A Guide to Tipping Etiquette in London - Montcalm London City Blog (2024)

A Guide to Tipping Etiquette in London - Montcalm London City Blog (1)

Tipping etiquette has a tendency to vary from country to country, and London has its own distinctive approach which is well worth becoming familiar with. While the tipping culture is not as rampant as it is in some other nations, it is still a great way to show your appreciation and help support staff who made an experience memorable.

In some locations, tipping is considered an essential, whereas in other areas of London the rules are significantly less stringent. We’ve compiled this quick guide to tipping in London, to help you get to grips with when and where to tip, and how much…

Tipping at hotels

Smaller hotels or those at the lower end of the market are unlikely to provide you with some of the key services which might require tips, but it is customary to sometimes tip maids or porters if you feel they’ve done a particularly good job.

This same etiquette may apply to more unconventional London accommodation such as hostels and B&Bs, too – though it will rarely (if ever) be expected for you to leave a tip. More lavish, upmarket hotels do have a distinctive tipping etiquette to follow, so this is where you should be distributing tips.

From the person who brings your luggage to your room to anyone who delivers room service, expect to give each person a tip. At hotel restaurants, similar rules often apply.

Tipping at London restaurants

Tipping culture in London restaurants can vary radically from venue to venue, and is largely dependent upon the type of venue you are visiting. If you are dining somewhere with table service, it is generally considered good practice to tip waiters between 10-15% of the overall bill.

In some instances, you will find this percentage has already been added to your bill, which helps to keep things simple and transparent. However, in other cases the rules may be a little more hazy and dependent upon your own choice and perception of the meal and service you received.

When visiting a fast food restaurant, there is no particular need to tip, but there may be a tip jar for coins. The same rules apply at cheaper restaurants, and at street food vendors. However, if you’ve had a particularly great time, you may wish to show your appreciation with a tip during your stay at Montcalm at The Brewery.

Tipping at London bars

While locals rarely tip at locations like bars, pubs and clubs, you might find a tip jar which provides a space for spare change. However, this is not often an expectation. A notable exception to the rule is when you and your group receive table service. While staying at luxury hotels for families, you may find yourself heading to a more upmarket venue, where tipping could form part of the venue etiquette.

At expensive spaces there may automatically be an extra 10-15% added to the bill, or the option to leave this amount if you received particularly impressive service during your visit.

Tipping taxi drivers

This is not a compulsory part of London’s tipping etiquette, but drivers often appreciate a small tip for their service. Locals almost always tend to round up their fare, often resulting in around £1-2 extra for the taxi driver. It’s a convenient sum, and doesn’t cost too much for the passenger using the service.

Be aware that private taxis can often prove expensive, so be sure to agree the fare before you begin your journey. This is particularly important late at night when fares can be excessive. Overall, simply tip the sum you feel is necessary, particularly if you feel the original price quoted was fair and accurate.

Tipping London tour guides

London is filled with fantastic tour opportunities, each offering you a unique look at the city’s rich history and culture. However, this presents a new challenge for tippers, as the established rules for tipping a tour guide often differ from many other areas of London life.

As a rough guide, it is best to consider this as an individual choice, as there are really no solid rules as to how tip someone on a paid tour or a bus tour, for instance. Calculate your tip (if applicable) in accordance with the length and quality of the tour itself, but be aware that this is not considered a requirement in the UK.

Tour guides are generally paid a living wage and do not depend on their tips to help provide additional income. This should not stop avid tippers from showing their appreciation, particularly if you have particularly enjoyed a tour while staying at Montcalm at The Brewery.

Tipping at Hair Salons and Barbers

This is one area where tipping is often considered a commonplace occurrence in Britain. The reason for such an active tipping culture is because many hairdressers and barbers earn a relatively low salary, particularly during training. They will be grateful for an additional 5 – 10% tip in addition to the bill, though as with many areas, this calculation should be dependent in part on the service you received.

You should also keep in mind the nature of the establishment. In smaller, cheaper barbers and hair salons, a smaller tip is perfectly acceptance. In high-end salons, you may find that a tip is simply a natural part of the client/hairdresser exchange.

General tips for effective tipping

There are a few key guidelines to stick to when organising your tipping plans in London, including:

  • Typically, people tip around 10-15% in London, except for when using taxis or public transport, where a smaller tip is frequently accepted.
  • Tour guides do not need to be tipped, but this is up to the customer to decide.
  • Some restaurants add an automatic tip to your bill. This is commonly known as the service charge.
  • Tipping is not necessary at street food vendors and smaller restaurants, but is commonplace in luxurious hotels and restaurants.
A Guide to Tipping Etiquette in London - Montcalm London City Blog (2024)


A Guide to Tipping Etiquette in London - Montcalm London City Blog? ›

Tipping is always appreciated in London, and is an expectation in most restaurants (unless service is already included) and for porters in high-end hotels. While tipping isn't quite as ingrained as it is in the US, it's certainly an expectation in many parts of the capital.

