Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (2024)

Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba

The relationship between the United States and Cuba has not improved much in the last four decades. Things were looking up for Cuba under Obama, but not so much under Trump. Politics aside, a number of Americans have begun living in and retiring to Cuba in 2018.

It is hard and complicated to try and summarize their relationship between Cuba and the United States, as there are many social and political factors in play. Still, the future looks brighter now than it has since the 1960s.

Obama re-opened the American Embassy in Cuba paving the way for a reconciliation of sorts, but this fell on the wayside when the new administration began. Cuba is changing, and I believe that in our lifetime we will be able to travel freely and do business with the Carribbean country.

Cuba is a beautiful islands with a lot of history and a lot to offer the world. Its music, food, baseball, and culture are something everyone should experience. Even with all the political obstacles keeping them apart, Americans still have a love for Cuba.

Americans consume Cuban cigars (my choice is the Cohiba Siglo IV), listen to Cuban music, eat at Cuban restaurants, etc. And now, in 2018, Americans are beginning to live and retire to Cuba.

Cuba might not be the first thing that you think about when you are choosing a place to retire to, but it is “the” budget destination. Cuba offers everything that an American retiree is looking for. Good medical care, warm and cozy beaches, cheap living expenses and much more.

A question that needs to be answered is, how can an American retire in Cuba? The answer isn’t an easy one especially if you want to go through official channels.

The only way to become a Cuban resident is to marry a Cuban citizen. This will get you an automatic Cuban passport. Cuban travel or work visas are short termed and are very restricted, so the best option you have as a retiree is to get a Snowbird Visa.

Snowbird Visas are given to retirees who wish to come to Cuba for the cheap medical attention. A Snowbird Visa is given for 6 months and can be easily renewed. You can live in Cuba with a Snowbird Visa and just keep renewing it.

It is important to know that as an American you cannot own property or a vehicle in Cuba, you can only rent. You can only buy property, a car, or start your own business if you are married to a Cuban national.

You should not retire in Cuba thinking that you will maintain yourself with the salary from the business you open or the job you get there, a Cuban salary is not enough to give yourself a good lifestyle. Yes, you can open a business there with a Cuban partner, but you can’t work for someone and take a job away from a local.

Consider living and retiring in Cuba only if you have the sufficient funds to provide for yourself and your family from money coming in abroad. You will find this to be true in just about all expat countries, such as Panama and Mexico. You can start a business or work for a foreign company. You can’t compete in the local job market and take work away from citizens. The government wants only high net worth retirees or those that will bring jobs and money into the country.

It is highly recommended to receive at least $3,000 USD a month from your pension before you consider retiring in Cuba. The rent in Cuba is cheap, but as an American the best option for you is in the tourist area which are a tad pricier than the rest of Cuba.

Many Americans who are now living in Cuba are surprised by the strong American presence that exists in the island. American college students choose to study abroad in Cuba, Cuban Americans make up a huge part of the population in Havana, and American entertainment is sold all over the Cuban black market.

Still, if you are thinking about moving to Cuba you probably already know what life is like in the island. How there are no fast food chains, big outlet malls, movie theaters showing American movies, etc.

The main problem that many Americans have when they travel or stay in Cuba is the food. Good Cuban meat is hard to find and it can be expensive, you have a much better shot of obtaining good meat in a restaurant.

The grocery stores that they do have only offer one product for the most part, so if you don’t like that brand there is nothing you can do about it. Fruits and vegetables are delicious and come in a healthy supply so you won’t suffer with that.

Choosing to retire and live in Cuba may not be easy, but it is an adventure. Cuba is unlike any other place in the world. You won’t regret taking a risk and moving to the island, you’ll ask yourself why you didn’t do it sooner.

For those of you not ready for Cuba, you might consider Panama. This is the most popular Latin expat stop, and life is easier than in Cuba. As an American, you can get residency in Panama by investing $20,000 in their reforestation visa program or by buying property for $330,000 or more.

I hope you’ve found this article on Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba to be helpful. For more information, or for assistance with any second passport program, please contact us HERE, Thank you. We’ll be happy to assist you with a second passport or a second residency.

I would also like to share a few articles that I believe you will enjoy reading:

Top 16 Reasons to Move To Panama

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Considering Travel to Cuba? Here are Some Travel Tips

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Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (1)

Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (2)

Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (3)

Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (4)


Americans Living and Retiring in Cuba (2024)


Can American citizens retire in Cuba? ›

Is it possible at all to move to Cuba as a foreigner? The short answer is no, you cannot move to Cuba unless you are a Cuban citizen.

