Brits Overstaying EU's 90/180 Days Rule to Face Penalties - (2024)

United Kingdom nationals travelling to the European Union and Schengen Area Member States are already going through a lot of changes, including additional checks at ports of entry, and even entry restrictions which have been imposed on third countries amid COVID-19.

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Frequent travellers to the block and the borderless zone will soon face another struggle – a limited period of permitted stay within the block.

Under the Schengen Area rules of stay for third-country citizens, non-EU citizens entering the territory under the visa-free regime can stay for a maximum of 90 days, for every 180 days.

Those who overstay this period – intentionally or unintentionally – may face penalties, including deportation and entry bans.

90/180 Days-of-Stay Rule Explained

The 90/180 days rule may be confusing to many, in particular for Britons, who so far did not have to worry about how long they were staying in another EU or Schengen-associated country.

Every third-country citizen travelling to the Schengen Area under the visa-free entry regime is permitted to stay for a period of a total of 90 days, in any 180 days.

The 180-day period keeps rolling, thus, anytime a traveller wishes to enter the Schengen zone, he/she have to count backwards the last 180 days, and see if they have been present in the Schengen Zone for more than 90 days throughout that period.

Often, travellers are confused by this rule and fail to calculate how long they are permitted to remain in the EU, or they believe that overstaying is not a big deal. Yet, overstaying has its consequences, which often may be quite harsh.

Check the EU Period of Stay Calculator for British Citizens to find out how long you can stay in the EU.

What Consequences Will Britons Face for Overstaying in the EU?

The consequences that a British national may face for staying in the EU longer than permitted depend a lot on the country where he/she is caught overstaying, as well as the number of days overstayed.

Since there is no common policy for penalties for overstayers, the Member States may apply the penalties differently, some by being softer and other harsher, like for example Germany.

Despite their differences, in general, the Member States apply the following penalties on those caught overstaying, including on Britons starting from this year:

  • Deportation – All third-country citizens caught overstaying the number of permitted days of stay in the EU are immediately forced to leave the block. Some of the countries will imprison overstayers and deport them by themselves, while others will give overstayers a certain period of hours or days to leave.
  • Fines – One of the most common penalties for overstaying in the Schengen Area is being fined with an amount of money, though the fees vary from one country to another. Fines, are applied alongside deportation and are not a substitute for it. They may often be followed with an entry ban too.
  • Difficulties in returning to the Schengen – Almost every deported person will face difficulties to travel back to the Schengen Area. They will face prolonged border checks upon entry, and may even be turned back or banned from entering for a certain period.
  • Entry ban – Usually the Member States ban from entering only those who have overstayed for a longer period. Bans are applied for a period of three years or even more.

Despite the consequences listed above, some travellers may not be subject to any of them, particularly those who cannot travel for a strong reason that can be proved.


Brits Overstaying EU's 90/180 Days Rule to Face Penalties - (2024)


What happens if I overstay Schengen 90 days? ›

The Schengen law states that you can't stay in the Schengen Area for more than 90 days. If you do, you're subject to a fine and possibly deportation and being banned from re-entering the Schengen Area.

What happens if a US citizen stays in Europe longer than 90 days? ›

You must wait an additional 90 days before applying to re-enter the Schengen area. To stay longer than 90 days, you must have a visa. Apply for a visa through the embassy of the country where you will spend most of your time.

What are the consequences of overstaying Schengen? ›

Fines and penalties.

Most of the time, in mild cases, applicants who have overstayed are subject to a monetary fine. This means that if you have stayed longer than you are allowed to, you will have to pay a certain amount of money. Fees vary depending on the Schengen Member State that you are caught overstaying.

What is the Schengen area 90 180 day rule explained? ›

What is the Schengen 90/180 rule? Under the terms of Schengen, non-EEA nationals cannot spend more than a total of 90 days within a total period of 180 days without a visa. Furthermore, once you've used up your quota of 90 days, you cannot return to Schengen until 90 more days have passed.

How strict is the 90-day Schengen rule? ›

Your total stay in the Schengen area must be no more than 90 days in every 180 days. It does not matter how many countries you visit. The 180-day period keeps 'rolling'.

How long can a US citizen stay in Schengen? ›

A U.S. citizen may remain in any Schengen country (or travel between various Schengen countries) as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period without a visa.

