8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (2024)

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (1)

8 Ways to Stop Spending Money You Don’t Have

I get emails all the time from people asking me how can they get their budgets under control to stop spending money and reach their financial goals in the long run. It’s never fun to live paycheck-to-paycheck, not to mention how stressful it can be! It’s a tough situation to be in, not to mention a scary one! Here’s the question you need to ask: How do you stop spending money?

I’m here to help!

My family has lived off of one income since the birth of my oldest son almost 6 years ago. And not just one income… but a really, really low income: an income that was only up to$17,000 a yearat its peak when we had a family of four.

So how did a family living below the poverty line buy a house, 2 cars, and build a savings account?

Magic, obviously! And by “magic,” I meanMakingAGrosslyIncredibleChange.

The cold, hard truth of it is this: we had to stop spending money that we just didn’t have!

Something in the way that we were handling money wasn’t working. Our issue wasn’t just that we didn’t have money, but that when we got the money, we spent it. And we spent it onanything.99% of the trouble that people have with money isn’t that there isn’t enough of it, but in that, there is no plan for it once you actually get it!

I’m not going to tell you “a really great way to save a whole lot of money is by not buying toilet paper!” I love saving money, but even that is a ridiculous statement. You need toilet paper! No, that’s not what I’m going to tell you.

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (2)

Find more money saving resources here:

  • How to Make Saving Money Easy
  • Save Money When You Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck
  • Money Saving Hacks from an Extreme Cheapskate
  • Money Saving Websites That Thrifty People Love
  • 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On

You can also find some great and easy way to start a side hustle to make some more money here:

  • How to Start a Profitable Blog the Right Way
  • October 2017 Blogging Income Report: $12,007
  • How to Become a Virtual Assistant and Make a Full-Time Income Doing It!
  • Make a Full Time Income From Home Proofreading
  • Earn $40,000 per Year From Home as a Bookkeeper
  • Make More Money by Freelance Writing
  • Take Easy Surveys, Make Money
  • 5 Side Hustles That Pay For My Groceries (and More!)

How do you stop spending money? Here are 8 ways to do it!

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (3)Write down your goals.

Start your week with goals.“I want to stay $20 under budget on groceries.” “I only want to spend $50 this month on clothes that we need for the family.” They could even be bigger goals, too! “I want to save up$500 this month.” Or “I want to get out of debt by the end of the year.”

If you write them down, your goals are able to be seen and tracked easily. You can also be held accountable by your husband, your kids or even (if you hang them up on the refrigerator) people who see them in your house.

Related:The 2 Biggest Budgeting Lessons to Make Your Budget Stick

Make your weekly budget.

I absolutelyhate a monthly budget. It is completely ridiculous to me to be able to keep track of that amount of money. The best that I’ve ever heard it compared is to a diet: if you’re counting calories, you’re not going to count your calories for the entire month. That’s just insane!

You want to do it for a smaller amount of time that’s easy to keep track of. A weekly budget is a lot easier to keep track of than a monthly one. I’m much happier to keep a $100 in my wallet than I am to keep $500 in my wallet.

No idea where to start with a budget? Start by getting the6 bank accounts that you need. Then check out thisstep-by-step budgeting planthat will help you get on the right track.

Related:10 Habits of Highly Frugal People

When creating your budget it’s also important to know your spending triggers as well as your spending habits.Is it convenience or bad habits? Knowing what sets you off can help you avoid those situations and make smarter choices when it comes to budgeting. For example, if you know that going out for lunch is one of your big weaknesses, pack a lunch instead and save some money!

Having a financial plan in place will ensure that your bank account isn’t taking any unnecessary hits each week. It might be hard at first, but having that extra cash in hand is definitely worth the effort.

Use cash only!

I know, everyone is done with hearing it, but you know what… using cash really works. My husband is a spender. And it took a long time for him to get into the habit of controlling himself (this is why Imake him have his own bank account). Giving him cash really, really helped control his spending!

It took a while, but after a few weeks of blowing through all of his weekly spending money in the first day, he got used to the budget and the amount that he had to spend. And once he got used to it, it really worked for him. Having cash really helps to put in perspective just how much money you have to spend or how much money you spent on something silly.

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (4)

For me, it was the one time I went out and bought a new microwave.Why did I do this? I have no idea! Maybe because it was shiny and red… but, either way… I only had $50 to spend that week (back when it was just my husband and myself before we had kids), and after my purchase of the microwave that we didn’t need, I had $15 to buy groceries for the rest of the week. Not just in the budget, but in the bank account!Yikes!

