Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health (2024)

  • Journal List
  • Public Health Rep
  • v.129(Suppl 2); Jan-Feb 2014
  • PMC3863703

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Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health (1)

Public Health Reports

Public Health Rep. 2014 Jan-Feb; 129(Suppl 2): 57–61.

PMCID: PMC3863703

PMID: 24385666

Chazeman S. Jackson, PhD, MAa and J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCEAddressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health (2)a


Despite major advances in medicine and public health during the past few decades, disparities in health and health care persist. Racial/ethnic minority groups in the United States are at disproportionate risk of being uninsured, lacking access to care, and experiencing worse health outcomes from preventable and treatable conditions. As reducing these disparities has become a national priority, insight into the social determinants of health has become increasingly important. This article offers a rationale for increasing the diversity and cultural competency of the health and health-care workforce, and describes key strategies led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Minority Health to promote cultural competency in the health-care system and strengthen community-level approaches to improving health and health care for all.

The U.S. population faces many health challenges, including rising health-care costs, the need for a strong public health workforce, and persistent disparities among racial/ethnic minority groups and underserved populations. Despite major medical advances, critical threats to U.S. public health remain. In particular, the looming workforce shortages in medicine, nursing, laboratory sciences, and environmental health present serious threats to protecting the health of individuals, families, and communities, especially those who are most vulnerable and least able to help themselves.1 Compounding this issue, national data indicate that, compared with the general population, racial/ethnic minority populations have poorer health outcomes from preventable and treatable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma, and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome than those in the majority.2,3 Additionally, there is a growing body of evidence documenting the differences in access to health care, the quality of care, and health measures, including life expectancy and infant mortality, among these groups.46 Public health experts ascertain that the social environment in which people live, learn, work, and play contributes to disparities and is among the most important determinants of health throughout the course of life.7

Increasingly, the idea that health is determined by factors outside the traditional health-care setting has become a recognized approach to improving public health and addressing health disparities.8 The social determinants of health (SDH)—including such factors as housing quality, access to healthy foods, and education—emphasize the importance of considering nonclinical conditions when providing quality care within the health-care system.9 Racial/ethnic minoritiy groups experience adverse SDH and are also disproportionately represented among the uninsured. The Institute of Medicine report “Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care” showed that racial/ethnic disparities in health care do exist.10 Key recommendations from this landmark study described the need to increase the proportion of underrepresented minority groups in the health-care workforce, integrate cross-cultural education into health-care training, and advance research efforts to identify sources of disparities and promising interventions.

Reflecting the national recognition and importance of workforce diversity and SDH in the reduction of racial/ethnic disparities, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched the HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (hereafter, HHS Disparities Action Plan),11 the most comprehensive federal commitment to date to reduce health disparities, which builds on the foundation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.12 The HHS Disparities Action Plan advances five major goals: (1) transforming health care; (2) strengthening the infrastructure and workforce of the nation's health and human services; (3) advancing the health, safety, and well-being of the American people; (4) advancing scientific knowledge and innovation; and (5) increasing the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of HHS programs.

Strengthening the nation's health by improving the diversity of the health and human services workforce calls for a multipronged approach that adopts an understanding of SDH, applies community-level engagement as a core principle, and emphasizes cultural and linguistic competency in health and health care. Considering this approach, this article highlights two of several HHS Office of Minority Health strategies that align with the HHS Disparities Action Plan, bridging workforce diversity and SDH to address disparity reduction efforts: (1) prioritizing cultural competence of health-care providers and systems to better serve patients with diverse cultural, social, and linguistic backgrounds; and (2) supporting initiatives that increase diversity within the workforce and promote community-based models to improve access to and quality of health care for all.


As the U.S. population becomes more diverse, pursuing the goal of cultural competence in the workforce and health-care system emerges as a leading strategy in reducing disparities.13 Cultural competency, defined as the ability of health-care providers to function effectively in the context of cultural differences, has been shown to improve the quality of health care received by racial/ethnic minority groups.14 For example, a culturally competent approach establishes ways to address communication barriers with people of limited English proficiency or low health literacy. Racial/ethnic diversity in the health-care workforce, a type of organizational cultural competence,15 has also been well correlated with the delivery of quality care to minority populations. Increasing underrepresented groups within the health-care workforce supports the diversity of values and beliefs of the entire population and heightens cultural awareness in health-care service delivery.