Do you tip in London for dinner? ›

Tipping is always appreciated in London, and is an expectation in most restaurants (unless service is already included) and for porters in high-end hotels. While tipping isn't quite as ingrained as it is in the US, it's certainly an expectation in many parts of the capital.

Do you tip in London 2023? ›

Tipping is customary after a meal in a restaurant in the UK. Some restaurants include a tip on the bill, whereas others do not. If there is an optional service charge at the end of the bill which you can choose to use that as your tip or leave an additional gratuity if you feel you received exceptional service.

Is it rude to not tip in London? ›

Tipping is appreciated but not always appropriate in London. There are some situations where it is customary, for example in restaurants. However, tips in the UK are discretionary and depend on the quality of the service you receive.

How much do you tip at a 5 star hotel? ›

The average suggested tip amount is $2-3 per day and up to $5 per day if you're staying at a 4 or 5-star hotel.

What is a typical London tip? ›

Typically, people tip around 10-15% in London, except for when using taxis or public transport, where a smaller tip is frequently accepted. Tour guides do not need to be tipped, but this is up to the customer to decide. Some restaurants add an automatic tip to your bill. This is commonly known as the service charge.

Do you tip cab drivers in London? ›

Tipping taxi drivers is perfectly normal, but it's not a requirement in the UK. Leaving a tip should never be forced upon a passenger. However, tipping is one of the perks of being a taxi driver, so it's essential to understand your passenger in order to increase your tip.

Do you need cash in London? ›

With the exception of places like airport stores, you'll need to use UK currency in cash or a payment card during your time in the UK.

Do you tip housekeeping in London hotels? ›

If you wish to tip your housekeeper, you can leave a few pounds on the night table. Tipping the room service is up to you. At the restaurant in the hotel, a service charge of 10 to 12 percent is usually included. If it is not included, you should tip about 10 to 15 percent of the bill.

What is the custom of tipping in the UK? ›

tipping is more and more common; Americans are accustomed to leaving 20% at minimum, however the most common practice in the UK is to leave between 10 and 12%. In nicer restaurants up to 15% (provided that the service charge is not included) is a good rule of thumb.

What is considered rude in London? ›

Leaning your elbows on the table whilst you are eating is also considered rude. Slurping or making other such loud noises whilst eating is completely frowned upon. As with yawning or coughing it is also considered very rude to chew open-mouthed or talk when there is still food in your mouth.

Why don't you tip in London? ›

It's never mandatory to tip in London, so you shouldn't worry about the cost of your trip spiralling out of control. However, if you think you've received good service then a small tip is always appreciated but never expected, it really is left to your own discretion.

What happens if you don't tip in UK? ›

Don't worry about offending your waiter if you don't tip. They won't assume you hated your visit. Return business is more important in the UK. So if you say, “thanks, that was great,” you've let them know you'll probably be back!

Do you tip when you leave a hotel room? ›

When to tip your hotel room cleaners. Some travelers like to leave one tip for hotel housekeeping at the end of their stay. But most experts say it's better to leave a tip every day of your trip. “We recommend tipping nightly, as your room may be serviced by different people,” said Ten Eyck.

Is it rude not to tip hotel housekeeping? ›

Do you have to tip housekeeping? The answer is a resounding yes. The people who clean and take care of your room during your stay, clean and sanitize it between customers, and answer the sorts of things you really shouldn't be asking hotel staff are essential workers.

Where do you leave tip in a hotel room? ›

Make sure the tip is visible, like on the dresser or next to the bathroom sink. Avoid leaving your housekeeping tips on the bed or nightstand, as these areas risk your cash getting jostled around or lost when bed sheets are changed. Leave your tip on top of, or next to, a thank you note.

Do you tip Uber in London? ›

What is Uber's tipping policy? You are free to tip and drivers are free to accept tips at any time. In-app tipping is available in all UK cities for drivers.

Do you tip in England pubs? ›

'Tips are not necessary when just drinking in pubs. ' However, bar staff who have been particularly helpful may be bought a drink. If, however, you have eaten in a pub and received table service, it is appropriate to leave a tip.

Is a tip the same as a gratuity? ›

What Distinguishes a Gratuity from a Tip? A Tip Is a Gift – A Gratuity Is a Fee There are some critical differences between a tip and a gratuity. The first is that a tip is a gift, while a gratuity is a fee. This is significant because it means that you can't use a tip as an excuse to pay your employees less.

