon after this, I realized that the same amount of time I was spending away from my family, working for someone else, according to their schedule, could be spent at home with my family working for myself on my own schedule.

I also realized that with hard work, I could earn the same amount of money, if not more. On top of this, the long-term potential was much greater, the work was much more rewarding and the flexible hours meant I would be able to blog while homeschooling my kids too.

I quit teaching six months later.

I learned to cook and make things from scratch.

And this is how my blog evolved from a general brain dump into something that would actually help other families in a similar situation as ours. From homemade chicken stock to yogurt to dried beans to natural toothpaste to even ketchup. I spent my days in the kitchen, trying do as much as I could myself so that I didn’t have to spend money on it at the store.

Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (7)

We gave as generously as we could.

Most of our gifts were homemade, from a drugstore or goody baskets put together with products I already had at home. Despite the fact we didn’t have much money to spend on gifts, we gave generously from our hearts.

We moved.

One of the reasons we left California was the cost of living. It was quite possibly one of the most difficultdecisions we have ever made, but we knew that our dreams would never become a reality if we stayed.

What else?

I’m sure we did other things too, but these are the majority of them. Besides, it wasn’t necessarily the things we did that helped make our dream of paying cash for a house a reality, it was our state of minds.

Also remember that it took us 8 years to do this. That’s 96 monthly budget meetings, 208 paydays to divvy upbetween bills and the savings account, 2912 days where at least once we’d have tosay no to something in order to say yes to our “one day” dream.

Was it hard? Absolutely. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because now that we’re on the other side, it feels so, SO good!!

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Buy a Home With Cash | How we made our "one day" dream come true (2024)


Is most people buy a house with cash True or false? ›

False, but most house sales involve cash sales. The majority of house buyers finance the property with a loan or mortgage.

Is it a good idea to buy a house with cash? ›

No Mortgage Payments, Interest Or Other Fees

Paying in cash means you get to skip the mortgage process and all the costs and fees that come with it, including interest rates or mortgage insurance. Skipping out on interest can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Are companies that offers cash on a house legit? ›

Yes, companies that buy houses for cash in California are legitimate and operate legally nationwide. Cash house buyers will offer cash for your house to fix and flip for a profit. These are companies that buy homes as is.

How much lower can you offer on a house with cash? ›

When purchasing a property all cash, offering up to 20% off the original asking price can be reasonable. Anything higher may be unrealistic considering the property's value. Most sellers prefer all-cash buyers because it speeds up the sale and decreases the risk of the deal falling through due to financing.

Does the IRS know when you buy a house cash? ›

The law demands that mortgage companies report large transactions to the Internal Revenue Service. If you buy a house worth over $10,000 in cash, your lenders will report the transaction on Form 8300 to the IRS.

Do rich people buy houses in cash? ›

A recent survey by WSJ Intelligence of more than 2,200 wealthy individuals found a majority planned to finance their next home purchase. Only 39% of the respondents—whose net worth averaged $4.76 million—planned to pay cash, according to the survey released in late September.

What are the disadvantages of buying a house with cash? ›

You don't get the mortgage interest deduction when you file your taxes, and you'll still be responsible for paying your property taxes. There may be better ways to invest your money than a house, and purchasing other asset types could offer higher returns in the long run.

How much cash should you keep when buying a house? ›

Cash reserves (0-6 months' worth of mortgage payments)

Different lenders have different requirements about how many months' payments you'll need in your account. Most lenders require at least two months of cash reserves if you are applying for a conforming mortgage loan.

Is buying a home in cash a tax write off? ›

You might also be wondering, “How does buying a house in cash affect taxes?” If you don't have a mortgage, you're not paying interest, so you're not able to take the home mortgage interest deduction. But you're still able to deduct property taxes if you itemize.

How do I know if a cash buyer is legit? ›

Check references thoroughly and across multiple platforms.

Although checking online is a good place to start, go a step further by asking your cash buyer what real estate companies they work with. If they can't come up with any names, consider this a red flag. Reputable cash buyers purchase homes on a regular basis.

How do you negotiate a cash offer on a house? ›

You can as well stick to your listed price, assuming you priced the property fairly from the start.
  1. Try Creating A Bidding War. After listing your home for sale, make it available for many potential buyers. ...
  2. Place A Deadline On Your Counteroffer. ...
  3. Agree To Cover The Closing Costs.
May 24, 2022

Why is a cash offer so good? ›

However, accepting an all-cash offer can speed up the process significantly, since you don't have to wait on lender underwriting and approval. Plus, all-cash offers are less likely to fall through, since your buyer isn't relying on a loan application that could be denied.

What is a fair offer on a house? ›

You need to determine how much you can afford to spend on a house that you may have fallen in love with or is in an area where you want to live — or both! If this is The One, then you will want to make a house offer that is at least near the asking price — perhaps within 5 percent to 10 percent.

What is the average cash discount? ›

An example of a typical cash discount is a seller who offers a 2% discount on an invoice due in 30 days if the buyer pays within the first 10 days of receiving the invoice. Giving the buyer a small cash discount would benefit the seller as it would allow her to access the cash sooner.

Can you offer more than a house is worth? ›

The lender won't approve a loan for more than the home is worth. Having an appraisal contingency in your purchase contract will allow you to walk away from the deal if the home is appraised for less than your offer amount. In hot housing markets, however, it's common to waive this contingency.

What percentage of people pay cash for a house? ›

Partially thanks to high mortgage rates, the percentage of homebuyers who pay cash has risen. As of September 2023, according to Redfin, 34.1% of U.S. home purchases were made in cash. This is up from 29.5% in September 2022, when mortgage rates were lower.

What percentage of Americans buy homes with cash? ›

In January 2024, all cash buyers now stand at 32% of home sales. The last time the share of all cash buyers was this high was June 2014.

Why do people prefer cash for houses? ›

Traditional homebuyers: A traditional buyer with lots of liquid funds available might prefer to make an all-cash offer, saving the hassles associated with financing and eliminating the substantial expense of interest on a long-term loan.

Why do realtors prefer cash? ›

Cash deals are more appealing to sellers than financed deals, because they close faster and are less risky. Many cash buyers are home flippers or investors. Cash buyers who intend to live in the home tend to be older, repeat homebuyers.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.