How do you get around the 90 day rule? ›

Ways To Stay In Europe For More Than 90 Days
  1. Split Up Schengen and Non-Schengen Countries.
  2. Working Holiday Visa.
  3. Become a Student at a European University.
  4. Long Term Tourist Visa.
  5. Language Assistant Program.
  6. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Jobs.
  7. Self Employment or Freelance Visa.
  8. European Passport.
Jan 30, 2022

Can an overstay be forgiven? ›

If you're a visa holder and you remain in the United States past the “admit until date” listed on your Form I-94 (also called the “Arrival/Departure Record”), you are overstaying your visa. If this happens, you can get visa overstay forgiveness by applying for a waiver.

When I can come back to Europe after the 90 days? ›

The 90-day span doesn't need to be consecutive, it's treated as cumulative (especially if you have a multiple-entry visa); but the fact remains that after you have stayed in Schengen for a total of 90 days, you have to leave. You are NOT allowed to come back again until the 181st day from the first time you stepped in.

What happen if I overstay in Europe? ›

Ban – Bans are generally applicable to those overstaying and working. Depending on the length of overstay and the country where you have been, the ban can be issued for a period of three years or more. Immediate deportation – This depends, again, on the country where you have overstayed and on your specific situation.

What justifies Schengen visa refusal? ›

Official reason – “Your intentions to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the Visa could not be ascertained “. This is perhaps the most common reason for a Schengen Visa denial.

Can I come back to Schengen after 90 days? ›

A non-EU national who stays in the Schengen area beyond 90 days (without a residence permit or long-stay visa) is illegally present, which can result in a re-entry ban to the Schengen area.

How long can a UK citizen stay in Europe? ›

British citizens require a visa and/or residence permit for any stay beyond 90 days within any 180-day period.

How long can an American stay in the UK? ›

You can visit the UK as a Standard Visitor for tourism, business, study (courses up to 6 months) and other permitted activities. You can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You might be able to apply to stay for longer in certain circ*mstances, for example to get medical treatment.

How do I get rid of Schengen ban? ›

Requirements for lifting of entry ban
  1. You have been outside the EU for a consecutive period of half of your entry ban period or longer.
  2. You have not committed any serious offences in the period that you have been outside the Netherlands.
  3. You are not being prosecuted for a criminal offence at this time.
Apr 3, 2023

How do I extend my 90 day Schengen? ›

Generally speaking, you cannot extend a Schengen Visa during your trip, apart from in exceptional circ*mstances. If you want to extend your trip you will have to exit the Schengen Area and apply for a new visa to return and continue your visit.

Which country gives the longest Schengen visa? ›

If you want to go to a one-day conference in the Netherlands and a two-day conference in France, your purpose of travel is the same for both countries. Apply for a visa for France, because you will be staying there the longest.

How long can a US citizen stay out of the country? ›

While the normal limit is a year, you can stay longer and still preserve your US citizen if you are a military service member, Government employee, or meet any other criteria discussed above i.e., work for a US multinational or you proactively preserve residence. Please correct the marked field(s) below.

How to get 5 years Schengen visa? ›

5-year MEV is granted to people that have obtained and lawfully used a previous multiple-entry visa valid for at least two years within the previous three years. This visa permits you to enter 27 countries in Europe as many times as you wish, within five years, as soon as you do not violate the 90/180 days rule.

How can I stay in Europe for 6 months? ›

You can stay up to 90 days within a 180-day period, which people consider a “six-month” period, but your visa is still valid for only 90 days. You will need a long-stay visa or residence permit to stay in Europe for more than six months.

Is 90 day rule a real thing? ›

Department of State Use of 90-Day Rule

In 2007, they introduced a 90-day rule that replaced their longstanding 30/60 day rule. The 90-day rule created a rebuttable presumption that a visa applicant made a misrepresentation if the individual engaged in certain conduct within 90 days of admission to the United States.

What is 90 day rule waiver? ›

The 90-day rule applies to those who use the Visa Waiver Program/ESTA or enter the U.S. with a B, F, J, M, Q, or TN visa. The U.S. Department of State's Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) classifies these visas as nonimmigrant visas. These are conditional, meaning they do not allow you to stay in the U.S. permanently.