How much do you tip a driver from the airport to a hotel in London? ›

Taxi drivers normally expect around 10% of the total fare as a tip. If the driver is helpful with your bags tipping £1 to £2 a bag is common.

Do taxis in London take credit cards? ›

All black cabs accept payment by credit or debit card without a surcharge. For a full list of fares, check out Transport for London's taxi fares information. You can tip taxi drivers as much as you like, but most people round up to the nearest pound.

Do London taxis take cash? ›

To save you from running to the nearest ATM, here's all the payment information you need for a smooth ride. First, you should know that all black cabs take credit or debit cards and contactless payment methods. While cash remains the standard form of payment, every black taxi carries card payment devices.

Can you use US dollar in London? ›

You will not be able to use money of another currency, including euros or dollars, in the UK, except to exchange them.

Can you use American debit cards in London? ›

Debit cards from any major US bank will work in any standard European bank's ATM (ideally, use a debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo). As for credit cards, Visa and MasterCard are universal, American Express is less common, and Discover is unknown in Europe. Check your cards' expiration dates.

Can I withdraw USD in London? ›

There are foreign exchange bureaus, run by Travelex, in all Heathrow's terminals³. These offer ATM cash withdrawal, as well as currency to order online and collect for no commission fees.

Do you tip London breakfast? ›

Is Tipping in London Restaurants Essential? Like hotels, many of the city's mid-range and upscale restaurants add a service charge of about 10-15% to the bill. If you don't see a service charge, you can leave a tip or add around 10-20% when paying if you think the food or service was exceptional.

How much do you tip a taxi driver at the airport? ›

Transportation Tipping

Cab driver: 15 percent to 20 percent tip of the fare. (Find out ahead of time if your cabbie accepts a credit card. If he or she doesn't, make sure you have enough cash for both fare and tip.)

How much do you tip a doorman at a hotel? ›

For the doorman or porter, you should tip them $1-2 per bag they help you with. If they're just opening the door, a smile and a thank you is all that's needed. If anyone brings your luggage to your room for you, tip $1-2 per bag. Tip $10-20 if they also prepare your room or give you a tour of the hotel.

When should you not tip? ›

As a blanket rule, you don't need to tip anyone who earns a salary or performs a trade. That means you don't have to tip doctors, lawyers, teachers, plumbers or cable technicians.

Where do you tip in England? ›

At Restaurants and Pubs

If service is not already included, wait staff should get 10–15% of the bill. At pubs, don't tip unless you get table service. You don't have to leave anything extra for the bartender.

Do you leave a tip if there is a service charge? ›

So, you may be wondering, do you tip on top of a service charge? In most cases, the answer is yes. Since a service charge is not guaranteed to go to the server themselves, leaving a tip is a great way to thank your waiter for their hospitality.

What not to say in London? ›

10 Things You Should Never Say To a British Person
  • “I can do the best British accent.” ...
  • “Oh, you're from London!” ...
  • “Oh, you're from Europe!” ...
  • “Cheers, mate!” ...
  • “My great-grandmother was British!” ...
  • “Ohmaigaaad I could listen to you talk all day.” ...
  • “Do you live in a castle?” ...
  • “You drink in Britain?
Aug 31, 2015

What are the taboos in UK? ›

Taboos in the UK

Do not stare. Do not be overly familiar with people you do not know well. Do not ask personal questions such as how much someone earns, who they voted for etc. Do not speak too loudly or cut into a conversation.

Why do people not tip in the UK? ›

There is a legal minimum wage and the economy of the UK is such that when you are served in whatever capacity, the server is already being paid for that work in their wages via your bill, so you do not have to pay extra for them doing their job in the expected manner.

Do you tip UK drivers? ›

In the U.K., it's typical to tip your cab driver. Usually, it's customary to round up to the nearest pound, but for a metered taxi ride, tipping 10 percent of the total fare would be acceptable. If you take a rural taxi or minicab, you might be charged a pre-agreed flat fare, which most people do not tip on.

How do you tip when paying by card UK? ›

If the customer wishes to add a gratuity then they key in the amount they want to tip and it is added to the overall total to be taken from their credit or debit card. Tips taken in this way can be shared out to staff in a variety of ways, which can lead to some potential issues.

Do you tip the front desk at a hotel? ›

Pro tip: Tip everyone: While most travelers know to tip a bellman or valet, few leave anything for the front-desk agent—despite their enormous power to influence the quality of your stay. “The front desk isn't a tipped position, so when you do tip, it makes them beholden to you,” Tomsky said.