Can American citizens live in Cuba? ›

To move to Cuba, you must obtain a long-term Cuba visa or temporary residence visa. The type of visa you choose depends on the purpose of your relocation and how long you will stay in Cuba. The most common long-term visas are work, family, and study visas.

Where can I retire on $800 a month? ›

Ecuador. If you're looking for a country where you can retire outside the US comfortably with $800 per month and experience one of the most ecologically diverse places in the world, then Ecuador might be for you. The go-to city for US retirees in Ecuador is Cuenca, which also happens to be a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Can Americans travel to Cuba 2023? ›

As of early 2023, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen.

Can you collect Social Security in Cuba? ›

The U.S. Department of the Treasury prohibits making payments to anyone residing in Cuba or North Korea. Under the Social Security Act, you are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits for the months that you lived in Cuba or North Korea if you are not a U.S. citizen, even if you meet all other requirements.

How long can you stay in Cuba as a US citizen? ›

U.S. immigration law requires that U.S. visa fees and validity periods be reciprocal, insofar as practicable, with the treatment accorded to U.S. citizens. Cuba allows U.S. citizen tourists a single entry for a stay of two months, with a possible 30-day extension to three months total, for $50.

Can Americans buy a house in Cuba? ›

To acquire property, you must go to a Cuban bank to pay, and you are not allowed to pay less than the legal value of the house. Once you've chosen the property you want to purchase, it will be valued by the Housing Institute Office. Following this, you and the seller will go to a notary to transfer ownership.

Can U.S. citizens stay in Cuba hotels? ›

Essentially, yes, you can visit Cuba and travel exactly as you would anywhere else. Just avoid government-run hotels, restaurants, and tours while you're there.

Does Cuba have free healthcare? ›

The Cuban government operates a national health system and assumes fiscal and administrative responsibility for the health care of all its citizens. All healthcare in Cuba is free to Cuban residents. There are no private hospitals or clinics as all health services are government-run.

Where do the happiest retirees live? ›

Cape Coral, Fla. With its desirable climate and favorable tax status, Florida is filled with popular retirement destinations. Many of our favorite retirement spots in the Sunshine State can be found along the Gulf Coast including St. Petersburg, Sarasota and Punta Gorda.

How much is $100 dollars a month for retirement? ›

Investing $100 per month will grow to more than $160,000 when you are ready to retire in 47 years. At $500 a month, the same 20-year-old would retire with more than $800,000 if they stuck to their saving. If you bump that number up to $1,000 per month, your total will grow to over $1.6 million for retirement.

Where is the safest and least expensive place to retire? ›

1. Charleston, Illinois. The safest and most affordable place to retire is Charleston, Illinois. Enjoy Lake Charleston, and take in all it has to offer on one of its many trails.

What is the best part of Cuba to stay? ›

Most of the best places to stay in Cuba are in Havana, perfect for kicking off your explorations in style from the northern part of the island. Journey to Santiago de Cuba — from where Fidel Castro launched his revolution — for gorgeous architecture and lots of history, as well as a more noticeably Caribbean feel.

How can I legally go to Cuba from the US? ›

If you want to visit Cuba as an American and do it legally, you will need to obtain a Cuban visa in advance. This is also called a “general license” and the Cuban government requires it to travel to Cuba. It can be a bit confusing, but calling it the general license is the way to go.

How can a US citizen travel to Cuba legally? ›

Legal Cuba travel essentials for US citizens and residents

American visitors to Cuba require a valid passport. Cuba visitors require an entry visa. Purchase a Cuban Tourist Visa here. US credit and debit cards don't work in Cuba.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

To acquire the full amount, you need to maximize your working life and begin collecting your check until age 70. Another way to maximize your check is by asking for a raise every two or three years. Moving companies throughout your career is another way to prove your worth, and generate more money.

Can Americans get healthcare in Cuba? ›

Cuba requires visitors to have non-U.S. medical insurance, which is usually included in airline ticket prices on flights originating in the United States or can be purchased at the airport upon arrival to Cuba.

What happens to my Social Security if I leave the US? ›

If you earned Social Security benefits, you can visit or live in most foreign countries and still receive payments. Look up the country on the SSA Payments Abroad Screening Tool to be sure you can receive your payments.

What items are hard to get in Cuba? ›

What gifts to bring for the Cuban people? Any gift for the Cuban people you bring will usually be appreciated as there are shortages of pretty much everything you could imagine. However, there are three main things that are extremely hard to come by in Cuba: medicine, clothing, and toiletries.

What happens if a US citizen goes to Cuba? ›

It's perfectly legal for Americans to travel to Cuba, except for explicit tourism purposes. However, you will need to meet some requirements. Specifically, you need a Cuban Tourist Card (a.k.a Cuban Visa), travel insurance, and a self-certification under one of the 12 travel categories of authorized travel to Cuba.