What is USA 90 day rule? ›

The 90-day rule refers to a presumption that a nonimmigrant visa holder made a willful misrepresentation at admission or application for a nonimmigrant visa when that nonimmigrant enters the U.S. and within 90 days engages in conduct that is not allowed with their nonimmigrant status.

What are valid reasons for overstaying? ›

What Are Valid Reasons for Overstaying a Visa?
  • Natural disasters.
  • International emergency situations affecting travel, such as a pandemic.
  • Bereavement.

How does immigration know if you overstayed? ›

If your departure date is missing or does not match up with your I-94 form, the US government will know that you have overstayed your visa. Another way that the United States can find out if you have overstayed your visa is through random checks.

Can I return to USA if I overstayed? ›

If you overstay less than 180 days, leaving the United States won't trigger immigration to bar you from re-entry. If you exceed your stay by more than 180 days but less than 365 days, you will be barred from re-entering the United States for three years.

When can I return to the US after 90 days? ›

There is no hard and fast rule and no set number of days that reset the counter. It all comes down to perception. If you are in the US for 90 days, leave for 3, then attempt to return, that really doesn't look right and doesn't pass the 'sniff test'.

How do you count 180 days in Schengen? ›

The 180 days are counted backwards from your latest entry or exit date. This means it's counted from the first day you entered (if you have not left yet) or the final day you visited the Schengen Area (the date of exit).

How to live in Europe for 3 months? ›

Using the Schengen Area

As many countries are in the EU, there is freedom of movement rules for their residents. This gets carried over temporarily for visitors. So, you can stay 90 days within a 180-day period, which means you can live in Europe for three months without having to get a visa.

How does the EU know if you overstay? ›

Immigration authorities have registered in their databases every person that enters and leaves, and if you overstay, even for just one day, it will be recorded. Authorities will also punish you whether your overstay beyond your Schengen Visa's validity was intentional or unintentional.

What happens if you overstay less than 180 days? ›

Overstays & Unlawful Presence

If you enter the United States with a valid visa (for example, a tourist or student visa) and overstay by less than 180 days, your visa will be considered void and you'll need to get a new visa in your home country if you want to come back to the United States.

What is the penalty for overstaying visa? ›

The consequences of overstaying a visa and accumulating unlawful presence may include: Deportation from the US. Visa voidance. A three-year bar to reenter the US if you remained in the country unlawfully for more than 180 days but less than one year.

Who has the highest Schengen visa rejection? ›

Estonia rejected the highest share of visas from India in 2022 - 56 per cent of 1,986 applications. Malta had a 45 per cent rejection rate, while Slovenia rejected 44.5 per cent of 2,732 visas. On the other hand, Germany had the lowest rejection rate for Indians.

Who has the highest Schengen visa rejection rate? ›

Estonia, Malta and Slovenia rejected the most number of Schengen visa applications from India, while Germany, Italy and Hungary accepted the most. Estonia rejected the highest share of visas from India in 2022 - 56% of 1,986 applications. Malta had a 45% rejection rate, while Slovenia rejected 44.5% of 2,732 visas.

Do Schengen countries share visa information with UK? ›

Do Schengen Countries Share Visa Information With the UK? Because of Brexit, the UK is now considered a third-country national by the EU, which means the UK no longer has access to the information stored in VIS, SIS, and Eurodac.

Why is it so hard to get a Schengen visa? ›

Applying for a Schengen Visa in 2023 is not an easy task, as it has never been. There are lots of documents to be collected, an interview to be attended and even a fee to be paid, which right now is 33 per cent higher than it was before the pandemic.

Which Schengen countries have the lowest visa rejection? ›

Synopsis. ​​Estonia, Malta and Slovenia rejected the most number of Schengen visa applications from India, while Germany, Italy and Hungary accepted the most. Germany had the lowest rejection rate for Indians.

Which Schengen visa is the easiest to get? ›

According to data for 2021 the easiest visas to apply for in 2022 and their rejection rates are as follows:
  • Luxembourg – with a rejection rate as low as 1.2 percent out of total 2,383 Schengen visa applications received.
  • Slovakia – 2.7 percent out of 3,886 applications.
  • Lithuania – 2.8 percent out of 24,764 applications.

Can I leave the Schengen area and return again with my Schengen visa? ›

14 Can I leave the Schengen area and return again with my Schengen visa? Schengen visas may allow for a single-entry or multiple entries. With a single-entry visa you can enter the Schengen area only once. This is indicated on the visa sticker by "01".