Bad choice!Obviously, I returned the microwave! But if I had the cash system in place, I never would have picked up the microwave…I would’ve just kept walking and finished my grocery shopping.

Related:Save Money Automatically: An Honest Review of Digit

Control your grocery list

You may be wondering how to stop spending money on food.It’s easy to get caught up in the allure of the grocery store aisles, with their colorful packaging and promises of deliciousness. But for those who are looking to keep costs down and save money, it can be difficult to resist making impulsive purchases that add up quickly. If you want to stop spending money on food but don’t want to deprive yourself of your favorite treats, here are some tips on how you can do just that!

Stop throwing away food

This can be tough. We all go grocery shopping with the best intentions. But that big box of spring mix is starting to liquefy in the back corner of the fridge… unopened and basically leading you to literally have to throw out your money.

To avoid doing this, try meal planning, and shopping with a list… and stick to it!

Another thing you can do to try to eliminate food waste is to learn what to do with leftover foods or with food that’s about to go bad.

Try these ideas for eliminating food waste:

  • Freeze leftovers instead of eating them back to back to back all week
  • Vegetables or fruit about to go bad? Cut them up and freeze them!

Cut back on getting takeout

Look I get it. At the end of the day, the last thing you want to do is to spend the evening in the kitchen cooking. But having dinner is one of the necessities we all have.

What should you do then? Hit up an online drive-through, kick back on the sofa, and chill out with your favorite Netflix show. But this exhaustion (understandable exhaustion, by the way!) can be super dangerous for your budget and your finances.

According toCNBC, Americans spend $3,000+ every year on take out. And now, I’d bet it’s even higher.

Even if each meal that you get takeout for is just $20, that adds up pretty quickly. It’s one of those sneaky expenses that doesn’t seem that much until you add it all up. What could you do with an extra $3,000 this year?

This is a lifesaver and a game changer.It’s so simple! Literally, all you have to do is write down what you need in the house that week.

Make the list, and stick to it. If you only need to get chicken and vegetables and some pasta at the house for the week, there’s no reason for you to be going to the snack food section. It’s a trap!

My friend Tiffany from Eat at Home hasmeal plans for $1.61 per weekthat will create your entire shopping list for you.All you have to do is pick the meals that you want for the week and then you’ve got your shopping list without ever needing to do any work!

Check out the delicious, easy and budget-friendly meal plans here!

Pro tip! :If you find yourself getting hungry when you go to the grocery store and impulse buying when you’re hungry, try bringing some nuts in your purse while you’re at the store. Being hungry and going grocery shopping is just not healthy for anybody!

Related:20 Things Frugal People Don’t Do

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (5)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (6)

Create a meal plan!

This is honestly the biggest game changer for your budget. Meal planning helps you to plan your week, never run out of food, and never forget what you need from the store.

Meal planning is one way to help curb your urge towards impulse shopping. By deciding what meals you will buy ingredients for ahead of time, you eliminate potential choices that could lead to overspending. You can also choose recipes that use cheaper ingredients or utilize leftovers from previous meals.

It’s a sanity and budget saver like nothing I’ve seen before. My husband and I – just the 2 of us, before kids – would spend $1,200 EACH MONTH on food! We’d fill our cart at the grocery store, then go get takeout on the way home. Most of the food would sit and go bad in the fridge. And most of our meals were takeout even though we’d still spend a lot of money at the grocery store.

I tried making my own meal plans with the grocery lists, but I’d always miss a crucial ingredient or mess up the overly complicated recipe.

Which is why I’m more than happy to pay the $1.61 per week to Tiffany from Eat at Home to make my meal plans, my shopping list, and save me tons of time and money.

I absolutely love meal planning. Since I know exactly what will be cooked in my house for the week, I know exactly what I will need at the grocery store that week (thanks toTiffany’s handy grocery list). It’s really convenient to know what you will be buying at the grocery store before you even have to go in there but it is also less wasteful.

Not sure if you have the time to meal plan?

Trust me – I don’t either! Which is why theEat at Home mealsare the best! Tiffany takes all of the guessing and hard work out of meal planning. Now all you need to do is buy the ingredients on the pre-made shopping list and you’re all set for the week!

Despite the fact that there’s plenty of things that you can do tostretch your grocery budgetand to use up all of your leftovers, you just don’t want to waste in the first place. Almost 40% of all the food that you buy ends up in the trash.

If you are able to meal plan, you will absolutely waste less food because you will know exactly what you have on hand.

Find out more about how spending $1.62 per week could save you thousands of dollars!