Strengthening the nation's workforce by improving cultural competency and increasing diversity is an important part of the HHS Disparities Action Plan. Education, training, and development of the workforce—including both professionals and lay community health workers—are essential in meeting the health and service needs of communities of color. U.S. government agencies, academic institutions, and private organizations provide the educational resources and disseminate information to enable health-care providers to acquire and apply cultural competency skills for the benefit of the patients and communities they serve.

In addition, the HHS Office of Minority Health developed Think Cultural Health,16 a resource center that offers users the ability to earn continuing education credits in cultural competency through online training. Think Cultural Health was designed as a resource to improve quality of care through cultural and linguistic competencies and provides continuing education programs accredited for a variety of health-care providers (Figure). Model programs included on the Think Cultural Health website provide education and training, using case studies, pre- and posttests, and self-assessment exercises. The programs embed the principles outlined in the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care (hereafter, CLAS Standards).17

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Think Cultural Health programs and resources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health

TCH = Think Cultural Health

For example, Culturally Competent Nursing Modules (CCNM) is one of the model programs that health-care providers, such as nurses and social workers, are using through Think Cultural Health (Table). The CCNM training curricula enables providers to improve self-awareness and adopt best practices when navigating the cultural attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that influence the care and services they deliver. Through case studies that highlight potential cross-cultural scenarios in their day-to-day practices, the program emphasizes cultural and linguistic competency at every point of contact. Using the CLAS Standards as a framework, the modules also offer an overview of guidelines for providing language-access services in health-care settings and promoting strategies for integrating cultural competence into health-care organizations. This resource is one example of emerging tools available to help the health-care workforce develop the skills and knowledge necessary for providing services to an increasingly diverse nation.


Number of registrants in the Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring program, by certificate type: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, Think Cultural Health

Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health (4)

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aNumber of registrants as of January 7, 2013


A growing number of evidence-based initiatives apply community-level approaches to improve health and health care and reduce health disparities. The Promotores de Salud initiative, led by the HHS Office of Minority Health, promotes the increased engagement of promotores de salud (also known as community health workers) in health education, outreach, and access to health care for racial/ethnic populations and their communities.18 These promotores de salud are defined as “volunteer community members and paid frontline public health workers who are trusted members of and/or have an unusually close understanding of the community served.” Community health workers are identified as trusted community members who can provide the needed support to address SDH at the community level. Evidence of the promotores model has shown improvement in health-care access and outcomes and enhancement in quality of life for people in poor, underserved, and minority communities.1921 Bringing together multiple partners, including federal, community, and advocacy organizations, the initiative is poised to expand the use of promotores and community health workers as an integral part of the workforce to promote health education, prevention, and other targeted efforts for populations experiencing health disparities. The initiative includes a National Promotores de Salud Steering Committee and supporting and linking promotores networks across the nation. The HHS Promotores de Salud initiative recognizes the role promotores and community health workers play in identifying and developing solutions to the health challenges faced by minority communities.


The unprecedented strain on health-care resources demands a coordinated national response to improving the health of all Americans. Progress toward reducing health disparities will involve support for community-based strategies, enhanced the understanding of SDH, and increased diversity of the health-care workforce. Examples of this recognition on the national level are evident with initiatives such as Healthy People 2020,9 the National Prevention Strategy,22 and the National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities.23 The coordinated efforts to address disparities take into account strategies and actions that build on community infrastructure and an increasingly diverse and culturally competent workforce. It is with these types of investments that our nation will achieve the vision of “a nation free of health and health-care disparities.”11


The authors thank Julia Lam of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Minority Health, for her review and insightful comments on drafts of this manuscript.

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HHS.


