Apple Interview Process Guide | (2024)

If you’re a software engineer preparing for Apple’s technical interview, this post is for you. Apple has more than 80,000 employees, and hires more software engineers than any other role. The Apple interview process is a challenging exercise that tests one's programming, problem-solving, and systems design skills.

Although the Apple interview process may be a hard nut to crack, it doesn't stop engineers from trying their best to get in. The lucrative salary, employee benefits, and the chance of working with the most brilliant minds in the industry have made Apple one of the most popular employers.

In this article, we’ll understand the apple interview process in-depth to prepare the most efficient strategy for getting a job at the organization:

  • The Apple interview process for software engineers
  • How the Apple Interview Process is Different From Other Companies
  • The Apple Interview Process Timeline
  • Levels of Software Engineers at Apple
  • Teams That Apple Hires For
  • Apple Interview Questions
  • Things to Know Before Your Apple Interview
  • How to Prepare for Apple Interviews
  • Tips to Prepare for Apple Interviews

The Apple Interview Process for Software Engineers

The apple interview process for software engineers comprises several steps that test the interviewee's technical expertise and determine if they would be a good fit for the company's culture. The process also tests their communication skills to assess their employability.

Apple Interview Process Guide | (1)

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  • Getting in touch: The first step of the Apple job interview process is to connect with a recruiter. Either the recruiter will reach out to you, or you will have to reach out to them. You need to have an updated LinkedIn account. You will have to apply for the job on Apple's online career portal. It would help if you had the right connections to improve your chances of getting the interview. Around 27% of candidates who get called for an interview at Apple are referred by an existing employee.
  • Application: Next comes the process of filling out the application. In this step, the company wishes to discover your motivation to work for them. You have to demonstrate enthusiasm for Apple's products and services and tell them why you think you would turn out to be an ideal fit for the company.
  • Technical Screening: There are two rounds of screening done over a thirty-minute informal phone call. The objective of the call is to brief you about the hiring process. The first call is from the internal recruiter, followed by the team lead for the division that you applied to. They can also discuss your experience, academic achievements, and your interests.
  • FaceTime/Video interviews: There can be up to five rounds of FaceTime interviews that test your behavioral and technical skills. The interviews are one-on-one that lasts for about thirty minutes. The objective of the interview is to assess your character and technical knowledge.
  • Assessment Center: Some candidates are required to use the Apple Assessment Center while completing their exercises. This offers them the opportunity to network with existing employees and learn more about the company's values. The candidates can be asked to perform role play exercises and be prepared to answer questions like, "Why do you want to work at Apple?" or "How do you overcome disagreements with teammates?"
  • Group exercises: These exercises are designed to test your ability to work in a team. You’ll be assessed on your ability to solve critical problems and persuade others to pay heed to your ideas.
  • Written test: In this round of the Apple interview process for software engineers, you’ll be given a case study. You have to come up with a written response for the prompt given.
  • Apple on-site interviews: This round focuses on testing your technical knowledge. The interview typically lasts for about six hours with back-to-back interviews. Two people will interview you at a time — a unique model followed for on-site interviews at Apple. There are six to eight rounds in an on-site interview with various team leads. The technical interview focuses on testing your coding, algorithm, data structure, and system design knowledge.

The interviews are team-based. You may have to interview with more than one team with whom you will work directly or indirectly if you’re selected. Lunch is considered an extension of the interview, and multiple employees will ask you questions during that time.

The success rate of Apple on-site interviews is considered to be around 10%. The on-site interview can be tiring with more than 6 hours of interviews, but you have to remain focused as it is a test of your patience and perseverance as well.

How Is the Apple Interview Process Different From Other Companies?

What sets Apple apart from other FAANG companies is its approach to interviewing candidates. The two-on-one approach where two employees interview a candidate is unique to Apple. The interviewee is also expected to be a user and enthusiast of Apple products.

The Apple Interview Process Timeline

The timeline varies for roles and individuals. There is no structured time frame for the interview process. Most candidates report that the whole process takes around one to four months. The process is not as standardized as other companies and varies based on the profile that one is applying to.

Levels of Software Engineers at Apple

Apple has five levels of software engineers based on their seniority. There is no title based on the level, as is the case with other tech companies. Only the rank is added along with the title “software engineer,” such as:

  • Software Engineer I
  • Software Engineer II
  • Software Engineer III
  • Software Engineer IV
  • Software Engineer V

Teams That Apple Hires For

Apple has specific teams that you can choose to be a part of based on your skill seat. At Apple, no software engineer is hired centrally. The divisions that you can choose from include:

  • Apps and Framework
  • Cloud and Infrastructure
  • Core Operating Systems
  • DevOps and Site Reliability
  • Engineering Project Management
  • Information Systems and Technology
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Security and Privacy
  • Software Quality, Automation, and Tools
  • Wireless Software

Depending on the team you apply to, you will be required to answer specific questions related to that field. You need to answer all the questions during the apple job interview process with clarity and confidence.