Figure out where you went wrong in the past.

Did you have a really bad month last month? Why did you overspend? Was there an issue with planning? Or was it just impulse buys? Did you overspend because of a holiday that you failed to plan for? Whatever it was, figure out where exactly you went wrong and what you can do the stop it from happening again.

And don’t be so hard on yourself!When you’re just starting out, sticking to a budget is hard. It’s really, really hard! There’s no denying it. It just is and it doesn’t always have to be. But give yourself grace. And remember that we are all not perfect. We are all human! Even people who are complete budgeting gurus and financial masters have a bad month and they overspend. Breathe in, breathe out, learn from your mistakes, and move on. You can do this!

Related:11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On

Remember my story about the microwave? Yeah… that was just “shopping for fun.” I’ll admit that sometimes I go window shopping at stores like Pottery Barn or Anthropologie (just to try to get a good idea for decorating tips that I can then go to Pinterest and find for cheap). I know myself too well. No matter how much I like the scent of a candle from Anthropologie, I’m not going to pay $80 for it. So for me, there’s just no temptation that comes along with shopping at big-name places.

Where I will not shop “just for fun” areyard salesor Target. I am a sucker for the idea that“it was on sale! I saved so much moneyby buying this accent rug for $30 instead of the regular price of $120!” No, you still spent $30.

I know it’s hard to resist spending money. Now you don’t even have to leave the house to spend money. With all of the options for online shopping, there is the temptation to shop for fun everywhere we look. From shopping on Amazon to scrolling through Instagram, there are endless opportunities for you to spend your hard-earned cash.

It can be tempting to purchase the latest trends or newest gadgets that you see advertised on Facebook or Instagram. But it’s important to remember that budgeting and saving are also crucial parts of your financial plan.

Get into the habit of not going out to go shopping or scrolling ads on social media just because you have nothing else to do.If you don’t go to the store then you can’t spend money right?!

Related:I Hide Money From My Husband (And That Isn’t Going to Change)

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (7)

Find free fun!

This is the biggest and best way to not spend money! It seems so obvious, but it’s shockingly hard. “Date nights” are constantly expected to be at least $100, between dinner, a babysitter, and a movie or show. It doesn’t have to be that way at all! There are so many other things to do that won’t need you to break the bank just to have some fun.

  • Here are50 + free or cheap family fun ideasthat I do with my family to spend time together without spending money.
  • Going out on a budgetis even easier than you might think!
  • Hanging out with friendsdoesn’t have to put you in the poorhouse. There’s so much fun to be had without needing a $300 Girls’ Night Out every weekend!
  • TheDatingDivas.comis an amazing and fun resource for all things dating. You can find a lot of fun ideas for date night games and printables on their site.

Related:What Do You Do When There’s No Money For the Bills

Learn to say “no.”

This one will be the biggest contributor to the success of you cutting your spending. It’s not easy to say “I don’t spend money right now.” This takes a lot of willpower though!

But saying “no” to spending — both socially and to yourself — is crucial.

Sometimes “no” is too tough. So here are some things that you can do instead of just saying flat-out “no” to spending money:

  • Say “not right now” and pick a time when it actually IS in your budget
  • If you go out to dinner, do NOT split the bill evenly with everyone else! If you got a half soup and half salad for $10 but someone else got the lobster and bottomless margaritas, that’s not fair at all. Speak up for yourself and your finances
  • Offer a compromise. If everyone is going out to dinner, offer a potluck or something where each person brings something to share.

It’s true that youcanstop spending money on unnecessary things with the right mindset. If it takes putting your debit card and credit cards under lock and key (maybe burying them in the yard after putting them in cement), then do it! Letting your money own you is no way to live. Plan for fun, but make sure that youplan!

Grab your FREE printable guide to help you stop spending money!

Related posts and resources:

  • 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On
  • How Much Should I Budget for Groceries?
  • 6 Steps to Drastically Reduce Your Grocery Budget
  • How to Feed Your Family on a Budget (so You Don’t Feel Poor)
  • How to Save Money When You’re Broke
  • Take Imperfect Action When Budgeting
  • 10 Reasons Why You Need An Emergency Fund
  • Budgeting Books You NEED to Read
  • The Best Budget System When You Can’t Budget
  • 30+ Real Ways to Earn Money From Home
  • Money Saving Hacks from an Extreme Cheapskate
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (8)

What do you do to stop spending money?

8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (9)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (10)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (11)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (12)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (13)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (14)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (15)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (16)
8 Ways on How Do You Stop Spending Money You Don't Have (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.