Do you tip at hotel breakfast buffet? ›

It is not customary to tip at a continental breakfast that is served buffet-style,” Bergen says. “It is customary and appreciated to tip during breakfast when there is a server who takes your order or serves coffee and juice.”

Should you tip hotel housekeeping for one night? ›

The American Hotel & Lodging Association (ALHA) recommends tipping hotel housekeeping $1-5 per night. If you're going to tip, ideally: Leave it nightly, since someone different could be cleaning your room every day.

Do most people tip maids at hotels? ›

The tip doesn't have to be big — $1 to $5, says the American Hotel and Lodging Association. But fewer than a third of hotel guests leave any money for the housekeepers. The hotel association publishes a gratuity guide on its website that offers suggestions for tipping everyone from valet attendants to bellhops.

Where do you leave hotel towels? ›

If you would like your towels changed, please place them in the bathtub or shower. On check out do not roll up your sheets and doonas/blankets, this makes it harder for the housekeeper to prepare the dirty linen. Place all used bath towels/face washer in the bathtub or shower.

Can you leave housekeeping tip at front-desk? ›

employs cleaning staff, remember to leave a separate tip for housekeepers in your room—and not just give one lump sum to the front desk (that tip will go to various other hotel employees, but probably not the housekeepers).

Do you tip the driver from the hotel to the airport? ›

For drivers spending the majority of the day with you, as is the case with a limo or moving between airports, hotels, and events, 10 to 15 percent of the total bill is custom. You may find drivers go above and beyond and provide extra service to ensure safety or comfort.

How much do you tip a hairdresser? ›

According to Consumer Reports, you should tip at least 15% of the service fee, even if the service wasn't the best. Consumer Reports also says to “never skip a tip.” But, it adds, if your service was really bad, speak to the manager.

Do I need cash in London? ›

With the exception of places like airport stores, you'll need to use UK currency in cash or a payment card during your time in the UK.

Do you tip for afternoon tea in London? ›

I usually leave a cash tip for the server. Between 10% and 15% of the bill is considered a good tip for polite and helpful service. IMO, for afternoon tea for two, where service has been spot on, a crisp tenner for the waiter is about right. The key thing is to enjoy yourself, that's what you're there for!

Do you tip for dinner? ›

For the wait staff at sit-down restaurants, the tip should be 15 percent to 20 percent of the pretax bill. Tips are not necessary at fast-food restaurants.

Is it better to use a credit card or cash in London? ›

European travelers should always have some cash on hand; getting it from an ATM abroad is usually the easiest, most advantageous way. If you need cash from an ATM, it's usually better to use a debit card, because credit cards often charge a high interest rate for a cash advance.

Do British people tip at restaurants? ›

tipping is more and more common; Americans are accustomed to leaving 20% at minimum, however the most common practice in the UK is to leave between 10 and 12%. In nicer restaurants up to 15% (provided that the service charge is not included) is a good rule of thumb.

Do you tip hotel staff in England? ›

Do I tip for room service in London hotels? Unless the waiter or porter is laying the table and setting the dishes out for you, you don't have to tip for room service. In mid-range and chain hotels, you can simply take the tray and say thank you.

Can I wear jeans to Afternoon Tea? ›

Afternoon Tea Dress

Dressing for afternoon tea can be modified to however smart or casual you may feel. While you can get away with a smart top and jeans, if you don't want to dress up, many ladies choose to take the opportunity to don a pretty frock.

What is the dress code for the Ritz in London? ›

Formal elegant | For gentlemen it is required to wear long pants, shirt and dress shoes; co*cktail dress, long trousers, skirt, blouse, and elegant sandals for the Ladies. We kindly remind our guests that casual attire is welcomed in public areas and restaurants for lunch.

What is the dress code for the Ritz London? ›

Immerse yourself in the world of The Ritz

In all other areas of the hotel (The Ritz Restaurant breakfast service, The Rivoli Bar, The Long Gallery, and the Cigar Lounge), smart casual attire is required. Please note that shorts, trainers and sportswear are not permitted in any of the hotel's restaurants or bars.

What is the new tipping etiquette? ›

Work Shift: The New Rules of Tipping Mean Everyone Expects 20% to 25%

Is it rude to not tip for takeout? ›

So, Should I Tip for Takeout? Yes, you should tip the waitstaff for your takeout order—if the restaurant is a traditional dine-in establishment where servers wait on tables. “An appropriate amount to tip on takeout orders would be approximately 10% to 12%,” says Kane.

Should you tip less at expensive restaurant? ›

According to Best Life, 18% is the tipping standard for fancy restaurants; anything less than 15% is unacceptable. A 20% tip, it says, is a good way to acknowledge exceptional service.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.