8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (2024)

Large cities always have areas that may not be perfectly safe, especially for travelers who may not be familiar with the area.

The same is true with China where cities tend to be extremely large.

Even given that, the cities themselves tend to be very safe, particularly in the tourist areas.

The government has worked on developing urban areas and modernizing the country.

In most cities, pickpocketing is the most prevalent crime.

So choosing where you travel or decide to live, look closely into each city for any information about areas to avoid.


  • Most Dangerous Cities in China
    • Chongqing
    • Wuhan
    • Beijing
    • Shanghai
    • Guangzhou
    • Yarkant County
    • Shenzhen
    • Liuzhou
  • Safety Tips for Traveling in China
  • China Safety Overview
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How do I protect valuable purchases I make during my travels in China?
    • I don’t speak the language, so how can I remain safe?
    • When is the best time of year to visit China?

Most Dangerous Cities in China

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (1)


Chongqing into a very vibrant trading center early in its history.

With a population of 35 million people, the city sprawls over 38,000 miles.

Compared to other cities, it has a high crime rate.

Most crimes are the result of poverty, so they include burglary, theft, and pickpockets.

While it is a beautiful modern city, it’s important to watch any belongings.

If necessary, use available lockers and be careful walking at night or in crowded areas.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (2)


As a city that is known for its cultural offerings and its history, many people avoid the city for its connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Before traveling to this city, be sure to check the status of the city and any considerations that you need to protect your health before you travel.

While the crime rate is pretty low in Wuhan, crime has increased in the last three years.

Most crimes include having items stolen, and corruption.

Even drug dealing, violent assaults, and attacks on people are not that high.

It’s most important to protect your health when traveling and use common sense to protect your personal items.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (3)


As the capital of China, there are so many things to explore and experience in Beijing.

With 22 million people, most are of Han or Manchu descent.

With such a large population, many of the tourist areas such as Tiananmen Square put people at risk for petty theft and pickpocketing.

Many will also run scams, particularly in tourist areas.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (4)


Shanghai is a popular destination for tourists and business travelers.

As a modern, cosmopolitan city, it is dramatically different from many other Chinese cities.

This is the result of its beginning as a hub for business and the financial sector.

Aside from this, visitors will also be treated to many historic sites and lively nightlife.

However, visitors need to be aware of the potential for petty theft.

Pickpocketing is prevalent but so are petty crimes of opportunity.

This means that visitors need to be aware of their surroundings and keep an eye on their personal items such as wallets and purses, as well as purchases.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (5)


With a population of 17 million people, some consider this city to be one of the most dangerous.

Originally known as Canton, this southern China city is a major trading hub.

It has a rich cultural history.

Large cities often have crime problems, but this large city does have an issue with currency, shopping, and taxi scams, particularly around tourist areas and hotels.

About 30,000 incidents are reported each year.

This is the result of wide poverty and slum areas, although the city is on the road to becoming much more prosperous alleviating some of these problems.

Many migrants and farmers were drawn to the area with the promise of work and found little.

The government has taken steps to lower poverty rates and increase employment opportunities which are beginning to turn things around.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (6)

Yarkant County

About 851,000 people live in this western area.

Predominantly Uighur people with a small amount of Han Chinese.

The Uighur people have long fought for independence from the Chinese government.

This has led to what could be considered terrorist attacks from separatist groups.

While this struggle has gone on for a number of years, it is increasingly violent.

Attacks include organized shootings and explosions.

This makes it a place that travelers should not visit for safety reasons.

Many people are drawn to the area for its location on the Silk Road, but considerations should be made before taking trips into this area.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (7)


Located in Guangdong Province, the city has a population of 17.5 million.

It is well known as a worldwide technology hub.

In its fast-paced economy, there is still the issue of crime.

Like many other Chinese cities that includes pickpocketing and crimes of opportunity.

Keep your personal items close to you and watch any packages that you have, particularly in tourist or other crowded areas.

It is not uncommon for bags to be snatched.

Many also recommend using the metro system over taxis.

While the focus may be on tourist areas, locals also take measures to keep themselves safe from crime.

This often means not going out after 8 pm.

For locals, this can make having time for recreation limited.