Apple Interview Questions

All the candidates applying to the interview are asked some behavioral, problem-solving, and technical questions. Some of the most common of these questions are listed below. You can practice such questions well in advance to improve your performance in the interview.

Behavioral interview questions:

  1. What is one of the personal achievements that you are particularly proud of?
  2. What was a humbling experience for you?
  3. What type of failure have you encountered in the past, and how did you get over it?
  4. Where do you see five years from now?
  5. Describe a situation where you had to adapt to something new quickly?
  6. What makes Apple different from other companies?
  7. What should be rewarded — performance or experience?
  8. Tell me about a time you change someone's mind at work.
  9. Why did/didn't you choose Apple products for yourself?
  10. Describe the best workday you have had, along with the worst.
  11. Problem-solving interview questions:
  12. How many children are born daily?
  13. How will you survive on a desert isle while waiting for rescue?
  14. You get one minute with the CEO alone. How would you convince him to hire you?
  15. What is the optimal solution for finding out the highest floor you can drop an egg from without breaking it?
  16. If there is a single-elimination tournament with 25 teams, how many games are needed to pick a winner?
  17. You are in a boat along with a boulder. You drop it into the lake. How much will the water level change?
  18. What approach do you usually take when trying to solve a problem?

Technical interview questions:

  1. What is the meaning of asymptotic?
  2. How is a hashmap counter used?
  3. Explain what a router is to an eight-year-old.
  4. Why is it not possible to use primitives in a hashmap?
  5. What is the difference between strong and weak pointers?
  6. How would you go about when trying to build an iOS home screen user interface?
  7. How does delegation work?
  8. There's an iTunes type of app that pulls down images that get stale over time. How would you flush disused images?
  9. Debug a hash table implementation.
  10. How will you find the most frequent element in an integer array?

For more questions, read Apple Interview Questions

Things to Know Before Your Apple Interview

Along with its countless benefits, working at Apple comes with its challenges. Be prepared to hustle hard. The interviewer expects you to know this before coming in for the interview. Some other points that you need to keep in mind for the apple job interview process include:

  • You have to stay updated with the latest Apple products.
  • Read up on competitors to know about the latest happenings in the tech industry.
  • Work on your coding skills.
  • Be an expert in whichever domain you have selected for your interview.

How to Prepare for Apple Interviews

Just like other FAANG companies, you need to have a solid grasp of topics like data structure and algorithms while preparing for the Apple interview. The recurrent topics in the interview include linked lists, array, system design, etc.

You also need to have knowledge of Apple techniques if you wish to secure a job as a coding engineer here. Extensive knowledge of a programming language is also a must for applying to a software engineer position at Apple.

The general trend that is observed in the number of questions asked at an Apple interview can be understood from the table:



Data Structure




System Design


Tips to Prepare for Apple Interviews

Here are some proven tips that will help you prepare for the Apple interview:

  • You can eliminate any surprises on the final day by preparing well for any foreseeable situation. Find out about the type of questions that software developers generally face during the apple interview process and prepare them well.
  • You need to have a good practice of coding questions to be able to perform well in the interview. Practice as many questions as possible to familiarize yourself with essential topics.
  • You can also participate in mock interviews to get valuable feedback from real hiring managers.
  • Manage interview anxiety by preparing well and using techniques like breathing exercises.
  • It is crucial to know about the company that you wish to work in. Read up on their latest products and achievements before you head into the interview.
  • Start your preparation for the Apple job interview process as early as you can. The more time you have on your hands, the better you will be able to prepare for the questions generally asked in an Apple interview.

"The sidelines are not where you want to live your life. The world needs you in the arena." — Tim Cook.

Above all, you need to have trust in yourself. You can only ace the software developer interview with conviction. Have an effective preparation strategy in place and stick to it. You can get through the interview only with hard work and adequate preparation.

We at Interview Kickstart offer training for your technical interviews. We guide you through your interview prep with a comprehensive curriculum, and unmatched teaching methodologies — all developed with the help of industry experts, who are hiring managers and tech leads at FAANG+ companies.

To craft an effective interview preparation strategy and grab the chance to work at the world's leading tech companies, register now for our free webinar.