How soon can I apply for Schengen visa again? ›

The allowed period to apply for a Schengen visa is as follows: The earliest you can file a visa application: six months before you start your planned trip. The latest you can file a visa application: at most 15 working days before you intend to travel.

How long do you have to wait to reapply for Schengen visa? ›

Wait for 30 days until you re-apply for your Schengen visa

The good news is that you can re-apply for a visa. However, it is not possible to have two visa applications in process simultaneously. Therefore, it is recommended that you wait for at least one to two months before submitting a new Schengen visa application.

What happens if you stay in Europe longer than 3 months? ›

Because staying more than 90 days in the Schengen Area isn't easy. First, let's understand the rule: The Schengen law states that you can't stay in the Schengen Area for more than 90 days. If you do, you're subject to a fine and possibly deportation and being banned from re-entering the Schengen Area.

What happens to British citizens living in Europe? ›

Your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement

If you were lawfully resident in an EU country before 1 January 2021, your rights are protected by the Withdrawal Agreement. You continue to have broadly the same rights to live, work, study and access benefits and services as you had before Brexit.

How long can Brits stay in the UK without losing their EU residency? ›

How much time you've been resident in your host country determines how long you can spend in the UK. If you have permanent residence under the Withdrawal Agreement, the permitted absence from your EU country is five years.

How long can a British person stay in the US without a visa? ›

The United Kingdom is on the list of countries that may apply for an ESTA. This visa waiver system allows British nationals to visit the US without a visa for up to 90 days. The USA ESTA is valid for 2 years from the date of issue and allows multiple entries to the United States.

What happens if I stay more than 6 months outside UK? ›

You lose your indefinite leave to remain if you've been outside the UK for 2 or more continuous years. You may be able to re-enter the UK and get indefinite leave to remain by applying for a Returning Resident visa.

Can a US citizen retire in the UK? ›

The U.K. recently closed its retirement visa program, meaning retirees don't have a straightforward way to get into the country. Fortunately, the U.K.'s other visa avenues are still open. So, retired couples can apply for work, ancestry or family visas. These visas have varying costs and requirements.

Can you extend a 90 day Schengen visa? ›

You can extend your visa-exempt period for up to 90 days. You are not allowed to stay in the Schengen area for more than 180 days.

What is the punishment for overstaying a visa? ›

The consequences of overstaying a visa and accumulating unlawful presence may include: Deportation from the US. Visa voidance. A three-year bar to reenter the US if you remained in the country unlawfully for more than 180 days but less than one year.

How long can a UK citizen stay in Europe without a visa? ›

British citizens require a visa and/or residence permit for any stay beyond 90 days within any 180-day period.

How to get 6 months Schengen visa? ›

When applying for a Tourist Schengen Visa, you must submit the following documents:
  1. Visa application form. ...
  2. Two recent photos. ...
  3. Valid passport. ...
  4. Roundtrip reservation or itinerary. ...
  5. Travel Health Insurance. ...
  6. Proof of accommodation. ...
  7. Letter of tour organizer. ...
  8. Proof of financial means.

How can I clear my overstay? ›

4.1 I have overstayed in the UAE but I want to stay with another visa
  1. Check the grace period you have after the expiration of your visa.
  2. Apply for a change of status or a new visa.
  3. Pay the overstay fine online and change of status.
  4. Await for your new visa and approved the change of status.

What happens if you overstay visa in Europe? ›

Ban – Bans are generally applicable to those overstaying and working. Depending on the length of overstay and the country where you have been, the ban can be issued for a period of three years or more. Immediate deportation – This depends, again, on the country where you have overstayed and on your specific situation.

Can I go to Europe twice in 90 days? ›

You can stay 90 days in any 180-day period within the Schengen area. calculated individually for each of these states. For instance, after a 90-day stay in the Schengen area, the person can immediately travel to Croatia and stay for another 90 days there. The 180-day reference period is not fixed.

Can you go to jail for overstaying your visa? ›

You may receive a “final order of removal” should the United States government realize you are unlawfully present. This edict requires you to leave the country within 90 days of its issuing. Ignoring or defying this order can lead to even greater consequences, including fines and up to 4 years of jail time.

How much is overstay fine? ›

In the UAE, the cost of overstaying the permitted visa period attracts a fine of Dh50 per day.

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