Take precautions if you visit this city to prevent experiencing any unfortunate crimes while there.

If you feel that you are being watched or targeted, it’s best to leave the area and get somewhere safer.

8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (8)


Purchasing guns in China is difficult, but there have been experiences where explosives were used in the commission of crimes.

A prime example occurred in 2015 when a series of explosives were detonated.

This event injured 51 individuals and left seven people dead.

CNN covered this event where it was discovered that a person used couriers to send letter bombs to a variety of institutions ranging from hospitals to public entities.

While this may be a single event, it demonstrates the rise of hostility and danger in the city.

Murder, theft, rape, and assaults often occur in the area.

Also, many report feeling tension from the police rather than a sense of security.

Beyond crime, the city is also crippled by traffic congestion.

This results in many car wrecks and deaths each year.

Safety Tips for Traveling in China

Traveling in China is generally safe, however, there are a few tips to ensure that your travel goes well.

  1. Avoid confrontations with locals. Generally, the Chinese avoid confrontations but sometimes, particularly at night when some people have been drinking, fights and arguments can occur. Avoid them.
  2. Protect your valuables. This means protecting your purse or wallet and doesn’t leave purchases unattended or where they can be grabbed. It’s also a good idea to have your hotel’s name written down in Mandarin and English so that if you need to leave quickly, your cab driver will understand where you need to go.
  3. Be aware of tourist traps and scam artists. In tourist areas, you will be swarmed with people selling touristy items. Most are fine, but these will be cheaply made items. Some of the other scams involve inviting tourists to nightclubs. This is never a good idea. At times, a person may swap genuine banknotes with fake ones. This is common with street vendors and illegal taxi drivers. Just be aware that this can happen.
  4. When you need it, ask for help from locals. If you are on a tour, the guide will be able to help. Your hotel will also be able to assist with any problems or concerns.
  5. Be careful about the taxis you choose. Some of these may be illegal and should be avoided. Unlicensed taxi drivers often have vehicles that are in poor condition and will attempt to follow you. You are at risk of them swapping your real cash for fake banknotes.

China Safety Overview

READ THE FULL REPORT: China Safety Review

Safety Index:


8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (9)


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I protect valuable purchases I make during my travels in China?

For jewelry and small items, most hotel rooms have a safe that you can use.

For larger items, such as porcelain, paintings, and embroideries, most shops will ship them home for you so that you don’t have to worry about them.

Another tip that really helps is mailing home your dirty clothes.

It has to be marked as personal goods, and you cannot send anything you have purchased, but it frees up space in your suitcase.

The next tip is that while you are traveling in the country, you can only have two suitcases, however, when you leave to go home, you can have three.

Inexpensive suitcases are available everywhere on the street for incredibly low prices.

This gives you more room for smaller, less expensive items that you have purchased.

I don’t speak the language, so how can I remain safe?

Carry your hotel’s business card with you at all times.

Make sure that it has the name and address in Mandarin and English if you need it.

If you feel uncomfortable, you will be able to get a cab, show them the information and get out of the situation.

If you are traveling with a tour group, make sure that your guide knows where you are going and how to get ahold of them if the group splits up.

When is the best time of year to visit China?

Visiting China is popular throughout the year.

Realize though that during the summer months, popular tourist spots and hotels will be very crowded.

Visiting during ‘shoulder seasons’ such as November and December or later in spring will not only save money on flights and hotels, you won’t be part of the bustling crowds.

For the most part, traveling in China is relatively safe if you are pragmatic and follow common sense rules.

Violent crime, such as murder has declined by 30% in recent years.

If you are traveling in a group, stay in touch with your tour guide if you decide to go off on a “free day”.

Be careful when traveling in areas that are highly populated by tourists or in hotel zones.

If you take certain steps, you’ll enjoy the wonders and joys of China without the fear of crime.

Additional Resources

  • 10 Safest Cities in China
  • 5 Most Dangerous Cities in Norway
  • 10 Most Dangerous Cities in South Korea
  • 6 Most Dangerous Cities in the Bay Area
  • 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Los Angeles County
  • 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Austria
8 Most Dangerous Cities in China (2024)


Which city in China has the most crime? ›

By City in China
RankCityCrime Index

Is it safe for Americans to travel to China now? ›

Summary: Reconsider travel to Mainland China due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, including in relation to exit bans, and the risk of wrongful detentions. Exercise increased caution when traveling to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws.