Does Cuba allow dual citizenship with US? ›

The Government of Cuba treats U.S. citizens born in Cuba as Cuban citizens and may subject them to a range of restrictions and obligations. The Cuban government requires U.S.-Cuban dual citizens who departed Cuba on or after January 1, 1971 to enter and depart Cuba using a Cuban passport.

What percentage of people own their own homes in Cuba? ›

List of countries by home ownership rate
Country or TerritoryHome ownership rate(%)Date of Information
North Macedonia902016
68 more rows

What is the average salary in Cuba? ›

The minimum wage is set at 2,100 CUP (Cuban Pesos) per month. The average salary in Cuba is around 4,000 CUP per month (see Table 1 below). The average salary of health and professionals with higher education is around 6,000 CUP per month. The average retirement pension does not exceed 1,528 CUP per month.

Do Cuban resorts take American money? ›

Legally, the only currency you can use in Cuba is the Cuban peso (CUP). However, any Cuban would be glad to accept foreign currency, especially Euros or USD. If you haven't pre-booked and paid for accommodations, activities, or transportation, you could likely pay for these things in cash in foreign currency.

Can Americans stay in all inclusive resorts in Cuba? ›

Where to stay in Cuba. American citizens are not currently allowed to stay in Cuba's government-run hotels or use most state-owned enterprises. Instead, it's best to opt for private accommodation such as apartments, B&Bs and homestays (known in Cuba as casas particulares).

Can Americans go to beach in Cuba? ›

This means U.S citizens currently cannot visit Cuba to simply sightsee, go to the beach, and explore. As of 2022, Americans that wish to travel to Cuba must fall into one of the 12 approved categories of travel, determined by the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

What is the leading cause of death in Cuba? ›

Leading causes of death in Cuba 2020, per group

The leading cause of death in Cuba in 2020 was ischemic heart disease. That year, around 18,791 people died from this condition, also known as coronary heart disease, a heart condition characterized by narrowed heart arteries.

Are there any homeless in Cuba? ›

Cuba has a near-zero homelessness rate. This is due in part to the fact that rent in state built housing is capped at 10% of family income. The average lifespan in Cuba is higher than that of the US and they have a lower rate of infant and maternal mortality as well.

Is Cuba's healthcare better than the US? ›

Life expectancy in Cuba is higher than that of the US (72.5 vs. 71.9). Health workers have eliminated polio, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and diphtheria. Malnutrition incidence amount 1-15 years olds is 0.7% compared with 5% in the US.

Where to retire on $3,000 a month? ›

5 Awesome Places to Retire on $3,000 a Month or Less
  • If You Want to Be Near the Beach: Gulfport, Fla.
  • If You Desire Access to Arts and Culture: Duluth, Ga.
  • If You Want to Be Close to a Transportation Hub: Alton, Ill.
  • If You Crave the Outdoors: Coeur d'Alene, Ind.
  • If You Want to Live Someplace Totally Foreign: Malta.
Jan 27, 2023

Where is the best place to retire with $1 million dollars? ›

1. Mississippi. World Population Review ranks Mississippi as the state with the lowest cost of living for 2022. A million dollars will likely provide you with a comfortable lifestyle for most, if not all, of your retired years.

What is the cheapest state to retire in? ›

Five of the 10 most affordable states — Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Delaware and Tennessee — rank among the nation's most tax-friendly, according to a Kiplinger analysis. The least affordable states for retirees are clustered on the coasts: Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The (Overly) Simple Math Behind the “$1000/Month Rule”

The math behind the $1000-a-month rule is simple. If you take 5% of a $240,000 retirement nest egg each year, that works out to $12,000/year, which, divided into 12 months, gives you $1000 each month. Painless, right?

Is $1,500 a month enough to retire on? ›

That means that many will need to rely on Social Security payments—which, in 2021, averages $1,544 a month. That's not a lot, but don't worry. There are plenty of places in the United States—and abroad—where you can live comfortably on $1,500 a month or less.

How many years will $500 000 last in retirement? ›

According to the 4% rule, if you retire with $500,000 in assets, you should be able to take $20,000/ yr for a 30-year or longer. Additionally, putting the money in an annuity will offer a guaranteed annual income of $24,688 to those retiring at 55.

What is the cheapest country to retire in Latin America? ›

Mexico. Just south of the United States of America border with warm weather, a wide variety of places to live, miles of coastline, and beautiful cities, Mexico, one of the cheapest countries to retire in, is a popular destination for retirees as well as vacationers.

What states do not pay Social Security taxes? ›

Alaska and New Hampshire are the only states with no sales, income or Social Security tax.