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Articles from Public Health Reports are provided here courtesy of SAGE Publications

Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health (2024)


What are the social determinants of health and health disparities? ›

Social determinants of health such as poverty, unequal access to health care, lack of education, stigma, and racism are underlying, contributing factors of health inequities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to achieving improvements in people's lives by reducing health inequities.

How do you address health care disparities? ›

Raising awareness through education can help address health equity. Improving resource coordination can also help populations most harmed by health disparities. For example, health care organizations can help reduce ethnic health disparities by offering cultural competency training to health care providers.

Why is addressing healthcare disparities important? ›

Knowledge of health disparities in the most disadvantaged communities helps you and your loved ones avoid the impact of that disparity. Knowledge is power. Improving the health of individuals in the most disadvantaged communities leads to lower taxes and healthcare costs.

How can a social worker address the health disparities? ›

Social workers can be present with their clients, helping them feel heard and empowered. Social workers should also monitor the client's discussions with other members of the health care team. What biases do doctors and nurses seem to have?

What are the 4 social determinants of health care disparities? ›

What are social determinants of health?
  • Economic Stability.
  • Education Access and Quality.
  • Health Care Access and Quality.
  • Neighborhood and Built Environment.
  • Social and Community Context.

What are the 5 social determinants of health? ›

Healthy People 2030 sets data-driven national objectives in five key areas of SDOH: healthcare access and quality, education access and quality, social and community context, economic stability, and neighborhood and built environment.

What are the 5 steps to address health disparities? ›

The HHS Disparities Action Plan advances five major goals: (1) transforming health care; (2) strengthening the infrastructure and workforce of the nation's health and human services; (3) advancing the health, safety, and well-being of the American people; (4) advancing scientific knowledge and innovation; and (5) ...

What does it mean to address health disparities? ›

Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. 1. Despite significant progress in research, practice, and policy, disparities in youth health risk behaviors persist.

What is the first step in eliminating disparities in care? ›

Identifying underserved ethnic populations within a community: the first step in eliminating health care disparities among racial and ethnic minorities.

Why is addressing social determinants of health important? ›

Addressing differences in SDOH makes progress toward health equity, a state in which every person has the opportunity to attain their highest level of health. SDOH have been shown to have a greater influence on health than either genetic factors or access to healthcare services.

What is the difference between health disparities and healthcare disparities? ›

“Health disparity,” generally refers to a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality experienced by one population group relative to another group. A “health care disparity” typically refers to differences between groups in health coverage, access to care, and quality of care.

What is an example of a health disparity? ›

For example, Americans living in rural areas are more likely to die from unintentional injuries, heart disease, cancer, stroke and chronic lower respiratory disease than their urban counterparts. These health disparities account for significant costs to states and communities.

What is the role of a social worker in social determinants of health? ›

Social workers play an important role in assessing social determinants of health (SDH) and providing behavioral health services in integrated care settings. Evidence suggests that integrated care interventions improve quality of life and other patient outcomes.

Do social determinants of health help reduce health disparities and inequities? ›

Most reports show that social determinants of health have a higher effect on health. The elimination process of these health inequities occurs through well-designed economic and social policies.

How can social workers improve health care? ›

Health Care Social Workers

Their responsibilities can include: Helping patients transition from hospital care to home treatment. Referring people to support groups that can help them manage their conditions. Educating physicians and other medical professionals about the mental and emotional impacts of physical illness.

What are the 7 social determinants of health? ›

Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. They include factors like socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and physical environment, employment, and social support networks, as well as access to health care (Figure 1).

What are social disparities in health? ›

Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. 1.

What is the difference between social determinants of health, health disparities, and health inequities? ›

When there is not health equity (meaning, when there is health inequity), health disparities emerge. Health equity usually refers to the non-clinical factors —social determinants of health — that can ultimately affect health outcomes for patients.

What are the social determinants of health income inequality? ›

There is no association between income inequality and health after proper control for absolute income at the individual level. It is income relative to some social group average (which social group is undefined) that is important to health. It is income relative to some poverty standard that is important to health.

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