How safe is Chongqing China? ›

Chongqing has a relatively low petty crime rate compared to other major cities. Street crimes such as bag snatching or pickpocketing can occur, especially in crowded areas or tourist spots, but they are not widespread occurrences.

What is the poorest city in China? ›

Xihaigu is a region forming the southern tip of Ningxia, China. It consists of the seven county-level divisions Yuanzhou, Xiji, Longde, Jingyuan, Pengyang, Haiyuan and Tongxin. The former five counties being part of Guyuan city. It forms one of the poorest areas in China.

What is the Forbidden City in China known for? ›

The Forbidden City. Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tian'anmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world's largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares.

What medications are illegal in China? ›

The banned drugs can be divided into two general categories. Vaccines, blood products, anesthetics, psychiatric drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, medical precursor chemicals, preparations made and used only in medical institutions, and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) granules.

Is China still a threat to the US? ›

The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States. Confronting this threat is the FBI's top counterintelligence priority.

Is China tourist friendly? ›

Though China is open to foreign visitors, you should be aware of political and cultural sensitivities. Avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings. The Chinese authorities enforce public order strictly, and you may face arrest, detention and deportation.

What is the main crime in China? ›

In 2020, 97.3 percent of cases were prosecuted by the public in China. As of 2018, the drug crime rate in China was 19.58 cases per 100,000 population. In 2020, crimes related to properties accounted for about 63% of criminal cases in China. In 2019, Beijing reported a lower crime rate than most major cities in China.

What is the nicest city in China? ›

What Is the Most Beautiful City in China?
  • Hangzhou. Known for its picturesque West Lake, Hangzhou is considered one of the most beautiful cities in China. ...
  • Guilin. With its stunning karst landscapes and winding Li River, Guilin is a natural wonderland. ...
  • Suzhou. ...
  • Lijiang. ...
  • Chengdu. ...
  • Xi'an. ...
  • Beijing. ...
  • Shanghai.
Apr 13, 2024

How safe is Shanghai? ›

According to the Safe Cities Index 2024 by The Economist Intelligence Unit, Shanghai had an overall ranking of 32 among 60 cities surveyed globally, with a high score of 84 out of 100 in the category of personal security

Why is Chongqing so famous? ›

Chongqing is a well-known tourism city for its fantastic mountain-river scenery and abundant historic and cultural sites, such as Three Gorges of Yangtze River, the Dazu Rock Carvings, the Three Natural Bridges in Wulong, Tiankeng and Difeng (giant karst pits and fissures) in Fengjie, the Baiheliang Ridge in Fuling, ...

Why is Chongqing so big? ›

As one of China's National Central Cities, Chongqing serves as a center for finance in the Sichuan Basin and the upstream Yangtze, as well as for manufacturing and transportation. It is a connection in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and a base for the country's Belt and Road Initiative.

What is the highest crime in China? ›

When it comes to different types of crimes, theft and fraud are by far the most common crimes committed in China. In 2018, these two categories accounted for around 78 percent of all criminal incidents.

Which city has the highest crime rate? ›

  • 1- Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Michigan is the most dangerous city in the United States, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. ...
  • 2- Memphis, Tennessee. ...
  • 3- Birmingham, Alabama. ...
  • 4- Baltimore, Maryland. ...
  • 5- St. Louis, Missouri. ...
  • 6- Kansas City, Missouri. ...
  • 7- Cleveland, Ohio. ...
  • 8- Little Rock, Arkansas.
Apr 15, 2024

What city is known for the most crime? ›

The article explores the 10 most dangerous cities in the United States for the year 2024 based on data analysis of violent crime rates, including homicide, robbery, and assault. Detroit, Michigan, tops the list with a staggering violent crime rate, followed by cities like Memphis, Tennessee, and Baltimore, Maryland.

What city is highest in crime? ›

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities
  • St. Louis.
  • Atlanta.
  • Orlando, Florida (tie)
  • Birmingham, Alabama (tie)
  • Detroit.
  • Memphis.
  • Miami.
  • Baltimore.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.