Where can I retire comfortably on Social Security? ›

10 Best States To Live on Just Social Security Alone
  • Louisiana. 2022 Average Rent: $1,020. ...
  • Wyoming. 2022 Average Rent: $1,038. ...
  • Montana. 2022 Average Rent: $1,033. ...
  • Oklahoma. 2022 Average Rent: $1,052. ...
  • North Dakota. 2022 Average Rent: $871. ...
  • Missouri. 2022 Average Rent: $1,014. ...
  • Iowa. 2022 Average Rent: $937. ...
  • South Dakota.
Jun 3, 2023

Where should Americans stay in Cuba? ›

Most of the best places to stay in Cuba are in Havana, perfect for kicking off your explorations in style from the northern part of the island. Journey to Santiago de Cuba — from where Fidel Castro launched his revolution — for gorgeous architecture and lots of history, as well as a more noticeably Caribbean feel.

Is Costa Rica or Cuba better? ›

Cuba is a great place to visit and so is Costa Rica for all the things you're looking for. One difference is that most people visit cuba through all inclusives, which means tourists far more than "travellers," while most visitors to CR avoid AIs. The water and beaches are fairly different too.

What to be careful in Cuba? ›

Foreigners may experience violent crimes, such as assault, sexual assault and robbery. Pickpocketing, bag snatching and other petty crime is common, especially on public transport and intercity buses. It also happens at major tourist areas such as: Old Havana.

Can U.S. citizens travel to Cuba 2023? ›

Can Americans still travel to Cuba in 2023? Yes! Travel to Cuba in 2023 is still possible for Americans who wish to travel independently, without being part of a big, expensive tour group.

Is it safe to travel to Cuba 2023? ›

In the modern era, Cuba is considered to be a safe place to visit. This is due largely thanks to its widespread policing efforts, coupled with its strict laws.

What airlines fly to Cuba? ›

American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, jetBlue, United, Delta, Republic Airways and Mesa Airlines all fly non-stop to Cuba.

Can Americans buy property in Cuba? ›

There are three ways for foreigners to buy property in Cuba. They can marry a Cuban; they can buy in the name of a Cuban relative; or they can purchase from another foreigner. Therefore, if you're neither married to a Cuban nor have Cuban relatives, you'll need to buy a home from another foreigner.

Can I take my yacht to Cuba? ›

General Process: On arrival in Cuba, yachts must go to the nearest Port of Entry, with the Q and courtesy flags flying. The main port of entry for yachts is Hemingway Marina immediately to the west of Havana.

Why are US citizens not allowed in Cuba? ›

The primary reason for travel restrictions on Americans headed to Cuba is to keep money out of government-run tourism services and businesses. Because of the decades-long U.S. embargo against Cuba, American debit cards and credit cards will not work on the island as they do for those traveling from any other country.

What country can US citizens retire to? ›

To help you narrow down your options, here are our picks for the best countries to retire to.
  • Panama. Panama tops most lists of the best countries to retire in, and there are good reasons for that. ...
  • Costa Rica. ...
  • Portugal. ...
  • Ecuador. ...
  • Greece. ...
  • Belize. ...
  • Nicaragua. ...
  • The Philippines.

Will I lose my U.S. citizenship if I become a citizen of another country? ›

A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to his or her U.S. citizenship. However, persons who acquire a foreign nationality after age 18 by applying for it may relinquish their U.S. nationality if they wish to do so.

What happens if a U.S. citizen goes to Cuba? ›

It's perfectly legal for Americans to travel to Cuba, except for explicit tourism purposes. However, you will need to meet some requirements. Specifically, you need a Cuban Tourist Card (a.k.a Cuban Visa), travel insurance, and a self-certification under one of the 12 travel categories of authorized travel to Cuba.

How long can a U.S. citizen stay out of the country? ›

While the normal limit is a year, you can stay longer and still preserve your US citizen if you are a military service member, Government employee, or meet any other criteria discussed above i.e., work for a US multinational or you proactively preserve residence.

How many Americans go to Cuba per year? ›

Many more Americans — estimates on both sides range from 20,000 to 50,000 a year — are sneaking into Cuba, in breach of the U.S. embargo's ban on Americans' spending money here, via third countries like Mexico, Canada, Jamaica or the Bahamas.

Can a US citizen live abroad and still collect Social Security? ›

If you earned Social Security benefits, you can visit or live in most foreign countries and still receive payments. Look up the country on the SSA Payments Abroad Screening Tool to be sure you can receive your payments.

What is the #1 retirement country? ›

According to various studies, including International Living, Portugal is ranked as the best country for US expats to retire to. Its friendly population, welcoming community of American expats, excellent weather, safety records, and affordable cost of living are all big draws for retirees.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.