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Apple Interview Process Guide | (2024)


How many candidates make it to the final interview Apple? ›

Candidates will face several rounds of interviews, assessments, and personal evaluations. Truth be told, only a mere 0.5% of applicants make it to the hiring stage. And, if you're going into the Apple interview process blind, your chances are even slimmer.

How many phases does it take to get hired at Apple? ›

The Apple interview process typically consists of three stages: the phone interview, an assessment test, and the final interview. To even be chosen for the initial interview is a big deal, even if you do not get the job at Apple. The phone interview is the first step of the interview process.

What is the success rate of Apple onsite interviews? ›

The success rate of Apple on-site interviews is considered to be around 10%. The on-site interview can be tiring with more than 6 hours of interviews, but you have to remain focused as it is a test of your patience and perseverance as well.

How do I pass an Apple interview? ›

To prepare for your Apple interview:
  1. Prepare a few examples of your most proud work accomplishments that you can share when asked behavioral questions.
  2. If you are interviewing for a technical role, be prepared to answer specific technical questions and complete a test assessment to showcase your skills.
Jan 13, 2023

What percentage of Apple applicants get hired? ›

The Apple interview process is rigorous and challenging.

According to former Apple employees, the company's hiring standards are incredibly high, and only the top 1% of candidates are typically offered a job. If you scored an interview, you should feel proud, as Apple is selective of who they offer interviews to.

How many people make it to the final interview stage? ›

On average, about two to four candidates make it to the final interview. For the final interview, employers usually invite individuals who performed well in previous interviews. This means every invited candidate typically has the same level of experience and qualification.

How long does Apple take to give a job offer? ›

From the first contact to the offer, you can expect the whole process to take about 1.5 to 2 months. In the event you don't receive an offer, you'll most likely have to wait 3-6 months before reapplying for that same position.

What is Apple Phase 2 interview? ›

The discussion is casual and informal. At this stage they just want to get to know you personally. I'd like to think of this as the psychology test round. They'll ask about your hobbies, what Apple products you're excited about, what your work history is like, what your ideal pay rate is, etc.

Does Apple send rejection emails? ›

They send you an email that tells you you are not selected to move forward. This is called an NFN or a 'No for now'. If you get one you can try aplying again in 6–12 months or another Apple store. If you really want to work at a store, keep learning.

What percentage of interviews lead to offers? ›

Currently, the average interview-to-offer rate is 47.5%—approximately 48 of every 100 candidates interviewed received an offer. For example, an organization meeting this benchmark interviewed 200 applicants and extended 95 unique offers; expressed as a formula, this is (95 /200) x 100 = 47.5%.

How long does it take to hear back from Apple after second interview? ›

The majority of employees think that Apple interview questions are average and rate their experience a B or 73/100. The average employee completed 2 rounds of the interview process and received a response within 1-2 weeks. Interview Sentiment.

How many interviews does the average applicant get? ›

You can expect to have anywhere between two and four interviews before receiving a job offer. If you are interviewing for a high-level executive position, though, you may need to go on more than four interviews. If you are interviewing for an entry-level position, you may only need to go on one or two interviews.

What to ask at the end of an Apple interview? ›

5 Good Questions to Ask at the End of an Apple Interview
  • How do you define success in this job?
  • What does a typical day in this position look like?
  • What about working at Apple surprised you once you started in your role?
  • Are there career paths associated with this job?

Is Apple interview harder than Google? ›

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most difficult, the Google interview scored a 3.4. Apple fared only slightly better with a 3.2, but the real differences between the two companies show up in the overall experience.

How long does it take Apple to get back to you about a job? ›

7 answers. It take about 2 weeks to a month to receive a call back. 1-2 weeks. Helps to have an Apple employee refer you.

How long does Apple take to get back after final interview? ›

THE OFFER / NO offer

At this stage, you can expect to hear from your recruiter within a week. However, if you don't hear from them, it's best to send them a friendly reminder email so that you stay top of mind for them. From the first contact to the offer, you can expect the whole process to take about 1.5 to 2 months.

How many candidates are usually selected for interview? ›

The average number of people who tend to apply for a single job is 118, while only 20% of them get invited to an interview. So, next time you're wondering how many applicants get interviews, know that it's roughly only 1 in 5.

How long does Apple take to get back to you after interview? ›

The majority of employees think that Apple interview questions are average and rate their experience a B or 73/100. The average employee completed 2 rounds of the interview process and received a response within 1-2 weeks. Interview Sentiment. Interview Experience.

How many candidates to interview per position? ›

“Short answer: As many as it takes. Long answer: Typically you should expect to talk to 7-10 candidates, make 2 formal offers, and receive one acceptance.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.